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The word career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a person's "course or progress
through life (or a distinct portion of life)". In this definition career is understood to relate to a range
of aspects of an individual's life, learning and work. A third way in which the term career is used
to describe an occupation or a profession that usually involves special training or formal
education,[1] and is considered to be a persons lifework.[2] In this case "a career" is seen as a
sequence of related jobs usually pursued within a single industry or sector e.g. "a career in
education" or "a career in the building trade".
Waaay to formal for my liking to be really honest
I would just define career as a set of activities a person needs to perform daily in order to keep
his life moving on track. Those activities can be widely ranging from cooking meals each day for
a hundred to thousand people or explaining verses of a particular poem or a really difficult
trigonometric problem to around 120 kids each day, or roaming about to various new places,
meeting new people, or just sitting in one cubicle for the rest of their lives watching the statistics
change before their eyes.
Traditionally, the first step towards making the path of the career begins at the age of sixteen
when one enters grade eleventh and starts studying specific subjects of their choice.
Science. Commerce. Or Humanities.
One thing ironic to this is that ninety percent of the population taking this step has no idea what
they want with their life. People at the age of sixteen, are vulnerable and are often coaxed into
taking decisions that they later regret.
And so to minimise the effect of this little mistake, people again have a choice at the age of 18 or
19, usually 2 or 3 years after they started with their specified subjects, to decide whether they
REALLY want to make a living out of the path they chose earlier or they want to switch.
This comes as a relief to many people on the path.
Then comes higher education. Being trained in the field they want to be a part of, for the rest of
their lives is what happen here, at colleges and universities.
At this age people are wise enough to actually take decisions for themselves. And so they usually
end up with a suitable career and make their lives better each day.
But there is always a scope for change. One can sart with science, do engineering, then decide
that its not what he wants, then go in for MBA and banking, spend a couple years thee and then
again decide that the field isnt suiting enough and turn to a complete different path, writing
novels and still earn a lot of money to suit him and his family best for the rest of his life.
YES. Its chetan bhagat im talking about.
So yeah. The choices never end.
And there is always hope in each thing one does.

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