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What are the nutrients that are inadequate in the diets of typical Americans?

- potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin D

A change in health status, such as fatigue which is not immediately evident
abut is reported by the patient, is known as a(n) symptom
Rd is the credential that flags a health professional as the most accurate and
reliable sources of up to date nutrition advice
The percent daily value is based on 2000 kcal diet
What are the leading causes of deaths that are related to diet in North America?
o Hypertension, Cancer, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular Diseases
What is the foundation of a healthy food plan?
o Moderation, Variety, Propriety
Whats the leading cause of death in the United States?
Excessive calorie intake
Lack of physical activity
Poor diet
Calcium produce zero kcal per gram
Energy density of a food is determined by comparing the calorie (kcal) content of
the food with the weight of the food
Which of the following fall under the umbrella of Dietary Reference Intakes set by
the Food and Nutrition Board?
How do typical American diets compare to the dietary guidelines?
o Exceed limits for sodium intake and exceed recommendations for refined
grains intake
Which of the following illustrates the concept of dietary proportionality>
o An athlete decreases his total calorie intake during the off season, when
he is not as active
Vitamin or mineral toxicity is most likely to result from consuming
o Individual vitamin and mineral supplements
The nutrient density of food is determined by comparing its protein, vitamin, or
mineral content with the amount of calories its provides
Serious disease lined to obesity include
o Type 2 diabetes
o Some forms of cancer
Among Americans, over nutrition is most likely to result from excessive intake of
o Calories
Arrange the following foods according to their energy densities, from low energy
density (at the top) to the highest energy density (at the bottom)
Select background factors that are important elements of nutritional assessment
o Education level, family health history, weight history, current medications,
current diseases
Which of the following component are optional on the Nutrition Facts panel of a
food label?
o Polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, potassium
Malnutrition refers to
o Over nutrition and undernutrition

Ranks the relative proportion of the food groups of the Mediterranean diet
pyramid from smallest (at the top) to largest (at the bottom)
o Meats and sweets, chess end yogurt, fish and seafood, plant foods
Which of the following are functions of the RDA?
o RDA serves as a standard to compare intake of specific nutrients
o A significant deviation (about 70%) blew the required RDA for an extended
period of time indicates risk of deficiency
Whole milk contains enough calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis but this
claim cannot be made on the package because of the high saturated fat content
Which two health authoritys work together to publish the Dietary Guidelines for
Which type of fat should be minimized to decrease risk of cardiovascular
o Trans fat and saturated fat
Which diet factors are linked to leading causes of death in North America
o Saturated fats, excess calories, trans fats
Body composition
o Easy to obtain, generally reliable
Most nutrition experts agree
o That there ae no exclusively good or bad foods
Overconsumption of saturated fat, calories, and sodium is often lined to chronic
A variety of different assessment techniques can be used to determine
nutritional status. The environment assessment of nutritional status gathers
information such as
o Education level, ability to prepare food and purchase food
When planning a diet to meet nutrient needs, which standard can be used?
o ALs and RDAs
In what ways do the dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting
carbohydrate intake?
o Limit intake of added sugars
o Limit intake of refined grains
Which are nutrition components that must appear on the Nutrition Facts food
o Sugar, fiber, and total calories
On food labels, ingredients are listed in
o Descending order by weight
Moderate alcohol intake for men is considered two drinks per day
Which of the following elements of a food label are required by law?
o List of ingredients in descending order by weight
o Food manufacturer name and address
o Nutrition Facts panel
Which of the following are appropriate uses of Deity reference intakes?
o Planning a diet for weight loss
o Planning a diet to meet nutrient needs
o Assessing the nutrients intakes of a population

intake of nutrient-dense foods is especially important for people who tend to

o Diets relatively low calories
What promotoes satiety without contributing many calories to the diet?
o Eating a meal with low energy density
Consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per day
Most of digestion and absorption of food occurs in the
o Small intestine
chyme is formed in the stomach as food is mixed with digestive secretions
Gallbladder store bile
Pancreases manufactures hormones
Liver produces bile
To neutralize this acid, the pancreases releases bicarbonate into the small
Pancreas secrete glucagon and insulin
Which of the following are signs or symptoms of hemorrhoids?
o Pain with bowel movements
o Itching in the rectal area
o Streaks of blood in the stool
Place the following parts of the large intestine in order, from the time food
matter enters from the small intestine until it exits the body
o Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid
People with celiac disease experience an immunological reaction to the protein
gluten , which is commonly found in wheat
o Salivary amylase
o Hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor
o Lipase, amylase, protease, and bicarbonate
o Bile
Lipase is an enzyme that digest fats
Laxatives can lessen constipation by
o Drawing water into the large intestine
o Increasing fecal bulk
o Stimulating the enzymes of the GI tract
Intrinsic factor is required for absorption of vitamin B-12
The function of bile is to assist digestion of lipids
Antibodies are blood proteins that bind to foreign proteins and destroy them
Gluten is natural found in which of the following grains?
o Wheat, barley, rye
o Some alcohol about 20 percent
Small intestine

o Glucose, vitamins, bile acids

Large intestine
o Potassium and sodium
The average adult stomach capacity is about 4 cup
Untreated ulcers
o Infections and internal bleeding
Before feces are eliminated, they are held in the rectum
Most digestion and absorption of food occurs in the small intestine
Regular use of calcium supplements, Iron supplements, antacids
People with ulcers should refrain from the use of NSAIDS because they reduce
the mucus secreted by the stomach
One substance responsible for the digestion and absorption of fat in the small
intestine is bile
Vitamin K and Biotin are produce by bacteria
The initial goal of diet therapy for diarrhea is to provid0000e
o Fluids and electrolytes
Which of the following digestive complaints are commonly caused by bacterial
o Peptic ulcer and diarrhea
Soluble fiber is better than in soluble ulcers
o irritation of the esophagus by stomach acid
Food containing live microorganisms, which are eaten in an attempt to promote
digestive health called
o Probiotics
Which of the following nutrients are absorbed directly into the blood and
transported by the hepatic portal vein to the liver?
o Water-soluble vitamins, glucose, amino acids
An enzyme that breaks down the bond in protein is
o Protease
nutritional genomic explores
o The effects of the gene code on nutritional health
o The effects of nutrional health on genetic expression
Components of saliva
o Amylase, lipase, lubricants
When gallstones block the duct that caries bile from the gallbladder to the small
intestine, a person usually experiences pain in the
o Upper right abdomen
What is needed top facilitate active absorption
o Energy and carrier protein
Refers to
o Waves of muscular contractions that propel food along the gastrointestinal
Causes of acute diarrhea
o Microorganisms and malabsorbed carbohydrates

Amylase is the enzyme needed to digest

o Starch
The site of most nutrients absorption is in the
o Small intestine
The branch of nutritional genomics that examines how genetic variations affect
nutrient-related disease is called nutrigenomics
Regular use of iron supplements, calcium supplements, and antacids may cause
Treatment of ulcers
o Proton pump inhibitors
o H2 blockers
o Antibiotics
The acidic environment of the stomach is beneficial in
o Partially digesting protein
o Making dietary minerals soluble
o Activating some digestive enzymes
Bile acids digestion of fat in the small intestine
Most ulcers are now attributed to infection with H. pylori. Other risk factors that
a contribute to the development of an ulcers include
o Heavy use of NSAIDs
o Smoking
o Heavy alcohol consumptions
The partial cells of the stomach produce hydrochloric acid
Straining during bowl movements can lead to hemorrhoids
Based on current research, what are the two factors needed for development of
celiac disease?
o Dietary exposure to gluten
o Genetic predisposing to celiac disease
Which organ secretes bicarbonate into the small intestine to neutralize chime as
it moves from the stomach into the small intestine
o Pancreas
Both types of diabetes have a genetic link
o The acidity of stomach contents is reduced
In contrast to the small intestine, the large intestine
o Has increased bacterial action
o Lack villi
o Lacks digestive enzymes
Which of the following nutrients can be absorbed in the stomach?
o Water and alcohol
Why would drinking milk and cream not be good treatment for the relief of ulcers
o Calcium in milk and cream stimulates acid production
Which of the following are signs and symptoms that could indicate a peptic
o Abdominal pain after eating
o Unexpected weight loss

o Nausea and vomiting

Irritable bowel movement is more common in younger women then younger
4 carbs
9 fat
4 protein
7 alcohol
Which of the following are not good sources of viscous fiber?
o Cheese
The form of carbohydrate circulating in the blood that is used for immediate
eergy is called glucse. It can be stored in the liver or muscle for later use in the
form of glycogen
Good source of amylost
o Beans
o Vegetables
o Bread
Type 1 diabetic patients may or may not require the use of insulin
Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol
38 grams is the adequate intake level of dietary fiber for men
Key nutrients provided by dairy products include:
o Potassium
o Calcium
o Vitamin D
o Protein
Type 2 diabetes can often be effectively manage through
o Physical activity
o Diet
o Moderate weight loss
A serving from dairy group of myplate provides 12 grms of carbohydrates
The five subgroups tat vegetables are organized inclue:
o Beans and peas
o Starchy vegetables
o Dark green vegetables
o Red and orange vegetables
What is the RDA for carbohydrates for adults
o 130 grams
Which of the following artificial sweetners are currently available in the food
suppl in the united states?
o Neotame
o Acesulfame-k
o Aspartame
Soluble fiber is fermented by bacteria in the large intestine
Most of the fructose consumed in the diet is converted to glucose in the liver
What percentage of north ameria show signs of lactose maldigestion
o 25 percent
A serving from the myplate vegetable group provides 5 grams of carbohydrates

In metabolic syndrome, which of the following may be elevated?

o Fasting glucose
o Triglyceride
o Blood pressure
A serving from the grains category of myplate provides 15 grams of
Which nutrients provides 9 kilograms per gram
o Fat
Which of the following are components of a whole grain?
o Endosperm
o Bran
o Germ
Primary function of carbohydrates?
o Provide energy for the body
According to the food and nutrition board, carbohydrates should provide 45 to
65 percent of total calories in the diet
Which of the following types of fruit are great source of dietary fiber?
o Cut up
o Whole
Maltose, or malt sugar, has two glucose molecules bonded together
What does the term starch mean?
o A carbohydrates made of multiple units of glucose attached together in
a form the body can digest
Which MyPlate food groups provide many high-fiber foods?
o Vegetables
o Fruits
o Grains
Another term for glucose
o Dextrose
Digestion of carbohydrates by human enzymes take place in
o Mouth
o Small intestine
Aspartame is an alternative sweetener made of two amino acids
(phenylalanine and aspartic) and methanol
Amylopectin is digested most rapidly
Soluble fiber decreases the absorption of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich bile
acids into the blood
Patients who experience reactive hypoglycemia may benefit from eating
o Meals with a mixture of macronutrients
o Meals on a regular schedule

Which two monosaccharides are components of the mil sugar lactose?

o Glucose
o Galactose
Which of the following site are major storage sites for glycogen?
o Liver and muscle
Milk and other dairy products are major food sources of lactose

Rank each of the following foods based on carbohydrate content, from

highest (top) to the lowest (bottom)
o Baked potato
o Banana
o Fat free milk
o Egg
Amylopectin - highly branched chain of glucose units
Amylose straight chain of glucose units
What are some natural food sources of sucrose?
o Maple sugar and sugar beets
Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?
o Fructose
Name the major monosaccharide found in the body
o Glucose
Which is following statements about fiber are true?
o Add bulk to feces
o A substance found in plants
o Is a complex carbohydrate
Which type of carbohydrate is formed by linking many of glucose units
o Polysaccharides
When bacteria in the mouth metabolize carbohydrates, they produce acids
that dissolve the tooth enamel, leading to dental caries
The 2010 Dietary Guideline recommend that of our grains comes from
whole grains
The form of carbohydrates circulating in the blood that is used for immediate
energy is called glucose. This can be stored in the liver or muscle for later use
in the form of glycogen

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