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Fall 2016
Project #1: Exploring cultural identity
Autobiography of your subculture
Select a subculture to which you belong. It might be a religious, racial, or ethnic group; it might
be a sport or social club, or an occupational or work-related subculture. It could be your college
or a subculture thereof, but I would prefer you choose something else unless you think you can
really make that distinctive. We will have some readings about subcultures and samples in class
that should help you identify what a subculture is (and is not).
In this essay, demonstrate your understanding of ALL the following concepts by describing the
shared beliefs, values, norms and customs of the subculture you have chosen. Specifically:

How does your subculture differ from the dominant culture?

What is the identity of your subculture? Why does it exist? Is it in reaction to something?
How does one become a member? What beliefs must you buy into to be a member?
What are the outward symbols and behaviors that might indicate to others that one is a
member? Clothes? Language? Music? What are the cultural artifacts of this culture?
What are the major roles in this subculture? Divisions?

I also want you to describe this subculture in a narrative way. When you read Live Nude Girl
for class, note the way Rooney describes this subculture of nude models that she is in. When
James writers about drummers in Finding the Beat, he tells a story about the different types of
drummers within that subculture in a fun and creative way. Try to envision and share your life
within your subculture.
LENGTH AND FORM: Three full double-spaced pages, no more than four pages. Font size
should be 12-point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.
TIP: To help you be sure you have covered all the main points, see the grading sheet that will be
used in assessing your paper at the end of this handout.
DUE DATE: As we progress through the writing process, I will give you more concrete dates for
various rough drafts, as well as the final for now copy. Expect the entire writing process to take
a bit more than one week. Tentative due dates are listed at the end of this assignment sheet.
PORTION OF A SAMPLE PAPER (the red portions are my notes)
My Prostate and Me
I belong to a support group for men who have or have had prostate cancer. (Identity)
(Before you read further, I am pleased to say that, almost years after surgeryfive is the
standard marker for declaring a cancer curedI show no signs of the disease.) Most
members of this group have come to it not entirely of their own accord, since getting
cancer or having close ties to a cancer victim is part of the price of admission.
(Membership) Many members show no visible signs of their condition; others, however,
have a yellowish, waxy complexion and a lack of whisker growth, both of which indicate
they are receiving a treatment that involves the blockage of male hormones. (Signs) Still
others walk with obvious pain, indicating advanced bone cancerthe end stage of many
prostate cancers that spread to other parts of the body. (Signs) All of us value a life free of

Fall 2016
cancer and excessive pain over a painful and premature death. (Values) We also have an
enhanced view of the importance of a loving family and caring friends. (Values) Most of
us hold medical science in high regard, but some members of the group are skeptical of
the medical establishment, believing that most doctors are more concerned with making
money and defending traditional therapies they know how to administer than in
experimenting with newand less lucrativemeans of treating this disease. (Beliefs) We
all value frank discussion of our situation and the varied approaches to treatment,
(Values, Beliefs) and we tend to be quite supportive of those who are in constant pain or
who are clearly about to die. (Norms, general) At the same time, because prostate cancer
is not a disease for wimps, we dont stand around in circles, holding hands and moaning
about our condition. (Folkways) On the contrary, whining is considered bad form and a
wry joke about the several unfortunate conditions that can accompany this disease is
always likely to draw a good response. (Folkways) I have written a book, My Prostate and
Me: Dealing with Prostate Cancer, regarding my own apparently successful bout with
this disease. Because many of the men have read the book and find it helpful, and because
I make it available to them at just a little over the wholesale cost, there is no objection to
my bringing books to the meetings. In fact, I am encouraged to. (Mores) Were I to push
them aggressively, however, or make it appear that my main purpose for coming to the
meetings is to sell books, I would be strongly resentedand rightly so. (Mores) etc......


I will use the following check list to grade your subculture papers. This should help you make
sure you are doing the assignment properly.
STUDENT: _______________________________
_____Writing (Grammar, spelling, coherence)
_____Voice unique to yourself
_____Tone appropriate for audience
_____Attention to structure, grammar, language and punctuation
_____Introduction that is compelling and makes the reader want to learn more
_____Organizationare your thoughts organized in some way to separate the following
_____Shared Beliefs
_____Values (Goals, priorities)
_____Mores (what must you do or not do to be a part of this subculture?)
_____Customs/Traditions (may be included in folkways)
_____Specific Differences (beliefs, mores, values, customs) from dominant culture
_____Joining the subculturehow, why? Motivation?
_____Outward symbols and behaviors (explicit descriptions, colors, shapes, etc.)
_____Overall, was the atmosphere of the subculture captured?

_____Conclusion that may state questions for future exploration; and/or a concise restatement of
major points in a new and compelling way

Fall 2016

Tentative Due Dates:

9/16: Write proposal in class determining which subculture you
would like to write about.
9/19: Draft of an attention grabbing introduction (refer to sample
readings for inspiration)
9/21: First rough draft due- brainstorming rough draft
9/23: Second rough draft due- more complete rough draft for editing
and final peer feedback
9/26: Final for now due along with all previous drafts

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