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Thy Holy Temple,

O God of Israel,
King Jesus Christ

The Division of Heritage Resources


Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Yet the time will come when Israels people will

be like the sands of the seashoretoo many to
count! Then, at the place where they were told,
You are not my people, it will be said, You are
children of the living God. Then the people of
Judah and Israel will unite together. They will
choose one leader for themselves, and they will
return from exile together. What a day that will
bethe day of Jezreelwhen God will again
plant his people in his land.
In that day you will call your brothers Ammi My
people. And you will call your sisters


Ruhamah The ones I love. Hosea 1:10-1& 2:1

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

The Division of Heritage Resources is a branch department of The

Department of Sociocultural Development an official government
department overseen by The Office of National Security Commission
of the Nation of Israel.


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information presented within They Holy Temple, O God of Israel. No part of this
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Nonprofit usage for educational purposes may copy, duplicate, and reproduce such
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Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Thy Holy Temple, O

God of Israel, King

Jesus Christ



Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

















Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


ejoice! Rejoice! For the Kingdom of Heaven is here and with it comes the promised
salvation of the Lord of Heavens Armies. All knees are bowed as melodies of
peaceful tunes played on the harp
They replied, We want to perform
accompany the melody of holy singers.
Gods works, too. What should we do?
Jesus told them, This is the only work
The call to worship. The invitation to enter the
God wants from you: Believe in the one
presence of God, the Almighty Creator of all life,
he has sent. John 6:28-29
Earth, and Heaven. This is the privilege granted to
the faithful citizens of the Nation of Israel both Jews
and Gentiles. The ability to humble ourselves at the feet of God in submission to learn how to
be holy as He is holy. The awesome invitation that makes our feet tremble as our hearts rejoice.


The bolstering of celebration for the victory won over sin is a reason to rejoice. Every
day the citizens of Israel are reminded of everything they overcame to stand in the presence
of their God, King, and Family RedeemerYahweh. The land of Israel is filled with the
escalating sound of flutes, harps, and trumpets joined with shouts of glad cries. Unlike other
nations who centered their culture on commerce, Israel centers its culture upon the worship
of their God and Jesus Christ. The Holy Covenant Community chosen by God to live as a
family nationchildren of God, siblings of Jesus Christ. Each week a procession of worshippers
travel to Jerusalem, Israel as their hearts throbbed to join in honorary celebration of their love
for Yahweh and Jesus Christ. As they traveled to the Temple of God in recognition of their
blessings of being able to worship the Lord filled with expectancy. The miracle of knowing the

The culture of Israels worship has grown over the years. During the time of Adam and
Eve, their sons were taught to give offerings to the Lord. Able, a shepherd, gave the best of
his flocks, while Cain, a farmer, gave to the Lord but not the best of his harvest. Later, the Lord
commanded Noah to offer sacrifices on the altar after the Great Flood. Abraham continued
this tradition each time the Lord appeared to him. During the Great Exodus, God appointed
the tribe of Levi to serve as priest to teach and purify the Nation of Israel. During the time of
Aaron, the high priest, the Israelites worship consisted of purification rituals and bible study.
However, King David instituted the melody of praise into the worship services. Today, the
Nation of Israel continues with the worship culture of our Hebrew ancestors as outlined by the
Word of God in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Holy Bible. Our instructions of
how to properly serve the Lord God as holy vessels is described in the Holy Bible which is part
of the Holy Covenant.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


Lord God wholly and completely because of their ability to worship the Lord. The invitation of
worship is the ability to publicly display your holy fellowship through holy worship. This gift from
God is something no other nation of people are able to enjoy. Anywhere on Earth it is
outlawed to declare God a King who deserved to be worship. However, the people of Israel
overcame this obstacle by faith and received the inheritance of those whom God chose to
reveal himself to in holy communion. An inheritance preserved by Jesus Christ and revealed
in the heritage of the Word of God. The gift of salvation and the ability to worship God
eternally as humble servants, beloved children, and faith friends of King Jesus Christ.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Then the twenty-four elders and the four living beings fell down and
worshipped God, who was sitting on the throne. They cried out, Amen! Praise
the Lord!

And from the throne came a voice that said, Praise our God, all his servants, all
who fear him, from the least to the greatest.

Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of
mighty oceans waves or the crash of loud thunder:

Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us be glad and
rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding
feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the
finest of pure white linen to wear.

For the fine linen represents the good deeds of Gods holy people. And the
angel said to me, Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding
feast of the Lamb. And he added: These are true words that come from God.

Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said, No, dont worship me. I

am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify
about their faith in Jesus. Worship only God. For the essence of prophecy is to


give a clear witness for Jesus. Revelations 19:4-10

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


The Nation of Israel is governed

by the commandments of God as an
endless holy covenant. A covenant
is an agreement that is ratified
between two parties as a legal
document. The basic guidelines of
the Holy Covenant are expressed as
The Ten Commandments which was
sealed with the shedding and
sprinkling the blood of young bulls
upon the people of Israel, the altar of
God, and the Book of Instructions
(Exodus 24).

Listen to me, my people. Hear me, Israel, for my law

will be proclaimed, and my justice will become a light
to the nations. My mercy and justice are coming soon.
My salvation is on the way. My strong arm will bring
justice to the nations. All distant lands will look to me
and wait in hope for my powerful arm.

Look up to the skies above, and gaze down on the

Earth below. For the skies will disappear like smoke, and
the Earth will wear out like a piece of clothing. The
people of the Earth will die like flies, but my salvation last
forever. My righteousness rule will never end!

Listen to me, you who know right from wrong, you who
cherish my law in your hearts. Do not be afraid of
peoples scorn, nor fear their insults. For the moth will
devour them as it devours clothing. The worm will eat at
them as it eats wool. But my righteousness will last
forever. My salvation will continue from generation to
generation. Isaiah 51:4-8


The guarantee that Israel

would always be invited into the holy
and sovereign presence of God was
in the given and acceptance of the
covenant, Israel learned the culture
of worship, how to mediate criminal
and civil cases, how to properly
conduct themselves, how to care for the environment, how to appoint government leaders,
and every other guideline for establishment of their government, worship, culture, and ensure
their Jewish-Hebrew Heritage. Every nation of the world is known by their system of
independent government, culture, and religious practices. The Nation of Israel was given the
Holy Bible to instruct them of how to properly orchestrate their family nation as children of God.
Since, God is the Beginning and the End, He gave Israel an eternal government that would
stand the test of time if they would obey.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Each week the Israelite Nation relives its Jewish

ancestry through caravan pilgrimage. The weekly
traverse to the Temple of the God of Israel.

Worship, praise, and bible study is their hearts

desire. The freedom of the holiest nation of the
world will always remain in the Lords Sabbath
celebrated at Jerusalem, Israel.


The Division of Heritage Resources of the Nation of Israel

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


The national culture of the family

of Israel is founded upon the heritage of
worship. The Nation of Israel is the only
nation and people who worship the
only true living God and Heavenly
Father. The God of Israel, revealed as El
Shaddai to Abraham meaning God
Almighty and Yahweh to Moses
meaning The God of your ancestors
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob.

The Lord said to Moses, Give the following

instructions to the people of Israel. These are the
Lords appointed festivals, which you are to
proclaim as official days of rest for holy assembly.
You have six days each week for your ordinary
work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of
complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is
the Lords Sabbath day, and it must be observed
wherever you live.
In addition to the Sabbath, these are the Lords
appointed festivals, the official days for holy
assembly that are to be celebrated at their proper
times each year. Leviticus 23:1-4

In the Book of Genesis, the

Israelite nation was introduced to
worshipping God when He appeared to them to reveal a revelation or message. Noah and
Abraham both offered sacrifices to the Lord God in holy reverence. This tradition and
command continued forth with Abrahams son, Isaac, and his grandson Jacob. Later, after
the Lord God freed the Israelites from the Nation of Egypt, He commanded them to observe
specific holy festivals and appointed the daily worship of holy service. The Israelites were
commanded through the covenant of God and Israel to offer holy sacrifices daily on the altar
of God at the Tabernacle and later the Temple. The daily worship of God was to not decease
least the holy covenant be broken.


Each holy day is a recognized Sabbath meaning day of rest in holy reverence. Most
holy days are for a day but others last longer. Sabbaths begin at sundown on the day of the


With the recognition and commemoration of biblically appointed festivals, the Lord
God of Israel also commanded the Israelites to celebrate certain holy days. Each holy day
has its own specific instruction for worship and specific time and duration to be recognized.
The Israelites were instructed to worship the Lord as a holy assembly. Meaning the worship
services were for those within the holy covenant. Non-Israelite foreigners could offer gifts to
the Lord in the recognition of Israels God any day but were forbidden to worship the Lord on
holy days unless they were willing to submit wholeheartedly to the God of Israel. For this reason,
on holy days Israelites separate themselves from outsiders and worship the Lord as a jovial
procession of covenant worshippers filled with deep humility and gratitude.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

festival and end on sundown of the beginning of the next new day. During the Sabbaths or
holy festivals Israelites are prohibited from lighting candles or fire of any sort. The only light and
lamps that should be lite are at the Temple of God or the Tabernacle of the Lord. The altar
would kindle with flames and smoke as animal, food, and liquid sacrifices are offered.
Aromatic scents would permeate from the incense altar with holy fragrances circulating
through the air from the holy incenses. The Lord Himself would be Israels light as He had been
in times past especially when He led them away from Egypt during the night as a pillar of fire
in the sky.



The Israelites were given certain holy festivals upon their exodus from Egypt. Later, other
holy festivals would be added as the ancestral history of the nation expanded. The Festival of
Purim and the Commemoration of Jephthahs Vow were added in by the Israelites in
recognition of their fellow Israelites suffering and joyful obedience to the Lord. Additionally,
the Full Moon Festival is not mentioned in the Book of Numbers but is recognized in the Book
of Psalms. For this reason, the Israelites are reminded to study the Holy Bible or Book of
Instructions to gain a deeper insight to the style of worship in the Jewish-Israelite heritage.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


Outlined below is a brief description of the biblically appointed covenant holy days
recognized by the Nation of Israel. Each holy festival is recognized according to biblical
instructions during specific time of the appointed month and year. The Jewish-Hebrew
calendar is synchronized through the lunar cycle. Therefore, the Israelites closely observe the
daily lunar phases to determine the beginning of the month and ending of the month. Each
new month is recognized by the New Moon Festival which is to be called on each new moon
phase. Upon the middle of the month, Israelites recognize a Full Moon Festival. These two
festivals assist the Jewish people in properly observing each covenant festival in its appointed
season and accurate time of year.

Weekly Festival

Sabbath (Shabbat)

Monthly Festivals

New Moon Festival (Rosh Chodesh)

Full Moon Festival

Annual Festivals

Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Pesach)
Second Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Pesach Sheni)
Celebration of First Harvest
The Festival of Harvest
The Festival of Trumpets
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
The Festival of Shelters (Succoth or Sukkot)
The Festival of Purim (Purim)
The Commemoration of Jephthahs Vow

Irregular Festivals


Sabbath Year
Year of Jubilee

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


The Jewish calendar is organized by 12-lunar cycles that are in sync with the seasons of
the year. Each lunar month is exactly 30 days. During the time of King David of Israel, he
appointed 12 military divisions to serve for one-month per year (1 Chronicles 27). The Jewish
New Year begins in Abib which is when the Lord spoke to Moses to prepare the Israelites for
the first Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread during the Great Exodus of Israel. The end
of the Jewish year is rejoiced with the lovely celebration of the Festival of Purim. Another
commemoration of how the Lord rescues his holy people from their enemies.

Most Sabbath days are provided specific days of the month to be recognized in solemn
worship. However, other festivals such as The Celebration of the First Harvest and The Festival
of Harvest are recognized according to the harvest season. For these reason a specific date
of celebration is not provided in Scripture. Additionally, the Commemoration of Jephthahs
Vow is not given a specific date or month. We are provided with a duration of four days for
the humble commemoration which probably took place in summer. For the festivals that are
instructed for specific dates by God, the Department of Sociocultural Development has
provided a calendar.

Hebrew Month




Tevet (Tebeth)
Sh'vat (Shebat)













Av (Ab)








Cheshvan (Bul)



Kislev (Chislev)


Appointed Festival

Spring begins
March 20th

Festival of Purim
Jewish New Year, Passover, and the Festival of
Unleavened Bread
Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread

begins June

Autum begins
Festival of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Festival of
Winter begins




Georgian Month

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


The biblical holy festivals are essential in

setting Israel apart from all other nations.
Additionally, the holy festivals also distinguish the
Israelite nation as a holy people. It is impossible
to worship the Lord God while we are living in our
sinful human nature of rebellion and disbelief. All
nations are recognized by their religious customs
and various forms of idolatry. The Nation of Israel
is strictly prohibited from participating in such
forms of rebellion against God, the King of Israel.
The instructions of worship teach each believer
how to remove impurities from their lives in order
to properly worship the Lord in holiness and truth.
Bible study is one of the most essential
components to worshipping God and learning
how to trust in His word to begin believing.

You must give this tax to the prince: 16 of

an ephah from each homer of wheat and
16 of an ephah from each homer of
barley, a portion of your olive oil, and one
sheep or goat for every 200 in your flocks in
Israel. These will be the grain offerings, burnt
offerings, and peace offerings that will
make atonement for the people who bring
them, says the Sovereign Lord. All the
people of Israel must join in bringing these
offerings to the prince. The prince will be
required to provide offerings that are given
at the religious festivals, the new moon
celebrations, the Sabbath days, and all
other similar occasions. He will provide the
sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings,
liquid offerings, and peace offerings to
purify the people of Israel, making them
right with the Lord. Ezekiel 45:13-17


There are exactly 30 days each month within the lunar cycle of the Jewish calendar.
Therefore, annual year consists of 360 days. Each festival is briefly outlined with basic
instructions to the purpose of the celebration or commemoration.


Each biblical festival is prescribed with

specific instructions for worshipping the Lord. All
instructions teach us how to purify our lives in honoring the holiness of God. Festivals are to be
fully adhered to according to biblical instructions taught by the chosen priest of God. For
Israelites unable to worship the Lord as described, they should obey parts of the Law that can
be practiced. For instance, Israelites are unable to give offerings to the Lord such as animals,
bread, or wine but they can recognize each festival as the prescribed time each year.
Believers may also fast from food during biblical festival dates when unable to join in holy
worship with other believers. As the faith of each believers is matured in their active desire to
worship God, He will provide the Nation of Israel will all its needs to fully worship Him in holiness
and truth. Worshipping God is the desire to be obedient to holy instructions and submission to
King Jesus Christ.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Daily Festival

Duration of Days: Eternally

Appointed Time: Daily
Biblical Reference: Numbers 28:1-8; Deuteronomy 5; Luke 2:36-40;

Within the community of Israel, every day is a day of festive worship and celebration. The
priest and Temple Assistants serve at the Temple of God twenty-four hours a day, seven days
a week. Worshippers are invited to join in the daily recognition of worship at the Temple.
Worship services are orchestrated with holy instruments of harps, trumpets, and rams horn.
Other holy instruments are also used by the priest and Temple Assistants who also perform the
Psalms of God written by the holy prophets of Israel. In addition to worship, the priest and
Temple Assistants instruct the people of Israel in bible study as they ready and explain the Holy
Bible or Book of Instructions to the servants of God. Worshippers join in holy feasting and fasting
at the Temple of God in their worship communion of holy fellowship.

Weekly Festival

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed time: On the seventh day of the week


The weekly Sabbath called the Shabbat is held on the seventh day of the week. This is an
official day for holy worship. All community members and tribal citizens will cease from their
normal affairs of work, harvest, and recreation to pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Israel. The priest
and community leaders will close the gates of Jerusalem upon sundown at the beginning of
the seventh day (Friday night). The gates of Jerusalem will not be open until the ending of the
worship service (Saturday night). Each holy day is followed by these same instructions of
securing the gates of Jerusalem during our festivities of appointed worship. During this time
the worshippers pitch their tents or bedding within the courtyard of the Lords throne. The
whole city lite with the brilliance of the Lords glory as worshippers praise Yahwehthe God


Biblical Reference: Genesis 2:1-4; Exodus 31:12-18; Exodus 35:1-3; Leviticus 23:1-4; Numbers
15:32-36; Numbers 28:9-10; Matthew 12;

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the God of Jesus Christ. For a full 24-hours the whole nation
gathers in worship and free from the cares of the world to honor the Lord God of Israel. The
whole city vibrating from the gladness of praise to the only true living Lord God, King Jesus
Christ, who is the Son of God!

Monthly Festivals

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: On the new moon phase
Biblical Reference: Numbers 10:1-10; Numbers 28: 11-15;

The New Moon Festival is called to celebrate God in recognition of a new month. Within the
Jewish community, we observe a lunar calendar. At the beginning of each month when the
moon is not visible, we call a new month. In order for the Jewish nation to observe the Holy
Covenant it is essential to also observe the lunar phases and cycle. Every day the priest and
other government leaders observe the phases of the lunar cycle. When the new moon is to
begin, the whole nation is called to celebrate at the New Month Festival. Rams horns and
trumpets are blown by the priest and national leaders to call a national assembly of all
community members. A reminder for all to be alert to the call to worship the Lord. The festival
lasts a whole day. If the festival overlaps another holy day we would recognize both festivals
upon the same day.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: On the full moon phase


Similar to the New Moon Festival, the Full Moon Festival is celebrated approximately 14-15 days
after the new moon. When the moon reaches 100% full, the Jewish Nation calls for a
celebration. The New Moon Festival and the Full Moon Festival is never to celebrate the moon,
stars, or any figurative celestial beings. The festivals are observed to keep in observance of


Biblical Reference: Psalm 81:3

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

the Jewish lunar calendar and months. Since the full moon is in the middle of the moon cycle,
it signals the middle of the month. These festivals assist in keeping in order of each lunar month.
Unlike the solar months, whose calendar that is written out prior to the dates actually occurring,
the lunar calendar is observed daily. Once a new month is called a monthly calendar can be
produced with approximant days; however, calendars with multiple months in advance is not
produced within the Nation of Israel.

Annual Festivals

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: 1st day of new year; Abib 1
Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Ezekiel 45:18-20;

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is held on Abib 1. The festival is celebrated within the
springtime. A signal for the Israelites to also begin the festive celebration of Passover and the
Festival of Unleavened Bread. This festival is recognized with purification ceremonies and
reading of the Holy Scriptures. Exuberant and gleeful songs are sung to honor the Lord for his
blessings of a new year. Following the new year festival, the whole nation begins spring
cleaning to ensure everyone is ready for Pesach within the next two weeks. The whole
community of Israel begins preparing for the new year in purity and holiness.


Duration of Days: 8
Appointed Time: Abib 14 (Passover); Abib 15-21 (The Festival of Unleavened Bread)


Passover is not celebrated until the 14th day of Abib; however, on the 10th day the community
inspects their sacrificial lamb or goat for the celebration. This special animal is delicately cared


Biblical Reference: Exodus 3-15; Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:5-8; Numbers 28:16-25; Ezekiel
45: 21-24; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Mark 14; Luke 22:7-30; John 11-13;

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

for prior to its chosen but all last inspections are performed upon the 10th day. The Passover is
the national anniversary of Israel first exodus from EgyptThe Great Exodus. Following the
Passover feast, Israelites begin the following day with The Festival of Unleavened Bread. During
the eight day festivals the Nation of Israel recites the Book of Exodus to the whole community
of Israel. This ensures that the miracles and ancestral history of Israel is not lost. When Israel
began an independent nation separated from foreign government jurisdiction to worship the
Lord their God and King. As the Israelite read the Book of Exodus they are reminded of their
difficulties in Egypt and among other foreign nations as they lived in exile. Most importantly,
the Israelites are reminded of their privilege to suffer and still trust in God to save and redeem
them from their enemies.


Duration of Days: 8
Appointed Time: Ziv 14 (Passover); Ziv 15-21 (The Festival of Unleavened Bread)
Biblical Reference: Numbers 9

Pesach Sheni or the second Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread is held within the
second month of the year. This command was given to the Israelites during their second year
of The Great Exodus of Israel. Some of the Israelite men were not able to properly purify
themselves to celebrate the first Pesach. Therefore, in Gods mercy for those who desire to
honor him despite their impurities, he permitted them to celebrate the Passover and the
Festival of Unleavened Bread within the second month of the year. All the commands for the
first festival is still applied. The Israelites were given a second chance to purify themselves to
honor the Lord God with holiness and a contrite heart.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: After the Sabbath following the first seasonal harvest


The Nation of Israel is an agricultural nation. Israel herds its own animals of sheep, cattle, oxen,
goat, and poultry. Additionally, the Israelites also grow their own vegetation of fruits,


Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:9-14; Deuteronomy 26; John 6:22-71;

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

vegetables, nuts, and other produce. The Lord has commanded the Israelites to bring the first
harvest of grain to the Temple of God. Each Israelite farmer would give a generous bundle of
grain to the God from their first cutting. A reminder that it is God who gives us seed to grow
food that feeds us and our animals. The Israelites also bring other gifts to the Lord God of Israel
as commanded by Holy Scriptures. This celebration would be separate from the tithes, taxes,
and other voluntary gifts the Israelites are commanded to give to the Lord as a holy covenant
community. The whole community of Israel is prohibited from eating any harvested grain until
this celebration to the Lord God, Yahweh. From this celebration, the priest would count off 50
days to recognize The Festival of Harvest.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: 50 days after the Celebration of First Harvest
Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:15-22; Numbers 28:26-31; Deuteronomy 16:912; Acts 2

The Festival of Harvest takes places toward the end of the harvest season. A reminder for the
people of Israel to continuously give to the Lord his due praises for all of His wonderful blessings.
Later, this festival would have another meaning for the Church of Jesus Christ after his
resurrection when he sent the Gentiles the same Holy Spirit that the Jewish people had. Never
before in biblical history had God revealed giving the Holy Spirit to any other people outside
of the covenant family of Israel. Now, the Gentiles and the Jewish were both part of the same
harvest planted by the seed of Gods holy word.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: Tishri 1


The Festival of Trumpets is held on the first day of the seventh month during the New Moon
Festival. This festival is filled with more vibrancy that other New Moon Festivals, since it is to


Biblical Reference: Leviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 29:1-6;

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

remind the Israelites to prepare for the High Holy Month. During this month the Israelites hold
several festivals and ancestral celebrations to commemorate their Hebrew heritage. After this
festival the Israelite community begins to purify themselves and their community even more
intensely to prepare for The Day of Atonement.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: Tishri 10
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 16; Leviticus 23:26-32; Numbers 29: 7-11;

The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is considered the holiest day of the Jewish-Hebrew year
and festivals. During this Sabbath the whole community of Israel is prohibited from eating any
food. The High Priest or Prince of Israel offer special gifts to the Lord as sacrifices to purify the
people of Israel. Within the Temple of God are two sections called the Holy Place and the
Most Holy Place. The priest and certain Temple Assistants are permitted to enter the Holy Place
daily for their duties of service. However, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest or Prince
of Israel is permitted to enter the Most Holy Place where the Covenant of God is held within
the Ark of the Covenant. This is also where the Lords Spirit is enthroned in the Temple of God.
The Apostle Paul explains the purpose of this Sabbath celebration within the Book of Hebrews.
While the priest is in the Most Holy Place, the whole community of Israel is fasting. A reminder
that God will one day remove our hunger pains and need to eat. Similar to how Moses fasted
for 40 days within the Lords presence as he received the Holy Covenant from God twice for
the Nation of Israel.


Duration of Days: 8


Biblical Reference: Leviticus 23: 33-44; Numbers 29:12-40; Deuteronomy 16:13-17

Deuteronomy 31:9-13; Ezekiel 45: 25


Appointed Time: Tishri 15-22

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

The Festival of Shelters, Succoth, is a commemoration of the Israelite many exoduses. Since
the time of Noah, the Israelites have been known for living in tents because of their nomadic
lifestyle and agricultural practices. During The Great Exodus of the Nation of Israel from Egypt
the Israelites lived in tents as they pilgrimage to the Land of Milk and Honey. During Succoth,
the Nation of Israel lives in tents made of palm fronds and other leafy plants as they reside in
tents. This festival last for eight days in total were the Israelites gather together tribe by tribe
and ancestor by ancestor to remember the heritage they received from their Lord God and
King, Jesus Christ.


Duration of Days: 2
Appointed Time: Adar 14-15
Biblical Reference: Esther 9

The Nation of Israel was sent into exile to live in the land of the Medes and Persians. The King
of Persia, Xerces, dethroned the queen and chose a young Jewish woman to become queen
of Persia and of the Medes. There was a government official named Haman who wanted to
annihilate the Jewish nation because Mordecai, a faithful Jewish servant of the king, refused
to honor Haman despite the kings order. However, Queen Esther spoke up and revealed her
Jewish nationality and enacted a law with the kings approval to help her fellow Jewish family.
Many of the Persians and Medes also began to follow the Jewish customs before of their deep
love for the Jewish people. For this reason, The Festival of Purim is celebrated for two days
beginning on Adar 14th and 15th. Jewish believers read the Book of Esther during the solemn
occasion as they feast and give gifts in recognition of their eternal Jewish family heritage.


Duration of Days: 4
Appointed Time: Summer


Jephthah was appointed a judge over Israel by the Lord God. As judge he was responsible
for guiding the armies of the Lord to combat against their enemies to free Israel as a separate


Biblical Reference: Judges 11-12:1-7

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

nation. The Holy Spirit came upon Jephthah one evening prior to going into battle and he
promised to sacrifice the first thing that came out of his home if God would help him win the
battle against his enemies. The Lord help Jephthah fulfill his vow and after his victorious battle,
his virgin daughter came out of their home to greet him. Overcome with grief, Jephthah and
his daughter sulked because of the severity of the promise. Nonetheless, after his daughter
wept for many days with other Israelite women, she gave herself as a holy sacrifice to the Lord.
This vow is similar to the command that Abraham was given to sacrifice Isaac to the Lord on
the altar. However, the Lord intervened and Isaac was rescued and a ram was offered in his
place. This Commemoration of Jephthahs Vow is a reminded that God takes vow very
seriously and they should not be broken. Although, the Law of God does permit us to
recognize our guilt in committing ourselves to such vows.

Irregular Festivals

Duration of Days: A full lunar year of 12 new moon cycles (360 days)
Appointed Time: Every 7th year
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 25; Exodus 21:1-11



Every seventh year is called a Sabbath Year. At this time the whole nation ceases from
harvesting and planting of vegetation. The whole land is permitted to rest from farming and
harvesting. Israelites are permitted to eat vegetation that naturally grows from the land but
are prohibited from toiling with the soil and other farming practices. This give the agricultural
workers and animals a year to relax with the land. Farming is continuous hard work that
requires early hours and often late eveningsfrom sunrise to sunset. During the Sabbath Year,
Israel restpeople and animals alikeare able to relax and enjoy life. Most working
operations cease since Israelites do not work on the Sabbath. This is a time to simply rejoice in
worship of GodIsraels Holy Redeemer. Normal festival and celebrations are recognized
during the Sabbath Year but working ceases so Israel can worship, study, and praise the Lord
every day at the Temple of God. In addition to a time to worship, all Hebrews are declared
free of owing any debts. If a Hebrew who fell into poverty and required to sell their property
to pay off their debt they would also be permitted to acquire property and their freedom

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


Duration of Days: A full lunar year of 12 new moon cycles (360 days)
Appointed Time: Every 50th year
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 25:8-55; Leviticus 27; Deuteronomy 31:9-13



After seven sets of seven Sabbath Years Israelites recognize a Jubilee Year on the 50th year.
Similar to the Sabbath Year, except during this year all debts are forgiven. On the Day of
Atonement everyone within Israel is permitted to receive their family property that they may
have sold in their debt. Anyone who was sold into slavery is freed from poverty and is set free.
Generous gifts are given to the poor to help them become financially stable again in the Year
of Release! Their debt is cleared. Other Israelites are permitted to regain their property though
purchase. During this year everyone enjoys rest from their work and forgiven for any debts
they may owe.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


King Hezekiah is one of Israels monarchs who improved the government of the Nation
of Israel through restoration of the Holy Covenant. King Hezekiah encouraged the Israelites to
join in fellowship at the Temple of God in Jerusalem for the annual Passover and Festival of
Unleavened Bread celebrations. In addition to restoring worship services for the whole nation,
he also destroyed all the pagan idols that were found among the Israelites. The previous king
of Israel hadnt permitted the Israelites to worship their God and encouraged rebellion toward
the Lord God of Israel.

In addition to restoring the worship of Israel, King Hezekiah also ensured that all the priest
and Temple Assistants were properly enlisted for service and received their portion of holy
offerings for their work. King Hezekiah also required for the Israelites to begin bringing their
tithes to the House of God for the worship services such as wood for the altar and other
equipment. The Nation of Israel has had many kings and queens who have ruled them. Some
were known for their evil and contempt toward God which lead to the destruction of the
Nation of Israel but King Hezekiah, like King David, is a man who sought the Lord with all his
heart and found Him. In his search of God, he also enforced the obedience of the Holy
Covenant to all of the people of Israel.

2 Chronicles 31 New Living Translation (NLT)


Hezekiah then organized the priests and Levites into divisions to offer the burnt offerings and
peace offerings, and to worship and give thanks and praise to the Lord at the gates of the
Temple. The king also made a personal contribution of animals for the daily morning and
evening burnt offerings, the weekly Sabbath festivals, the monthly new moon festivals, and the
annual festivals as prescribed in the Law of the Lord. In addition, he required the people in
Jerusalem to bring a portion of their goods to the priests and Levites, so they could devote
themselves fully to the Law of the Lord.


When the festival ended, the Israelites who attended went to all the towns of Judah,
Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh, and they smashed all the sacred pillars, cut down the
Asherah poles, and removed the pagan shrines and altars. After this, the Israelites returned to
their own towns and homes.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

When the people of Israel heard these requirements, they responded generously by bringing
the first share of their grain, new wine, olive oil, honey, and all the produce of their fields. They
brought a large quantitya tithe of all they produced. The people who had moved to Judah
from Israel, and the people of Judah themselves, brought in the tithes of their cattle, sheep,
and goats and a tithe of the things that had been dedicated to the Lord their God, and they
piled them up in great heaps. They began piling them up in late spring, and the heaps
continued to grow until early autumn. When Hezekiah and his officials came and saw these
huge piles, they thanked the Lord and his people Israel!

Where did all this come from? Hezekiah asked the priests and Levites.

And Azariah the high priest, from the family of Zadok, replied, Since the people began
bringing their gifts to the Lords Temple, we have had enough to eat and plenty to spare. The
Lord has blessed his people, and all this is left over.

Hezekiah ordered that storerooms be prepared in the Temple of the Lord. When this was done,
the people faithfully brought all the gifts, tithes, and other items dedicated for use in the
Temple. Conaniah the Levite was put in charge, assisted by his brother Shimei. The supervisors
under them were Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath,
and Benaiah. These appointments were made by King Hezekiah and Azariah, the chief official
in the Temple of God.



Kore son of Imnah the Levite, who was the gatekeeper at the East Gate, was put in charge of
distributing the voluntary offerings given to God, the gifts, and the things that had been
dedicated to the Lord. His faithful assistants were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah,
and Shecaniah. They distributed the gifts among the families of priests in their towns by their
divisions, dividing the gifts fairly among old and young alike. They distributed the gifts to all
males three years old or older, regardless of their place in the genealogical records. The
distribution went to all who would come to the Lords Temple to perform their daily duties
according to their divisions. They distributed gifts to the priests who were listed by their families
in the genealogical records, and to the Levites twenty years old or older who were listed
according to their jobs and their divisions. Food allotments were also given to the families of
all those listed in the genealogical records, including their little babies, wives, sons, and
daughters. For they had all been faithful in purifying themselves.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

As for the priests, the descendants of Aaron, who were living in the open villages around the
towns, men were appointed by name to distribute portions to every male among the priests
and to all the Levites listed in the genealogical records.



In this way, King Hezekiah handled the distribution throughout all Judah, doing what was
pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord his God. In all that he did in the service of the
Temple of God and in his efforts to follow Gods laws and commands, Hezekiah sought his
God wholeheartedly. As a result, he was very successful.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand
around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the
Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the
riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they
prosper in all they do. But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff,
scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the Lord watches over the



path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. Psalm 1

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ


Princess Alkeeta of Israel

Jewish-Hebrew Monarch of the Nation of Israel
Office of Royal Legislative Administration


(919) 670-6457










Princess Alkeeta is commissioned by the Lord to serve as the royal monarch of the Israelite
Nation. She serves various positions as holy priest, holy apostle, holy prophet, judge, military
administrator, legislative administrator, and other chief administrative position for the Nation
of Israel. Her commission began in January 2012 with a message from the Lord, I am sending
you into the darkness to get what is rightfully mines but do not be afraid for I am with you.
Later, January 2014 Princess Alkeeta received a vision from the Lord appointing her to rebuild
Jerusalem and restore Israel to its rightful ancestral territory. As a member of the Levitical
priesthood and with the Holy Spirit of God, Princess Alkeeta has been granted the authority to
perform the tasks of teaching the Israelites how to demonstrate their faith and trust in their Lord
God, King Jesus Christ and Yahweh. She seeks to follow the examples of her holy JewishIsraelite ancestors such as Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Job, King David, Daniel, Rahab,
Queen Esther, Apostle Paul, Apostle John, and King Jesus Christ.

Thy Holy Temple, O God of Israel, King Jesus Christ

Thy Holy Temple, O

God of Israel, King
Jesus Christ

Updated Saturday, September 17, 2016


Published 8/9/2016



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