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Tham Ye Jin

Management Individual Essay 1


In todays contemporary world, a managers work fluctuates due to most organizations today
are moving forward by being more contemporary as a way of conforming to the constant change in
nature of the business environment. Organizations are heading in a direction where they are able to
anticipate changes and adapt to it before the change occurs (Why Become a Contemporary
Organization?, 2012). Rothwell, Stavros and Sullivan (2015) adds that the three main factors involved
in the contemporary approach are development, transformation and change. In addition to that,
organizations are facing intensified competition amongst one another and has shifted their focus
towards improving efficiency (Chapman, 2001). Chapman adds that organizations are facing immense
pressure to respond both effectively and efficiently. Chapman also concluded that structural changes
were required in order to overcome these challenges. Drucker (2002) supports this by stating structural
changes brings about opportunities for innovation. However, the rapid advancements in technology
causes nature of the business environment to fluctuate even more but this provides organizations the
opportunity to expand in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and innovation (Rothwell et al., 2015).. To
achieve these goals, organizations began utilising social media as an internal communication platform
to improve employee attitudes as well inspire innovative thoughts (Sedej and Justinek, 2013).
However, organizations moving in a more contemporary direction heavily impacts a managers work
(Robbins and Coulter, 2016). The fluctuation in the business environment has an adverse effect on a
managers work as change begets change (Rothwell et al., 2015). The most prominent changes
observed throughout the fluctuating nature of the business environment are the increasingly
importance of social media and innovation towards a managers work. This is because social media
and innovation are key factors in catering to the demand of society, as well as to remain competitive in
the market.
To begin with, social media is being regarded as one of the most important instruments to
reach the internal audience of organizations (Sedej and Justinek, 2013). This is because social media is
able to provide information to the general public, almost instantly and hours ahead of traditional media
(Walaski, 2013). According to Jussila (2015), social media has a positive impact on both the internal
and external use of distributed knowledge. However, the integration of social media into contemporary
organizations heavily impacts a managers work. According to Robbins and Coulter (2016), more
firms are progressively utilizing social media tools for managing human resource. For instance, at
SuperValu, more than 9,000 store managers uses the internal communication platform to foster
relationships between different store branches (Robbins and Coulter, 2016).. This facilitates division
of work and responsibility amongst employees, which is one of Frederick Winslows theories of
management. The integration of social media allows managers to communicate more efficiently with
their employees and this facilitates allocation of work between employees and managers in order to
achieve higher efficiency levels. In addition to this, social media contributes towards the managerial
roles put forth by Henry Mintzberg, particularly managers who performs informational roles. With

Tham Ye Jin

Management Individual Essay 1


social media, both managers and employees are able to utilize the internal communication platform to
gather information and share ideas whilst feeling inter-connected. (Sedej and Justinek, 2013). From
this, it is patent that social media facilitates the work of managers who perform informational roles
such as a spokesperson, disseminator and monitor. However, social media can often be a contemporary
distraction for employees (Molinsky, Davenport, Iyer & Davidson, 2012). For instance, employees
may misuse the internal platform by complaining something they dont like at work. (Robbins and
Coulter, 2016). Hence, managers would have to supervise and manage these communication platforms
to ensure it remains beneficial.
Asides from social media, the increasingly importance of innovation greatly impacts a
managers work as well. According to Robbins and Coulter (2016), innovation in todays modern
world is regarded as expanding horizons, taking risks and changing perspectives. As mentioned earlier,
Chapman states that competitiveness is intensifying and thus, this forces organizations to be more
contemporary. This serves as incentive for companies to improve their conceptual skills. According to
Katzs theory on management skills, the conceptual skill would mostly be needed for top-level
managers such as a chief executive officer (Robbins and Coulter, 2016). However, in contemporary
times, with technology advancing rapidly, managers from all levels would need to start improving
their conceptual skills. This is because as companies are being more flexible with their decisions,
managers need to start thinking more progressively in terms of innovation in order to cope with the
constant fluctuation of the business environment. Simultaneously, social media begins to expand more
widely and has slowly been integrating with organizations as a communications platform. (Jussila,
2015). For instance, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers invented a new internal social network to better
manage their employees to improve efficiency and effectiveness (Mullaney, 2012). Managers
scrutinize ideas with employees and share information with one another to solve problems faster. The
introduction of internal social tools into organizations promotes innovation as managers are now able
to plan more strategically with employees. For instance, by interacting with employees, managers are
able to improve employee attitudes and this leads to better work commitment and productivity
(Robbins and Coulter, 2016). As a result, this draws up more new paths to expand business operations.
In conclusion, social media and innovation are equally important in a managers work. Social
media contributes to this by helping managers foster relationships with employees. This in turn leads
to improved productivity levels and innovation. (Robbins and Coulter, 2016). A managers work in
todays contemporary world requires a manager to think more creatively and innovatively. Social
media facilitates innovation in terms of helping managers connect with colleagues as well as managers
from other branches (Molinsky et al., 2012). Due to this, managers should start adapting and taking
advantage of the technological advances happening in todays world. For instance, utilising internal
communications platform to scrutinize ideas with employees (Robbins and Coulter, 2016). This

Tham Ye Jin

Management Individual Essay 1


facilitates both managers and employees in terms of innovation and flexibility. A managers job in
todays contemporary world is no longer just sitting in their office and ordering employees around but
rather joining the work community, build closer relationships, motivate and counsel them in order to
achieve the goals of their organization together. In summary, social media and innovation are very
strongly linked to one another (Jussila, 2015). As managers become more susceptible to open
environment and systems, their work in turn becomes more diverse as more options are available.
Therefore, it is safe to say that a managers work would only become more perplex due to the ever
changing nature of the business environment.

Tham Ye Jin

Management Individual Essay 1


Chapman, J. A. (2001). The Work of Managers in New Organizational Contexts. Journal of
Management Development, 20(1), 55-68. doi: 10.1108/02621710110364790
Drucker, P. (2002). The Discipline of Innovation. Harvard Business Review, 80(8), 95-102. Retrieved
from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au/ehost/detail/detail?sid=11115ecd69cd-4f3d-835ebc62ec36e612%40sessionmgr198&vid=0&hid=123&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz
Jussila, J. J. (2015). Social Media in Business-to-Business Companies Innovation. Tampere University
of Technology, Tampere, Finland.
LifeWorkz. (2012, January 13). Why Become a Contemporary Organization [LifeWorkz]. Retrieved
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM8bgYwpMHw
Molinsky, A. L., Davenport, T. H., Iyer, B., Davidson, C. (2012). 3 Skills Every 21 st Century Manager








Mullaney, T. (2012, May 16). Social media is reinventing how business is done. USA Today. Retrieved


Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. A. (2016). Management (13). United Kingdom: Pearson Education.
Rothwell, W. J., Stavros, J. M., Sullivan, R. L. (2015). Organizational Development, Transformation
and Change. Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, 4,




Tham Ye Jin

Management Individual Essay 1


Sedej, T., & Justinek, G. (2013). Social Media in Internal Communications: A View from Senior








Walaski, P. (2013). Social Media Powerful Tools for SH&E Professionals. Professional Safety, 58(4).




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