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TrinityCore Understand & Implement of Private Sever

2. Environment Client - Windows 8 - WoW Client: 3.3.5a Server - Virtual box,
Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB 335.52
3. What will we learn from this course?
4. Server setting apt-get update apt-get install openssh-server sudo ufw
enable sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw allow 3306 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo
ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw disable
5. Getting started $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc
g++ make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar $ sudo aptget install openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15dev libmysql++-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev
6. Debian-based distributions If you are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 7
or some 2013 linux distributions you will also need: $ sudo apt-get install
7. Creating a user to work with $ sudo adduser <username>
8. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) $ sudo apt-get
install libace-dev
9. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) TrinityCore
requires a specific communication-library for inter-process
communication, and as such needs special attention on that matter. This
is because most distributions (even the most recent ones) do not supply
the version required by TrinityCore as part of their basepackages.
10.Building the server itself Getting the sourcecode cd ~/ git clone
git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git A directory trinitycore will be
created automatically and all the source files will be stored in there.
11.Creating the build-directory To avoid issues with updates and colliding
sourcebuilds, we create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any
possible issues due to that (if any might occur) mkdir build cd build
12.Configuring for compiling To configure the core, we use space-separated
parameters attached to the configuration-tool (cmake) - do read the
entire section before even starting on the configuration-part. <u>This is
for your own good, and you HAVE been warned. A full example will also
be shown underneath the explanations.</u> cmake ../TrinityCore/
-DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server DWITH_WARNINGS=1
13.Building the core After configuring and checking that everything is in
order (read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some
time unless you are on a rather fast machine) make make install

14.Building the core If you have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use
of those during compile : make -j <number of cores> make install
15.Building the core After compiling and installing, you will find your core
binaries in /home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard
configuration files in the /home/<username>/server/etc folder. (As usual,
replace <username> with the username you created earlier). Now you
can continue reading on and learn how to update the sourcetree.
16.Keeping the code up to date TrinityCore developers are always at work
fixing and adding new features to the core. You can always check them
here. To update the core files, do the following : cd ~/TrinityCore/ git pull
origin master Now return to the compilation-section again, and repeat
the instructions there.
17.Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQ-reader library Installation of the libMPQ
library is only required if you want to extract the datafiles, and/or
compile the tools. Do note that the library has been hardlinked to the
binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the tools are
18.Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ Change directory to
~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this Alternative 2 : Systemwide
installation sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install
19.Optional software Graphical database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,
http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ Remote
console connects to the server Putty,
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ Putty Tray,
http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer through SFTP or FTP WinSCP,
20.Installing MySQL Server When configuring MySQL make sure you
remember the password you set for the default root account and that
you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines. You can leave all the
other settings as default. You might want to enable remote access to
your MySQL server if your are also testing a website for your Trinity
server or if you have friends testing with you which need access from
remote. Remember that this will decrease the security level of your
MySQL server!
21.Installing The Trinity Databases Trinity needs three databases to run Auth, Characters, and World: auth - holds account data - usernames,
passwords, GM access, realm information, etc. characters - holds
character data - created characters, inventory, bank items, auction
house, tickets, etc. world - holds game-experience content such as NPCs,
quests, objects, etc.
22.Setting up MySQL Server 1.Create the three databases by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/create/create_mysql.sql. You now have three

databases - auth, characters, and world. You may need to refresh your
program in order to see the new databases. 2.Click on the "auth"
database and import the auth database structure by importing
23.Setting up MySQL Server 3.Click on the "characters" database and
import the characters database structure by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/base/character_database.sql. 4.Click on the "world"
database and import the world database structure by extracting and
importing the "TDB_full" .sql file you downloaded from the Downloading
the Database section. *
24.Keeping the DB up to date Note: You can run the following query on the
World database to see your current DB and core revision: SELECT * FROM
25.Setting up MySQL Server 1.Extract the TDB_FULL.sql file from the archive
and import it into your world database. 2.If they exist, also import the
characters_ and auth_ .sql files into their respective databases. 3.Once
this is finished and you have already compiled your source, you may run
the worldserver.exe to load your server. The revision update is complete.
26.TrinityCore Database configuration
27.Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/create# mysql -u root
p < create_mysql.sql
28.Database Config mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database |
+--------------------+ | auth | | characters | | world | +--------------------+ 7
rows in set (0.01 sec)
29.Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql# cat
create/create_mysql.sql GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost'
utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `characters` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `auth` DEFAULT
ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL
PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost'
30.Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base# mysql -u trinity
p auth < auth_database.sql root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base#
mysql -u trinity p characters < characters_database.sql

31.Database Config root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/TDB_full_335.

52_2013_07_17# mysql -u trinity -p world < TDB_full_335.
32.Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/world# mysql
-u trinity -p world < 2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Enter password:
33.Realmlist table You need to make sure that the authserver directs
incoming connections to your realm. In the auth database there is a
table called realmlist, where you need to edit the field *address*
according to your needs :
34.Realmlist table -- Leave default localhost if you are connecting
alone from the same machine TrinityCore runs on. <Your LOCAL
NETWORK ip> -- Use the machine's LAN ip if you want other computers
from the same network as the TrinityCore server to connect to your
server. <Your PUBLIC NETWORK ip> -- Use your PUBLIC ip if you have
friends and testers which need to connect your server from the internet.
35.Realmlist table An example of how it would look with a real address: use
auth; update realmlist set address = '' where id = 1;
36.Realmlist table mysql> describe realmlist; +---------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ | Field | Type |
Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------------------+----------------------+-----+-----+---------------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL |
auto_increment | | name | varchar(32) | NO | UNI | | | | address |
varchar(255) | NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar(255) | NO | | | | | localSubnetMask | varchar(255) | NO | | | | |
port | smallint(5) unsigned | NO | | 8085 | | | icon | tinyint(3) unsigned |
NO | |0 | | | flag | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |2 | | | timezone | tinyint(3)
unsigned | NO | |0 | | | allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0
| | | population | float unsigned | NO | |0 | | | gamebuild | int(10) unsigned
| NO | | 12340 | | +----------------------+----------------------+------+----+---------------+----------------+ 12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
37.Realmlist table mysql> update realmlist set address = ''
where id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1
Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist where id = 1;
+----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+-----+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | id | name | address |
localAddress | localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone |
allowedSecurityLevel | population | gamebuild | +----+---------+----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+----------+--------------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 12340 | +----+---------+----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+----------+--------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

38.Check version mysql> select * from version;

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+----------+ | core_version | core_revision |
db_version | cache_id |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 201307-29 21:46:49 +0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 |
TDB 335.52 | 52 |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
39.DB update script #!/bin/bash
FILES=~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/dbname/*.* for f in $FILES do echo
"Processing $f file..." mysql --password=password dbname < $f done
40.TrinityCore Setting up the Server config
41.Extracting dbc, maps and vmaps files In order to run, TrinityCore needs
dbc- and map-files. In addition, if you want to enable vmaps (Making
NPCs unable to see through walls etc.) you will need to extract them as
42.dbc and maps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/mapextractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data cp -r dbc maps
43.vmaps and mmaps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4extractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/mmaps cp -r vmaps mmaps
/home/<username>/server/data cp Buildings/*
44.Configuring the server First of all you need to create 2 files :
worldserver.conf and authserver.conf in your
/home/<username>/server/etc/ folder. You'll find 2 files named
worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist. Copy these to their
namesakes without the .dist extension. cp worldserver.conf.dist
worldserver.conf cp authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf
45.worldserver.conf Edit MySQL account username and password (instead of
trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity; auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity; world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity; characters"
46.worldserver.conf vmap.enableLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableHeight
= 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.petLOS = 1 -- set this to 0
vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 -- set this to 0

47.worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 RealmServerPort = 3724

48.Check a port root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep
8085 tcp 0 0 *:8085 *:* LISTEN root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc#
netstat -a |grep 3724 tcp 0 0 *:3724 *:* LISTEN
49.Check a port from PC to Server C:>telnet 3724 C:>telnet 8085
50.authserver.conf Edit MySQL account username and password (instead of
trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"
51.NAT port forwarding in Virtulbox
52.TrinityCore Getting start
53.Server directory
55.Create account You can type commands inside the worldserver program,
similar to a command prompt. Type: account create <user> <pass>
Example: account create test test Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1 DO !NEVER! create an account
directly into your database unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you
know what and how to do! The "3" is the GM account level (higher
numbers = more access), and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all
57.Wow Client realmlist.wtf
58.Future configuration Client - Windows 8 Wow Client WoW Client Server
- Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 Game Server auth world Database
Server auth, world, character Auth Server World Server auth db world
db character db
59.TrinityCore Reference & Trouble shooting
60.Reference sites http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack download
61.download dbc, maps and vmaps files http://goo.gl/ATbYYG
62.Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 #tcpdump tcp port 21 #tcpdump dst host
aaa #tcpdump src host aaa root@vTrinity13:~# tcpdump -p -i lo -s 0 -l
-w - dst port 3306 | strings --bytes=6 > query.txt
63.make compile error 1 [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/CommandLine/CliRunnable.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object

dir/RemoteAccess/RASocket.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object

/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp:
In member function Virtual void RARunnable::run()
64.make compile error 2
.cpp:78:72: error: no matching function for call to ACE_Reactor::
run_reactor_event_loop(ACE_Time_Value) compilation terminated due to
-Wfatal-errors. make[2]: ***
dir/RemoteAccess/RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: ***
[src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2 make: ***
[all] Error 2
65.make compile error 3 collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed]
Not TC error, for sure shared or VPS, complile got killed because high cpu
ussage. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=512 sudo
mkswap /tmp/swap sudo swapon /tmp/swap

Principio del formulario

1. TrinityCore Entender y Aplicar de Private Sever
2 Entorno de cliente - Windows 8 - WoW cliente:. 3.3.5a Servidor - caja virtual,
Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB 335.52
3. Qu vamos a aprender de este curso?
4. Establecer Servidor apt-get update apt-get instalar sudo openssh-server
UFW sudo permiten UFW permiten 22 sudo UFW permiten sudo 3306 UFW
permiten 3.724 sudo UFW sudo UFW 8085 permiten desactivar
5. Obtencin de $ comenzado sudo apt-get install autoconf build-essential
libtool gcc g+ + hacer enlaces wget cmake patch git-core zip descomprimir
descomprimir $ sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysqlcliente libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql + +-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev
. 6 distribuciones basadas en Debian Si est usando Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian
7 o algunas distribuciones de Linux 2013 tambin necesitar: $ sudo apt-get
install libncurses5-dev
7. Creacin de un usuario para trabajar con $ sudo adduser <username>

8. Instalacin de ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) $ sudo apt-get

install libace-dev
9. Instalacin de ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) TrinityCore
requiere una comunicacin de biblioteca especfica para la comunicacin entre
procesos, y como tal, requiere una atencin especial en el caso. Esto es porque
la mayora de las distribuciones (incluso los ms recientes) no suministran la
versin requerida por TrinityCore como parte de sus basepackages.
10. Construir el propio servidor Conseguir el cdigo fuente cd ~ / git clone git :/
/ github.com / TrinityCore / TrinityCore.git A TrinityCore directorio se crear
automticamente y todos los archivos de cdigo fuente se almacena all.
11. Crear el directorio de construccin Para evitar problemas con las
actualizaciones y chocar sourcebuilds, creamos un directorio de construccin
especfica, por lo que evitamos posibles problemas debido a que (en su caso
podra ocurrir) mkdir build cd construimos
. 12 Configuracin para la compilacin Para configurar el ncleo, utilizamos
parmetros separados por espacios vinculados a la herramienta de
configuracin (cmake) - no leer toda la seccin antes incluso de comenzar en la
parte de configuracin. <u> Esto es para su propio bien, y que ha sido
advertido. Un ejemplo completo tambin se mostrar debajo de las
explicaciones. </ U> cmake .. / TrinityCore /-DPREFIX = / home / <username> /
servidor DWITH_WARNINGS = 1
13. Construccin del ncleo Despus de configurar y comprobar que todo est
en orden (leer la salida cmakes), usted puede construir Trinidad (esto tomar
algn tiempo a menos que est en una mquina bastante rpida) make make
. 14 La construccin de la central Si tiene varios ncleos de CPU, se puede
habilitar el uso de aquellos durante la compilacin: make-j <Cantidad cores>
make install
15. Construccin del ncleo Despus de compilar e instalar, usted encontrar
los binarios del ncleo en / home / <username> / server / bin y los archivos de
configuracin estndar en el hogar / <username> / servidor / carpeta / etc.
(Como de costumbre, reemplace <username> con el nombre de usuario que
ha creado anteriormente). Ahora se puede seguir leyendo y aprender cmo
actualizar el SourceTree.
16. Mantener el cdigo hasta la fecha los desarrolladores TrinityCore estn
siempre en el trabajo de fijacin y la adicin de nuevas caractersticas para el
ncleo. Siempre puede comprobar aqu. Para actualizar los archivos principales,
haga lo siguiente: cd ~ / TrinityCore / git origin master tirn Ahora volver a la
seccin de compilacin de nuevo, y repetir las instrucciones.
17. Instalacin libmpq (MoPaQ) Biblioteca MPQ-reader de instalacin de la
biblioteca libmpq slo es necesario si se desea extraer los archivos de datos,
y / o compilar las herramientas. Ten en cuenta que la biblioteca se ha
hardlinked al binario en revisiones posteriores, y no est "forzada" a menos que
se requieren las herramientas.
. 18 El configurar, compilar e instalar el directorio libmpq Cambiar a ~ /
TrinityCore / dep / libmpq / antes de hacer esto Alternativa 2:.. Sh instalacin
Systemwide / autogen.sh / configure make sudo make install

19. El software opcional grfica database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,

http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ consola
remota se conecta al servidor Masilla, http:/ / www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ ~
sgtatham / putty / putty Tray, http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer travs de
SFTP o FTP WinSCP, http://winscp.net/eng/
20. Instalacin de MySQL Server Al configurar MySQL Asegrese de recordar la
contrasea que estableci para la cuenta root por defecto y que habilit
MyISAM y InnoDB motores. Usted puede dejar todos los otros ajustes por
defecto. Es posible que desee habilitar el acceso remoto a su servidor MySQL si
tambin estn probando un sitio web para su servidor Trinidad o si usted tiene
pruebas de amigos con usted que necesitan acceso de forma remota. Recuerde
que esto disminuir el nivel de seguridad de su servidor MySQL!
. 21 Instalacin de la Trinidad Bases de datos Trinidad tenga tres bases de
datos para ejecutar - Auth, Personajes y Mundial: auth - posee los datos de la
cuenta - nombres de usuario, contraseas, acceso a GM, informacin de
dominio, etc personajes - Contiene los datos de carcter - personajes creados,
el inventario, los bancos elementos, la casa de subastas, entradas, etc mundo Mantiene el contenido del juego-experiencia como NPCs, misiones, objetos, etc
22. Configuracin del servidor MySQL 1.Create las tres bases de datos
mediante la importacin / root / TrinityCore / sql / crear / create_mysql.sql.
Ahora tiene tres bases de datos - auth, personajes, y mundo. Es posible que
tenga que actualizar el programa con el fin de ver las nuevas bases de datos.
2.Haga clic en la base de datos "de autenticacin" e importar la estructura de
la base de datos de autenticacin mediante la importacin / root / TrinityCore /
sql / base / auth_database.sql.
23. Configuracin del servidor MySQL 3.Haga clic en la base de datos
"personajes" e importar la estructura de base de datos mediante la
importacin de caracteres / root / TrinityCore / sql / base /
character_database.sql. 4.Haga clic en la base de datos "mundo" e importar la
estructura de base de datos mundial mediante la extraccin e importacin de
la "TDB_full". Sql que descarg de la descarga de la seccin de base de datos. *
. 24 Mantener el DB al da Nota: Puede ejecutar la siguiente consulta en la base
de datos del mundo para ver a su actual base de datos y la revisin de la base:
SELECT * FROM `versin ';
25. Configuracin del servidor MySQL 1.Extract el archivo TDB_FULL.sql del
archivo y la importacin en su base de datos mundial. 2.Cuando existen,
tambin importe el characters_ y auth_. Sql en sus respectivas bases de datos.
3.Una vez terminado esto y ya ha compilado el cdigo fuente, se puede correr
el worldserver.exe para cargar su servidor. La actualizacin de la revisin se
haya completado.
26. TrinityCore configuracin de base de datos
27 Base de datos de configuracin root @ vTrinity13:. ~ / TrinityCore / sql /
mysql crear #-u root p <create_mysql.sql
. 28 Base de datos de configuracin de mysql> show databases; +
-------------------- + | Database | + -------------------- + | auth | | personajes | | mundo

| + -------------------- + 7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

. 29 Base de datos de configuracin root @ vTrinity13: ~ / TrinityCore / sql # cat
crear / create_mysql.sql GRANT Uso en *. * TO 'trinidad' @ 'localhost'
DATABASE `mundo` COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;
Crear base de datos `personajes` COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET utf8; CREATE DATABASE `auth` COLLATE utf8_general_ci
`caracteres`. * TO 'trinidad' @ 'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL
PRIVILEGIOS EN `auth`. * TO 'trinidad' @ 'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
30 Base de datos de configuracin root @ vTrinity13:. ~ / TrinityCore / sql / base
# mysql-u trinidad p auth <auth_database.sql root @ vTrinity13: personajes ~ /
TrinityCore / sql / base # mysql-u trinidad p <characters_database.sql
31. Base de datos de configuracin root @ vTrinity13 :/ home/joo/TDB_full_335.
52_2013_07_17 # mysql-u-p trinidad mundo <TDB_full_335.
32 Base de datos de configuracin root @ vTrinity13:. ~ / TrinityCore / sql /
updates / mundo # mysql-u-p trinidad mundo
<2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Introduce el password:
33. Mesa Realmlist Usted necesita asegurarse de que el authserver dirige las
conexiones entrantes a su reino. En la base de datos de autenticacin hay un
llamado realmlist mesa, donde tiene que editar el campo * Direccin * de
acuerdo a sus necesidades:
. 34 tabla Realmlist - Deja localhost por defecto si se est conectando
a solas desde la misma mquina TrinityCore ejecuta. <Su Ip> RED LOCAL Utilice LAN IP de la mquina si quiere que otros ordenadores de la misma red
que el servidor TrinityCore para conectarse a su servidor. RED PBLICA <Su ip>
- Use su IP pblica si usted tiene amigos y probadores que necesitan para
conectar el servidor a travs de Internet.
. 35 tabla Realmlist Un ejemplo de cmo se vera con una direccin real: el uso
de autenticacin; direccin ajustada actualizacin realmlist = '192 .168.56.1
'donde id = 1;
. 36 tabla Realmlist mysql> describe realmlist; + ---------------------- +
---------------------- + --- --- + ----- + --------------- + ---------------- + | campo | Tipo |
Null | clave | Predeterminado | adicional | + ---------------------- + -------------------- + ------ + ----- + --------------- + ---------------- + | Identificacin | int (10) unsigned |
NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | Nombre | varchar (32) | NO | UNI | | | | |
direccin varchar (255) | NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar (255) | NO |
| | | | localSubnetMask | varchar (255) | NO | | | | |
puerto | smallint (5) unsigned | No | | 8085 | | | icono | tinyint (3) unsigned | NO
| | 0 | | | bandera | tinyint (3) unsigned | NO | | 2 | | | zona horaria | tinyint (3)
unsigned | NO | | 0 | | | allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint (3) unsigned | No | | 0 | | |
poblacin | flotar sin firma | NO | | 0 | | | gamebuild | int (10) unsigned | No | |
12340 | | + ------------------- --- + ---------------------- + ------ + ----- + ---------- ----- +
---------------- + 12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

. 37 tabla Realmlist mysql> set address actualizacin realmlist = '192 .

168.56.1 'donde id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Filas encontrados:
1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist donde id = 1; +---+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | Identificacin | Nombre | Direccin |
localAddress | localSubnetMask | puerto | cono | bandera | zona horaria |
allowedSecurityLevel | poblacin | gamebuild | +----+---------+----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+----------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinidad | | | | 8085 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12340 | +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+-----+------+------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00
. 38 Compruebe la versin mysql> select * from versin;
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | Core_version | core_revision | db_version | cache_id |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 29/07/2013 21:46:49
+0100 (rama principal) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 | TDB 335,52 | 52 |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
.!. 39 script de actualizacin DB # / bin / bash FILES = ~ / TrinityCore / sql /
updates / dbname / * * for f in $ FILES do echo "Procesando archivo $ f ..."
mysql - password = password dbname <$ f done
40. TrinityCore Configuracin de la config del servidor
41. Extraer DBC, mapas y archivos Vmaps el fin de ejecutarlo, TrinityCore
necesita DBC-y del mapa-files. Adems, si desea habilitar vmaps (Making NPCs
no pueden ver a travs de paredes, etc) tendr que extraer de ellos tambin.
42. Archivos mapas <su cd dbc y WoW mapas dbc cp-r mkdir directory cliente /
home / <username> / server / bin / mapextractor / home / <username> /
server / datos / home / <username> / server / datos
43. <su Vmaps y mmaps archivos cd WoW mkdir directory cliente / home /
<username> / server/bin/vmap4extractor / home / <username> / server / data
/ vmaps mkdir / home / <username> / server / data / mmaps cp-r Vmaps
mmaps / Edificios cp casa / <username> / servidor / data / * / home /
<username> / server / data / vmaps
. 44 Configuracin del servidor En primer lugar usted necesita para crear 2
archivos: worldserver.conf y authserver.conf en su / home / <username> /
servidor / etc / carpeta. Usted encontrar 2 archivos llamados
worldserver.conf.dist y authserver.conf.dist. Copie estos a sus homnimos sin la
extensin dist.. cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf cp authserver.conf.dist
. 45 worldserver.conf Editar nombre de usuario y la contrasea cuenta MySQL
(en lugar de la trinidad, trinidad). LoginDatabaseInfo = "; 3306;
trinidad, trinidad; auth" WorldDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; trinidad,
trinidad; mundo" CharacterDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; trinidad, trinidad;
46 worldserver.conf vmap.enableLOS = 1 -. Ajstelo a 0 vmap.enableHeight =

1 - ponga esto en 0 vmap.petLOS = 1 - ponga esto en 0

vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 - ponga esto en 0
47. Worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 = 3724 RealmServerPort
. 48 Disponibilidad de una raz puerto @ vTrinity13 :/ home / joo / servidor / etc
# netstat-a | grep 8085 tcp 0 0 *: 8085 *: * LISTEN root @ vTrinity13 :/ home /
joo / servidor / etc # netstat-a | grep 3724 tcp 0 0 *: 3724 *: * LISTEN
. 49 Echa un puerto del PC al servidor C:> telnet 3724 C:> telnet 8085
. 50 authserver.conf Editar nombre de usuario y la contrasea cuenta MySQL
(en lugar de la trinidad, trinidad). LoginDatabaseInfo = "; 3306;
trinidad, trinidad; auth"
51. Reenvo de puertos NAT en Virtulbox
52. TrinityCore Obtencin de inicio
53. Directory Server
54. WorldServer
55. Crear cuenta Puede escribir comandos dentro del programa WorldServer,
similar a un smbolo del sistema. Tipo: Cuenta Crear <usuario> <Pasar>
Ejemplo: crear cuentas de prueba Tipo de prueba: disposicin de la cuenta
gmlevel <usuario> 3 -1 Ejemplo: cuenta de prueba al gmlevel 3 -1 HACER
NUNCA! crear una cuenta directamente en su base de datos a menos que est
absolutamente seguro de que usted sabe qu hacer y cmo hacerlo! El "3" es
el nivel de GM cuenta (los nmeros ms altos = ms acceso), y el "1" es el ID
de dominio que es sinnimo de "todos los mbitos".
56. AuthServer
57. Wow realmlist.wtf Cliente
58 Client configuracin Future -. Windows 8 Wow Cliente WoW Client Server Virtual Box, Ubuntu 13.04 Juego Servidor de autenticacin mundo
Base de datos del servidor de autenticacin, mundo, carcter Servidor de
autenticacin del servidor de autenticacin Mundial mundo db db db carcter
59. TrinityCore Referencia y Solucin de problemas
60. Los sitios de referencia http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack descargar
http://jeutie.info/downloads/ # toggle-id-3
61. Descarga DBC, mapas y Vmaps archivos http://goo.gl/ATbYYG
. 62 Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 # tcpdump puerto tcp 21 # tcpdump dst host
# tcpdump aaa aaa src anfitrin root @ vTrinity13: ~ # tcpdump-p-i lo-s 0-l-w puerto dst 3306 | cuerdas - bytes = 6> query.txt
63. Hacer error de compilacin 1 [99%] Building CXX objeto src / server /
WorldServer / CMakeFiles / WorldServer. dir / CommandLine / CliRunnable.cpp.o
[99%] Building CXX objeto src / server / WorldServer / CMakeFiles / WorldServer.
dir / RemoteAccess / RASocket.cpp.o [99%] Building CXX objeto src / server /
WorldServer / CMakeFiles / WorldServer. . dir / RemoteAccess /
RARunnable.cpp.o / root / TrinityCore / src / server / WorldServer /
RemoteAccess / RARunnable cpp: En funcin miembro virtual void
RARunnable :: run ()
. 64 hacer error de compilacin 2 / root / TrinityCore / src / server /
WorldServer / RemoteAccess / RARunnable cpp:. 78:72: error: sin funcin
coincidente para la llamada a ACE_Reactor :: run_reactor_event_loop

(ACE_Time_Value) Compilacin terminado debido a Wfatal-errors . make [2]: ***

[src / server / WorldServer / CMakeFiles / WorldServer. dir / RemoteAccess /
RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make [1]: *** [src / server / WorldServer / CMakeFiles
/ worldserver.dir / all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2
. 65 hacer error de compilacin 3 collect2: error: ld termina con la seal 9
[Killed] No error TC, seguro compartido o VPS, complile mataron porque la alta
cpu ussage. sudo dd if = / dev / zero of bs = / tmp / canje = 1M count = 512
sudo mkswap / tmp / canje sudo swapon / tmp / canje
http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/3178-error- con-thecompiliation-make-install /

Deshacer cambios
Tu contribucin se utilizar para mejorar la calidad de la traduccin y podra
mostrarse a los usuarios de forma annima.
Gracias por tu envo.
Definiciones de 1. TrinityCore Understand & Implement of Private Sever
http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Linux 2. Environment Client - Windows
8 - WoW Client: 3.3.5a Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB
335.52 3. What will we learn from this course? 4. Server setting apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server sudo ufw enable sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw
allow 3306 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw disable 5.
Getting started $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++
make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar $ sudo apt-get install
openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql++dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev 6. Debian-based distributions If you
are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 7 or some 2013 linux distributions you will
also need: $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev 7. Creating a user to work with
$ sudo adduser <username> 8. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication
Environment) $ sudo apt-get install libace-dev 9. Installing ACE (Adaptive
Communication Environment) TrinityCore requires a specific communicationlibrary for inter-process communication, and as such needs special attention on
that matter. This is because most distributions (even the most recent ones) do
not supply the version required by TrinityCore as part of their basepackages.
10. Building the server itself Getting the sourcecode cd ~/ git clone
git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git A directory trinitycore will be created
automatically and all the source files will be stored in there. 11. Creating the
build-directory To avoid issues with updates and colliding sourcebuilds, we
create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if
any might occur) mkdir build cd build 12. Configuring for compiling To configure
the core, we use space-separated parameters attached to the configuration-

tool (cmake) - do read the entire section before even starting on the
configuration-part. <u>This is for your own good, and you HAVE been warned.
A full example will also be shown underneath the explanations.</u> cmake
../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server DWITH_WARNINGS=1 13.
Building the core After configuring and checking that everything is in order
(read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some time unless you
are on a rather fast machine) make make install 14. Building the core If you
have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use of those during compile :
make -j <number of cores> make install 15. Building the core After compiling
and installing, you will find your core binaries in
/home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard configuration files in the
/home/<username>/server/etc folder. (As usual, replace <username> with the
username you created earlier). Now you can continue reading on and learn how
to update the sourcetree. 16. Keeping the code up to date TrinityCore
developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You
can always check them here. To update the core files, do the following : cd
~/TrinityCore/ git pull origin master Now return to the compilation-section
again, and repeat the instructions there. 17. Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQreader library Installation of the libMPQ library is only required if you want to
extract the datafiles, and/or compile the tools. Do note that the library has
been hardlinked to the binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the
tools are required. 18. Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ Change
directory to ~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this Alternative 2 :
Systemwide installation sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install 19.
Optional software Graphical database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,
http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ Remote
console connects to the server Putty,
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ Putty Tray,
http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer through SFTP or FTP WinSCP,
http://winscp.net/eng/ 20. Installing MySQL Server When configuring MySQL
make sure you remember the password you set for the default root account
and that you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines. You can leave all the
other settings as default. You might want to enable remote access to your
MySQL server if your are also testing a website for your Trinity server or if you
have friends testing with you which need access from remote. Remember that
this will decrease the security level of your MySQL server! 21. Installing The
Trinity Databases Trinity needs three databases to run - Auth, Characters, and
World: auth - holds account data - usernames, passwords, GM access, realm
information, etc. characters - holds character data - created characters,
inventory, bank items, auction house, tickets, etc. world - holds gameexperience content such as NPCs, quests, objects, etc. 22. Setting up MySQL
Server 1.Create the three databases by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/create/create_mysql.sql. You now have three databases auth, characters, and world. You may need to refresh your program in order to
see the new databases. 2.Click on the "auth" database and import the auth
database structure by importing /root/TrinityCore/sql/base/auth_database.sql.
23. Setting up MySQL Server 3.Click on the "characters" database and import

the characters database structure by importing

/root/TrinityCore/sql/base/character_database.sql. 4.Click on the "world"
database and import the world database structure by extracting and importing
the "TDB_full" .sql file you downloaded from the Downloading the Database
section. * http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 24. Keeping the DB
up to date Note: You can run the following query on the World database to see
your current DB and core revision: SELECT * FROM `version`; 25. Setting up
MySQL Server 1.Extract the TDB_FULL.sql file from the archive and import it
into your world database. 2.If they exist, also import the characters_ and
auth_ .sql files into their respective databases. 3.Once this is finished and you
have already compiled your source, you may run the worldserver.exe to load
your server. The revision update is complete. 26. TrinityCore Database
configuration http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 27. Database
Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/create# mysql -u root p <
create_mysql.sql 28. Database Config mysql> show databases;
+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | auth | | characters | | world |
+--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.01 sec) 29. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql# cat create/create_mysql.sql GRANT USAGE
ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'trinity' WITH
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `characters` DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `auth`
PRIVILEGES ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT
ALL PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH
GRANT OPTION; 30. Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base#
mysql -u trinity p auth < auth_database.sql
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base# mysql -u trinity p characters <
characters_database.sql 31. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17# mysql -u trinity -p
world < TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17.sql 32. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/world# mysql -u trinity -p world <
2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Enter password: 33. Realmlist table You need
to make sure that the authserver directs incoming connections to your realm.
In the auth database there is a table called realmlist, where you need to edit
the field *address* according to your needs : 34. Realmlist table -Leave default localhost if you are connecting alone from the same machine
TrinityCore runs on. <Your LOCAL NETWORK ip> -- Use the machine's LAN ip if
you want other computers from the same network as the TrinityCore server to
connect to your server. <Your PUBLIC NETWORK ip> -- Use your PUBLIC ip if
you have friends and testers which need to connect your server from the
internet. 35. Realmlist table An example of how it would look with a real
address: use auth; update realmlist set address = '' where id = 1;
36. Realmlist table mysql> describe realmlist; +---------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null |

Key | Default | Extra | +----------------------+----------------------+------+----+---------------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL |

auto_increment | | name | varchar(32) | NO | UNI | | | | address | varchar(255) |
NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar(255) | NO | | | | |
localSubnetMask | varchar(255) | NO | | | | | port | smallint(5)
unsigned | NO | | 8085 | | | icon | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | flag |
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |2 | | | timezone | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | |
allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | population | float
unsigned | NO | |0 | | | gamebuild | int(10) unsigned | NO | | 12340 | |
+----------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ 12
rows in set (0.00 sec) 37. Realmlist table mysql> update realmlist set address
= '' where id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows
matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist where id =
1; +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | id | name | address | localAddress |
localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel |
population | gamebuild | +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+-----+------+------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 12340 | +---+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 38. Check version
mysql> select * from version;
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | core_version | core_revision | db_version | cache_id |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 2013-07-29 21:46:49
+0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 | TDB 335.52 | 52 |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 39. DB update script #!/bin/bash
FILES=~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/dbname/*.* for f in $FILES do echo "Processing
$f file..." mysql --password=password dbname < $f done 40. TrinityCore Setting
up the Server config 41. Extracting dbc, maps and vmaps files In order to run,
TrinityCore needs dbc- and map-files. In addition, if you want to enable vmaps
(Making NPCs unable to see through walls etc.) you will need to extract them
as well. 42. dbc and maps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/mapextractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data cp -r dbc maps
/home/<username>/server/data 43. vmaps and mmaps files cd <your WoW
client directory> /home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4extractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/mmaps cp -r vmaps mmaps
/home/<username>/server/data cp Buildings/*
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps 44. Configuring the server First of all
you need to create 2 files : worldserver.conf and authserver.conf in your
/home/<username>/server/etc/ folder. You'll find 2 files named
worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist. Copy these to their namesakes
without the .dist extension. cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf cp

authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf 45. worldserver.conf Edit MySQL account

username and password (instead of trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; world" CharacterDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; characters" 46. worldserver.conf
vmap.enableLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableHeight = 1 -- set this to 0
vmap.petLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 -- set this to 0
47. worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 RealmServerPort = 3724 48.
Check a port root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep 8085 tcp 0
0 *:8085 *:* LISTEN root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep
3724 tcp 0 0 *:3724 *:* LISTEN 49. Check a port from PC to Server C:>telnet 3724 C:>telnet 8085 50. authserver.conf Edit
MySQL account username and password (instead of trinity;trinity).
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" 51. NAT port
forwarding in Virtulbox 52. TrinityCore Getting start 53. Server directory 54.
WorldServer 55. Create account You can type commands inside the worldserver
program, similar to a command prompt. Type: account create <user> <pass>
Example: account create test test Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1 DO !NEVER! create an account directly
into your database unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you know what and
how to do! The "3" is the GM account level (higher numbers = more access),
and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all realms". 56. AuthServer 57.
Wow Client realmlist.wtf 58. Future configuration Client - Windows 8 Wow
Client WoW Client Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 Game Server auth
world Database Server auth, world, character Auth Server World Server
auth db world db character db 59. TrinityCore Reference & Trouble shooting 60.
Reference sites http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack download
http://jeutie.info/downloads/#toggle-id-3 61. download dbc, maps and vmaps
files http://goo.gl/ATbYYG 62. Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 #tcpdump tcp port
21 #tcpdump dst host aaa #tcpdump src host aaa root@vTrinity13:~#
tcpdump -p -i lo -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings --bytes=6 > query.txt 63.
make compile error 1 [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/CommandLine/CliRunnable.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/RemoteAccess/RASocket.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp: In
member function Virtual void RARunnable::run() 64. make compile error 2
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp:78:72:
error: no matching function for call to ACE_Reactor::
run_reactor_event_loop(ACE_Time_Value) compilation terminated due to
-Wfatal-errors. make[2]: *** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.
dir/RemoteAccess/RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: ***
[src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all]
Error 2 65. make compile error 3 collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9

[Killed] Not TC error, for sure shared or VPS, complile got killed because high
cpu ussage. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=512 sudo
mkswap /tmp/swap sudo swapon /tmp/swap
Sinnimos de 1. TrinityCore Understand & Implement of Private Sever
http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Linux 2. Environment Client - Windows
8 - WoW Client: 3.3.5a Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB
335.52 3. What will we learn from this course? 4. Server setting apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server sudo ufw enable sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw
allow 3306 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw disable 5.
Getting started $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++
make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar $ sudo apt-get install
openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql++dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev 6. Debian-based distributions If you
are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 7 or some 2013 linux distributions you will
also need: $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev 7. Creating a user to work with
$ sudo adduser <username> 8. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication
Environment) $ sudo apt-get install libace-dev 9. Installing ACE (Adaptive
Communication Environment) TrinityCore requires a specific communicationlibrary for inter-process communication, and as such needs special attention on
that matter. This is because most distributions (even the most recent ones) do
not supply the version required by TrinityCore as part of their basepackages.
10. Building the server itself Getting the sourcecode cd ~/ git clone
git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git A directory trinitycore will be created
automatically and all the source files will be stored in there. 11. Creating the
build-directory To avoid issues with updates and colliding sourcebuilds, we
create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if
any might occur) mkdir build cd build 12. Configuring for compiling To configure
the core, we use space-separated parameters attached to the configurationtool (cmake) - do read the entire section before even starting on the
configuration-part. <u>This is for your own good, and you HAVE been warned.
A full example will also be shown underneath the explanations.</u> cmake
../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server DWITH_WARNINGS=1 13.
Building the core After configuring and checking that everything is in order
(read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some time unless you
are on a rather fast machine) make make install 14. Building the core If you
have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use of those during compile :
make -j <number of cores> make install 15. Building the core After compiling
and installing, you will find your core binaries in
/home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard configuration files in the
/home/<username>/server/etc folder. (As usual, replace <username> with the
username you created earlier). Now you can continue reading on and learn how
to update the sourcetree. 16. Keeping the code up to date TrinityCore
developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You
can always check them here. To update the core files, do the following : cd
~/TrinityCore/ git pull origin master Now return to the compilation-section

again, and repeat the instructions there. 17. Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQreader library Installation of the libMPQ library is only required if you want to
extract the datafiles, and/or compile the tools. Do note that the library has
been hardlinked to the binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the
tools are required. 18. Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ Change
directory to ~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this Alternative 2 :
Systemwide installation sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install 19.
Optional software Graphical database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,
http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ Remote
console connects to the server Putty,
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ Putty Tray,
http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer through SFTP or FTP WinSCP,
http://winscp.net/eng/ 20. Installing MySQL Server When configuring MySQL
make sure you remember the password you set for the default root account
and that you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines. You can leave all the
other settings as default. You might want to enable remote access to your
MySQL server if your are also testing a website for your Trinity server or if you
have friends testing with you which need access from remote. Remember that
this will decrease the security level of your MySQL server! 21. Installing The
Trinity Databases Trinity needs three databases to run - Auth, Characters, and
World: auth - holds account data - usernames, passwords, GM access, realm
information, etc. characters - holds character data - created characters,
inventory, bank items, auction house, tickets, etc. world - holds gameexperience content such as NPCs, quests, objects, etc. 22. Setting up MySQL
Server 1.Create the three databases by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/create/create_mysql.sql. You now have three databases auth, characters, and world. You may need to refresh your program in order to
see the new databases. 2.Click on the "auth" database and import the auth
database structure by importing /root/TrinityCore/sql/base/auth_database.sql.
23. Setting up MySQL Server 3.Click on the "characters" database and import
the characters database structure by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/base/character_database.sql. 4.Click on the "world"
database and import the world database structure by extracting and importing
the "TDB_full" .sql file you downloaded from the Downloading the Database
section. * http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 24. Keeping the DB
up to date Note: You can run the following query on the World database to see
your current DB and core revision: SELECT * FROM `version`; 25. Setting up
MySQL Server 1.Extract the TDB_FULL.sql file from the archive and import it
into your world database. 2.If they exist, also import the characters_ and
auth_ .sql files into their respective databases. 3.Once this is finished and you
have already compiled your source, you may run the worldserver.exe to load
your server. The revision update is complete. 26. TrinityCore Database
configuration http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 27. Database
Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/create# mysql -u root p <
create_mysql.sql 28. Database Config mysql> show databases;
+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | auth | | characters | | world |
+--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.01 sec) 29. Database Config

root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql# cat create/create_mysql.sql GRANT USAGE

ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'trinity' WITH
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `characters` DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `auth`
PRIVILEGES ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT
ALL PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH
GRANT OPTION; 30. Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base#
mysql -u trinity p auth < auth_database.sql
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base# mysql -u trinity p characters <
characters_database.sql 31. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17# mysql -u trinity -p
world < TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17.sql 32. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/world# mysql -u trinity -p world <
2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Enter password: 33. Realmlist table You need
to make sure that the authserver directs incoming connections to your realm.
In the auth database there is a table called realmlist, where you need to edit
the field *address* according to your needs : 34. Realmlist table -Leave default localhost if you are connecting alone from the same machine
TrinityCore runs on. <Your LOCAL NETWORK ip> -- Use the machine's LAN ip if
you want other computers from the same network as the TrinityCore server to
connect to your server. <Your PUBLIC NETWORK ip> -- Use your PUBLIC ip if
you have friends and testers which need to connect your server from the
internet. 35. Realmlist table An example of how it would look with a real
address: use auth; update realmlist set address = '' where id = 1;
36. Realmlist table mysql> describe realmlist; +---------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null |
Key | Default | Extra | +----------------------+----------------------+------+----+---------------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL |
auto_increment | | name | varchar(32) | NO | UNI | | | | address | varchar(255) |
NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar(255) | NO | | | | |
localSubnetMask | varchar(255) | NO | | | | | port | smallint(5)
unsigned | NO | | 8085 | | | icon | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | flag |
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |2 | | | timezone | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | |
allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | population | float
unsigned | NO | |0 | | | gamebuild | int(10) unsigned | NO | | 12340 | |
+----------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ 12
rows in set (0.00 sec) 37. Realmlist table mysql> update realmlist set address
= '' where id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows
matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist where id =
1; +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | id | name | address | localAddress |
localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel |
population | gamebuild | +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------

+------+------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 12340 | +---+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 38. Check version
mysql> select * from version;
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | core_version | core_revision | db_version | cache_id |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 2013-07-29 21:46:49
+0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 | TDB 335.52 | 52 |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 39. DB update script #!/bin/bash
FILES=~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/dbname/*.* for f in $FILES do echo "Processing
$f file..." mysql --password=password dbname < $f done 40. TrinityCore Setting
up the Server config 41. Extracting dbc, maps and vmaps files In order to run,
TrinityCore needs dbc- and map-files. In addition, if you want to enable vmaps
(Making NPCs unable to see through walls etc.) you will need to extract them
as well. 42. dbc and maps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/mapextractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data cp -r dbc maps
/home/<username>/server/data 43. vmaps and mmaps files cd <your WoW
client directory> /home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4extractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/mmaps cp -r vmaps mmaps
/home/<username>/server/data cp Buildings/*
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps 44. Configuring the server First of all
you need to create 2 files : worldserver.conf and authserver.conf in your
/home/<username>/server/etc/ folder. You'll find 2 files named
worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist. Copy these to their namesakes
without the .dist extension. cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf cp
authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf 45. worldserver.conf Edit MySQL account
username and password (instead of trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; world" CharacterDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; characters" 46. worldserver.conf
vmap.enableLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableHeight = 1 -- set this to 0
vmap.petLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 -- set this to 0
47. worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 RealmServerPort = 3724 48.
Check a port root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep 8085 tcp 0
0 *:8085 *:* LISTEN root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep
3724 tcp 0 0 *:3724 *:* LISTEN 49. Check a port from PC to Server C:>telnet 3724 C:>telnet 8085 50. authserver.conf Edit
MySQL account username and password (instead of trinity;trinity).
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" 51. NAT port
forwarding in Virtulbox 52. TrinityCore Getting start 53. Server directory 54.
WorldServer 55. Create account You can type commands inside the worldserver
program, similar to a command prompt. Type: account create <user> <pass>

Example: account create test test Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1 DO !NEVER! create an account directly
into your database unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you know what and
how to do! The "3" is the GM account level (higher numbers = more access),
and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all realms". 56. AuthServer 57.
Wow Client realmlist.wtf 58. Future configuration Client - Windows 8 Wow
Client WoW Client Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 Game Server auth
world Database Server auth, world, character Auth Server World Server
auth db world db character db 59. TrinityCore Reference & Trouble shooting 60.
Reference sites http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack download
http://jeutie.info/downloads/#toggle-id-3 61. download dbc, maps and vmaps
files http://goo.gl/ATbYYG 62. Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 #tcpdump tcp port
21 #tcpdump dst host aaa #tcpdump src host aaa root@vTrinity13:~#
tcpdump -p -i lo -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings --bytes=6 > query.txt 63.
make compile error 1 [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/CommandLine/CliRunnable.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/RemoteAccess/RASocket.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp: In
member function Virtual void RARunnable::run() 64. make compile error 2
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp:78:72:
error: no matching function for call to ACE_Reactor::
run_reactor_event_loop(ACE_Time_Value) compilation terminated due to
-Wfatal-errors. make[2]: *** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.
dir/RemoteAccess/RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: ***
[src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all]
Error 2 65. make compile error 3 collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9
[Killed] Not TC error, for sure shared or VPS, complile got killed because high
cpu ussage. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=512 sudo
mkswap /tmp/swap sudo swapon /tmp/swap
Ejemplos de 1. TrinityCore Understand & Implement of Private Sever
http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Linux 2. Environment Client - Windows
8 - WoW Client: 3.3.5a Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB
335.52 3. What will we learn from this course? 4. Server setting apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server sudo ufw enable sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw
allow 3306 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw disable 5.
Getting started $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++
make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar $ sudo apt-get install
openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql++dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev 6. Debian-based distributions If you
are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 7 or some 2013 linux distributions you will
also need: $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev 7. Creating a user to work with

$ sudo adduser <username> 8. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication

Environment) $ sudo apt-get install libace-dev 9. Installing ACE (Adaptive
Communication Environment) TrinityCore requires a specific communicationlibrary for inter-process communication, and as such needs special attention on
that matter. This is because most distributions (even the most recent ones) do
not supply the version required by TrinityCore as part of their basepackages.
10. Building the server itself Getting the sourcecode cd ~/ git clone
git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git A directory trinitycore will be created
automatically and all the source files will be stored in there. 11. Creating the
build-directory To avoid issues with updates and colliding sourcebuilds, we
create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if
any might occur) mkdir build cd build 12. Configuring for compiling To configure
the core, we use space-separated parameters attached to the configurationtool (cmake) - do read the entire section before even starting on the
configuration-part. <u>This is for your own good, and you HAVE been warned.
A full example will also be shown underneath the explanations.</u> cmake
../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server DWITH_WARNINGS=1 13.
Building the core After configuring and checking that everything is in order
(read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some time unless you
are on a rather fast machine) make make install 14. Building the core If you
have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use of those during compile :
make -j <number of cores> make install 15. Building the core After compiling
and installing, you will find your core binaries in
/home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard configuration files in the
/home/<username>/server/etc folder. (As usual, replace <username> with the
username you created earlier). Now you can continue reading on and learn how
to update the sourcetree. 16. Keeping the code up to date TrinityCore
developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You
can always check them here. To update the core files, do the following : cd
~/TrinityCore/ git pull origin master Now return to the compilation-section
again, and repeat the instructions there. 17. Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQreader library Installation of the libMPQ library is only required if you want to
extract the datafiles, and/or compile the tools. Do note that the library has
been hardlinked to the binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the
tools are required. 18. Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ Change
directory to ~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this Alternative 2 :
Systemwide installation sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install 19.
Optional software Graphical database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,
http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ Remote
console connects to the server Putty,
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ Putty Tray,
http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer through SFTP or FTP WinSCP,
http://winscp.net/eng/ 20. Installing MySQL Server When configuring MySQL
make sure you remember the password you set for the default root account
and that you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines. You can leave all the
other settings as default. You might want to enable remote access to your
MySQL server if your are also testing a website for your Trinity server or if you

have friends testing with you which need access from remote. Remember that
this will decrease the security level of your MySQL server! 21. Installing The
Trinity Databases Trinity needs three databases to run - Auth, Characters, and
World: auth - holds account data - usernames, passwords, GM access, realm
information, etc. characters - holds character data - created characters,
inventory, bank items, auction house, tickets, etc. world - holds gameexperience content such as NPCs, quests, objects, etc. 22. Setting up MySQL
Server 1.Create the three databases by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/create/create_mysql.sql. You now have three databases auth, characters, and world. You may need to refresh your program in order to
see the new databases. 2.Click on the "auth" database and import the auth
database structure by importing /root/TrinityCore/sql/base/auth_database.sql.
23. Setting up MySQL Server 3.Click on the "characters" database and import
the characters database structure by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/base/character_database.sql. 4.Click on the "world"
database and import the world database structure by extracting and importing
the "TDB_full" .sql file you downloaded from the Downloading the Database
section. * http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 24. Keeping the DB
up to date Note: You can run the following query on the World database to see
your current DB and core revision: SELECT * FROM `version`; 25. Setting up
MySQL Server 1.Extract the TDB_FULL.sql file from the archive and import it
into your world database. 2.If they exist, also import the characters_ and
auth_ .sql files into their respective databases. 3.Once this is finished and you
have already compiled your source, you may run the worldserver.exe to load
your server. The revision update is complete. 26. TrinityCore Database
configuration http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 27. Database
Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/create# mysql -u root p <
create_mysql.sql 28. Database Config mysql> show databases;
+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | auth | | characters | | world |
+--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.01 sec) 29. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql# cat create/create_mysql.sql GRANT USAGE
ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'trinity' WITH
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `characters` DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `auth`
PRIVILEGES ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT
ALL PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH
GRANT OPTION; 30. Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base#
mysql -u trinity p auth < auth_database.sql
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base# mysql -u trinity p characters <
characters_database.sql 31. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17# mysql -u trinity -p
world < TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17.sql 32. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/world# mysql -u trinity -p world <

2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Enter password: 33. Realmlist table You need

to make sure that the authserver directs incoming connections to your realm.
In the auth database there is a table called realmlist, where you need to edit
the field *address* according to your needs : 34. Realmlist table -Leave default localhost if you are connecting alone from the same machine
TrinityCore runs on. <Your LOCAL NETWORK ip> -- Use the machine's LAN ip if
you want other computers from the same network as the TrinityCore server to
connect to your server. <Your PUBLIC NETWORK ip> -- Use your PUBLIC ip if
you have friends and testers which need to connect your server from the
internet. 35. Realmlist table An example of how it would look with a real
address: use auth; update realmlist set address = '' where id = 1;
36. Realmlist table mysql> describe realmlist; +---------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null |
Key | Default | Extra | +----------------------+----------------------+------+----+---------------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL |
auto_increment | | name | varchar(32) | NO | UNI | | | | address | varchar(255) |
NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar(255) | NO | | | | |
localSubnetMask | varchar(255) | NO | | | | | port | smallint(5)
unsigned | NO | | 8085 | | | icon | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | flag |
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |2 | | | timezone | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | |
allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | population | float
unsigned | NO | |0 | | | gamebuild | int(10) unsigned | NO | | 12340 | |
+----------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ 12
rows in set (0.00 sec) 37. Realmlist table mysql> update realmlist set address
= '' where id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows
matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist where id =
1; +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | id | name | address | localAddress |
localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel |
population | gamebuild | +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+-----+------+------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 12340 | +---+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 38. Check version
mysql> select * from version;
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | core_version | core_revision | db_version | cache_id |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 2013-07-29 21:46:49
+0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 | TDB 335.52 | 52 |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 39. DB update script #!/bin/bash
FILES=~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/dbname/*.* for f in $FILES do echo "Processing
$f file..." mysql --password=password dbname < $f done 40. TrinityCore Setting
up the Server config 41. Extracting dbc, maps and vmaps files In order to run,
TrinityCore needs dbc- and map-files. In addition, if you want to enable vmaps
(Making NPCs unable to see through walls etc.) you will need to extract them

as well. 42. dbc and maps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/mapextractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data cp -r dbc maps
/home/<username>/server/data 43. vmaps and mmaps files cd <your WoW
client directory> /home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4extractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/mmaps cp -r vmaps mmaps
/home/<username>/server/data cp Buildings/*
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps 44. Configuring the server First of all
you need to create 2 files : worldserver.conf and authserver.conf in your
/home/<username>/server/etc/ folder. You'll find 2 files named
worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist. Copy these to their namesakes
without the .dist extension. cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf cp
authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf 45. worldserver.conf Edit MySQL account
username and password (instead of trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; world" CharacterDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; characters" 46. worldserver.conf
vmap.enableLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableHeight = 1 -- set this to 0
vmap.petLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 -- set this to 0
47. worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 RealmServerPort = 3724 48.
Check a port root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep 8085 tcp 0
0 *:8085 *:* LISTEN root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep
3724 tcp 0 0 *:3724 *:* LISTEN 49. Check a port from PC to Server C:>telnet 3724 C:>telnet 8085 50. authserver.conf Edit
MySQL account username and password (instead of trinity;trinity).
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" 51. NAT port
forwarding in Virtulbox 52. TrinityCore Getting start 53. Server directory 54.
WorldServer 55. Create account You can type commands inside the worldserver
program, similar to a command prompt. Type: account create <user> <pass>
Example: account create test test Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1 DO !NEVER! create an account directly
into your database unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you know what and
how to do! The "3" is the GM account level (higher numbers = more access),
and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all realms". 56. AuthServer 57.
Wow Client realmlist.wtf 58. Future configuration Client - Windows 8 Wow
Client WoW Client Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 Game Server auth
world Database Server auth, world, character Auth Server World Server
auth db world db character db 59. TrinityCore Reference & Trouble shooting 60.
Reference sites http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack download
http://jeutie.info/downloads/#toggle-id-3 61. download dbc, maps and vmaps
files http://goo.gl/ATbYYG 62. Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 #tcpdump tcp port
21 #tcpdump dst host aaa #tcpdump src host aaa root@vTrinity13:~#
tcpdump -p -i lo -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings --bytes=6 > query.txt 63.
make compile error 1 [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/CommandLine/CliRunnable.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object

dir/RemoteAccess/RASocket.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp: In
member function Virtual void RARunnable::run() 64. make compile error 2
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp:78:72:
error: no matching function for call to ACE_Reactor::
run_reactor_event_loop(ACE_Time_Value) compilation terminated due to
-Wfatal-errors. make[2]: *** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.
dir/RemoteAccess/RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: ***
[src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all]
Error 2 65. make compile error 3 collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9
[Killed] Not TC error, for sure shared or VPS, complile got killed because high
cpu ussage. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=512 sudo
mkswap /tmp/swap sudo swapon /tmp/swap
See also
Traducciones de 1. TrinityCore Understand & Implement of Private Sever
http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Linux 2. Environment Client - Windows
8 - WoW Client: 3.3.5a Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 - TrinityCore: TDB
335.52 3. What will we learn from this course? 4. Server setting apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server sudo ufw enable sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw
allow 3306 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw disable 5.
Getting started $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++
make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar $ sudo apt-get install
openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql++dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev 6. Debian-based distributions If you
are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 7 or some 2013 linux distributions you will
also need: $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev 7. Creating a user to work with
$ sudo adduser <username> 8. Installing ACE (Adaptive Communication
Environment) $ sudo apt-get install libace-dev 9. Installing ACE (Adaptive
Communication Environment) TrinityCore requires a specific communicationlibrary for inter-process communication, and as such needs special attention on
that matter. This is because most distributions (even the most recent ones) do
not supply the version required by TrinityCore as part of their basepackages.
10. Building the server itself Getting the sourcecode cd ~/ git clone
git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git A directory trinitycore will be created
automatically and all the source files will be stored in there. 11. Creating the
build-directory To avoid issues with updates and colliding sourcebuilds, we
create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if
any might occur) mkdir build cd build 12. Configuring for compiling To configure
the core, we use space-separated parameters attached to the configurationtool (cmake) - do read the entire section before even starting on the
configuration-part. <u>This is for your own good, and you HAVE been warned.
A full example will also be shown underneath the explanations.</u> cmake

../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server DWITH_WARNINGS=1 13.

Building the core After configuring and checking that everything is in order
(read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some time unless you
are on a rather fast machine) make make install 14. Building the core If you
have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use of those during compile :
make -j <number of cores> make install 15. Building the core After compiling
and installing, you will find your core binaries in
/home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard configuration files in the
/home/<username>/server/etc folder. (As usual, replace <username> with the
username you created earlier). Now you can continue reading on and learn how
to update the sourcetree. 16. Keeping the code up to date TrinityCore
developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You
can always check them here. To update the core files, do the following : cd
~/TrinityCore/ git pull origin master Now return to the compilation-section
again, and repeat the instructions there. 17. Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQreader library Installation of the libMPQ library is only required if you want to
extract the datafiles, and/or compile the tools. Do note that the library has
been hardlinked to the binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the
tools are required. 18. Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ Change
directory to ~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this Alternative 2 :
Systemwide installation sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install 19.
Optional software Graphical database-viewing/editing HeidiSQL,
http://www.heidisql.com/ SQLyog, http://www.webyog.com/en/ Remote
console connects to the server Putty,
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ Putty Tray,
http://haanstra.eu/putty/ Filetransfer through SFTP or FTP WinSCP,
http://winscp.net/eng/ 20. Installing MySQL Server When configuring MySQL
make sure you remember the password you set for the default root account
and that you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines. You can leave all the
other settings as default. You might want to enable remote access to your
MySQL server if your are also testing a website for your Trinity server or if you
have friends testing with you which need access from remote. Remember that
this will decrease the security level of your MySQL server! 21. Installing The
Trinity Databases Trinity needs three databases to run - Auth, Characters, and
World: auth - holds account data - usernames, passwords, GM access, realm
information, etc. characters - holds character data - created characters,
inventory, bank items, auction house, tickets, etc. world - holds gameexperience content such as NPCs, quests, objects, etc. 22. Setting up MySQL
Server 1.Create the three databases by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/create/create_mysql.sql. You now have three databases auth, characters, and world. You may need to refresh your program in order to
see the new databases. 2.Click on the "auth" database and import the auth
database structure by importing /root/TrinityCore/sql/base/auth_database.sql.
23. Setting up MySQL Server 3.Click on the "characters" database and import
the characters database structure by importing
/root/TrinityCore/sql/base/character_database.sql. 4.Click on the "world"
database and import the world database structure by extracting and importing

the "TDB_full" .sql file you downloaded from the Downloading the Database
section. * http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 24. Keeping the DB
up to date Note: You can run the following query on the World database to see
your current DB and core revision: SELECT * FROM `version`; 25. Setting up
MySQL Server 1.Extract the TDB_FULL.sql file from the archive and import it
into your world database. 2.If they exist, also import the characters_ and
auth_ .sql files into their respective databases. 3.Once this is finished and you
have already compiled your source, you may run the worldserver.exe to load
your server. The revision update is complete. 26. TrinityCore Database
configuration http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Database_master 27. Database
Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/create# mysql -u root p <
create_mysql.sql 28. Database Config mysql> show databases;
+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | auth | | characters | | world |
+--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.01 sec) 29. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql# cat create/create_mysql.sql GRANT USAGE
ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'trinity' WITH
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `characters` DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE DATABASE `auth`
PRIVILEGES ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT
ALL PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH
GRANT OPTION; 30. Database Config root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base#
mysql -u trinity p auth < auth_database.sql
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/base# mysql -u trinity p characters <
characters_database.sql 31. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17# mysql -u trinity -p
world < TDB_full_335. 52_2013_07_17.sql 32. Database Config
root@vTrinity13:~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/world# mysql -u trinity -p world <
2013_07_17_00_world_version.sql Enter password: 33. Realmlist table You need
to make sure that the authserver directs incoming connections to your realm.
In the auth database there is a table called realmlist, where you need to edit
the field *address* according to your needs : 34. Realmlist table -Leave default localhost if you are connecting alone from the same machine
TrinityCore runs on. <Your LOCAL NETWORK ip> -- Use the machine's LAN ip if
you want other computers from the same network as the TrinityCore server to
connect to your server. <Your PUBLIC NETWORK ip> -- Use your PUBLIC ip if
you have friends and testers which need to connect your server from the
internet. 35. Realmlist table An example of how it would look with a real
address: use auth; update realmlist set address = '' where id = 1;
36. Realmlist table mysql> describe realmlist; +---------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null |
Key | Default | Extra | +----------------------+----------------------+------+----+---------------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL |
auto_increment | | name | varchar(32) | NO | UNI | | | | address | varchar(255) |

NO | | | | | localAddress | varchar(255) | NO | | | | |

localSubnetMask | varchar(255) | NO | | | | | port | smallint(5)
unsigned | NO | | 8085 | | | icon | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | flag |
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |2 | | | timezone | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | |
allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | |0 | | | population | float
unsigned | NO | |0 | | | gamebuild | int(10) unsigned | NO | | 12340 | |
+----------------------+----------------------+------+-----+---------------+----------------+ 12
rows in set (0.00 sec) 37. Realmlist table mysql> update realmlist set address
= '' where id = 1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows
matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from realmlist where id =
1; +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | id | name | address | localAddress |
localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel |
population | gamebuild | +----+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+-----+------+------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 1| 0| 0| 12340 | +---+---------+-----------+--------------+-----------------+------+------+------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 38. Check version
mysql> select * from version;
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | core_version | core_revision | db_version | cache_id |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ | TrinityCore rev. 394b2c684553 2013-07-29 21:46:49
+0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) | 394b2c684553 | TDB 335.52 | 52 |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 39. DB update script #!/bin/bash
FILES=~/TrinityCore/sql/updates/dbname/*.* for f in $FILES do echo "Processing
$f file..." mysql --password=password dbname < $f done 40. TrinityCore Setting
up the Server config 41. Extracting dbc, maps and vmaps files In order to run,
TrinityCore needs dbc- and map-files. In addition, if you want to enable vmaps
(Making NPCs unable to see through walls etc.) you will need to extract them
as well. 42. dbc and maps files cd <your WoW client directory>
/home/<username>/server/bin/mapextractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data cp -r dbc maps
/home/<username>/server/data 43. vmaps and mmaps files cd <your WoW
client directory> /home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4extractor mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps mkdir
/home/<username>/server/data/mmaps cp -r vmaps mmaps
/home/<username>/server/data cp Buildings/*
/home/<username>/server/data/vmaps 44. Configuring the server First of all
you need to create 2 files : worldserver.conf and authserver.conf in your
/home/<username>/server/etc/ folder. You'll find 2 files named
worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist. Copy these to their namesakes
without the .dist extension. cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf cp
authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf 45. worldserver.conf Edit MySQL account
username and password (instead of trinity;trinity). LoginDatabaseInfo =
";3306;trinity;trinity; auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =

";3306;trinity;trinity; world" CharacterDatabaseInfo =

";3306;trinity;trinity; characters" 46. worldserver.conf
vmap.enableLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableHeight = 1 -- set this to 0
vmap.petLOS = 1 -- set this to 0 vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 -- set this to 0
47. worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 RealmServerPort = 3724 48.
Check a port root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep 8085 tcp 0
0 *:8085 *:* LISTEN root@vTrinity13:/home/joo/server/etc# netstat -a |grep
3724 tcp 0 0 *:3724 *:* LISTEN 49. Check a port from PC to Server C:>telnet 3724 C:>telnet 8085 50. authserver.conf Edit
MySQL account username and password (instead of trinity;trinity).
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" 51. NAT port
forwarding in Virtulbox 52. TrinityCore Getting start 53. Server directory 54.
WorldServer 55. Create account You can type commands inside the worldserver
program, similar to a command prompt. Type: account create <user> <pass>
Example: account create test test Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1 DO !NEVER! create an account directly
into your database unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you know what and
how to do! The "3" is the GM account level (higher numbers = more access),
and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all realms". 56. AuthServer 57.
Wow Client realmlist.wtf 58. Future configuration Client - Windows 8 Wow
Client WoW Client Server - Virtual box, Ubuntu 13.04 Game Server auth
world Database Server auth, world, character Auth Server World Server
auth db world db character db 59. TrinityCore Reference & Trouble shooting 60.
Reference sites http://neverendless-wow.com/ Repack download
http://jeutie.info/downloads/#toggle-id-3 61. download dbc, maps and vmaps
files http://goo.gl/ATbYYG 62. Tcpdump http://cdral.net/655 #tcpdump tcp port
21 #tcpdump dst host aaa #tcpdump src host aaa root@vTrinity13:~#
tcpdump -p -i lo -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings --bytes=6 > query.txt 63.
make compile error 1 [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/CommandLine/CliRunnable.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
dir/RemoteAccess/RASocket.cpp.o [ 99%] Building CXX object
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp: In
member function Virtual void RARunnable::run() 64. make compile error 2
/root/TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver/RemoteAccess/RARunnable .cpp:78:72:
error: no matching function for call to ACE_Reactor::
run_reactor_event_loop(ACE_Time_Value) compilation terminated due to
-Wfatal-errors. make[2]: *** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.
dir/RemoteAccess/RARunnable.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: ***
[src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all]
Error 2 65. make compile error 3 collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9
[Killed] Not TC error, for sure shared or VPS, complile got killed because high
cpu ussage. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=512 sudo

mkswap /tmp/swap sudo swapon /tmp/swap

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