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The Acidosis/Hypoxia Cancer Link

Body Acidity

Through normal day to day activity in the body, acids are formed as waste
products that need to be neutralized or eliminated. Some of the acids are
released with carbon dioxide (CO2) from exhaling and others are excreted
from the blood via the kidneys. But the body can only excrete a limited
amount and can easily be overburdened by an acidic diet (meat/milk/grains,
no vegetables or fruit). And an acidic diet with excess animal protein
(especially milk-derived products) causes congestion in the lymph fluid
which makes acidic cellular waste removal more difficult. According to the
research paper Metabolic Acidosis due to Drugs and Toxins several drugs
and toxins have been implicated as a cause of metabolic acidosis including
isopropyl alcohol which is in many cosmetic products that the skin readily
absorbs into the body.

Automatic Hyperventilation as a Correction of Acidosis

To try to correct the imbalance of an over-acid body condition the bodies

respiratory center will automatically increase respiration rate to lower the
acidity. Recently the Journal of Applied Physiology published a study done in
the Department of Medicine, Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario,
Canada). It was found that 40 patients with cancer breathed about 12 litres
of air per minute at rest (Travers et al, 2008), instead of 6 litre/min, which is
the medical norm. Breathing frequency of these cancer patients was 20
breaths per minute (the norm is only 12 breaths per minute at rest). What
this over-breathing does is to increase exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) which
removes it from the blood and therefore from all the body. Carbon dioxide is
a crucial variable in pH balance. Its reduction shifts the body towards
greater alkalinity (increased pH) and less acidity. But additional CO2
exhalation is often not enough to make a complete pH correction and the
body is left with excess acid despite all efforts at rebalancing.

Hyperventilation Causes Low Body CO2

The respiratory center, situated in the brain stem, increases or lowers

breathing in order to maintain pH according to the Henderson-Hasselbach
equation. Hence, to maintain pH, the ratio of acidic CO2 to alkaline
bicarbonate in the cerebral-spinal fluid needs to remain constant. Since the
blood-brain barrier is extremely permeable to CO2, this is readily
accomplished by regulation of breathing. To compensate for high acidity the
CO2 has to be kept low. This leaves the body tissues with low CO2 levels.

Low CO2 Causes Vascular Restriction and Low Tissue Oxygen

The low CO2 results in a profound derangement of normal body chemistry.

Carbon dioxide is a known muscle relaxant. Smooth muscle in the walls of
some arteries and bronchioles is affected by low carbon dioxide. The smooth
muscle in the blood vessels going to the brain contract during
hyperventilation which is what causes the resultant dizziness. There are
many other effects of hyperventilation on the body. One of the most
significant is poor oxygenation of the cells. Apart from constriction of blood
vessels causing a reduction in blood flow, low CO2 decreases the ability of
hemoglobin to release its carried oxygen to body cells. This is know as the
Bohr effect (the higher the CO2 in tissues, the more oxygen is released to
them, an exchange of one for the other). This results in low tissue oxygen.

Hypoxia (low oxygen in body tissues) as Cancer Cause

Otto Warburg discovered one of the main causes of cancer when he won two
Nobel Prizes fifty years ago for his work on proving that cancer is caused by
a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in The Prime Cause and
Prevention of Cancer that: We find by such experiments that 35 percent
inhibition of oxygen respiration already suffices to bring about such a
transformation during cell growth. Oxygen pressures that inhibit respiration
35 percent can occur at the end of blood capillaries in living animals, so that
the possibility arises that cancer may result when too low oxygen pressures
occur during cell growth in animal bodies. Also; tumors live in the body
almost anaerobically [w/o oxygen]

The Vicious Cycle Leading to Cancer

So, in conclusion, it can be seen that acidity causes a chain of events which
disallows normal oxygen levels in body tissues. The acidity causes a higher

respiration rate, lowering body CO2 which causes the blood cells to deliver
less oxygen to tissues. Oxygen normally has a cleansing effect in cells, and
the lack of it allows toxicity to increase. So greater acidity causes oxygen
deprivation which permits greater toxicity, including toxicity of cancercausing toxins. The end result is a toxic low-oxygen body which is a perfect
state for normal cells to become cancerous and multiply to form tumors.

Low Immunity Allows Cancer Growth

Of course there can be many reasons for low immunity which results in a
limited response to the presence of cancer cells by the immune system.
General bad habits such as a diet poor in fresh fruits and vegetables, lack of
pure water and air, smoking, drinking, lack of deep sleep, and others can
cause your immunity to be limited. Also any dental infection with anaerobic
bacteria (non-oxygen dependent bacteria) causes a lack of response by the
immune system to cancer cells. This tidbit of knowledge comes from 30
years of research by Dr. Dowling in his North Carolina Institute of

Stopping the Cancer Process

Stopping the growth of existing tumors and the development of new cancer
tumors is as easy as cleansing the body of its excess acid and alkalinizing
the body with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), minerals and vegetable
juice. The most time tested method of cleansing out toxins is water fasting.
Fruit juice fasting would be easier but cancer thrives on sugar, even when its
natural. The only exception allowed for this is using red grapes because of
their many cancer fighting natural compounds. Once the toxins leave the
tissues and start circulating in the bloodstream the patient will feel worse
with headaches and tiredness but it is an expected part of the cleansing
process. Once the toxins are in the bloodstream the liver and kidneys will
work to eliminate them. So it will be better to beforehand cleanse the
gallbladder with olive oil, cleanse the liver with Dandelion Root extract
(capsules or liquid), and cleanse the kidneys with kidney cleansing
herbal/vitamin formulas. That way the body cleansing process can be done
with maximum speed without hindrance.

Gauging Return to Normal Body pH

The return of a normal respiration rate can be used to gauge the return of
normal body pH from being over acid. Using urine pH may not be a reliable
guide because the body robs minerals from bones and tissues to maintain
blood pH balance when the body is acidic. And urine is filtered out of the pH
balanced blood by the kidneys which means that it will maintain a relative
balance. Also the amount of seconds a person can hold their breath can be
used as an indication of body oxygenation. Healthy oxygen levels in the
body can allow a person to hold their breath 40 seconds. Less than 20
seconds is an indication of acidity/hypoxia, with more imbalance indicated
with less breath-holding time.

Destroying Tumors

It is best to wait until after the body returns to normal pH before you start to
burden the body with the toxic waste of dead cancer tissue. Then you can
start with anti-tumor electrotherapy to acidify the tumors to death. Please
click onto the last source listed below for more info. Otto Warburg said If
one then brings such [cancer] cells, in which during their growth under
reduced oxygen pressure a cancer cell metabolism has been produced, back
under the original high oxygen pressure, and allows the cell to grow further,
the cancer metabolismremains. So the assumption that returning the body
to normal oxygen levels will destroy cancer cells has already been disproved
by Ottos experiments.


Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st
century "After digestion, absorption, and metabolism, nearly all foods
release either acid or bicarbonate (base) into the systemic circulation. Fish,
meat, poultry, eggs, shellfish, cheese, milk, and cereal grains are net acid
producing, whereas fresh fruit, vegetables, tubers, roots, and nuts are net
base producing. Legumes yield near-zero mean acid values, which reflects
an overlapping distribution from slightly net acid producing to slightly net
base producing. Additionally, salt is net acid producing because of the
chloride ion."

Metabolic Acidosis due to Drugs and Toxins Several drugs and toxins have
been implicated as direct or indirect causes of a high-anion gap metabolic
acidosis (HAGMA). A consideration of these drugs needs to be included in a

differential diagnosis of a HAGMA. The three most common ones to consider

are methanol, ethylene glycol, and salicylates. Other toxins which can cause
acidosis are isopropyl alcohol and butoxyethanol.

Hypoxia: a key regulatory factor in tumour growth Cells undergo a variety

of biological responses when placed in hypoxic conditions, including
activation of signalling pathways that regulate proliferation, angiogenesis
[the formation of blood vessels] and death. Cancer cells have adapted these
pathways, allowing tumours to survive and even grow under hypoxic
conditions, and tumour hypoxia is associated with poor prognosis and
resistance to radiation therapy.

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha is a positive factor in solid tumor growth.

Deficiencies in oxygenation are widespread in solid tumors. The
transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha is an important
mediator of the hypoxic response of tumor cells and controls the upregulation of a number of factors important for solid tumor expansion,
including the angiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).

Prognostic significance of tumor oxygenation in humans Hypoxia, i.e. low

tissue oxygen concentration, has long been known to limit the response of
tumor cells and animal tumors to radiation therapy. Hypoxic cells are also
resistant to chemotherapy both because of their relative isolation from the
blood supply and that many of the drugs are only effective against dividing

The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer by Otto Warburg; Cancer, above
all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer,
there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause
of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body
cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy
needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy
needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate
aerobes [oxygen-using organism], whereas all cancer cells are partial
anaerobes [oxygen-free organism]. From the standpoint of the physics and
chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great
that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of
energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced
by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a
fermentation of glucose.









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