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AWARENES- An ongoing fuller discovery of self
and a mindful, spacious realization of creations
CARING- to be concern, have thought or regard.
COMMITMENT- The firm carrying out of purpose.
COMPASSION- Sensitivity and the capacity to
commiseration for another's suffering or misfortune
CONVICTION- How can we expect a
righteousness to prevail when there is hardly
anyone who will give himself up undividedly to a
righteous caused? Are there still people today who
never weary of directing their thinking and all their
energy single-heartedly, to one cause? Sophie
COURAGE- Strength of mind and will to carry on
with audacity and fortitude in spite of challenges
CREATIVITY- The generation of new ideas or
concepts, or new associations, to go outside the
DEPENDABILITY- Reliable, worthy of reliance or

DETERMINATION- Firmness of purpose.

ELOQUENCE- Powerful and effective language.
Fluent, persuasive and articulate speech.
ENTHUSIASM- A feeling of excitement.
Exuberance: overflowing with eager enjoyment or
FAIRNESS- Free from bias or injustice;
FAITHFULNESS- Steadfast in affection or
allegiance; loyal.
FORGIVENESS- disposition or willingness to
forgive to grant pardon for or remission of (an
offense, to cease to feel resentment against:
FORTITUDE- Strength of mind that enables one
to endure adversity with courage.
GENEROSITY- Giving or ready to give freely, free
from meanness or prejudice.
GENTLENESS- Moderate; mild, quite; not rough
or severe.
GRACIOUSNESS- Elegance and courtesy, in
speech or behavior that acknowledges the worth of
GRATITUDE- Live your life so that the fear of
death can never enter your heart. When you arise

in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.

Give thanks for your life, strength food & joy of
HONESTY- Integrity, veracity, and devotion to
telling the truth especially when it is difficult.
HUMILITY- There is three circles in life. Knowing what we know and knowing what we dont
know are small and of somewhat equal size. The third: Not knowing what we dont know would
be enormous!!

HUMOR- The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express

what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
INTEGRITY- Moral soundness; Integrity is
consistency of values and actions. Unbroken
completeness with nothing lacking.
JOY- A state of happiness, peace and a cause of
rejoicing in the delight of ones life and others.
JUSTICE- The motive is love of brother, and we
are commanded to love our brothers. If religion has
so neglected the needs of the poor and the great
mass of workers, and permitted them to live in the
most horrible destitution while comforting them
with the solace of a promise of a life after death
when all tears shall be wiped away, then that
religion is suspect. Dorothy Day
KINDNESS- To act with grace and benevolent
assistance in service to others.

LOVE- Constant selfless regard for and dedication

to others
MERCY- Compassion or forbearance especially
shown to an offender or to those in distress
PATIENCE- The quality of waiting for events to
unfold in proper time without worry or distress
RESPECT- Admiration for others. Treating people
with due dignity.
RESPONSIBILITY- Having control over and
accountability for appropriate events
SERVICE- this is the true joy of life: being used up
for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty
one: being a force of nature instead of a feverish,
selfish little clod of aliments and grievances,
complaining that the world will not devote itself to
making you happy. Life is no brief candle to me. It
is sort of a splendid torch which I got hold of for a
moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as
possible before handing it on to future generations.
George Bernard Shaw
SIMPLICITY- To live simply & sanely, content with
only necessary possessions, a healthy mind and
body and a willingness to let go of worried and
SINCERITY- Free from pretense or deceit in
manner or actions.

SPACIOUSNESS- a beginning, a possibility, a

potential, and a capacity for new awareness in the
midst of a graceful peaceful presence
THANKFULNESS- Warm friendly feelings of
TRUST- Reliance on the integrity, strength,
ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing;
UNDERSTANDING- The perceptive capacity for
knowing and sharing the feelings of another.
WISDOM- The insight and ability to understand,
usually with age, inner qualities of ideas and
personal relationships
WONDER- The feeling aroused by something
strange and surprising

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