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Give Thanks to Jehovah: if a servant is pampered from his youth, he will become

thankless later on. Pro29vs21

Can you remember when you are Young, and your parent said this to you Come back here, go
and say thank you him/her Parent try to instill in they children importance of showing
IF we consider showing gratitude to fellow humans for just a gift we receive from them, how
much more would we owe Jehovah thanks for ALL the numerous gift that he give us?
JEHOVAH, the Giver of every good gift and every perfect present, is indeed worthy
of our thanks.
As our loving Shepherd, he tenderly cares for all our physical and spiritual needs. He has
proved to be our refuge and strengthespecially in times of distress!
Surely we have many reasons to agree wholeheartedly with the psalmist who wrote: Give
thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever. Ps 106:1-3
Why is it important that we develop a thankful spirit in our worship to Jehovah?
Consider the nation of Israelites for example, how Jehovah extend he goodness towards
them when they are
oppressed in Egypt. Ps 106: 8-10- Were they appreciative of what
Jehovah has done for them? Verse 12, but
what happen after couple of days went by ? 7 and
13 , 19 -21
Why did the Israelites quickly forget Jehovahs saving acts?
They shifted their focus from Jehovah to their immediate comforts and fleshly concerns
We too can be affected by this unappreciative spirit. We could easily develop
unappreciative spirit if we are not careful; like the ancient Israelites, we could become
ungrateful and lose appreciation for our precious
relationship with Jehovah and for the
blessings that we have received from him.
What are some thing that could cause us to lose focus?
Influenced by the commercial world and its advertising, millions of people strive to obtain more
instead of being content
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Then, too, consider what can happen when we undergo difficult trials. At such times, we
could easily become overwhelmed and lose sight of our blessings.

Therefore, how can we cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it? In whatever state Count your blessing
Ps 106:4, 5, 48We have many reasons to thank Jehovah
Among such good things mentioned in the song just quoted are these:

Precious spiritual light

The privilege of prayer
The sin-atoning sacrifice of Gods Son, Jesus Christ; Yes, we show ourselves thankful for the ransom
not only by expressing love and gratitude to Jehovah but also by living our lives in a way that manifests
love for others
Scriptural guidance in doing the divine will.
The loving Christian brotherhood. : Though far removed from a physical paradise, Jehovahs servants
today relish living in a spiritual paradise. In our Kingdom Halls and at our conventions and assemblies, we
experience the fruitage of
Gods guiding Holy Spirit, or active force.

And the eternal kingdom blessings that will replace earths woes. These are among the things for which Jehovahs
Witnesses give God thanks when singing in congregational assembly

How can you cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it?

Focus on the many reasons you have to be thankful
Meditate on the hope for the future

Thank Jehovah in prayer for specific blessings

Do not allow a distraction to diminish your spiritual alertness. Rather, take note of the fine counsel in our publications and
at congregation meetings,

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