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Cease inwardly from thought and word, be motionless

within you, look upward into the light and outward

into the vast cosmic consciousness that is around you.
Be more and more one with the brightness and the
vastness. en will Truth dawn on you from above and
ow in on you from all around you.
Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo

Faites cesser toute pense, toute parole en vous,

soyez immobile au-dedans, tournez votre regard
vers le haut, vers la lumire, et au-dehors, vers la
vaste conscience cosmique qui vous entoure.
Unissez-vous de plus en plus la clart, l immensit. Alors la Vrit commencera se rvler
vous d en haut et s coulera en vous de partout.


1. Cut paper along dotted line.

2. Fold in half along shorter edge (while holding the paper in portrait mode, fold it in half horizontally backwards).
3. Fold it again in half (like closing a book) so that the date is on the front.

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