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Karilyn Caba

English 125 BA2

Professor Stapleton
14 October 2015
Mother Tongue Reading Questions:
1. In reflecting on her childhood experiences, Tan writes I think my mothers English
almost had an effect on limiting my possibilities in life as well (paragraph 15). Why
does she believe this? What issues does she raise in her discussion?
The author thinks that her mothers English affects her, because people will look at her the same
way they look at her mother. She feels as if her possibilities are shortened, because of the way
that she speaks. The way one speaks tells a lot about who they are, and allows people to judge
them. Some issues Tan raises in her discussion is the language she is shaped to speak in. If she
was taught to speak English, the way her mother taught her than that is the way she was shaped
to talk as well. This causes her to feel ashamed of the way her, and her mother spoke
disconnecting them from society.
2. What are the different Englishes with which Tan grew up? Find an example of each
English. What did Tan need to learn about each?
The different English languages that the author speaks are Standard English, Working class, and
Slang English. In paragraph five Tan says how she picked up Standard English and Working
Class English from school, and the media. Saying those were the only reason she needed to
speak that type of English. The author always says how she picked up Slang English with kids

her own age. On page 170 she says this language is an act of rebellion. Meaning the only time,
she uses this sort of English is when she is around kids her age, and adults in order for them to
not understand what she is saying.
3. Make a list of ways that Tan characterizes her mothers English. What sense do we get of
Tans mothers personality from the quotations and anecdotes that Tan uses in the essay?
In the Essay Tan characterizes her mothers English as,

Intimacy (family talk)

Broken or Fractured English

The sense we get when Tan quotes her mothers English is that it is not very understandable. It
shows that her personality is not as strong as it should be. She shows how shameful of her
mother she is, and how bad that might make her mother feel, because she cannot express herself
the way she feels. Her mothers personality was not so strong, because although she knew she
spoke understandable English she was afraid to let the rest of the world hear her.
4. What was Tans childhood experience studying math? What reasons does she give for the
discrepancy between her achievement-test scores in math and those in English?
Tans childhood experience studying math was more difficult for her, because it used more than
just common sense. Tan states math was more precise (page 180). This means that math tests
requires more attention, and knowledge than English tests would require. The authors reasons for
her discrepancy in math and English is because, English was always more of a judgement call to
her. English required more of an opinion or persons experience rather than math which was more
of a direct question, and answer.

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