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chocolate bars, chocolate cake, hot chocolate,...

they all have one thing in

-the cacao bean-. all chocolate is made from the seeds of a tropical tree called
the cacao. these trees grow in warm, moist climates. most of the world's cacao
comes from west africa.

native american cultures were the firts to use the cacao. the aztecs used it as
currency, instead of coins, and to make a hot dink was quite bitter and was
probably made by mixing cacao with water. it was called xocoatl and was
believed to cure diarrhea, build up resistance and fight fatigue.
in 1528, the spanish took cacao beans back to spain, along with the recipe for
preparing the drink. sugar and vanilla were added and gradully chocolate
became popular all over europe. in 1765, it was taken to usa by john hanan.
three decades later, a swiss man added milk to chocolate to produce milk
chocolate, which is very popular today.

but how is chocolate made? workers cut the fruit off the cacao tree, open it and
scoop out the beans. the beans are fermented and dried. then they are cleaned
and roasted, and the shells are removed. then, the beans are ground and the
cacao butter is released.from this different varieties of chocolate are prepared
released. from this different varieties of chcolate are prepared
barras de chocolate, pastel de chocolate, chocolate caliente, ... todos ellos
tienen una cosa en comn
-el cacao Bean-. todo el chocolate se hace de las semillas de un rbol tropical
llamado cacao. estos rboles crecen en climas clidos y hmedos. la mayor
parte del cacao del mundo proviene de frica occidental.

culturas nativas americanas fueron los coquetea para utilizar el cacao. los
aztecas lo usaban como moneda, en lugar de monedas, y para hacer una finta
caliente era bastante amargo y probablemente fue hecha mediante la mezcla
de cacao con agua. se le llam xocoatl y se cree que cura la diarrea, acumular
resistencia y combatir la fatiga.
en 1528, los espaoles tomaron los granos de cacao de nuevo a Espaa, junto
con la receta para preparar la bebida. Se aadieron azcar y la vainilla y el
chocolate gradully se hizo popular en toda Europa. en 1765, que fue llevado a
EE.UU. por John Hanan. tres dcadas ms tarde, un hombre suizo aade leche
al chocolate para producir chocolate con leche, que es muy popular hoy en da.

pero cmo se hace el chocolate? trabajadores cortan el fruto del rbol del
cacao, abrirlo y saca los granos. los granos se fermentan y se secan. a
continuacin, se limpian y tostado, y las conchas se retiran. a continuacin, se
muelen los granos y la manteca de cacao es released.from esta diferentes
variedades de chocolate se preparan en libertad. de esta diferentes variedades
de chcolate se preparan

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