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El vestuario que se utiliza en esta regin es muy variado, pero el El traje de acateca, el ms popular y
El traje de "acateca" se compone de dos piezas:
El teconceutl , que consiste en una falda (o enredo) tejida con hilaza de algodn, teida de azul o negro,
con franjas horizontales de color ms claro, donde se bordan con sedas multicolores o estambres: pjaros,
venados, flores en una alegre y vistosa policroma que representa la flora y la fauna de la regin; el color de la
falda, en tanto, representa la hermosura de la noche.
La segunda prenda es el huipil , especie de blusa larga muy holgada, cuadrada. Siempre de color blanco,
en tela de seda y bordada alrededor del cuello redondo y en los hombros, como las faldas.
Al colocarse el huipil las indgenas, lo enrollan en la cintura y lo sujetan con un nudo por detrs colocndole
una jcara de Olinal (pequea vasija de barro), en la que pueden guardar su dinero, pauelos, comida,
frutas, etctera; con este traje usan tambin el famoso rebozo de Chilapa , hecho del mismo material de la
falda y bordado en igual forma.
Como calzado usan huaraches o zapatillas de tacn, para que al bailar el zapateado o redoble tenga mayor
Para el traje masculino y tpico de Guerrero se usa calzn de manta muy amplio cruzado al frente y se ata
con una cinta, tambin de manta a la cintura y con una bolsa frontal del lado derecho. Usan zapatos o


The costumes used in this region come in a really huge variety, but the one named "acateca" is the most
popular and well known in the area.
The "acateca" consists of two parts:
The "teconceutl", which is the first piece, has a skirt (or similar) knitted with cotton yarn, dyed blue or black,
with horizontal bands that have a lighter color, which are embroidered with multicolored silk or stamens of
many important national emblems, like birds, deer, flowers in a cheerful and colorful polychrome representing
the flora and fauna of the region. On the other hand, the color of the skirt represents the beauty of the night.
The second piece is the "huipil", which is kind of a long and loose square blouse. Always colored white, made
of silk fabric and embroidered around the neck and shoulders. Just like in the skirts.
When putting on the huipil, the Mexican Indian women roll it up in the waist and fasten it with a knot in their
back, then placing a "Olinal Jcara" (small earthen pot), in which they can hold their money, handkerchiefs,
food, fruits, etc.. With this costume they also use the famous Chilapa shawl, made with the same material and
the embroidered of the skirt.
As footwear, they use heeled sandals or shoes, so that when they're dancing the typical tap dance, the sound
has a better and bigger impact.

For men, the costume consists of trousers made of a wide blanket crossed in the front and tied with tape, also
with a blanket around his waist and a front pocket on the right side. They wear shoes or sandals.

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