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Diego Joel Becerra Gonzlez

Bimestral Review
In the periodic table, elements are classified in three; Metals, Nonmetals and
metalloids. Also elements are in ordered in groups and periods. The number o
group will tell you how many valence electrons an element has. These are in
charge of bonding. The valence electrons can be graphically represented by the
electron dot structure. Depending on the valence electrons of an atom it will lose
or gain electrons to form the octet rule, that consist to reach an noble gas
configuration filling the s an p sub-levels produce an overall neutral charge. An
ion is an atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge. When an
atom loss of electrons to become stable it produces a cation, a positively ion. The
element that gain electrons become a negatively charge ions called anion.
The ionic bonding is an electrostatic attraction that holds ions together in an ionic
compound between 2 elements. Ionic compounds are composed by metals and
nonmetals. Also they are composed by cations and anions so the total positive
charge will be equal to the total negative charge. One of the properties of ionic
compounds is that most ionic compounds are crystalline solid at a room
temperature and generally have high melting points. They have a coordination
number is the number of ions off opposite charge that surround the ion on the
crystal. Formula unit is the lowest whole number ratio of ions in an ionic
Another type of bonding is bonding in metals called metallic bonging. Which
consist of the attraction of free floating valence electrons for the positively charged
metal ions, this is what hold metals. Some properties of metals are: that 80% of
the elements are metals, are good conductors of heat and electric current, they
have the ability to reflect light, and they are ductile and malleable. There are the
alloys too. Which are mixtures of 2 or more elements, and at least one is a metal.
Other type of bonding is the covalent bonding, which are molecular compounds
were only nonmetals participate. A molecule is two or more atoms bonded by
sharing electrons (covalent). This means that if one atom has 6 electrons it will be
too from the other atom because they are sharing their atoms. When two atoms
held together by sharing a pair of electrons it is called a single bond. If it is shared
two or three pairs is called double or triple covalent bond to form a noble gas
electron structure. A molecular compound is composed of two or more nonmetal
atoms. The ones that are made of two atoms if form a diatomic molecule. The
chemical formula of a molecular compound is the molecular formula. That shows
how many atoms of each element are represented. You can see by the electron dot

structure some electrons are share but other cannot be share because they are
already in a pair. These electrons that cannot be shared are called unshared pair
of electron.
As well there is an exception to the octet rule, for example. The octet rule cannot
be satisfied in molecules whose total number of valence electrons is an odd
number. There are also molecules in which an atom has fewer or more than a
complete an octet of valence electrons.
Nevertheless there is a similar bonding of the covalent bonding called coordinate
covalent bonding. This is a covalent bonding in which one atom share a pair. One
atom actually is sharing more than the other atom, but all the electrons are from
both. Furthermore the polyatomic ion is two or more atoms bonded by sharing
electrons with a positive or negative charge that behave as a unit.
As I said before the valence electrons are graphically represented by the electron
dot structure. When you share the electron it is necessary represented with a
structural formula to know by lines how many pairs and atoms shared with
another. With the structural you can determine the resonance. The resonance is
the structure that occurs when it is possible to draw two or more structural formula
that have the same number of electron pairs for a molecule or ion.

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