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After the circuit has been assembled and tested, the shut-off valve 0V2

should be closed and the pressure relief valve 0V1 opened. Switch on
the hydraulic power pack and close the PRV 0V1 until the pressure
gauge 0Z1 indicates 50 bar.
The shut-off valve 0V2 can now be opened. Observe when doing this
that the pressure gauge 0Z1 shows an immediate drop from the set
pressure of 50 bar to approx. 3 bar, since in its mid-position the 4/3-way
valve 1V1 discharges the flow of hydraulic fluid to the tank. The piston
rod can be brought into any desired position by actuating the 4/3-way
valve. When this valve is brought into its mid-position, the piston rod
immediately halts.
The non-return valve prevents the piston rod from being pushed back by
a counter force.

In conjunction with the pilot-operated non-return valve, a 4/3-way valve

with a mid-position A and B connected to T and P closed should be
used in order to depressurise the pilot line and supply line to the piloted
non-return valve. The non-return valve can close reliably only when depressurised.
The 4/3-way valve with recirculating mid-position, included in the equipment
set, can also be used for these exercises. The internal leakage
losses resulting from the design of this valve will also cause the nonreturn
valve to close.
The 4/3-way valve with recirculating mid-position is mainly used in cases
where a cylinder or motor is driven by a constant-displacement pump. In
the recirculating mid-position, hydraulic fluid is discharged to the tank at
almost zero pressure, which means that the temperature rise remains
small. The disadvantage of using this valve is that it is not possible to
operate any further hydraulic circuits.
In the case of valves with a closed position for connection P, the pump
delivery is discharged to the tank at maximum system pressure, which
results in pronounced heating of the fluid (= energy loss).
Dan artinya
setelah rangkaian sudah dirangkai dan diuji, katup buka tutup 0V2 harus tertutup dan
katup pengatur tekanan 0V1 terbuka. Aktifkan catu daya hidrolik dan tutup PRV 0V1 sampai
pengukur tekanan 0Z1 menunjukkan 50 bar.
Katup buka tutup 0V2 telah terbuka. Amati pengukur tekanan 0Z1 yang menunjukkan
penurunan secara tiba-tiba dari pengaturan tekanan 50bar menjadi sekitar 3bar, saat
katup87688 4/3 berada di posisi tengah, maka aliran dari fluida hidrolik dikembalikan ke tangki.
Batang piston dapat dibawa kesetiap posisi yang diinginkan oleh penggerak katup 4/3. Ketika
katup 4/3 dibawa ke posisi tengah, batang piston berheti dengan tiba tiba.
Katup satu arah mencegah batang piston dari dorongan kembali oleh sebuah Counter force.

No 14
Setelah rangkaian telah dipasang dan diuji. Satukan silinder pada bodi sedemikian rupa
sehingga bisa bergerak turun. Pertama tutup katup buka tutup 0V2. Mengaktifkan catu daya
hidrolik dan kemudian katup pengatur tekanan 0V1 diatur system tekanannya 50 bar. Buka
katup satu arah dan atur katup pengatur tekanan 1V2 sedemikian rupa sehingga batang piston
maju kira kira 5 detik. Katup penghambat diatur untuk mempertahankan ketika rangkaian di
manipulasi dengan menggunakan beban, dengan disediakan counter holding oleh katup
pengatur tekanan 1V3 untuk gerak balik, sebuah katup satu arah 1V4 di perlukan sebagai jalur
untuk katup pengatur tekanan. Setelah selesai di ukur, pertama memindahkan beban dan
kemudian menarik silinder. Sekarang melakukan pengosongan tekanan pada rangkaian dengan
menutup katup satu arah dan membuka katup pengatur tekanan 1V3. Membuka rangkaian
hanya ketika tekanan turun menjadi nol, seperti ditunjukkan oleh pengukur tekanan 1Z2.

Assemble and check the circuit. Mount the cylinder 1A on the profile in
such a way that it can advance downwards. First close the shut-off valve
0V2. Switch on the hydraulic power pack and then use the pressure relief
valve 0V1 to set a system pressure of 50 bar. Open the shut-off
valve and adjust the pressure relief valve 1V2 in such a way that the
piston rod advances in approx. 5 sec. The throttle valve setting should
be retained while manipulating the circuit using the weight 1Z3, with
counter-holding provided by the pressure relief valve 1V3. For the return
stroke, a non-return valve 1V4 is required as a bypass for the pressure
relief valve. After the measurements have been completed, first remove
the weight and then retract the cylinder. Now depressurise the circuit by
closing the shut-off valve and then opening the pressure relief valve
1V3. Dismantle the circuit only when the pressure has fallen to zero, as
shown by the pressure gauge 1Z2.
Components list

Solution description

The travel time becomes shorter as the load increases.

Reason: The piston is pulled out by the load. Without counter-holding,

the movement is uncontrolled and jerky. A constant advance-stroke
speed is obtained only with counter-holding. The generation of a counter
pressure clamps the piston hydraulically. The travel and back pressures
remain constant, which means that the travel speed also remains constant.
A circuit with counter-holding is advisable both with and without a load. It
is also possible to adjust the counter-holding to suit the load.

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