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Overcoming the Acid Crisis

Unlock Your Health Potential

By Balancing Your pH

By Martha M. Christy

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or information storage system without written permission from the
publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Disclaimer – This book is designed to be used as an educational tool only. Any medical attention or treatment should not
be delayed when professional help is needed. The author, publisher, distributor, or those whose names appear in this
book shall have no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage caused (or allegedly caused) by the information
presented in this book.

Copyright © 2000 -2010, Martha M. Christy

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
The Body‘s Acidic State: More Than Just Heartburn 6
What Are Acids? 10
What Does pH Mean? 12
Why Does pH In Our Bodies Fluctuate? 13
As Important As Air & Water 14
How Nature Regulates Acid Fires 16
Cells & Acid Corrosion 17
The Nutrient Alkaline Buffers 18
Calcium: More than Bone Health! 19
Magnesium: Calcium‘s Partner 21
Sodium & Potassium — The Electrical Buffers 22
Manganese 23
The All-Important Buffering Organs 23
The Kidneys & pH 24
Lungs & Breathing—Where Did All The Oxygen Go? 26
The Primary Causes of an Acid Crisis 28
Signs of an Acid Crisis 29
Overcoming the Acid Crisis 30
Monitoring Your pH 31
Urine Testing 32
Saliva Testing 33
The Nutritional Solution 34
Caring For the Kidneys 35
Supporting the Lungs 36
Do Moderate Exercise 37
Reduce Stress 38
Solutions to the Acid Crisis 39
Acid/Alkaline Foods Chart 40
References 42

Alka-Seltzer®, Tums®, Pepto Bismol®, Rolaids®, Maalox®, Mylanta® — nobody
has to tell you what these products will do for you. Every one of them is a
familiar treatment for an all too familiar modern health epidemic that most of us
completely underestimate. Acid indigestion or ―heartburn‖ is so widespread
and so common a health problem in modern culture that most of us just
consider it a part of our everyday lives. Antacid medications, or ―acid blockers,‖
are now becoming so much a part of our daily fare that they‘re not really even
considered to be medications at all!

We all know that acid indigestion is a recurring and painful problem for millions
of Americans, but it‘s a dream come true for the makers of Mylanta®, Zantac®,
Tagamet®, Pepcid® and the whole fabulously lucrative world of anti-acid
marketing. Huge numbers of advertising dollars are spent every year to extol
the virtues of yet another antacid — and the ―pop a pill and eat anything you
want‖ promises seem irresistible. But can these miracle pills truly be the
panaceas that advertisers claim them to be?

In reality, habitual antacid use can damage digestion and assimilation and
disrupt the delicate acid balance in the body, while acid blockers such as
Zantac® and Pepcid® have caused liver damage and even death in clinical

use. The Physician‘s Desk Reference, which is the doctor‘s guide to drug
information, says that the acid-blocker Zantac®, which is now sold over the
counter for treatment of everyday ―normal‖ acid indigestion has been linked to
―occasional hepatitis, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
discomfort, pancreatic inflammation, insomnia, hallucinations, heart block,
irregular heartbeat, and in rare circumstances, death has occurred.‖ (The PDR
Family Guide).

Why is a drug of this magnitude being sold as an over-the-counter treatment for

everyday dietary indiscretions that give us indigestion or heartburn? I know of
people who take these medications with mind-numbing regularity simply so that
they can eat what they want without heartburn. But as you can see, they might
well end up with drug side effects that make the discomfort of indigestion pale
by comparison.

The media barrage associated with antacids does reveal one fact — there is an
enormously lucrative market for anti-acid medications. Why? Because in
modern society, our bodies‘ natural acid balance is out of control and has
created what I call an ―acid crisis.‖ And indigestion is only the tip of the iceberg.

The Body's Acidic State:
More than Just Heartburn

Think about it. If excess acid creates so much irritation, damage and pain in the
stomach, then what do you think it can do to the rest of your body? Despite
what commercials may lead you to believe, the problem of excess acidity isn‘t
limited to the stomach and digestive tract. The same excess acid that‘s giving
you a stomachache, is, over time, doing relentless damage to the rest of your
body that you wouldn‘t believe. Just as continual excess acid in the stomach
irritates and destroys the stomach lining, so too, the cells and tissues throughout
the rest of the body are irritated and destroyed by chronic excess acid.

This critical health factor is in reality one of the most fundamental reasons why
we become susceptible to disease and aging. It‘s important to be aware that
acids in themselves are not the ―bad guys.‖ In reality, acids are fundamental to
life (remember the term ―amino acids‖), but unless they are in proper balance in
the body, acids can become the underlying cause of disease and premature

You probably wonder why doctors aren‘t concerned about excess acidity as a
major health problem — but the fact is, they are. It‘s simply that, as most of you
know, our medical doctors are primarily trained for and practice emergency
medicine, not long-term prevention, which means that they deal seriously with
acid imbalances only when they become an immediate threat or medical

For instance, all trained medical personnel know that sudden, severe
fluctuations in blood acid balances caused by certain diseases can actually be
fatal. Every doctor and health practitioner knows that consistently very acid
urine pH (the scale of measuring acid balance) can signal malfunctions in fat
and carbohydrate metabolism caused by diabetes. That‘s one of the reasons
why doctors routinely ask you for a urine sample during office visits. The doctor
or nurse dips a plastic test strip into the urine, which tells them your urine pH (or
acidity). If your test shows a very acid urine pH in conjunction with high glucose
(sugar) levels, your doctor may ask for further testing to determine if diabetes
is a possibility.

But what doctors don‘t tell you is that chronic long-term acid imbalances
caused by everyday modern lifestyle practices and dietary abuses can be
every bit as devastating to your health as the sudden or emergency acid
imbalances that we see in diseases like diabetes.

The revolution that's now taking place in alternative medicine is teaching all of
us that we must take a long-term approach to our health to prevent minor
health problems from becoming major diseases. And because acid balancing
is one of the most critical factors in deterring the onset of disease and aging, it‘s
absolutely essential that we learn how to maintain that balance, not with
temporary solutions like antacids or acid-blockers, but with long-lasting effective
lifestyle changes.

Acid imbalances can exist even from birth, and may be a major hidden cause
of early childhood illnesses such as a lowered immunity to colds, flu, viruses and
bacterial infections. If uncorrected, these imbalances continue to erode
immune defenses and place a continuous strain on major organs, particularly
the kidneys and lungs, all of which leads to a huge variety of progressively more
serious health problems as we grow and age.

―A constant [balanced] pH is of vital importance for the [body]; the molecular

form of the proteins, for example, and thus the normal structure of the cell
constituents is pH dependent. Consequently, larger deviations from the normal
lead to disturbances in metabolism, in the permeability of membranes, in
electrolyte distribution and so on. Blood pH values outside the range of 7.0-7.8
are incompatible with life.‖ (W. Gay and A. Rothenberger, Atlas of Physiology)

In view of the fact that acid (pH) balance is so critical a health factor, why does
our medical establishment wait to correct acid imbalances until they are major
problems or near-fatal? Doesn‘t it make far more sense to practice
preventative medicine by correcting smaller acid imbalances before they
become life threatening?

The complete lack of awareness, literature and education on the importance of

pH (or acid) balancing is leading to a real health crisis in modern societies. As I
see more and more small children with pale, sickly faces, dark rings under their
eyes, with extremes of hyperactive or listless behavior, or teenagers‘ faces
covered with acne, young adults with ―mysterious‖ aches and pains, chronic
fatigue, or depression, or middle-agers bowed down with arthritis, immune
problems and undefined health problems of every kind, I know that I‘m
witnessing the overt symptoms of bodies fighting a losing battle against pH
imbalances that affect the very foundation of physical and mental well-being.

Many of us gaze with longing at societies of indigenous tribes who live closer to
nature, eating simple diets of natural foods, living and working outdoors, with
lives far removed from the mental and environmental stresses of our life
experiences. Many of these societies, such as the ―Hunzas,‖ are famous for their
robust bodies and long, healthy lives. But if we look closer, it becomes apparent
that, unlike us, their lifestyles are precisely in tune with the conditions needed to
maintain a balanced pH.

In order for our bodies to maintain the right acid balance, it is imperative that
our lungs and kidneys in particular be provided with the proper support
mechanisms. In simpler rural societies, vigorous outdoor exercise, fresh air, fewer

mental stresses and simple, unprocessed foods are much more in evidence and
provide the body with the elements it needs to keep lungs and kidneys
functioning well, which is fundamental in keeping acid levels balanced.

But pollution, stress, lack of exercise, indoor working environments and highly
acidic diets which are the hallmarks of modern living, are exactly the conditions
which stress kidneys and lungs and promote abnormally high acid levels in the
body, leading to unbalanced pH, health problems and premature aging.
I think that what so many of us have forgotten in this day and age is that the
technological revolution that has shaped modern lifestyles occurred so rapidly
that our bodies have, in some ways, been unable to keep up.

After living thousands and thousands of years in predominantly simple agrarian

or nomadic societies, in the incredibly short span of the last 75 years, we‘ve
been plunged into a new lifestyle that bears very little resemblance to all of
recorded (and unrecorded) history.

Intellectually we may appear to grasp and adjust to the enormous changes that
have occurred, but our bodies certainly haven‘t. We may know it's the 21st
century, but our physical bodies don‘t. It's true that our bodies can make
adaptations to changes in environment, but in the natural course of human
history, these changes have been relatively few and appear to have been
made over the course of millennia, not in the space of less than a century.

I think it only makes sense to realize that in order to successfully adapt to modern
―techno-civilization‖ we have to bring into our lives as much as we can of the
natural conditions and environments that shaped and defined our physical
bodies over the long course of history. In other words, we have to change our
lifestyles in order to accommodate our bodies, not the other way around. And
this is especially true in the area of pH balancing.

Acid balancing is one of the most fundamental requirements of life. But proper
acid balances, which were originally adapted to conditions very different from
modern environments, cannot be maintained unless we incorporate needed
historically indispensable elements into our everyday lives that will assist our
bodies in maintaining proper pH, even in a changing world.

The more I‘ve researched pH, the more I‘ve realized that it‘s much too important
to be overlooked, and that it can be explained in terms that all of us can
understand, so that we can make crucial adjustments to our lives to maintain a
healthy pH balance that will allow us to live longer, healthier lives.

What Are Acids?

Before we begin to examine how pH or acid imbalances affect our health, let‘s
first look at what acids are and how our bodies use them.

You may remember from high-school biology and chemistry that acids are
essential to life (as in the familiar term ―amino acids‖). The reason why acids are
critical to life is because they have the special property of causing very mild to
very intense chemical reactions when they come into contact with other
substances. And these chemical reactions start up (or catalyze) hundreds of
other organic and chemical processes.

So, in the scheme of life, acids are the ―starters‖ which begin countless organic
and inorganic processes.

For instance, car batteries use sulfuric acid. When the sulfuric acid mixes with
the water in car batteries, an intense chemical reaction occurs which creates
an electrical charge, which ignites the fuel, which causes an explosion
(combustion), which powers the engine, which runs the car. Although simplified,
this example shows how acids begin important chain reactions that put other
processes in motion. The same thing happens in the body.

In the human body, acids are also key elements in ―powering‖ the body by
initiating or contributing to crucial processes. Gastric acids such as hydrochloric
acid in the stomach combine with foods and liquids and initiate chemical
reactions that break down nutrients so that they can be absorbed. Acids work
with enzymes to govern digestion, assimilation, utilization of nutrients, and are

used in countless other metabolic processes, which produce heat and energy in
the body:

―Many biochemical reactions and processes depend upon (acids), even

though these silent partners do not appear explicitly in the process. The
transport of oxygen in the blood, the chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes
and the generation of metabolic phenomena depend upon (acid)
concentration.‖ (David J. Rawn, Biochemistry)

As you can see, acids are far more than simply annoying substances that give us
heartburn and indigestion.

What Does pH Mean?

Science and medicine define an acid as a compound that yields hydrogen

ions, or in other words, provides specific hydrogen particles (protons) to a
chemical reaction. During such a chemical reaction, dissociation occurs, which
means that hydrogen atoms are split apart into hydrogen particles. For
instance, the bottle of vinegar on your kitchen shelf is an example of an acidic
substance. By itself, the vinegar appears to be an inert substance. But combine
it with baking soda, and wow! You've got foaming, noise and bubbles. Why?
Because the acid solution (vinegar), in being mixed with the baking soda (an
alkaline solution), has caused a chemical reaction in which hydrogen atoms are
being split apart or dissociated into smaller particles.

Scientists and medical researchers often call acids in a solution ―protons‖ or ―H+
concentrations‖, instead of using the term acids. The familiar term pH means
―potential hydrogen‖ and refers to the number of hydrogen protons (H+) that
are in a certain solution.

The pH of your blood simply means the number of hydrogen protons present in
the blood that are available for chemical reactions. Because it would be
impossible to actually count all the protons in every solution, scientists
developed the pH scale, which tells us, by using a rating scale between 1 and
14 the acidity of a substance. (The lower the number, the more acidic the

Why Does pH In Our Bodies Fluctuate?
We have certain types of acids that are naturally present in our bodies, like the
hydrochloric acid in our stomach, and we get other acids we need from the
foods we eat. As these acids combine with liquids and other substances in the
body, critical chemical reactions occur that sustain essential processes such as
metabolism, which is the utilization of nutrients to provide heat and energy to
the body. The important thing to remember is that these acid-based chemical
reactions are continually occurring.

But like anything in life, too much of a good thing isn‘t good at all. Our bodies
are designed to provide the perfect balance of acids necessary for normal
functioning. Problems arise only when we get too much acid in the body too
often, which is the case when we fill our bodies with processed foods, work in
unnatural indoor environments, and live daily with excess amounts of mental
stress, pollution, etc.

Then the natural acid balance is disrupted and when this imbalance is not
corrected, the processes of disease and premature aging begin or are
accelerated, especially in those already susceptible to or weakened by disease.
And no matter how hard doctors try to minimize the impact of chronic
overacidity by recommending palliatives like Mylanta® or Tagamet®, the
sciences of physiology and biochemistry have a different view.

As Important As Air & Water
In order to understand more about how acids work in our bodies, let‘s start by
looking at some simple facts. Most of us know that the body needs certain
acids in proper concentrations in order to digest food (such as gastric acids).
But the role of acids in the body is far more crucial and far-reaching than we

Inside our bodies, natural ―electricity‖ is produced by the combination of acids

and water and minerals which start up a series of chemical reactions that are as
fundamental to human life as air and water, without which our bodies would not

Let‘s go back to the example of the reaction that occurs within a car engine.
The battery in your car contains sulfuric acid and water. This combination (acid
and water) explodes hydrogen atoms, which creates an electrical charge. This
electrical charge or ―spark‖ from the acid and water reaction in the battery
ignites the fuel (gasoline), producing heat and energy that power the car.

Like the car battery, the human body contains both water (about 70% of body
weight) and acids which are produced during metabolism or which are
supplied by the substances we eat and drink. This combination of water and
acids in the body supplies an electrical charge, which ignites our fuel (food and
nutrients) and produces the heat and energy that power our bodies and give us

But let‘s go back to our example of the car engine. The battery acids have
supplied the electrical spark to ignite the fuel and now the car is up and
running. But what happens to the engine if too much fuel is being burned too
quickly, and in the process, the fuel isn‘t being burned efficiently?

Suddenly, the energy and heat produced by the engine is out of control. The
motor gets too hot and begins to build up internal pressure from the gas
because the fuel isn‘t burning cleanly. Now the engine may start to backfire to
relieve the pressure, belching big clouds of noxious fumes out the tailpipe (sound

The ―ash‖ or wastes produced by the burning fuel, which ordinarily are cleanly
removed from the engine through the exhaust system, now start building up a
big, black, gooey, greasy mess all through the inside of the motor. At this point,
you can probably still drive the car, even though it isn‘t running the way it
should. But if you don‘t fix the underlying problem, eventually the engine will be
choked up with ‗gunk,‘ and won‘t run at all.

The same thing happens to your body when acid levels rise too high. Too much
fuel (like food and nutrients) is burned too quickly and inefficiently. Internal
pressure builds up, causing excess gas, bloating and pain, which is eliminated
through our ―tailpipe‖ or through the mouth (burping or belching).

Another problem is the waste or ―ash‖ left over from the burning or metabolism
of nutrients (like ash is left over from burning wood). If the acid fires are efficient,
not much ―ash‖ is left and the body easily eliminates it through the colon and
bloodstream. But if excess acids cause the fires (or metabolic processes) to
speed up, the fire doesn‘t burn our fuels efficiently and too much ash or wastes
build up, making it harder for the body to eliminate them. This buildup of wastes
eventually becomes just like the gunk that chokes up the car engine. Now your
body doesn‘t run well anymore, and if the problem goes uncorrected long
enough, it can break down all together.

How Nature Regulates Acid Fires
We know that acids are, by nature, substances that burn other substances. As
we‘ve seen, acids provide hydrogen particles that begin the process of
―combustion‖ or metabolism that burns the fuel that makes our bodies ―run.‖ In
controlled amounts, acids are essential to human life. But when too much acid
is supplied, the ―burning‖ process becomes too intense and corrosive, and it
begins to damage and destroy our bodies‘ delicate cells, membranes and

Because of this potentially corrosive property of acid, nature had to devise a

way to ―cool down‖ acid fires in the body, to keep them under control, so that
the body got the beneficial, rather than the destructive properties of these
powerful natural substances.

In the car, the acid fire or combustion is cooled down and kept under control by
the water in the radiator, which is pumped through pipes to all parts of the
engine. The cooling, circulating water keeps the engine from overheating. In
much the same way, our bodies‘ heart and muscle contractions pump blood
and other fluids throughout the body, which cool down our internal acid fires so
that we produce the right amount of heat and energy.

But this isn‘t the only way our bodies keep acid fires under control. Because the
human body is such an enormously complex organism, our process of
metabolism or internal combustion (acid fires burning fuel to produce energy) is
also very complicated. So the cooling process, which regulates the acid fires,
has to be very sophisticated — and it is. Our body actually has a number of
tools that it uses to keep acid levels from rising too high. These acid-regulating
or cooling methods are referred to as ―alkaline buffers.‖ But before we look at
what these alkaline buffers are and how they work, let‘s first examine briefly why
the body needs so much help in controlling acid.

Cells & Acid Corrosion
Inside our bodies, we have acid reactions occurring continuously, not only in the
stomach, where the initial conversion of food to heat and energy takes place,
but in every single cell of the body as well.

Each cell in the human body has a life of its own, and each one independently
operates its own tiny ―engine.‖ Every individual cell needs fuel, which it converts
to heat and energy in order to function. The bloodstream is like a river that
delivers the nutrients (or fuel) directly to each cell. Inside the cell, acids are
again used to start the ‗fire‘ that burns the nutrients, releasing the heat and
energy that supply life. Once the nutrients are burned, leftover ash, or waste, is
shipped out of the cell back into the bloodstream, which eventually removes it
from the body

Everything works great for the cell when acid levels are just right. But if too much
acid is present in the blood and fluids outside and inside the cell, the acid fires
(acid metabolism) get out of control and the cell can literally be destroyed by
―burning‖ and waste buildup. This condition is often referred to as acidosis. If
enough cells die, disease, premature aging and (if extreme) even death can

To prevent such a catastrophe, the body rushes in when acid levels rise above
normal, to neutralize and eliminate the excess acid with several different back-
up mechanisms. The three primary natural mechanisms that protect us against
over acidity in body fluids, cells and tissues are:

1. Alkaline buffering minerals in the blood

2. The activity of the kidneys
3. Lung function and breathing

Let‘s take a look at each of these vital systems to see how they maintain normal
acid levels.

The Nutrient Alkaline Buffers
When sulfuric acid in a car battery comes into contact with water it creates
electricity to power the car. A similar reaction also occurred in the earlier
example of vinegar mixing with baking soda. In both of these reactions an acid
(sulfuric acid or vinegar) and an alkaline ―buffering‖ substance (water or sodium
bicarbonate) were needed for the reaction to occur.

These same reactions occur in the human body. Acids, as we said earlier, are
essential to human life. But they can become corrosive when their levels
become excessive. This is why it is necessary for the body to use alkaline
minerals, or ―buffers,‖ which combine with the acids to create energy for your
body, rather than destructive acid buildup. These primary alkaline buffers that
are utilized by the body to moderate acid reactions are critical minerals:
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese. Before we get into
specifics about what these minerals do, let‘s look a little more closely at what
makes a substance an alkaline buffer.

In order for the fluids in our bodies to maintain a proper pH (acid/alkaline

balance), they need these five key minerals to help buffer, or neutralize the
acidic substances in our body. These crucial minerals help to create and
control acid reactions that initiate such key functions as metabolism, digestion,
waste elimination and other vital processes that are needed for human life.
Each mineral works as a neutralizer of the acid-forming minerals in the body,
which include: sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and iodine. Here‘s a more detailed
run-down on each of these vital buffering or alkaline minerals and some of the
common health conditions associated with their deficiency.

Calcium: More than Bone Health!
Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, and is vital for strong
bones and teeth. More and more doctors are encouraging their patients to
take calcium supplements regularly. But what doctors are not emphasizing is
that calcium also helps as a buffer, to balance the acids in our body.

About 99% of the calcium in the body is located in the bones and teeth. The
remaining small amount (1%) is found in various soft tissues throughout the body
and the blood. Calcium is one of the important minerals that helps the blood
stay slightly alkaline.

This trace amount of calcium, because of its highly important role as an

alkalizing source in the blood and other areas in the body, is constantly in
problem is that when soft tissues and the blood do not get sufficient calcium,
which is the case when our bodies become too acidic, the body begins
leaching calcium from other sources. Unless you have reserves in your liver,
stored from food or proper supplementation, the body will pull calcium from the
bones to compensate for the lack of alkalinity in the tissues and the blood. And
to make things worse, if the body is in a constant acidic state, then your bones
will suffer a gradual depletion of calcium throughout your life — a virtual
guarantee of decreased bone density or even osteoporosis later in life.

When there is no reserve calcium to use, the calcium has to be taken from the
bone structure itself. The spine and pelvic bones are usually the first to be
robbed of calcium. Frequently, this calcium depletion is not found until much
later in life, as the calcium is depleted in minute doses over time. 10% to 40% of
the normal amount of calcium may be withdrawn from mature bones before
the deficiency appears on an X-ray. This explains why osteoporosis can hit so
suddenly after the age of 40 — it‘s actually been slowly developing over many
years due to calcium depletion which is linked to chronic excess acidity.

I cannot tell you how many people I know who are in their later years and
complain about osteoporosis, back pain and deteriorating bones, meanwhile
insisting that they have taken plenty of calcium supplements and milk all their
lives! However, what they may not have realized is that the acid state of the
fluids in their bodies may have promoted the continuous depletion of calcium
reserves that led to the leaching of calcium from the bones in order to perform
buffering in the blood. Until the acidic state of the body is balanced with
alkaline minerals through ingestion of proper food and/or supplements, the
body keeps fighting a losing battle, trying to compensate for the lack of calcium
needed to buffer chronic excess acidity throughout the body by borrowing it
from the bones.

Magnesium: Calcium's Partner
Many people know that magnesium is like a cousin to calcium. Calcium
supplements often have magnesium added to them, as it has been found that
magnesium can help in the absorption and utilization of calcium. But what
many people do not know is that magnesium also works as a buffer to help
neutralize acids in the body. About 70% of the body‘s magnesium is found in the
bones, while the rest is also found in soft tissues and the blood, where it works as
a neutralizer of acids in the body‘s fluids, just like calcium.

Magnesium is a critical co-factor in more than 300 chemical reactions in the

body including the metabolism of glucose, the oxidation of fatty acids and the
activation of amino acids. These are only three of the reactions that depend on
magnesium, and they are involved ultimately with maintaining the proper
acid/alkaline ratio in the body.

As we saw earlier, the majority of calcium and magnesium is found in the bones.
However, about 80% of the body‘s acid-forming element, phosphorus, is also
located in the bones. Though acidic, phosphorus is an essential part of the
chemical reactions with proteins, fats and carbohydrates to give the body
energy and vital materials for growth and repair.

However, high phosphorus levels (which, for example, may be created by too
many phosphorus containing foods, like miso, eggs, salmon and tuna) can
create excess acid that the body must neutralize by pulling magnesium out of
the bones and tissues. Over time, high phosphorus levels and other excess acids
can create moderate to severe magnesium deficiencies which, if left untreated,
may result in damage to the nervous system, heart, muscles and more.

Sodium and Potassium —
The Electrical Buffers

Although these two minerals seem to be viewed as the ―good‖ (potassium)

mineral versus the ―bad‖ (sodium) mineral with the increased attention being
placed on low sodium diets to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease,
these two nutrients are both critical to your acid/alkaline balance.

Sodium is primarily found in the fluids that circulate OUTSIDE the body‘s cells,
while potassium is primarily located INSIDE the cells. These two nutrients help
keep a balance of water between the cells and the extracellular body fluids,
and act as chemical catalysts for conduction of electrical impulses over the cell
membranes. These electrical impulses initiate nerve stimulation, the transmission
of nerve impulses and muscle activity and strength. This is why sodium and
potassium are referred to as primary electrolytes.

Sodium and potassium also work with proteins, phosphates, and carbonates to
keep a proper acid/alkaline balance in the blood. Because sodium and
potassium work together to keep the crucial acid-alkaline balance, it is
important to know that your body needs adequate amounts of these two
minerals to keep your blood slightly alkaline. But the problem is that stress, over-
exercising, poor diet and sedentary lifestyles decrease or imbalance sodium
and potassium levels while at the same time raising acid levels. This results in
fatigue, muscle weakness, poor mental focus and weakened resistance to illness
and chronic diseases.

Electrolyte deficiencies are dangerous. Potassium for instance, is critical to the

contraction of the heart muscle, and a deficiency can lead to high blood
pressure and heart problems in addition to pH imbalance. This is another reason
why it is so important to eat right, exercise correctly and reduce stress in order to
maintain proper sodium and potassium levels.


Manganese is important to the body because it helps metabolize fat, build

bones and DNA. While not as critical to pH as the other minerals, it does help to
buffer excess acids and dispose of them through the kidneys.

The All-Important Buffering Organs

Because the acid/alkaline balance is so critical, the body, rather than relying
solely on minerals and nutritional substances to maintain proper pH, provides
crucial ―back up systems‖ which are designed to prevent severe and potentially
fatal fluctuations in pH balance. Most of us don‘t realize that our lungs and
kidneys continually perform complex functions that are specific to maintaining
balanced pH, but the truth is that this little-publicized connection between pH
and the kidneys and lungs governs not only our day to day health, but our
ultimate survival as well.

The Kidneys & pH
Sometimes referred to as the ―Master Chemists,‖ the kidneys help to balance all
of the nutrients and natural chemicals in the blood. They continually regulate
the amount of water in the body, as well as the different minerals needed for
balanced blood pH. Additionally, the kidneys remove acid substances after
food has been broken down and burned by the body. The kidneys do this by
eliminating excess acids through urine, so that acid/alkaline levels in the blood
remain constant.

Another critical function of the kidneys is to produce sodium bicarbonate, which

operates as an alkaline buffer for the blood. Within the kidneys, sodium works
together with carbonate to create a buffering compound called sodium
bicarbonate. Through a complex process of ―reclamation‖ and ―regeneration‖
of sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes excess acid, the kidneys help to
maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance needed in the blood in order to
keep it at a life-sustaining pH of 7.4

When the acid levels in the blood rise, the kidneys begin to regenerate (or
produce) more sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the excess acid. Conversely,
when the sodium bicarbonate exceeds its ―bicarbonate serum concentration
threshold,‖ the kidneys excrete, or ―reclaim,‖ the bicarbonate from the blood
and dispose of it from the body via the urine, so that the blood does not
become excessively alkaline.

The maintenance of the proper sodium bicarbonate level in the kidneys to

provide a buffering system in the blood to maintain its pH is crucial to life. Even
a slight deviation in blood pH can cause serious health problems or death. For
instance, a blood pH of 6.95 (the normal being approximately 7.4) could even
result in a coma!

As the kidneys help to excrete excess sodium bicarbonate through the urine to
keep the blood from becoming too alkaline, they also excrete acids to prevent
excess acidity in the system. Under normal conditions, the kidneys excrete
about 50-100 mEq of hydrogen ions (acids) per day in the form of ammonium

It‘s important to be aware that if your urine has a persistently strong ammonia
smell to it, it may be a signal that your kidneys are working overtime to eliminate
excessive acid from the blood. This could be a sign of serious acid/alkaline
imbalance that may be linked to a significant health disorder.

It is so important to keep in mind that chronic excess stress, poor diet or
excessive exercise can place an enormous burden on the kidneys. Excessive
meat, soda, sugar and stress for instance, all form excess acid in the body which
force your kidneys to work harder and harder to eliminate and buffer.

Think about it. You work hard at an office job all day stressing mentally about
office problems; you down a hamburger and soda for lunch, have a couple
more sodas to quench your thirst in the afternoon and then head to the gym for
a grueling exercise routine after work, followed by a meat and potatoes dinner.
Your entire day has now been an acid-forming nightmare that your kidneys
have to sort out by furiously producing extra sodium bicarbonate to neutralize
the elevated levels of excess acid. Additionally, the kidneys now have to work
harder to remove unneutralized acids from the blood by forming more urine to
carry the acid out of the body.

If you repeat this scenario often enough, the kidneys will be tired and worn out
long before their time, simply because they're working far beyond the levels of
stress and acid they were designed to handle. When this happens, you‘ll start
having chronic problems with increased urination, bladder irritation, kidney
stones, kidney infections, urinary tract infections, and in extreme cases, serious
problems like kidney failure or diabetes can develop.

So the next time you reach for the soda or the junk food lunch, or experience a
grueling high-stress day, think about your kidneys and give them a rest. Have a
soothing alkaline dinner or relaxing bath — do a little massage on your lower
back where your kidneys are hard at work — and thank them for a job well

Signs of Kidney Stress

• Dark circles under the eyes.
• Lower back pain.
• Swelling in the legs.
• Sudden weight gain.
• Unexplained headaches.
• Reoccurring urinary tract infections.
• Raised ridges on fingernails.

Lungs & Breathing —
Where Did All The Oxygen Go?

The lungs provide another indispensable function in the acid/alkaline balancing

system of the body. When you inhale, you flood your lungs with oxygen which is
then distributed by your bloodstream to every cell in your body. The oxygen
that enters the blood helps neutralize the hydrogen protons (acids) and thereby
lends an alkaline boost to the body that‘s critical to maintaining your
acid/alkaline balance.

As the oxygen courses through the lungs and bloodstream, complex chemical
processes gradually convert the oxygen to carbon dioxide (CO2) which is acid-
forming in the body. The lungs expel the carbon dioxide as you exhale, so that
acid levels do not exceed acceptable limits and the pH (acid/alkaline) balance
is maintained. So both oxygen and carbon dioxide are critical to pH balance.

Can you get too much oxygen or carbon dioxide in the system? Absolutely —
just as the pH balance must be kept within a certain range, both oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels must be balanced also. If the oxygen levels are too high,
the system becomes too alkaline. If carbon dioxide levels are excessive, the
body becomes too acid.

Hyperventilation is an example of excess oxygenation. Too much oxygen is

drawn into the body too quickly and carbon dioxide levels fall. At this point, the
blood alkalinity increases dramatically severely upsetting the delicate pH
balance, and if prolonged, the person could experience serious physiological

On the other hand, shallow breathing, which is far more common, produces
more carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which results in higher acid levels. Our
breathing becomes shallow during periods of fear or stress. Long-term fears or
chronic high-stress situations such as grief, marital problems, excessive exercise,
stressful work environments, emotional upsets or even the stress of long
commutes through city traffic all affect our breathing habits.

Rather than the deep breaths that we take during relaxation and rest, hurry,
worry and fearfulness over a long period of time cause us to take smaller, more
shallow breaths that deliver a reduced stream of oxygen to the lungs, which in
turn decrease the alkaline reserves in the bloodstream, kidneys and liver.
Additionally, lack of proper exercise and a sedentary lifestyle result in poor
breathing habits which interfere with our intake of alkalinizing oxygen.

Over time, this decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide begins to
significantly disrupt pH balance as the acid levels rise throughout the system.
And as acid increases, so does the probability of pH-related health disorders.

Another obvious factor that affects our lungs‘ ability to regulate pH is

environmental pollution. Fresh clean air helps promote deep, satisfying breaths.
Smog, cigarette smoke, chemicals and dust impair our desire to breathe deeply
and what we do inhale can be a toxic acid-forming cocktail that does nothing
to promote healthy lungs or a healthy pH balance.

So let‘s review the primary causes of excess acid buildup in the body, and look
at the physical symptoms and signs of systemic acidity.

The Primary Causes of an Acid Crisis

1. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and manganese deficiencies from

poor diet, stress, smoking or illness rob the body of critical alkaline nutrient buffers
and raise internal acid levels.

2. The lack of proper rest, stress, improper diet and excessive exercise overwork
the kidneys and impair their ability to excrete acids and produce proper
amounts of alkaline sodium bicarbonate. Crash diets and fasting also increase
acidity and stress the kidneys.

3. Fear, stressful lifestyles, environmental pollution and lack of proper exercise

cause habitual shallow breathing which limits the amount of alkalinizing oxygen
available to the lungs and bloodstream and allows systemic acid levels to
increase. Smoking is another cause of an acid crisis that is not only deadly to
your lungs but to your pH balance as well.

4. Excessive exercise causes lactic acid, in particular, to build up in muscles and

tissues, resulting in muscle weakness, strain and fatigue. Rather than increasing
strength, inappropriate levels of exercise actually decrease your overall
strength, endurance and performance ability. Increased lactic acid =
decreased health and stamina.

Signs of an Acid Crisis
If you‘re experiencing any of the symptoms below over a long period of time,
you may have a problem with an internal systemic acid imbalance:

• Fatigue • Diarrhea, Constipation

• Headaches • Sore joints and muscles
• Muscle weakness • Urinary tract infection
• Bladder irritation • Arthritis or inflammation
• Wrinkles • Indigestion and heartburn
• High cholesterol • Frequent colds and flu
• Distended stomach • Kidney stones, Gallstones
• Obesity, Weight gain • Allergies
• Skin disorders (acne, • Weakened resistance
psoriasis, eczema, etc,) to infection

Now that we‘ve reviewed the key causes and signs of an acid crisis, let‘s take a
look at some of the solutions.

Overcoming the Acid Crisis
Although our modern lifestyles seem to offer few solutions to our often out of
control pH imbalances, we can begin to form some simple health habits that will
definitely help relieve an acid crisis. Remember that diet, kidney and lung
health all play a crucial part in maintaining the correct acid balance.

Another factor to be aware of is that consistent alkalinity is as much a sign of a

health disorder as chronic acidity, so be sure to monitor your pH balance as
often as possible.

Monitoring Your pH
Remember that the term ―pH‖ means potential hydrogen, or in other words, it
refers to the amount of hydrogen particles (H) (acids) that are available in your
system as potential (p) for use in acid-based chemical reactions such as

There are several different methods for measuring pH and these include blood,
urine or saliva tests. The pH of your blood can be measured by your doctor
through lab tests. Urine or saliva pH can be measured by you at home with a
simple litmus paper test. Although obviously not as accurate as lab testing, pH
tests at home can help to alert you to possible signs of pH imbalances.

Potential hydrogen or pH is measured in a logarithmic scale of 1 to 14. Numbers

below 7.0 are considered increasingly acid, (with 1 being the most acid), while
values above 7.0 are increasingly alkaline.

Blood pH must remain within a stable range of 7.0 to 7.8 with 7.4 being
considered to be optimal normal value. When blood pH falls outside of this
range serious disturbances in metabolism, cell function and electrolyte levels
occur, and even death can result. Obviously, this scenario would be seen only
in cases of serious health conditions such as heart, cardiovascular, lung or
kidney disease, or in

instances such as heat stroke in which electrolyte levels fall dangerously low.

Urine and saliva pH can be tested by means of a simple litmus paper which is
dipped into either the urine or saliva. Regardless of the base color of the litmus
paper, the paper turns a certain color after being dipped in either fluid. Then
you simply compare the results to a color chart which shows you the pH number
value that corresponds to the color of the litmus paper.

These litmus tests for urine and saliva are meant to be indicators of pH trends
within your body. In other words, a single test of either fluid is not going to be an
indicator of a health problem. Urine and saliva pH fluctuate throughout the day
in response to the foods you eat, your activity levels, water intake and other
factors. So it‘s impossible to get an accurate overview of your pH levels with a
single test. What you‘re looking for in urine and saliva pH tests is repetitive tests
that show normal or abnormal trends.

Urine Testing
Urine pH is a general indicator of how much acid is being excreted by your
kidneys. When you get up in the morning, urine pH is lower (more acid)
because you‘ve been fasting all night which means there‘s been no intake of
water or minerals to neutralize or dilute internal acid levels. Morning urine pH
can be as low as 4.5 which is normal. During the day, urine pH rises (becomes
more alkaline) as we eat and drink and the pH values will rise as high as 8.0. This
is a normal fluctuation in urine pH values. What is not normal are urine pH values
that do not change throughout the day, even when tested over a long period
of time. If your urine pH, for example, is 4.5 in the morning, afternoon and night
for a period of two weeks or more, it would indicate abnormally high levels of
internal acid and kidney or pancreatic stress.

Conversely, if your urine pH is continually high (alkaline) for long periods of time,
it could indicate a possible disruption in liver, kidney or pancreatic function.

Obviously, these types of scenarios are exceptions that most of us will never
experience. The common trends that the majority of us want to be aware of are
more subtle indications of too much acid or alkaline in our diets, or too much
work or environmental stress.

If your urine pH is consistently acid (below 6.5-7.0) after dinner and relaxation, do
more deep breathing and eat more alkaline vegetables, salads, and fruits. Drink
more water and do some relaxation exercises to relieve stress.

Retest your evening urine over several days as you make these changes, and
watch as your urine pH begins to rise and become more alkaline (7.0-8.0 or
slightly higher). By monitoring your urine pH in this way, you can make important
diet and lifestyle changes that will positively impact your overall health for years
to come.

Ideal pH Readings for Urine;

Morning 4.5 – 6.5

The Day
Evening 7.0-8.0

Saliva Testing
In the case of saliva, test values can indicate blood levels of carbon dioxide as
well as blood levels of carbonic acid and the amount of mineral stores of
sodium, calcium and bicarbonate found in the liver. If the liver‘s alkaline
reserves are low, then most likely the saliva readings will stay below 7.0 at all
times of the day. Saliva pH does not change very quickly once dietary changes
are made. However, the exception to this rule is when we are eating.

During this time, the body produces more saliva and it then draws from mineral
reserves in the blood to help keep the saliva pH in the range of 7.0 to 7.2. This is
because the enzyme, amylase, which is found in the mouth and works to break
down starches when eating, needs the saliva to be at this level to function
optimally. With the exception of this situation, saliva pH should only fluctuate
between about 3 or 4 tenths of a point on the pH scale. As a general rule
healthy saliva pH levels should fluctuate between 6.4 and 7.2 during the day.
Vegetarians, because they do not eat highly acidic meat, may fluctuate at
higher ranges, perhaps even as high as 8.4.

The Nutritional Solution
Physiological mechanisms behind pH balancing are extremely complex, but
achieving better acid/alkaline balance can be quite simple.

Start with your diet. There are certain types of food that are acid-forming such
as meats, grains and sugars. Other types of food are alkaline-forming such as
fruits and vegetables. For optimal pH maintenance, you need a balance of
both acid and alkaline foods. Many nutritionists recommend a ratio of 30%-40%
acid foods to 60%-70% alkaline foods.

The problem is that most of us eat about 80% acid foods, (the meat and potato
meals), while we leave the salad and vegetables sitting on our plates. This is one
important reason why we age faster than we have to and why we develop
disorders such as arthritis, stiff joints, aching muscles, liver problems, kidney and
gallstones, ulcers, digestive problems, gout, weakened immunity, eczema,
acne, organ degeneration and so on.

Study the acid/alkaline food chart on page 35, and begin mapping out your
strategy for a better pH-balanced diet.

An important factor that I consider in my own food choices is the Eat Right For
Your Type diet outlined by Dr. Peter D‘Adamo. Referred to as the ―blood-type
diet‖ this approach suggests, for example, that persons with an ―O‖ blood type
require a more acid diet that includes meat, while the ―A‖ blood type requires a
much more alkaline vegetarian-diet.

I like this approach and it works well for me as long as I keep the pH balancing
principles in mind. As an ―O‖ blood type, I do eat meat 3-5 times a week,
balanced with plenty of vegetables and small amounts of fruit. Whatever diet
you choose to follow, make sure you‘re balancing the ratio of acid to alkaline
foods throughout the day. You don't have to obsess over every choice you
make if you keep in mind that meats, high protein foods, grains, caffeine, sugar,
breads, sweets and carbonated beverages are the primary nutritional sources
of acids, while most vegetables and fruits are alkaline.

Caring For the Kidneys
Generally speaking, the kidneys are two of the most overlooked organs in the
body. We take drugs and supplements for the heart, stomach, liver, intestines
and pancreas, but we seldom if ever consider the health of our kidneys. The
kidneys balance every substance in our blood every second of the day,
maintaining critical levels of every nutrient and chemical in our blood while
continuously excreting excess levels of these life-sustaining elements in just the
right ratios to sustain life. They make and distribute critical hormones and
produce indispensable alkaline buffers. The kidneys do all of this and ask very
little in return other than a proper diet and moderate stress and exercise.
Continuous high stress environments, soda, junk food and frantic, heavy exercise
are damaging your kidneys and ultimately your acid/alkaline balance as well.

You don‘t have to go to extremes to care for your kidneys. Eat a healthy diet of
at least 60% alkaline foods and decrease stress in every way possible. Mental
and emotional stress put a tremendous burden on the kidneys, altering your
acid/alkaline balance, hormone balance and more. Additionally, heavy
exercise and intense physical exertion require increased electrolyte intake and
alkalinizing food and supplements so that the kidneys do not have to work
harder to buffer and excrete larger doses of lactic, acetic and carbonic acids
that are produced in response to increased muscle activity.

Relaxing baths with good quality bath salts, lower back massages, or warm
compresses on the kidney area (lower back) after a hard day are excellent for
tired kidneys.

Horsetail tea and the homeopathic remedy Berberis Vulgaris are other home
remedies that soothe overworked kidneys and allow the release of excess acids
through the urine. You‘ll find that a pH balanced diet, moderate work, stress
and exercise and these few home remedies will make all the difference in how
you feel and how well you age as the years go by.

Supporting the Lungs
The lungs eliminate carbon dioxide, an acid product of cellular metabolism. But,
to do their job effectively, we must breathe properly.

Breathing is so important to overall health that Dr. Andrew Weil, an alternative

health physician says, ―If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one
tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.‖ Nancy Zi, a breathing
expert and author, says, ―Breathing incorrectly can produce tension, exhaustion
and vocal strain, interfere with athletic activity and encourage aches and
illnesses. Breathe correctly, however, and you can melt away tension and stress,
improve energy or simply relax and unwind.‖

But, what is breathing correctly? Deep breathing, as opposed to shallow

breathing; long exhalations, instead of short ones; six to eight deep, complete
breaths, instead of 12 to 14 short, shallow breaths. Zi says that most people are
shallow breathers, but they can be taught to be deep breathers through
breathing exercises. The goal of these exercises is to make use of the entire lung
and keep the chest muscles active.

Zi recommends that we lower the diaphragm muscle by expanding the

abdomen. When this happens, the lungs elongate and draw in air. ―You don't
breathe into the abdomen; you allow it to expand comfortably all around its
circumference — back, sides and front. Proper core breathing is really the
foundation for all things — it's the foundation of health.‖

Breathing oxygenates, thus neutralizes acids in every cell of your body, from your
brain to your organs. In a study published in the English medical journal, the
Lancet, cardiac patients who took 12 to 14 shallow breaths per minute were
more likely to have low levels of blood oxygen, which, according to the study,
―may impair skeletal, muscle and metabolic function and lead to muscle
atrophy and exercise intolerance.‖

When our body rests and relaxes during breathing exercises, it eliminates excess
acids much more quickly than it produces them. The extra oxygen you get
increases the overall alkalinity of the body. Remind yourself throughout the day
to breathe deeply, especially during periods of strain, stress, pain or hard work.

Do Moderate Exercise
When we over-exercise, our bodies produce more lactic acid, which can
create extreme soreness and muscle weakness, not really the point of exercise.

The point of exercise is to slowly build up your body‘s capacity for oxygen. Start
an exercise regimen slowly and don‘t exercise to exhaustion. Then, after you‘re
done, make sure to leave plenty of time for cooling down, breathing deeply
and returning your body to a normal acid balance.

Besides increasing your oxygen levels, other benefits of moderate exercising

include deeper, more complete breathing, sweating, and elevation of the
body‘s internal temperature, which increases circulation and helps remove acid
wastes. All of these benefits act to alkalinize the body.

Reduce Stress
Any stressor, be it physical or emotional, yields an acid response. Unfortunately,
juggling tasks and meeting unrealistic deadlines are a part of the ―results-based‖
world we live in. But, this results-based world can result in unhealthy bodies!

Stress of any kind forces our bodies into the ―fight or flight‖ mode, which means
that the body generates hormones, redirects resources away from the digestive
tract, contracts some muscles and relaxes others. If the situation does resolve by
either fighting off the adversary or escaping from it, the body relaxes, the acid
wastes are flushed from the system, and the body returns to its normal pH

If, however, the situation is not resolved, the acid wastes accumulate, and your
body remains in a constant state of emergency readiness. That means your
muscles are tense, your heartbeat is rapid, your breathing is shallow and your
digestive system is disrupted, which, in turn, creates more excess acid.

It‘s so important to do everything you can to relieve stress. Relaxation

techniques, swimming, bathing, massages, anti-stress supplements and alkaline
foods are crucial for combating stress and for neutralizing damaging acids.
Make a habit of doing conscious relaxation activities every day.

So to summarize, the steps below recap the simple, effective ways that you can
begin to change your acid/alkaline balance for the better and avoid an acid

Solutions to the Acid Crisis
1. Eat a pH balanced diet (about 60% alkaline foods and 40% acid foods).

2. Avoid heavy stress and exercise that can overwork the kidneys.

3. Practice deep breathing that allows the lungs and abdomen to expand and
oxygenate the body.

4. Demand and take consistent rest and relaxation to reduce the acid load on
internal organs.

5. Take extra electrolytes or alkalinizing supplements during times of stress, after

heavy acid meals and following exercise and sports activities. Also drink plenty
of pure water every day to dilute excess acid.

6. Get outdoors into the fresh air as often as possible to do gentle walking and
deep breathing — even sitting outdoors is beneficial.

7. Completely eliminate the major acid crisis culprits — sodas, coffee and
cigarettes and minimize alcohol and junk food intake.*

*Remember that drinks like colas contain acids so strong they can be used as
industrial solvents. Cola can have a pH value lower then 2.0. Your optimum
blood pH is about 7.4. Can you imagine how hard your body‘s pH balancing
systems have to work to buffer and excrete so strong an acid?

8. Avoid strenuous dieting and fasting. These practices produce excess

stomach acid or other internal acids and reduce the amount of alkaline
reserves, placing particular stress on the kidneys and liver.

9. Practice positive living. Negative emotions negatively impact our appetite,

digestion, activity levels and more, which in turn adversely affects our internal
pH balance.

In conclusion, your pH balance is a barometer for your whole body‘s well-being,

so monitor your pH levels, use the solutions above and your body will reward you
with a healthier, longer life that is well worth the effort!

Acid/Alkaline Food Chart

7.5 - Lemons; Watermelon

7.0 - Agar Agar; Cantaloupe; Cayenne; Dried Dates & Figs; Kelp; Karengo;
Kudzu Root; Limes; Mango; Melons; Papaya; Parsley; Seedless Grapes, Sweet;
Watercress; Seaweeds

6.5 - Asparagus; Endive; Kiwifruit; Fruit Juices; Grapes, Sweet; Passionfruit; Pears,
Sweet; Pineapple; Raisins; Umeboshi Plums; Vegetable Juices

6.0 - Apples, Sweet; Apricots; Alfalfa Sprouts; Arrowroot Flour; Bananas; Berries;
Currants; Dates & Figs, Fresh; Garlic; Gooseberry; Grapes, Less Sweet; Grapefruit;
Guavas, Herbs, Leafy Green; Lettuce, Leafy Green; Nectarines, Peaches, Sweet;
Pears, Less Sweet; Peas, Fresh, Sweet; Persimmon; Pumpkin, Sweet

5.5 - Apples, Sour; Bamboo Shoots; Beans, Fresh Green; Beets; Bell Pepper;
Broccoli; Cabbage; Cauliflower; Carob; Ginger, Fresh; Grapes, Sour; Lettuce,
Pale Green; Oranges; Parsnip; Peaches, Less Sweet; Peas, Less Sweet; Potatoes
and Skin; Pumpkin, Less Sweet; Raspberry; Sapote; Strawberry; Squash; Sweet
Corn, Fresh; Tamari; Turnip; Vinegar, Apple Cider

5.0 - Almonds; Artichokes, Jerusalem; Brown Rice Syrup; Brussels Sprouts; Cherries;
Coconut, Fresh; Cucumbers; Egg Plant; Honey, Raw; Leeks; Miso; Mushrooms;
Okra; Olives, Ripe; Onions; Pickles, Home Made; Radish; Sea Salt; Spices;
Tomatoes, Sweet; Vinegar, Sweet Brown Rice

4.5 - Chestnuts, Dry Roasted; Egg Yolks, Soft Cooked; Essene Bread; Goat‘s Milk
and Whey, Raw; Mayonnaise, Home Made; Millet; Olive Oil; Quinoa; Sesame

Seeds, Whole; Soy Beans, Dry; Soy Cheese; Soy Milk; Sprouted Grains; Tempeh;
Tofu; Tomatoes, Less Sweet; Yeast, Nutritional Flakes

4.0 - Butter, Fresh, Unsalted; Cream, Fresh and Raw; Margarine; Milk, Raw Cow‘s;
Oils (Except Olive Oil); Whey, Cow‘s; Yogurt, Plain

3.5 - Blueberries; Brazil Nuts; Butter, Salted; Cheeses, Mild and Crumbly; Crackers,
Unrefined Rye; Dried Beans, Mung, Adzuki, Pinto, Kidney and Garbanzo; Dry
Coconut; Egg Whites; Goat‘s Milk, Homogenized; Olives, Pickled; Pecans; Plums;

3.0 - Barley Malt Syrup; Barley (Rye); Bran; Cashews; Cereals, Unrefined With
Honey, Fruit Or Maple Syrup; Cornmeal; Cranberries; Fructose; Honey,
Pasteurized; Lentils; Macadamia Nuts; Maple Syrup, Unprocessed; Milk,
Homogenized and Most Processed Dairy Products; Molasses, Unsulphered,
Organic; Nutmeg; Mustard; Pistachios; Popcorn, Plain; Rice or Wheat Crackers,
Unrefined; Rye Bread, Organic Sprouted; Seeds, Pumpkin and Sunflower;

2.5 - Bananas, Green; Buckwheat; Cheeses, Sharp and Tasty; Corn and Rice
Breads; Egg, Whole (Cooked Hard); Ketchup; Mayonnaise; Oats; Oats, Rye
(Organic); Pasta, Whole Grain; Pastry, Whole Grain and Honey; Peanuts;
Potatoes, Without Skin; Popcorn With Salt and Butter; Rice, Basmati; Rice, Brown;
Soy Sauce, Commercial; Tapioca; Wheat Bread, Sprouted Organic

2.0 - Cigarette Tobacco (Roll Your Own); Cream of Wheat, Unrefined; Fish; Fruit
Juices Made With Sugar; Maple Syrup, Processed; Molasses, Sulphured; Pickles,
Commercial; Breads (Refined) of Corn, Oats, Rice and Rye; Cereals (Refined)
eg. Corn Flakes; Shellfish; Wheat germ; Whole Wheat Foods; Wine; Yogurt,

1.5 - Beer; Brown Sugar; Chicken; Deer; Chocolate; Coffee; Custard, With White
Sugar; Jams; Jellies; Liquor; Pasta, White; Rabbit; Semolina; Table Salt, Refined
and Iodized; Tea, Black; Turkey; Wheat Bread; White Rice; White Vinegar,

1.0 - Beef; Carbonated Soft Drinks and Fizzy Drinks; Cigarettes; Drugs (Tailor-
Made); Flour, White and Wheat; Goat; Lamb; Pastries and Cakes From White
Flour; Pork; Sugar, White

0.5 - Artificial Sweeteners


1. Aihara, Herman, Acid & Alkaline, Oroville, California, George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation,

2. Baroody, Theodore A., Alkalize Or Die, Waynesville, North Carolina, Holographic Health Press, 1991.

3. Bartlett, Peter. Using pH as a measure of Digestive Physiology.

4. www.positivehealth.com/permit/Articles/Colon%20Health/ph.html. Accessed via the Internet Sept.

15, 2000.

5. Cecil, Textbook Of Medicine, 18th Edition (Edited by James B. Wyngaarden, M.D. and Lloyd H.
Smith, Jr., M.D.), 1988, W.B. Saunders Company, pp. 516-559.

6. Clayman, Charles B. and Vaughn, Sam. American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine.
Random House, 1989.

7. Eades, Mary Dan, M.D. The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals. Princeton, NJ: Philp
Lief Group Inc., 2000.

8. ****Gay, W. and Rothenberger, A. Color Atlas of Physiology.

9. Health Answers. ―Chronic renal failure.‖ www.healthanswers.com/centers/body/

overview.asp?id=urinary+system&filename=559.html. Accessed via the Internet Sept. 21, 2000.

10. Hogle, Mary C. Building Up with Foods that Alkalize and Heal, 14th Edition. Mokelumne Hill,
CA:Health Research.

11. How To Maintain Acid-Alkaline Balance by Eating the Right Food.

www.healthlibrary.com/reading/yod/oct/ eating.html. (September 12, 2000)

12. Le Beau, James. Balance Your pH: Step One, Perfect Health Made Simple, Thiensville, WI: Perfect
Health Foundation, 1992.

13. Lieberman, Bobbie. ―It‘s Easy When You Don‘t Try.‖ Discoveryhealth.com,

14. http://health.discovery.com/explore/alt/ deepbreath/deepbreathe.html. Accessed via the

Internet Dec. 19, 2001.

15. Morter, M.T. Jr., pH: Your Potential For Health, Rogers, AK: Morter HealthSystem, 1996.

16. PH. www.doubleplus.com/abchealth/ph.html. Accessed via the Internet Sept. 11, 2000.

17. Physician's Desk Reference. The PDR Family guide to Nutrition and Health. Montvale, NJ: Medical
Economics, 1995.

18. Rawn, David J. Biochemistry. Burlington, NC: Neil Patterson Publishers, 1989.

19. University of Iowa Health Care. ―Breathing Exercises.‖ www.uihealthcare.com/topics/respiratory

problems/resp3542.html. Accessed via the Internet Dec. 19, 2001.

20. Whang, Sang, Reverse Aging: Not Science Fiction, But A Scientific Fact! Miami, Florida, JSP
Publishing, 1990.


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