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E. E.

Prefeito Aristeu Eduardo Moreira

Praa Coronel Jos de Melo, 172 Centro - Taquarau de Minas/MG -CEP:33.980-000 Telefone:36841115

Avaliao Bimestral 1 Bimestre de 2015.
Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
Valor: 08 pontos

Turma: 1A

Data: _________________

Questo 01: Leia o texto abaixo e responda s perguntas em Ingls:
Hello,my name is Maria. I am 5 years old. It is my birthday today.
I am very happy. All my friends are here today.
Allison is my mother. She is 40 years old. She is a nurse.
My father is a teacher. His name is Fred. He is very funny.
Jack is my brother. Jack is 14 years old. His hobby is playing the guitar. Molly and Peggy are
my best friends. I am happy to see them on my birthday.
a) How old is Maria? _____________________________________________________________ ________
b) What is Allison? ______________________________________________________________ _________
c) Who is Jack? __________________________________________________________________________
d) What is the occupation of the father? ______________________________________________________
e) Who are the best friends? _______________________________________________________________
Questo 02: Complete as frases com o verbo to be na forma afirmativa:
a) She _________ an excellent nurse.
b) I ________ at home now.
c) Willie __________ my dog.
d) They __________ tired
Questo 03: Complete as frases e marque a resposta certa.
It _______ a black dog.
Paul and Mary _________ at school now.
I _______ a nurse.
a) am is - are
b) is are am
c) are is are

Questo 04: Os pronomes adequados s situaes abaixo so, respectivamente:

a) He - I

b) It - I

c) I - It

d) It - We.

e) She I

Questo 05: Substitua as palavras grifadas por Pronomes Pessoais:

a) Rick is a good student. ____________________________________________________________
b) Alice is a pretty girl. _______________________________________________________ _______
c) Rick and Alice are classmates. _______________________________________________________
d) The classroom is number 27. ________________________________________________________
Questo 06: Escolha os Pronomes Pessoais da caixa para substituir as palavras sublinhadas
das frases abaixo:




a. Eric and Julia live in New York.

b. John likes to swim.
c. Mary buys a dictionary every year.
d. Peter and I travel to the beach.
e. My cat drinks milk every day.
f. You and your grandmother eat a lot at the restaurant.

Questo 07:




*Sabemos que para trabalharmos com um texto de uma lngua estrangeira no

precisamos entender todas as palavras, e sim, procurar por meios que nos faam
tentar entend-lo. *
As palavras cognatas, tambm conhecidas como palavras transparentes , nomes de pessoas e
lugares, e as figuras nos ajudam muito no entendimento do mesmo.
Leia o texto abaixo e com o conhecimento j adquirido responda ao que se pede:
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone is a famous national park in the United States. It is situated in northwest
Wyoming. It is very popular and thousands of tourists visit Yellowstone every year.
Why is the park popular? There are a lot of reasons. Yellowstone is in the Rocky Mountains and
the natural sights, as the famous geysers, are spetacular. There is a magnificent canyon and
lake and there are some beautiful waterfalls. There are some big brown bears living in the
park. They attract a lot of tourists.
Yelowstone is open from January to December. From October to May it is cold and the small
hotels and restaurants are closed but the big ones arent. In winter, from December to March,
the weather is cold and there is a lot of snow. In July and August the park is usually full. Its
vacation. The best time to visit Yellowstone is in June or October. The weather is good and
there arent many tourists.
A). Marque ( T) para verdadeiro e ( F ) para falso:
a) (

) Yellowstone uma cidade.

b) (

) Yellowstone fica no noroeste de Wyoming.

c) (

) O parque no muito visitado no perodo das frias.

d) (

) O melhor perodo para se visitar o parque no inverno.

e) (

) De outubro a maio os hotis esto abertos.

B). Quais so as palavras transparentes do texto? Transcreva-as abaixo.

C). Onde normalmente voc encontra este tipo de texto?
D). Yellowstone is a park. Se eu digo esta frase, voc tem alguma informao a respeito do

parque? Qual ou quais?

E). Qual so as palavras que do as informaoes sobre o parque?
F). Observe o exemplo:
The sights are spetacular.
H algum adjetivo nesta frase? Qual?

Good Luck! Teacher Pitro Muniz

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