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Cat versus Goldfish : the battle issue

1ere- (Seats and forms of Power) (BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS : LANGUAGES (DOC 2 / C0)

Listen to the soundtrack and speculate about the nature of the recording. Justify your answer.
I expect the recording to be / It may be / it must be / Im positive the recording is .

Watch the beginning of the video and check your predictions! Try to identify the nature of the

Watch it again and describe it briefly (Who ? Where? When? What? etc)
It shows / it features

In groups, study the ad in details, picking elements and their effects.

Fill in the grid.

Cat's behaviour:

Fish's behaviour:

Effect produced

What emotions does the ad appeal to?

The ad appeals to + N / It makes us feel + ADJ / the viewer feels + N / feels + ADJ


According to you, what is going to happen ? What do you expect the cat to do ?
Be going to + V / I expect to + V

The final TWIST !

What finally happens?

Can you guess what product is advertised?

Watch the end and see if you were right.

Whats the message of this ad?

Find a slogan for it.

Do you find this ad effective? List the good points and the bad points.
On the one hand ( + ) on the other hand ( - )

Your TASK ( EE): Imagine the conversation between the 2 characters about the cats self-defense tactics.
Use humour! ( 60/80 Words)

Your TASK ( EE): Imagine the conversation between the 2 characters about the cats self-defense tactics.
Use humour! ( 60/80 Words)

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