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Abortion Versus Childbirth, Prolife Versus Prochoice

Meranda Chavira

Composition II
National American University



This paper is about abortion and childbirth and all the complications that comes along
with them. The mortality rate after an abortion is higher than the mortality rate after childbirth.
There are prochoice advocates that are for the right to have an abortion, and they support
womens rights to have one. You also have you prolife advocates who are all for the life of the
baby, and the stand totally against abortions. There are other option out there besides abortions
like adoption and there are a lot of families looking to adopt. There is also a lot of forms of birth
control out there to prevent pregnancy. There are also programs out there that gives you the
option to leave your baby at a safe place. Prolife advocates believe that abortions should not be
covered by government funding, and prochoice advocates think they should. Women should
consider all their options before having an abortion.


Abortions, this is a well-known topic and has been talked about many times over the
years. Since abortions were made legal in nineteen seventy three, there has been millions of
abortions performed around the world, legal and illegal. According to The Center for Disease
Control (2009), A total of 784,507 abortions were reported to CDC for 2009. That was just for
the United States. There are many different Views and opinions on abortions. There are prolife
advocates that do not believe in abortions what so ever. Prolife advocates believe that having
abortions is murder and should be illegal, and that woman should be charged for murder and be
imprisoned for having an abortion. Then there are the prochoice advocates that believe in
abortions, and they are all for them. They believe that it is a womans body so it is her choice
whether or not she has an abortion. Having an abortion can cause more problems than childbirth,
higher risk of cancer, higher mortality rate, and a higher risk of problems in future pregnancies
and some of these problems are not found out until later on, awhile after the abortion is
performed. Before a woman has an abortion she should research the risks and what it will be like
after having an abortion also she should have to learn about all the views and opinions people
have on abortions before she decides whether or not to have one.
The mortality rate after having an abortion is much higher than the mortality rate after
child birth. According to The Center for Disease Control (2009.), Using national data from the
Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (37), CDC identified 12 abortion-related deaths for
2008. That was in The United States alone, and not included are illegal abortions. The first six


months after having an abortion the risk of death is still high and even up to a year after an
abortion a woman still has the risk of dying from complication from an abortion. Around forty
seven thousand women a year die due to complications from having an abortion. That is just the
reported abortions. There are several illegal abortions performed in the United States and around
the world each day. According to Calhoun (2015), the risk of dying after an abortion gets higher
after each abortion a woman has. So if a woman has multiple abortions her risk of dying is much
higher than a woman who had only one. That is just for the abortions that were reported, many
were not reported. Many abortions are performed each year that are not reported, because the
woman feels ashamed or embarrassed. Illegal abortions happen every day in the United States,
and all around the world. The mortality rate from childbirth is known to be lower than the death
rate after an abortion. According to The Center for Disease Control (2011), side effects after
having abortion are more severe than side effect from childbirth. One of the side effects after
having an abortion is higher risk of cancer. Cancers that you are at higher risk of having after an
abortion are cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and liver cancer. Most women that were reported
having these cancers had a history of one or more abortions. Women with one abortion are two
times more likely to get cancer and two are more abortions makes a woman five times more
likely to develop these cancers. Also what comes along with having an abortion is a higher risk
having depression, and or severe anxiety. That is mostly caused by the regret some woman may
have after having an abortion. Most depression cases were developed when the woman became
pregnant again after an abortion. There are side effects from having an abortion that can affect
future pregnancies. Childbirth after an abortion can be hard for a mother, the mother feels
remorse and regret. The woman feels guilty for having an abortion and then having childbirth
later. Woman with a history of abortion has a higher risk are getting Placenta Previa, cervical


lacerations, preterm labor, and birth defects to the baby during childbirth. Having side effects
after childbirth are less. A woman can develop postpartum depression after childbirth that is very
common and can be easily treated. Then there are the side effects after having a cesarean section,
blood clots, wound infection, surgical injury. Vaginal birth risk is tissue tearing, bowel and urine
problems. It is much safer to go full term and have the baby than it is to have an abortion. Think
of the risk that come with an abortion mostly think of how one will feel emotionally after an
abortion. Weight your options before having an abortion, there are a lot out there like adoption
and the woman most likely will not feel guilty after.
When it comes to abortions there are many different views on the topic and people are
not afraid to be vocal about their views. There are prochoice advocates, which they believe in
abortions. According to Langan (2004), prochoice advocates believe that abortion is the womans
choice; it is her body so it is her decision. They believe politicians should have no control over a
woman when it comes to her body, her life and her heath. Prochoice advocates believe that
abortions should be funded by the government, for the woman that cannot afford an abortion. So
a woman that depends on government programs for assistance should be able to get the abortion
paid for by the government. They also believe that if a woman has the choice of having an
abortion then it is most likely to save her life. Forcing the woman to have the baby could cause
her to harm, or kill herself and possibly the baby. According to Cohen (2015), making a woman
have a baby that she does not want could make her hate the baby and possibly abuse, neglect or
abandon the baby. Not having an abortion can cause the baby to be in a family that does not want
it. Prochoice advocates believe that could be worse on a baby being raised by a parent or parents
that do not want it. According to Langan (2004), if a woman is raped it is not fair to make her
keep the baby. The baby will be a constant reminder to the woman about her rape. It could cause


the woman to go into severe depression living with a baby by a man that raped her. Also
pregnancies from incest should be allowed given the risk of birth defects to the baby. Having a
baby from incest can cause a lot of health problems for the baby. Prochoice advocates are all for
the right of woman. Why should a woman a womans body be used against her will. Whether or
not the woman wants to keep the baby is her choice and hers only. The woman should always
have the right to choose what she does with her body. Why should she be compelled to carry a
child that she does not want, at the expense of her wishes, body and health. Pregnancies should
not be a punishment for a woman who had unplanned pregnancies. Prochoice advocates believe
that woman should always be allowed to have an abortion but some will not ever have an
abortion themselves because they do not believe in having an abortion themselves. So they
believe a woman should have the choice to have an abortion or not but would never have an
abortion themselves. Stated by The Center for Disease Control (2009) Abortions are allowed to
be taken place at any point during the pregnancy. A woman could have just found out that she is
pregnant and have an abortion, or just about to give birth and decide that she wants an abortion,
and will be allowed to have one. So all over the county and all around the world woman are
having abortions anywhere from three weeks to nine months. Prochoice advocates believe that
this is fair and that it is the womans choice whether to keep or not to keep the baby.
There are also the prolife advocates which do not believe in having abortions. They
believe all lives matter and that everyone has a right to live. Some state that in an early
pregnancy that it is not a baby just an embryo so it is okay to have an abortion. Prolife advocates
believe that no matter what stage during the pregnancy there is a living human being growing
inside the mother. From six weeks and on the embryo has a heartbeat making it a baby, a living
human being. According to The Center for disease Control (2009), abortions can take place at


any time during the pregnancy five months, nine months whenever the woman chooses. At nine
months having abortions should be considered illegal and if one is performed than the medical
professional and the mother should face charges. Prolife advocates believe that having an
abortion during the second and third trimester should be considered murder and should be made
illegal so woman can go to jail for having an abortion. In many religions they believe that having
an abortion is a sin, and you will go to hell for having one because you are going against God.
Many of the prolife advocates are from religious groups and churches, but not all of them are.
Prolife values are that the unborn baby has a right to live. Who is there to speak up for the
unborn baby, because they cannot. The unborn baby is given a life but not a voice to take up for
itself. Langan stated (2004), prolife advocates believe that the unborn baby should not be
punished for the mother and fathers mistakes. Both woman and men know the consequences of
having unprotected sex so if they do not wish to have a baby then they should take all the
necessary precautions that will prevent them from having one. There are so many forms of birth
control out there these days, and are not hard to come by.
For an unplanned pregnancy there is the option of placing the baby up for an adoption.
There are a lot of couples out there that cannot conceive or carry a baby to full term that is
looking to adopt. Abortion should not be an option and should not have become legal; they
should make them illegal again. Prolife advocates believe that having abortions is immoral.
Advocates for prolife also believe that all abortions should be made illegal and any woman
caught having one should be charged with murder and with the sentence any other murder would
get. Religious prolife advocates believe in the bible teaching, to be fruitful and multiply. So they
believe that having an abortion a woman will go to hell for going against Gods word. Some
prolife advocates have been in many debates against each other. According to Cohen (2015), the


question is should there be special circumstances for having abortions. If abortions become
illegal should a woman that has been raped be allowed to have an abortion legally. Why make
her live with the constant reminder every day. Should a woman pregnant by incest be allowed to
have abortions without going to jail. There are just too many birth risks for the baby if it is born
into incest. These are some of the debates on which abortions or any should be legal. Most do
believe under those and some other circumstances abortion should be legal. For example a
woman with health problems that could kill her, the baby or both of them should be allowed to
have an abortion. Why risk one life for the other or why risk both lives. One of the big questions
is should a woman be allowed to have an abortion if there is a birth defect like Down syndrome.
Most believe that birth defect like that should not be an acceptation to having an abortion. A baby
with a birth defect deserves to live just like every other baby. Prolife advocates are all for
alternative options rather than having an abortion. If a woman is not ready to have a baby and
she becomes pregnant then there is another option besides having an abortion. There is adoption;
there are a lot of resources out there that will help to find a perfect family for the baby. There are
so a lot of families looking to adopt.
There are also a lot of forms of birth control out there to consider. According to The
Center for Disease Control (2011), there is the IUD; it is a T-shaped plastic device that a doctor
places into the uterus. There are two types of IUDs there is a copper one that remains in place
for ten to twelve years then there is the Mirena IUD that last five to seven year. There are also
several kinds of birth control pills out there, some that you have to take every day at the same
time. Then there are some that you only have to take once a month. Then there is the DepoProvera shot, this shot starts working twenty-four hours after given and last for three months.
Then there is the birth control patch, which is just like the pill but it is in a patch form. There is


also the sponge, it is a sponge soaked with spermicide and it is places inside of a woman before
sex. Then there is also the vaginal ring which is called the NuvaRing, a woman inserts it in her
vagina once a month. If a woman never wants a baby there is the option to get her tubes tide. In
order to get you tubes tide you must be at least twenty one or have three kids already. According
to Shostak (1991) There is also the abortion pill, also called the morning after pill. It is
supposed to prevent pregnancy the day after sex. But it is also known to kill the fetus in early
Abortion should not be an option with all the forms of pregnancy prevention out there.
Sometimes birth control does fail and a woman does become pregnant. Then there is adoption,
like stated before there are a lot of resources out there to help find the right family looking to
adopt a baby. If a woman decides to keep the baby and decides she does not want it a few months
later then there is the safe haven program in some states where you can leave your baby at a
church, hospital, police station, or a fire station. Another big topic in abortions is the funding.
According to Langan (2004) Prolife advocates believe that abortions should not be free or funded
with tax payers money. If abortions are going to stay legal then when a woman wants an
abortion she should have to pay for it out of her own pock or her other half should pay for it.
There should not be special government benefits for woman having abortions no matter what the
case is. No insurance plans should cover abortions either; it should be like cosmetic surgery and
have to be paid out of pocket always.
There are so many options out there these days besides having an abortion. Before a
woman has an abortion she should at least consider the other options she has because there are so
many safer alternatives out there. She should also consider all the risk and complications there
are from having an abortion and the possibility of not being able to get pregnant or carry full


term again. A woman should also think about what having an abortion can do to her emotionally.
The guilt and regret she could have after or when she becomes pregnant again. After having an
abortion there is a lot of complication that could take place in future pregnancies and birth
defects to future babies. Prochoice advocates are right; it is a womans body so it is her choice.
But what about the babys rights, it should have the right to live. The baby is big enough to kill,
but not big enough to speak out for itself. Killing another human being should be illegal and
considered murder. So why is abortion legal, why is it not considered murder!
Abortion is killing a defenseless human being so a woman that has one should be charged
with murder just like anyone else that kills would. There should be a few exceptions to abortion
some prolife advocates believe. If a woman is raped then she should be allowed to have an
abortion. Or if a pregnancy is a cause of incest then the woman should be able to have an
abortion. Yes there are a lot of views and opinions on the abortion topic. That is why this should
be a subject that is taken very seriously. The government should change the laws on having
abortions. Women should do their research before making any sudden decision that could make
one regret it for the rest of their life. Also men have no rights over the choice of an abortion that
should change if abortions stay legal. The father of the baby should have a choice whether or not
his baby lives or dies. If the man wants to keep his baby then the woman should have no right to
an abortion.


Shostak, A. (1991, July/August). Abortion in America: Ten Cautious Forecasts. The Futurist, 2024.
Langan, J. (2004, October 25). Observations on Abortion and Politics. Retrieved from
Cohen, G. (2015). Are All Abortions Equal? Should There Be Exceptions to the Criminalization
of Abortion for Rape and Incest? Retrieved from
Calhoun, B., M.D., FACOG, FASAM, MBA. (n.d). The Myth That Abortion Is Safer Than
Childbirth. Through The Looking Glass. Retrieved November 15, 2015.
CDC. (2016). CDCs Abortion Surveillance System FAQs. Retrieved from

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