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Auditors report

Auditors certificate
It is a confirmation of

It is an expression of opinion
1. Nature

correctness and accuracy

about the account.
about some matters.
The report is based on

Certificate is based on actual

assumptions and estimations

figures and facts.

There may be criticism about

There is no scope of criticism

the report.

about certificate.

The scope of report is large.

Its scope is limited.

In the scope there is a scope

No scope of constructive

of giving constructive advice

advice exists in case of

in company.


2. Basis of audit

3. Criticism

4. Scope

5. Scope of

After the end of each

Certificate is not mandatory in
6. Time of issue

accounting year report is

every year.
As a report is merely an
In case of wrong certificate,
opinion, if it is not correct, the

7. Liability of auditor

the auditor will be held

auditor may not be held

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