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Try something new every day. Nobody is perfect. Live the moment. Action gets result.

Break bad habits. Connect with nature. Count your blessings. Design your life.
Develop your strength. Inches make champions. Buy something useful. Focus and
win. Friends are treasures. Genius is patience. Give a compliment. Listen to music.
Read a book. Remember to live. Success breeds success. Take a walk. Thought is
free. What is important now - WIN. Work out daily. Appreciate good people. Enjoy little
things. Quality not quantity. Simplicity reduces stress. It never rain forever. Keep
moving forward. Mindset is everything. Make a move. Open your eyes. Think less feel
more. Think happy thoughts. Its never too late. Say yes more. Creativity takes
courage. Things can change. Make your own magic. You live only once. Tell someone
they matter. Priorities over convenience. Everything is temporary. Figure it out.
Eliminate the unnecessary. Decisions determine destiny. Will is a skill. Enjoy the
journey. Keep showing up. Improvement begin with I. Life whispers listen carefully.
Break the rules. Divide and rule. Imagination is everything. Tell me a story. Color
outside the lines. Tell me a secret. Success is a decision. More is possible. Kindness
is free. Get comfortable with uncomfortable things. Thoughts become things. Tidy
room tidy mind. Be still and listen. We are our choices. Make it work. Whats stopping
you? Spread the love. Take a break. Less is more. Trust the process. Smile...
Happiness is contagious. You are deserving. Normal is boring. Time will tell. Focus
what matters. Perspective is everything. Smell roses. Effort is attractive. Keep the
faith. You are limitless. Enjoy the silence. Just keep going. Examine what you tolerate.
Everything is connected. Go find yourself. Consider yourself hugged. Love is
everything. Failing is not always failure. We see what we want. Where to tap. Positive
self-talk. Master the art of making meaning. Connect the dots. The way to fly. If you
want to capture someones attention, whisper. Going forward is not always the way
forward. Build the road ahead. Extinct is forever. Say it with flowers. Gift a good habit.
Prove them wrong. Everything is a choice. Lead by example. Stop wasting time. One,
two, three.... Breathe. Keep it together. Leave room for magic. Pain changes people.
Words have power. Keep it simple. Take your time. Hold that thought. Speak your
mind. Resolve to evolve. Give to get. Progress not perfection. Make a difference. Talk
is cheap. Haste make waste. Take the risk. Music always help. I trust you. Get enough
sleep. Protect your health. Lets be friends. Live life daily. Imperfection is beauty. Seize
the day. Time heals everything. Knowledge is power. Laughter is best. Hope trumps
all. Do not judge. Save every penny. Always remain neutral. Safe and sound. Just get
naked. Words can hurt. Touch my soul. Hugs heal all. Never Outshine the Master.
Never put too Much Trust in Friends. Learn how to use Enemies. Conceal your
Intentions. Always Say Less than Necessary. Make other People come to you use
Bait if Necessary. Concentrate Your Forces. Re-Create Yourself. Control the Options.
Discover Each Mans Thumbscrew. Master the Art of Timing. Stir up Waters to Catch
Fish. Despise the Free Lunch. Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will scatter. Work
on the Hearts and Minds of Others. Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect. Learn
when to Stop. Assume Formlessness. Simplify what you do. Smile, breathe and go
slowly. Simplify your life every day. A picture is worth a thousand words. There's no

such thing as a free lunch. There's no place like home. The early bird catches the worm.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. When in
Rome, do as the Romans. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
Cleanliness is next to godliness. A watched pot never boils. Actions speak louder
than words. Practice makes perfect. If it isnt broke, don't fix it. One man's trash is
another man's treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Necessity is the mother
of invention. A penny saved is a penny earned. Familiarity breeds contempt. You can't
judge a book by its cover. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The grass is
always greener on the other side. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. A journey of
a thousand miles begins with a single step. A problem shared is a problem halved. A
prophet is not recognized in his own land. A rising tide lifts all boats. An apple a day
keeps the doctor away. Attack is the best form of defense. Beauty is only skin deep.
Big fish eat little fish. Charity covers a multitude of sins. Children and fools tell the truth.
Every stick has two ends. This day will never come again. Transformation is a
process. Process have steps. Focus on each step. Current state is initial step of
process. Desired state is final step of the process. Meditate on initial and final step.
After some time remaining steps would be known. Birds of a feather flock together.
Challenge to change. Have friendship with customer. Unhappy customer are most
important source of learning. First Learn then remove L. Search one page CV on
Google and prepare one for yourself. Know ten thousand things from one thing.
Understand the context to apply above knowledge. Knowledge without context is
nothing. Understand when the above statements are true and when they are not
true. Work expand itself to the time available for it. What you focus on expand. Virtue
is the golden mean of two extreme each of which is vice. To understand the limitation
of things, desire them. Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself. Supple,
breathing gently, you become reborn. Clearing your vision, you become clear.
Nurturing your beloved, you become impartial. Opening your heart, you become
accepted. Accepting the World, you become embraced. When people see some things
as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other
things become bad. Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your
knife and it will blunt. Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest
treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient
with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate
toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is
true power. In war, appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. You must understand that there is more
than one path to the top of the mountain. Perceive that which cannot be seen with the
eye. Perfection is perception. All man are the same except for their belief in their own
selves, regardless of what others may think of them. If you do not control the enemy,
the enemy will control you. To know ten thousand things, knows one well. The
important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy's useful actions but allow his
useless actions. The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way

that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will be
useful in all things. Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest
things and the deepest things. Step by step walk the thousand-mile road. Whatever
the Way, the master of strategy does not appear fast. In the construction of houses,
choice of woods is made. Straight un-knotted timber of good appearance is used for
the revealed pillars, straight timber with small defects is used for the inner pillars.
Timbers of the finest appearance, even if a little weak, is used for the thresholds,
lintels, doors, and sliding doors, and so on. Good strong timber, though it be gnarled
and knotted, can always be used discreetly in construction. Do not think dishonestly.
The Way is in training. Become acquainted with every art. Know the Ways of all
professions. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters. Develop intuitive
judgement and understanding for everything. Perceive those things which cannot be
seen. Pay attention even to trifles. Do nothing which is of no use. What I call the void
is where nothing exists. It is about things outside man's knowledge. Of course the void
does not exist. By knowing what exist, you can know that which does not exist. That is
the void. If you are not progressing along the true way, a slight twist in the mind can
become a major twist. This must be pondered well. Dreams are real as long as they
last. Can we say more of life? Only he who has a coordinated understanding of both
the visible and the invisible, of matter and spirit, of activity and that which is behind activity,
conquers Nature and thus overcomes death. There the eye does not go, nor speech,
nor mind. We do not know that; we do not understand how it can be taught. It is
distinct from the known and also it is beyond the unknown. Fire takes the shape of every
object which it consumes. By knowing one piece of gold, all things made out of gold
are known; they differ only in name and form, while the stuff of which all are made
is gold. And they asked, What is that one by knowing which we can know the nature
of everything else? They found the answer in consciousness. All is full. From
fullness, fullness comes. When fullness is taken from fullness, Fullness still remains.
Using brain you can only defeat other but using heart you can win other. The quality of
life we live depend upon the quality of questions we ask. Things you do not know, do
not exist for you. Intelligent ask a good question however clever give a good answer.
We cannot think infinite, we can only feel it. Mind can only treat finite and for infinite
we need heart. Combining finite and infinite, joining these two so efficiently that there will
no distinction between where finite ends and infinite start. Blurring the line between finite
and infinite is the root desire of all life. Word can describe thought as well as feeling.
But words of our languages are more developed to describe thoughts than feeling.
Thought is like bubble rising to the surface of water of a pond. What matters is how I
use what I know, every minute of every day; how I use it to remember, in the midst of
the game. The named is the mother of the ten thousand things; there are names but
not nature in words. The wise rule by emptying hearts and stuffing belies. There are
ways but the way is uncharted. Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way
of nature. The way of nature is unchanging. If you toss compliments around freely,
people will waste your time trying to impress you. If you try to please, you will just
make them angry. In action be aware of the time, as the worth of an act lies in timing.

Be the chief but never the lord; this describes the mystic virtue. Benefit comes from
what is there; usefulness from what is not there. Accept misfortune as the human
condition. Accept being unimportant. Knowing constancy is insight. Knowing
constancy, the mind is open. With an open mind, you will be open hearted. Being open
hearted you will act royally. Being royal you will attain divine. To be light on your feet,
you need a steady mind. Sometimes breathing is hard sometime it comes easily. A
good door needs no lock, yet no one can open it. Good binding requires no knots,
yet no one can loosen it. Therefore sage takes care of all things and man and
abandon nothing or no one. This is called following the light. What is a good man?
A teacher of a bad man. What is a bad man? A good mans charge. With enough
practice, you could come and go without trace, speak without stumbling over words,
do complicated math problems in your head. Every force would face resistance and
would be followed by loss of strength which is against the natural way. Get the job done
and do not do it the way you think it should be done but do it the way it needs to be
done. Fish cannot leave water. To make something smaller, you need to appreciate
its size. To make something weaker, you must recognize its strength. Movement
overcome cold while stillness overcome heat. Correct appearances may hide
dishonesty and sinfulness. People usually fall when they are on the verge of success.
So give as much care to the end as to the beginning; then there will be no failure.
People who know how to enjoy life are wiser than people who value their lives. Take
on peoples problems and you can be their leader. Deal with worlds problem and you
will be a master. Be trustworthy, make use of absence to make yourself more valued,
do not become responsible for all or for everyone, know how to test, act always as
if your acts were seen, leave off hungry, display yourself, be attractive, do not become
bad from sheer goodness, we belong to none and none to us entirely, anticipate
injuries and turn them into favors, find out someone to share your troubles, do a good
a little at a time but often, do not explain over much, know when and how to change
conversations, neither belong entirely to yourself nor entirely to others, be expressive,
do not turn one blunder into two, do not love or hate forever, know your chief fault, plan
out your life wisely, never let things be seen half finished, have a touch of the trader,
never trust your honor to others, know how to ask, never share secrets of your superiors
to others, make use of folly, do not be captious, know what is wanting in yourself,
push advantages, never offer satisfaction unless it is demanded, know a little more
and live a little less, Never guide the enemy to what he has to do, the truth but not the
whole truth, do pleasant things yourself and unpleasant things through others,
utilize anothers want, do not take payment in politeness, watch him that begin with
another to end with his own, know how to appreciate, do not carry fools on your back,
know how to transplant yourself, know the great man of your age, attempt easy task
as if they were difficult and difficult as they were easy, know how to play the card of
contempt, know that there are vulgar natures everywhere, know how to play the card
of truth, keep to yourself the final touches of your art, know how to contradict, be
moderate, begin with another to end with your own, do not show your wounded finger,
look into the interior of things, do not be inaccessible, have the art of conversation,

know how to put off ills on another, know how to get your price for things, never have
a companion who casts you in the shade, beware of entering where there is a great
gap to be filled, select your friends, do not make mistakes about character, make use
of your friends, never from sympathy with the unfortunate involve yourself in his
fate, how to triumph over detractor, distinguish the man of words from man of deeds,
know how to take your own part, be more careful not to miss once than to hit a
hundred times, in all things keep something in reserve, never contend with a man who
has nothing to lose, do not be glass in intercourse and still less in friendship, do not
live in a hurry, have knowledge or know those that have knowledge, avoid familiarities
in intercourse, have friends, gain goodwill, in prosperity prepare for adversity, never
compete, never talk of yourself, avoid becoming disliked, live practically, distinction
in speech and action, get yourself missed, folly consists not in committing folly but
in not hiding it when committed, never complain, do and be seen doing, revise your
judgements, double your resources, post yourself in the center of things, recognize
unlucky days, find the good in a thing at once, never from obstinacy take the wrong
side because your opponent has anticipated you in taking the right side, utilize slips, do
not be unsociable, choose an heroic ideal, take care to get information, renew your
brilliance, allow yourself some venial fault, make use of your enemies, keep the extent
of your abilities unknown, keep expectation alive, obtain and preserve your reputation,
write your intentions in cypher, distinguish between reality and appearance, be able
to stomach big slices of luck, the path to greatness is along with others, recognize
when things are ripe and then enjoy them, the goodwill of people, think with few and
speak with many, never lose self-respect, know how to choose well, know how to show
your teeth, wait, have presence of mind, to excel in what is excellent, use good
instruments, to be the first of the kind is an excellence, avoid worry, elevated taste, see
that things end well, prefer calling an evidence, do not give way to every common
impulse, know how to refuse, knowledge and courage are futile without each other,
create a feeling of dependence, avoid victories over superiors, cultivate those who can
teach you, to polish yourself understanding of nature and art both required, know
how to take hint, vary the mode of action, find out each mans thumbscrew, select the
lucky and avoid unlucky, know how to withdraw, know your strongest point, think
over things and most over most important. One who applies his total energy, for him
the world exist no more; knowing wakefulness, dreaming state and deep sleep each
separately, turya, the fourth state is attained; constancy of knowledge is the waking
state, choosing is the dreaming state, unconsciousness and lack of self-awareness
create the illusion of deep sleep, he who is aware of all three is the supreme hero; A
sense of wonder is the foundation of yoga, to be established in oneself is strength, a
transcendental logic is a means to self-realization, to enjoy the blissfulness of
existence is enlightenment. When knowledge is destroyed, the dream is seen, lacking
discrimination of what is essential is illusion, the awaken yogi realizes that the whole
universe is an emanation of his own energy. Through the control of the mind reality is
obtained and freedom flows out from that attainment, meditation is seed, just sitting and
relaxed with himself, he enters spontaneously into the lake of Supreme Being, and

he attains to self-creation or become twice born. Patients are far more willing to share
the intimate details of their private lives when they have confidence that it wont be
misused. Corruption is stealing from poor. Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it is
set a rolling it must increase. Control your temper, remember, you can measure the
size of a person by what makes him or her angry. Three fourth of the people you will
ever meet are hungry and thirsty for sympathy. Give it to them and they will love you.
Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Remember that a persons name is to
that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Woman are meant
to be loved and not to be understood. Kids become what they see not what you say.
Learn to separate the major and the minor. People dont do well simply because they
major in minor things. As any action or posture long continued will distort and disfigure
the limbs, so the mind likewise is crippled and contracted by perpetual application to
the same set of ideas. One of the best question to keep asking others and self is
how can I improve? What is the most valuable use of my time right now? Wonder is
retained by wise pondering. If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly ten
our whole life would change. Compress time, the faster the cheaper-other things being
equal, shorter cycle time are money in the bank. Impossible is an opinion and not the
fact. Base your business on knowledge and information not things. If there is any one
secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other persons point of view and see
things from that persons angle as well as from your own. People are definitely a
companys greatest asset. A company is only as good as the people it keeps. Be the
chess player not the chess piece. Clear future goals create precise daily behavior.
Dont buy the house buy the neighborhood. One machine can do the work of fifty
ordinary man but not of any extraordinary man. Everyday there is a moment that can
change your life. A place for everything, everything in place. It is not giving children
more that spoil them it is giving them more to avoid confrontation. Good tactics can
save even the worst strategy however bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.
Speak low if you speak love. When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we
conquered long ago. We often refuse to accept an idea because the tone of voice in
which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us. It is not lack of love but a lack
of friendship that make unhappy marriages. A thought, even a possibility can shatter
and transform us. All things are subject to interpretation and which interpretation
prevail at a given time is function of power and not truth. All truly great thoughts are
conceived while walking. Star is born after chaos. Belief means not wanting to know
what is true. He who climbs upon highest mountains laughs at all tragedies. The
higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly. There is more wisdom
in your body than in your deepest philosophy. Contradiction do not exist. Whenever
you think you are facing contradiction check your premise. You will find that one of
them is wrong. To achieve, you need thought, you have to know what you are doing
and that is real power. Finding good players is easy but getting them play as a team
is another story. Wealth is the product of mans capacity to think. He alone who owns
the youth gains the future. I do not see why man should not be a cruel as nature. Victor
will never be asked if he told the truth. Make the lie big, make it simple, and keep

saying it and eventually they will believe it. Any alliance whose purpose is not the
intention to wage war is senseless and useless. Words build bridges into unexplored
regions. World and people cannot live on war or revolution continuously. The great
masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to small one. Too
many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. There is a grain
of discovery in the solution of any problem. Always design a thing by considering it in
its next larger context- a chair in room, a room in house, a house in an environment,
and an environment in a city. Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for
when you come back to your work your judgement will be surer. Go some distance away
because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance
and a lack of harmony and proportions is more readily seen. A doctor can bury his
mistakes. Treat the daily build as the heartbeat of the project if there is no heartbeat
the project is dead. Just as temperature measurement began with an index finger
and grow to scale tool and techniques so are many other things in different level of
maturity. Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty
and gradually approach eighteen. No object is so beautiful that under certain
conditions it will not look ugly. I put my genius in my life and talent in my work. To
become a spectator of ones own life is to escape the suffering of life. We never live,
we are always in expectation of living. Half the work that is done in this world is to
make things appear what they are not. Do not confuse beauty with beautiful-beautiful
is a human judgement beauty is all. The difference is everything. Daily ripples of
excellence eventually become Tsunami of greatness. Management of many is the same
as management of few. It is a matter of organization. Success begins the moment I
start achieving my goals in my day to day living. Life is a succession of moments. To
live each one is to succeed. Plan your calendar using odd times, and then just like me,
youll have a reminder of this fact throughout the day. Move forward every second,
every minute, every hour, and every day. By slowing down at the right moments,
people find that they do everything better: They eat better; they make love better; they
exercise better; they work better; they live better. Leadership and learning are
indispensable to each other. We will make them think it is their idea. That is how all
great leaders fool people. The mind in its own place and in itself can make a heaven
of hell and a hell of heaven. A golden chain is as much a chain as an iron one.
Concentration is essence of all knowledge. Experience is the only source of
knowledge. Inequality is the very basis of creation. True equality has never been and
never can be on earth. Difference is the source of life, it is the beauty, and it is the
art of everything. Difference make all beautiful here. Never forget that a man is made
great and perfect as much as by his faults as by his virtue. All our organs and limbs
work according to the dictates of the mind. So for good conduct, our mind must be
under our control. For all practical purposes, control of mind means control of tongue
and temper. Nevertheless, it is more important to control the temper, as the tongue
is the medium through which one expresses what one feels within. No doubt mind is
unstable and as difficult to control as the air, but even then through constant efforts it
can be brought under control. Controlled mind means a calm mind which is full of

courage and is without fear. As our control over mind increases, we begin trusting
ourselves more and more and that is what control of mind means. It is desire that binds
us. Desire is the father of all misery. The satisfaction of desire only increase it. Pain
is the result of un-fulfilment of desire. The goal of soul is freedom. Freedom means
immortality. It means God. It is to lose all illusions. To be free one must be above the
laws of nature. What you do not make free will never grow. We must always bear in
mind that we are not going to be free, but we are already free. Man has freedom already,
but he will have to discover it. A perfect free being cannot have any desire.
Detachment - Fruit fall from the tree when it gets ripe. Discipline- A sapling must be
hedged about for protection but when it becomes a tree, a hedge would be hindrance.
Error must accompany reason, but the very struggle to conquer error makes us
God. It is faith that makes a lion of a man. Feeling is the soul, the secret of everything.
Empowering the Dalit: Send 10,000 Dalit students every semester to foreign universities.

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