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Tu misin es hacerte un cristal.

No un sol - porque los soles vienen de muy alto - , sino un cristal que concentre los rayos del
sol; les abra camino a travs de su transparencia y ya juntos en haz resplandeciente, lleve su
luz an a los ojos ms nublados; an a las mentes ms oscuras, an a los corazones ms

Otros, pensaron; otros descubrieron; otros penetraron el corazn del Arcano. T, gozoso y
humilde, hallars tu gloria, en decir.
T no eres la luz; tampoco la lucirnaga es luz, pero en su cabecita lleva una antorcha. Que tu
palabra sea llama que encienda la antorcha.

Concntrate y glorate de ser un cristal. Un cristal que a la vez ha de ser prisma de tres fases,
una lente de gran concentracin, y una simple lmina, difana como el agua en que se
desvanece al ventisquero. Prisma de tres fases para Bondad, para Verdad, para Belleza. Lente
que recoja y concentre, para dar tono, penetracin y fuerza a los mil imperceptibles gemidos de
las criaturas tristes, que padecen porque no tienen voz. Lmina igual y difana, para no
deformar las palabras hondas que ya fueron escritas, y que vienen a ti porque las hagas
entender a los sencillos y a los ignorantes.
Hazte un cristal: s medianero de la luz; sirve de puente a la Aurora, que ansa descender
hasta el alma tenebrosa del hombre, y al enfermo corazn del hombre, que anhela subir a
purificarse y diafanizarse en la Aurora.
Tu misin es hacerte un cristal.
Ms al cristal slo se llega por la senda de la Humildad, de la Pureza, de la Sencillez, de la
Alegra y del Silencio; de la PERFECTA humildad; de la PERFECTA pureza; del PERFECTO
silencio; de la PERFECTA sencillez, de la PERFECTA alegra.

Puedes t devenir un cristal?

Perfecta es la pureza de aquel que destierra de s, todo anhelo que no sea el anhelo de recibir
y esparcir la luz.
Perfecta es la humildad de aqul que nunca olvida que la luz viene de lo Alto y no de l, y que
no viene slo para l, sino para toda sombra y toda pena.

Perfecto es el silencio de aqul que no disemina sus pensamientos ni sus ansias de

comprender y realizar otros aspectos de la vida, sino que los concentra y totaliza en la perenne
y nica ansiedad de atraer y difundir la luz.

Perfecta sencillez es la de aquel que se mantiene simple, sin engastes ni adornos, confiado en
la belleza de la diafanidad en la virtud suprema de ser verdadero y transparente.

Perfecta es la alegra de aqul que no se deja empaar por nieblas ni tinieblas; que sabe irisar
sus propias lgrimas: que olvida su propio dolor - porque sabe que la luz es serenidad y
alborozo- , y el dolor ajeno transforma en oracin - en demanda de luz -, porque sabe que toda
oscuridad y toda pena se curan con la luz
Tu misin es hacerte un cristal
Quieres t devenir un cristal?


Your mission is to make a crystal out of yourself

Not a Sun - because Suns come from very high - but a crystal, to concentrate the sunlight; to
open their way through its transparency and together as a radiant beam, bring his light even to
the most bleary eyes; even to the darkest minds, even to the most grieving hearts.

Others, thought; others, discovered; others, penetrated the heart of the Arcane. You, joyful and
humble, will find glory, just saying.
You're not the light; Firefly is not light, but in her little head carries a torch. Let your word be the
flame to set the torch on.
Be focused and be glorify of being a crystal. A crystal which all in once must be prism of three
phases, a focus lens, and a laminated glass, diaphanous as water that fades into a blizzard.
Three phases prism to Goodness, to Truth, to Beauty.
Focus lens to collect and to focus, to give tone, penetration and strength to thousands of
imperceptible moaning of creatures who suffer because they have no voice.
A diaphanous glass, to not distort the profound words that were already written, words that
come to you, for you to make understand to the simple and to the ignorants.
Make a crystal out of yourself: be mediator of light; serve as a bridge for aurora (or dawn), who
yearn to go deep into the dark soul of the man; and to the sick heart of the man, who yearn to
purify and to raise diaphanous into the aurora.
Your mission is to make a Cristal out of yourself.
But you only become a crystal trough the path of Humility, Purity, Simplicity, Joy and Silence;
PERFECT humility; PERFECT purity; PERFECT silence; PERFECT simplicity and PERFECT

Can you make a crystal out of yourself?

Perfect is the purity of one who banishes from him, every desire but the desire to receive and
spread the light.
Perfect is the humility of one who never forgets that light comes from above, not from himself,
and that is not only for himself but for every shadow and every pain.

Perfect is the silence of one who does not disseminate his thoughts and his desire to
understand and fullfil other aspects of life, but that focusses and sum them in the only and
perennial anxiety to attract and spread the light.
Perfect simplicity belong to the one who kept himself simple, without mountings or ornaments,
being confident in diaphanous beauty, in the supreme virtue of being true and transparent.

Perfect is the joy of one who does not let tarnish himself by fog or darkness; who knows how to
iridesce his own tears: that forgets its own pain - because he knows light is serenity and joy-,
and he knows that others sorrows becomes prayer - on demand for light - because he knows
that all darkness and all the grief heal with light ...
Your mission is to make a crystal out of yourself...
Would you like to make a crystal out of yourself ...?

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