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Author Manuscript
Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.
Published in final edited form as:
Lancet. 2014 August 30; 384(9945): 766781. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60460-8.

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Global, regional and national prevalence of overweight and

obesity in children and adults 1980-2013: A systematic analysis
A full list of authors and affiliations appears at the end of the article.

BackgroundIn 2010, overweight and obesity were estimated to cause 3.4 million deaths, 3.9%
of years of life lost, and 3.8% of DALYs globally. The rise in obesity has led to widespread calls
for regular monitoring of changes in overweight and obesity prevalence in all populations.
Comparative, up-to-date information on levels and trends is essential both to quantify population
health effects and to prompt decision-makers to prioritize action.
MethodsWe systematically identified surveys, reports, and published studies (n = 1,769) that
included information on height and weight, both through physical measurements and self-reports.
Mixed effects linear regression was used to correct for the bias in self-reports. Age-sex-countryyear observations (n = 19,244) on prevalence of obesity and overweight were synthesized using a
spatio-temporal Gaussian Process Regression model to estimate prevalence with 95% uncertainty

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FindingsGlobally, the proportion of adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater
increased from 28.8% (95% UI: 28.4-29.3) in 1980 to 36.9% (36.3-37.4) in 2013 for men and
from 29.8% (29.3-30.2) to 38.0% (37.5-38.5) for women. Increases were observed in both
developed and developing countries. There have been substantial increases in prevalence among
children and adolescents in developed countries, with 23.8% (22.9-24.7) of boys and 22.6%
(21.7-23.6) of girls being either overweight or obese in 2013. The prevalence of overweight and
obesity is also rising among children and adolescents in developing countries as well, rising from
8.1% (7.7-8.6) to 12.9% (12.3-13.5) in 2013 for boys and from 8.4% (8.1-8.8) to 13.4%
(13.0-13.9) in girls. Among adults, estimated prevalence of obesity exceeds 50% among men in
Tonga and women in Kuwait, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Libya, Qatar, Tonga, and
Samoa. Since 2006, the increase in adult obesity in developed countries has stabilized.
InterpretationBecause of the established health risks and substantial increases in prevalence,
obesity has become a major global health challenge. Contrary to other major global risks, there is
little evidence of successful population-level intervention strategies to reduce exposure. Not only
is obesity increasing, but there are no national success stories over the past 33 years. Urgent global
action and leadership is required to assist countries to more effectively intervene.

Correspondence to: Emmanuela Gakidou.

*Authors listed alphabetically
Joint senior authors

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The rising prevalence of overweight and obesity in a number of countries15 has been
described as a global pandemic.68 In 2010, overweight and obesity already were estimated
to cause 3.4 million deaths, 3.9% of years of life lost and 3.8% of disability adjusted life
years (DALYs) globally.9 Studies in the USA have suggested that, unabated, the rise in
obesity could well lead to future declines in life expectancy.10 Concern about the health
risks associated with rising obesity has become nearly universal; Member States of the
World Health Organization adopted a voluntary target of halting the rise in obesity by
2025.11 There have been widespread calls for regular monitoring of changes in overweight
and obesity prevalence in all populations.1215
Monitoring of trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity depends on household
surveys. Many health interview surveys include questions on self-reported weight and height
that have been used to monitor trends overtime;1618 however, estimates of BMI from selfreported data have been shown to be biased downwards.1921 Examination surveys provide
direct measurements of weight and height but many fewer countries conduct repeated
national examination surveys, and estimates from them may be biased because of low
participation rates.19 Despite the lack of complete and unbiased information on overweight
and obesity, various systematic analyses have tried to capture levels and trends. Finucane et
al.2 used data from 369 national surveys and 591 sub-national surveys to estimate country
trends in mean BMI between 1980 and 2008. De Onis et al.3 examined 450 national surveys
to estimate trends in childhood obesity and overweight from 1990 to 2020. Mean BMI
estimates have been used to predict levels of overweight and obesity over the period
1980-2008.1 These analyses suggest widespread increases in overweight and obesity have
been occurring over the past few decades although recent country-specific analyses suggest
that trends may have stabilized in some populations.2224

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Up to date information on levels and trends in overweight and obesity is essential both to
quantify their health effects and to prompt decision-makers to prioritize action and evaluate
where progress is, or is not, being made. As an integral component of the risk factor work
for the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study (GBD), we have analyzed trends by country in
overweight and obesity from 1980 to 2013. In this paper, we report on the results of the
systematic analysis carried out for the GBD 2013.

Definitions and data
Following convention, prevalence of overweight and obesity is defined based on body-mass
index (BMI) calculated by mass as measured in kilograms divided by the square of height
measured in meters (kg/m2) For adults (individuals above the age of 18 years), overweight is
defined as having a BMI greater than or equal to 25 and lower than 30; obesity is defined as
having a BMI greater than or equal to 30. For children and adolescents (individuals under
the age of 18 years), classification of overweight and obesity is based on the International
Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definition (see Webappendix for more details). We report
estimates for 188 countries, 21 regions, and development status (developed or developing)

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as defined in the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD).25 Estimates of the prevalence of
overweight and obesity are reported for men and women separately and for 17 age groups,
starting at ages 2-4 years, and ending with the age group 80+ years.

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We used several strategies to identify the data sources used in the analysis. First, we
included all major multi-country survey programs which include information on height and
weight, such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS),26 the WHO STEPwise
approach to Surveillance (STEPS) program,27 the Eurobarometer Surveys,28 the Multiple
Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS),29 the World Health Surveys (WHS),30 the Reproductive
Health Surveys (RHS),31 the Survey of Healthy Ageing and Retirement in Europe
(SHARE),32 and the International Social Survey Programmed (ISSP).33 Second, we
searched three large databases (the WHO Global Infobase,34 the International Association
for the Study of Obesity Data Portal,35 and the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx),36 as
well as national health ministry websites to identify national multi-year surveys, such as
national health surveys and national longitudinal studies. Amongst 2,100 sources identified,
331 were excluded due to limitations in the representativeness of the sample. More details
on the surveys included and excluded from the current study are presented in Webappendix.

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Third, we conducted a systematic literature review, using similar search criteria as those
applied by Finucane et al.2 We identified all articles reporting on prevalence of overweight
and obesity based on BMI from 1980 to 2012. Studies were included if the design involved a
representative random sample of the population. Both self-report and measured data were
considered (see Webappendix for details). Data identified in the systematic literature review
were compared against the survey/report database. All duplicated data were dropped with
preference given to survey microdata. Studies reporting on prevalence of overweight and
obesity based on alternative measurements, such as waist-circumference and hip-waist ratio,
were excluded from this study due to the lack of reliable data for converting prevalence
based on these alternative measurements to an equivalent prevalence estimate based on
BMI'. Further information on the specific search terms as well as inclusion and exclusion
criteria for the systematic review are presented in the Webappendix.
In total, these sources provided 1,769 country-years of data and 19,244 country-year-age-sex
data points from 183 countries. There were 5 countries with no data (Antigua and Barbuda,
Brunei, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela). A complete list of all the
sources included in the analysis is shown in Webtable 6.
Data processing
Cross-walking different definitionsSelf-reported weights for women in some
countries tend to be under-reported and self-reported heights for men over-reported.1921
Self-reported weights and heights, however, are a major source of information. We
examined the relationship between self-report and measured BMI using 671 country-years
with both types of measurements available. We used a mixed effects linear regression to
estimate bias correction factors for each GBD super-region, age, and sex. The uncertainty
introduced from this adjustment was incorporated as the data variance and propagated into
the Gaussian process regression described below. We have also conducted a sensitivity

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analysis excluding all self-reported data from the analysis. More details on this analysis are
shown in the Webappendix.

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Several published reports presented data in broader age groups than those selected for this
analysis and occasionally, for both sexes combined. We disaggregated these data into the
required age and sex groups by applying an age-sex splitting model previously used in the
GBD,37 which uses all surveys that provide information on multiple age-sex groupings as
the reference standard to redistribute aggregated prevalence estimates into specific five-year
age and sex groups of interest. More details are available in the Webappendix.
In many cases, we had multiple sources of data for the same year implying different levels
of prevalence. In other cases, there were gaps in the data sequence. To deal with both issues
and generate a complete time series based on all the available data, we use a spatialtemporal regression model (ST) and Gaussian process regression (GPR) to synthesize the
data. ST-GPR has been used extensively to synthesize time series cross-sectional data.3842
ST-GPR serves as a powerful tool for interpolating and extrapolating non-linear trends.
Specifically, it allows the borrowing of strength across space and time. In addition, rather
than treating every data point with equal weight, the relative uncertainty of data is taken into
account in the estimation procedure with less uncertain data given a higher weight. The
Webappendix provides details of each step of the estimation process. In brief, we assume
that the trend of overweight and obesity prevalence follows a Gaussian process, which is
defined by a mean function m() and a covariance function Cov(). To estimate the mean
function, we apply a two-stage procedure. First, a linear model was fitted separately for each
sex. Specifically for prevalence of overweight the following model is applied:

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is the prevalence of overweight and obesity; the covariate is total kilocalories
consumed per year per capita (Kcalpc,t) obtained from the Food and Agriculture
Organization food balance sheets.43 Total kilocalories consumed per year per capita is used
as a covariate given the association between food consumption and overweight and
obesity.44 In addition, latitude (Lat) and urbanicity (Urban) as measured by the proportion
of a countries land area having a population density of 1000 people/km2 or greater, were
also included to measure the inter- and intra-country variation in overweight and obesity.
Finally, a set of dummy indicators Iage and Iregion were included to capture the age pattern
and regional variation respectively. To estimate the prevalence of obesity
model is applied:

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, a similar

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We model the prevalence of obesity as a fraction of the joint category of overweight and
obesity. The rationale for using this strategy is to ensure that the prevalence of obesity does
not exceed the joint category of overweight and obesity, which is bound between 0 and 1.
We explored the use of other covariates to predict prevalence, including average income per
capita and various measures of diet composition. Our results were not sensitive to the choice
of these covariates and we present estimates based on the most parsimonious model. Details
on the various model specifications considered are presented in Webtable 4.
While the linear component captures the general trend in prevalence, some of the data
variability is still not adequately accounted for. To do so, a smoothing function which allows
for borrowing strength across time, age, and space patterns was applied to the residuals from
the linear model, as has been done repeatedly in the GBD analytical framework. Details are
presented in the Webappendix.
In addition to defining the mean function, another key component in GPR is the covariance
function, which defines the shape and distribution of trends. In this study, we applied the
Matern covariance function, which offers flexibility to model a wide spectrum of trends with
varying degrees of smoothness. Details are presented in the Webappendix.
Based on the mean and covariance function, estimates of overweight and obesity prevalence,

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, were derived for country c, age a, and sex s for time t*. The analysis was
implemented though PyMC package in Python. Random draws of 1,000 samples were
obtained from the marginal distributions of predicted prevalence of overweight and obesity
for every country, age, and sex group. The final estimated prevalence for each country, age,
and sex group was the mean of the draws. In addition, uncertainty intervals were obtained by
taking the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the distributions. These uncertainty intervals reflect
multiple sources of uncertainty, including the unexplained variance in the GPR mean
function, sampling uncertainty, and uncertainty arising from the empirical adjustment of
self-report data.
We conduct repeated cross-validation and estimate the root-mean squared error for the data
held out in each cross-validation run and the percentage of the time that the 95% uncertainty
interval for the data prediction includes the data held-out. The Webappendix provides the
detailed results of the cross-validation which demonstrates that the modeling strategy has
reasonable error and 95% uncertainty intervals that include close to 95% of the data held
Age-standardized prevalence rates for the population aged 20 years and older and for ages
2-19 years were computed using the standard population distribution based on the average
country-level population distribution by age from the World Population Prospects 2012

Globally, prevalence of overweight and obesity combined has risen by 27.5% for adults and
47.1% for children between 1980 and 2013. The number of overweight and obese

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individuals has increased from 921 million in 1980 to 2.1 billion in 2013. Figures 1a and 1b
show the trend in the age-standardized global prevalence of adult overweight and obesity
together (1a) and obesity only (1b) as well as for developing and developed countries
between 1980 and 2013. Globally, the proportion of adults with a BMI of 25 or greater
increased from 28.8% (28.4-29.3) in 1980 to 36.9% (36.3-37.4) in 2013 for men and from
29.8% (29.3-30.2) to 38.0% (37.5-38.5) for women. Increases were observed in developed
and developing countries, but with different sex patterns. In developed countries, men have
higher rates of overweight and obesity, while in developing countries, women exhibit higher
rates and this relationship persists over time. Looking at rates of obesity only, Figure 1B
shows increasing trends in both developed and developing regions. The prevalence of
obesity is higher in women in developed and developing countries alike. The rate of increase
of overweight and obesity appears to have been greatest between 1992 and 2002, but has
slowed down over the last decade, particularly in developed countries.
Figures 2a and 2b show the trend in the age-standardized prevalence of overweight and
obesity in children and adolescents (ages 2-19 years) for developing and developed
countries. Developed countries show remarkable increases in prevalence at these ages since
1980, with 23.8% (22.9-24.7) of boys and 22.6% (21.7-23.6) of girls being either
overweight or obese in 2013 compared to 16.9% (16.1-17.7) of boys and 16.2% (15.5-17.1)
of girls in 1980. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is also rising among children and
adolescents in developing countries, increasing from 8.1% (7.7-8.6) in 1980 to 12.9%
(12.3-13.5) in 2013 for boys and 8.4% (8.1-8.8) to 13.4% (13.0-13.9) in girls. In both
developed and developing countries, gender differences in the levels and trends of
overweight and obesity are small.

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Figure 3 demonstrates the age pattern of overweight and obesity in 2013. At all ages,
prevalence is higher in developed than developing countries. Age patterns differ in men and
women and between developing and developed countries. In developed countries, men
above age 15 show higher rates of overweight and obesity than women; in developing
countries, women have higher rates than men above age 25 years. Overweight and obesity
peak in developed country men around age 55 years, with two out of three men overweight
and one in four obese. For developed country women, the peak age is closer to 60 years with
31.3% (28.9-33.8) obese and 64.5% (62.5-66.5) overweight or obese. In developing
countries, the age pattern of overweight and obesity is similar to that in developed countries,
but the levels are much lower, with the highest level of obesity seen around age 55 years for
women with a rate of 14.4% (13.5-15.5) and around 45 years for men with a rate of 8.1%
Trends in adult age-standardized obesity prevalence over successive cohorts in developed
and developing regions (Figure 4) reveal that successive cohorts appear to be gaining weight
at all ages, including childhood and adolescence, with more rapid gains between ages 20-40
years. In developed countries, peak prevalence is moving to earlier ages over time. Of note,
among developed country women, the 1965 birth cohort appears to have lower prevalence at
the same age than the 1960 birth cohort and the 1970 birth cohort also crosses the 1965
cohort. Given uncertainty in the estimates (shown in Webtable 11), however, this cohort
cross-over should not be over-interpreted. Prevalence in men and women decline as cohorts

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age, possibly due to selective mortality effects or to higher rates of chronic disease at older
age and associated weight loss.

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Table 1 and Webtables 9-10 provide age-standardized regional and national estimates of the
prevalence of overweight and obesity together and obesity alone for males and females for
1980, 1990, 2000, and 2013 for 188 countries and 21 GBD regions. Figures 5A-D show
maps of prevalence of obesity in 2013 for boys, girls, men, and women. Age-standardized
prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents ranges from over 30% for girls in Kiribati,
Samoa, and the Federated States of Micronesia to under 2% in Bangladesh, Brunei
Darussalam, Burundi, Cambodia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Laos, Nepal, North Korea, Tanzania, and
Togo. There are distinct geographic patterns for child and adolescent obesity with high rates
seen in many countries in the Middle-East and North Africa, particularly for girls, and in
several Pacific Island and Caribbean nations for both girls and boys. Within Western Europe
there is marked variation in rates of obesity from 12.5% (10.3-14.9) for boys in Malta to 4.1
% (3.4-5.0) in the Netherlands. In Latin America, Chile and Mexico stand out with the
highest levels for boys, at 11.9% (9.6-14.3) and 10.5% (8.8-12.4) respectively, and Uruguay
and Costa Rica for girls, at 18.1% (14.9-21.9) and 12.4% (10.0-15.1) respectively.

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Among adults, estimated prevalence of obesity exceeds 50% among men in Tonga and
women in Kuwait, Kiribati, the Federated States of Micronesia, Libya, Qatar, Tonga, and
Samoa. In North America, the USA stands out for its high prevalence of obesity, with
roughly one-third of both men (31.6% [30.0-33.4]) and women (33.9% [31.8-35.7]) being
obese. Fourteen countries in Central and Latin America have female age-standardized
prevalence rates greater than 20%. In sub-Saharan Africa, the highest prevalence of obesity
is observed among South African women, at 42.0% (40.6-43.3) in 2013. Despite increasing
trends over time (data not shown), China and India show relatively low rates of obesity in
2013, with 3.8% (3.5-4.3) of Chinese men and 5.0% (4.5-5.5) of women, and 3.7% (3.3-4.1)
of Indian men and 4.2% (3.8-4.8) of Indian women being obese in 2013. More than 50% of
the 693 million obese individuals in the world live in just 10 countries (listed in order of
number of obese individuals): USA, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Pakistan,
Indonesia, and Germany. The USA accounted for 13% of obese people worldwide in 2013,
with China and India jointly accounting for another 15%. Although age-standardized rates
are lower in developing than developed countries overall, 64% of the worlds obese live in
developing countries.
The correlation across countries between the level of obesity in 1980 and the change since
then is 0.29 for women and 0.38 for men. This suggests that the long-term (three decades)
increases in obesity have not been smaller for countries that already had higher rates of
obesity in 1980. Over the 33-year period of this study, the largest increases in the rate of
obesity were seen in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Honduras, and Bahrain, for women, and
for New Zealand, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the USA for men. The USA was
among the top fifteen countries in terms of increases in obesity for both men and women.
Other high-income countries with large gains during this time period include Australia and
the United Kingdom.

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In our systematic analysis of global data on the prevalence of obesity and overweight, we
find that the prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen significantly over the past three
decades, with marked variations across countries in the levels and trends in overweight and
obesity with distinct regional patterns. In developed countries, there is some indication that
the increases in obesity that began in the 1980s have attenuated over the last eight years or
so. Conversely, our findings suggest that there are likely to be continued increases in the
developing world, where almost two in three of the worlds obese live. Island nations in the
Pacific and the Caribbean, and countries in the Middle-East and Central America, have
already reached particularly high rates of overweight and obesity.
Attempts to explain the large increases in obesity over the past 33 years have focused on a
number of potential contributors, including increases in calorie intake, changes in the
composition of diet, declining levels of physical activity, and changes in the gut
microbiome.44,4656 The relative contribution of changes in energy intake versus energy
expenditure has been vigorously debated.5255 More recent experimental evidence on the
importance of the microbiome for metabolism of energy57,58 has led to alternative theories
on the role of changing microbiome in the global obesity epidemic.59,60 Our descriptive
analysis does not attempt to measure the relative contribution of these, or other factors. It
does, however, demonstrate that increases in the prevalence of overweight and obesity have
been substantial, and widespread, and have occurred over a relatively short period of time.
Theories of change need to encompass this temporal dimension and dispersion.

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Our analysis has highlighted countries where the majority of the adult female population and
over a third of the adult male population are obese. We have found no countries where there
have been significant declines over the last 33 years. This raises the question as to whether
many or most countries are on a trajectory to reach the high levels of obesity observed in
countries such as Tonga or Kuwait. Evidence of a slowdown in the rate of increase of
overweight and obesity in the developed world, and indications that obesity in more recent
birth cohorts is lower than prior birth cohorts at the same age, provides some hope that the
epidemic may have peaked in developed countries and that populations in other countries
may not reach the very high rates of over 40% currently seen in some developing countries.
Wide variation in rates of increase in obesity and overweight among countries starting at the
same initial level also suggests that there is substantial scope to modulate weight gain in
populations. Our analysis, however, does not indicate why some countries have seen slower
rates of increase, only that smaller increases are possible.
The health effects of overweight and obesity have been extensively debated.6165 Large
pooling studies used for the GBD 2013, however, show consistent risks as BMI rises above
23,6669 particularly for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and chronic
kidney disease. The majority of deaths attributable to overweight- and obesity are
cardiovascular deaths.9 Systematic reviews suggest that only 31% of the coronary heart
disease risk and 8% of the stroke mortality risk associated with obesity is mediated through
elevated blood pressure and cholesterol collectively.70 Pharmacotherapy targeting blood
pressure and cholesterol can thus be expected to attenuate some, but not the majority of the

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cardiovascular risk attributable to overweight and obesity. Even with aggressive

pharmacotherapy, we can therefore expect that rising overweight and obesity will have
substantial health effects, driving up diabetes, osteoarthrisits, cancers, and major vascular

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This study has important limitations. First, we have chosen to include surveys that collect
self-reported weights and heights. In our analysis (see Webappendix) we have found that
there is systematic bias but this bias is greater in some regions such as high-income
countries and the Middle-East than in low-income countries. We have corrected the selfreported data using the relationships observed in data from country-years with both selfreport and measured weights and heights. The sensitivity analysis reported in the
Webappendix shows that our overall global results are robust to the exclusion of these data
(correlation coefficient = 0.96). Second, we have chosen to exclude sub-national studies
from a limited number of sites. For example, MONICA data points were excluded because
they pertained to a single city.71 By examining national surveys with individual records and
information on location we found that there is marked variation between urban and rural
areas and heterogeneity across urban sites (data not shown). We were unable to generalize
the bias for selected cities to national figures. Moreover, reporting national level rates of
overweight and obesity undoubtedly obscures important subnational variations, particularly
among ethnic groups, lower socioeconomic categories and important sub-populations (e.g.
slums) in large cities. Third, there is substantial data sparseness particularly in the 1980s
(see Webappendix). The estimation of prevalence for the earlier time period in this study is
based on extrapolation from the model which is strongly influenced by the kcal per capita
covariate. Kcal per capita are reported through food balance sheets of the Food and
Agriculture Organization. To the extent that these are inaccurate, our trends will be biased.
Of note, we did not include time as a covariate in our model because this inappropriately
imposes a similar time trend on all countries. Nevertheless, we have attempted to capture
temporal associations among data using spatio-temporal smoothing. Fourth, our uncertainty
intervals may be under-estimated because we have not included uncertainty from the
selection of GPR hyper parameters in our final results. However, our cross-validation
analysis suggests that this is unlikely to be a major problem (see Webappendix). Fifth,
definitions of childhood obesity vary between the International Obesity Task Force and
WHO. We have chosen to apply a consistent definition of obesity and overweight across
sources; for this reason, we have excluded a number of published studies from our analysis
that were reported using non-standard definitions. Where we could, we estimated
overweight and obesity rates from individual-level records in household surveys. Sixth,
although BMI serves as a convenient measure for adiposity, it does not adequately take into
account variations in body structure across ethnic groups.72 Moreover, the use of the
universal cutoff may underestimate the actual prevalence of overweight and obesity in
certain countries.
Contrary to other major global risks such as tobacco42 and childhood malnutrition73,74
which are declining globally, obesity is not. As shown in this study, obesity is already a
major public health challenge in many middle-income countries. Tracking this important
risk to health with increased precision and disaggregation in both developing and developed
countries is a key global health priority. Options for population level surveillance of the
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epidemic need to take into account more complex measurement strategies than required for
other major hazards, such as tobacco. In particular, countries will need to carefully weigh
the choice between fielding physical examination surveys that are more costly but can
provide robust measurements, and using more routine survey platforms to collect selfreported weights and heights. A combination of both approaches which allow for periodic
assessment of self-report bias, such as used in the United States, United Kingdom, and
Japan, may provide a reasonable approach.
Strengthened surveillance is not only good public health practice, but can be expected to
increase public, including government awareness of the extent of the problem in countries.
There is some evidence that this is already happening.75 Member States of WHO in 2013
adopted a target of halting the rise in obesity by 2025.11 While this resolution is
commendable evidence that the global public health community is taking the rise in obesity
seriously, there are no countries with well documented downward trends in the last three
decades. Our analysis, moreover, suggests that this target is extremely ambitious and
unlikely to be attained without concerted action and further research to evaluate the impact
of population wide interventions, and how to effectively translate that knowledge into
national obesity control programs.
To counter the impending health effects on populations, particularly in the developing
world, urgent global leadership is required to assist countries to more effectively intervene
against major determinants such as excessive caloric intake, physical inactivity and active
promotion of food consumption by industry, all of which exacerbate an already problematic
obesogenic environment.

Supplementary Material
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Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

The GBD 2013 Obesity Collaboration, Marie Ng, Tom Fleming, Margaret Robinson,
Blake Thomson, Nicholas Graetz, Christopher Margono, Erin C Mullany, Stan
Biryukov, Cristiana Abbafati*, Semaw Ferede Abera*, Jerry P Abraham*, Niveen ME
Abu-Rmeileh*, Tom Achoki*, Fadia S AlBuhairan*, Zewdie A Alemu*, Rafael
Alfonso*, Mohammed K Ali*, Raghib Ali*, Nelson Alvis Guzman*, Walid Ammar*,
Palwasha Anwari*, Amitava Banerjee*, Simon Barquera*, Sanjay Basu*, Derrick A
Bennett*, Zulfiqar Bhutta*, Jed Blore*, Norberto Cabral*, Ismael Campos Nonato*,
Jung-Chen Chang*, Rajiv Chowdhury*, Karen J Courville*, Michael H Criqui*, David
K Cundiff*, Kaustubh C Dabhadkar*, Lalit Dandona*, Adrian Davis*, Anand
Dayama*, Samath D Dharmaratne*, Eric L Ding*, Adnan M Durrani*, Alireza
Esteghamati*, Farshad Farzadfar*, Derek FJ Fay*, Valery L Feigin*, Abraham
Flaxman*, Mohammad H Forouzanfar*, Atsushi Goto*, Mark A Green*, Rajeev
Gupta*, Nima Hafezi-Nejad*, Graeme J Hankey*, Heather C Harewood*, Rasmus
Havmoeller*, Simon Hay*, Lucia Hernandez*, Abdullatif Husseini*, Bulat T Idrisov*,
Nayu Ikeda*, Farhad Islami*, Eiman Jahangir*, Simerjot K Jassal*, Sun Ha Jee*,

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Mona Jeffreys*, Jost B Jonas*, Edmond K Kabagambe*, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan
Khalifa*, Andre Pascal Kengne*, Yousef Saleh Khader*, Young-Ho Khang*, Daniel
Kim*, Ruth W Kimokoti*, Jonas M Kinge*, Yoshihiro Kokubo*, Soewarta Kosen*,
Gene Kwan*, Taavi Lai*, Mall Leinsalu*, Yichong Li*, Xiaofeng Liang*, Shiwei Liu*,
Giancarlo Logroscino*, Paulo A Lotufo*, Yuan Lu*, Jixiang Ma*, Nana Kwaku
Mainoo*, George A Mensah*, Tony R Merriman*, Ali H Mokdad*, Joanna
Moschandreas*, Mohsen Naghavi*, Aliya Naheed*, Devina Nand*, KM Venkat
Narayan*, Erica Leigh Nelson*, Marian L Neuhouser*, Muhammad Imran Nisar*,
Takayoshi Ohkubo*, Samuel O Oti*, Andrea Pedroza*, Dorairaj Prabhakaran*,
Nobhojit Roy*, Uchechukwu Sampson*, Hyeyoung Seo*, Sadaf G Sepanlou*, Kenji
Shibuya*, Rahman Shiri*, Ivy Shiue*, Gitanjali M Singh*, Jasvinder A Singh*, Vegard
Skirbekk*, Nicolas JC Stapelberg*, Lela Sturua*, Bryan L Sykes*, Martin Tobias*,
Bach X Tran*, Leonardo Trasande*, Hideaki Toyoshima*, Steven van de Vijver*,
Tommi J Vasankari*, J Lennert Veerman*, Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez*, Vasiliy
Victorovich Vlassov*, Stein Emil Vollset*, Theo Vos*, Claire Wang*, Sharon
XiaoRong Wang*, Elisabete Weiderpass*, Andrea Werdecker*, Jonathan L Wright*,
Y Claire Yang*, Hiroshi Yatsuya*, Jihyun Yoon*, Seok-Jun Yoon*, Yong Zhao*,
Maigeng Zhou*, Shankuan Zhu*, Alan D Lopez, Christopher JL Murray, and
Emmanuela Gakidou


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

(M Ng PhD, T Fleming BS, M Robinson BA, B Thomson BA, N Graetz BS, C

Margono BS, E C Mullany BA, S Biryukov BS, T Achoki PhD, Prof L Dandona MD,
A Flaxman PhD, A H Mokdad PhD, M Naghavi PhD, E L Nelson MLIS, M Tobias
PhD, Prof C J L Murray PhD, Prof E Gakidou PhD), School of Medicine (J L
Wright MD), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (R Alfonso MD); La
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy (C Abbafati PhD); School of Public
Health, College of Health Sciences, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia (S
Ferede Abera MA); University of Texas School of Medicine, San Antonio, TX,
USA (J P Abraham MPH); Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeti
University, Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territory (N M E AbuRmeileh PhD); Ministry of Health, Gaborone, Botswana (T Achoki); King
Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health
Sciences and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia (F S AlBuhairan MBBS); Debre Markos University, Debre Markos,
Ethiopia (Z A Alemu MPH); Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA (M K Ali
MBChB, K C Dabhadkar MBBS, A Dayama MD, Prof K M V Narayan MD);
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (R Ali MSc, D A Bennett PhD, Prof S Hay
DPhil); Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (Prof N Alvis
Guzman PhD); Ministry of Public Health, Beirut, Lebanon (Prof W Ammar PhD);
UNFPA, Kabul, Afghanistan (P Anwari MD); University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK (A Banerjee DPhil); National Institute of Public Health,
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico (S Barquera PhD, I Campos Nonato PhD, L
Hernandez MS, A Pedroza MS); Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA (S Basu
PhD); Aga Khan University Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan (Prof Z Bhutta

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PhD, M I Nisar MSc); University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (J

Blore PhD, Prof A D Lopez PhD); Universidad de Joinville-Univille, Joinville,
Brazil (Prof N Cabral PhD); National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (J-C
Chang PhD); University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (R Chowdhury MD);
Hospital Dr. Gustavo N. Collado, Chitre, Herrera, Panama (K J Courville MD);
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA (Prof M H Criqui MD);
Independent Researcher, Long Beach, CA, USA (D K Cundiff MD); Public
Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, India (Prof L Dandona); Public Health
England, London, UK (Prof A Davis PhD, D F J Fay MSc); University of
Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (S D Dharmaratne MD); Harvard School of
Public Health, Boston, MA USA (E L Ding ScD, Y Lu MSc, GM Singh PhD);
Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS),
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (G A Mensah MD), National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda and Montgomery, MD, USA (A M Durrani MD);
Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center (Prof A Esteghamati MD, F
Farzadfar MD, N Hafezi-Nejad MD), Digestive Diseases Research Institute,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (S G Sepanlou MD);
National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences, AUT University,
Auckland, New Zealand (Prof V L Feigin PhD); Department of Diabetes
Research, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan (A
Goto PhD); University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK (M A Green MSc); Fortis
Escorts Hospital, Jaipur, India (R Gupta PhD); School of Medicine and
Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia (Prof G J
Hankey MD); Eunice Gibson Polyclinic, Bridgetown, Barbados (H C Harewood
MPH); Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Prof E
Weiderpass PhD), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (R Havmoeller
PhD); Birzeit University, Birzeit, Ramallah, Palestine (A Husseini PhD);
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA (B T Idrisov MD); National Institute of
Health and Nutrition, Tokyo, Japan (N Ikeda PhD); American Cancer Society,
Atlanta, GA, USA (F Islami PhD); Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA,
USA (E Jahangir MD); VA San Diego, University of California San Diego, San
Diego, CA, USA (S K Jassal MD); Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea (Prof S H Jee PhD); University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
(M Jeffreys PhD); Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim,
University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany (Prof J B Jonas MD); Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, USA (E K Kabagambe PhD, U Sampson MD);
Supreme Council of Health, Doha, Qatar (S E A H Khalifa MSc); South African
Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa (A P Kengne PhD); Jordan
University of Science and Technology, AlRamtha, Jordan (Prof Y S Khader
ScD); Institute of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea (Prof Y-H Khang PhD); Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, USA (D Kim DrPH); Simmons College, Boston, MA,
USA (R W Kimokoti MD); The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo,
Norway (J M Kinge PhD, Prof V Skirbekk PhD, Prof S E Vollset PhD); Department
of Preventive Cardiology, Department of Preventive Medicine and
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Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Epidemiologic Informatics, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,

Osaka, Japan (Y Kokubo PhD); Center for Community Empowerment, Health
Policy & Informatics, NIHRD, Jakarta, Indonesia (S Kosen MD); Boston Medical
Center, Boston, MA, USA (G Kwan MD); Fourth View Consulting, Tallinn,
Estonia (T Lai PhD); The National Institute for Health Development, Tallinn,
Estonia (M Leinsalu PhD); National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable
Disease Control and Prevention (Y Li MPH, M Zhou PhD), Chinese Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China (X Liang MD, S Liu PhD, J Ma
PhD); University of Bari, Bari, Italy (G Logroscino PhD); University of Sao
Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Prof P A Lotufo DrPH); Xpharmconsult, Kumasi,
Ghana (N K Mainoo MMRCB); University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (T R
Merriman PhD); University of Crete, Crete, Greece (J Moschandreas PhD);
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh (A
Naheed PhD); Ministry of Health, Suva, Republic of Fiji (D Nand MPH); Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA (M L Neuhouser PhD);
Teikyo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan (Prof T Ohkubo MD);
African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya (S O Oti MSc);
Centre for Chronic Disease Control, New Delhi, India (Prof D Prabhakaran MD);
BARC Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (Prof N Roy MD); Department of
Public Health, Graduate School (H Seo MPH), Department of Preventive
Medicine (J Yoon MPH), Korea University, Seoul, Korea (Prof S-J Yoon PhD);
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (K Shibuya PhD); Finnish institute of
Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland (R Shiri PhD); Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (I Shiue PhD); University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL, USA (J A Singh MD); Griffith University, Southport, QLD,
Australia (N J C Stapelberg MBBS); National Center for Disease Control and
Public Health, Tbilisi, Georgia (L Sturua PhD); University of California-Irvine,
Irvine, CA USA (B L Sykes PhD); Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Baltimore, MD, USA (B X Tran PhD); NYU School of Medicine, New
York, NY, USA (L Trasande MD); Health Care Center of Anjo Kosei Hospital,
Anjo City, Japan (Prof H Toyoshima MD); African Population and Health
Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya (S van de Vijver MD); UKK Institute for Health
Promotion Research, Tampere, Finland (Prof T Vasankari PhD); University of
Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia (J L Veerman MD); Universidade Federal
de Minas Gerais, Escola de Enfermagem, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
(Prof G Velasquez-Melendez PhD); National Research University Higher School
of Economics, Moscow, Russia (Prof V V Vlassov MD); University of Bergen,
Bergen, Norway (Prof S E Vollset); Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (C
Wang MD); Jinan Institute of Research on Aging, Jinan, China (S X R Wang
PhD); Institute of Medical Sociology and Social Medicine, Marburg, Hessen,
Germany (A Werdecker Dipl.oec.troph); University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, NC, USA (YC Yang PhD); Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan (Prof H
Yatsuya PhD); Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China (Y Zhao MD);
and Zhejiang University School of Public Health, Hangzhou, China (Prof S Zhu
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Figure 1.

Agestandardized prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI>=25) and obesity

(BMI>=30), ages 20+ years, by sex, 19802013

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Figure 2.

Agestandardized prevalence of overweight and obesity, and obesity alone (based on IOTF
cutoffs), ages 219 years, by sex, 19802013

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Figure 3.

Prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI>=25) and obesity (BMI>=30), by age and sex,

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Figure 4.

Prevalence of obesity (BMI>=30) by age across birth cohorts for males and females in
developed and developing countries

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Figure 5A.

Agestandardized prevalence of obesity (BMI>=30), ages 20+ years, males, 2013

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Figure 5B.

Agestandardized prevalence of obesity (BMI>=30), ages 20+ years, females, 2013

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Figure 5C.

Agestandardized prevalence of obesity (based on IOTF cutoffs), ages 219 years, males,

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Figure 5D.

Agestandardized prevalence of obesity (based on IOTF cutoffs), ages 219 years, females,

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115 (98-133)
77 (65-91)




Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

118 (98-140)
191 (163-223)
192 (163-221)
199 (186-214)
233 (201-271)
249 (212-286)
263 (225-301)


The Bahamas

Trinidad and Tobago

Central Asia




153 (127-179)

116 (97-139)

Dominican Republic

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

178 (148-209)


158 (132-187)

152 (127-180)


Saint Lucia

157 (131-184)


134 (111-157)

184 (157-214)



112 (94-134)
253 (216-291)

Antigua and Barbuda

134 (123-146)


253 (227-282)


296 (260-333)

166 (142-194)


New Zealand

137 (114-162)


244 (214-280)

205 (174-240)



167 (151-183)

Andean Latin America


107 (89-127)

83 (65-104)

73 (58-89)

68 (62-76)

78 (63-94)

159 (129-189)

42 (33-54)

60 (49-74)

62 (50-74)

53 (42-66)

21 (17-26)

45 (36-54)

47 (38-59)

43 (35-53)

46 (37-57)

74 (61-90)

79 (64-95)

87 (70-105)

45 (36-56)

45 (41-49)

97 (84-114)

70 (58-82)

75 (65-86)

38 (31-45)

31 (24-37)

46 (37-55)

37 (33-42)


587 (560-614)

590 (566-614)

447 (421-473)

508 (495-520)

555 (532-577)

499 (471-528)

497 (469-525)

435 (408-463)

469 (440-496)

371 (343-399)

166 (151-184)

409 (386-432)

365 (339-390)

507 (479-537)

366 (338-391)

375 (345-404)

586 (559-614)

575 (547-601)

355 (327-384)

378 (364-391)

714 (696-733)

682 (656-705)

686 (663-706)

454 (427-482)

402 (375-429)

519 (491-545)

450 (432-468)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



212 (197-228)

90 (80-100)

114 (100-128)

126 (120-132)

209 (193-225)

309 (283-336)

125 (112-139)

133 (118-148)

144 (129-162)

106 (94-118)

50 (44-56)

115 (104-127)

105 (94-118)

103 (91-117)

107 (97-119)

160 (144-178)

230 (209-253)

181 (164-200)

101 (89-114)

123 (115-131)

281 (263-299)

275 (252-298)

276 (255-296)

88 (77-98)

69 (61-77)

102 (91-114)

85 (78-91)

Males, >20

299 (257-343)

231 (195-269)

241 (207-282)

206 (190-221)

213 (180-250)

333 (287-383)

226 (190-263)

260 (221-307)

170 (139-202)

310 (265-360)

95 (79-115)

222 (188-258)

212 (178-251)

252 (215-295)

292 (245-336)

239 (203-281)

271 (231-315)

324 (279-373)

205 (173-242)

199 (184-215)

287 (253-326)

230 (199-265)

240 (213-269)

256 (223-292)

296 (254-342)

282 (244-324)

272 (249-295)


121 (99-145)

79 (62-99)

66 (52-82)

59 (53-67)

72 (57-89)

202 (166-242)

74 (58-92)

88 (70-109)

60 (47-75)

109 (86-133)

20 (16-25)

86 (70-105)

70 (55-87)

73 (59-91)

122 (99-149)

107 (85-130)

116 (93-142)

149 (120-179)

67 (53-82)

66 (59-73)

90 (76-106)

73 (59-89)

76 (64-90)

41 (33-49)

46 (37-58)

47 (37-57)

44 (38-49)


Females, <20

597 (571-625)

673 (651-695)

604 (580-627)

532 (520-544)

661 (641-681)

643 (614-672)

647 (618-675)

565 (532-597)

442 (414-472)

627 (597-652)

308 (287-330)

623 (602-645)

502 (472-532)

548 (517-579)

740 (715-764)

514 (485-543)

753 (729-775)

699 (672-724)

491 (463-520)

504 (491-518)

600 (578-622)

561 (534-589)

567 (544-591)

665 (651-679)

698 (672-721)

620 (597-644)

667 (656-677)


281 (261-301)

304 (282-328)

264 (241-288)

220 (211-229)

362 (342-383)

477 (445-512)

338 (307-368)

254 (230-280)

192 (173-215)

320 (292-348)

122 (112-134)

304 (280-327)

213 (190-236)

209 (188-234)

394 (368-421)

297 (269-326)

427 (395-458)

330 (306-358)

205 (184-227)

245 (234-259)

300 (281-319)

298 (273-324)

298 (277-320)

249 (231-266)

198 (176-220)

245 (224-268)

234 (222-246)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 26

331 (294-369)
217 (201-233)
154 (131-180)
208 (176-244)
112 (93-133)
136 (114-162)
114 (95-135)
284 (253-316)
148 (124-175)

Central Latin America


Costa Rica

El Salvador





219 (186-257)



263 (227-302)


206 (175-238)

237 (205-272)



302 (263-344)


110 (92-132)

223 (191-263)

Czech Republic

192 (165-225)

295 (253-338)



267 (229-308)


172 (147-201)


202 (173-235)


Bosnia and Herzegovina

215 (182-251)


328 (285-373)

130 (110-153)



155 (131-182)


213 (200-227)

197 (166-231)


Central Europe

205 (176-238)



Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

45 (37-55)

105 (88-124)

24 (20-30)

34 (27-42)

27 (22-33)

67 (53-82)

41 (34-48)

74 (65-84)

72 (59-86)

55 (45-67)

67 (55-81)

86 (70-104)

69 (56-84)

94 (76-113)

86 (72-104)

79 (65-96)

64 (52-77)

76 (61-93)

69 (56-85)

101 (83-121)

115 (92-139)

75 (69-81)

70 (55-85)

65 (53-81)

59 (48-71)

47 (37-58)

46 (37-56)

74 (60-89)


430 (403-458)

668 (649-686)

359 (333-386)

414 (388-440)

357 (330-384)

552 (525-582)

527 (504-549)

571 (560-582)

651 (623-676)

644 (618-669)

557 (535-582)

604 (576-630)

640 (614-667)

601 (571-629)

570 (542-599)

656 (630-681)

655 (629-682)

655 (629-682)

597 (569-622)

573 (545-602)

562 (536-587)

622 (611-633)

492 (466-519)

532 (504-560)

396 (371-424)

443 (420-467)

509 (479-536)

527 (499-554)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



103 (92-116)

206 (189-225)

56 (49-63)

94 (84-104)

62 (55-70)

154 (137-171)

146 (135-158)

167 (157-176)

199 (179-220)

176 (157-195)

160 (145-174)

187 (169-206)

183 (165-203)

195 (175-215)

168 (151-186)

217 (196-240)

178 (160-196)

199 (179-222)

166 (149-185)

154 (138-170)

92 (82-102)

180 (172-188)

113 (100-126)

141 (126-158)

130 (115-144)

121 (109-134)

103 (91-115)

154 (138-170)

Males, >20

234 (199-271)

293 (258-325)

215 (182-248)

194 (165-228)

254 (220-291)

377 (325-429)

183 (154-216)

255 (237-273)

240 (207-273)

135 (110-164)

231 (198-267)

203 (171-242)

178 (147-213)

273 (231-314)

223 (191-259)

249 (213-286)

180 (150-210)

197 (165-231)

257 (219-299)

227 (192-263)

267 (229-305)

203 (189-216)

206 (171-243)

242 (204-284)

133 (108-157)

189 (159-222)

191 (158-226)

219 (186-258)


52 (41-65)

98 (81-114)

47 (38-57)

38 (30-47)

63 (51-76)

124 (100-151)

36 (29-43)

75 (66-83)

53 (43-64)

55 (43-69)

69 (56-84)

57 (45-69)

60 (47-74)

83 (68-102)

54 (44-67)

61 (49-75)

48 (38-61)

56 (44-71)

67 (53-83)

116 (96-141)

128 (103-158)

63 (58-69)

66 (51-84)

26 (21-33)

43 (34-55)

45 (36-55)

45 (35-56)

57 (46-70)


Females, <20

676 (653-699)

714 (695-732)

660 (640-679)

545 (518-572)

710 (687-731)

665 (636-692)

570 (549-592)

652 (641-662)

521 (491-548)

515 (489-541)

504 (478-528)

503 (476-530)

494 (468-521)

570 (541-601)

517 (490-543)

548 (520-575)

500 (472-527)

510 (483-537)

488 (461-517)

519 (492-547)

458 (433-485)

504 (492-515)

466 (438-492)

537 (507-567)

418 (395-442)

538 (513-562)

500 (472-528)

559 (531-587)


308 (283-334)

327 (306-350)

300 (279-320)

191 (171-211)

330 (303-355)

288 (261-317)

226 (210-243)

284 (273-298)

224 (202-249)

215 (193-237)

195 (177-213)

198 (178-221)

209 (189-232)

241 (217-266)

216 (196-236)

247 (224-272)

208 (188-229)

196 (175-217)

203 (183-225)

204 (184-224)

111 (99-124)

207 (198-217)

158 (141-177)

220 (199-241)

134 (120-148)

183 (168-202)

197 (178-220)

273 (248-297)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 27

230 (201-261)


259 (223-299)
190 (167-214)
154 (129-185)
240 (202-278)
199 (168-232)
243 (208-281)
158 (132-186)
217 (185-250)
106 (88-126)
84 (79-89)
70 (59-83)
190 (162-222)
92 (76-109)
41 (34-51)
46 (38-55)
94 (78-113)


Eastern Europe








Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa







10 (08-13)

226 (198-256)

North Korea

133 (114-154)

East Asia



89 (74-107)

Central African Republic

272 (233-313)

102 (85-120)


Equatorial Guinea

155 (130-183)

Central Sub-Saharan Africa

85 (70-102)

103 (92-116)


Democratic Republic of the Congo

106 (89-126)
184 (155-216)



Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

30 (24-36)

19 (15-24)

18 (14-22)

71 (58-87)

101 (81-124)

18 (15-22)

33 (31-35)

73 (59-89)

73 (58-92)

56 (45-68)

63 (51-78)

48 (39-58)

73 (59-90)

38 (30-47)

71 (60-84)

77 (62-94)

10 (08-13)

69 (57-82)

68 (56-81)

33 (26-40)

129 (106-156)

49 (40-60)

29 (24-36)

62 (50-76)

57 (46-70)

51 (44-59)

61 (49-74)

49 (39-60)


300 (275-325)

40 (36-44)

122 (110-136)

163 (147-178)

256 (235-279)

230 (209-251)

149 (144-154)

591 (563-618)

543 (515-571)

447 (419-475)

639 (611-666)

563 (536-591)

593 (565-620)

441 (412-468)

550 (528-569)

338 (313-364)

41 (37-46)

283 (264-300)

280 (262-297)

421 (398-445)

596 (568-624)

175 (159-192)

292 (270-316)

337 (312-363)

429 (401-457)

248 (237-261)

487 (457-515)

214 (195-235)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



63 (56-72)

40 (36-46)

27 (24-31)

118 (104-131)

55 (50-59)

37 (33-42)

44 (42-46)

146 (130-162)

153 (138-170)

127 (113-141)

183 (164-202)

174 (157-191)

190 (172-210)

88 (78-99)

148 (137-160)

43 (37-48)

21 (19-24)

38 (35-43)

38 (35-42)

116 (104-130)

248 (224-271)

47 (41-53)

65 (57-74)

132 (118-147)

120 (107-134)

70 (66-75)

134 (120-149)

109 (97-122)

Males, >20

132 (110-158)

63 (52-77)

62 (50-75)

235 (200-274)

239 (204-279)

93 (77-109)

120 (113-127)

201 (168-238)

186 (155-219)

152 (127-181)

211 (178-246)

152 (126-181)

214 (180-252)

174 (144-205)

188 (165-212)

174 (145-207)

10 (08-12)

140 (120-161)

137 (118-158)

201 (171-234)

332 (289-380)

126 (105-150)

112 (93-132)

112 (91-136)

209 (175-246)

146 (129-163)

277 (237-319)

99 (81-120)


26 (20-32)

19 (15-23)

16 (12-20)

86 (69-107)

79 (61-99)

14 (11-18)

29 (27-31)

65 (51-80)

66 (52-83)

53 (41-68)

52 (42-65)

34 (28-43)

76 (61-94)

42 (34-52)

64 (54-76)

42 (33-53)

09 (07-11)

28 (22-34)

28 (22-34)

39 (31-48)

135 (109-166)

44 (34-55)

29 (23-37)

31 (24-40)

60 (47-75)

47 (39-55)

77 (62-95)

62 (50-76)


Females, <20

341 (316-367)

80 (72-89)

164 (148-181)

530 (500-559)

485 (459-511)

103 (93-113)

237 (232-243)

574 (543-602)

589 (563-614)

588 (564-611)

562 (533-590)

558 (532-586)

543 (515-572)

447 (419-476)

578 (559-597)

309 (284-334)

47 (42-52)

274 (258-290)

271 (255-287)

596 (575-617)

634 (606-662)

177 (161-195)

379 (357-402)

101 (90-113)

491 (461-520)

257 (244-271)

584 (556-614)

309 (284-335)


152 (137-168)

18 (16-20)

47 (41-54)

170 (151-190)

208 (191-224)

24 (22-28)

88 (84-91)

252 (228-279)

285 (261-309)

288 (263-313)

244 (222-269)

257 (233-282)

256 (232-281)

142 (125-160)

270 (253-287)

64 (56-72)

28 (25-32)

50 (45-55)

49 (45-54)

279 (257-301)

354 (323-383)

45 (40-52)

143 (130-158)

33 (29-38)

187 (167-209)

85 (80-91)

230 (208-254)

194 (174-214)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 28

76 (62-91)


153 (132-176)
209 (175-243)
212 (179-245)
285 (262-309)
255 (224-287)
288 (264-314)
222 (210-233)
185 (156-216)
217 (185-252)
224 (192-260)
315 (275-357)
216 (186-254)
195 (165-228)
241 (206-280)
246 (211-285)
331 (289-379)
325 (285-369)


South Korea

High-income North America


United States

North Africa and Middle East











172 (156-190)

High-income Asia Pacific


209 (181-241)


67 (55-80)

57 (46-69)



89 (74-105)


147 (123-174)

113 (95-133)


South Sudan

123 (104-144)


63 (52-76)
127 (109-147)




Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

145 (120-170)

159 (130-191)

167 (139-201)

80 (64-99)

82 (68-98)

59 (48-72)

127 (107-152)

93 (73-114)

77 (62-94)

68 (54-83)

84 (79-89)

124 (108-140)

100 (84-116)

121 (107-136)

48 (39-59)

77 (63-94)

34 (28-40)

16 (13-20)

40 (34-45)

106 (89-125)

24 (19-30)

24 (19-30)

82 (67-101)

35 (28-43)

42 (34-51)

35 (29-43)

63 (52-77)

34 (27-43)


706 (681-731)

711 (689-734)

745 (724-766)

716 (693-741)

624 (597-653)

494 (472-516)

712 (689-737)

677 (653-702)

420 (390-448)

492 (465-520)

585 (578-592)

709 (692-725)

645 (620-670)

703 (687-717)

369 (351-388)

443 (414-471)

289 (271-307)

233 (212-252)

317 (304-330)

201 (184-222)

69 (63-76)

204 (187-221)

404 (377-434)

249 (228-271)

54 (49-60)

141 (127-156)

156 (143-169)

93 (84-104)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



302 (276-329)

263 (242-284)

434 (409-461)

275 (253-297)

257 (233-281)

136 (125-148)

264 (250-278)

310 (284-337)

111 (98-123)

148 (132-166)

203 (199-208)

317 (300-334)

219 (200-239)

306 (291-322)

68 (60-77)

120 (107-134)

45 (40-50)

36 (31-40)

53 (49-57)

51 (45-57)

17 (15-20)

40 (36-45)

161 (143-180)

74 (66-83)

24 (21-29)

35 (30-39)

20 (18-23)

19 (16-21)

Males, >20

417 (363-468)

298 (256-340)

455 (401-509)

254 (218-293)

250 (213-289)

262 (223-304)

395 (347-443)

267 (225-308)

300 (255-345)

195 (164-228)

279 (266-292)

297 (272-325)

220 (191-255)

291 (267-315)

132 (109-157)

133 (109-160)

124 (102-146)

56 (45-68)

126 (112-143)

205 (174-238)

146 (121-171)

120 (100-142)

216 (180-256)

100 (80-122)

184 (155-216)

144 (123-169)

243 (209-279)

56 (45-70)


221 (181-264)

125 (102-154)

233 (195-278)

80 (62-100)

82 (66-100)

72 (57-89)

144 (119-176)

107 (85-134)

153 (125-186)

44 (35-55)

102 (95-108)

134 (117-153)

88 (72-107)

130 (115-148)

31 (24-39)

39 (31-50)

24 (20-30)

11 (08-14)

27 (23-31)

76 (60-95)

21 (16-26)

19 (15-23)

98 (78-121)

39 (31-50)

34 (26-42)

30 (24-37)

61 (48-79)

21 (16-27)


Females, <20

770 (746-793)

623 (599-648)

843 (826-861)

756 (740-773)

681 (651-709)

633 (610-654)

794 (776-813)

752 (728-775)

578 (551-609)

426 (405-448)

655 (647-662)

619 (598-638)

485 (459-511)

605 (586-622)

272 (256-289)

325 (300-351)

176 (165-189)

179 (162-198)

206 (197-216)

395 (371-417)

246 (227-266)

385 (365-405)

485 (454-514)

287 (263-312)

193 (178-210)

265 (246-283)

257 (240-274)

126 (114-140)


572 (540-604)

293 (270-317)

586 (557-614)

456 (434-479)

375 (344-406)

293 (272-316)

484 (461-509)

429 (400-459)

249 (226-274)

138 (125-153)

339 (332-347)

339 (318-357)

205 (187-225)

325 (307-342)

58 (52-65)

108 (96-120)

33 (30-37)

35 (31-41)

42 (39-45)

139 (125-155)

68 (60-76)

164 (151-178)

267 (242-296)

124 (110-139)

34 (30-38)

92 (83-103)

72 (64-80)

40 (35-46)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 29

Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

68 (63-75)

Southeast Asia

145 (121-172)


62 (52-73)

345 (302-393)



283 (245-325)

Solomon Islands

46 (38-56)

422 (374-472)


53 (43-64)

160 (132-189)

Papua New Guinea


292 (250-333)

Marshall Islands


477 (423-529)


105 (88-123)

128 (106-153)



297 (257-339)

Federated States of Micronesia

47 (38-58)

178 (156-200)



84 (69-100)


57 (50-65)

308 (265-351)

South Asia

204 (175-236)

United Arab Emirates

112 (92-134)



235 (202-268)

Saudi Arabia

177 (150-208)

335 (293-380)



279 (238-319)


329 (286-375)

245 (205-285)



225 (193-261)



46 (40-53)

41 (33-51)

17 (14-22)

23 (18-28)

55 (45-68)

15 (12-18)

25 (22-29)

52 (43-64)

83 (66-102)

96 (79-117)

237 (201-275)

29 (23-36)

76 (60-94)

229 (191-269)

33 (27-41)

145 (119-175)

43 (38-48)

17 (14-21)

122 (98-147)

71 (57-87)

42 (34-52)

139 (115-165)

57 (46-69)

94 (78-112)

188 (158-219)

119 (98-143)

84 (67-102)

79 (64-96)


221 (212-230)

279 (258-301)

131 (118-146)

195 (178-212)

330 (305-356)

152 (138-165)

202 (188-215)

464 (444-486)

835 (818-852)

602 (575-628)

830 (811-850)

396 (370-422)

727 (705-751)

765 (741-786)

419 (390-448)

657 (631-683)

437 (417-457)

290 (268-312)

661 (636-688)

638 (621-655)

517 (488-544)

720 (695-742)

358 (332-384)

690 (671-707)

757 (738-774)

700 (674-724)

537 (509-567)

547 (517-575)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



48 (46-51)

144 (129-160)

22 (19-25)

37 (33-41)

119 (106-134)

34 (31-38)

48 (45-52)

134 (123-145)

524 (497-552)

247 (224-270)

459 (429-491)

70 (63-79)

319 (294-344)

393 (363-423)

148 (133-165)

313 (289-339)

114 (108-121)

41 (37-47)

271 (245-300)

201 (187-213)

153 (137-169)

242 (218-266)

127 (113-142)

300 (284-318)

440 (418-464)

298 (280-315)

206 (185-227)

181 (163-200)

Males, >20

90 (81-99)

104 (87-123)

40 (32-48)

52 (42-64)

144 (119-170)

43 (36-53)

62 (54-71)

232 (194-271)

526 (471-582)

492 (439-543)

500 (451-550)

183 (153-216)

361 (311-409)

661 (609-709)

249 (206-293)

614 (562-664)

229 (205-256)

269 (229-314)

316 (271-362)

198 (166-230)

234 (196-275)

333 (288-383)

144 (120-176)

374 (328-425)

221 (186-257)

306 (264-355)

423 (374-475)

259 (221-302)


43 (37-50)

38 (31-46)

18 (14-22)

25 (19-31)

61 (49-76)

15 (11-19)

26 (22-30)

56 (44-70)

140 (113-169)

180 (147-219)

296 (249-345)

39 (31-49)

114 (91-139)

360 (307-414)

69 (56-87)

324 (276-377)

64 (57-72)

83 (65-103)

126 (100-157)

57 (45-70)

42 (33-52)

154 (125-186)

58 (45-71)

148 (122-177)

155 (126-186)

125 (101-152)

154 (124-185)

91 (73-113)


Females, <20

283 (272-293)

384 (364-406)

130 (118-142)

207 (189-225)

382 (353-412)

187 (173-203)

225 (211-239)

548 (527-570)

883 (867-897)

694 (669-719)

850 (830-869)

458 (426-488)

808 (788-826)

818 (799-836)

604 (574-634)

842 (823-858)

515 (492-538)

579 (551-608)

606 (574-634)

658 (642-675)

575 (544-603)

727 (699-751)

399 (373-427)

742 (723-760)

785 (770-801)

770 (748-792)

734 (710-757)

528 (500-555)


76 (72-80)

143 (130-157)

27 (24-31)

42 (38-48)

175 (157-195)

38 (34-42)

52 (48-57)

220 (204-236)

672 (645-699)

384 (352-416)

691 (662-720)

124 (111-138)

491 (459-520)

555 (524-586)

354 (326-388)

579 (549-613)

200 (191-212)

247 (222-272)

332 (302-363)

341 (324-358)

128 (113-143)

399 (368-430)

183 (164-204)

444 (424-465)

547 (521-570)

424 (405-444)

369 (339-401)

209 (188-231)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 30

133 (114-159)


Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

220 (189-256)
221 (188-258)
213 (181-245)
242 (231-252)



Western Europe

75 (62-90)


Tropical Latin America

116 (99-139)


60 (49-72)
188 (170-206)

South Africa


149 (137-161)

Southern Sub-Saharan Africa

91 (75-110)

312 (267-358)



370 (326-416)


66 (55-79)

291 (249-331)



313 (280-344)

Southern Latin America

52 (43-63)

50 (41-60)

Sri Lanka


127 (105-152)


70 (58-83)

55 (45-66)



46 (37-55)


79 (65-95)
229 (198-262)


41 (34-49)



60 (50-73)


225 (191-261)

38 (31-45)




72 (67-76)

68 (54-83)

68 (54-84)

68 (54-83)

30 (24-37)

33 (27-41)

70 (60-82)

26 (21-32)

40 (32-49)

18 (14-22)

56 (49-64)

97 (78-118)

119 (96-143)

94 (75-116)

101 (86-117)

25 (20-31)

38 (31-46)

49 (40-60)

19 (15-24)

43 (35-54)

26 (21-32)

19 (15-24)

54 (44-66)

38 (31-47)

88 (71-107)

18 (14-22)

60 (53-82)

17 (14-21)


613 (605-622)

629 (600-657)

525 (496-552)

527 (500-553)

165 (152-178)

335 (311-359)

388 (374-403)

212 (192-231)

216 (199-233)

215 (197-235)

342 (330-353)

596 (567-624)

679 (655-703)

564 (535-592)

600 (580-619)

136 (125-150)

32 (29-36)

321 (301-342)

193 (175-211)

458 (430-487)

229 (210-248)

138 (127-151)

394 (365-424)

268 (246-289)

438 (411-465)

221 (203-238)

214 (195-233)

119 (111-127)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



205 (199-211)

212 (192-233)

117 (104-130)

119 (108-133)

42 (37-47)

109 (98-122)

135 (126-145)

60 (53-67)

69 (62-76)

58 (52-64)

117 (109-124)

233 (211-256)

220 (201-241)

212 (191-233)

216 (200-231)

15 (13-17)

32 (72-91)

65 (58-72)

33 (29-38)

110 (97-123)

41 (36-47)

45 (40-50)

74 (65-83)

81 (72-91)

114 (102-128)

54 (47-61)

54 (49-61)

13 (11-14)

Males, >20

220 (210-230)

243 (206-285)

243 (206-281)

243 (207-280)

161 (136-189)

262 (226-304)

263 (243-285)

88 (73-107)

219 (188-258)

224 (188-264)

231 (216-246)

377 (328-431)

316 (273-363)

236 (198-278)

264 (237-296)

61 (50-74)

57 (46-70)

154 (127-182)

89 (74-108)

176 (146-210)

54 (44-66)

74 (61-89)

219 (184-260)

180 (150-213)

191 (161-226)

58 (47-71)

100 (83-121)

38 (31-47)


64 (60-68)

63 (49-79)

76 (61-94)

75 (60-93)

26 (20-32)

58 (47-72)

96 (85-107)

23 (18-30)

57 (46-70)

72 (58-89)

74 (67-81)

181 (149-219)

124 (100-151)

68 (53-85)

88 (76-102)

25 (20-32)

38 (31-48)

56 (43-69)

22 (18-27)

57 (46-72)

21 (16-27)

28 (22-35)

66 (53-83)

42 (33-51)

72 (58-90)

17 (14-22)

60 (48-76)

17 (13-21)


Females, <20

476 (468-484)

730 (706-753)

584 (556-613)

588 (560-616)

419 (397-441)

686 (662-710)

693 (681-704)

424 (398-451)

602 (579-625)

526 (500-551)

637 (627-647)

531 (499-561)

639 (613-664)

481 (450-511)

530 (509-552)

123 (112-134)

66 (59-72)

397 (371-424)

324 (299-351)

646 (620-670)

259 (238-282)

221 (206-238)

493 (465-521)

540 (517-563)

486 (456-515)

270 (250-291)

306 (284-331)

183 (170-197)


210 (204-217)

305 (282-332)

206 (186-228)

209 (189-229)

174 (158-192)

335 (310-359)

420 (406-433)

198 (179-219)

313 (297-328)

241 (220-263)

370 (359-381)

254 (230-279)

303 (279-329)

204 (183-226)

236 (221-253)

17 (14-19)

15 (13-17)

112 (100-124)

70 (62-78)

303 (276-328)

62 (55-70)

84 (76-92)

184 (164-205)

170 (153-188)

167 (150-186)

59 (52-67)

83 (74-94)

29 (26-32)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 31

Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

201 (172-230)
287 (249-328)
276 (239-312)
204 (175-234)
207 (174-244)
261 (238-285)
110 (99-121)
69 (56-84)






United Kingdom

Western Sub-Saharan Africa


83 (69-99)

183 (157-213)



336 (293-380)


115 (96-137)

293 (253-334)


Cape Verde

299 (264-339)


91 (76-109)

310 (270-356)


164 (141-190)

266 (232-308)



264 (227-302)

Burkina Faso

337 (296-377)


260 (223-298)



197 (168-231)


205 (174-238)

257 (219-296)



205 (177-236)


199 (168-233)

189 (159-221)



159 (133-190)



29 (23-35)

33 (26-40)

48 (39-58)

37 (29-45)

47 (38-58)

43 (38-50)

74 (65-85)

66 (54-79)

43 (36-53)

84 (67-102)

89 (74-109)

51 (41-63)

41 (34-50)

125 (103-149)

111 (92-135)

84 (70-100)

139 (114-167)

69 (57-83)

96 (79-116)

105 (87-123)

55 (45-67)

58 (47-70)

92 (75-112)

87 (71-107)

80 (65-99)

46 (37-55)

103 (84-125)

93 (75-114)


282 (258-305)

318 (294-343)

404 (378-431)

313 (288-338)

94 (84-104)

326 (311-340)

666 (653-680)

566 (537-594)

582 (556-610)

623 (600-649)

638 (612-664)

584 (557-610)

532 (511-554)

740 (716-764)

580 (551-608)

583 (555-611)

604 (576-632)

664 (639-688)

736 (713-758)

714 (689-737)

643 (619-668)

559 (532-587)

622 (595-649)

592 (565-619)

678 (650-706)

580 (552-608)

597 (570-623)

344 (320-371)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



64 (56-72)

70 (62-78)

85 (75-95)

82 (73-92)

94 (90-114)

94 (88-101)

245 (234-257)

184 (165-201)

189 (170-210)

202 (185-221)

209 (190-231)

191 (171-214)

127 (116-140)

290 (264-316)

237 (213-263)

186 (169-204)

214 (194-235)

229 (208-250)

269 (244-297)

191 (174-211)

219 (202-238)

193 (174-214)

209 (189-232)

196 (177-219)

240 (218-265)

201 (180-221)

184 (166-203)

106 (96-119)

Males, >20

83 (67-101)

183 (150-217)

198 (168-231)

87 (73-106)

131 (107-157)

123 (113-135)

292 (268-319)

162 (134-194)

193 (165-225)

238 (202-274)

271 (234-314)

160 (134-187)

161 (134-189)

253 (216-293)

177 (145-211)

243 (210-279)

266 (226-311)

265 (229-305)

230 (197-266)

291 (253-331)

194 (163-225)

160 (133-187)

211 (177-250)

194 (158-232)

225 (189-262)

188 (160-218)

163 (135-194)

184 (149-218)


26 (20-33)

52 (41-65)

36 (29-45)

30 (24-38)

32 (25-41)

32 (28-36)

81 (70-93)

55 (43-68)

40 (32-50)

76 (60-93)

106 (85-129)

40 (31-50)

38 (30-47)

79 (63-96)

135 (109-164)

62 (50-76)

113 (91-138)

72 (58-88)

76 (61-94)

79 (65-96)

53 (42-65)

47 (38-59)

66 (52-81)

59 (47-75)

74 (59-92)

42 (33-51)

78 (63-97)

95 (73-120)


Females, <20

124 (111-138)

440 (413-470)

507 (484-530)

154 (141-169)

299 (276-324)

345 (333-356)

572 (557-586)

399 (370-429)

458 (432-485)

465 (437-489)

546 (517-576)

473 (444-502)

449 (423-475)

578 (550-606)

444 (416-472)

414 (389-442)

527 (496-556)

509 (483-536)

609 (580-638)

511 (482-540)

490 (465-514)

428 (400-457)

504 (475-532)

447 (417-477)

521 (491-551)

471 (443-499)

428 (401-454)

361 (335-387)


28 (24-32)

154 (139-171)

201 (182-220)

46 (41-52)

100 (89-112)

119 (113-125)

254 (242-266)

170 (153-188)

198 (177-219)

209 (190-231)

234 (210-259)

180 (161-200)

159 (144-174)

275 (249-301)

260 (236-287)

177 (159-195)

248 (225-270)

225 (204-247)

288 (260-315)

194 (176-214)

225 (205-247)

197 (177-217)

223 (203-246)

199 (177-220)

241 (217-266)

217 (195-241)

174 (156-194)

72 (63-81)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 32

128 (107-151)
123 (103-144)


Sao Tome and Principe

138 (118-158)
101 (83-121)
57 (47-67)

Sierra Leone

The Gambia


38 (31-46)

118 (98-142)



57 (47-68)

104 (86-123)


134 (111-160)


82 (68-99)



53 (44-64)


158 (133-185)

88 (73-104)

Cote d'Ivoire



22 (18-28)

38 (30-46)

64 (53-77)

16 (13-19)

44 (36-55)

54 (44-67)

29 (23-35)

28 (23-35)

36 (29-45)

48 (39-59)

81 (66-98)

28 (22-35)

26 (21-32)

27 (22-33)


188 (173-203)

343 (317-369)

164 (151-178)

168 (155-182)

306 (284-330)

395 (367-423)

237 (215-258)

214 (195-234)

291 (268-316)

406 (379-434)

440 (411-469)

154 (138-169)

279 (257-301)

266 (243-290)


Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts



34 (30-38)

84 (76-93)

52 (47-59)

103 (94-113)

71 (64-79)

118 (105-133)

34 (30-39)

64 (57-73)

74 (66-84)

149 (137-161)

168 (151-186)

25 (22-27)

81 (72-92)

62 (54-70)

Males, >20

88 (73-106)

148 (122-179)

233 (197-267)

83 (68-100)

189 (160-220)

123 (101-147)

79 (64-95)

142 (115-171)

128 (107-154)

137 (113-165)

204 (172-238)

117 (96-143)

115 (96-138)

133 (111-158)


18 (14-22)

61 (49-76)

72 (59-87)

21 (16-26)

58 (45-73)

32 (24-42)

25 (20-31)

38 (30-47)

41 (32-51)

30 (24-38)

83 (67-103)

35 (27-43)

23 (19-29)

28 (22-34)


Females, <20

322 (301-345)

487 (459-516)

329 (307-352)

374 (353-396)

457 (431-483)

336 (313-359)

278 (258-297)

557 (529-588)

468 (444-492)

494 (468-521)

478 (448-508)

291 (269-316)

384 (360-411)

354 (331-378)


113 (100-125)

181 (168-195)

119 (108-131)

211 (197-226)

176 (160-192)

104 (93-116)

59 (53-65)

276 (253-304)

182 (165-200)

221 (200-240)

242 (218-267)

98 (89-109)

140 (126-157)

114 (101-127)


Females, >20

Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts

Males <20

et al.
Page 33

Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 October 28.

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