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Isolation of Drug-Resistant Aeromonas hydrophila from

Aquatic Environments
Department ofMicrobiology, University ofMaryland, College Park, Maryland 207421; International Centre
for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, Dacca-2, Bangladesh2; and Division of Geographic Medicine,
School ofMedicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 212243

Antibiotic-resistant strains of Aeromonas hydrophila have been isolated, from

the natural environment in the Chesapeake Bay and areas surrounding Dacca
and the Matlab region of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh strains carried resistance
to chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and tetracycline, and 57% of them had a
multiple streptomycin-tetracycline resistance phenotype correlated with the pres-
ence of a large plasmid. The Chesapeake Bay strains were resistant to polymyxin
B and tetracycline, but showed neither multiple resistance nor R-factor carriage.
Twenty-five percent of the environmental strains were toxigenic in a Y-1 adrenal

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cell assay. Toxigenicity showed no positive correlation with drug resistance or
with plasmid carriage. Environmental areas of heavy human impact appear to be
associated with a higher incidence of antibiotic-resistant strains of aeromonads.

Aeromonas hydrophila is a gram-negative are resistant to chloramphenicol (and other

bacterium classified as a member of the family drugs), and many contain plasmid deoxyribo-
Vibrionaceae whose normal habitat is soil and nucleic acid (DNA) species. Thus, it appears
water (33). Although normally a free-living spe- that drug resistance is emerging in environmen-
cies, A. hydrophila has the unusual potential to tal isolates of A. hydrophila at a tinme when
infect both cold- and warn-blooded organisms. significant human infection with this organism
Thus, it causes devastating epidemics in fish, is also increasing.
reptile, and amphibian populations (37, 40) as MATERIALS AND METHODS
well as sporadic water-associated human disease
(37). Although A. hydrophila can be isolated The vibrio (V) series organisms were isolated from
from a variety of infections, gastroenteritis is the the Jones Falls (Baltimore Harbor), Colgate Creek,
most frequent clinical syndrome seen in humans Chester River, and Chesapeake Beach stations in the
Upper Chesapeake Bay. Water samples were plated
(9), and aeromonads are reported to elaborate on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts agar (Difco, Oxoid) by
an enterotoxin similar to choleragen (2). In the the enrichment technique described by Kaper et al.
past, A. hydrophila was considered an opportun- (21). Two of the 76 organisms isolated (2.6%) were
istic pathogen, but recent surveys have empha- Aeromonas hydrophila. The cultures were maintained
sized its emergence as a primary pathogen, par- on tryptic soy agar (Difco) slants under oil.
ticularly in compromised hosts (9) or in wound The Bangladesh enteric (BE) isolates were collected
infections (14). from river wateri sediment, plankton, and water plants
Human clinical isolates of this organism are in Dacca, Bangladesh, and in the Cholera Research
consistently reported to be susceptible to chlor- Laboratory rural study area at Matlab (southeast of
Dacca}. Bacteria were isolated on Mueller-Hinton agar
amphenicol (4, 7, 9, 37, 38), although a few (Difco) plates containing either penicillin (20 ,g/ml),
strains from fish (3) and sewage (29) have been chloramphenicol (10 ,g/ml), tetracycline (10 jig/ml),
reported to carry transmissible resistance to this or streptomycin (15 ,tg/ml). One isolate (of each colony
drug. As part of our studies on the ecology of type) from the primary plate was tested for resistance
pathogenic Vibrionaceae (7, 21; J. Kaper, H. to each of the four antibiotics. Multiply resistant iso-
Lockman, and R. R. Colwell, Abstr. Annu. Meet. lates were examined for Gram stain morphology, and
Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1979, N56, p. 188), we have gram-negative rods were stocked. A total of 295 orga-
isolated strains of A. hydrophila from the natu- nisms resistant to at least two of these antibiotics were
ral environment. A number of these organisms maintained on brain heart infusion (Difco) agar sup-
plemented with one antibiotic, and transported to the
University of Maryland for further identification. Of
t Present address: Center for Coastal and Environmental the 203 viable cultures, 18 were A. hydrophila (8.9%).
Studies Marine Science Laboratory, Rutgers University, New The Bangladesh vibrio (BV) organisms were col-
Brunswick, NJ 08903. lected from the same sites as the BE series. Samples
were plated on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts agar, pu- 113, and 117), Chesapeake Beach (CBAh 21, 26, 41, 42,
rified, and stored on brain heart infusion agar slants and 66), and Chester River (CBAh 77, 80, and 109).
under oil. Three of the 87 strains (3%) were A. hydro- The Ah organisms were collected in 1978 from water
phila. samples at Chester River (Ah 1) and Jones Falls (Ah
The Chesapeake Bay A. hydrophila (CBAh) strains 2 to 16).
were isolated from Bay water by alkaline-peptone Organisms were identified as A. hydrophila on the
broth enrichment (21), followed by plating on Mac- basis of a minimum plexus of characters common to
Conkey-lactose agar (Difco). The cultures were main- the major published taxonomic schemes (12, 34, 38):
tained on tryptic soy agar slants under oil. gram-negative, fermentative, motile rods which are
The A. hydrophila (Ah) group was isolated from positive for oxidase, 0/129 resistance, growth in 0%
Chesapeake Bay water by a modified membrane filter NaCl, gelatinase, mannitol fermentation, and arginine
technique (35). Thirteen of the 15 bacteria (87%) were dehydrolase and negative for growth in 6% NaCl,
A. hydrophila, and these strains were maintained on inositol fermentation, and ornithine decarboxylase. A
trypic soy agar slants. The A. hydrophila most prob- more extensive numerical taxonomy study of the aero-
able numbers in Bay water at the time of sampling monads from environmental sources is in progress
were as follows: Colgate Creek, 2.4 x 104/100 ml; (H.A.L.) and will include the organisms discussed in
Chesapeake Beach, 3 x 103/100 ml; and Chester River, this paper. Overall DNA base composition (percent
1.5 x 102/100 ml. guanine plus cytosine) was determined by the melting
A more detailed description of the strains is given profile method of Mandel et al. (25).
in Table 1. The BE organisms were collected from Antibiotic susceptibility testing was done by the
November 1976 to April 1977 at Matlab (BE 10-206) disk agar diffusion method (Sensi-Discs, BBL Micro-
and Dacca (BE 300). Isolates BE 66, 112, 123, 140, and biology Systems), and resistance was determined from

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155 were in water plant samples; BE 113 was in plank- a standard zone size chart (4). Minimal inhibitory
ton; BE 183 and 206 were in sediment; and the others concentrations were determined by the agar plate
were in water. The BV bacteria were collected in the dilution method (Sigma chloramphenicol lot 73C1250
spring of 1977 from water at Matlab (BV 11) and river and Wyeth ampicillin lot 2740656) with Escherichia
sediment at Dacca (BV 77 and 78). Both V strains coli ATCC 25922 as the control (4).
were isolated in 1977 from Jones Falls water. The Plasmid DNA was prepared by the cleared lysate
CBAh series was isolated in 1978 from water samples method (17, 28) and visualized by agarose gel electro-
at Colgate Creek (CBAh 1, 2, 103, 107, 110, 111, 112, phoresis on a Savant horizontal bed apparatus. Gels

TABLE 1. A. hydrophila strains examined in this study

Antibiotic resistance'
Straincbtoi'(0 Entero- Plasmid,d mol wt %G+Ce
C 30 (MIOb) E 15 PB 50 S 10 T 30 toxinc (xlO )
10 S (15) S S S S + -
16 S (10) I I S S + -
24 S (10) I S S S + -
35 R (50) S S R S - -
40 S (1) S S S S + -
41 S (5) I S R R + -
45 S (1) S S R R - +,58
49 S (10) I S S S - +,65
66 S (10) R S R R - -
112 S (1) I S R R - +,66and37
113 S (1) I S R R - +,68
123 S (5) I S R R - +,64and46
140 S (10) I S R R - +,65 and 50
155 R (50) S S R R - +,2 58.5 ± 0.5
183 S (10) I I R R - +,65
194 S (5) R I R R - -
206 S (10) I I R R - +, 67 and 1
300 R (50) S S R R - - 57.9 + 0.5
11 S (1) S NDf S S - -
77 S (0.5) I ND I S + -
78 S (0.5) I ND I S + -
16 S (ND) I I I S + -
22 S (ND) I I R S + -

TABLE 1-continued.
Antibiotic resistance' Entero- Plasmid,d molwt
C 30 (MIOb) E 15 PB 50 S 10 T 30

1 S (0.5) S I S R + -
2 S (5) S S S S - -
21 S (5) I S I S - 5.1
26 S (5) I S S S - 5.5
41 S (1) I S S R - -
42 S (5) I S S R - -
66 S (1) S R I S - -
77 S (5) S S S S - -
80 S (10) S S S S - -
103 S (5) S S S R - -
107 S (1) S S S S + -
109 S (1) S S S R + -
110 S (5) I S S S - -
111 S (5) S S S R - -
112 S (5) I S S R - -
113 S (5) I S S S -+,7
117 S (5) S S S S - -

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1 S (5) S S S S - -
2 S (5) S S S S - - 61.0 0.5
3 S (5) I S S S - -
4 S (5) I S S S - -
5 S (5) I S S S - -
8 S (5) I S S S - -
9 S (5) S S S S - ND
10 S (5) I S S S - -
11 S (5) I S S S - -
12 S (5) I S S S - -
13 S (5) I S S S - -
15 S (5) I S S S + -
16 S (0.5) S S S S - -
aC, Chloramphenicol; E, erythromycin; PB, polymyxin B; S, streptomycin; T, tetracycline. Average of at
least two determinations. In addition to the data shown here, all of the strains were resistant (R) to ampicillin
(10 ug), with MICs greater than 20 ug/ml, and penicillin (10 ug) (the Aeromonas fI-lactamase appears to be
chromosomally mediated [34]), and all were susceptible (S) to gentamicin (10 ,ug), kanamycin (30 ug), and
nalidixic acid (30 ,ug).
b MIC, Minimal inhibitory concentration of chloramphenicol, average of at least three determinations.
Average of at least two determinations.
d All strains were extracted at least twice, and each DNA preparation was run on both 1.0 and 0.7% gels.
e%G+C, Percent guanine plus cytosine, average of two determinations.
f ND, Not determined.

were photographed with a Polaroid MP-4 camera on RESULTS

type 55 film with Wratten 9, 2B, and 23A filters, a J344
ultraviolet filter (Ultraviolet Products), and a Blak-
Ray long-wave transilluminator light source (Ultravi- We have isolated 53 strais of A. hydrophila
olet Products). Curing experiments were done accord- in the course of environmental studies on the
ing to published procedures (1, 44). Molecular weights ecology of bacteria of the Vibrionaceae family.
were determined relative to standard plasmid species: As part of the taxonomic study of these orga-
E. coli J53 RP4 (34 x 106), J53 Ri (68 x 106), and J53 nisms, antibiotic resistance patterns were deter-
S-a (25 x 106) (from E. M. Lederberg); and E. coli K- mined by the Kirby-Bauer disk method and
12 P307 (62 x 106) and K12 H10407 (60 x 106, 40 x mlnimum inhibitory concentrations were deter-
106, and 4 x 106) (from S. Falkow). mined fornhiboramphenicotiand ampdcilli
Comparison of trait frequencies was done with the (Tbed 1). In oad n hen ada mshown a int
chi-square test, corrected for continuity (43). (Table 1). In addition to the data shown m this
Enterotoxin production was tested in Y-1 adrenal table, all of the organisms were resistant to
cells by a microculture technique (36). Vibrio cholerae ampicillin (10 ,ug) and susceptible to gentamicin
569B and E. coli H10407 were used as the positive (10,g), kanamycin (30 jg), and nalidixic acid (30
control; E. coli ATCC 25922 was the negative control. ,ug) disks.

Table 2 summarizes the single antibiotic re- and the E. coli labile toxin (2, 11, 24). Therefore,
sistance frequencies for each isolate series and the toxigenicity of the environmental isolates
compares them to the frequencies reported in was determined (Tables 1 and 3). Overall, 13
the literature. Polymyxin B and erythromycin (25%) of the organisms produced a toxin re-
resistances are decreased, whereas resistances to sponse in Y-1 adrenal cells. A different study by
chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and tetracy- our laboratory of 117 CBAh isolates revealed
cline-widely used and clinically important anti- that 16% produced enterotoxin-like activity and
biotics-are markedly increased in our sample. 57% produced cytotoxin in the Y-1 adrenal cell
The BE strains were responsible for most of this assay (Kaper et al., Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc.
increased drug resistance (and they were se- Microbiol., 1979, N56, p. 188). The question of
lected for this phenotype). But the occurrence enterotoxigenicity in environmental A. hydro-
of tetracycline resistance was highly significant phila will be discussed more fully (Kaper, Lock-
(P < 0.001) in the CBAh organisms as well. The man, and Colwell, manuscript in preparation),
nonantibiotic selected BV series of Vibrionaceae but caution should be exercised in interpreting
strains collected for comparison with the BE set Y-1 cell reactions, since they have also been
contained only three Aeromonas isolates. These
organisms were not antibiotic resistant. TABLE 3. Multiple drug resistance in
Table 3 summarizes the multiple drug resist- environmental strains of A. hydrophilaa
ance phenotypes in our sample. It is clear that BEsen'es
V and
the BE series has a significant level of multiply Resistance
Resi to o (18 series
BE strains CBAh series
(19 stan

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resistant organisms (13 of 18), whereas the total) total)
CBAh sample carries only single resistance de-
terminants. Moreover, it is apparent that the One or more anti-
streptomycin-tetracycline pattem is the domi- biotics
nant phenotype, responsible for 12 of the 13 C, E, S, or T 13 (72)
PB, S, or T 9 (47)
multiply resistant strains.
The BE organisms seemed to share a high- Two or more anti- 13 (72) 0
molecular-weight (65 x 106) plasmid species that biotics
was associated with the streptomycin-tetracy- CS 3
chine phenotype (Fig. 1). We were able to find a CT 2
plasmid in only one of the three streptomycin- ES 2
chloramphenicol-resistant bacteria. This strain, ET 2
BE 155, readily lost chloramphenicol resistance ST 12
when treated with the plasmid curing agent so- Three or more 4 (22) 0
dium dodecyl sulfate (44). The Chesapeake aero- antibiotics
monad plasmids were truly cryptic and showed EST 2
no correlation with resistance or toxin pheno- CST 2
types. aData and abbreviations from Table 1.
A. hydrophila is capable of producing an en- b Numbers in parentheses are percentages of total
terotoxin related to the V. cholerae choleragen strains.

TABLE 2. Comparison of the frequency of individual drug resistance phenotypes demonstrated by A. hydro-
phila strains recovered from the natural environment and by clinical and environmental strains reported in
the literature
Orgamams No. of No. of strains resistanta
stram58 C E PB S T
BE 18 3 (17)* 2 (11)* 0* 13 (72)* 12 (67)*
BV, V, CBAh, Ah 35 0 0* 1 (3)* 1 (3) 7 (20)*
percentageb 222c 0 47 27 5 2
a Numbers in parentheses are percentages. The asterisks mark frequency differences which were significantly
different from the literature values at the 5% level. Abbreviations are as in Table 1.
Frequency data were gathered from papers in which adequate taxonomic identification and standard
methods for determining resistance were employed (5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14-16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 30-32, 39, 41, 45, 48-
c One hundred twenty of these isolates were from environmental sources and 102 (46%) were clinical. The
resistance frequencies of the two groups were identical at the 98% level.
reported to be due to a nonenterotoxigenic pro- shows no evidence of being a plasmid-mediated
tein unrelated to adenyl cyclase stimulation (8, trait.
Choleragen is produced by a chromosomal
gene, whereas the labile toxin gene is generally The antibiotic resistance patterns of the A.
carried on a plasmid (47). Thus, it was of interest hydrophila organisms isolated in this study dif-
to determine whether toxigenicity, as well as fer markedly from data in the older literature
drug resistance, was correlated with plasmid car- (Table 2). In the Bangladesh organisms, we have
riage in the aeromonads. From Tables 1 and 4 it observed a 5-fold increase in the frequency of
can be seen that extrachromosomal DNA ele- streptomycin-resistant strains and a 23-fold in-
ments were detected in roughly 10% of the Bay crease in the frequency of tetracycline resist-
isolates and half the BE strains. Four of the nine ance. Most of the BE strains carry multiple
BE organisms with a plasmid carried two dis- antibiotic resistance, with a streptomycin-tetra-
tinct species, whereas the three Bay aeromonads cycline phenotype which is correlated with the
had single plasmids. Some of the BE plasmids presence of a high-molecular-weight plasmid.
appear to be R factors, whereas the Chesapeake Tetracycline is a widely utsed drug in the Matlab-
plasmids are cryptic. In all series, toxigenicity Dacca area, whereas streptomycin use has de-
clined since 1976. Thus, tetracycline use pro-
vides the overwhelming selective pressure in this
It is particularly interesting to note that three

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of the BE bacteria carried chloramphenicol re-
sistance, an extremely rare trait in Aeromonas
(Table 2). Chloramphenicol resistance was in-
variably accompanied by streptomycin resist-
ance, but the chloramphenicol-resistant strains
did not consistently contain extrachromosomal
Two Chesapeake Bay Aeromonas organisms
contained extrachromosomal DNA, but these
plasmids did not appear to be R-factors. The
Chesapeake Bay bacterial isolates carried only
single antibiotic resistance phenotypes. The
most significant resistance was to tetracycline: a
3.5-fold greater frequency than that reported in
the literature.
The sites in Chesapeake Bay from which A.
hydrophila strains were isolated represent two
extremes in water quality. Jones Falls and Col-
gate Creek are located in the relatively polluted
Baltimore Harbor. Bacterial pathogens, includ-
ing Salmonella spp., repeatedly have been iso-
FIG. 1. Cleared lysate DNA visualized by 0.7% lated from Baltimore Harbor water and sedi-
agarose gel electrophoresis. Well a, BE-45; well b, ment samples. Bacteriological parameters mea-
BE-35; well c, E. coli H10407; well d, BE-40; and weU sured for these stations include fecal coliform
e, BE-24. most probable numbers of 240/ml of water, total

TABLE 4. Frequency of drug resistance, toxigenicity, and plasmid carriage in strains of A. hydrophila
isolated from the natural environment"
A B C Ratio of re- Ratio of those Ratio of those
Total No. resistant No. toxi- No. with sistant to resistant to
toxigenic to
Series no.
ofto an antibi-
genic piasmid toxigenic ths(A/C)
arry'ng~those carrying a
otic (A/B) plasmnd (B/C,
BE 18 13 (72)b 5 (28) 9 (50) 1/13 (8) 8/13 (62) 0/9 (0)
Ah, BV, CBAh, V 35 9 (26) 6 (17) 3 (9) 2/9 (22) 0/3 (0) 0/3 (0)
a Data from Table 1.
Numbers in parentheses are percentages.
viable counts of 105/ml of water, and Salmonella ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
most probable numbers as high as 1.1/g of sed- This work was funded by Public Health Service grant 1-
iment (22). A. hydrophila counts have been R22-AI-14242 from the National Institutes of Health and
reported to be as high as 110/ml of water (Kaper supported by the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease
et al., Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Research, Bangladesh.
1979, N56, p. 188). In contrast, the Chester River
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