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Step-by-Step Solutions to Problems in this Chapter, “Thermodynamic Properties and State of Pure Substances” PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE @ PROBLEM 1-1 Calculate the absolute pressure for a system, given a gauge pressure of 1.5 MPa and a barometric pressure (atmospheric pressure) of 104 kPa. Solution: The thermodynamic pressure P is defined as the total normal force per unit area exerted by the system on its boundary. It is also called the absolute pressure. The pressure of a system is usually measured with a gauge by using the atmospheric pressure as the reference point. The absolute pressure is related to the gauge pressure in the following manner: absolute pressure = atmospheric pressure + gauge pressure Paps ~ Patm * Pgauge Given: P itm = 104 kPa {where kPa = kilo Pascal} and Peauge = 1-5 MPa {where MPa = mega Pascal} = 1.5 x 1000 kPa = 1500 kPa Paps 1500 + 104 1604 kPa 1604 MPa 1000 abs = 1-604 MPa © PROBLEM 1-2 An open end mercurial manometer shown below in the figure is connected to a gas tank. The mercury meniscus in the left leg of the manometer is opposite 33.8 cm on the meter stick; in the right leg it is opposite 16.2 cm. Atmospheric pressure is 747 mm Hg. Find the pressure of the gas. 16.2 33.8 —> Solution: Always equate pressures at the lower liquid surface, that is, P, =P, + Pyg. The gas pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure as shown in the figure. The figure shows the gas supporting both the mercury and the atmosphere. The difference between atmospheric and gas pressures is always equal to the difference in levels of the mercury in the two legs of the manometer. This difference is 33.8 - 16.2 = 17.6, or 176 mm. Since the gas pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure, P, - P, = 176 mm He & P, = 747 mm He = + 176. Py = 747 + 176.0 = 923 mm Hg. 2 © PROBLEM 1-3 The density of liquid gallium is 6.09 g/cm® at 35°C. If this element is employed in a barometer instead of mercury, what is the height of a column of gallium sustained in the barometer at 1 atm. pressure? Solution: The gallium column can be computed by the use of the relation: (gg (dg) = (hy, (dy) He He where h = height of a column, d = density, therefore p= Sig ug? Ga. (da? 1 atm pressure = hy, = 760 mm Hg 76.0 cm Hg. The density of meroury = dy, = 13.6 gm/em®, Therefore, bh. = (76-0 om Hg)(13.6_gm/om*) ca (6.09 gm/om®) = 169.7 cm Ga = 1697 mm Ga @ PROBLEM 1-4 A piston weighs 4.3 kgs and has a cross sectional area of 450 mn?, Determine the pressure that is exerted by this piston on the gas in the chamber, as shown in the figure. Assume gravitational acceleration g'to be 9.81 m/sec*. Piston cas Solution: From Newton's Law F = mg where F Force in Newtons (N) m = Mass in kilograms (kg) acceleration in m/sec* therefore F = 4.3 x 9.81 = 42.18 N Force then P Area = 42.18 N_ 4.5 x 107% m? = 9.37 x 10° N/m? = 9.37 x 10°Pa or kPa 9.37 x 10*Pa x 000Pa 93.7 kPa © PROBLEM 1-' What are the and absolute Kelvin scale readings? The temperature of a g: equivalent Fahrenhei Solution: (a) The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are related by the following equation: = 9 = 32+5T, qa) where Ty, = Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Temperature in degrees Celsius Therefore, using Eq. (1) we can convert -10°C to ° 4 = 3 ¢-: = 32 + 3 (-10) = 32 + (-18) = 14°F (b) 0°C is equivalent to 273°K, where K = absolute Kelvin scale To convert from °C to °K, the relationship Ty = 273 + Ty is used. The problem above indicates that T, = -10°. Therefore 273 + (-10) = 273-10 = 263° © PROBLEM 1-6 If he temperature of the air in a chemistry laboratory is ambient (77°F), what is the equivalent scale in Kelvin? Solution: The Kelvin and Fahrenheit scales are related by the following equation: Ty = 273 + T, qa) Convert 77° Fahrenheit (°F) to Celsius (°C). Then convert Celsius (°C) to the absolute temperature scale, Kelvin (°K). 1, =o 5 a? te a 5 or 5(77 ~ 32) = 9T> 5 (45) = 9T > = 25° From eq. 1 273 + T, 273 + 25 298° . © PROBLEM 1. Calculate the temperature of a fluid when both a Fahrenheit and a Celsius thermometer are immersed in it, under the following conditions: a) the numerical reading is identical in both thermometers and b) the Fahrenheit reading is numerically twice that of the Celsius reading. Express the values in °R and °K. Solution: The Fahrenheit scale is related to the Celsius scale by the equation T, - 32 T =| Ta ny where temperature in the Celsius scale T, = temperature in the Farenheit scale a) Using Eq. (1) Solving for T Therefore, The relations between the absolute temperature scales and the conventional scales are given by T, = Ty + 460 (2) Fas F The Fahrenheit absolute scale T, is also called the abs Rankine scale (symbol R) and the Centigrade absolute scale is called the Kelvin scale (symbol K), and Ty = 1.8 Ty (3) Using Eq. (2) Ty = Tp + 460 = -40 + 460 420 From Eq. (3), b) Using Eq. (1) Solving for Ty = 160 Given T, = 27, a 2 x 160 320 Using Eqs. (2) and (3) Ta = Tp + 460 = 320 + 460 7 and T, Ta 780 “TB Ty; = 433.33 IDEAL GAS BEHAVIOR © PROBLEM 1-8 The following substances are described by the given states. a) Carbon Monoxide at 45°C, 4MPa b) Carbon Dioxide at 15°C, 7MPa c) Water at 40°C, 5kPa. Can ideal gas behavior be assumed at the given states? Indicate the reasons for your answer. Solution: a) Carbon Monoxide: T given = 45°C 273.15 + 45 = 318.15°K. The critical temperature Top for CO, (from tables) is Tog = 133K Since T given > 2T,p (318.15 > 2 x 133) and the pressure is less than 10 MPa, it is reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. b) Carbon Dioxide: 15°C T given 273.15 + 15° 288.15°K The critical temperature from tables for CO, is Top = 304.2°K In this case, T given < 2T >, Therefore, it is unreasonable to assume ideal gas behavior in this case. c) Water: The saturation pressure P,,, from the steam tables at the given temperature is 7.384 kPa. Poot = 7-384 kPa Peiven . ro LS Since the given pressure is lower than the pressure of the saturated vapor, it is reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. In this case water lies in the superheated region. © PROBLEM 1-9 The following substances are described by the given state: a) Oxygen at 30°C and 1.0 MPa b) Nitrogen at -100°C and 10 MPa c) Water at 40°C and 10 kPa. Determine whether it is reasonable to assume that the given substance behaves as an ideal gas at the specified state. Solution: A gas will behave ideally if its compressibility factor Z is equal to or very close to unity: a) Oxygen: From the tables of critical constants, the critical temperature for oxygen is Tog = 154.8°K and the critical pressure Pop = 5-08 MPa. The reduced temperature T, = and the reduced pressure P 2 a r Por " From the given state, T = 273.15 + 30 9 = 303.15°K 303.15 From Eq. (1), 154.8 and = 0.197 Using the compressibility factor chart, the compressibility factor Z = 0.989 for oxygen. For an ideal gas, the compressibility factor Z is obviously unity under all conditions, whereas for a real gas, the value of Z may be less or more than unity. Since Z = 0.989 = 1 for oxygen, ideal gas assumption is reasonable. b) Nitrogen: Proceeding as in case a) P. 173.15 126.2 = 1.372 From the compressibility factor chart, using the above T,, and P| for nitrogen, Z= 0.72 << 1 Since Z << 1 it is not reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. c) Water: Water behaves as an ideal gas only when it is in the superheated region. From steam tables, for T = 40°C Poot 7 7-384 kPa (compressed liquid region). 10 Since P. > P, (10 kPa > 7.384 kPa) given * sat, it is not reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. IDEAL GAS EQUATION OF STATE © PROBLEM 1-10 Assuming steam to be an ideal gas, obtain its specific volume and density at a pressure of 90 1b/in* and a temperature of 650°F. Solution: Given P = 90 1b/in? = 1b 2 in? = 90 Faz x12? FF = 12960 1b/ft = T, + 460 = 650 + 460 T, 7 110°R The specific gas constant R is related to the universal gas constant R through its molecular weight M in the following manner. 11 _E R=¥ q) From the table, M for steam = 18.016 R= 1545.3 ft-1b/lbm.mole °R 18.016 Tbm71bm.mole = 85.77 ft-lb/lbm °R = aT ves (2) 1 7 «ay where v specific volume of steam density of steam ° 1 From Eq. (2) vy = 85.77 ft-1b/1bm-°R x 1110°R 12960 Ib/ft™ 0 x we s From Eq (3) 7.34 ft*71bm = 0.136 329 By interpolation from the steam tables, the values of v and it? 1bm ; p are 7.26 TE and 0.1355 $29 respectively. © PROBLEM 1-11 Find the mass of air in a closed chamber measuring 35 ft x 20 ft x 10 ft, when the pressure is 17 1b/in? and the temperature is 75°F. Assume air to be an ideal gas. a = lb, x y92 in? Solution: The pressure P = 17 722, x 12? FB2 lb = 2448 Pe 35 x 20 x 10 7000 ft*. The volume V of the room 12 T, + 460 = 75 + 460 = 535° E Rea where R = universal gas constant R= specific gas constant M = molecular weight = ft-1b R= 1545-3 Tpm.mol="R M for air = 28.97 lbm/1bm.mol 1545.3 ft-1b/1bm.mol-°R u 28.97 Ibm/1bm.mol An ideal gas is a simple compressible substance and is defined as one whose thermal equation of state is given by PV = mRT where P = pressure Vv = volume m = mass R = specific gas constant T = temperature = - it 2448 lb/ft? x 7000 ft® 53.27 ft-1b/1bm-"R x 535°R = 601 1bm. © PROBLEM 1-12 A 0.2 m® container holds oxygen at 70°C and 25 bars. Calculate the amount of oxygen in the container if the atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. 13 Solution: For an ideal gas, the thermal equation of state is given by PV = mRT where P = Pressure = 25+1 = 26 bars = 8314.3 J/kg.mo. 32 kg/kg-mol = 259.8 J/kg-°K = 259.8 N-m/ke-°K T = 273 + 70 = 343°K eee m "RT 26 bars x 10° N/m? x 0.2 m* bar “ 359-8 N-m/ke-"K < 343K 5.8354 kg © PROBLEM 1-13 Calculate the volume of a cylinder which contains 60 lbm of carbon dioxide at 230°F and 23 psig pressure. Assume atmospheric pressure to be 14.7 psia. Solution: The ideal gas equation for m pounds of gas Occupying a total volume V is PV = mRT qa) where P is the absolute pressure, and is the sum of the atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure. oP = 14.7 + 23 = 37.7 psia 14 5 lb, y in? = 37.7 Zy2 * 144 Fee - 1b = 5429 422 T = 230 + 460 = 690°R Using Eq. (1) _ mRT voep = 80 lbm = 35,1 ft-1b/1bm-°R x 690°R = 3429 Ib/ft = 268 ft*. © PROBLEM 1-14 Determine the mass and specific volume of argon gas in a vessel at 150 kPa aid 20°C. The vessel is spherical and has a radius of 5m. Solutio by PV = mT For an ideal gas,the equation of state is given vom = Pv a RT The specific gas constant for argon is R zz where R = 8.3143 kJ/kg.mol-°K M = 39.95 ke/kg.mole (for argon) + = 8:3143_kJ/kg.mol-°K ie =-35.95 ‘kg /kg-mol— = 0.20813 kJ/kg -°K = 0.20813 kN-m/kg-°K 15 T = 20 + 273 = 293°K The volume V of the spherical vessel is o4 ert v 3 1r = 415)? = 523.6 m?> P = 150 kPa = 150 KN/m? Using these values in Eq. (1) Ao 150 _kN/m?_x 523.6 m? 0.20813 KN-m/kg-°K x 293° = 1288 kg. The specific volume is given by v = ¥ 523.6 m 1288 kg oO = 0.4065 m*/kg. © PROBLEM 1-15 The gauge pressure in an automobile tire when measured during winter at 32°F was 30 pounds per square inch (psi). The same tire was used during the summer, and its temperature rose to 122°F. If we assume that the volume of the tire did not change, and no air leaked out between winter and summer, what is the new pressure as measured on the gauge? Solution: From one season to another, the only properties of the gas that will change are pressure and temperature. The mass (hence the number of moles) and the volume will remain the same. If it is assumed that this gas is ideal, then PV = nRT qa where P = Pressure of the gas V = Volume of the gas n = number of moles 16 gas constant Temperature of the gas. R T Rearranging equation (1) to solve for P gives, P = (n/V)RT. (2) Since n and V are constant, equation (2) shows that pressure is directly proportional to temperature. That is, P/T = nR/V = constant. Therefore, w-2@-1.2 (3) where initial pressure initial temperature final pressure final temperature n, and np are initial and final moles respectively. V, and V, are initial and final volume respectively. The moles and volume are not changing; therefore, nj, V, = Vy- Consequently, equation (3) can be written as P, _ Pe A Tom ce 1 2 Before equation (4) can be used, the pressure and temperature must be in absolute scales. (8) and P = 14.7 psia + psig (6) where T, = temperature in degrees centigrade Tp = temperature in degrees fahrenheit Psia = absolute psi Psig = gauge psi Using equations (5) and (6), 122°F = 50°C = (50 + 273)°K = 323°K and 14.7 + 30 = 44.7 vsia . 17 These can now be inserted into equation (4) to give, Therefore, ~ [aenas, = 52.9 or from equation (6), 52.9 psia = 14.7 psia + x psig P, g = (52.9 — 14.7)psig 38.2 psig @ PROBLEM 1-16 A pioneer aeronaut is planning the design of a hot-air balloon. What volume of air at 100°C should be used if the balloon is to have a gross lifting power of 200 kg (defined as the mass of displaced air minus the mass of hot air)? The ambient temperature and pressure are 25°C and 1 atm, and the average molecular weight of air is 29 g/mole, whereas that of the hot air is 32 g/mol (due to the presence of some C0). 2 weight or mass Solution Molecular weight moles, the ideal gas equation can be written as Since n= = m/M = number of pv = & Rr a) where = pressure volume gas constant = temperature in °K P xy R T The problem states that m, = 200 kg or 2x 10° gm. ir hot air From equation (1) 5 _ VPMpot air hot air RT not air ¥, hot_air 5 -m . - = 2 x 10° gm ‘air ~ "hot air Trot ais) M x, 2x 108 gn = WP (zeit . Thot air ‘air Thot air, and 2x 10° gm x BR ve 7M 7, P/Mair _ Mnot si) Tair Thot air _ (2 * 10° gm)(0.082 liters atm °K7! mote@1) 1 atm (29-g-more™! _ 32 g mote”? 298°K sR 5 eget 1 _ (2 x 10° gm)(0.082 liters atm °K! mole!) 1 atm(0.0115) g mole !/°K v= 1.42 x 10° liters. © PROBLEM 1-17 A container having a volume of 2.5 ft? initially contains oxygen gas at a pressure of 125 psia and a temperature of 75°F. Oxygen then leaks from the container until the pressure drops to 100 psia, while the temperature remains the same. Assuming ideal gas behavior, determine how many pounds of oxygen leaked out of the container. Solution: For an ideal gas = Pav, m * RT = P2Ve me” RT 1545.3 ft-1b/1bm.mol-°R Ore or ane 32 Ibm/1bm.mol a) 125 psia Ti = 75 + 460 19 535°R Vi = 2.5 ft*® 125 lb/in? x 12? in?/ft? x2.5 ft® m = "48.3 ft-1b/Ibm-"R x 535°R_ = 1.74 lbm b) Pz = 100 psia Tz = Ti = 535°R V2 = Vi = 2.5 ft? 100 1b/in? x 12? in?/ft? x 2.5 ft® 48.3 ft-1b/1bm-°R =< 535°R = 1.393 lbm Therefore mz-m: 1 1,393 - 1.74 0.347 1bm The negative sign in the answer simply means that the final amount of oxygen in the cylinder is less than the initial amount in the cylinder. TABLES OF THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES © PROBLEM 1-18 Giyen the following states of water: (a) At 10 MPa and an entropy of 3.3 kJ/kg-°K (b) At 320°C and 5.6 MPa (c) With a specific volume of 0.10 m*/kg at 1.0 MPa Determine whether water is a compressed liquid, superheated vapor, saturated liquid, saturated vapor, or a mixture of saturated liquid and vapor, in each case. If the state is determined to be a mixture, determine the quality. If it is not a mixture, determine an additional property at that state. 20 Popa) | t(ecy | vim? /kg) u(kd/kg) h(k/kg) 10 300 0.013972 | 1328.4 1342.3 10 | 305.21 | [0.001423 1358.8 1373.1 10 | 311.06 | 0.0014524 | 1393.0 1407.6 Table 1. (MPa) Tec) 5 263.99 5.6 270.98 6 278.64 Table 2. Solution: a) For the given pressure, the entropy of the saturated liquid (s,) and vapor (s,) can be obtained from steam tables. G 3.3596 kJ/kg-°K 5.6141 kJ/kg-°K o 0 Since the given value for the entropy is less than that for the saturated liquid 3.3 < 3.3596, the state of the substance is compressed liquid. The additional properties obtained by interpolation are shown in Table 1. b) First the value of the saturation temperature at the given pressure is obtained from the steam tables by inter- polation, as shown in table 2. Comparing the given temperature with the saturation temperature, Teiven > Tsat (320 > 270.98) The substance lies in the superheated region. The other properties can then be evaluated using the steam tables. Since the steam tables do not give values for the properties at 5.6 MPa, 320°C, interpolation is done as follows: 21 First the values for a pressure of 5.0 MPa, 320°C are calculated from the steam tables. These values are summarised in Table 3. Pampa) | T(°C) ] vinta) [eo h(kI/kg) 8 (k3/kg-°K) 5.0 300 0.04532 2698.0 2924.5 6.2084 a 5.0 | 320 0.04797 2742.28 2982.1 6.3048 5.0 350 0.05194 2808.7 3068.4 6.4493 Table 3. Pimpa) | T(*c)_| v(m°/kg) 1B (k5/kg) h(ka/kg) _|_s(ka/kg~°K) 6.0 | 300 | 0.03616 2667.2 2884.2 6.0674 6.0 320 — |[0.03859 27e.16| | [2947.7] 6.1738 6.0 350 0.04223 (2789.6 3043.0 6.3335 Table 4. tiec) | P(mpa) | v(m?/kg) 3 (k/kg) h(k3/kg) _|_s (k3/kg-*K) 320 5.0 | 0.04797 2742.28 2982.1 6.3048 320 s.6 |[o.04234] | [2726-6] 2961.46] | [6.2262 320 6.0 | 0.03859 2716.16 2947.7 6.1738 Table 5. The properties at 6.0 MPa, 320°C are then evaluated in the same manner, as shown in Table 4. Now from values in Table 3 and 4, Table 5 is formed by interpolation. The values enclosed within boxes in Table 5 are the desired properties. c) Using the steam tables and proceeding in the same manner as in parts (a) and (b), at P = 1.0 MPa v, 0.001127 m>/kg 22 vz = 0.19444 m*/kg. Comparing the value given for the specific volume with those for the saturated liquid and vapor it is evident that Ye < Yoiven < ¥ t < “given < Yg (0.001127 < 0.1 < 0.19444) and thus the substance is a mixture of saturated liquid and vapor. The quality can now be calculated using the equation Vim vg t XCVe-V—) a The quality x is then given by 0.1-0.001127 0: * 0.19444: = 0.5115 © PROBLEM 1-19 Calculate the specific volume of water at 1.0 MPa with an internal energy of 3200 kJ/kg. Determine the enthalpy of freon-12 at 1.0843 MPa and 30°C, Determine the specific volume of freon-12 at 1.0 MPa with an entropy of 0.91 kJ/kg-°K. In addition, show for each case whether it is a liquid, vapor,or a mixture. Is it reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior in each case? Solution: a) Using the given values, the internal energy a, for a saturated vapor can be obtained from the steam tables. ug = 2,583 kJ/kg. Since the given value of the internal energy is greater than the one obtained from the table 3200 kJ/kg > u, = 2583.6 kJ/kg, us given the state is superheated vapor. 23 From the superheated steam tables, the specific volume is v = 0.2921 m*/kg (by interpolation) To check for ideal gas behavior the temperature must be known, and is obtained from the steam tables to be T = 369.9°C = 643.1°K If Tyiven 2 2Tep then ideal gas assumption is reasonable at relatively low pressures (P < 10 MPa). From the table of the critical constants, for water tT. 647.3°K er Thus Tgiven < 2Toy (643-1 << 1,294.6). Therefore it is not reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. b) From the freon-12 tables at 30°C, the saturation pressure is given as Peat 70-7449 MPa. Since the given value for the pressure is greater than the saturation pressure at the given temperature , Peiven = 1-0843 MPa < P..4 = 0.7449 MPa, the state is compressed liquid. From the same freon-12 table, the enthalpy for the liquid phase is h = hy = 64.539 kJ/kg. This value is obtained by using the temperature and not the pressure, since the enthalpy is a function of the temperature In this case the substance does not lie in the superheated region so ideal gas approximations are not reasonable. c) From the saturated freon-12 tables at the given pressure, the entropies for the liquid and vapor states are given as S_ = 0.2767 kJ/kg-K; S, = 0.6816 kJ/kg-°K (by interpolation) Since the given value for the entropy is greater than the entropy for the saturated vapor state: K > Sy = 0.6816 kJ/kg-°K, Spiven = 0-91 kd/ke- the vapor is superheated. 24 From the superheated freon-12 tables, the specific volume is v = 0.027667 m*/kg (by interpolation) To check for ideal gas behavior the temperature is required. This is obtained from the freon-12 tables. T = 154.9°C = 428°K Tf Tyiven 2 2Top then ideal gas approximations are reasonable at relatively low pressures. From the table of critical constants, for freon-12 Ty, = 384.7°K Since Tyiven £ 2Ter (428 < 769.4), it is not reasonable to assume ideal gas behavior. © PROBLEM 1-20 Given: a) Water at 200°C and 10 MPa, b) Water at 200°C and 1.0 MPa, c¢) Ammonia at 30°C and a specific volume of 0.10 m*/kg. Determine for each case whether the substance is a compressed liquid, superheated vapor, saturated liquid, saturated vapor, or a mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapor, by using the steam tables. Determine the quality if the state is a mixture and determine an additional independent property if the state is superheated. Solution: a) Since both the temperature and pressure are given, either one of the following conditions will have to be satisfied. If Posen > Peaturated 8 Tgiven? them the substance is located in the compressed liquid region, or if Peiven < Psaturated ®t Tgiven’ then the given substance is in the superheated region. From the steam tables, at T = 200°C P, 1.5538 MPa 25 and Peiven > Peat (10 MPa > 1.5538 MPa) Thus the substance is in the compressed region. An additional independent property is v. From steam tables, at T = 200°C and P = 10 MPa, v = 0.001148 m?/kg b) As in (a), from the steam tables, at T = 200°C Peat ~ 1-5538 MPa and Peiven < Psat (1+0 MPa < 1.5539 MPa) Thus the substance is in the superheated region. An additional independent property is v. From the superheated steam tables, at T = 200°C and P = 1.0 MPa v = 0.2060 m°/kg. c) From the ammonia tables, at T = 30°C Vp = 0.001680 m?/kg Vg = 0.1106 m/kg The specific volume given in the problem lies between the two values obtained from the tables: t < “given < “g making the substance a mixture of saturated liquid and vapor. The quality is calculated using the equation v 2 XC g-V 5) a solving for x, vev f _ _0.10-0.001680_ _ * = View, ~ 0.1106-0.001680 = °-9027 x = 0.9027 x 100 = 90.27% 26 © PROBLEM 1-21 A cylinder contains 3 kg of water and water vapor mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 500 kN/m*. The volume of the cylinder is 1m’. Calculat (a) the temperature of the mixture, (b) the volume and mass of water and (c) the volume and mass of vapor. Solution: The mixture is saturated because the water and water vapor exist in equilibrium. The saturation temperature To a4 at P = 500 KN/m? is 424.95°K sat (or 151.8°C). b) The specific volume of the mixture v = 5 = 0.3333 m/kg + xv t fe where vg = specific volume of the saturated vapor Ve = specific volume of the saturated liquid, Veg 7% Me and x = quality of the mixture + 0.3333 = 0.0011 + 0.3737x The mass of liquid = 3(1-x) 0.333 kg. The volume of liquid = mv ff 0.333 x 0.0011 0.000366 m* 0.366 liter 27 c) The mass of vapor = mx = 0.889 3 = 2.667 kg The volume of vapor = mv ee = 2.667 (0.3737 + 0.0011) = 2.667 * 0.3748 = 0.9995 m? © PROBLEM 1-22 A cylinder contains 30 1bm of liquid water and water vapor mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 100 Ibf/in’. If the volume of the cylinder is 10 ft* calculate (a) the volume and mass of liquid (b) the volume and mass of vapor Solution: The specific volume is calculated first using the formula = 3.333 ft*/1bm The quality can now be calculated, using the following equat ior where specific volume of saturated vapor specific volume of saturated liquid = Vere Thus, from steam tables, 3.333 = 4.432 - (1-x)4.414 1.099 (i-x) = = 0.249 28 solving for x gives x = 0.751 (a) The mass of liquid is given by the formula my = mp(1-x) where m = mass of liquid total mass my substituting the numerical values m, = 3 1bm(0.249) = 0.747 Ibm. The volume of liquid is The value of Ve is obtained from the steam tables at the given state, as = 0.01774 ft?/1bm f£ Therefore = = 3 Viyq 7 0-747(0.01774) = 0.0133 ft*. (b) The mass of the vapor is m= mx mass of vapor where m, m, = total mass of water x = quality substituting the numerical values = 3 1bm(0.751) = 2.253 1bm. The volume of the vapor is Voap = ™yap’ vap — “vap’g where v, is obtained from the steam tables at the given state as Vv, = 4-482 £t°/1bm 29 Therefore Vuap = 2+253(4.432) = 9.99 ft? vap @ PROBLEM 1-23 A cylinder which has a volume of 0.4 m® holds 2.0 kg of a mixture of liquid water and water vapor. The mixture is in equilibrium at a pressure of 6 bar (0.6 MPa). Calculate: 1) The volume and mass of liquid 2) The volume and mass of vapor First calculate the specific volume 0.4 = 0.20 m*/kg From the steam tables Veg = 0+3157 - 0.001101 = 0.3146 The quality can be calculated using the equations Vv = ve (wv g9 0.20 = 0.3157 - (1-x)0.3146 tex = 021157 0.3146 = 0.3678 x = 0.6322 The mass of the liquid is given by nm. m(1-x) Lia 2.0(0.3678) 0.7356 kg 30 The mass of vapor is given by map = mx vap = 2.0 (0.6322) = 1.2644 kg The volume of liquid is Yiiq ~ “lig “tf = 0.7356 (0.001101) 0.0008 m? The volume of the vapor is Yvap ~ ™vap “g 1.2644 (0.3157) = 0.3992 m>. © PROBLEM 1-24 A cylinder which contains 3 pounds of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 30 psia is heated until the quality of the mixture is 70 per cent. Calculate: a) the initial temperature, b) the final pressure and temperature, and ¢) the volume change of the mixture. Solution: a) In a saturation state there is only one saturation temperature for a given pressure. From the saturation pressure table (steam tables) for water, the satur— ation temperature corresponding to 30 psia is 250.34°F. b) Since the fluid is not completely vaporized, the pressure and temperature remain equal to the initial values of 30 psia and 250.34°F. c) The volume and enthalpy changes are computed from the basic relations AV = m(vz - vi) and 4H = m(h2 - hi), where 1 and 2 represent the initial and final states. The initial specific volume and specific enthalpy are read 31 directly from the steam tables in terms of v, and h,. These values are Vi = Vg = 0.017 ft*/1b and hi = hy = 218.93 Btu/1b The values of v, and hz must be calculated on a basis of a liquid-vapor mixture of 70 percent quality. Hence V2 = Vet XVeg = 0.017 + 0.70(13.75 - 0.017) = 9.63 ft*/1b hz = hg + xhg, = 218.9 + 0.70(945.4) = 880.7 Btu/1b Consequently, AV = 3 1b x (9.63 - 0,02) ft/lb = 28.8 ft? AH = 3 1b = (880.7 - 218.9) Btu/1b = 1985 Btu 32

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