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Legalization of Prostitution

A new policy to legalize prostitution.

Legalization would allow for taxation of the
industry. This would create more tax money
for the government to use. It would also
reduce sex related crimes. There are many

Like with anything, there are many advantages and

disadvantages to the legalization of prostitution. The best thing
we can do is legalize it and do our best to control it with
regulations. Prostitution, in one form or another, is a business that
has been around for a long time. It is not going anywhere. Males
have in general wanted more sex than females were willing to
supply. And by the basic laws of economics, any demand will
inevitably be met by someone willing to supply, if the price is right.
Chimpanzees trade food for sex, and every human society ever
recorded has a certain fraction of women who, for a fee, will
provide sex to men outside of formal relationships such as

Advantages to legalization

It would allow sex workers to be more healthy

Reduce sex related crimes

Save a lot of money on law enforcement for it


Sex workers gain employment right

Can't be prevented anyways


STD prevention

Career option

Legitimate business

Disadvantages to legalization

Could promote sex trafficking

Does not control the sex industry; it expands it.

Increase in illegal, and street prostitution

Does not protect the women in prostitution

Increase in demand

Could cause an uproar from public


Prostitution/ sex worker: The practice or occupation of engaging in

sexual activity with someone for payment

John: An individual who pays for or trades something of value for sexual


a house where men can visit prostitutes.

Slang/ terminology
Brothel These establishments may be apartments, houses, trailers, or any facility where
sex is sold on the premises.
Caught A Case A term that refers to when a pimp or victim has been arrested and charged
with a crime.
Daddy The term a pimp will often require his victim to call him.
Date The exchange when prostitution takes place, or the activity of prostitution. A victim is
said to be with a date or dating.
Escort Service An organization, operating chiefly via cell phone and the internet, which
sends a victim to a buyers location (an outcall) or arranges for the buyer to come to a
house or apartment (an in-call); this may be the workplace of a single woman or a small
brothel. Some escort services are networked with others and can assemble large numbers of
women for parties and conventions.
John An individual who pays for or trades something of value for sexual acts.
Lot Lizard Derogatory term for a person who is being prostituted at truck stops.

Madam An older woman who manages a brothel, escort service or other prostitution
establishment. She may work alone or in collaboration with other traffickers.
Quota A set amount of money that a trafficking victim must make each night before she can
come home. Quotas are often set between $300 and $2000. If the victim returns without
meeting the quota, she is typically beaten and sent back out on the street to earn the rest.
Quotas vary according to geographic region, local events, etc.
Reckless Eyeballing A term which refers to the act of looking around instead of keeping
your eyes on the ground. Eyeballing is against the rules and could lead an untrained victim to
choose up by mistake.
The Game/The Life The subculture of prostitution, complete with rules, a hierarchy of
authority, and language. Referring to the act of pimping as the game gives the illusion that it
can be a fun and easy way to make money, when the reality is much harsher. Women and girls
will say theyve been in the life if theyve been involved in prostitution for a while.

Did You Know

The sex trade is still alive and well in America

The sex trade is not run by uneducated people. It's
run by people who are struggling to find other

Backpage.com is the most popular sex trade site

Not all business is done in the form of cash

Prostitution is illegal in the United States except in 11

rural counties in Nevada.
Prostitution dates back to at least 2400 B.C.


1% of american women have worked as prostitutes

Prostitution helped kill the 2$ bill

Could the the worlds oldest profession

Nevada counties allowing sex trade










White Pine



Current laws
In some states, prostitution is considered a form of disorderly conduct. In most the crime
includes offering or agreeing to, or actually engaging in, a sexual act in exchange for money.
Statutes typically describe the contemplated sexual activity vaguely. They use terms such as
lewd acts, but invariably describe intimate physical contact of some form.
In many states, the government must prove only that the prostitute offered or agreed to
engage in sexual conduct for compensation, regardless of whether she or he intended to
follow through on that offer or agreement.

Prostitution exists today because women are

objectified sexually, and because it is
considered more permissible for men than for
women to have purely sexual experiences

Allow sex workers to be healthier

Illegal street prostitutes might face pressure from pimps
and Johns to forgo condoms. But states that legalize
prostitution can require sex workers to use condoms
and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
Sex workers in Nevada have to get monthly tests for
syphilis and HIV and weekly tests for gonorrhea and

Reduce sex related crimes

Prostitutes who experience violence may be reluctant to call the cops since
what they're doing is illegal. Sex workers in licensed brothels, on the other
hand, can have somebody to back them up.:
Brothel owners have a clear interest in maintaining their image as law-abiding,
trouble-free businesses to keep their licenses and maintain good relations within
their communities.
A study of San Francisco prostitutes found that 82% had been assaulted and
68% had been raped while working as prostitutes. Another study of prostitutes
in Colorado Springs found they were 18 times more likely to be murdered than
non-prostitutes their age and race.

Save money on law enforcement

In countries, where prostitution is illegal, billions of dollars are spent on dealing
with it. In the U.S., law enforcement agencies spend at least $2,000 for each
arrest of a sex worker that includes the arrest, court, and imprisonment costs.
And with the vast number of sex workers in the country, it costs the government
more than $120 million a year on prostitution control.
When prostitution is legalized, the government will no longer have to spend cost
for hiring additional law officials to hunt down sex workers, enforcing laws
against prostitution, and caring for sex workers in jail.

Just like in any other industry, legalization of prostitution could lead to a chain
effect that would significantly benefit a country primarily through tax revenue.
Once the sex workers and brothel owners obtained a license, they may
participate in the business and enjoy their legal income that is taxable.
Prostitution is a lucrative business. According to reports, eachsex worker in
Nevada earns around $3,000/ week.
These taxes can be used to benefit education for sex ed. There has been a
decline in grant money for sex ed programs and this could offer an opportunity for
educational growth.

The average annual income of an employee at one Nevada brothel working

only one week per month is at least $100,000. Based on this figure, each
legally licensed sex worker would contribute more than $20,000 in federal
income taxes per year.
Considering that current estimations show over one million prostituted
women in America, the tax revenue generated by this industry becomes a
staggering $20 billion per year.

Employment rights
Everyone, who is legally employed, has minimum rights and entitlements given by
law, such as safety rights, minimum wage, health benefits, vacation pay, and
protection against unlawful discrimination. And since sex workers dont work
legally, they dont get any of these rights.
If prostitution will be legalized, sex workers will be able to get access to the
rights and services that they deserve. If a sex worker is raped or abused, she can
complain to the police and even file lawsuit. Furthermore, she can get access to
basic education and health services, just like anyone else.

Can't be prevented
There will always be people who will pay money to get sex for pleasure, and
there will always be women or even men who will offer their body for money.
Prostitution has been a part of many cultures all over the world, and it will
not be easily eliminated. So rather than wasting time and money in
regulating ineffective solutions, the best thing to do is to just legalize it.

The only way to stop this trafficking in and

profiting from the use of women's bodies is for
prostitution to be legalized. Legalization will open
it up to regulation; and regulation means safety.

STD prevention
When the Rhode Island legislature inadvertently decriminalized indoor
prostitution in the state from 2003 to 2009, it proved beneficial.
During those seven years the state saw a large decrease in rapes and a
large reduction in gonorrhea incidence for men and women

Career option
Every human being has the right to use their body according to their will. If a sex
worker would want to rent out her body in exchange of money, that's their right.
No matter what reasons of sex workers for involving in such activity, whether its
for the money or pleasure, we dont have the right to question or stop them. Its
their choice, and according to law, everyone has free choice of employment.

Every hooker I ever speak to tells me that it beats the

hell out of waitressing.

Legitimate business
If it is regulated and taxed like any other business, prostitutes in a
regulated business should make more profit and be better protected
than those "on the street". If the government requires prostitutes to
be licensed and undergo health screenings there would be a lower
risk of sexually transmitted diseases and sex workers would be doing
their business in a safer environment

Could promote sex trafficking

Legalized or decriminalized prostitution industries are one of the root causes of
sex trafficking. One argument for legalizing prostitution in the Netherlands was
that legalization would help to end the exploitation of desperate immigrant
women who had been trafficked there for prostitution. However, one report found
that 80% of women in the brothels of the Netherlands were trafficked from other

Does not control the sex industry; it

expands it.
Prostitution now accounts for 5% of the Netherlands economy. Over the last
decade, as pimping was legalized, and brothels decriminalized in the year 2000,
the sex industry increased by 25% in the Netherlands. At any hour of the day,
women of all ages and races, dressed in hardly anything, are put on display in the
notorious windows of Dutch brothels and sex clubs and offered for sale. Most of
them are women from other countries who were probably trafficked into the

Does not protect the women in prostitution

In two studies in which 186 victims of commercial sexual exploitation were
interviewed, women consistently indicated that prostitution establishments did
little to protect them, regardless of whether the establishments were legal or
illegal. One woman said, The only time they protect anyone is to protect the
One of these studies interviewed 146 victims of trafficking in 5 countries. Eighty
percent of the women interviewed had suffered physical violence from pimps and
buyers and endured similar and multiple health effects from the violence and
sexual exploitation, regardless of whether the women were trafficked
internationally or were in local prostitution.

Increase in demand
With the advent of legalization in countries that have decriminalized the sex
industry, many men who previously would not have risked buying women for
sex now see prostitution as acceptable.
As men have a plethora of sexual services offered to them in prostitution,
women must compete by engaging in anal sex, sex without condoms,
bondage and domination and other acts demanded by buyers. Once
prostitution is legalized, for example, womens reproductive capacities are
sellable products.

Prostitution is not just a service industry, mopping up

the overflow of male demand, which always exceeds
female supply. Prostitution testifies to the amoral
power struggle of sex.... Prostitutes, pornographers,
and their patrons are marauders in the forest of archaic

Works Cited

I am sorry that these are not formatted correctly. I ran out out time. I had this assignment
completed until I lost my flash drive. If it is possible, I would like the opportunity to fix errors that
are in this policy presentation.

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