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Unit 1 > Present simple — Present continuous ‘Complete the exchanges below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1A: Where : (you/go)? B: To the cinema, (yourwant) to come? 2A: Where (be) your neighbour? B: She's away on a business trip. (look) after her garden at the moment. 3 A: Howoften (youlgo) to the hairdresser's? B: About once every two months. 4 A Why (you/smell) the flowers? B: They (smell) beautiful 5A: Where (Luke/work)? B: Ata bank down town. He (work) as a clerk. 6A {you/go) on holiday? B: Yes, (fly) to London tomorrow morning 7 A: What time (the train/leave)? B: At quarter past eight. 8 A: Have you got any plans for tonight? B: Yes, 1 (see) Mike. Care to join us? > Present perfect simple - Present perfect continuous Complete the questions as in the example. Then, answer them about yourself. 11 Haveyou ever been to Pars? (be to Paris) Yes, have./No, Ive never been to Paris 2 tie bungee jumping? (go) 7 a lorry? (drive) 4 anybody famous? (meet) 5 sushi? (try) Use the phrases to make sentences, as in the example theyhwalk/two hours. They have been walking fortwo h she/do the gardening/this morning they/send e-mails/morning he/work outtwenty minutes Underline the correct form of the verb. 1 Jude has been working/has worked in the garden for the past two hours. 2 Have you had/Have you been having dinner yet? 3 Jane has visited/has been vis before 4 Fiona has been reading/has read this book since last summer! 5 James has studied/has been studying law. He now works for a big law firm. 6 Have you ever eaten/been eating caviar? I's delicious! ing Portugal Fill in: never, yet, for, since, ever, already, just. 1. Paula has had dinner. 2. Helen has been to Australia, 3. | haven't finished the project 4 We have been waiting here over an hour. 5. Owen has lived abroad 2004, 6 Has David had Chinese food? 7 Kate has left the building. Yo might catch up with her if you hurry. Unit 2 > Modal Verbs Underline the correct item. 1. A: The wolf in that cage looks hungry. I'l give him something to eat B: No! You mustn’t/don’t have to feed the animals. t's not allowed. 2. A: Your dog has been barking for ages. Can't you do something to keep him quiet? B: It's time for his walk. | must/should take him to the park 3. A: I'm going hiking in the National Park at the weekend, You ought to/must wear good hiking boots. My son would really like a pet. You have to/should get him a puppy. Didh’t you see the sign? You don't have to/mustn't throw rubbish here (Oh? Sorry | didn’t see the sign, 6 A; Don't forget to water the plants while | am away on holiday. 8: Must/Should | water them every day? 7 A: | think that governments ought to/have to do more to protect the rainforests B: | absolutely agree 8 A: | like 200s but it's a pity the animals are in cages. B: Yes. They must/should be living in their natural habitat. pe>e ‘Write what you must/mustn't do at the zoo. 1. feed the animals (x) 2 pet the tigers (x) 3. obey the zoo keepers (7) 4 keep quiet (V) 5 climb into animals’ cages (x) 6 use a camera flash (x) > Will/Going to Fill in the correct form (be going to or will) of the verbs in brackets. 1A: Why are you dressed in this suit? B: Because | (meet) Mr Sullivan in an hour, 2. A: What are your plans for the summer? B: We (Spend) August in our cottage. 3 A: Is Ann here? B: Yes, she is. (get) her for you 4 A: Im thirsty BI (make) you an orange juice 5A: Why are you turning on the radio? BI (listen) to the news. 6 A; | don't know how to use this blender. BI (show) you. 7A: Its too hot in here, 8: | (open) the window. 8 A: What are all these eggs for? BI (make) an omelette > Future continuous - Future perfect Put the verbs in brackets into the correct, tense. 1. A: Do you think you (inish) by lunch? Br | think so. 24 (you/see) Tom tomorrow? B: I don't know yet 3A: What time next week? BI (swim) in the sea. 4 A: Shall we meet tomorrow? B: Sure but after 6 o'clock. | (do) the shopping by then. 5A: By the end of this year, | (save) £100 B: Well done. (yourdo) this Unit 3 > Past simple - Past continuous 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1 10 38 & (yourfeel) the earthquake last night? : Yes. | (take) a shower when it. (happen), Why is George so sad? He (drive) his new car yesterday when somebody (crash) into him from the back ‘A: I'm meeting Susan later on, know. She while | (call) me eartier . (get) ready to come here. ‘A: What is Fiona so excited about? She (walk) down the street when she (run) into. her favourite actor. How (you/find) out about this package holiday? Il cvs (leaf) through a magazine when | (come) across an ad. Why isthe plane delayed? They (mistake) one of the passengers for a criminal while he (G0) through passport contro. ‘A; What's wrong with Mike's foot? He (sprain) his ankle while he (climb) up the stairs : What (youdo) ‘A: Why is Dave so upset? yesterday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon? 1 (watch) TV while Ann (cook). Where's John? He (have) dinner when they (ring) from work and he (have) to leave urgently He (work) on his computer when it suddenly (switch) itself off so he (ose) all his work. > Past perfect - Past perfect continuous Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect continuous. 1 Maggie's feet were sore. She had been walking (walk) for an hour John was very tired. He (work) on his laptop for hours. Jackie looked very happy. She (play) in the sand all morning, Tim and Faye were lost. They (rive) in circles for an hour We went to Ann's house but she wasn't there, She (go) out. | asked Lynn if she wanted to eat something but she wasn’t hungry. She Gustave) lunch When we reached the airport we realised we (eave) our tickets at home. We (play) football for an hour when it started raining, 9 He went to the doctor yesterday because he (not/feel) well 10 It was quiet when she got home. The children (go) to bed a. Read the sentences and replace used to with would where possible. 1 This house used to have a beautiful garden full of red roses. 2. When we were young, we used to go to the beach house every summer. 3. My grandmother always used to help me with my maths homework 4. My father used to have a red sports car when he was young, 5. Diane used to work as a secretary before she started her own business b. What did you use to do five years ago. Write sentences. used to goto bed early I didn'tuse to have lang hai Unit 4 > Reported Speech ‘Tur these sentences into reported speech, 1. ‘This is the best report card my teacher has ‘ever given me!” Jack told his parents. 2 ‘Where is the lecture taking place this afternoon?’ Ann said 3. ‘I couldn't answer any of the problems on the Maths paper,’ said Penny. 4 "Miss Smith was correcting exam papers all yesterday evening,’ said Jonathan, 5 ‘Do you want to join the Photography Club with me?’ Pat said to me, 6 I applied for the computer course at the college,’ said Tom 7 ‘Can | copy your Science notes, please?’ Sue said, 8 ‘Michael, you are not paying enough attention in class,’ said Mrs Jones. 9 ‘I had finished all my homework before my friend came to visit,’ said Sandra 10. ‘Have you seen our new teacher yet?" John said tome Complete the sentences below with the correct form of say or tell. 1 Diana me to finish typing the letters before | went home, 2 "That Chemistry experiment is quite easy’ the teacher 3 He to me that he had found a reat jb in Pari. 4 Shauna that she wanted to leave University and get a jo. 5. Chris ...... US a great story lastnight. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box to report the statements below. ‘explain + promise order « deny + suggest 1. ‘Of course | didn’t cheat in the test!’ she said, 2 ‘Open your bag, now,’ the detective said to her. 3. ‘Tum over your papers and start writing,’ said the examiner. 4. ‘Why don’t we meet later?” said Monica 5 ‘Don’t worry, | won't tell anyone your secret,” he said Write the reported sentences in direct speech. 1. The teacher said that they would have to do a test the following week. 2 lynn said that she had never seen such a difficult exam paper. 3. Gayle promised to help June with her History homework. 4 The teacher asked me if | had finished all my homework. 5. He asked if he could open the window. “a9 100 Unit 5 > Relative Clauses Choose the correct item. 1 Paula was really angry when she saw the ‘damage which/who the dog had done. 2 Sharon is the git! who/whose party we went to lastnight. 3 Helloween isa festival in that/which everyone dresses up as a ghost or a witch 4 People who/which write novels are called authors. 5 Thatis the church when/where he got married 6 My mother remembers a time when/who there were no supermarkets. 71 would like to dress up in 2 costume whofwhich is really cary for Halloween 8 Does anyone know whose/who mask this is? Filln the correct relative pronoun, then put commas where necessary. 41. Dragons have big claws and wings are terrifying creatures. 2 The man ‘was driving the car was speaking on his mobile phone when he crashed 3. Students have joined the university this year must register at the Accommodation Office before 12 pm. 4 Caroline brother was in my class became a doctor. 5 The car is parked outside our house is Tony's Join the sentences below using which, that, who or whose. 1. John isa teacher. He is very patient. 2 That is the book. It has lots of information about mythical creatures. 3. That woman is an artist. Her house is on our street. 4. Halloween is a festival. Its great fun. 5 Stephen King is a writer. His books are quite frightening, > Comparatives and Superlatives Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the comparative or the superlative. 1) Dragons are (scary) of creatures. 2 Let's go and see the other film. It's a lot (funny) this one 3. Michelle is (polite) Joan. 4 Temperatures are getting and (hot) 5 Rachel isa lot (thin) her friend Sarah 6 Paul can run (fast) Bob 7 Heis (friendly) his brother. 8 She swims (well) me, 9 Thisis (expensive) dress of all. 10 Annis (intelligent) student in the cass. Choose the correct item. 1 Patrica is twice as cleverer/clever as Carol 2 It's getting colder/coldest and colder. Let's light the fire. 3 I get bummed very easily n the sun because my skin is fairest/fairer than yours. 4 Sandy has the best/good voice of all the singers in the musica 5. The faster /fastest we drive the faster we will get there Unit 6 D> Articles Complete the exchanges with a, an or the where necessary. 1. A: Mike sent me... text message ear. B: Really? So, you know about ...... party ‘on Saturday? 2 A: Why don’t you send me...... email with information from... home? B: Well, computer at home is broken. tl send it from... Work 3A: | bought new mobile phone. B: Really? Did you get cone | told you about? 4 AWS onnnn Kate at meeting this morning? B: Yes, she was. She gave presentation of her new project 5A: We went t0 wn... cinema last night to WER se film, B: What was. title of film you saw? 6 A: I don't like westerns at all. 8: Are you serious? Haven't you ever watched film The Magnificent Seven? i's one of... best fms ever! > Quantifiers Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 1. There ae ...... things | want to ask you. A alitle B afew C all 2 There were ...... people at the cinema last night. ‘A mary Bittle alotof 3. Damien has invited people from the office A several B alot € litte 4 Can | borrow money from you? I'm broke! A alittle B afew © much 5 How directors have worked together con this film? A few B much © many 6 This company gives a laptop t0 wn.» one of its executives. A any Bevey C all > Adverbs Make complete sentences, 1. They /two films /last night / watched / at the cinema 2 Call / quickly /her / on her mobile / back 3 Tom / in his room / reading / was sitting / quietly / comics, 4. She /after dinner /in a hurry / immediately / left 5. She /all day /at the office’ has been working 6 After that call /confused /he/ totally / was > Questions Tags Complete the question tags. This is a nice song, You've got a car, Come here, Dave hasn't had lunch yet, I'm right about this, ‘The police caught the bank robbers, Helen will study abroad, Jane works at a bank, @vausune > Reflexive Pronouns Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun. Marion looked at in the mirror. Mike did the Maths homework all by Behave when you are in the library. Children, help ‘to some pizza, ‘We bought this country house for fan and Mary taught s.nnn OW to play the guitar, Don’t touch this, it’s hot. You'll burn 8 He claims to have met the President of the Usa 10 Unit 7 > Conditionals Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 Ifthe alarm clock had gone off, | (not/be) late for the meeting, 2. Ifyou apply for the job, they (all) you for an interview. 3 ithe (lke) his job, he wouldn't look for a new one. 4. If Kate earned more money, she (buy) her own flat 5 if dack (arrive) late at the office, he'll miss the beginning of the meeting, 6 Unless he prepares very well for this exam, he (pass) it. 7 They wouldn't have left if he (be) nicer to them. 8 ifiwere you, | (apologise) to her 9 if --- (find) a job in London, would move there right away. 10 If he had told her the truth, she (forgive) him, 2. Make conditional sentences, as in the example. 11 Mary doesn’t have enough money so she can't buy a new car. if Mary had enough money, she would buy a new ca 2. Kate wasn't very careful. That's why she had the car accident. 3 Jane is ill, so she can’t come to the party. 4 lan didn’t get your message. That's why he didn't call you. 5 Nigel doesn’t have any money, so he can’t go away on holiday. > Wishes What does each person wish? 1. | haven't got enough money. wish had enough money. 2 Please stop playing the music that loudly 3. I didn't know you were in hospital 4. e eaten too much, Now| fel sick 5. | shouldn't have painted the room yellow. 6 I can’t afford this watch, 7. don’t have a computer. 8 | shouldn't have lied to her 9 Ihaven't got any friends. 10. Ohno! It’s raining again. > Clauses of purpose Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 1. She called me ..... invite me to her party. ‘A sothatshe B to ——C_withaviewto. 2. She asked for a meeting with her manager asking for a raise A sothat she B with a view to © inorder to 3. Celia worked all night A soasto finish the report. B inorder C so that she 4 Dave rang earlier doing, A sothathe B to © for see how you were 5. Nina is working some extra hours this month eam some more money for her summer holiday. A inorderto B soas C witha view to Unit 8 > The Passive Complete the exchanges using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets 1. A: Have the police talked to the witnesses yet? B: Yes, they yesterday. 2 A: Are there any suspects? B: One man dressed in black (see) near the scene of crime. 3. A: Bank robbers should (send) to prison for years. 8: | absolutely agree. 4 A: Mrs Peters’ fat (break into) last night! 8: Oh, no! How dreadfull 5 A: Aburglar alarm system (already/instal) in the fat. (question) B: That's great. 6 A: The bank robbery (record) on the CCTV cameras. B: Really? Then, the bank robber {arrest) sooner or later. Fill in by or with. The door was opened a key. 2 This music was written @ famous composer. 3. The witnesses were interviewed three police officers. 4 The window had been broken a heavy object. 5 The police car was shot at vino the robbers. 6 The building is watched security guards round the clock > Causative form Rewrite the sentences in the causative form. 11 Mum combs Susan's hair every day. 2. The nurse is bandaging his leg 10 The doctor took Mr White's blood pressure. She will ask someone to install an alarm system in her house. Jack was cleaning the pool for Tom. Kate and Frank hired a professional to organise their wedding reception. ‘The hairdresser will cut Helen's hair tomorrow. ‘The mechanic has serviced Paul's motorbike. The tailor is making a suit for Tor. The baker made Nancy's birthday cake. > Clauses of Result Join the sentences using so/such... that, as in the example. 1 The damage at the bank was big. It had to close down for a couple of days The noise was very loud. We all woke up. The area was very noisy. We decided to move. This man is very rich. He has his own yacht. He is very young, He can't drive a car. > Determiners Underline the correct item. 1 You can neither/either come with us or stay at home None/Neither of us likes horror films. Every/All house in the neighbourhood has got a burglar alarm system Either/Neither you tell me what you know or | will have you arrested. The police officer gave each/all witness some ‘mug shots to look at. Unit 9 > Modals Choose the correct item. 1A: Is this Mary? 10 " 2 B “4 5 8 No, it must/can’t be her. Mary has got blonde hair. A; Is John here yet? No, he isn’t. He may/can’t have stayed late at the office. A: I'm in terrible pain. Se You must/can’t have broken your leg. The phone's ringing. Who could it be at this hour? tt can‘timust be Jane. She said she'd call at around twelve. I don’t have enough money to pay my rent. Why don’t you ask Luke? He may/can’t lend you some money. I've got a terrible headache ‘You should/have to take an aspirin Must/Can we take photographs inside the museum? I'mafraid not. ‘You mustn’t/don’t have to do that again. I'm sonry, We can'tihave to be at the station at 10:30 am You're right. The bus leaves at 11 May/Should | borrow your pen? Sure. Go ahead Could/Must | talk to Mr Jones? ''m afraid he isn't in his office Should/Can | have a sandwich, please? Sure. Help yourself This mustican't be true. You are lying. No, I'm not | feel realy tired. You have to/should have a rest. Is this your pen? No, it can‘t/must be John’s, Rewrite the sentences. Use must, cant, ‘may/might. 1. I'm sure they have caught a lot of fish must have caught a lot off Maybe he's late for a meeting. 3 He looks very upset. 4. Maybe he's made a mistake. 5. | think he has hurt his back 6 I'msure he's very tired 7 Perhaps Owen will go to Spain for the summer. 8 It’s possible that Kate and Fiona have already seen the film. 9 Maybe Rita will quit her job at the end of the month, 10. It’s possible that Bob has moved to the States for good. 11. I'm sure Susan hasn't lied to you. 12. Perhaps they will join us tonight. Look at the picture. Use the prompts to make as many logical assumptions as possible. * computer/ crash + lose/data + bestressed * bewilingy work longer + play/computer| games Unit 10 > (to)infinitive/-ing form Complete the exchanges with the correct form of the verb in brackets 1 A: Hove Mlisten) to rock music: B: Me too! | look forward to (go) to the Depeche Mode open air concert next week! Are you coming? A: No. I'm afraid I can’t (afford) to pay for the ticket 2 A: Would you like (come) to an art exhibition with me tomorrow? Br Sure! Thanks for. (ask) me. 3. A: Nigel tried (kick) the ball but he missed. B: What did you expect? He's too young (play) football. 4 A: Ihave decided (take) up jogging, B: Good idea. But what's the use of (work) out if you don’t go on a diet as well? 5A: 'mhaving difficulty (meet) the deadline. B: Why don’t you ask your supervisor (give) you an extension? 6 A: Hllnever forget (visit) Madri. B: Iregret (not/join) you. 7A: The children should be in bed. They aren't allowed (stay) up so late B: | know but they refuse (go) to bed! 8 A: Ihate (work out) in the gym. | prefer (exercise) alone at home B: Don't you find it boring? 1 don't mind (go) to the gym as long as it isn’t crowded. 9 A: Is Ann here? B: Yes. can hear her (talk) con the phone. 10 A: What did you do yesterday afternoon? 8: My mum made me (tidy) my room, " 2 B 4 15 ‘A: Why don’t you ask Jim (help) you? B: There's no point in (ask) him, Hell ust say no. What's wrong with you? My parents won't let me (go) to the performance on Friday night. ‘Are you doing anything tonight? Jess suggested svn (@at) Out. Is John here? No, he haS GON snnsnesnnesnse GO). What are you doing this afternoon? Imay (Wisit) my ‘grandparents. oP PRoOReE Complete the sentences with the correct infinitive tense. 1. There's Diane. She seems (Wook) for a taxi 2. Kate claims (win) a beauty contest when she was eighteen. 3 lan tends (stay) at home at the weekends. 4. She appears (lose) a lot of weight. 5 Hes believed (be) the best basketball player of his time 6 The team seems nnn (train) hard for the games next month. Fill in the gaps with would rather, preferis), would prefer, had better. 1 \ take up tennis than take up squash Jim... going swimming to going jogging. Lesley to go out on weekdays rather than on Saturdays. Kate 90 ona diet in the summer than in the winter. Cathy avoid eating junk food cr she'll gain a lot of weight. Helen have just a salad now than have pasta You try the dress on before you buy it. t might not ft you. We usually to go to the cinema to staying in. 10!

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