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Developing Imagery skills

The aim of this page is to help you develop your imagery (visualization) skills. We will look at the elements
of imagery development and the creation of scripts to help in developing your imagery skills.
Imagery Categories
The five main categories of imagery have been identified as follows:

Motivational-specific (MS) - This involves seeing yourself winning an event, receiving a trophy or
medal and being congratulated by other athletes. MS imagery may boost motivation and effort
during training and facilitate goal setting, but is unlikely on its own to lead directly to improved


Motivational general-mastery (MG-M) - This is based on seeing yourself coping in difficult

circumstances and mastering challenging situations. It might include maintaining a positive focus
while behind, and then coming back to win. MG-M imagery appears to be important in developing
expectations of success and self-confidence


Motivational general-arousal (MG-A) - This is imagery that reflects feelings of relaxation,

stress, anxiety or arousal in relation to sports competitions. There is good evidence to suggest
that MG-A imagery can influence heart rate - one index of arousal - and can be employed as a
'psych-up' strategy


Cognitive specific (CS) - This involves seeing yourself perform specific skills, such as a tennis
serve, golf putt or triple-toe-loop in figure skating. If learning and performance are the desired
outcomes, evidence suggests that CS imagery will be the most effective choice


Cognitive general (CG) - This involves images of strategy and game plans related to a
competitive event. Examples could include employing a serve-and-volley strategy in tennis or a
quick-break play in basketball

Where do I start?
To be effective, like any skill, imagery needs to be developed and practiced regularly. There are four
elements to mental imagery - Relaxation, Realism, Regularity and Reinforcement (The 4Rs) (Hale 1998) [1].
A relaxed mind and body is essential to help you feel the movement patterns and experience any
emotions generated. It will help to use a relaxation technique prior to imagery training.
Create imagery so realistic you believe you are actually executing the skill. In order to obtain the most
realistic imagery possible, you must incorporate definition, action, emotion, detail, and a positive result
into your imagery:

Definition - Make the images as vivid as possible, include color

Action - Break down the image into small components and visualize those components. (Sprinting
- consider the action of the arms, legs, trunk, head, feet, hands, breathing etc.)

Emotion - Try to include emotional feelings in your images. Refresh your memory constantly by
emphasizing specific sensory awareness (e.g. smells, the wind) during training

Detail - Incorporate as many of your senses as possible into your imagery so the scene is as clear
and realistic as real life itself

Positive result - This is essential, "you only achieve what you believe"

Spending between 3 and 5 minutes on imagery seems to be most effective. It should be included in
training and time outside of training should be spent on imagery. (10-15 minutes a day)

The writing of imagery scripts will help you plan the content and timing of your imagery training.

Creating a Script
Basic picture
Document the basic content of the skill to be imagined. Describe how the skill is performed and include all
components of the skill to be imagined or behaviors to be emphasized e.g. elbows are driven back with
hands relaxed.
Adding details
Add the detailed movement patterns and kinesthetic feelings - e.g. the toe is dorsa flexed and a tightness
felt in the muscles at the front of the shin
Refine the script
Read it to yourself and try to imagine executing the skill. Do you feel as if you are actually executing the
skill correctly? If not, re-examine the text to see if they accurately reflect the sensations and movement
patterns associated with the skill.
Tape it
When you have a suitable script then record it and use it as an aid for your imagery training.
Example - Squash Serve
Basic Story - Components: Body position, ball toss, impact, ball flight, and landing in back corner
Adding detail - Seeing the racket in the hand, the black ball in the other hand, seeing the position of the
opponent, looking at the point on the face wall where you will direct the serve.

feeling the relaxed shoulders and hands

feeling the racket grip in the hand

seeing the back ball nestled on the fingers in the hand

feeling the smooth release of the ball

feeling the body weight shift, the knees bend

feeling the power in the body

feeling the racket head accelerate

feeling the wrist snap and the sound of the racket making contact with the ball

watching the ball bounce off the face wall and land in the back corner of the opponents side of
the court making it impossible for opponent to return

feeling the exhilaration and pleasure

Refine the script - Rewrite the script until when you read it, you feel as if you are executing the serve.

In designing your imagery program, apply the FITT principals, as we do with physical training

F is for Frequency - Aim to incorporate imagery into every day of your training schedule. For
busy people, just before you sleep could be a good time, and it helps if you are in a relaxed and
tranquil state

I is for Intensity - Try to create an all-sensory experience that is as vivid and clear as possible.
Initially, practicing in a quiet environment can help to minimize distractions and facilitate clear

T is for Time - Imagery should make big demands on your attention, so short (5-10 minutes)
frequent quality sessions are preferable to long ones

T is for Type - Remember to decide on your desired outcome and select the type of imagery to
match it.

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