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There is NO Nibiru and more topics

Part 2

There is NO Nibiru and more topics.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 928662
United States
4/20/2011 9:09 AM

Another archive, from a new thread where somebody was asking if it was really an apple Eve ate
or not.

You need to read the story in the Urantia Book. www.urantia.org. Search Adam and Eve, several
chapters devoted to it.
Otherwise, she ate a 100% raw food diet mostly fruits and nuts and made nut milks for her
children. Also they consumed fruit from a special tree that provided a celestial energy they needed
to remain immortal.
The Adam and Eves come to uplift the DNA of a planet in existing man when the natural process
has maxed out. they bring the violet DNA. They also establish universities et all This was 38,000
years ago. They were not the first man and woman, no rib story, sorry either.
Adam and Eve normally mate and have a lot of kids who intermarry with each other and produce
more pure line children, until there are about in the case of this planet 1/2 million of them. These
offspring then, upon agreement with the hierarchy of heaven begin to interbreed with the existing
races. They world was populated on all continents then.
Adam and Eve were disappointed in the results of their work at socially uplifting man after 100
years or so, as this is a stupid planet of warring people. "the serpent" who tempted EVE convinced
her maybe her special DNA should be gifted soon than normal and this was a deliberate attempt
to screw up the mission, no pun intended here.
The serpent was Caligastia the Planetary Prince who was still in power and who had gone into the
Lucifer Rebellion. the prince of this world in the bible.
He set Eve up with a handsome young bloke. This immediately messed up the plans and Adam, to
commiserate did the same thing. The story of eating an apple from the tree of knowledge is stupid
crap added to the bible people.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 1

this was a terrible world when they came from heaven. It was in isolation because of the rebellion
and Adam and Eve had little help that they would normally have had. As far as I am concerned
this planet was not ready and they should not have been sent at all.
The people were warlike and Adam and Eve were driven from the garden. Also at the time of the
sex outside her marriage, craft came from "heaven", from Jerusem, (I did not say Jerusalem), and
offered all the offspring if they wished to go to Jerusem. Many did, some did not. A new garden
was created in what is now Iraq between the Euphrates and that other river, can't think of it's name
this morning. Since their infraction and no tree of LIFE, they began to age as we do, but each still
lived over 300 years. Eve passed this plane first.
As I said, go to the UB for the more detailed version and to understand what their mission was
User ID: 1342115
4/20/2011 9:16 PM
just read more of the thread, well done i like the way you look at things for what they are and you
are not influenced by skewed information...
the only problem is people dont listen to reason, facts or knowledge if it is counter culture. this
applies to nibiru, the bible, everything!
to all the readers, if you learn anything from this thread, it should be that modern cultural thinking
is solely what holds humanity from progress
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 744172
United States
4/26/2011 6:17 PM

archiving from another thread.

it stands that you must choose eternal life, and in so doing you must grow your soul, and you are
given abundant opportunity to do so. It matters NOT what religion you are, or if you have a religion
or not.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 2

God is WITHIN YOU are your Fragment, the misunderstood 'Holy spirit". It comes automatically
when you full fill certain requirements, of making moral decisions. It will assist you in your further
growth. It is you "higher mind". Father WITHIN YOU (within your MIND, not your body), is your
best friend and greatest teacher.
The Father Fragment comes to every normal "new mind" when that person makes their first moral
decision. Usually around age 5 on this planet. Many of you are reincarnating and got your's along
time ago, or are one of the "fallen angels" earning you way back to your former estates.
Religion doesn't save anyone, and neither did the blood of Christ. Christ came back then to his
ones who had seceded from Heaven, who followed Lucifer in the Lucifer Rebellion. You cannot
come back until you accept HIM as the leader of Nebadon. You have no other choice. Even if he
let you off the hook, and allowed you the ascending journey, and you received a Father Fragment,
you still cannot get to Source, without going thru his system of schools. Because he created you.
The "rules" on this planet are somewhat special because it si the planet where you ones are
working out your penance by learning by experience WHY Lucifer's ideas did not and could not
When you are successful and agree to accept his generous offer of grace and mercy, you will
return to his realms and be welcomed back with great joy and you will be sought out in fact for the
experience you have learned here.
there were in fact about 10 BILLION of you working off your karma on this place. Many of you
have have not done so yet. Only those of you who have satisfied 51% of your karma can go on
with the new earth. That is the law. You cannot change of it on iota.

This is what Christ MIchael of Nebadon wrote for you ones recently, but the truth is so for every
ascending son coming out of the animal evolution also.

'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

By Christ Michael
Aug 27, 2010 - 9:45:07 AM

'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man commeth unto the Father but by me''

This was a pivotal piece of teaching bequeathed by the Master Jesus when He walked your earth
plane, yet how man truly understood its meaning. Man was not sufficiently ready to receive this
truth then and is scarcely ready to receive it now. Yet it is significant that during these auspicious
times when the planet is about to enter a new cycle of life where dimensions anew are to be
experienced and earned, man must awaken to a higher understanding of himself and he can only
do so if he understands Me. Milestones have been achieved by mortals in terms of advancement,
yet spiritually they fail to attune themselves to a great truth that if understood could change the
tenor of their existence and path of soul evolution. I come again this day to effort to explain this
simple yet understated Truth.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 3

I am the Way means that I am your ticket to a new destination. The ticket is only dispensed when
a choice is knowingly made. You must choose Me through belief and active seeking and you will
be given directions that will enable you to plot the coordinates that shall keep you on the path as
you create an enduring alliance with Me. When you are able to make this choice you will clearly
see that I Am the Way out of the illusion of mortality into the reality of immortality.

So we have primarily established that I Am the Way to eternal life. Yet eternal life can only be
guaranteed for those who can find and free their inner God presence. It is I who shall direct you
ones on the course that you must adopt to achieve this feat for first you must know Me before you
can know yourself and be inclined to liberate that which is divine within you.

I would like to explore with you a different perspective of what it means when I say 'I AM the
'Way'.' The 'Way'' cannot be separated from the 'Light'' as the light brings clarity of purpose and
engenders a clear path to the destiny of choice. The 'Way and the 'Light'' therefore go hand in
hand. I say that the Way is the Light and I am the Way and therefore the Light.
Yet another perspective of the 'Way'' shall I offer to you. Did I not birth my creation from love,
being the reason and root cause? Did I not create by way of electric light waves of motion from the
stillness of my mind? Is it therefore not true to say that stillness motivated by love to create by light
is the 'Way''? Can you therefore not see that the 'Way'' is Love and Light and that when you
choose Me you choose Love and Light? If Love and Light is the foundation of your earthly journey
you will have found the 'Way''.

Did I not think my creation into being? Am I therefore not within my creation? Is the ultimate goal
not to return to Source? If I am my creation and within my creation then the only way back to the
Source is through Me. Does this make sense to you ones who need to rationalize ME?

I AM the Way, I AM the Light and I AM the Love manifested in my creation. I created from a point
of stillness through Light motion. Does this not mean that if you choose the 'Way'' you too can
create all which you desire to create? The 'Way'' enables you to reflect and be all that the 'Way''
is for are you not also the 'Way'' through Oneness with Me? The Way you shall become when you
find and know Me.

I AM the Truth.

Man fights amongst himself seeking to have his truth rendered as superior to another. Yet hardly
do men know what Truth is. You cannot know Truth unless you know Me- The 'Way''. For the
'Way'' shall always lead to the Truth. Man has belittled the Truth by tainting it with his personal
agendas. The Truth is never influenced. It is impartial. It is inexplicable and beyond rationalization.
The Truth must be known and that knowledge comes from knowing Me. Man's truth mostly is
generated by that which is external, seldom reconcilable with his inner knowing and void of inner

The TRUTH JUST IS AND IS JUST. That which is Truth knows only balance. It is as still, steadfast
and immutable as the Creator. There lies no mystery or magic in Truth. I can say no more except

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 4

to remind you that Truth emanates from within you because its origin is divine.
When you choose the 'Way'', you choose the Truth and it is the Truth when known and accepted
that shall lead you to attain the divine promise of eternal life. For at this point in your
understanding you shall accept without hesitation that I AM THE LIFE, that which is eternal and so
shall you be also when you can know this.

Beloveds the life I speak of is not of mortal orientation. It is life immortal to which I refer. Life
resides only in the spirit not the flesh. The spirit is All- its longevity is guaranteed by the promise of
eternal life. Yet eternal life is always a choice as much as a gift/promise. For I will never force my
children to choose Me; they must freely make this choice. I can say to you that many have chosen
to be uncreated instead of choosing Life. I wish to emphasize that even in your sphere of reality
which is earth plane, you are eternal. Mortal death is merely a transition to allow the soul to take
stock in order to determine the next level of experience needed along its ascending path.

You on earth during your incarnation must understand that your life on earth does not give you the
freedom to do that which you please without being accountable or responsible. You do not,
contrary to popular belief have one life to live. When you can understand that I am the Life and so
too are you, then you will realize in your incarnation that what you do will always impact on the
evolution of your immortal soul.
So what do I mean when I say 'No man commeth unto the Father but by me''.
The ultimate goal as I reminded you earlier is the return to the Source of ALL. Yet those created
by Me can only return to the Source by Me for I AM THE WAY.

You cannot bypass Me to get to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot fudge your way to the Source without Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot cajole your way to the Source without me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot say that Christ Michael does not exist and seek to make your way back to the Source

You cannot believe in the Source and not in Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot know of Me, denounce Me and choose the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.
When you know me, see me and hear me you will see, hear and know the Father, the Source- the
Centre of All. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You must become ONE WITH ME for I AM the Way
to the Source.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 5

My beloved children, it was a delight to once again effort to explain what this most crucial teaching
means. I trust that I have brought clarity and ask that you ponder these words and see whether
enlightenment dawns.

I am Christ Michael Aton, come this day to bring the word again and thank this my child for being
the emissary of the truth.
Think about it
User ID: 904889
4/27/2011 3:05 PM
What are we looking at/for is totally IRRELEVANT !!!
time to realize that the "irony" is bigger than that!
What is actually the point of "hiding" a "mosquito"
(UFO's, Planet X, Nibiru, Hercobulus, Elening, 2nd Sun, etc)
while NASA is now getting ready to "admit" in "public"
the "upcoming discovery" of a "herd of space-elephants" ?
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 906301
United States
5/10/2011 4:00 PM

archiving from thread about the spontaneous evolution going on, discussion has occurred before
on GLP. [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

More retarded New Age horseshit....

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 192998

No its' not. We ARE at the end of the age, a very long age and a few short ages. We are since
October 2006, been in the energies coming from the center of the Milky Way which are primarily
gamma rays, and God particles. They do greatly enhance the evolution of the planet. We are
these every 1/4 time around it. About every 57 million years. Life was given to grand cycles, 225
million years each to evolve to a certain point and it is "judgement time" for that reason. Yea ones
do not know, have not been taught these things but they were more known 150 years ago than
now. You have been dumbed down on the galactic cycles.
many of you should be seeing your animals getting a lot smarter. People????? I have decided yet,

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 6

but the animals are. Gamma rays removed life. Scientists know this, you can use gamma rays for
example to change the colors of flowers There many wave lengths of the gamma and they travel
MUCH faster than light, and are used also for the galactic internet. You learned about the galactic
internet in star trek stuff.

We are also in the photon, every almost 13,000 years and that is also now, we entered it in 1992,
and you ones slept for at least a week, in STASIS because man was NOT prepared for that.
The reason "Jesus", said he would return in 2000 years (and the church had hidden that always,
many thought it would be 1000 AD timeline back then), was because that live in "Heaven" know
these things, and we would be in at the end of this age. Man's shorter ages on this planet, are
about 26,000 years, the time to travel around Alcyone our central star.
These special gamma rays we are in, and you can see them, for example at the link below for
colorado, will remodel all the DNA on this planet, and we will have a great leap in evolution. If you
have seriously looked at honest evolution, you will find it comes in GREAT LEAPS.
OK the link, here is its, RAD NET for Denver. [link to www.epa.gov] Now these gamma rays on the
link are the Milky Way Gamma rays. They clean up the crap and build up the Good, in the DNA,
assisted by the god particles. These are GOOD, but when this all came out after Japan, they
wanted you to FEAR these.
I can feel the gammas going up and down, it have been feeling the going up you see early today.
The shit on the web about the Japanese radiation is mostly shit. Yes, it's a problem, but Star Fleet
has been assisting with the issue and it's not as bad as you are being told via the propaganda
This earth has been terrible polluted from radiation for a long time. It's been dumped in the
oceans, landfills and the like for many years. The strontium and all this other stuff has been
around for quite some time, and you ones have done nada to stop it. I lived in the days of intense
nuclear testing and some tried to do something about it, but after a while everybody just went back
to sleep. And folks are just flat in a coma now, let alone "sleep." on the issues your planet faces, of
all sorts.
User ID: 272315
United States
5/10/2011 4:01 PM

it is in the bible
User ID: 1394814
United States
5/22/2011 12:58 AM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 7

I don't know a whole lot about Nibiru, but wasn't the "star" that appeared when Jesus was born
actually a supernova? That's what is taught in the UB (if I remember correctly) and makes far more
sense imo. A supernova would be far easier to see than a small planet right outside of the solar
system reflecting the sun's light. At least that is my take on it.
Also, when you speak of Esu, you mean the Scribe of Damascus (Jesus' Thought Adjuster), right?
You speak as if he is the Planetary Prince, but that position is held by Machiventa Melchizedek.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1394764
United States
5/22/2011 1:03 AM
this person is insane. she is worshipping satan and doesn't even know it. she claims to board
"starships" and know her fake god personally. somehow this god keeps getting his ass handed to
him by satan but she can't figure it out.
she doesn't acknowledge the comet elenin even though it's proven to exist and is in fact just a
code name for nibiru and never shows proof for ANY of her wild and foolish claims. anyone who
believes this person is insane.
i have been an AC poster her for years and i have never shilled in my life and never will, but this
person't posts have always annoyed me with her condescending and flippant attitute always
spewing but never proving or admitting she has been pwned many times here.
User ID: 1394814
United States
5/22/2011 2:00 AM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1394764

I don't think the OP is insane, delusional may be a better word to describe it, but what do I know? I
know very little about the individual. I try not to judge people, just their ideas.
Now what I have a problem with is when someone spreads word of the Urantia Book, teaches
from it, and then pulls contradictory crap from out of nowhere. The book isn't perfect, but it makes
sense and is almost always consistent. I don't want the contents of that book to be combined with
crap about aliens colonizing on earth who just so happen to be Hebrews or that Jesus lived past

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 8

100. Keep it consistent, and I don't mean consistent BS. If you claim this is coming from the
Pheonix Journals, then why would two books, supposedly holy, contradict in such obvious ways?
Please note that I am only halfway through the Urantia Book and have read very little of the
Phoenix Journals.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1394764
United States
5/22/2011 2:58 AM
Quoting: overmind

it's ALL bs. until those fuckers show themselves, they do NOT exist. they've watched us get
screwed over long enough and im sick of hearing about them and never seeing them.
User ID: 1307617
5/22/2011 5:55 AM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Where did this post come from? Please I beg of you, don't monitor and delete posts on your
threads. I agree whole heartedly with the message you are trying to convey put policing your
threads only discredits your message

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1394764
United States
5/22/2011 1:53 PM
Quoting: bbristowe

brad, that is HOW you can tell when someone is genuine or not. if she kne her message was true
she wouldn't even be bothering to delete posts that don't agree. im shocked mine haven't been
deleted. the funny thing is, she doesn't realize that all people want is some sort of proof of her wild
claims. there is none, just like any other religion, ALL HEARSAY. and anyone buying into this stuff
and thinking they aren't somehow still being herded is a fool. i will totally bow down if im wrong, but
so far nobody is right.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1395963
United States
5/22/2011 8:29 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1394764

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 9

I agree as well, Nobody in Particular is just another type of New Jerusalem Russ. Refusal to
answer any posts backed up by reality, many times even deleting posts that don't fit his/her
agenda, and wild claims professing the nature of things with astounding arrogance. Way to go
NIP, you sure do have a way of making yourself seem credible.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1389322
5/22/2011 8:38 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1394764

Truth doesn't need your belief in it to be true. Truth is truth. This IS TRUTH. You need to focus on
remembering who YOU are and all the pieces of this puzzle will fit into place. This is not a belief,
its a knowing. Meditate upon it, ASK. Do not use your small mind use your god given mind and
you shall see. Love and Light to you =D
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1394764
United States
5/22/2011 9:38 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1389322

how can what she speaks of be truth when she preaches that an external force is gonna come and
save us? anybody with a brain can spot that type of ideology and know it's bullshit. i have been a
truth seeker for 12 yrs and i know bullshit when i see it. i have a very good understanding of who i
am without having cloaked religious beliefs pushed.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1351592
United States
5/22/2011 10:32 PM
what do u base your 'data ' on??? Zechariah Sitchen was the greatest authority on this subject
and HIS return date and YOUR return date dont match up...so...epic fail for you. I will take
Sitchens word over some dude on glp anyday.
User ID: 1147282
United States
5/22/2011 10:37 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1351592

agreed. what is your theory?

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 10

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1351592
United States
5/22/2011 10:41 PM
I think, after reading all Sitchens books and others, that they will return. Sitchen gave a date 2053
(i think, i will look it up) I can tell who has read ech and who hasnt...his books are so clear and
packed full of data its amazing.
I would take his word on this subject over everyone elses...he devoted his life to it...over 50
years....Idk any other person who has researched it THAT much.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1358645
United States
5/22/2011 10:54 PM
"My source of when Nibiru was last here is the HOSTS of Heaven with whom I work"
I wonder are you implying that you are working with them say perhaps underground? Possibly in
the denver area? If so kudos to you bring some of that tecnology out here so we don't continue to
kill this planet. Btw what's your take on the dracos? Still here fuckin shit up? I think so.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 945421
United States
5/22/2011 10:56 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1358645

this is the end of the galactic wars. The dracos are not here, and 8 billion reptilians were taken off
the planet 3 2/3 years ago roughly. Star fleet did take over the underground areas all over the
globe, including Denvers and I see them here often in fact. I never any more seen the black and
white business seized jets that fly into the underground runways north of DIA.
I go to CRAFT, not underground when I attend meetings.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 5/22/2011 10:57 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 945421
United States
5/22/2011 11:00 PM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 11

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1351592

They were here as the "star of Bethlehem" 2000 years ago. If you are refering to Nibiru. That is a
MAJOR reason behind the timing of the Christ Mission and a huge reason for that mission,
besides us now being at the end of the great cycle around the Milky Way etc.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 945421
United States
5/22/2011 11:02 PM


I don't cherry pick ideas, I have the contact I say I do. She did not. She even admitted they are
upstairs in her house, what does that suggest?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1358645
United States
5/22/2011 11:14 PM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

So, if the dracos are gone and we are ending a galactic war why all this bullshit here on the
planet? Why are we not free from the "spell" put on us? Next time you go to the CRAFT stop by
NJ and pick me up. I would love to throw some ideas out at the ET's on some stuff. Perhaps
maybe get a light saber made for me? Lol I must say this is some interesting stuff. What about the
andromedan commonwealth? and lyra?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1236508
United States

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 12

5/22/2011 11:17 PM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 865954
United States
5/23/2011 8:57 PM

archivint this post, people still think there is hell.

There is no HELL Period, except what man creates to live in. Do you christians and others who
supported this country going into Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan, don't you think you have
created enough HELL FOR THEM????? PONDER that one.
Jesus Christ did not create this horrible religion called Christianity. The CReator Son of Nebadon
was here 2000 years ago to begin a serious working out of those who are imprisoned here that
were the fallen angels and other galactic thugs that do not acknowledge God in any form. God
means the creation here. they do not respect LIFE. And the Lucifer Rebellion was in fact, where a
group went against the Creation and thought they could do their own thing. A civil war if you will.
They could not. They were given the chance to try. They were not successful because Lucifer
could NOT ENSOUL People and he forced everyone to STAY here and would not release folks
like Moses to return HOME form whence they came. He trapped everyone here which is why we
have so much extra reincarnation in fact.
The judgement if for these ones! They are being given one last opportunity to rejoin Nebadon. If
not , they will face the courts of Nebadon, once again, and many will choose uncreation before
they will learn, which is sad.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 13

the unjust, if they have not formed souls simply are uncreated within 40 days of their death. There
is no hellfire. For one, the body can't burn forever, and neigher can the soul. People resistant to
growing up are sent to other low grade planets, like this one. The reason they have to move, is
because GAIA, the MOTHER SPIRIT of this planet requested to not serve as a prison ward. She
is a fully conscious being and is making HER ascension at this time. Those who wish to continue
with her, must grow up. Only those who have cleared 51% of their karma get to stay with GAIA.
The rest are moving. end of story.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 839186
United States
5/27/2011 6:14 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1351592

I read a lot of Sitchen and I don't recall that he predicted a return date for now. It matters not, it
was here 2000 years ago, that was the major reason for the timing of Christ, that was much more
than just a "religious" mission. As I wrote Nibiru was the Star of Bethlehem, I doubt it was actually
called that, as I guess some had fun changing truth around.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 824370
United States
6/2/2011 12:52 PM

Archiving from another thread

Ok say Elenin is a comet, do you believe that we currently have a brown dwarf influencing our
planet currently? It sure would make sense as to the current weather and earth changes taking
place. Also I am sure you've seen the time lapse video from the Hawaii observatory that shows
another sun like object before the actual sun rises, any idea what that may be?
Quoting: Inkedscorp

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 14

Please read my first post here. when I wrote it, elenin was not in the picture so it's not discussed.
IF elenin exists, it is just a comet and there are not ET's riding it's tail and all that other bullshit
going around. The brown dwarf is discussed.
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Your Thread is BS NiP.. but this one is science....

BTW I'm still waiting to see at least 1 proof of your statements
Quoting: Fabian10

Well go find nibiru, get our your scope and look. It's not there. I happen to like the work Astronut
must posted by the way. As to the brown dwarf, it exists. It doesn't rampage thru any solar system,
they all have one that creates the magnetics to drag the system around it's center star, in our case
alcyone. There are not proofs I can give you, of you want some scientist to make the statement. I
suppose your proof will come when you find out planet x didn't come thru? Or nibiru isn't here???
As fast as we put out truth the thugs go make up stories and many of you ones just follow right
along minus your minds.
Michael of Nebadon explained this and you can accept it or not, your choice. The facts are that we
are in the changing times from a variety of energies coming in from different parts of the cosmos,
and Mother is going to cleanse the planet. It's the end of an age, and souls are judged then and
placed where they must go, as to the ones who have not earned the right for whatever reasons, to
ascend with the planet. Many who have come ot show the way get to go home too. The dark are
covering that up by their silly Nibiru et all stories.
I see they are putting out now that Elenin has UFO's in its' tail. Really????? They have been here
en masse since the middle of this past century. Because it is those times. And man is playing with
some very dangerous stuff, and a lot of the thugs have said if they can't have the planet as their
"heaven" they will destroy it.
Rather than putting out the truth that it's ascension time, so people can have honesty and work on
their soul growth, they are putting out that any of various space bodies is going to destroy the
planet. NO, man has been destroying the planet. The other story put out that God will destroy, has
christians not doing jack shit about saving it, since after all God is going to destroy. So we have
stories like Nibiru and planet X destroying, and now elenin perhaps, for one group and God is
going to destroy it for another, and nobody doing jack shit to be the Gods that could save the
planet. Miracles could happen, but it's getting a bit late.
And now there is another story I found out about thru the "me tel u now so u belive me 15 may"
thread I have recently discovered here, from 2008, that Jupiter wouldn't become a sun and would
instead in 2012 crash into our sun and destroy it......... When do the shit stories end and you ones
start listening to the truth? And actually becoming like God? And doing something of
consequence? this is all fairy tale garbage.
Oh yea and John Lear here believes the sun just spit out a new planet too! Really............ Oh my.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 824370
United States

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 15

6/2/2011 12:58 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1358645

The people of the planet must come to use their minds and discern and break the spells. Why all
this bullshit here on the planet, because there are still dark souls incarnate on the surface in
governments et all. Why of this bullshit, because the people have allowed it.
Stop by in NJ and pick you up? You will be picked up at some point in all likely hood. Board the
craft should it come. There is going to be more and more evacuating of ensouled people, such as
what was done during the tsunami, and is done on all these things of ones who are to be
protected. Some, it's time to leave permantly, as their is a local recurrection to the mansion worlds,
for example, and some are simply put back down and found when the event is over. so if a craft
comes to your neighborhood, board it.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 824370
United States
6/2/2011 1:16 PM

archiving from: [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

[link to www.bbc.co.uk]

Skin Cells 'Turned Into Neurons' by US Scientists

"A Californian team say they have managed to convert human skin cells directly into functioning
brain cells.
The scientists manipulated the process by which DNA is transcribed within foetal skin cells to

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 16

create cells which behaved like neurons.

The technique had previously been demonstrated in mice, says the report in Nature.
It could be used for neurological research, and might conceivably be used to create brain cells for
more at link...Thanks to Renegadeson
Quoting: breezy

hardly "strange". I have had numerous stem cell transplants to replace tissues from my own stem
cells. Joints, new pituitary gland, enhanced adrenal glands etc. Only reason I can still walk the
planet in fact. Great technologies are being gifted to the planet. And fetal cells cannot be used for
implantation, they are foreign tissue and so if these were used as neurons for somebody, they
would not grow except under depression of the body, or would cause other multiple problems
because you see dear ones, man is discovering the animal soul patterns, and this would cause
some screw ups. I have no doubt that functioning neurons can be made a persons own stem cells.

I had a stem cell transplant in the first week of April a year ago, after suffering a microwave sort of
energy attack to my heart, the purpose being murder.
That was about March 22, the attack in the evening. I went to ship, AA Raphael's hospital ship to
be stabilized and my heart put thru some 'de-aging" to restore some of the damaged muscles and
blood vessels. yes that is why he's known as the "healing angel" he's a super echelon doctor from
"heaven." Most of the medical miracles on this planet are thru his team.
My natural pacemaker had been destroyed and could not be recovered. A culture was started from
my belly fat stem cells, and implanted in my heart about 10 days after. I was awake in my room for
the procedure.
In about a week, my extremely irregular heart began to beat a bit better. In about a month, the
rhythm was normal. These had to form neurological connections, as heart beat is regulated from
autonomic nervous system. This will be way at some point in the future for those needing fixing of
their pace makers.
Silent Wind
User ID: 1150582
United States
6/2/2011 8:48 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 865297

I like all this, maybe start another thread and tell your story AC.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1252877
United States

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 17

6/3/2011 12:09 AM

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 885372
United States
6/4/2011 4:59 PM

- The sun is more excited now than in the past 1,150 years.
- Solar cycle #24 will be the most violent ever (peaking in 2012)
- Mercurys magnetic field is expanding as a result
- Venus is displaying a brightness thats 2500% greater than normal
-Mars & Earth are showing great global warming (there are no cars on Mars)
-Jupiters plasma clouds are 200% brighter
-Saturns jet streams are acting uncharacteristically
-Uranus is creating clouds with an ability to not do so!
-Neptune has shown a 40% increase in brightness since 1996.
-Pluto has increased 3.6 degrees F even while moving away from the sun.
-NASA just recently discovered a faint atmosphere on the moon, it wasnt there the last time we

and finally, LINKY STINKYYYYYYY: [link to www.2012finalfantasy.com]

shills, this is in response to the Shill filled Elenin Thread.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1414279

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 18

NASA is full of crap, the moon has long had an atmosphere that is almost good enough for us to
breathe, only requires a bit of oxygen thru a tube to the nose or helmet. People live inside the
moon and have been terraforming it's surface for a long time and it had man made lakes and
trees. There have been trees photographed from top notch back yard telescopes and immediately
removed from the net. Wonder if GLP 20" puppy will be allowed to view them and post at all.
Saturn is now Star Ship saturn, as the real one is being prepared to be another tiny sun, just like
Jupiter. Jupiter IS a SUN, and you ones are viewing star ship Jupiter and I have had this more
than adequately proven to me.
Yea ones have been looking at Star Ship Venus for a very long time now, as the real one have
been terraformed and is now our TWIN, and always on the other side of the sun, in OUR ORBIT.
I doubt Solar Cycle 2012 will be anything exciting, because star fleet has caused it's LONG MIN,
and this is what the "Gods" do after after, they manage all sorts of this stuff. It's up to them how it
peaks or not at this time. There are often massive craft seen around the sun especially on Stereo
A and B, the green images. [link to www.godlikeproductions.com] Now this was discussed above,
but NASA deliberately changed the pics. Here is one I had saved to my computer. Enlarge it, I
could not post a larger one here. There was the other situation too recently where a big ray shot
was caught on an image with some craft.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 19

Here is SUN Jupiter's baby pics when it was about a month old, [link to
There was some pressure applied to allow that to be published at the pic of the week in late march
2009. It became a sun I think it was on February 4, 2009 . it took a year longer than hoped, at
least, maybe it was 2 I forget, because the matter is SO DENSE in this solar system.
You ones have been watching star ship Jupiter showing a 3 d movie since at least 2008. And
please carefully READ the above pick of the week link above, because the baby sun HAS a
SOLAR CORONA, and Nasa clearly states when the images were made mid March that Jupiter
had not yet been seen, lost in the glare. Yet Chris Go and others had taken pics of it right on time,
Star SHIP Jupiter that is. Images prior to 2008 were clearer and these ones were bitching a lot
back then, that their images were not as good.
So I hope the 20" puppy here, which is bigger than the telescopes others tend to use will provide
something of interest on Saturn et all.
There is no Nibiru. It was here 2000 years ago, and a major factor in determining the timing of the
Christ Visit to this planet, which was far more than a teaching visit. Anunnaki were planning on the
final "stealing" of this world then, restarting time on their dime and it didn't happen. Dealing with
the Lucifer Rebellion and the like, lots of other purposes, including the Bestowal of the Spirit of
Truth ( NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT), to help clean the problems with artificial minds on this planet,
coming from the common usage of fake people that got out of control in our universe and one of
the reasons behind some of the galactic waring.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 20

What many folks are seeing perhaps at times is Our twin Planet Venus, and now Jupiter peaking
out on occasion and the like. There are craft out there coming in and out of our solar system, that
are 3 times or more the size of earth. There are also evacuation craft, long and tubular whose
length is roughly the diameter of earth.

The sun is in the photon belt energies, the energies coming from the center of the milky way and
from Paradise the center of the creation at this time.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 858618
United States
7/9/2011 5:08 PM

Archiving here like I sometimes archive other posts. This one is about colloidal silver etc, from a
recent thread somebody started.
Colloidal metals have been taught to use by GOD HIMSELF on this plane, Michael of Nebadon I
keep yaking at you all about.
Silver cures all fungus infections, (and some cancers are fungus based or caused by fungus), and
simple bacteria. Gold gets the rest of the bacteria and simple viruses like standard gut and lung
and cold viruses. Titanium gets the really terrible retro viruses like AIDS. And thus a bunch of
cancers associated with those. Zinc specifically gets the average cold virus. These should be
available cheaply without a perscription at all grocery stores and pharmacies, except you could
make silver at home like I do because it's cheap.
We do not need a single antiobiotic. These do NO harm made right to the body and used in
normal amounts. In fact you need trace amounts of all of these for good immune system health
I had a TRAGIC SMALL bowel infection of Yeast and some terrible bacteria that NO antibiotic was
curing and I had a near fatal reaction to the drugs they gave me for the yeast. In fact those drugs
when used for the mouth yeast would cause the insides of my mouth to slough off.

When my silver machine arrived and I started on the silver, within 2 days the black yeast that had
plagued me in my mouth was brown, then yellow then gone in about a week. It took about 4 weeks
to fully clear the yeast and klebsiella infection in my gut. These nearly killed me. Enough said. I
had picked these up apparently in the hospital when I had a major surgery and I live with terrible
diarrhea for 2 years and I was awfully malnourished with what is called LEAKY GUT with food
allergies you would not believe. Within 6 months my life was changed and the leaky gut syndrome

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 21

totally gone.
do not ever let a full of shit earth mind controlled doctor tell you these are poisonous, they are not.

PS, the yeast MAY have come from oral sex. There are reasons for God's laws about sexual
activities. I did NOT like performing oral sex anyway, and let my partner at the time push me into it,
and he was screwing around I found out, and that isi probably where the yeast that nearly killed
me came from. The Klebsiella was probably from the hospital. TWO YEARS I suffered from bad
medicine on this without success. SILVER GOT THEM BOTH.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 858618
United States
7/9/2011 5:46 PM

I am archiving a couple of posts of so here, from a thread where the OP woke up with a strong
vibrating she had never felt before. Here is the LINK if you wish to view the entire thread. It's a
good thread on all counts. Short but good. Blue is quoted material. [link to
yes, you were being returned from craft, and this interrupted your dream which is why it became
part of your dream. You were also dealing with the real issue in a pretend scenario should you
could deal with it later.

Have you had this happen before? now you are scaring me!
Quoting: miffed_33
Regularly dear one, consider this GOOD NEWs, for you have been allowed to experience that.
More may well come depending on how you handle this. This IS the time of the 2nd coming and
more are being made aware.

So why would they not just reveal themselves instead of freaking me out?

because that would freak you out if you are not ready. this was a hint, they will see how you do
with it. You are also having your body prepared for lift off, there will be one at some point. I have

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 22

NO idea of your history, could you tell me something of yourself?


because that would freak you out if you are not ready. this was a hint, they will see how you do
with it. You are also having your body prepared for lift off, there will be one at some point. I have
NO idea of your history, could you tell me something of yourself?(MY post)
wow you are saying that , you are reworking the ascension story , like space age rapture
Quoting: aether

I am not re working anything of my teachings. There is NOT magic ascension. The planet is going
to be evacuated for a time, there have been many short term ones already like the Japan
Tsunami. All those craft in the pictures were picking up people. The body has to be prepared to go
up the light beam into the craft. If it is NOt ready, it will either become very ill or die. The soul will
board ship in any case. I can not relate our other plans because people follow me around here.
The planet is ascending, and there are a about 1 billion planetary children, (souls of earth, natural
and Imprisoned as to the Lucifer Rebellion etc) who are going to stay WITH the ascending planet,
AFTER the stasis, who have satisfied at least 51% of their karma. In fact all these souls as they
pass now for 60 years are sorted as to 51%+ to return in an incarnation or to be moved if they are
not at that level.
All Ensouled folks, dark or light or fence sitters, are chipped with a fancy radio chip that connects
them to the computers aboard the New Jerusalem (holy city from heaven in the bible), so they can
be evacuated should a nuclear holocaust happen, as this harms or destroys the soul. These ones
can be lifted by dematerialization off the planet in 15 minutes, from mother craft. In some the
bodies go fine, in others just the soul but the soul is saved from the nuclear damage or death.
Those that are not ensouled are shit out of luck in this situation. Ensouled means reincarnating.
The planet then is encapsulated in a plasma shield to keep the radiation from going into space.
Everything dies and it becomes a cinder. Now that is the Lake of FIre in the bible. That is why the
bible says also beware of those who can kill the body and the soul. NUCLEAR and some forms of
plasma energy also. ALL PLANETS are babysat by fleet craft with enough craft to lift off the
ensouled if nuclear war happens. There are always craft over any area where nuclear war might
occur for that reason, to lift of ensouled people. The computer, because the person is chipped,
always knows where they are.
That is the reason there are so many mother ships in our skies in fact right now. However, since
2004, the Tsunami incident, no longer are nuclear warheads allowed for ANY REASON. there are
reasons to use them unrelated to war. Russia specializes for example in sealing off serious oil
leaks in the ocean floor with them.
The reason then, is this planet has all the radiation she can handle. The use of nuclear that
resulted in the tsunami, was they were trying to open up more areas for extraction of natural gas
and they should have know better than to set them in such a vulnerable trench. with these and the
DU on weaponry, the planet can handle no more. Now we are in a situation with many nuclear
plants that are going to have problems with earth changes and simply bad maintenance. Star Fleet
detoxed the situation in Japan, and you are getting lots of fairy tales on the net.
Well detoxed as much as possible, they went in just like they did during Chernobyl and finished

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 23

the meltdown and sealed them off. Those 3 online reactors were down within 2 days after the
;There is nothing of space rapture in this. Evacuation is evacuation and there are 20 milliion craft
here. The mother ships that take on most people, are as long as 8000 miles. they are cylinders
and their purpose is evacuation.
Now in the case of axis shift or magnetic reversal, they have 1/2 to 1 hour to evacuate. They come
down in these: :ufo56: in massive numbers and people ride the light beam to these craft and then
they are taken to the larger evacuation craft. There are many who cannot ride the light beam, but
their souls do. Others can ride them in body fine. The lighted ones of this planet have been having
their bodies prepared for over 25 years now for this eventuality, because earth's DNa is not high
enough allow this naturally.
Those souls that have finally chosen to serve the light, and learn to meditate etc, etc, are often
taken aboard craft at night. Their souls are taken out of their bodies , Placed in an energy jar
(containment field) and their bodies go into a special chamber for special energy work, then the
soul is put back in, and the person returned. Because most can't handle this, they are kept asleep
and feel nothing. But as a person is awakening, they may get memories of being worked on, or
rather than being placed back in bed in their normal position, they may be placed say, in the living
room and left to ponder how they got into the living room. I had a neighbor once, who felt like she
had floated around her house in fact, and found herself in the living room.
Ok it's late, the fireworks should settle shortly and I am going to bed. I have this thread pinned for
myself, I will check it for questions or whatever tomorrow.
The planet is going to be emptied at some point for the stasis and preparations therein. Life will
sleep, most of it, including the plants during that time, as the planet is going to be put thru a
magnetic pole reversal and several axis shifts over a few years. That is the other reason there are
so many folks here, there will be lots of work and cleansing.
One billion will return at the end of the stasis period, to rebuild, with celestial help, the plan is very
good, and the others are moving. Some are moving IN BODY to other places, some will be moving
by soul to other places. The ones moving by soul will be removed after stasis starts, so there is
NO fear involved. I cannot detail all the plans.
The planet is nearly dead. Mother GAIA is so exhausted she is having a great deal of trouble
initiating the earth changes. so there is a plan b here because of this.
God is not understood on this planet. the management of the universes are not understood. That
is WHY the Urantia book was given. The dark have decreased and decreased the knowledge and
if it was NOT for star fleet you all would still be using horse and buggies to get around and there
would be no internet. This was more or less forced on them for the benefit of all.
The reptilians were removed totally fall of 2007. Only their incarnate minions are left. Anunnaki
signed a peace treaty and then broke it, so they are long gone too. The middle astral realms were
moved out around the moon years ago, so they are protected from the nuclear risk. The very high
astral realms are occupied by pure spirit beings and nuclear is not an issue. it is an issue for less
than spirit beings. the lower realms are "flushed" as people pass into them. Within 40 days, these
very low ones are judged and either moved if there is some hope, or uncreated if they are
OP is going to ship for any one of several reasons, and he was allowed to feel the return. He has

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 24

already finished "business" whatever it was and was dreaming during the return. I often am
dreaming, sometimes related to the memories of the meetings I attend, or other times just
dreaming. OP apparently was working out a possible solution to the cheating situation.
The body has to re adjust to this world from the higher energy of the craft, and that is the cause of
the vibrations. If one has this sort of intense vibrating, it is because they were de materialized, and
then rematerialized and it's quite an adjustment. One gets sort of like the bends of a deep sea
diver surfacing too quickly.
Now I hope this has made clear about your rapture question. And the rapture that has been placed
into religion is exactly this, which is why so many religious sites on the web talking about rapture,
show people rising up into the air. They are rising up into CRAFT but they leave out that part,
that's the lie.
If many craft come down please board ship. You will be facing the consequences if you do not. Do
not run back to get anything except kids and pets. Those attending these craft come down the
beam, and will provide instructions, they usually will glow and they will have insignia to prove who
they are. NOBODY left on earth except those 4 and 5d folks living deep under the surface have
craft with levitation beams. LIke the saucer above. it is completely safe to go with them. There are
craft that will land if possible for some people, but the levitation beam is much more effective. The
craft with legs will be used mostly in remote areas not too near what is going on, for primitive
peoples who would absolutely freak out other wise.
however, know that many of these people in the amazon are fully aware of this, as there are
groups of ETS living amongst them. They find it completely normal to have sky brothers. Its a
shame others don't. But so it is on this planet.
These ones often evacuate some folks during major quakes. And then put them back. That is why
the death tolls are not as large as they be. Obviously it must be people who can handle the
levitation beam that this works for. They cannot get down and in the mess as it happens, such as
during Haiti for example. They did pull a lot of people there where they could. That is why some
people find themselves a fair distance from where they were and can't figure how they got that
Ok off to bed, see ya all later.
One more post, thank you OP for sharing this, because a bunch of readers WILL BENEFIT. I am
glad I saw this. It does just wear off and you can get it to wear off faster if you can get up and take
a walk. Some of you may also find your bladder VERY full, where normally you don't usually need
to get up to pee during the night. For some reason the kidneys work extra.
I am well used to this, and find it fun, but once in awhile the trip back produces some temporary
nausea which always fades and getting up and GENTLY moving around I find helps it go away
faster also. I sometime come out and boot the computer and work while it wears off. There is

well that all fits VERY NICELY with your Scotty Beam ME Back to earth experience!

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 25

AB blood doesn't have anything to do with it. I'm an O+ Has nothing to do with the body except
many star seed are coming in with improved DNA in custom created bodies, so they have less
memory loss and more physic skills. Your embryo's are created aboard ship, from parents DNA
with some addins, or reconnnections of the so called "junk DNA." You blood type is merely that of
the body you incarnated into and nothing more.
With this improved DNA to the embryo that became you, you also then passed this on to your
children. Thus assisting the plan of racial upliftment, (has nothing to do with being black, white,
green, etc. oops, I think we don't have the green folks with orange hair here yet).
The plan of racial upliftment on this world failed during the Adam and Eve mission. (which was
about 38,000 years ago, not 6000 or so like some people assume), This is the time of the
ascension of the mother, and man requires better body temples for the process, so this is a way of
doing that.
OP (yes I am female too and folks often call me HIM or DUDE, so I always reply back I am a
I have experienced Scotty Beam me UP and Back at least 500 times the last 10 years. and it was
going on before.
Now MILD vibrating (more like tingling) when you are in a state of rest or meditation, is also due to
Junk DNA reconnecting itself. Also experienced during that can be please euphoric sort of feelings
and warmth, energy cursing thru the body etc. We have been in the photon belt since 1992, which
is around the time my own DNA connecting really got started. This is increasing for people hugely
now because since Oct. 2006, (nearly 5 years ag now), we have been in the energies coming from
the Center of the Milky Way.
These are gamma rays and god particles mostly. The god particle affects everything, god particles
are the smallest energy particle, and build new matter. There are 100 god particles in an electron.
Gamma rays remodel DNA and if you search under gamma rays, you will find out what science
has already experiment with them, like changing the colors of flowers etc.
These gammas coming remove evil DNA so to speak, in life and enhance desirable factors. These
also cause a buzzing sensation. It's not vibration, it's buzzing. I get about half a dozen different
buzzing sensations from different energies coming in. I am very sensitive to gamma rays and I
also feel the high energy protons of a big CME, when they go really high. I also sense and
sometimes hear the solar wind. It can get very confusing trying to figure which cause which
buzzing etc.
We are all in a very high energy SOUP right now, and the physical, mental, astral, emotional forms
etc, all respond to changes in the soup. I have sometimes used the analogy to pretend you are a
carrot in pot of soup. You feel the cooling, the slopping and stirring of the pot, the heat increases
etc. As do all the other pieces of stuff in the soup.
OK Done, I know this is a long wall of text, but I want the stuff together as someone is collecting
my teachings for me.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 738945

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 26

United States
7/11/2011 11:47 AM

From this thread: [link to www.godlikeproductions.com] Re: I Will Defend My People, Israel, and
Take Vengeance Upon My Enemies... For My Own Names Sake Will I Do It, and For My Servant
Davids Sake...
Now, for the teaching. ISRAEL is a STATE OF BEING, not a country, and you bible thumpers
have never understood this. It is a state of God Consciousness of the two states of God, Father
and Mother. IS=Mother RA= Father El =God.
That is why the Lord will "defend my people" as above, he defends those who KNOW GOD and
ACT GODLY by being responsible for actions and who are seeking to be more like the Father. So
Israel is all those who have reached that level. which is a level below the level of being a Christ,
but its nice level and not to many here are at that yet.
This message doesn't indicate that much, another one that utterly turns my stomach. These ones
living in the state called Israel, and the of the NWO are the antichrist of of your bible. They were
never from that area, they originated in MONGOLIA in fact. They were mean, vicious conquerors
who enforced heavy taxation which they still do or you would not have a SS# (mark of the beast),
and pay personal income taxes which are illegal and immoral in God's laws. They area sign of
These were forced west out of Mongolia to the caspian/black sea areas, mated with the turks of
that time etc (not from today's turkey). They adopted the EVIL TALMUD 700+AD and created the
name JEW for themselves 1700+AD. They spread into eastern europe and western Russia and
destroyed Christianity in Russia after the turn of the 1900's, they were the commie red
BOLSHEVIKS, and these one now control the US of A government, the European Union, are
working for control in Africa and South America etc. They are NOT GOD"S CHOSEN PEOPLE.
They created that LIE because they want to own this planet still.
Study teh Bolshevik revolution dear ones, these are not God's chosen. You individually chose God
and become of "Israel" a state of being, not a country.
You ones in the US of A are sending your family members, often your children to serve them in the
Middle East in their conquest of such. These countries refused to join the NWO and rejected the
banking system under the Federal Reserve, and are being destroyed for that reason. Ponder it.
the Lord God that helped the HEBREWS long ago out of Egypt were not the Lord God. They were
people from a planet that encircles Alcyone who are very advanced and came here to help those
ones. God is not understood. That was DONE on the advice of the Hierarchy of heaven, but NOT
"God" doing it. You ones must come out of your story book concept of God. You are like 3 year
olds and you are supposed to be mature adults and you should be maturing your spiritual
understandings and walking in the shoes of God for that is how God's work gets done.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 27

These Khazar JEWS created the word JEW based on the corruption of a Hebrew word that
sounds like YOU in english. YOU meant a child of GOD. Not a chosen race. You were told that the
lies of the Antichrist are subtle, and there is your proof. These ones stole the so called "Holy Land"
from those living there and caused great misery, and they still do that. They are completely corrupt
and yet you ones place THESE CORRUPT ONES above yourselves as Christians??????
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 885040
United States
7/12/2011 10:33 AM

Archiving from a thread in which a young person is considering how to let his nutty religious family
know he doesn't accept their shit.
Maybe you shouldn't? Just let them have their ways and you have yours.
Is there any way around actually having to say anything?
Do you still live with them?
If you do, it'll be a little harder.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1124291

no i moved up to toronto a couple months but i have alot of family up here also but when ever i talk
to them alot of there conversations are about god etc always talking about different chapters and
im kinda tired of it =/
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1464730

My son went through a "spell" in which he carried his KJV with him wherever he went and it was
literally all he would talk about.
He was a real hardnose about, too. Everything was black or white according to the bible.
Well, I don't agree with much of anything taught by organized religion, but I just smiled, nodded,
asked a few questions and let him go on.
Frankly, he was driving us all crazy--even members of the family who consider themselves
His dad, in particular, considers himself Christian, but he had less tolerance than I did.
I told my sister he would read enough to start finding all the unexplainable contradictions and
about a week later he did.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 28

He came back to reality, but in the process he almost lost his wife and kids because he was
pushing the "men rule/women don't speak in church or wear pants",etc, crap and she was having
none of that.
Anyway--sorry to ramble. I guess my point is that most families have a mix of religious and nonreligious members, but the family ties should stay tied.
From experience, though, when I was younger, you might have a rough time at first. Just don't
argue. Follow your beliefs and allow them to follow theirs and eventually when they realize
you're not evil incarnate things should smooth out.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1124291

Good advice except your last sentence. BELIEFS, when you use that word, are always FALSE.
You should never "follow false shit". Either you KNOW or you BELIEVE. Which is it? Struggle with
something you might believe, until you KNOW, but don't ever follow what you believe. EVER.
matters not what it is. the Word Believe Means you do NOT KNOW. You are supposing
something. And that is the huge lie in religion. I happen to KNOW by the evidence that 911 was an
INSIDE JOB, but as to actual folks that created it, I have only ideas or beliefs about the WHO
DONE IT by name. I KNOW the nuclear reactors in the basement were deliberately melted down,
but I don't know who ordered that. so I don't even have a "belief" on that one. I KNOW CHENEY
and BUSH KNEW, but I don't KNOW if either had a role in the creation of the event, but I "beleive"
Cheney may have, and I "believe" that Bush was to mind controlled to have any idea of planning it.
Plus there were several Bushes and I am pretty sure, but I do KNOW for sure, that we never even
had the REAL Bush in front of us ever.
I KNOW the various OBAMI are not OBAMA. I KNOW WE HAVE not since the 2004 DNC ever
had the real one, because all of them don't look like the pics of him as a young man. I did a lot of
research to come into that KNOWING.
I also KNOW and was the first person to put on the net that SADDAM from that stupid hidey hole
story was NOT SADDAM. I KNOW BECAUSE again I researched thru hundred of pics, and the
I KNOW that as of 2007, the real SADDAM was probably still alive because his signatures were
appearing on Committee of 300 documents. Am I making myself clear here about the concept of
KNOWING? VS Belief? Belief is a supposition until proven or disproven. I KNOW the FATHEr
exists, I KNOW THERE is a huge hierarchy that runs the creation. I KNOW THERE IS BUT ONE
MASSIVE MIND in the CREATION made up of every's minds. These are things regards GOD
which man needs to explore and LEARN so that HE KNOWS.
I also KNOW that Osama bin Laden, died in 2001. And I KNOW that government plays stupid
games and creates stupid stores to explain something. Like 911, their version is so full of holes
and silliness, just like religion, so I KNOW when stupid shit is put on the airwaves, it probably IS
stupid shit, that is covering something devious. I KNOW ENOUGH that I can usually make a paper
trail somehow that points to something I might come to KNOW.
Since Osama is dead nearly 10 years ago, I thus KNEW that we probably did something terrible in
Pakistan that day. I was informed in fact we did. But I was not given for security reasons what that
was. The great thing about this incredibly dark and silly world, is that is a great place to hone your
discernment skills. And this is my KNOWING on that statement, not an idea or belief.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 29

the Beliefs of Religion and the use of that word, leave each to his "beliefs" is a semantic game on
words by the dark forces. So that people will fight and kill over "beliefs" all the while thinking
"beliefs" are "KNOWING." Learn about the use of words to deceive. It is not OK for everyone to
have their BELIEFS except as a temporary word while they are searching for the TRUTH. ONCE
YOU KNOW, you can then stand in your shoes. AND EVEN the WORD KNOW IS NOT THE
FINAL, there is always more to KNOW.
ANother huge lie in religion was the resurrection of Jesus body. IT is the SOUL that is resurrected,
not the body. Jesus (both of them, there were two that shared the experience using one body)
needed no resurrection dears, they are both extremely old by earth standards. YOU ARE YOU
MIND WHICH IS ETERNAL and is different from every other mind, man or angel because no two
experiences match. THIS I KNOW.
I KNOW THIS because I went to resurrection maybe a million years ago or more. It would be hard
to determine since years are different everywhere and my soul origin is not on this world. So I can
only guess. So I guess in terms of earth years, I can only postulate, and thus not KNOW. I KNOW
I am eternal.
I KNOW I HAVE HAD LOTS of physical BODIES and I never took a single one to HEAVEN. I LIVE
IN HEAVEN MENTALLY. These dumb animal bodies do not work in the higher realms which are
less physical. these are very dense bodies only suitable for this world, you don't want to use one of
these and need a toilet for trillions of years do you? Well I hope you don't. These bodies do not
"glorify". When you got to the worlds of heaven, and yes they ARE WORLDS, you are given a new
body suited to where you are at the time. THIS I KNOW. BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN THERE and

I KNOW I HAVE a DISCERNING MIND. I generally recognize bullshit, have a pretty decent
bullshit meter. I KNOW Religion on this world is just full of dark bullshit and that many are so mind
controlled by those stupid Sunday, Saturday and Friday experiences they cannot reason, Some
are young souls who can't discern well yet, others have no souls, and that is fact. They were
created by the dark thugs of this world as living robots and are not human even though the body is
called "human."
I hope this helps some reading this thread.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 30

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 885040
United States
7/12/2011 10:46 AM

From the same thread above.

quote:Anonymous Coward 1010013]
first you gotta figure out what you do believe in, and then figure out how to explain it to a 5 year
old, then try to talk to them.
unless you believe matter created consciousness. can't help you then.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1408660

This is quite untrue. It is much easier to conclude that you do not believe in a particular
philosophical viewpoint than to determine which philosophy suits you. It can take a lifetime of
observation, questioning and thinking to conclude which belief system is best for you personally. It
can take one second of simple logical fallacy to destroy an entire belief system. He does not need
to substitute a new superstition for the old one, and he, as a free individual does not owe them an
explanation. It would be nice if his family accepted him as the human family member he is, but
ofttimes strongly superstitious people, and particularly those infected with the Christian
superstitions, make their acceptance conditional.

NOPE, please see my post on "beliefs" the word is used to confuse one. You should study so you
develop KNOWING not beliefs. beliefs are suppositions, they are not KNOWING. You must make
your OWN philosophy and not follow others, for you are on the path to become a sovereign
individual who makes their path, rather than following the paths of others. If you must follow, you
are not sovereign. You can certainly explore what is out there, but you must make your own path.
You can find ideas that help you make your path, but you cannot follow the paths of others
because you are not "others". The TRUTH on this planet is recorded in the SPIRIT OF TRUTH
bestowed on this planet 2000 years ago. And it will let you know when you have hit on Truth, but
again, there is NO PATH except yours. to Call yourself Republican, democratic, christians.
muslim, buddhist etc, is to label yourself by somebody else's standards. You are not even truly
male or female, you just occupy a particular body type. but your body is NOT YOU. Ponder that
When you adopt a political party, or a religion, you have put yourself into a box created by others.
And nearly all these boxes box you in, and cause you to LIMIT yourself. Ponder that. DO NOT
JOIN. SHARE common interests with others, for there is God POWER in that. Churches have no
God Power. The closest church I have seen to having GOD POWER is the quakers, because they
do KNOW a lot more TRUTH. They then organize into effective groups.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 31

In the united states, we need groups dedicated to various causes. And most churches are not
such. The derail GOD POWER. How do I know this is true? Well they have done nothing to get
this bolshevik Khazar thugs out of office, they have no concept of our constitution and what it
means, and the fact that we aren't on it, and false shit was added to it, and it became the
constitution of WASHINGTON DC, a corporation which has taken over this country. These things
are not discussed in church each Sunday. Imagine what could happen if they were????????????
Man is supposed to have imagination,, desire, etc, that is what sets him off from being an animal.
Yet many men and women are still animals, as to their minds.
JOIN in LIKE CAUSES and INTERESTS based on real desires for service and learning. But do
not label yourself by such things. If I were to label myself a 911 truther, I would have to put a box
around me. Yet I seek truth about 911. TRUTH IS KNOWING. I KNOW A LOT ABOUT 911, I have
some TRUTH on it, but I do not have the FULL TRUTH as to all the participants, how long ago it
was planned etc. So I have some conjectures and I don't even like the word beliefs, because it's
such a corrupted word. Conjectures, postulations, etc are much better words.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 885040
United States
7/12/2011 10:52 AM

ARchiving a couple other posts from the above discussion [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
Hi my name is Jason im a 20 year old from Ny and My family is full of christians and every single
member is a religous nut, Always thanking god for every little thing singing these relgiuos song
randomly every now and then always praising god.They also go to mass every single sunday,and i
was once like this but then i started to realize the bullshit in religion after seeing some documentry
the other day something zionist or something like that and it tottaly changed my mind on religion
and how much of a bullshit story it is. But im almost certain if i tell me family i dropped my faith in
god they would almost instantly cast me out of the family and cut of communication with me. how
should i tell them?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1464730

don't tell them, just ignore them, or ask intelligent questions and make a research project of it. How
to you know you don't believe in god? If you love life, you most surely do. God never created
religions and they are used to destroy. Jesus and others taught the Father is IN you. the Father IS
the Father and you are his Son, and "religion" is simply your personal relationship with him.
You do not have to join to nutcase crowd to grow your mind and soul heavy with life and living and
learning and problem solving and enjoying simply things like feeding the squirrels and so on so
forth. Live you life consciously, magenificently and with will and determination, paying attention to
the small voice within. You don't need all the silly stuff and probably will feel better without it. Grow

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 32

your ability to think and reason, because these ones generally don't think and ponder, or they
would not behave that way. to each his own I guess.
But religion has kept them for committing something great to this world, its an easy cop out. A
false high.
Jesus has returned and he is NOT impressed with them, and in fact is angry which the shit that
has been done in his name. This is him by the way and I know he personally, visiting often to craft
and he has been in my home. For the study of the cosmos, start with old star trek episodes, move
to star wars and the like, but that galactic xxxxxx on TV, that was a dumb space soap opera.


Excuse me, but religion is one thing but "believing in God" another? Stop with the belief shit. Use
the word KNOW. Belief is the fairy tale. KNOWING IS REAL.
and dear one if there aliens who could create your humongous holographic game, from another
dimension doesn't that assume higher powers? There is some of that, but it's not for their
"enjoyment" its for the purpose of creating THINKING situations on earth. This is a place to grow
the mind which essentially is the soul. its the mind that is eternal and the real you.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 814801
United States
7/13/2011 4:52 AM

From a thread saying reincarnation is not how it's done. yes it is, that is how the soul gains life
experience. But as below, we have a lot for other reasons.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 33

WE have an excess of reincarnation on this planet, because of Lucifer. He could not ensoul new
folks, and he trapped everyone here and did not let them progress to the higher realms. Lucifers
supporters and a bunch of galactic thugs were incarcerated on this planet to learn their lessons.
This is their last chance to do so before the ascension of GAIA. The RESURRECTION DEAR
ONES is of GAIA. She is resurrecting or making HER ascension into Eternal LIFE, and she does
want to take those she has mothered of the Lucifer Rebellion and all the earth souls with her.
The word "resurrection" is not understood. There are in a sense two, for the ascending soul. The
first if the resurrection of the morontial soul after generally the first life. This resurrection is of the
soul of the soul and not the body, so get over what some of you believe, these bodies do not live
well in heaven. You do not want them for trillions of years, ok? You experience this resurrection
because you made a choice to pursue eternal life. You are a temporary faith son of God.
Now after this you get a lot of training and experience because the choosing of eternal life IS A
BIG HAIRY DEAL. It's not everyone's cup of tea after they initially choose it. There are a lot of
drop outs. Some just decide its not their cup of tea and others become so evil they basically blot
themselves out of existence.
ETERNAL LIFE is not a situation of forever bliss up on a heaven in the sky havng parties with your
friends and Jesus. I do get that story a lot when I ask what Heaven is. new agers tend to think its a
place of fluff too.
Now after all this testing, if you still wish to have eternal life and you have raised yourself up
considerably in knowledge and light to be able to really make such a choice your soul/mind fuses
(joins with), your Father Fragment meaning you become ONE with IT. When you fuse with your
Father fragment, for most folks when they have become 6d level souls, you are then a REAL and
PERMANENT or Eternal Son of the Father.
Now many at this time who are hoping to make their "ascension" with the MOther GAIA, have
recently or will FUSE with their Father Fragment. This is the TRUE resurrection into ETERNAL
LIFE, because you have passed the testing required.
Some of you are "earth souls" having your soul origin here. Some of you are adopted earth souls,,
because you came from the Planet destroyed by a war in Sirius in which a sun was destroyed. So
you moved here and GAIA adopted you.
Then others of you are those imprisoned here from the Lucifer Rebellion. For most of you, your
"ascension" is the return to your former estates, as you learned your lessons. And that is behind
the story of you most accept "jesus" because you rebelled against Michael of Nebadon who did
come to this planet 2000 years ago to give you his personal assistance and support in the idea
that you could now return to your former estate. It matter not if you remember, thru your many
incarnations the name Jesus or not, because Michael of Nebadon's name is not JESUS anyway.
Those of you who participated in the Lucifer Rebellion were sent here with Lucifer to reincarnate in
these bodies so that you would understand your errors in supporting him.
If I recall correctly about 50% have made the grade of those ones. Those that did not, if still on a
path of light will laterally to other planets and given some more time of grace on your decision to
return to your former estate or not. After 200,000 years of reincarnating, it would seem dumb to
throw away that option, but 50% have done so. So you get to move. and get another chance.
Well most of you, anyway, because some have become so dark, they will face the courts of
Nebadon (judgement), and either face uncreation, or spending time on a much darker prison world

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 34

than this one. Not a pretty idea, but a lot of the dark big wigs, and lots of dark small wigs in religion
will be facing this for their misleading of the people. On this darker prison world, you will not
reproduce, and thank god for that one. You will have only your dark brothers as companions, and
little technologies and lots of time to grow up. And you will get one chance after your earn your
way off that godless place, godless because there are no representative of heaven to assist you.
The door is closed. When you have enough, you will be given ONE chance (and its a incarnation
chance), to prove your intent. If you fail that, you will be uncreated and you will have signed
papers to that effect before your release.
heaven does have jails and courts.
The story is the same for the dark galactic thugs imprisoned here, if they have not cleared 51% of
their karma they are moving also and under the same conditions as above. Those that have
cleared their karma get one more chance on earth after the big cleanse coming.
The rest of you who are GAIA's real and adopted children are simply placed where you are at.
God in his mercy, some of you are so abused, will cleanse the abuse from your soul records and
you will get a fresh chance minus all that shit you have endured here. On a fresh planet. That is
the ultimate in grace and mercy.
Starseeds have a chose to stay on and serve or return to their former places too. Many of earth's
children who are not so damaged will find themselves on the mansion worlds. Some of you are
made huge progress and you will be fusing with your Father FRagment, and continuing here, or on
the mansion worlds or other suitable places. Some have done so well, you have moved up man
grades in fact and you will be well pleased with your progress.
Lots of of possibilities. This world is badly polluted, both from mental abuse and to the planet itself.
GAIA is going to experience the cleansing of her body and her mind too. All will be refreshed.
There will be a period of several years of this intense cleansing, one of the reason so many craft
are here, and then we rebuild a wondrous new civilization, as GAIA has earned her own
Ascension and dark ones cannot continue on this world. The laws of physics do not allow it. They
would perish.
Christians believe God is going to destroy this world by fire. That FIRE is the destruction of the
OLD WAYs by the replacement of TRUTH and folks truly deciding to live a spirit inspired life. It is a
description of the Ascension of GAIA and her children. Ascension is earned, there is no magic
wand, no group acension (often stated in new age). Ascension is individual and perhaps the
improving conditions will make it more likely for her children who are able to continue here. That is
all, I am going back to bed I haven't been able to sleep well thru the massive massive
thunderstorms tonight. It seems to be settling now.

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/13/2011 2:51 AM

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1465877
United Kingdom
7/13/2011 4:59 AM
I was wondering when you JESUS freaks would come out of the woodwork didn't have to wait long
fucking arsehole, there is no elenin and fuck all is going to happen this year or next year or
anytime soon you stupid americans were the same on the run up to Y2K and what happend fuck

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 35

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 876587
United States
7/13/2011 7:35 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1465877

I am not a jesus freak, nor do I support any of the elenin, nibiru nonsense etc. You are bitching to
the wrong person here. This is MY thread to archive some of my posts and comments are
welcome, but this is not. the only reason it didn't go bye bye with a ban, is so I can clarify that I am
not partaking in what you claim I am.
IF YOU BOTHERED to READ the FIRST POST in this thread, you would know that, regards
Nibiru et all and elenin came around after I started the thread, but the same applies.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/13/2011 7:41 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 876587
United States
7/13/2011 7:39 PM

Archiving two more from the thread about the use of the term Christ tard:
#1: well beloved OP, Jesus is considerably less concerned about "christ tards" than he is about
what they don't accomplish when using his name. They are christ tards, they are retarded in god
knowledge, just as a way to end your thread. or as it means here on glp, can mean retarded, or
just people interested in any subject, like u solar tards also, can mean those who are dumb about
solar, or those who make a hobby of it. learn the lingo and then you don't have a problem,
because christ tards besides being those into the subject, also includes those who are not exactly
brilliant in their knowledge about God and you at least partially ARe IN that Category and refuse to
look. Most in religion are way behind in their knowledge of God, seriously behind in fact.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 36

advanced souls are not put off by man's slang. In fact they often make use OF IT. So Jesus might
be having a good laugh now, and using Christ tards himself. I haven't asked him though. He's be
busy with more important issues at hand, like this sick planet as a whole and which you ones have
earned the name christ tards because you did not walk in his shoes. You just followed him with a
lot of crap, and bullshit, which IS a favorite slang word used by Michael of Nebadon.

Never ever use the word Christards, as you are belittling the name of the Lord, and that is
demeaning the only person worth honor and respect. Jesus , the Christ.
If you want to belittle church people who are self righteous and scribes and pharisees and those
that killed Christ, use the term churchies as it better rfelects on them and in no way slanders the
Lord. Jesus himself was killed by them and the religious bogots.
Christards, has the ending tards which is close to turds as is rude and base and vile, so don;t use
it. Have some class and use the right wording that more describes and differentiates. Otherwise
you are quilty as well as them, and maybe more so because you have no discernment and have
slandered the NAME OF JESUS the CHRIST.
Like Jesus you can refer to the qualities and characteristics of the churchies, but do not refer to
Christ along with the name Christards. use a better more descriptive comprehensive, complete
name like 'churchies'.
Quoting: Davidjayjordan

for the teaching again david, by your first comment above, and for others, David belittled HIMSELF
Although I can and do teach about this concept, this IS the teaching of Jesus and his team on the



This means that within the Christ circle of infinity, which is the Christ Consciousness of ONE, you
must recognize the tremendous and Wondrous Love that our Lord God has for you to allow your
experience in HIS kingdom of life unfolding. You and ALL THAT IS are but the reflection of HIS
LOVE and JOY of The Creation before him. You are his co-creator in the infinity of The Creation
and you are the co-creator of HIS jubilant Self-discovery within the unfolding manifestations of the
mystery of the ETERNAL ONE.
So when you despise yourself or another, you despise the very SPIRIT of LIFE ETERNAL and it
all exists within YOU. You see, OUR Great Central Sun, The ONE Eternal Light is beckoning to

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 37

Also remember that in your physical world, you have a physical body which you are given to use to
house YOUR SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN. You must take care of the needs of the body with proper
food, water, clothing, shelter, exercise and rest so that you remain vibrant, clean and healthy in
order to perform, with honor, the service of GOD. So too, you must not knowingly "poison" the
body with the ingestion or inhalation of devastatingly harmful and addictive "drugs" whether they
be of "legal" or "illegal" status by Earth standards. The spirit of God within you needs no "mind"
altering to connect and commune with THE HIGHEST DIVINE LIGHT OF THE ONE ALL THAT IS.
Candace: now as to the use of Christ tard, if it is meant to demean, yes. THE INTENT is what is
important. Here on GLP the meaning again has tow versions. Some mean the "tard" person is
slow. If that is truth and it's not meant to demean, then so be it. The "tard" also applies to Interests.
I am solar tard, a god tard, a pollution tard, a 911 tard and so on and so forth according to my
personal interests.
As to some topics on earth I am also a re tard, because I am not involved in every single earth
activity, so I am a tard in some of those, and if I was called a say "islam tard" that would be true
because I have no close islamic connections and the best I "know" which is NOT knowing, of
Islam, is what I read in my Islam for dummies book. I have met Mohammed and so I have some
concepts of what he intended so long ago and which, just like in every religion on this plane, was
corrupted by man. Some of those folks are simply not so bright yet, and others are totally DARK,
as to their intents of control.
And even the iniquitous ones who sin by intent to harm others, are still re tards because if they
truly understood the consequences of their actions, they might grow up. So they get to keep re
incarnating on sad planets until they do understand and some of them spend a few thousand
lifetimes before they do and that would be hell, if ever their was a definition of it.
So as to "christ tard" it goes to INTENT in the use of the word. And its not going to offend a great
soul like Jesus personally, he is just too grown up to feel offense at it.

And now I rest my case with the teaching.

Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 888854
United States
7/15/2011 2:18 PM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 38

From this thread: [link to www.godlikeproductions.com] about the usa loosing it's aaa credit rating.
I doesn't have one, that is just the propaganda going around and I heard that on the news today. I
couldn't believe my ears, because that is not what's going on.
I am going to state the truth AGAIN over and over and over in these threads.
The FEDERAL RESERVE system is not the US of A Central Bank, it is the CENTRAL BANK of he
CENTRAL Banks of this world, and it does maintain offices in this country. When a Chairman is
appointed, he is appointed to a global position and not just the US of A.
I have proof of this, I assure you, I have been passed samples of what they do.
I can also say Saddam Hussein as of a few years ago, long after his supposed arrest and death,
was also on the committee of 300 and signing papers for them. OK. and the committee of 300
signs an awful lot of the Federal Reserve papers.
Plus the QUEEN OF ENGLAND people.
Now since the Khazar Zionist Bankers of this world, those rockyfellers and rothkids, have really
been bad managers, and own a lot of money, which they borrowed a huge amount from the very
wealthy chinese dragons, the chinese dragon has taken over the entire Federal Reserve system
and they pull the financial strings since early this year, actually a bit earlier.
Some of you read the suitcase story here on GLP. It's mostly true except the technology reveals
was not on the level. The suitcase story is hwo they acquired the FED.
Now they are not paying for wars against their interests in this world. We went to Libya to steal
ancient artifacts and ancient technologies, and you Christians, this stuff they wanted predates your
Notice Libya is not on the new much lately, I suppose that is over now, thankfully. They did not
At any rate, this big bunch of shit on TV is related to the FACT the Chinese are not funding our
Only a small amount of revenues to the actual treasury. YOU INCOME TAXES which is the
stealing of your personal property, go straight to the FEderal Reserve as do all income taxes in
this world under that system. our CORP US of A, borrows money from the global FED, and then
YOUR TAXES pay that back and so far there is not enough to pay it back, not even the Interest.
You ones have allowed all of this by the way.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 39

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 886273
United States
7/19/2011 12:41 AM

Archiving from a thread [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

Re: If it's true the human body loses 21 grams upon death, why?
While your MIND is nonphysical, there is a storage system which is part of your soul. You store
your stuff on electrons. An electron can store 3 GIGS, yes I said that. There are a lot of electrons
in the soul and it grows bigger and bigger as you need more electrons to store you stuff on. A
human has a larger soul than a cat for that reason.
Now, as you grow in goodness and need more storage, as you clear your karma, your electrons
will crash together, 2 at a time and make a photon. You become a spirit being when all of your
storage is on photons instead of on electrons, which is why spirit beings actually GLOW.
You are still part animal until all of your shit is on photons. Thus the terms, semi spirit, or semi
material and the like out there.
You ones have possibly seen me using "Father Fragment" here. When you get one of those, the
information is on photons. They hold a lot more. You can program your electrons with crap, but
photons only hold the truth.
the spirit of Truth bestowed on this planet is composed of photons. With a LOT OF STUFF you
can access, it's a very big library of truth. That is why in the bible you see that when this spirit of
truth arrived everything suddenly glowed, or something to that effect.
so yes the soul has weight and it gains weights are you grow you mind and nee more storage.
Your soul, the storage system part of it, could be likened to the hard drive on your computer. And
your store actual files too. And these files can be copied and downloaded to another person. And
files can be actually created and given to your "hard drive." I get files sent to me all the time, I like
to call them packies. and when I open a packie in my "mind" it feels a lot like what you see when
you unzip a file on your computer.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 718316
United States
7/19/2011 1:12 PM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 40

A collection of small posts I made today in a Maitreya thread. [link to

well I guess I should see the link, but to answer you simply, he is the COMING BUDDHA, the one
they expect to return for Buddhists and a wondrous person.
well I guess I should see the link, but to answer you simply, he is the COMING BUDDHA, the one
they expect to return for Buddhists and a wondrous person.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

That is not what the Share International web site says.. they reckon he is the answer to all the
world religions... sounds like antichrist to me.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1316122

since when is the Share International website factual on topics like this? I happen to KNOW him.
Thus my commentary. I do know of what I speak and I don't carry bullshit. And he has done
exactly NO interviews of the type suggested. So they are fake.
Just like the really bad returned Jesus in that Ra el guy, that is a Catholic project and a really bad
example of his not being jesus. it is a call for those of the Catholic underworld to come to action
and Hey, I could go there and offer my services and be paid handsomely for it, read the fine
details on Ra el.
This is from the article lined to above: (Candace, the first post on that thread has a link)

"He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy,
but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He 'ensures that men follow and support Him for
the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status'. He spoke earnestly of the need
for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the worlds
In this it talks about a famous star to come, will that is Jupiter which has been made a sun and it's
still in hiding for various necessary reasons. The fact that CIA folks put out various video's on you
tube doesn't make it truth. Read the above article completely.
He is not a man on earth, he is superhuman and not walking this plane directly. This is the same
bullshit appearing by the CIA Council of the NOT SO light,(run by the Vatican) that is playing a
similar game all over the net. One of that RA EL situation and that one IS a complete Vatican

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 41

I watched this occur also in a channel (that I happen to know personally) of Monjoronson, who
went CIA and a similar story was introduced, that Monjoronson had become a man and would live
with a family as a normal person of earth, and make his way around here and there. Complete LIE
and now that person in the TEaching Mission, having gone CIA has completely denounced he
ever said such things, and we have the email he sent, to prove that Monjoronson was going to live
with HIM and his wife and they had moved from a cramped apartment to a house to accommodate
him, CIA provided house I assume.
There will others continuing in this line, of ones above walking as a common man on this earth,
they do this to appease the various groups. Catholics in the underground are the targets of the Ra
EL bullshit. Next thing you know, they will do with Ashtar or Esu or Michael of Nebadon too. We do
have planned TV coverage at a future date when we make the conditions possible, and it will be
global and on all major TV stations and there will be a ton of contact with that.
And adding to this post above HERE, to the quoted material from website provided in the thread,
Maitreya is not the World Teacher and is not the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. That belongs to
the Returned Michael of Nebadon in fact. The one who was Buddha long ago is Logos, chief
spiritual teacher of Earth.

Re: C'mon GLP lets pin Maitreya down - Who is this guy? Quote [+] #
Yeah, this Maitreya stuff is bullocks. I think he was to be the false Messiah TPTB wanted to usher
in after all the shit hits the fan, but it's not going to happen.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1463843

the real Maitreya is no false messiah. A game is being played by the thugs. The real one is simply
a great teacher, is not walking this plane directly and is the Coming Buddha for the buddhists. All
religions on this world expect someone to return at the end of the age to help set up the next age.
Krisha is returned, jesus is returned, many others. Buddha himself will remain Planetary Logos of
Earth, a position he took over about 30 years ago now which is "head teacher" from the spirit
realms. Many of you attend his schools in your "finer forms" during the night in fact.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/19/2011 1:14 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 835667
United States
7/20/2011 10:12 PM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 42

archiving from a thread involving "enki". I choose not to place the link here, because something
went wrong and I am not drawing attention to the creator of the thread, on purpose. Archiving for
the teaching I did.
Enlil is Jehovah. The God of the old testament and the bad guy. Enki gave man of the tree of
knowledge. Enlil got mad and made war on Sodom and Gommorah, which were two great spiritual
learning centers and not the evil cities as described in the Bible. Enlil, Enki's brother was very
jealous of him. Even though he was the leader of the two on earth shan, Enki stood to gain the
throne over his brother. Hence the wars and destruction. Out of this destruction rose the fabled
garden of eden story and all the other made up history of the Hebrew peoples.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1451969

Much of the above is not true. . Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed on orders of the higher
management realms and carried out by some folks from Thiaoouba, the most high evolved
civilization in Pleiades. Thiaoouba orbits Alcyone, the central sun of Pleiades. (Pleiades has about
500 planets, not all of them have life evolving on them, it is not just the 7 sisters.). Thiaoouba is
pronounced roughly like Jehovah. OK. There are other stories behind the term Jehovah et all.
These ones were behind Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt. They parted the REED Sea,
and fed these folks Manna, a high energy food carried on craft. They gave 20 commandments the
tablets to Moses. There was no god in a burning bush!!!! They are often the
"Lord God" in the old testament, but there are other LORD GODS also in it, and certainly some of
the annunaki did play that role in earth.
Sodom and Gomorrah were NOT great spiritual centers, they were disgusting cities. Enlil was
jealous of Enki, that is true. The story of Garden of Eden is fully true except it was 38,000 years
ago, and Adam and Eve had nothing to do with the anunnaki. They were from Jerusem, which is
the capital sphere of Satania, which has nothing to do in name with Satan by the way.
The anunnaki did make up and create their own version of the Eden story, and it was not so.
However, the 2nd Eden, after the destruction of the first eden was between the two rivers in Iraq.
First Eden was destroyed by war and is in the bottom of the mediterrean. Earth has a checkered
past. There is much confusion.
Another example of the adam and eve story from which the RIB is part of, is that a nasty dude,
believed by some to be Jehovah on Mars made an "Adam" who affronted him and he banned him
to earth and cloned an "EVE" from him.
And then after the last trip thru the photon belt, and concomittant with the huge loss of life, some
came from heaven, those 144,000 folks, to restart the human race. (and Genesis does say
REPLENISH the earth). There was a son of heaven, a celestial who did marry an earth woman,

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 43

and that is but another adam and eve type story. EVery time this planet is cleansed, there is some
reseeding of life, man included.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1413822
United States
7/21/2011 12:01 AM

Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Nibiru is coming, your dates are wrong Candace; the government has been tracking it for quite
some time. You keep saying Nibiru will never be back over and over like its a mantra. The global
warming that the gov has "explained" to the sheeple, is actually Nibiru's effects as it approaches,
including the orbiting planets odd behavior and the sun. It DOES approach. It's gravitational effects
are being felt on every level.
It is NOT a dwarf nor a second sun. It is an externally cold planet in the infrared spectrum that is
internally inhabited as a spaceship, and it can be "where it wants to be".
Anu inhabits Nibiru and is coming here to judge those that "he" left behind LONG ago to teach the
humans and take care of this beautiful planet; they (TPTB) decided to be selfish and keep the
planet for themselves and wreak havoc on "our" history/evolvement.They are terrified and know he
comes.... They are trying to utilize cern to create a portal..... well I could go on, but my story is just
as good as yours.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 865297

Quoting: Silent Wind

great thinking there...i second a thread that needs to be started by you about this/
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1413822
United States
7/21/2011 12:05 AM

Quoting: Nobody in Particular

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 44

Jesus has returned and he is NOT impressed with them, and in fact is angry which the shit that
has been done in his name. This is him by the way and I know he personally, visiting often to craft
and he has been in my home. For the study of the cosmos, start with old star trek episodes, move
to star wars and the like, but that galactic xxxxxx on TV, that was a dumb space soap opera.


he's in your home and this is the most recent photo you have of him?

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 11:42 AM

From a thread about using Bentonite. [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

This stuff is amazing. Take a bath in it, soak your feet in it, cleanses your body of toxic metals and
is totally safe.
They say it also works with radiation poisoning symptoms.
My 3 year old has been taking baths in it for just a week and the results have been incredible.
This is the best kept secret around !
Quoting: Deanster

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 45

well I don't bathe in a tub anymore, bent arthritic body doesn't sit well in it, but let me tell you all,
the stuff is the basis of a great system for brushing your teeth, this is what dentists use to polish
your teeth. Mix it 1/3 each with baking soda and salt. Tastes terrible, but you get used to it. This
stuff will greatly decrease your oral health problems with your teeth and even whiten them up a bit.
The baking soda hugely cuts back bacterial growth because it is basic, not acidic. The clay and
salt really clean them up nice. You will never want toothpaste again, it works so great.
Some people take it internally, but it's high in iron and I can't tolerate the iron. but I could soak my
feet in it! Good idea, I may give it a try.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 11:45 AM

Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Jesus has returned and he is NOT impressed with them, and in fact is angry which the shit that
has been done in his name. This is him by the way and I know he personally, visiting often to craft
and he has been in my home. For the study of the cosmos, start with old star trek episodes, move
to star wars and the like, but that galactic xxxxxx on TV, that was a dumb space soap opera.

he's in your home and this is the most recent photo you have of him?
Quoting: iknownothingseriously

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 46

I haven't taken his pic. He is not constantly in my home by the way. Your post sort of implies that
in your word choice, which might confuse others here.
We had a discussion once about putting up new pics on my website, and it's just to dangerous to
everyone involved and if we did, my website would not be allowed to stand at all. As it is, it takes a
lot of effort to keep it up, fleet has written protecting software which has greatly reduced the effect
of attacks on it. he is going to be on TV at some point after the outworking of other plans.

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 11:47 AM

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1476624
United States
7/21/2011 11:55 AM
More evil, batshit delusional ramblings from Candace--who woulda thunk it?
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 799087
United States
7/22/2011 2:37 PM

ARchiving. I will add part 2 when done. from this thread [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
Now see here. while the UB is wonderful, to get the thing published they stuck with Christian
bullshit and lies. And that is true of Judas. He was NOT the betrayer, he was FRAMED and the
ones the NON JEWS because there were NO JEWS back then, hated was Juda IHarioth. That
man's father set up the FRAMING. As I said and this is NOT destructive to the UB, there are some
pearls which cannot be given, like reincarnation here of LUcifers happy little band who were sent
here to work out their repentance.
There were Hebrews, Judeans, and Semites back then. There were NO JEWS and the writers of
the UB KNOW this, but you see the JEWS, meaning the KHAZARS should have prevented the
publishing of this book, and so a compromise if you wish to call it that, occurred.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 47

Go research the Khazars, its not hard to do. You don't even need the PJ's to do it. There
originated in MONGOLIA long ago, and were expelled westward because they were THUGS from
the beginning. This Tribe IS the SERPENT. They are not even of Lucifer's band. They are other
galactic thugs from Orion.
The UB does NOT cover the Galactic Wars. And rightfully so at this point. Most of the thugs back
then in that area, were not Khazars they were the fallen angels. Plus the Hebrews etc all.
The Hebrews were a race founded from exactly 3 people, a man and two women, from a craft that
crashed in western Russia 14,000 years ago. Only 3 survivors, they were not rescued for
whatever reason, but they were more advanced in their God knowledge which IS probably why
they survived. It was cold and they migrated soul and refused to breed with the inferior folks of that
area, and thus they founded a new race. And the references in the bible about those who say they
are jews but are not, is in reference to fallen ones who were NOT even then, Hebrews. The
Hebrews were from what has been called in our literature Hebra, various spellings.
Now as to the Khazars, I said they were from Mongolia and pushed westward. They intermingled
with some other races, particularly the TURKS who were in the Caspian and Black sea areas, not
modern day turkey. IN 700+ AD they adopted the TALMUD, the book of the fallen angel crowd for
their religion. They then falsely made themselves "Hebrews" also. The moved more and more also
into western Russia and Eastern Europe. They are the ORION DRAGONS, (not the Chinese folks,
don't confuse that one).
They created the word "JEW" for themselves in the 1700's. it is based on an old hebrew (I think it's
hebrew) word that sounds like YOU, and the word means CHILD OF GOD. so remember every
time you say YOU, to somebody, that is what YOU MEAN. A child of God. Not a chosen race.
Therein you see the clever LIE.
The Urantia BOOK does not cover the migrations to this world from other worlds. the next one will.
The Chinese RACE and the BLACK races came here over 1 million years ago from a planet that
was dying. They MOVED. The yellows occupied southern asia, and the Blacks what is now
Australian. Their inter-mating resulted in the ARAB. They brought all those pouched animals with
them, like the Kangaroo and some other odd animals found no place else in this world.
NOW this information IS IN THE AKASHIC records of this planet. The reason the Eskimo has
problems and the American indians for that matter with alcohol genetically is because again, crash
landings of some folks from another world and inter-mating.
The black race did migrate over to Africa across southern Asia. And fell a LOT in their knowledge
becoming tribal again.
The UB is correct in that the 6 races did show up in one family et all, and man of thinking mind did
manifest on this planet. But a lot of folks here are from other worlds.
Atlantis and Lemuia are not covered. They will be. Man from other worlds walked this planet with
the dinosaurs. that is known FACT from the records of the bones. Will its' not fact they were from
other worlds, but it is fact there are human bones with the dinosaurs, and it is fact per the UB that
man as evolved on this planet, did not walk with the dinosaurs. It was NOT permitted in the
revelation at the time to suggest folks from other worlds had craft. It was not revealed that in the
times of Lemuria and Atlantis these civilizations had craft and traveled this solar system and to
and from Orion and Pleiades.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 48

It was more important to teach how God functions in the creation because it was already
predetermined that this planet was going to ascend, GAIA herself, the Planetary Supreme. It was
known that a whole lot of Nebadon is being cleaned up. Again, this visit by Michael of Nebadon
was not even about just having a nice life with a final bestowal. This Creator Son actually does
WORK his creation, and in the 7 bestowals there is a story of him incarnating during another
rebellion. I don't have those details memorized right this moment, you ones interested can do your
own legwork.
Not covered also are some of the cycles of this world This world or the solar system actually
travels in a grand cycle around the Milky Way, which is of course the CORE GAlaxy of Orvonton,
but not the whole of Orvonton.
The Milky Way CORE puts out rays in this way: :Christic Circle.: Sorry that is the only image I
have right now. This solar system while going in that circle, probably more an ellipse, is in the
RAYS 4 times during each trip. That is why the universal CROSS called the Christic Circle or
sacred circle of infinity. I need to find another link to use here where you can also see that in the
Suns of Pleiades that are in light and life, for some reason GLP doesn't like that pic.
But I will move on. Life on EARTH was given 2 grand cycles to mature. One grand cycle is 225
million years. Life was seeded by the life carriers on earth 550 million years ago. That IS in the UB
as to that time, but I don't recall the Grand cycle being mentioned, and it was necessary to keep
that under the radar I suppose. Now do the math. We are at the end of the 2nd grand cycle.
During each of those times were are IN one of the 4 legs, the rays, life hugely moves up on this
planet. The rays contain special gamma rays that modify DNA. And they are also full of god
particles. Which the UB called the Ultimaton. GReat change is upon us now.
The thugs, 10 billion fallen confused angels, and real galactic thugs imprisoned here are shit of out
luck. They have not matured, and they will not be able to endure the resultant changes.
Now, I am having computer troubles, or rather internet connection troubles and I am going to post
this, take a short break and start part 2 because I am not finished.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 799087
United States
7/22/2011 5:21 PM

ARchiving again, from this thread

Hershel, (sorry I am sure I misspelled that) Channeled is a catch all word. In the case of the UB it
was genuinely channeled, meaning Passed thru a human while said human was out of his body
and another using it. The "channel" of the UB was a sleeping prophet, just was was edgar cayce.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 49

And in those days somebody had to write down was heard, there were not tape recorders. Dolores
Cannon has been blessed with tape recorders for her work. She puts the person into hypnosis,
and sometimes the person's higher self is coming thru, in other cases, entities from the higher
realms come thru. The soul moves aside and another uses the brain and vocal cords. If you have
not explored her work, that is a must in my book. I was guided to her work, I would get asked to
(by telepathy) to go to the book store and what I was to examine would come out on the shelf in
front of me. That in fact is HOW I came to find the UB, I had not ever heard of it, and that was in
probably 1996, or perhaps 1995. I was in a book store with my daughter who had come home
from, well that makes it 1996, Europe. She was buying stuff for her boyfriend to take back to
Germany. Boy friend is now my son in law.
I was directed by telepathy to go to the new age section. I have never liked new age sections very
well, but I went and there it was, half off the shelf. I was not sure I wanted it yet, and had little
money at the time. later I was again there with some more time, and found it fascinating until I saw
the last 1/3. I put it back because it was about "Jesus' and seemed a bit too much of christianity. I
cannot stand christianity. I have been sentenced to hell fire ever since my early childhood by
vicious christians.
But again I was asked look at it, several times while I was also looking at other recommended
books as to preparing me for my journey. Eventually when I got a charge card I finally bought the
thing, and in the privacy of my home, I fell in love with the finest work of God I have seen on this
planet. And I am still in love.

It is "channled" (sorry I almost got off the story line here), because a PERSON is being used to go
THRU. The person is not the channel, the celestial is, and using the persons mind and body much
like like energy passing thru an electric cord. And that is exactly how so many entities came thru
one sleeping prophet over the 2 or so year period the UB material was given in answers to
questions by the contact commission at that time.
Dolores cannons material is give the same way, except Dolores puts the person into deep
hypnosis , rather than the sleeping prophet putting self into deep hypnosis and vacating for the
channel to come thru. There are a number of books that have been written by this method and
various personalities are still using this method to this day. There ARe reasons for that.
Now with the PJ's, I was directed to them too. I was told to just google them and that is how I
found them at www.fourwinds10.com. The other site called PhoenixSourcedistributors did not
have them at that time, they in fact copied them from 4 winds. Patrick Bellringer got copies of all of
them in print, copies each and every page by method of copy machine, they were after all
published books. Then these were scanned. I was told to find them in 2003 after Michael of
Nebadon gave me the symbol and directions for AH. Which i was given at that time in deep
Now at that time, Patrick had them in a form that did NOT do well on my computer, the words
bounced and were red and black and not very readable. I don't think I found the pdfs to download
them, or if I did, they took a long time and were still not readable. I was asked to read PJ 2 and 3

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 50

first. Well, finally in June 2004, he put noticed of them on his front site, there was a new form they

had been put into. Well, just like with the UB, I feel in love all over again.
Now the PJ's are not channeled. They are sent by a type of short wave signal and then Dharma
translated the signal, into words, for which she had been prepped with a receiving crystal in her
head. I will not say where or how that crystal worked, its not truly for public release at this time.
This allowed huge clarity so she could type just as fast as she could type, there was now
computers. This was at a time also shortly after the circuits to Urantia were reopened and a lot of
material was coming in. Dharma simply took the dictation. She was a secretary.
Now like the issues with the UB I mentioned above, the PJ's are not perfect, every where all the
time. Our thugs detected the radio frequency and sometimes used it and sometimes dharma could
discern the change and sometimes not. That is why you will sometimes find two different answers
to the same story. This happened a lot, and Hatonn would send over a different frequency and it
would get contaminated again, but over all the work is marvelous and a person who CAN discern,
as I can, I am an awfully old soul, by the way the trip to Paradise takes much longer than I think it
was you who suggested such above. Average for a go getter is 1 million years, so I am pretty old.
For slower ones like the thugs of earth, it can take billions.
Thugs are given as long as necessary to grow up. Which sometimes does seem an eternity.
Now, there is the telepath. This is direct mind to mind communications a;nd few on earth do this,
but there are many starseeds who do and are even unknown as their instructions are secret as to
mission. I have always been telepathic. It is the normal way. Animals are very good at it naturally.
They don't do "language" they do pictures back and forth.
As to the TEAching Mission, the so called channels, step aside and let others come thru them.
This is conscious channeling. They have been labeled TR's so I tend to use that term for that
method. These ones, who are REAL are always encircuited to do this. It is not yet natural on this
plane. But it is the way to bring material thru to a group of people, and this is going to be heavily
During stasis, the world will be sectioned into 50 to 100 areas of administration. There are going to
be MISSIONS. YOu might want to read my older material on my site about the Many Missions
project. Now each AH sanctioned mission, will have a TR. Each mission will have an appropriate
celestial supervisor who will provide guidance thru the TR to the mission team. I can also TR but I
am not into that in terms of being before a group like the others. Dharma could also TR and did,
and Hatonn and probably others gave thru as well as Hatonn's Higher self ATON. (Michael of
Nebadon). These were tape recorded and while I don't any of them, I have a friend who does and I
did listen to some when I was with her once.
There will be at least thousands of missions. All funded through the celestial monies on this planet
already, which is not to be confused at this time with NESARA. There is great wealth secreted
away on this planet, of old relics and high energy gold and other precious metals and jewels and
crystals. These have been ON the planet since the days of Adam and Eve and if that mission had
not been corrupted.... well you know the rest. However, the corruption went far beyond Eve's
sexual betrayal to Caligastia. That was not enough to abort that whole mission. There were

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 51

reasons to NOT cover this in the UB because we do still have all these thugs on the planet facing
their FINAL JUDGEMENT, its the end of the 2nd Grand cycle. I will get back to that piece when
the mood is there again.
Now telepathy is used even when one communes with ones thought adjuster. You have read the
person is usually 5 or 6 or even 7 d consciousness when this occurs more naturally. In the UB it
mostly covers that by the story of the 7 circles. That is what those circles mean, the level of
consciousness that has been obtained.
There is a great deal of fraud by the CIA and others in "new age." There is fraud in the teaching
mission and I can also state here there has been covert CIA infiltration into the Urantia Foundation
teams and also into those involved with the Phoenix Journal project. You must be aware of Daniel
Raphael. I KNOW this person, or thought I did, he lives not far from me. We met many times. he
was clean once. He is not now. He apparently wanted like others so bad to serve and he not
enough money, so he fudged. The stories around the fudge are both sad and hilarious. But the
whole www.monoronson.com is now corrupted, near as I can tell, because I am seeing a lot of shit
coming forth. Mighty Messenger Charles IS a CIA creation and the name choice and position
choice is a play on ME. Candace Mighty messenger, Charles Mighty messenger and I am in
receipt of a work by Daniel which announces that Mighty Messenger Charles is now the chief
advisor or something to that effect of the trivalent of Monjoronson, Michael of Nebadon and
Machiventa. Another piece by somebody else states Machiventa is ousted and replaced by
another commission et all.
This is why I do this, people
this big time, when this shit happens and I am not
angry to some of you for your exposure of your crap about ME, (ie YAH), I am greatly saddened at
the corruption and success of the CIA and others into iniquity. WE have tried so hard with this
planet. However, some of this is necessary as part of the 4d thing, in which people have to choose
which side they are on and cannot play the fence. We are seeing this from the WAVE and other
energies now, on GLP and all over. People are reporting this stuff not only here on GLP but lots of
people I come into contact with are reporting such also.
Michael of Nebadon said he came not to bring peace. he came to set on against another, THAT IS
THE PROCESS of 4d that will lead to 5d consciousness on this planet as the phoenix arises from
the ashes of that mess. This is necessary for people to learn to think, and stop all the shitty
following and you "Urantians" (isn't everyone on this planet a "urantian?) who are FOLLOWERS it
is LIKEWISE. YOU MUST FIND YOUR MIINDS. Many of you too follow because the book sounds
so good. AND IT DOES, as do the PJ's.
But there is no complete record YET on this planet and the thugs do their best to destroy the truth
and infest God's work on this world. They are VERY GOOD AT what they do, real professionals in
fact. ONCE the NORMAL GOOD MAN discovers how much more powerful he can be, than even
the tried and true thugs, so will this planet change massively.
And on editing, the TEaching Mission was corrupted in part initially because the thugs placed
agents trained where there were microphones placed in the meeting places, so the questions
could be heard from the audience and the false "TR" had a little hearing device himself on his
body, an electronic receiver for his part in it. And I am pretty sure Daniel R is making use of such
now from something STUPID he said in an email to somebody I know. And he has a nice house
now for his work and a secretary who is in on the deal.
And OBE, to receive form Source, as you call it, is the goal, in the UB this is called the thought
adjuster. I prefer Father Fragment, I think it's more accurate but there was likely a reason for that

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 52

word too. You are an old soul. YOu can travel cold space as you discover some time ago. You
hear from Source thru your Higher Self, your real you. You are long "fused" with your Father
Fragment. One day I we will cover more of the construction of the soul that we have so far.
For those of you who are UB readers, the morontial Soul is your astral form, in which your records
as stored as your personal akashic record. WE have too many words for the same thing on this
planet and during stasis we are going to unify the concepts into one language, english, and add a
lot more words, because we don't have enough words. It becomes "morontial" in the new soul
having it's first life when eternal life is chosen with the receiving of the thought adjuster.
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/27/2011 11:01 AM

archiving from a thread on holograms, in which one suggested still they would be used to fake an
alien invasion.
Re: WOW! Hologram Technology..this is SICK! CHECK IT OUT! Quote [+] #
They are NOT going to fake an alien invasions, the forces of light are here and can easily prevent
the satellites from showing holograms, and they (forces of light) have disabled all the "voice
throwing" technologies that were installed on the cell towers. Those were used to send me
THREATS, like the one that said, one way or another BITCH you are not going to walk this world.
Oh and we are going to get JA too, as two that stand out in my memory. Not again since the
equipment was deactivated but it's still be using with small instruments in the basements of
churches where those that will serve the devil and think they are serving God, are being trained
Hologram technologies can be abused or used in great light. TEchnology IS, the intent of it is what
matters. And you ones should learn the difference. Your own DNA dears ones is a hologram of
One day, instead of flat 2d cameras, 3d ones will be used, and you will send messages and
movies via them, instead of 2d technologies now.
Remember R2D2 I think it was of star wars, in which a 3d movie of Leia was used to ask for help?
As to a perhaps devious use, when Obama was in South america some place a few months ago,
he gave a speech. Will it wasn't him, but a hologram of him and what gave it away, was the flags
behind him SHOWN THRU him.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 53

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/27/2011 11:05 AM

Comments are welcome in this thread, but BS flag and related comments will be removed and the
person making them banned from my threads. I just made some removals I had not seen before.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/27/2011 11:10 AM

the fact that we are in the Photon Belt of Alcyone twice in every nearly 26,000 years IS PROOF
we orbit it. And also PROOF it is a central sun and much older than we are.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

None of that is true. There is no "Photon Belt of Alcyone". We do not orbit it every 26,000 years.
Alcyone is part of a young cluster called the Pleiades. Those stars are much younger than the
[link to www.naic.edu]
We can also show that the Sun cannot orbit Alcyone by use of Keplers law in general form tells us
that the period (P) of such an orbit of radius a should be
P=2 pi sqrt(a^3/G(M1+M2))
Where G is the gravitational constant and M1 is the mass of the Sun and M2 is the mass of
Alcyone. With the mass of Alcyone being 10 solar masses and its distance being 370 light years
and G being 0.0000000000667 m^3/kg/sec we can plug the values into the formula to find P, the

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 54

period, with a few conversions. One light year is 9,454,254,955,500,000 meters and the mass of
the Sun is 1,990,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
a = 1,749,000,000,000,000,000 meters
(this is a highly eliptical orbit)
Gives a period of 380,000,000,000,000,000 seconds and with 31,536,000 seconds per year gives
a period of 12.6 billion years, the age of the universe for one orbit. Nowhere close to 26,000 years
you claim. Gravitational influences from other stars would have knocked the Sun out of such an
orbit anyway. So the Sun does not orbit Alcyone.
Quoting: Commutator

Ahhhhhhh... Science, is not pretty???

But sadly enough, They don't even read your post, no one will try to debunk your calculations,
becouse they can't....
Is nice to read your replies....
Thank you Commutator, thank you so much!
Quoting: Fabian10
Hmmm I don't remember if I commented on this or not. The universe is not 12.6 billion years old.
People think universe is the creation and the creation is trillions upon trillions of years old. Much of
it is not even viewable from here. We are in the outside rim of Orvonton and Nebadon right now,
and much of what we see in our telescopes is the new creations forming in the first outer space
level. Plus what is otherwise immediately around us.
Even our OWN local universe, our particular section in space, called Nebadon, was initiated into
action at least 800 billion years ago, and we are a younger creation. If science really thinks the all
that is, started a short 12.6 billion years ago they are living in a deluded box and they don't
understand the true physics of the creation.
Our sun does orbit Alycone and the proof of that is the so called prcession of the equinoxes.
EVerything orbits something. Except for the Paradise Isle at the center of the Creation. and it
doesn't even rotate.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 55

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/27/2011 2:22 PM

from a thread with video's claiming 2 suns. People, if there are two suns visible everyone is going
to see them.
[link to www.youtube.com]
See the similarities? I do not know why know one has put this together yet.

[link to www.youtube.com]
Two SUNS!!!!!!
no lens flare, no lint on the camera, either. This shit is realz!!!!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1419214

did you put on dark glasses and go outside and LOOK towards the sun? if so and you didn't see
the 2nd sun it's NOT THERE. In fact, I will go check right now! brb to finish this post.
NOPE, no 2nd sun, Jupiter is not showing yet. I did see a small bright spot in my after image at
about 10 o oclock though. I may see if that happens again later today if I remember. But if there is
Jupiter starting to show, it's not far enough away to be seen, it would still be in corona. I will look IF
we don't have clouds later today when I don't have to bend so far backwards and the sun is a little
easier on the eyes when its moving towards set.
I don't know currently if any stars are close to the sun which could create the above effect.
Brb let me check my sky program on the other computer.
Ok that WAS enlightening, the after image is VENUS.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/28/2011 1:16 PM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 56

Archiving from an ear ringing thread.

The reason is that the ear-ringing is a symptom of the incoming microwaves, x-rays and cosmic
rays that are leaking through our weakening atmosphere and magnetosphere. But it is just ONE
symptom, not everyone gets every symptom, and some people have been more exposed to the
radiation than others.
Symptoms to look for: ear-ringing, pressure headaches, 'night sweats', damage to immune
system, abdominal discomfort, swollen thyroid, skin rash, occasional dizziness, shortness of
breath, nausea, lethargy, sleeplessness at night, and eventually brain damage, as well as strokes
and heart attacks.
I had the ear-ringing, pressure headaches and night sweats myself. I put up some simplistic
shielding and those symptoms faded away and haven't returned, including the ear-ringing. I
figured I'd better do something before I progressed to the brain damage phase.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1424711

What kind of shielding? On yourself, or your house?

I've actually a lot of those symptoms, myself.
Quoting: Sandi_T

why would you want to shield from them? Most of this is several things all related to the energies
coming into this world. For those who started to hear the high pitched crystal tones since last
February, that is the wave we are in. It just did it's u turn recently and we are back in it again.
The gamma rays and god particles coming in since Oct 2006 are remodeling peoples bodies.
Immune system damage is not part of that, that is due to genetic foods and all that sort of stuff.
Pressure headaches in ones with 'ascension syndrome" are related to growing your 3rd lobe of
your brain. The skull must expand. Start feeling your heads, you may be getting your baby soft
spots back. The change on my own head is HUGE. I have suture spreads one inch or more all
over my head. Abdominal discomfort is related to the changing of our organs there, you are
growing some slightly different ones and you need to be changing your meat based diets big time.
And not just meat, heavy eating period. You guts are adapting to a different food need.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/28/2011 1:19 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 57

7/28/2011 8:22 PM

post to a thread on "twin souls"

Its new age poppy cock. Not real. Except in certain mated pairs who chose such a journey. The
one reason explained is two parts of the same soul, and the way the soul works, that is NOT
possible. You do not divide souls, except where there in an uncreation process going on, and folks
volunteer to cleanse of portion of the dark uncreated soul.
I took a portion of my own mothers soul, because you see, your mind IS non physical, but like your
computer, it needs a harddrive to write what it knows, and that IS your soul and it's written on
electrons and photons. An electron can hold 3 G's, believe it or not. Photons much much more.
Photons only hold TRUTH, electrons can store lies. Ponder that. A spirit being has all photons.
so if a being is uncreated, and that is terribly rare in a spirit being, but it does happen (ie Lucifer),
the electrons must be reprogrammed. after I did this for a portion of my mothers soul, I put them
back into the electron etheric of this planet. they may land up lighting somebodies light bulb.
Now you ones KNOW this, and how is that? electrons carry messages down your old slow phone
lines, photons carry the information in fiber optic cables. Notice the different in how information
can be sent ON PHotons, vs on Electrons? There you go!
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1483769
United States
7/28/2011 9:13 PM

archiving from thread asking how Jesus could die for our sins.
If you believe at all in the bible, here is the answer:
Adam was perfect, when he sinned in the garden of eden he lost that perfect life, passing on sin to
his offspring, also rejecting God's authority to rule humans. God needed another perfect human to
balance out what Adam lost, as was foretold in [Genesis 3:14,15].
The nation of Israel needed continual animal sacrifices because no amount of animals can equal a

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 58

perfect human life. [Hebrews 10:4].

Before Jesus was born on earth, he was Michael, the archangel and first of all creation. [John
8:23]. Jesus was born a perfect human shielded by holy spirit in Mary's womb. [John 11:27] Was
on the earth to tell others about God's kingdom [John 18:36] and what that would bring: i.e.:
perfection, everlasting life, etc. [John 17:3]. His death paved the way for people to come to an
accurate knowledge of God and the bible with the possibility of everlasting life.
He was dead for 3 days, [Luke 24:46] and was around for over a month to continuing teaching his
disciples until he was raised to heaven [Hebrews 9:24] to serve as God's vassal king and back to
being in his archangel position...ready to fight at [Revelation 19:14, 16] Armageddon and rule
1,000 years. [Isaiah 2:4].
Hope this helps. The added scripture is so you can see I'm quoting the bible.
Quoting: cdhowlett 1472636

You have just written a total piece of falsehood. the Adam story is not what the bible states. AT
ALL. The nation of Israel NEVER NEED SACRIFICES. How silly. Adam was not perfect either
anyway. YOu don't know what the Adam's and Eves do, but what they did was introduce the violet
DNA before its time, they lost their patience. And the times were terrible and they were depressed
anyway. Understand Adam and Ever were here 38,000 years ago on a fully populated planet at
that time. They were not the first people. They were a higher people on a particular mission that all
evolutionary planets enjoy at some point. All get an "adam and eve", just not the same Adam and
"God" needed no other perfect human, where do you ones get this stuff. YOU HAVE MINDS which
were supplied by GOD to you, could you learn to USE THEM. IF STUFF SOUNDS LIKE FAIRY
TALES, Like Satan Claws for example..... it problem is lies and fairy tales.
His death was not required to pave any way, and he did NOT DIE on the CROSS, he lived, rested
in the grave and went to teach in India, married, had 5 kids and died about 115 years of age in
fact. You ones need to read Phoenix JOurnal #2 on the life of Jesus, written by JUDAS who was
his best friend and scribe and NOT the betrayer. Judas was FRAMED by another with a similar
name, really the father of the other with the similar name. Juda Iharioth.
Download this book mostly by Judas. [link to tweeofmeer.webs.com]
Esu (Jesus ) HAS returned, way back in 1954. Judas went to India with him, and after the death of
'jesus" the scrolls Judas wrote were returned to the old grave, and sources above led an priest of
this world to them. Some were not readable, but the story is fascinating. Please avail yourself of
this knowledge.
Jesus the part that was MICHAEL, was not AA MIchael. That incarnation 2000 years ago, was
SHARED by MIchael of Nebadon, who cannot use a human body, being a very HIGH spirit being,
so he more or less hitched a ride with Esu Immanuel. Both were Jesus. Michael of Nebadon is the
creator of our Universe of Nebadon, which is NOT the whole creation, but a sector OF IT.
He is also returned as I post all the time. SIN IS NOT PASSED to offspring people. The unto the
7th generation means mans errors are reproduced by his offspring because of shitty knowledge
and that is a MAJOR problem in religion right now, the lies and misunderstandings passed to the
next generation. You ones are also passing all the pollution to the next generation too, you know.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 59

His death was not necessary for the passing of knowledge.

Also he was NOT born of the "holy spirit." for some that believe that. The body is composed of
DNA from MALE and FEMALE and the Holy spirit, has no penis or DNA. The Gabriel of Nebadon
supplied the Male DNA, but not by sex, by laboratory methods.
Please folks, I work so hard hear, could some of you make use of it? This is not the only planet, it
has had humans on it since the time of the dinosaurs, by method of migration from other planets.
Adam and Eve's are special folks from heaven, who, when the natural evolution of the race is as
high as it can go, they come to upgrade the DNA. They do this by having many children. Adam
and Eve are the violet race. There many children, having perfect DNA can intermarry and do, until
for a planet like this there are 500,000 or more pure line descendants. They these are allowed to
marry the best of the evolutionary races. This DNA they carry, is at least 24 strand DNA and
produces a psychic brain and body.
That mission failed because EVE was convinced by Caligastia, our planetary prince who was part
of the Lucifer rebellion, to have sex with an advanced member of the race and interject the violet
DNA too early. Since he was planetary prince, but a nut case, she believed him and did it. Adam in
his love went and did the same thing , knowing they had blown their mission. To stay with her.
Now this one thing might have been forgiven, (and was later), but you see this is a fucked up
mucked up world, and it's leaders from heaven were corrupt and Caligastia purposely wanted to
destroy the works of uplifting this race and would have continually caused a multitude of problems
so the whole mission was aborted. Adam and eve each lived to over 300 years of age. They were
forced from the first garden of eden because of WAR. That is under the eastern Mediterranean
now, and the 2nd garden to which they migrated was in Iraq between the Euphrates and that other
river, not getting out my map.
ADam and Eve are world leaders when they come, (not the same as the Prince. you see the
Prince of this world mentioned in your bible, that was caligastia.)
They show a new way, build a global university system and have advisory councils from "heaven"
which none of you have a clue about.
Had the Lucifer rebellion not occurred, that planet would long be in Light and Life now. the
rebellion was 200,000 years ago and it's recorded somewhat in Revelations, and some of you
think the stars of heaven are still to fall and that already happened long ago.
Michael of Nebadon visited this planet on purpose for many many reasons that go way beyond the
teaching mission of Jesus. It has much to do with the resolution of the galactic wars and the
anunnaki et all. Major clean up job going on, OK. A whole lot of POLITICAL reasons so to speak.
You ones, to improve upon yourselves, need to STOP this religious CRAP folks, you are a tool of
the "satan" you still believe in. Satan isn't here nor is lucifer, but this is a prison world for 10 billion
fallen angels and galactic thugs working out their karma. Many of you may well be them. Stop
following this silly stuff and grow UP.
Develop your meditation abilities so you can communicate with the FATHER THAT IS INSIDE OF
YOU. In that is all truth available to you. Your Father Fragment can communicate with the SPIRIT
OF TRUTH bestowed on Pentecost by MIchael of Nebadon, who left the double incarnation at the
time of the cross. He LEFT. IT was HE who was seen by the Mary's etc. ESU survived and
continued to use the body the shared, and went to India to teach as above. He was NOT in the
grave, because he walked out of it! He did not DIE. And that was however what was desired at the

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 60

time, so that he could go to India in peace to continue his teaching. I am not faulting you on
believing the lie for that reason.
These lowly animal bodies do NOT go to heaven. It is YOUR SOUL that is Resurrected and you
are given a new body when you arrive on the mansion worlds after your resurrection.
What about all the people who lived and died before Jesus? There was a resurrection then. And
what about all the ones since then? IF they are 3rd Circle of spiritual development, they go straight
to heaven and awaken in 3 days in their NEW BODY which does not need toilets, all food is
absorbed, no SHIT produced. Why would you want to take these crusty forms to heaven? You
want to use toilets for eternity? Put on your minds.
Those not 3rd circle wait for a general resurrection and that is even in progress now with the return
and there was one around 1000 AD too. I have met christians who will not undergo cremation
because they think this body goes to heaven. How silly. How many bodies are LONG decomposed
over the last 1000 years since the last intervening general resurrection? PLEASE.....

The returned Esu, NOT in the body of 2000 years ago, that body is buried near Srinagar, Kasmir
where he made his home and fathered 5 children. His hair is Sandy brownish red, and those big
lovely eyes a deep bluish gray. He stand about 7 feet tall. I have met him personally, therefore I
know of what I speak.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 61

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1491347
United States
08/09/2011 04:34 PM

Archiving. teaching about the bardos.

beloveds, why would you pray after someone has passed this realm? EAch is responsible for their
own lives, you cannot change of that after their passing. the ignorance is so bad about god and
the realms of heaven on this planet.
YOu can connect with the departed if they are earth bound and encourage them to go to the light,
but only they can get there and if people are naturally lovely they get there anyway.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

what is your religious or spiritual view??

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 966990

none of the above. simply the facts is my view. People don't understand how it works on the earth
and every time teaching is provided by various avatars it get buried, or corrupted or they murder
the avatar etc, etc. It's very hard here.
I would suggest checking out the Tibetan book of the dead, for those that don't go to the light
immediately, but you see, most would have no idea if the person goes to the light (unless they are
seen afterwards), and have no idea about the what is labeled the Bardo. There are people who
linger lost in the astral realms but these days most are assisted out, or uncreated at the end of 40
days. Complex topic. The Jesus saves me stuff does not apply.
if this IS your first life, and you recieved a Father Fragment which has NOTHING to do with
religion, any religion at all, the guardians angel do what is needed. If you are a reincarnating dark
type soul, you just go really fast into another body. If you are an advancing soul you return to the
lighted realms around earth, as a general rule. There are many layers in the astral realms
according to experience and level of light obtained. people that are "new souls" and do NOT
receive a father fragment go the 40 days of the bardos and if they wander there and take no action
to go into eternity in any of the various ways offered to them, their mind matrix astral form simply
dissolves. They simply did not choose eternal life and so they go back to nothing, their electrons of
their minds just become part of the electrons of the ethers of earth. People that WANT eternal life
who do not choose the lighted optons in the bardos simply do not survive. Eternal life is a choice
Most on earth ARE reincarnating. This is a school and a prison ward, as and this does not mean
"bad" but the mind is powerful and in the hands of those who don't yet know that, they have to stay
at the level they are at before they can move up a level.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 62

As to the reincarnating younger soul who is mean and vicious, eventually most of them just
dissolve to after some lifetimes, they keep moving down into non existence rather than moving
upward. In the eastern traditions, generally, at least in the past, the Bardos is known about and
there are priest types who are trained to help the soul thru the bardos, but few living people these
days, at least in western cultures even have a clue. The opportunities presented in the bardos
ARE presented by "angels" if you will, who have this training, because truly it is desired that all
choose eternal life, for the opportunities are beyond description.
Eternal life is not even understood on this world at all except by a few. What do you do for trillions
of years? For the CREATION is many many trillions of years old. Our little local sector, our local
universe called Nebadon, had its initiation (big bang, but thats a lousy word), 875 Billion years ago
and we are only a portion of the creation. We must be about teaching the people.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1491347
United States
08/10/2011 07:42 PM

Just archiving from a Sandi t thread.

Note the final verse here. The bible explicitly drives home the idea that THEY DID NOT KNOW
THEY WERE NAKED. The bible is bending over backward to point out their innocence. They do
NOT know right from wrong.
I'll be back in a minute to discuss why these highlighted points matter.
Quoting: Sandi_T

Yes, they did not know right from wrong... if you are trying to say "then how could they sin? How
could they be held accountable for disobeying God?" Well, the bible clearly says...
" And the LORD God commanded the man, You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you
will certainly die.
Obviously adam saw God, and had knowledge of what God was saying. God clearly told adam the
consequences of eating from that tree.
..Also, God didn't mean adam would die instantaneously . He meant that once he had knowledge
of what good and evil was, he would be then held accountable for the wrong actions in his life. The
curse of death is a punishment on mankind because of the evil that mankind does
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1340117

well the whole bible story of Adam and Eve IS completely a story line and no where near close.
They did know right from wrong, they were NOT first man and woman, and to understand a story

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 63

that happened in fact 38,000 years ago you need to read in the Urantia Book. How the hebrews
even had that story in their history telling I do not know because they arrived on this planet 14,000
years ago and started their race from 3 survivors of the crash landing, one man and his two wives.
go figure. IF the Adam and EVE story was even part of their oral history in the first place. When
Adam and Eve came to this planet from the heaven world called Jerusem, (not jerusalem), 38,000
years ago the world was fully populated people. There was a global society at that time. The first
evolved people on this planet to get Father Fragments that was nearly 1 million years ago. The
planet has many times been colonized by people from other worlds since the days of the
dinosaurs and scientists have found human remains from those ancient days.
The black and yellow races came from a dying planet 1.3 million years ago. Their eventual intermating here plus mating with existing peoples, led to the ARAB. They brought the pouch animals
of Australia with them.
Your bible is an ignorant history carried forth by one ignorant set of people. The old testament is a
story of this race that began from one man and two woman, who were superior at that time to the
races around them, and they chose to not interbreed with the others, but surely some of their
descendants eventually did. They lost their real stories and knowledge of God over those 12,000
years before the time of Christ and that was one reason for choosing that area of the world for the
bestowal mission, plus that area was heavily infested with anunnaki folks also. The mission of
Christ was not just a mission of teaching, it was the ending also of the Lucifer Rebellion, and
Michael of Nebadon came personally to do so and Lucifer was removed at that time from this
planet to a "heavenly" JAIL. There are jails in heaven, and there are COURTS. To those of you
thinking yourselves so special as Christians, (you are not special, but only a few of you), the
statements made by Jesus, of his being the way, were specifically at the time for those 10
BILLION galactic thugs and fallen angels incarnate on this, their prison world.
It was saying they have until these end times to return to the ways of heaven, or they will face
those courts for actions, that is what the judgement is,, THEIR JUDGEMENT. They have been
mucking up for 200,000 years now on this world. Enough is enough. It is JUDGEMENT TIME
because GAIA is herself ascending, it's the end of the great cycle around the Milky Way, (a great
cycle is 225 million years). Now regards judgement, because it's the end of a great cycle, it is also
a SORTING time for those that are evolutionary souls of this world, because of the ascension of
our solar system. A large chunk of Nebadon right now is in, or has recently been in, or is coming
into, these energies from the center of the Milky Way and moving up is IN ORDER. Also the entire
local universe (sector of the creation) all planets with evolving human level life that are not yet 4d
are being moved into 4d, to help get a grip on the widespread issue of THUGS in this universe.
Many of us are here watching, studying, learning, because this filth must be stopped that has
occurred in excess of balance, or it will INFEST the younger planets, and planets to come into
being. EARTH IS A MAJOR ROLE PLAYER folks. The mission of your falsely named "Jesus" was
way more than a simple man who taught basic truth. All of Orvonton and even the Father in
Paradise is watching and involved here and you ones would be stunned if you actually knew
anything about the management of the creation, who is here INCARNATE on this world, working
to raise it up. The entire solar system is cleansed of the thugs, the anunnaki signed a treaty maybe
20 years ago and then broke it and were escorted a very long distance from here.
The timing of the Christ visit 2000 years ago was around dealing with the return of Nibiru at that
time also. It was the plan of Anu to fully own this world and solar system at that time. He did not
accomplish that. Nibiru is NOT due now, it will in fact never be here again. You Christians have
immortalized Nibiru on your Christmas Card and legends as the Star of Bethlehem. PONDER that
for you give homage to the satanic ones with, and know it not.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 64

You also honor a cross with a dead jesus hanging on it. That is satanic in origin, a celebration by
the satanists of what they thought was the murder of Christ. Get those crucifixes out of your
homes and off you chains around you necks, for in using them you are celebrating the attempted
murder of Miichael of Nebadon and Esu, the two that shared that body. Michael LEFT at that time,
the crucifixion, and Esu continued on using the body to India. Where he married, had 5 children,
taught throughout Central Asia, and passed this plane at about 115 years of age. The body is
buried near Srinagar, Kashmir.
There was NO resurrection of Jesus. Resurrection is of the SOUL, not the body, and you MUST
choose eternal life, Jesus or nobody else does this for you. Both above are eternal souls and
require no resurrection! You were LIED too. It doesn't even work that way and you ones thus
follow some really stupid shit. Some of you here are old souls, you got "saved" with your first life a
really long time ago. And yet you accept the shit. This is the end of an age, and all are sorted to
where they belong. Those who are new souls and not yet 3 circle spiritual level will find
themselves on the mansion worlds. The resurrection in fact of these ones is on going, as they
pass and also those "sleeping" many have already be called to those beginning heaven worlds.
those since 2000 years ago who make 3rd circle during their lives, find themselves there in 3 days
after passing this plane.
Those "sleeping" and awaiting resurrection, are not waiting in their graves either! How many
people have NO GRAVE to wait in????? Ponder that. There was a resurrection also around the
year 1000. These can be done whenever there is space available to accept new folks on the lower
mansion worlds. You are given a NEW BODY THERE. YOU DO NOT TAKE THESE LOUSY
BODIES EVER to "Heaven." OK. You have been taught a great deal of false material, that is
arranged by the thugs of this world to be taught in your lousy, and often satanic infested churches.
Many of your clerics are completely satanic and I see you ones in church worshipping them as
great clerics, all because they are great tellers of lies. Ponder that one. You ones were guided
many years ago to vote for thugs by the like of Pat Roberson and Jerry Falwell, in whatever that
movement was called. IT WAS EVIL. The Religious Right, was that it???? Well it was the
Religious Satanic Movement you ones participated in and it still is. Pompous Jerry Falwell used to
gloat about what he did, because he made such good money for it from you ones. this is not the
behavior of GOD KNOWING PEOPLE. God knowing people to do NOT follow bullshit without
asking questions. You ones repeat tons of false shit from the bible. And the thugs re write your
bible as desired to control you to do their bidding.
There was exactly NO RAPTURE shit in Christianity until that was set in place in the 1800's by
Darby. Go look up that thug. And your Israel SHIT you support, was not there either, until it was
changed by Scofield! Go look up HIS bible! The Khazar Zionists are those ones imprisoned on this
prison ward and you help them right along. You will not get them out of our own government.
These same ones who stole Israel in the 1900's were also the BOLSHEVIKS who destroyed
CHRISTIAN RUSSIA also. They came to the United STates, changed their names and proceeded
to destroy this country. DID you know that Daddy BUSH WAS NOT born in this country even? The
BUSHES changed their names. I forget this morning what it used to be.
And you ones have continued here to CRAP on Sandi T, who IS very god knowing and walks her
path with again, great courage, to stand against some of you here. She is very capable of pointing
out the crap and inconsistancies that you yourselves do not look at. I have read the whole thing,
and I was NOT impressed. I am here serving the RETURN, on purpose. And what I see in
Christianity as it exists today is truly ugly. You Catholics should be looking into how your little nuns
particularly in cloistered groups are treated. HUGE satanism. they are required to give themselves
to whatever local father priest is there, and their babies are sacrificed in terrible satanic manners.
You ones should be completely ashamed of that church.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 65

Esu Immanuel and Michael of Nebadon never started a religion. Keep that in your memory. All of
Esu's works in central asia did not produce a religion there like the one you FOLLOW. You could
use your churches for so much better greater good. Only a few churches are truly workers of
Christ. Most are controlled an manipulated. And the Mormon church is even more satanic than the
Catholic Church. You who are evangelicals are hugely deluded. Most of you ARe Christian
Zionists, including also the Baptists. You support the very antichrist manifesting thru Israel and the
very satanic star of david.
And most of you still cannot answer the question about the Muslims and all the other religions
about how they are to here of Jesus. Every excuse I have read shines with grossly immature
thinking on the topic. YOur purpose on this planet is to grow your MINDS/Souls. It is your purpose
to learn to THINK and not just "copy." be about that, and you shall become more like God.
Ok, off to do whatever today brings. Start your thinking and read Sandi's material very carefully
and actually do think about it. Your bible is corrupted and it's a poor book to study to learn about
God. I found the Quran, which is equally as corrupted a better read regards the creation and it's
rules, the science in it is far better. Science, true science is in fact HOW GOD IS PROVEN! for his
laws are the laws of MATTEr and how it behaves. Man will prove the soul at some point using
science. In fact, in Russia, where science is way ahead of this country, and they work totally
different there, the soul has already been proved.
And as to the above quoted post, you ones don't even know what that TREE was. It was actually a
tree with special fruit that provided energies their higher bodies needed. They GLOWED, which is
where the "halo" comes from. And "God" was not watching them, but rather an "angel" to your
knowing. that whole story is full of pure crap, nothing about it is true.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 8/6/2011 8:07 AM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1491347
United States
08/20/2011 10:34 AM

archiving from thread about cme off the back of the sun that appeared to hit the Icon for venus on
Sure looks like Venus should have fried...at least!!
good pic!!!
Quoting: saturn12

well that's a ICON for where they think venus should be. I assure you it did not get fried. by the
way, Venus is always on the other side of the sun and it's in OUR orbit. It has been terraformed for
life acceptance and quite a few folks from earth are already on it. what you have seen in the sky

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 66

your whole lives is a star ship showing a hologram.

The shadow people sometimes see peaking out from the sun and it is announced it is Nibiru or
whatever, is most of the time Venus because the halo orbits of soho and stereo a and b may
occasionally get a peak at it.
User ID: 1253113
08/31/2011 12:50 PM

Now here's another post of mine from the why to Presidents get gray hair thread. Thread: Why do
all U.S. Presidents suddenly get gray hair?

Ok, NOBODY wants to quote my post and discuss it? where are thy minds today? This should be
discussed because you have all seen several OBAMA's alone now, plus several of all the others.
Since cloning is now banned by fleet, you are seeing also lots of lookalikes, which can be created
by surgery, and use of genetics other than cloning to create look alikes.
So, please post some notes on those look alikes you have seen, I have a lot of trouble keeping a
thread here going on that topic, and it's so obvious, isn't it????? should be. An alert citizenship, if
they would look at this, would hopefully DO SOMETHING, like react!
Quoting: Nobody in Particular


I will quote you then...

>>> From your linkie <<<
because they are killed and cloned before they run anymore, like Obama was and the clones
undergo much more rapid aging than folks that are not cloned.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

What is there to say ???
And you wander WHY no one quotes THAT ???
... You lost me...
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 67

User ID: 1522530

United States
08/31/2011 07:44 PM

Now here's another post of mine from the why to Presidents get gray hair thread. Thread: Why do
all U.S. Presidents suddenly get gray hair?

Ok, NOBODY wants to quote my post and discuss it? where are thy minds today? This should be
discussed because you have all seen several OBAMA's alone now, plus several of all the others.
Since cloning is now banned by fleet, you are seeing also lots of lookalikes, which can be created
by surgery, and use of genetics other than cloning to create look alikes.
So, please post some notes on those look alikes you have seen, I have a lot of trouble keeping a
thread here going on that topic, and it's so obvious, isn't it????? should be. An alert citizenship, if
they would look at this, would hopefully DO SOMETHING, like react!
Quoting: Nobody in Particular


I will quote you then...

>>> From your linkie <<<
because they are killed and cloned before they run anymore, like Obama was and the clones
undergo much more rapid aging than folks that are not cloned.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

What is there to say ???
And you wander WHY no one quotes THAT ???
... You lost me...
Quoting: Archangel-NL
Please restate your question because it lost me.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1540558
United States

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 68

09/08/2011 06:16 PM

From a thread today on Jimmy carter. read and weep. for it is so.
Jimmy put solar panels on the white house and promoted clean solar energy. Back then, there
was a 40% federal tax credit if you installed solar on your home. Combined with Jerry Brown's
California tax credit of 55%, those taxpayers got 95% of the cost of a solar hot water heater paid
for. Guess what, those solar hot water heaters are still working and producing free hot water from
the sun. Jerry Brown is back and a fine governor California needs. Perhaps he, in his old age will
play the solar card again.
Quoting: Uncle Willy 1534634

really, did you know he was killed and cloned and there were more than 30 jimmy carters? so
which one?????
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

thats a load of shit, I know the family very well.

check my IP.
this is total horseshit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1536304

check all the stories and images, there were obvious changes in his face and then the
misprogramming of these several ones minds, that caused statements about killer jack rabbits and
the like. Presidents since the take over of this country long ago have never been more that
speakers for the controllers anyway.
the current Jimmy carter despite aging has face not consistant with his younger one. Find
someone with software than can compare skulls, I bet they will not match. current model not round
enough and skulls do not change from aging.
Family members are easily mind controlled so they don't recognize the changes.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

ok, you know the family well, but not one of them is original. You and others here just for curiosity
sake need to read these papers.
[link to www.peterdavidbeter.com]
[link to www.peterdavidbeter.com]

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 69

[link to www.peterdavidbeter.com]
[link to www.peterdavidbeter.com]
[link to www.peterdavidbeter.com]
this worth reading to all of this thread and I am copying the links to this thread I started some time
ago, because there have also been several Obama's who met the same fate, except the robotoid
labs in the US of a are now closed and they have to make surgical lookalikes which is why all
those scars plus thin bodies, heavier bodies, different ears and teeth, wide shoulders, narrow
shoulders and the like

Americans you need to become informed. YOu don't elect anybody. and none of the presidents
woke for you.
this is only ONE thread on the Obami I have run. Thread: Obama HEAD scars/ the multiple
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/08/2011 06:17 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1466447
09/08/2011 06:48 PM
From the Jesus is coming and he is fucking pissed thread.
He is tired of your shit.

No jewish will save you. At most he will continue to enslave you with more lies and dogma...
Jesus never accepted the religion of those times and there were NO "jewish people" then, so he
wasn't one. The word jewish was created by the Khazars for themselves in the 1700's, and then
added to the bible in printings after that time.
that khazar bs is so played out.. get a life. do your homework.. God gave the land to the jewish
people in judah and jerusalem in Genesis in an everlasting covenant.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1188685

No the people from Thiaoouba gave the HEBREWS a hand and not the land. Not God. There
were NO jewish people then. the bible was rewritten many times. The nice folks from thiaoouba,
which goes around Alcyone, help to return back to that land, but it was never given to them. In fact
the Hebrews were from another planet, and their ship experiences problems and had to land here.
they could not repair it, and so migrated to a warmed area, as the ship came down in Western
russia, and it was a bit on the cold side. that is part of the Adam and Eve story in that area, there
are many Adam and Eve stories. Most of the people on the craft died, and and 3 migrated to what
is now the area of Palestine. A man and 2 women, who were his wives and they started the
Hebrew Race on this planet. And the old testament is more or less their story.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 70

you dont know shit about astro theology

Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1540558
United States
09/08/2011 06:50 PM

From the Jesus is coming and he is fucking pissed thread.

He is tired of your shit.

No jewish will save you. At most he will continue to enslave you with more lies and dogma...
Jesus never accepted the religion of those times and there were NO "jewish people" then, so he
wasn't one. The word jewish was created by the Khazars for themselves in the 1700's, and then
added to the bible in printings after that time.
that khazar bs is so played out.. get a life. do your homework.. God gave the land to the jewish
people in judah and jerusalem in Genesis in an everlasting covenant.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1188685

No the people from Thiaoouba gave the HEBREWS a hand and not the land. Not God. There
were NO jewish people then. the bible was rewritten many times. The nice folks from thiaoouba,
which goes around Alcyone, help to return back to that land, but it was never given to them. In fact
the Hebrews were from another planet, and their ship experiences problems and had to land here.
they could not repair it, and so migrated to a warmed area, as the ship came down in Western
russia, and it was a bit on the cold side. that is part of the Adam and Eve story in that area, there
are many Adam and Eve stories. Most of the people on the craft died, and and 3 migrated to what
is now the area of Palestine. A man and 2 women, who were his wives and they started the
Hebrew Race on this planet. And the old testament is more or less their story.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

you dont know shit about astro theology

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466447

astro theology? NO SUCH THING. the above statements by mself are fully true. Man does not
understand god. Astro theology??/??

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 71

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/08/2011 06:51 PM

User ID: 1533159
United States
09/09/2011 10:28 PM

NIP, any idea on how many of the 10 billion thugs are incarnate?
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 1541191
United States
09/09/2011 10:33 PM

NIP, any idea on how many of the 10 billion thugs are incarnate?

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 72

Quoting: Jamesbo

well I know the estimated number that are leaving. Its a LOT. I am not allowed however yet to
make a statement on that. It could worry people. Better they know AFTER the mini stasis. It's
going to be very obvious.
However the removal number also includes the dark robotoids, so that really doesn't answer as to
the recycling thugs. And many of the reclying thugs have been removed as they passed this world.
My father and mother were amongst those. Mother uncreated, Father moving laterally to another
world where it's still ok to sexually assault girls with boobs. Oh well. serves as an example. I was
not assaulted by him by the way, he leaves relatives alone at least.
but lets see, 50% on first life, so that leaves 50% incarnating, population is 7 billion, leaving 3.5
billion ensouled humans. So less than 3.5 billion recyling thugs anyway incarnate. Hopefully some
of those did grow up. actually we gave some figures once of the fallen beings who did grow up, but
I don't remember how many.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/09/2011 10:38 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1543141
United States
09/10/2011 08:51 PM

Nobody in Particular (OP)

the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest.
User ID: 1541191
United States
09/22/2011 06:50 AM

from moses splitting the red sea thread. Thread: Moses Splitting of the Red Sea is an Egyptian
Mose left two pillars there where he crossed over... now my question is where are those twin
pillars of Moses?
II Chronicles 3:15-17
Also he made before the House two pillars of thirty and five cubits in heights and the chapiter that
was on the top of each of them was made five cubits. And he made chains, as in the oracle, and
put them on the heads of the pillars, and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the
chains. And he reared up the pillars before the Temple, one on the right hand, and the other on

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 73

the left; and called the name of that on the right hand "Jachin", and the name of that on the left he
called "Boaz".
Quoting: Gogh

And this is important HOW to this world today? Doesn't this alone demonstrate how bad the bible
is as a history book of a confused people. God did not write this stuff. this or simply oral and
written history in ancient languages of one small group of people of this world. What is the value in
spending time on this, when we have a world in a terrible mess? Overpopulation, materialistic, no
future visions by average people and so on and so forth? huge pollution, a dying planet, and this
planet is YOUR HOME so why is it being killed?
*******************the landscapes have changed. It was the reed sea and he did not split it, some
folks from a craft did. And the folks fed the people with the manna too, it did not drop from god in
heaven people. the bible is not accurate. and these people on craft fried sodom and Gomorrah
too. You must begin to understand the cosmos and how it is ruled. God doesn't do these things,
people who monitor this planet do. Under the advise of the higher realms.
My leader is Jesus christ themselves. There were two who manifested in a shared form. they are
returned. (somebody made this comment to me on the above teaching.
Also concerning the film above titled who is a jewish, I did not watch it, but there were not jewish
people in the times of Moses. Hebrews yes, jewish people no. There were not jewish people until
the Khazar zionists created the word for THEMSELVES in 1700+ Ad and then put it in YOUR
bible. They have NO history there in fact, they originated in Mongolia and have always been blood
thirsty people who enslaved all they ran into. You can search them, the Khazar Kingdom etc.
OK enough of this thread so early in this morning. If possible switch the topic to THIS WORLD as
it is now. what happened a few thousand years ago is not relevant except of course to those that
like old history that has not been recorded correctly, asto what god was in those days.
In reply to where Jesus are:
I have repeated this ad nauseum on this forum. They are in craft based in our solar system and
they returned in 1954. I would suggest as starter reading, the Phoenix Journals here [link to
and read first #2 and #3. doesn't cover Moses, but will cover what I am involved in and you will
actually get the truth from #2 about Jesus back then, except they don't cover at that time Michael
of Nebadon (Aton,, Hatonn) as they were not teaching that then. You will find out accurate
information about JUDAS who was NOT the betrayor and you will find out Jesus did NOT die on
the Cross either. So there was no resurrection as your bible talks about and his ascension was
into a craft so he could get out of there and go on eventually to India, marry, teach, have a family.
In fact he had 5 children in Kashmir.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/22/2011 06:56 AM
------------------------------It is NOT Rude of me to ask that on this very confused world, that it's citizens stop to think about
what they carry around as "truth" that is indeed BLING. It is the time of the blind leading the blind

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 74

and the internet makes that easy for everyone to get on their soapbox. This is not a bad time, but
you must take responsibility for what YOU create, and be careful not to pass on the BLING as
"truth." INSPECT everything, thus you can consciously grow your MIND/SOUL.
Immanuel said 2000 years ago: "Truly, I say to you, wisdom must be learned from the laws of
Creation, which humans may recognize in nature. But if humans do not think and seek, they will
not be able to attain wisdom and will remain fools.There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no
better friend than knowledge, and no other saviour than the power of the spirit."
To Consciously GROW yourself, to have desire for knowledge, is of GOD. It is what makes you in
fact, a SON of God. You are to develop your GOD MIND. THAT IS YOUR PURPOSE for YOUR
LIFE ETERNAL. ALWAYS the continual Development of FIERY INTELLIGENCE, centered in
heart. There is no other way to God KNOWING in fact. BELIEFS are POSTULATIONS, NOT
Remember always the FATHER is WITHIN YOUR MIND and always available thusly to YOU
without any intercession from another.
My personal teaching and commentary on GLP may be used freely anywhere. NIP (Candace)
-----------------------------Nobody in Particular (OP)
the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest.
User ID: 3582325
United States
10/19/2011 02:13 PM

archiving 2 of my posts (2nd the more important) from this thread: Thread: Lawsuit against
General Mills for selling 'fruit' snacks that contain no fruit (Page 2)
[link to www.naturalnews.com]
(NaturalNews) Consumers are increasingly holding junk food manufacturers responsible for the
false claims they make about their products, especially when such products are labeled as
"natural" or as containing fruit when they really do not. Attorneys from the nutrition advocacy group
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) are filing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of
consumers against food giant General Mills for selling "fruit snacks" that contain little or no fruit,
and that are loaded with refined sugars, trans fats, and artificial colors.
General Mills "Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups," for instance, do not actually contain strawberries. They
are, however, loaded with questionable additives like corn syrup, dried corn syrup, refined sugar,
partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, and various other chemicals and petroleum-based dyes.
The only fruit-related ingredient in "Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups" is a form of pear concentrate that
represents only a small fraction of the overall product's content.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 75

Learn more: [link to www.naturalnews.com]

Quoting: WalkersEverywhere

if consumers actually cared about what they shovel in their faces and their childrens faces, they
would READ the labels and NOT PURCHASE this stuff and if this was done in huge numbers,
these thugs would get the message when their only choice was to bury the shit in a landfill some
where. I READ everthing.
Also its important to go the websites of these thugs and make a clear statement about the shit
they produce.
Also, most ones don't know what is happening as to where the water is is sourced for POP. We
have a shortage in the US of A and europe and these ones go steal the water of other countries
depriving them of their own resources to bottle empty beverages. That man consumes them is
proof he is not very bright and also doesn't give a fat fuck, even if he knew where and how this is
done. Also involves the cheap labor again.
this is important and most people do not know.
I question the use of "sugar" in cereal. I see a lot of companies are now listing sugar, versus
HFCS on their ingredients, yet has there been any individual studies done to verify this, or does
this fall under the same presumption as "fruit"?
Quoting: greggin5d

will let me make a statement about MY body, regards the HFCS vs sugar. It makes me sick. I lived
for many years with hyperinsulism, which would drop my sugar dangerously low and the only way
to get out of that and not damage the brain is with some quick carbs of some sort and actual
sucrose, table sugar is far superior to glucose because its a disaccharide and will not cause insulin
rebound as easily as glucose.
HFCS flat doesn't WORK. I always just use a can of pop if I was not at home, or get tea and dump
sugar packs in it at work, or whatever. I discovered rather suddenly, that pop no longer worked
well, and the headache got worse and worse, also the other symptoms. So I stopped using it, and
realized the issue was the HFSC in it. I did not have a blood sugar testing machine back in those
days of around 1980 or so. So I could not learn something from doing that and I thus don't know
But foods with that shit in it, make me ill, almost like an allergic reaction sort of feeling. I don't use
anything with that in it and they have changed corn so much I am not responding well to just
regular corn syrup well either, so I don't buy foods with it.
I have become moderately diabetic from taking the pneumonia vaccine, so there is no way I can
figure out why the HFSC doesn't work for low blood sugars now and I really can't speculate.
But I get on anybody I see that is feeding that shit to their kids. I can thus from my own body
experience make a statement that sucrose is better for the body than HFSC.
Also, did you ones know that eating sugar frequently causes fermentation in your digestive track

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 76

that produces ALCOHOL, which may the reason some of you are addicted to sugar. Its' ok in small
amounts now and then, but if you eat sugar loaded cookies, donuts, sweetened cereals, candies
and the like all day long and still want more, that is certainly on reason you may get a fix from it if
you abstain or lower your sugar intake suddenly such as when dieting. This is ONE reason in fact
for folks feeling terrible when fasting, they are having to deal with alcohol withdrawal.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1091351
United States
11/01/2011 12:05 PM
bump for read later
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 3582325
United States
11/06/2011 10:28 AM

archiving posts from Oklahoma earthquake threads.

Thread: Origin of Oklahoma quakes unknown! (Page 3)
Oklahoma is not near a plate boundary, McCarthy said,
Read more: [link to newsok.com]

THERE is a fault running there, plate border not needed. you would not believe how many faults
there are in this world and new ones forming. lots of under caverns that are not known too.
there are lava tubes from Yellowstone running across there and on into arkansas, which caused
the fish and bird kills last winter or whenever that was now. the planet is heating and the lava is
flowing. Yellowstone is not going to go off, buts its large "tributary" system IS. Mt. Rainer and
others in the Pacific Northwest are part of it too, and also running down south west in this country.
U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Jill McCarthy said there were two temblors Saturday a 4.7
magnitude about 2 a.m. and a 5.6 magnitude shortly before 11 p.m., and a series of aftershocks in

The magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma on Saturday night felt was as far as Wisconsin, U.S.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 77

Geological Survey geophysicist Jill McCarthy said.

We have had eight recorded earthquakes (in Oklahoma) in the past 24 hours or so, she said.
We're unsure what that origin is, McCarthy said.
Read more: [link to newsok.com]

There was a thread on here yesterday about the soil in the US being 10,000 times higher than
normal with radiation levels.
If the earthquakes are being caused by underground explosions or nukes, this would make sense
Quoting: 2342

No, because starfleet does NOT allow nukes anymore. This is normal photon belt change. much
of the radiation is from SPACE, we are in the gamma rays coming from the center of the Milky
Way right now, for 5 years now. The thugs cover that up by blaming everything on Fukashima.
here is the colorado tracing, you can see we had radiation in denver before Fukahshima. I feel the
gamma rays when they go high, and my body matched this chart while it was running. That is how
I KNOW. look at the beta fross rate near the bottom of the page. [link to www.epa.gov]


Quoting: ttowngirl
probably more earthquakes, the fault line is becoming unstable and there are hug lava tubes
running thru there from Yellowstone too. The planet is heating and on the move, we ARE in the
photon belt and the time of cleansing.
Check your counter for nuke elements coming up out of the ground.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1481399

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 78

these quakes there are NORMAL, not man caused. Fleet does NOT allow Nukes to be discharged
on that planet anymore, not since December 2004
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/01/2011 10:21 AM

from another thread. Thread: Jesus Christ, DNA and the Holy Bible (Page 4)

We know from the teachings of Jesus (Yashua) and in the Nag Hammadi Documents as well as
from prehistoric records, legends, myths, archeology etc., that a SPECIAL BREED OF HUMAN
BEINGS were created initially. They were and still are being created and they appear to have the
PURE Rh Negative blood factor.

The Hyperborea, legends tell us that the original breed of human beings were perfect in almost
every way. Jesus (Yashua) teaches us that the original human race were incarnated heavenly
beings who decided incarnate, in earths dimension, for several reasons.
One of the reasons these souls incarnated originally was to populate the world and allow our souls
or spirits to experience life in our three dimensional world. Unfortunately part of this original
bloodline became victims of the evil entities known as the gods of Eden.

This original group of human beings had some pretty amazing talents, which appears to have
include talents we cant begin to imagine today. Jesus (Yashua) stated that: WE HAVE THE
ABILITY TO MOVE MOUNTAINS. That we, at some point, we will be able to use skills and
abilities even greater than he showed his followers on earth. That we were originally born with
these abilities and talents, until the evil jealous gods came into our three dimensional world to
tamper with human DNA in an attempt to destroy our souls.
[link to rhnegativeregistry.com]
Quoting: Salt

i just want to add briefly, that i do not subscribe to another seed besides Adam's impregnating Eve
and creating a hybrid race.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 79

there is stuff in this article about this theory. my research has found this to be...um... false.

just saying.
the other stuff is pretty interesting tho.
Quoting: Salt

Adam and EVE created their OWN race of offspring to uplift this planet and their 'sins" were they
cheated with each other and mucked it up but their mission in world enlightenment was going so
bad they felt they had to inject their very holy DNA before its time. Eve had around 60 children
who inbred which IS how its done in these cases they have perfect DNA. Their offspring would
have begun to breed with man's best races once there were about 1/2 million of them had all gone
to normal plan. But his is not a normal planet. what can you expect in a prison world. It was the
PRINCE of this planet that lead EVE astray and he was the big boss and she followed his advice,
as that old one who went with Lucifer against God, knew full well while she didi not, that the Adam
and Eve mission would be terminated and it was.
Your "devil" was the prince (ruler) of this world from heaven. Caligastia. He was deposed 2000
years ago and entered the darkness, meaning incarnation. He is a complete loss, having go
mentally ill with a badly split mind and cannot even face his upcoming trial because of it. YOu ones
do not know nor do you see to care to learn, about the wide cosmos and how it is governed and
your bible is no resource of that information. And your clerics suck big time.
the rh negative story is a complete lie Salt. this is a world of reincarnation. And its races and blood
types have come from the colonization of this planet, because although man did develop here
form the seeding, the whole process did not complete. What is going on, is that star seeds cannot
function in these very low animal bodies and the program aboard the crafts of our universe are
working at uplifting the DNA in their labs, for the star seed to incarnate into. They always have
some of their prospective parents DNA so they will be of course genetically accepted n the womb,
but so they will also resemble their parents and not be rejected for that reason. We incarnate into
all races and blood types in this manner. there is nothing special about Rh negative whatsoever.
What is the issue is the SOUL, but we must have decent bodies. the only way to terminate the
mess of this earth is by genetic upliftment and quality star seeds to show the way. That is how it
works. Rh negative results totally from natural selection when people marry. you have the Rh
factor, or your don't. to be negative means you don't, and it means either both parents didn't, or
each of them, had only one copy of the Rh factor. We do need better bodies to experience in. but
Rh is not a factor.
Let me summarize, what is being created are NOT "special beings" but better bodies for star
seeds to incarnate into, and this is passed on genetically into the races of man. Which was the
original intent of the Adam and Eve mission.
The Adam and Eve mission was 38,000 years ago. the world was fully populated at the time and
had reached in terms of man, its maximum evolution. This world has been as populated as now 5
times previously, each ended by catastrophic events. so will this one, except for 1 billion earth
folks that get to return after the big cleanse.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/01/2011 10:26 AM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 80

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/01/2011 10:59 AM

Another post of mine from the thread above.

I am teaching in YOURs which has false material. Its what I do. Ban me then. I have a commission
with jesus christ himself to teach truth Lisa.
As to Salts post on rh, I went to google for fun. [link to www.energeticbalancing.us] and looked thru
just one article on it and there is TERRIBLE mistruth in this.
I have all of these but the extra vertebra and unexplained body scars, but I am O +. I am O +
because both my Mother and Father had no A or B on one of their chromosones. Both were Rh
* Predominance of green or hazel eyes that change colour like a chameleon, but also blue eyes,
* True red or reddish hair
* Low pulse rate & low blood pressure
* Keen sight or hearing
* ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal occurrences
* Extra rib or vertebrae
* Love of space and science
* A sense of not belonging to the human race
* Empathetic illnesses
* Compassion for fate of mankind
* A sense of a mission in life
* Unexplained body scars
* Capability to disrupt electrical appliances
I know I do not belong the human race. I am a star seed incarnate.
The article has this very false statement, equating 0 blood with Rh negative.
The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain
and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental jewish people. Only 15% of the entire worlds
population is known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative
blood (type O) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative
factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline
from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings. Type O has NOTHING
to do with the Rh factor. It means there is NO A or B. And it is possible that some race from

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 81

another world did not have the Rh factor. Or even A or B, who knows. But science is going to have
to wake up to colonization of this world, which was going on back to the dinosaurs. How else
would explain all the missing links?
The Hebrews were from another world. The blacks and yellows came from another planet over 1
million years ago. Their mixture produced the Arab. Because there are people without the Rh
factor does NOT mean there was a "special" race. I have no idea of blood type of Adam and Eve. I
could find out I suppose.
Science fails to include all the migration from other worlds to EARTH. And it fails to include that
many many civilizations have gone under the sea during pole reversals and axis shifts. And
PREACHERS have continued the LIEs that Adam and Eve were first, they were not. Preachers
purpose in the big well known ones is to continue MIND CONTROL about God and Jesus, so that
you do not discover you too are Sons of God. Jesus greatest teaching was IN FACT that his
FATHEr is ALSO your FATHER. and your ones will continue in your ignorance and foolhood,
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 05:17 PM

I am archiving this from a thread on what folks want for Christmas, so I can unpin the thing. I might
want to use this again.

I want Christians to wake from from this silliness and realize this world IS their home and its dying
from the pollution and wars. I want them to actually realize God is right inside of them, instead of
this bullshit.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 82

I want mankind in general to want a better remote than this one

I want people to take the trashcans off their heads

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 83

I want the people of earth to see this is what they have been doing to themselves

I want people to read this and realize what they have allowed:

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 84

I want the world to read the small statement from "Jesus" in my signature file below and come into
Immanuel (Jesus) said 2000 years ago: "Truly, I say to you, wisdom must be learned from
the laws of Creation, which humans may recognize in nature. But if humans do not think
and seek, they will not be able to attain wisdom and will remain fools.There is no higher
happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other saviour than the
power of the spirit."
I want all men and women to wake up to the FACT they have the same Father as Jesus and are
thus SONS and Daughters of GOD.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 08:13 PM

Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my
website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste
the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post
for link and details. Thankyou. NIP

Candace: This is a piece you need to send to everyone on your lists and your forums you
participate on. Thru Hazel.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 85

A Fathers Plea- The Creator

I come in this solitary moment to introduce MYSELF to those who do not know ME; to those who
know of ME; to those who view me in a religious context; and to reinforce MY presence within
those who do know ME.

Times of great change loom auspiciously upon your earth plane and you of the human civilisation
must come into the knowing of MY presence; hastily I might add.

I AM the ONE you call GOD, Creator, Source, Universal Deity, Foremost intelligence, Ultimate
determiner, Final Judge and Adjudicator. It matters not the variation in title for I AM ONE and the
same. I will simply refer to MYSELF as the Universal Father of ALL creation.
Titles and names create distinctions and causes separation in ones understanding as one seeks a
God of his/her culture. Know that God is One and All is One and ONE is ALL. It is when you come
to understand this simple truth that profound awareness will dawn.

I come to affirm your status as sons and daughters of the light; for it is imperative at this juncture
that you perceive yourself in light. Light is the quintessential you. That which darkens your world
does not define you. Your body does not define you. Your earthly status does not define you. It is I
the Creator of All, that defines you.

I cannot be seen but that does not mean that I do not exist. I can be known and experienced from
within; and that is more credible than seeing. Knowing is your proof; feeling is your rule of
measure. The nature of ME is the nature of you and you must therefore call upon your
understanding of ME to know yourself.

I have many times brought the same message in different ways through different ones and I shall
continue to do this until your immortal soul, which you are is allowed entrance into your physical
mind to minister truth. Why do I endeavour with constancy and consistency to bring you truth?
Simply my beloveds because you are MINE and I desire you to return home to ME. The route your
take is of course your choice but I desire to see you placed on the path of knowing.
Which father will leave his children unattended, without care or supreme love? I cannot see you
continuously suffering and not endeavour to lead you out of turmoil. It is love which engenders MY
effort. I can see what beholds your world presently. I know what is transpiring and what will fall
upon thee. I come to assist the confused, to bring clarity that those who may doubt will accept ME
once and for all; not blindly or because I say you should, but because you know you must.

I am the living essence of truth within you. You can only find your truth there. I issue an invitation
to you at this twelfth hour that has come upon the earth plane. Turn to ME; even if you never have
before; turn to ME, call upon ME; not in challenge, but in need and love. I shall respond.

What other choice do you have dear ones? This is my final bid to draw you into the fold using only
truth and a promise of a brighter future. The purpose of your life at this very moment should be to

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 86

discover ME with haste as the winds of change carry yet another cycle to completion; that the new
and exciting tomorrow may be yielded for your earth.

Many are now walking a tightrope with little balance left; so what say you? Will you not join the
bandwagon of lighted beings and begin the most wondrous exploration of a new plane filled with
knowledge and excitement for grander and purposeful living?

The canopy of change has now descended. You need only look around your world to witness the
great confusion and collapse materialising. Will you continue to deny what you face or what it
portends for your world? Who is your likely salvation now? When all is crumbling around you, who
will you call upon? Can you save yourselves? From my vantage point I will offer a negative
That which you face on your earth is beyond your control and that which is fortuitously taking place
cosmically is also beyond your control. I wish to tell you MY plans for you but how many will hear
and believe? How many of MY ones have you castigated and deemed mental? Well it is those
very ones who are sane my beloved children. The mental ones are the knowing ones; the ones
who know MY truth and serve it. It would serve you well to rethink what you have heard from the
voices of God. For these ones who bring truth are MY voice.

I will not come again to you in this way. I take the bolder approach that you may hear without fear.
Can you not hear the appeal through these MY words. Do not say after the event that the Father
has deserted you or cast you aside. For the Father comes here and now to woo you back home.
Will you hear and answer?
For generations I have sent MY beloved sons to effort with you of earth plane. Now I come
MYSELF. Will you still reject the ONE you say you love? Must I descend from the clouds for you to
believe? I do not live up to false conceptions or beliefs; for I serve Truth, which I AM. I can only
urge you to seek truth by listening to the voice within. You will not see ME my little ones, but you
will know ME if you know truth for I am already here.

I come not to create fear or feed your doubts. I come in truth only to tell you that your time on the
earth has all but ended. Night is upon you now and some will never awaken to a blooming
tomorrow. Take MY hand now for this is the final offer before the curtain falls.


[link to abundanthope.net]

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 87

This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed

anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It
is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it
can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 7049086
United States
12/19/2011 05:32 PM

archiving from another thread. Thread: Massive Methane LEAK in Arctic sea - the End is Nigh
(Page 9)
Welp, I don't denigrate anyone for having faith like that, Tandym. I'll cling to science as best I can,
myself, but I have an open mind.
I'm just here to tell yas what I have figured out, show the science and the history, make some
connections here and there. I'm not running to the media (because a collapsed society might be
worse for our chances), but on the other hand, I think there should be at least this ONE PLACE
where the truth can be spoken. Maybe someone will blunder into this thread in their search for the
truth, and THEY will be the person who has the brilliant idea or invention that saves us. That'd be
nice. I can hope.
I look at this thread as kinda like a support group. And I was freakin' lonely sitting on this for a
year, watching the dying begin, the biosphere beginning its decline. I was hoping someone else
would make the connection and say something, but it was starting to look like that would never
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1003588

We all walk our own paths.

I happen to think Science is but one path to the All. I'm not
religious anymore -- I stopped that in college. Now I am just faithful.
Thanks for paying attention to things and letting us in on your research and conclusions. Perhaps
your path is to be the herald, if so, you are doing a great job. Heck you're doing a great job
regardless. Keep it coming.
Quoting: tandym

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 88

IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/19/2011 05:33 PM
MAN of EARTH has failed to Build the BrotherHood of Man under the FatherHood of God. I
The greatest Lie in your Bibles is that Jesus was the ONLY Son of God. You who can THINK, (not
copy), are SONS OF GOD. That was his greatest teaching, that HIS Father is also YOUR
AMEN. found on p. 37 here: [link to tweeofmeer.webs.com]
AbundantHope, IS the 2nd Coming organization. A partnership between my team and Jesus
himself. [link to www.abundanthope.net]
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 7457659
12/21/2011 06:28 PM
Now I welcome posts here but I will remove crap. I will post more of the same stuff I keep
posting elsewhere in threads, so it's together in one source.

What is crap, anything you think is wrong? Is that what your avatar means - no war because i'm in
control and i'm going to stifle the opposition?!
Everyone needs to respect everyone else, not try to control, otherwise there is no hope for us.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1162822

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 89

No, this is bad teaching. Because the satanists have put out "no control" which was a game of
Lucifer, I might add originally, this allows the dark controllers to stay in power.
Since Trinity has made it possible for those with paid membership to delete unwanted posts, this
actually produces the potential of GOOD control, and the ability of people to actually work more
successfully here. I am not required by God or anybody else to put up with SHIT. God is pretty
tired of the shit too, I might add. Off it all goes by the magnetic Reversal when that happens during
stasis. this is the method by which interdimensional dark ones are removed. Quickly and
If we are to have any HOPE, we must begin to not allow the Dark Conttrol over us, and that takes
using control which in this case here, means the "remove post" button.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

thanks for this particular post. it had cleared my mind about you.... You speak too much...
Could it be that the dark ones are bound to the physical places as earth in their physical and
aetheric bodies, eh?...
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 7049086
United States
12/22/2011 08:36 PM

Now I welcome posts here but I will remove crap. I will post more of the same stuff I keep
posting elsewhere in threads, so it's together in one source.

What is crap, anything you think is wrong? Is that what your avatar means - no war because i'm in
control and i'm going to stifle the opposition?!
Everyone needs to respect everyone else, not try to control, otherwise there is no hope for us.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1162822

No, this is bad teaching. Because the satanists have put out "no control" which was a game of
Lucifer, I might add originally, this allows the dark controllers to stay in power.
Since Trinity has made it possible for those with paid membership to delete unwanted posts, this
actually produces the potential of GOOD control, and the ability of people to actually work more
successfully here. I am not required by God or anybody else to put up with SHIT. God is pretty
tired of the shit too, I might add. Off it all goes by the magnetic Reversal when that happens during

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 90

stasis. this is the method by which interdimensional dark ones are removed. Quickly and
If we are to have any HOPE, we must begin to not allow the Dark Conttrol over us, and that takes
using control which in this case here, means the "remove post" button.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

thanks for this particular post. it had cleared my mind about you.... You speak too much...
Could it be that the dark ones are bound to the physical places as earth in their physical and
aetheric bodies, eh?...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7457659

darkness is always bound to the physical places, due to the law of attraction. They cannot long live
on the higher vibrating planets, their bodies die rapidly if sent there. And their astral forms don't do
so well either. Those of the light feel miserable when they volunteer to work down here in the
gutter so to speak. As a general rule of thumb unless the dark carry out too much really gross stuff
and go to the "2nd death", they are out of mercy allowed to live their life eternal on lower prison
worlds as long as they wish. Either they eventually tire of it and move themselves forward, or they
loose all light and choose against the life eternal. Life eternal is not for everyone, is what I am
saying here.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 7049086
United States
12/29/2011 10:51 AM

MY post from this thread: Thread: Massive Methane LEAK in Arctic sea - the End is Nigh (Page
as to "genesis" event, there are two basic things going on. One is damage from all man's radiation
shit since the end of WW2 and actually it was going on before then, the Russian Siberia explosion
of 1908 was the use of a A bomb in attempt back then to move the poles, an axis shift.
The other is the incoming rays from the center of the Milky Way we have had since october 2006.
These WILL remove all defective DNA patterns on this world, and build up the better ones and
cause creation of new ones. I mean the DNA patterns in all of life, not just man. That is in fact the
whole reason for the "end times" warnings of 2000 years ago. Our solar system travels around the
Milky Way every 225 million years roughly which is called the great cycle. Life was seeded
DURING such as we are IN now. 550 million years ago, so we are at the conclusion of the 2nd
grand cycle.
now you will notice in many images of stars in hubble pics etc, that there is a CROSS in them.
Ditto the Center of the Milky Way. Thus we are in "rays" from there every 1/4 grand cycle, about

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 91

every 56.5 million years. Evolution always makes a HUGE jump during this time. The main rays of
interest are assorted "gamma rays". And the God particle (ultimaton), the smallest building block
of matter, 100 of them in an electron.
This end of the 2nd grand cycle is very important, because everything sooper changes during this,
life was given 2 grand cycles to mature.
A large section of Nebadon, our local universe, our governed sector of the creation is IN or will
shortly be in these energies and their is a massive plan around all of this. Many planets are thus
involved and these changes will upgrade a lot of planets into 4d that are NOT there yet, and this
along with various other plans will greatly reduce the ability of the dark thugs and cyborgs of this
area to function, thus solving some of these problems you are taught about thru fiction in on TV,
concerning the galactic wars. Your "SATAN" is more about the OUT OF BOUNDS Artificial
intelligence that your bible story implies. This out of bounds AI is a big hairy deal. I watched
apparently a remade edition of battle star galactic on the cylon war on Christmas, will most of it, I
came home before the end. Interesting and fairly well done, on AI. AI IS being taken care of during
this cycle thru the Milky Way core energies.
Some of you here talk of the singularity, and combining human and AI. This is not OK at this time,
earth is not ready and has been more than a bit in the hands of AI beings, as much of this was
"rounded" up and confined here.
So in a matter of speaking there is genesis "event" going on. all of the above is behind the ETs.
Some are here to watch, others are from the governmental hierarchy of your misunderstood
heaven and are directly involved.
User ID: 8123410
United States
01/20/2012 06:30 PM
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Re: Nibiru is not here plus an archive of my posts.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones?
User ID: 8399009
United States
01/25/2012 09:39 AM

Re: Nibiru is not here plus an archive of my posts.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 92

Archived from this thread. Thread: The Horrifying Sounds you hear in the sky are coming from the
MOON. There isn't much time.... I have seen varying threads and posts saying what this says
below, thus my answer to it.
Makes sense; the brainwashed people don't know that the Moon is hollow (like most of the moons,
planets) and there're aliens on the Moon...reports say that the Moon is also serve as a forced
reincarnation center...hope the OP is correct and some benevolent forces will deal with the
galactic scum on the Moon. (according to reports it was placed in orbit only 26 000 years ago by
the negative aliens)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9554486

It is not a "forced reincarnation center". the MIDDLE astral realms were however moved from
around earth to around the moon, to protect their inhabitants from man's radiation. The higher
astral is not affected by nuclear detonations and runaway nuclear power plants but the Mid and
lower astral are. there is no concern for the lower astral, it the realm of ugly thought forms and
some souls who are salvageable.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3555102
United States
01/25/2012 10:16 AM
IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

No, science will not prove a soul because souls do not exist. Sorry to break it to you.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Where are your I AM's sleepy ones?
User ID: 8399009
United States
01/25/2012 10:27 AM

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 93

IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

No, science will not prove a soul because souls do not exist. Sorry to break it to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3555102

the soul does exist, life could not exist without it. soul pervades all life. My soul is filled with the
past lives I have lived during my own life eternal and I have visualized a bunch of them.
Reincarnation is a fact and could not exist if there was no soul. What would be the point of life
without such? You think you are your body, which will rot in the ground? You existed before your
body even. If soul did not exist there would not only be no life but life would not grow and expand.
You just want to be a pile of worms in the grave and nothing more?
User ID: 1137351
United States
01/25/2012 10:28 AM

Now I welcome posts here but I will remove crap. I will post more of the same stuff I keep
posting elsewhere in threads, so it's together in one source.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 94

What is crap, anything you think is wrong? Is that what your avatar means - no war because i'm in
control and i'm going to stifle the opposition?!
Everyone needs to respect everyone else, not try to control, otherwise there is no hope for us.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1162822

My avatar means I do not support the current wars on this planet. I would have chosen a peace
sign when I created it, but there wasn't one available. there was only the T shirt with the peace
sign. I created the little avatar by using the Wee Mee feature with Windows Live.
the Avatar pretty much looks like me, except I have some strands of white in my hair on top of my
head, wasn't available either, and that's how I dress and always have a cup of something warm,
usually tea in my hand.
The word Crap is pretty self explaining to anyone who has hung around GLP for any length of
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

...."we do not make war because we Love God..."

quote from a wonderful wonderful book called, Ami, Child of the Stars by Enrique Barrios. This is
the mind set of those on evolved worlds. Ours is not evolved, of course.
User ID: 1137351
United States
01/25/2012 10:36 AM

IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 95

Quoting: Nobody in Particular

No, science will not prove a soul because souls do not exist. Sorry to break it to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3555102

This simply is not true. You need to study more about Maya or the principle of ignorance, my
The soul is the only thing that exists.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3555102
United States
01/25/2012 11:22 AM
IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

No, science will not prove a soul because souls do not exist. Sorry to break it to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3555102

This simply is not true. You need to study more about Maya or the principle of ignorance, my
The soul is the only thing that exists.
Quoting: tonguetied

What? What does an ancient civilization have to do with science?

Show me a single scientific study that is peer reviewed and funded that shows ANY evidence to a
soul existing.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 96

User ID: 1137351
United States
01/25/2012 01:30 PM

IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number
of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then,
people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit
within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.
Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth
bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will
become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like
interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus
the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain
enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN.
and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change
will happen and this world will eventually know peace.
Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those
in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular

No, science will not prove a soul because souls do not exist. Sorry to break it to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3555102

This simply is not true. You need to study more about Maya or the principle of ignorance, my
The soul is the only thing that exists.
Quoting: tonguetied

What? What does an ancient civilization have to do with science?

Show me a single scientific study that is peer reviewed and funded that shows ANY evidence to a
soul existing.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3555102

not the civilization. never mind.

Nobody in Particular (OP)
Where are your I AM's sleepy ones?
User ID: 8399009

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 97

United States
02/01/2012 10:00 AM

ARchiving my post from this thread: Thread: OMG!! Horrifying video of what a nuclear attack on
Israel may look like (Page 6)

Quoting: *Gaia*

So now you know what its like to live in Palestine.

Personally I have no feelings for Israel if this is what becomes of them. They have NEVER tried to
co-exist in the middle east, so what goes around comes around.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8539444

They will never "try" that. Their goal is to occupy a large area of the middle east . I was given the
borders they want and then later I came across a map that matched pretty well, but I lost the linky
on a murdered computer.
well, Just did a google search, this image is close but not complete. [link to www.google.com]
the line across saudi arabia starts with kuwait included and it also includes cyprus and a chunk of
turkey, from north of cyprus going up thru Arapkir and Mount Dag then down to the headwaters of
the tigris.
The western border within egypt is Alexandria, they want that too. now look back at the arab
spring in Egypt last year, I think that was the area they want and part of the reason to expel the
[link to britam.org] Ok this map includes cyprus, but not alexandria and while it includes a lot of
Turkey, what they want is less than that, and the eastern border does not go all the way to the
Tigris. but the southern border is pretty right on. So watch your political scenes and review what
you have seen as to the territorial conquests going on. Mind you, these borders date back to
biblical days but those occupying "Israel" right now, were never ever from there. The khazars had
their initial origins in MONGOLIA people, then they were forced west to western russia, eastern

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 98

Europe etc. these were never the hebrews, semites, or judeans, EVER. The khazars adopted the
belief system of the talmud, a very nasty book and set of beliefs, in 700+ AD and then created the
name "jewish" for themselves in 1700+ AD and then they went and changed the bible so all of you
Christian Zionists could be motivated to accept them as the people of thousand on years ago in
the middle east. It has worked well, hasn't it?????? Now you better go study Scofield, and his
bible, because he was the antichrist plant into christianity to get YOU to buy into the story as
presented now.
read about him here, although there are better resource, but the truth is in the box on that page.
[link to www.jesus-is-savior.com]
Scofield was setting this up in the late 1880's on into the his death around 1920. You Christian
Zionists have been screwed into supporting the Antichrist you keep expecting to return, and he
has been already on this earth for a very long time, thru those from heaven who fell and the
galactic thugs, 10 billion imprisoned on this world and continuously recycling here.
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Where are your I AM's sleepy ones?
User ID: 10043482
United States
02/10/2012 08:39 AM

Re: Nibiru is not here plus an archive of my posts.

The letter "J" Was never a letter in the alpabet until much later. So Jesus couldnt have existed
during the time the modern bible says.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10125996

Hey retard...His name is yeshua, the English transliteration if JESUS. Now go and look up the
word transliteration. And stop being a retard.
Quoting: Wingedlion

ESU Kumara. Joshua ben Joseph was his nam 2000 years ago and is NOT his name NOW. That
was temporary name of THAT INCARNATION. each of you do no bear previous incarnation
names either, OK, does that REGISTER with your MINDS?
Paul gave the name Jesus "Christ". Jesus was never his name and Christ is not and never was his
last name. Christ is a state of attainment.
"Jesus" was two people sharing ONE BODY and that Body is buried in Srinagar Kashmir. FACT.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 99

These animals forms do not ascend any where.

The other person besides Esu, above was Michael of Nebadon. WE call him Christ Michael/Aton
in our work at this time. He is the CREATOR SON (Father God) of Nebadon, our local universe
(Sector of the creation), He is not and never was the Eternal Son of the Trinity. He represents the
Father and Eternal Son of the Trinity, and the Infinite Spirit of the Trinity is represented by
Nebadonia of Nebadon.
[link to tweeofmeer.webs.com] FOR THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, I AM SANANDA BY
--------------------------------------------------God is divinely kind to sinners. When rebels return to righteousness, they are mercifully received,
for our God will abundantly pardon. I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake,
and I will not remember your sins. Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us
that we should be called the sons of God.

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 100

(39.4) 2:5.5 After all, the greatest evidence of the goodness of God and the supreme reason for
loving him is the indwelling gift of the Father the Adjuster who so patiently awaits the hour when
you both shall be eternally made one. Though you cannot find God by searching, if you will submit
to the leading of the indwelling spirit, you will be unerringly guided, step by step, life by life,
through universe upon universe, and age by age, until you finally stand in the presence of the
Paradise personality of the Universal Father. Quotes from Paper 2, The Nature of God, from the
Urantia Book.

[link to www.abundanthope.net] AH IS the GLOBAL 2nd Coming Organization in partnership with

the one you call "Jesus" Any of my personal writings on GLP may be used freely in good intent.
-----------------------------------------------Nobody in Particular (OP)
Where are your I AM's sleepy ones?
User ID: 10043482
United States
02/16/2012 01:15 PM

Archiving my post from an abortion thread.

Soul enters the body at birth, never before (there is no reason to). All laws should reflect this
reality regardless of who disagrees. Those who disagree are ignorant of the truth and should be
forced to comply. If you put your old dog to sleep it has more significance than an abortion.
There, religious nuts, see how that feels?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 553712

Religious nuts should read their bible. The soul enters the body at first breath, not before.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10846356

Doesn't matter when a reincarnating soul enters the body, many enter long before birth, some not
until months later. Nevertheless, LIFE enters that embryo AT concept, otherwise it cannot grow.
The Mother carrying the embyro/fetus nourishes it, but the life is there on conception. First breath
has jack shit to do with it.
When you terminate the pregnancy are ending the opportunity for another to have its often
planned life here, which is why abortion was legalized to make it more difficult for these from the
higher realms to enter, causing a delay on their entry point. And often a delay for everyone in a

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 101

planned contract situation.

My mother tried to abort me. She never in fact forgave ME for being born. I could make the
statement, ok, try again later, same mother new marriage, or another couple, or just ditch the
whole game I chose my mother, I knew the incarnation with her would be difficult It was more
difficult than I thought it would be and not helped by the dark invisible thugs that would enter her at
times to get to me. Now and then that woman had such a look of evil, somebody else looking thru
her eyes.
But she was responsible for the sexual act along with my father, and so be it. The thing is, they
were not married. To him it was a roll in the hay. Since she disliked him so much, or seemed too,
why she took the roll in the hay, only she knows, but my grandparents forced a marriage that
should not have been and lasted only 6 months so I would be "legit" Will I am legit, regardless.
I think but am not sure that her punishment of me her entire life was more related to the enforced
marriage, and then her excommunication from the Episcopal church for the DIVORCE. The
"church" would never have forced her out Not marrying my Father. I have never had, and most of
you know that here, any really respect for Christianity. YOu see, MAN has no right to
excommunicate people from God, but you see, my Mother didn't understand, like others, that while
churches may excommunicate people, GOD DOES NOT.
So I think her suffering over ME was more the issue with the church . But she was also
embarrassed by the fact my fathers name was on my birth certificate, and also that my birthday
proceeded the marriage. And yet, she had done this at least once before with another man, and in
that case, the attempted abortion was successful. She used over the counter drugs and alchol to
attempt abortion, and I know of at least 5 aborted brothers or sisters during my grade school to
high school years, she would brag when she was successful, and those ones were the children of
her 2nd marriage, in which her first child was born 13 months later. If there were any before that
marriage "lost" I don't know.
so she had 5 children carried to term, and at least 6 and probably more aborted or miscarried
fetuses. She would announce a "miscarriage" when I was growing up, not as I just lost my
pregnancy, but as WELL I GOT RID OF THAT ONE!.
She and my step father knew birth control. They did not have pills in those days, but they had
condoms, and she had a diaphragm which was never hidden, always stored on the bathroom
shelves openly. I once asked her during after I learned how babies were made what that thing,
plus the plastic inserted was and she freely explained it to me.
So why did she go thru all of this. I don't know. She was always and forever a very difficult child to
my grandparents, kicked out of public school in Junior High, kicked out of private schools sent to,
and didn't go past 10th grade total.
We will not have abortion issues when the people of this world come to respect LIFE. And that
means not only the co creating of life by sexual reproduction, but also the care of all life in all
forms upon the planet. you ones have passed down a polluted world to your progeny.
Without some intervention, this pollution will kill all life, including your progeny and yourselves, on
this planet,

-- AH- Candace GLP #3 -- page. 102

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