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What are the various types of belly hernias?

Hernias of the belly and pelvic floor

Inguinal hernias are the most frequent of the stomach hernias. The inguinal canal is the opening that
allows the spermatic cord and testicle to descend from within the abdomen where they develop in a
fetus into the ball sack. After the testicle descends, the opening is supposed to close tightly but
sometimes the muscles that attach to the pelvis leave a weak area. In women, therefore, inguinal
hernias are less likely to occur as there is no need for a everlasting opening in the inguinal canal.

A femoral laxitud may occur through the opening in the floor of the abdomen where the femoral
artery and vein pass through to the leg. Because of their wider bone construction, femoral hernias
tend to occur more frequently in women.

Obturator hernias would be the least common hernia of the pelvic floor. These kinds of are mostly
found in women who have got multiple pregnancies or who have lost significant weight. The hernia
occurs through the obturator canal, another connection of the belly cavity to the leg, and contains
the obturator artery, vein, and neural.

Hernias of the informe stomach wall

The abs wall is made up of muscles that reflect the other person from right and left. These include
the rectus abdominus as well because the internal obliques, the external obliques, and the
transversalis. Diastasis recti is not a true hernia but rather a weakening of the membrane where the
two rectus abdominus muscles from the left and right come together.

When epigastric hernias occur in infants, they occur because of a weakness in the midline of the
stomach wall where the two rectus muscles join together between the breastbone and belly button.
Sometimes this weakness will not become evident until later in adult life as it becomes a stick out in
the upper abdomen.

The belly button, or umbilicus, is when the umbilical cord attached the fetus to mother allowing
blood vessels circulation to the unborn infant. Umbilical hernias cause abnormal bulging in the
tummy button and are incredibly common in newborns and sometimes do not need treatment unless
of course difficulties occur. Some umbilical hernias enlarge and may require repair.

Spigelian hernias occur on the outside edges of the rectus abdominus muscle and are rare.
Incisional hernias occur as a complication of belly surgery, where the stomach muscles are cut
allowing the surgeon to enter the belly cavity to operate. Even though the muscle is usually
repaired, it becomes a relative area of weakness, potentially allowing belly bodily organs to herniate
through the incision.

Hernias of it

Hiatal hernias occur when part of the belly slides through the beginning in the diaphragm where the
esophagus passes from the chest into the stomach. A sliding hiatal hernia is the most typical type
and occurs when the lower esophagus and portions of the stomach slide through the diaphragm in to
the chest. Paraesophageal hernias occur when only the stomach bulges into the chest alongside the
esophagus. This can lead to serious difficulties of obstruction or the stomach twisting after itself

Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias may occur due to major injury where blunt trauma weakens or
tears the diaphragm muscle allowing immediate or delayed herniation of belly organs into the chest
cavity. This may also occur after penetrating trauma from a stab or gunshot wound.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are unusual and result from failure of the diaphragm to fully form
and close during fetal development. This can business lead to failure of the lungs to fully develop
and decreased lung functionality if belly organs migrate to the chest. The most common type is a
Bochdalek hernia at the side edge of it. Morgagni hernias are rare and are a failure of the front of
the diaphragm.


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