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AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide

Release 1.0

Amazon Web Services

May 29, 2016




AWS Java Developer Guide

The AWS SDK for Java provides a Java API for Amazon Web Services. Using the SDK, you can easily
build Java applications that work with Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB, and more. Support
for new services is regularly added to the AWS SDK for Java. For a list of the supported services and their
API versions that are included with each release of the SDK, view the release notes for the version that
youre working with.

Eclipse IDE support

Developing AWS applications for Android
Viewing the SDKs revision history
Additional documentation and resources

1.1 Eclipse IDE support

You can use the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to add the SDK to an existing Eclipse project or to create a new
AWS SDK for Java project.

1.2 Developing AWS applications for Android

If you are an Android developer, Amazon Web Services publishes a SDK made specifically for Android
development: the AWS Mobile SDK for Android.

1.3 Viewing the SDKs revision history

To view the release history of the AWS SDK for Java, including changes and supported services per SDK
version, see the SDKs release notes.

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

1.4 Additional documentation and resources

In addition to this guide, there are a number of valuable online resources available for AWS SDK for Java
AWS SDK for Java Reference
developer blog
developer forums
SDK source
Documentation source
Gitter channel
@awsforjava (Twitter)
release notes

Chapter 1. AWS Java Developer Guide


Getting Started

This section provides information about how to install, set up, and use the AWS SDK for Java.

2.1 Installing the AWS SDK for Java

You may not need (or want) to install the SDK if you use any of the following:
Eclipse IDE If you use the Eclipse IDE, you may want to install and use the AWS Toolkit for
Eclipse, which will automatically download, install and update the Java SDK for you. For more
information and setup instructions, see the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse User Guide.
Apache Maven If you use Apache Maven, you can specify the entire SDK (or specific SDK
components) as dependencies in your project. See Using the AWS SDK for Java with Apache Maven
for details about how to set up the SDK when using Maven.
Gradle If you use Gradle, you can import the Maven Bill of Materials (BOM) in your Gradle
project to automatically manage SDK dependencies. See Using the SDK with Gradle for more
If you intend to build your projects using a different IDE, with Apache Ant or by any other means, then set
up the Java SDK as shown here.

Download and extract the SDK
Installing previous versions of the SDK
Additional topics

2.1.1 Prerequisites
To use the SDK, you must have:
a suitable Java Development Environment.
the necessary SSL certificates installed. If you are using Java 1.6 or newer, you should already have
the correct (SHA256-signed) certificates installed.

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

An AWS account and access keys. For instructions, see Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User.
AWS credentials (access keys) set in your environment or using the shared (by the AWS CLI and
other SDKs) credentials file. For more information, see Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with
the AWS SDK for Java.

2.1.2 Download and extract the SDK

We recommend using the latest pre-built version of the SDK, which provides you with the latest support
for all AWS services.
Note: For information about how to download and build previous versions of the SDK, see Installing
previous versions of the SDK.
To download and extract the latest version of the SDK
1. Download the AWS SDK for Java from
2. After downloading the SDK, extract the contents into a local directory.
The SDK contains the following directories:
documentation contains the API documentation (also available on the web: AWS SDK for
Java Reference).
lib contains the AWS SDK for Java .jar files.
samples contains working sample code that demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Java.
third-party contains third-party libraries that are used by the AWS SDK for Java, such as
Apache commons logging, AspectJ and the Spring framework.

2.1.3 Installing previous versions of the SDK

Only the latest version of the SDK is provided in pre-built form. However, you can build a previous version
of the SDK using Apache Maven (open source). Maven will download all necessary dependencies, build
and install the SDK in one step. Visit https://maven.apache.org/ for installation instructions and more
To install a previous version of the SDK
1. Go to the AWS SDK for Javas GitHub page at: AWS SDK for Java (GitHub).
2. Choose the branch corresponding to the version number of the SDK that you want. For example,
3. Click the Download ZIP button to download the latest revision of that branch.
4. Unzip the file to a directory on your development system. On many systems, you can use your
graphical file manager to do this, or use the unzip utility in a terminal window.

Chapter 2. Getting Started

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

5. In a terminal window, navigate to the directory where you unzipped the SDK source.
6. Build and install the SDK with the following command (Maven required):
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true

The resulting .jar file is built into the target directory.

7. (Optional) Build the API Reference documentation using the following command:
mvn javadoc:javadoc

The documentation is built into the target/site/apidocs/ directory.

2.1.4 Additional topics

The following topics do not apply to everyone, but may be helpful for those setting up the SDK with older
versions of Java.
Installing a Java Development Environment
The AWS SDK for Java requires J2SE Development Kit 6.0 or later. You can download the latest Java
software from http://developers.sun.com/downloads/.
Important: Java version 1.6 (JS2E 6.0) did not have built-in support for SHA256-signed SSL certificates,
which are required for all HTTPS connections with AWS after September 30, 2015.
Java versions 1.7 or newer are packaged with updated certificates and are unaffected by this issue.

Choosing a JVM

For the best performance of your server-based applications with the AWS SDK for Java, we recommend
that you use the 64-bit version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This JVM runs only in server mode,
even if you specify the -Client option at run time.
Using the 32-bit version of the JVM with the -Server option at run time should provide comparable
performance to the 64-bit JVM.

2.2 Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User

To use the AWS SDK for Java to access Amazon Web Services (AWS), you will need an AWS account and
AWS credentials. To increase the security of your AWS account, we recommend that you use an IAM user
to provide access credentials instead of using your root account credentials.

2.2. Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Tip: For an overview of IAM users and why they are important for the security of your account, see
Overview of Identity Management: Users in the IAM User Guide.
To sign up for AWS
1. Open http://aws.amazon.com/ and click Sign Up.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions. Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and
entering a PIN using your phone keypad.
Next, create an IAM user and download (or copy) its secret access key.
To create an IAM user
1. Go to the IAM console (you may need to sign in to AWS first).
2. Click Users in the sidebar to view your IAM users.
3. If you dont have any IAM users set up, click Create New Users to create one.
4. Select the IAM user in the list that youll use to access AWS.
5. Open the Security Credentials tab, and click Create Access Key.
Note: You can have a maximum of two active access keys for any given IAM user. If your IAM user
has two access keys already, then youll need to delete one of them before creating a new key.
6. On the resulting dialog, click the Download Credentials button to download the credential file to
your computer, or click Show User Security Credentials to view the IAM users access key ID and
secret access key (which you can copy and paste).
Important: There is no way to obtain the secret access key once you close the dialog. You can,
however, delete its associated access key ID and create a new one.
Next, you should set your credentials in the AWS shared credentials file or in the environment.
Tip: If you use the Eclipse IDE, you should consider installing the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse and providing
your credentials as described in Working with AWS Access Credentials in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
User Guide.

2.3 Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with the AWS SDK for Java
To connect to any of the supported services with the AWS SDK for Java, you must provide your AWS
credentials. The AWS SDKs and CLIs use provider chains to look for AWS credentials in a number of
different places, including system or user environment variables and local AWS configuration files.

Chapter 2. Getting Started

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Setting your credentials for use by the AWS SDK for Java can be done in a number of ways, but here are
the recommended approaches:
Set credentials in the AWS credentials profile file on your local system, located at:
~/.aws/credentials on Linux, OS X or unix
C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows
This file should contain lines in the following format:
aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key

Substitute your own AWS credentials values for the values your_access_key_id and
Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
To set these variables on Linux, OS X or unix, use export:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

To set these variables on Windows, use set:

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

For an EC2 instance, specify an IAM role and then give your EC2 instance access to that role. See
IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances for a detailed
discussion about how this works.
To set credentials for an EC2 instance, you should specify an IAM role and then give your EC2
instance access to that role as shown in Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on
Amazon EC2.
Once you have set your AWS credentials using one of these methods, they can be loaded automatically by
the AWS SDK for Java by using the default credential provider chain. For complete information about how
to load and use AWS credentials in your AWS SDK for Java applications, see Providing AWS Credentials
in the AWS SDK for Java.
Note: You can override the default location of the AWS credential file by setting the
AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE environment variable. For more information, see Providing AWS Credentials
in the AWS SDK for Java.

2.4 Using the AWS SDK for Java with Apache Maven
You can use Apache Maven to build AWS SDK for Java projects and to build the AWS SDK for Java itself.

2.4. Using the AWS SDK for Java with Apache Maven

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Note: You must have Maven installed to use the guidance in this topic. If it isnt already installed, visit
http://maven.apache.org/ to download and install it.

2.4.1 Configuring the SDK as a Maven dependency

To configure the SDK as a dependency in your Maven project, import the SDKs bill of materials (BOM)
into your project and then specify which modules you will need (or import all modules).
Importing the AWS SDK for Java BOM
To import the AWS SDK for Javas BOM, set it as a dependency in your applications pom.xml file:

Note: Because you declared the SDK version when pulling in the AWS SDK for Java BOM, you dont
need to declare version numbers when you declare the SDK module dependencies. It also ensures that all
AWS modules are from the same SDK version and are compatible with each other.

Specifying individual SDK modules

Beginning with version 1.9.0 of the AWS SDK for Java, a modular Maven project structure can be used to
selectively pick components of the SDK that you want in your project. For example, if your project uses
only Amazon S3 and DynamoDB, you can configure the dependencies in your pom.xml file like this:

Chapter 2. Getting Started

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Importing all SDK modules

If you would like to pull the entire AWS SDK for Java as a dependency, declare it in your pom.xml like

2.4.2 Building the SDK with Maven

You can use Apache Maven to build the AWS SDK for Java from source. To do so, download the SDK
code from GitHub, unpack it locally, and then execute the following Maven command:
mvn clean install

2.5 Using the SDK with Gradle

To use the SDK in your Gradle project, use Springs dependency management plugin for Gradle, which can
be used to import the SDKs Maven Bill of Materials (BOM) to manage SDK dependencies for your
To configure the SDK for Gradle
1. Add the dependency management plugin to your build.gradle file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:0.5.4.RELEASE"
apply plugin: "io.spring.dependency-management"

2. Add the BOM to the dependencyManagement section of the file:

dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom:1.10.47'

3. Specify the SDK modules that youll be using in the dependencies section:

2.5. Using the SDK with Gradle

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

dependencies {
compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3'
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'

Gradle will automatically resolve the correct version of your SDK dependencies using the information
from the BOM.
Note: For more detail about specifying SDK dependencies using the BOM, see Using the AWS SDK for
Java with Apache Maven.


Chapter 2. Getting Started


AWS SDK for Java Basics

This section provides important general information about programming with the AWS SDK for Java.
Information in this section applies to all services that you might be using with the AWS SDK for Java.
For information that is specific to a particular service (EC2, SWF, etc.), see the Tutorials and Examples

3.1 Providing AWS Credentials in the AWS SDK for Java

To make requests to Amazon Web Services, you will need to supply AWS credentials to the AWS SDK for
Java. There are a number of ways to do this:
Use the default credential provider chain (recommended)
Use a specific credential provider or provider chain (or create your own).
Supply the credentials yourself. These can be either root account credentials, IAM credentials or
temporary credentials retrieved from AWS STS.
Important: It is strongly recommended, from a security standpoint, that you use IAM users instead of the
root account for AWS access. For more information, see IAM Best Practices in IAM User Guide.
This topic provides information about how to load credentials for AWS using the AWS SDK for Java.

Using the Default Credential Provider Chain

Specifying a Credential Provider or Provider Chain
Explicitly Specifying Credentials
See Also

3.1.1 Using the Default Credential Provider Chain

When you initialize a new service client without supplying any arguments, the AWS SDK for Java will
attempt to find AWS credentials using the default credential provider chain implemented by the


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain class. The default credential provider chain looks for credentials in
this order:
1. Environment Variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. The AWS
SDK for Java uses the EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider class to load these credentials.
2. Java System Properties aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey. The AWS SDK for Java
uses the SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider to load these credentials.
3. The default credential profiles file typically located at ~/.aws/credentials (this location
may vary per platform), this credentials file is shared by many of the AWS SDKs and by the AWS
CLI. The AWS SDK for Java uses the ProfileCredentialsProvider to load these credentials.
You can create a credentials file by using the aws configure command provided by the AWS
CLI, or you can create it by hand-editing the file with a text editor. For information about the
credentials file format, see AWS Credentials File Format.
4. Instance profile credentials these credentials can be used on EC2 instances, and are delivered
through the Amazon EC2 metadata service. The AWS SDK for Java uses the
InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider to load these credentials.
Setting Credentials
AWS credentials must be set in at least one of the preceding locations in order to be used. For information
about setting credentials, visit one of the following topics:
For information about specifying credentials in the environment or in the default credential profiles
file, see Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with the AWS SDK for Java.
For information about setting Java system properties, see the System Properties tutorial on the
official Java Tutorials website.
For information about how to set up and use instance profile credentials for use with your EC2
instances, see Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on Amazon EC2.
Setting an Alternate Credentials File Location
Although the SDK for Java will load AWS credentials automatically from the default credentials file
location, you can also specify the location yourself by setting the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE
environment variable with the full pathname to the credentials file.
This feature can be used to temporarily change the location where the SDK for Java looks for your
credentials file (by setting this variable with the command-line, for example), or you can set the
environment variable in your user or system environment to change it for the user or system-wide.
To override the default credentials file location
Set the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment variable to the location of your AWS
credentials file.
On Linux, OS X or unix, use export:


Chapter 3. AWS SDK for Java Basics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

export AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE=path/to/credentials_file

On Windows, use set:

set AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE=path/to/credentials_file

AWS Credentials File Format

When you create an AWS credentials file using the aws configure command, it creates a file with the
following format:

The profile name is specified in square brackets (For example: [default]), followed by the configurable
fields in that profile as key/value pairs. You can have multiple profiles in your credentials file, which can be
added or edited using aws configure --profile {PROFILE_NAME} to select the profile to
You can specify additional fields, such as aws_session_token, metadata_service_timeout
and metadata_service_num_attempts. These are not configurable with the CLIyou must edit
the file by hand if you wish to use them. For more information about the configuration file and its available
fields, see Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface in the AWS CLI User Guide.
Loading Credentials
Once credentials have been set, you can load them using the AWS SDK for Java default credential provider
To load credentials using the default credential provider chain
Instantiate an AWS Service client using the default constructor. For example:
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client();

Alternately, you can specify a new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain in the clients constructor.

The following line of code is effectively equivalent to the preceding example:
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());

3.1.2 Specifying a Credential Provider or Provider Chain

If you want to specify a different credential provider than the default credential provider chain, you can
specify it in the client constructor.
To specify a specific credentials provider
3.1. Providing AWS Credentials in the AWS SDK for Java


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Provide an instance of a credentials provider or provider chain to a service client constructor that
takes an AWSCredentialsProvider interface as input. For example, to use environment credentials
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider());

For the full list of AWS SDK for Java-supplied credential providers and provider chains, see the list of All
known implementing classes in the reference topic for AWSCredentialsProvider.
Tip: You can use this technique to supply credential providers or provider chains that you create, by
implementing your own credential provider that implements the AWSCredentialsProvider interface, or by
sub-classing the AWSCredentialsProviderChain class.

3.1.3 Explicitly Specifying Credentials

If neither the default credential chain or a specific or custom provider or provider chain works for your
code, you can set credentials explicitly by supplying them yourself. If you have retrieved temporary
credentials using AWS STS, use this method to specify the credentials for AWS access.
To explicitly supply credentials to an AWS client:
Instantiate a class that provides the AWSCredentials interface, such as BasicAWSCredentials, supplying it
with the AWS access key and secret key you will use for the connection.
Provide the class instance to a service client constructor that takes an AWSCredentials interface as input.
For example:

BasicAWSCredentials awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials({access_key_id}, {secret_access_key}

AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(awsCreds);

When using temporary credentials obtained from STS, create a BasicSessionCredentials object, passing it
the STS-supplied credentials and session token:
BasicSessionCredentials basic_session_creds = new BasicSessionCredentials(
AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client(basic_session_creds);

3.1.4 See Also

Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User
Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with the AWS SDK for Java
Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on Amazon EC2


Chapter 3. AWS SDK for Java Basics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

3.2 AWS Region Selection

Regions enable you to access AWS services that reside physically in a specific geographic area. This can
be useful both for redundancy and to keep your data and applications running close to where you and your
users will access them.
Note: The AWS SDK for Java uses us-east-1 as the default region if you do not specify a region in your
code. However, the AWS Management Console uses us-west-2 as its default. Therefore, when using the
AWS Management Console in conjunction with your development, be sure to specify the same region in
both your code and the console.

Checking for Service Availability in an AWS Region

Choosing a Region
Choosing a Specific Endpoint
Developing Code that Accesses Multiple AWS Regions

3.2.1 Checking for Service Availability in an AWS Region

To see if a particular AWS service is available in a region, use the isServiceSupported method on the region
that youd like to use. For example:

See the Regions class documentation to see which regions can be specified, and see ServiceAbbrevations
for the list of services that you can query.

3.2.2 Choosing a Region

Beginning with version 1.4 of the AWS SDK for Java, you can specify a region name and the SDK will
automatically choose an appropriate endpoint for you. If you want to choose the endpoint yourself, see
Choosing a Specific Endpoint.
The Region.getRegion method will retrieve a Region object, which you can use to create a new client that
is configured to use that region. For example:
AmazonEC2 ec2 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2).createClient(
AmazonEC2Client.class, credentials, clientConfig);

To choose a region for an existing AWS client, call the setRegion method on the client object. For example:
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2(myCredentials);

Important: setRegion is not thread-safe, so you should be careful when changing the region for an
existing client. To avoid potential thread synchronization issues, create a new client object for each region
3.2. AWS Region Selection


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

that you are using.

3.2.3 Choosing a Specific Endpoint

Each AWS client can be configured to use a specific endpoint by calling the setEndpoint method.
For example, to configure the Amazon EC2 client to use the EU (Ireland) region, use the following code:

AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2(myCredentials); ec2.setEndpoint("https://ec2.eu-west-1.amazon

Go to Regions and Endpoints for the current list of regions and their corresponding endpoints for all AWS

3.2.4 Developing Code that Accesses Multiple AWS Regions

Regions are logically isolated from each other; cross-region resource use is prohibited. This means that you
cant access US East resources when communicating with the EU West endpoint, for example.
If your code accesses multiple AWS regions, instantiate a specific client for each region:
AmazonEC2 ec2_euro = Region.getRegion(Regions.EU_WEST_1).createClient(
AmazonEC2Client.class, credentials, clientConfig);
AmazonEC2 ec2_us = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1).createClient(
AmazonEC2Client.class, credentials, clientConfig);

3.3 Exception Handling

Understanding how and when the AWS SDK for Java throws exceptions is important in order to build
high-quality applications using the SDK. The following sections describe the different cases of exceptions
that are thrown by the SDK and how to handle them appropriately.

3.3.1 Why Unchecked Exceptions?

The AWS Java SDK uses runtime (or unchecked) exceptions instead of checked exceptions for a few
To allow developers fine-grained control over the errors they want to handle without forcing them to
handle exceptional cases they arent concerned about (and making their code overly verbose)
To prevent scalability issues inherent with checked exceptions in large applications
In general, checked exceptions work well on small scales, but can become troublesome as applications
grow and become more complex.
For more information about the use of checked and unchecked exceptions, see the following articles:
Unchecked ExceptionsThe Controversy

Chapter 3. AWS SDK for Java Basics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

The Trouble with Checked Exceptions

Javas checked exceptions were a mistake (and heres what I would like to do about it)

3.3.2 AmazonServiceException (and Subclasses)

AmazonServiceException is the most common exception that youll experience when using the AWS SDK
for Java. This exception represents an error response from an AWS service. For example, if you try to
terminate an Amazon EC2 instance that doesnt exist, EC2 will return an error response and all the details
of that error response will be included in the thrown AmazonServiceException. For some cases, a
subclass of AmazonServiceException will be thrown to allow developers fine grained control over
handling error cases through catch blocks.
When you encounter an AmazonServiceException, you know that your request was successfully
sent to the AWS service, but could not be successfully processed either because of errors in the requests
parameters or because of issues on the service side.
AmazonServiceException provides you with information such as:
Returned HTTP status code
Returned AWS error code
Detailed error message from the service
AWS request ID for the failed request
AmazonServiceException also includes information about whether the failed request was the
callers fault (i.e., a request with illegal values) or the AWS services fault (i.e., an internal service error).

3.3.3 AmazonClientException
AmazonClientException indicates that a problem occurred inside the Java client code, either while trying
to send a request to AWS or while trying to parse a response from AWS. AmazonClientException
exceptions are generally more severe than AmazonServiceException exceptions and indicate a
major problem that is preventing the client from being able to make service calls to AWS services. For
example, the AWS Java SDK will throw an AmazonClientException if no network connection is
available when you try to call an operation on one of the clients.

3.4 Logging AWS SDK for Java Calls

The AWS SDK for Java is instrumented with Apache Commons Logging, which is an abstraction layer that
enables the use of any one of a number of logging systems at runtime. Supported logging systems include
the Java Logging Framework and Apache Log4j, among others. This topic explains how to use Log4j. You
can learn more about Log4j on the Log4j page at the Apache website. You can use the SDKs logging
functionality without making any changes to your application code.

3.4. Logging AWS SDK for Java Calls


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Note: This topic focuses on Log4j 1.x. Log4j2 doesnt directly support Apache Commons Logging, but
provides an adapter that directs logging calls automatically to Log4j2 using the Apache Commons Logging
interface. For more information, see: Commons Logging Bridge in the Log4j2 documentation.
In order to use Log4j with the SDK, you need to download the Log4j jar from the Apache website. The jar
is not included in the SDK. Copy the jar file to a location that is on your classpath.
Log4j uses a configuration file, log4j.properties. Example configuration files are shown below. Copy this
configuration file to a directory on your classpath. The Log4j jar and the log4j.properties file do not have to
be in the same directory.
The log4j.properties configuration file specifies properties such as logging level, where logging output is
sent (such as to a file or to the console), and the format of the output. The logging level is the granularity of
output that the logger generates. Log4j supports the concept of multiple logging hierarchies. The logging
level is set independently for each hierarchy. The following two logging hierarchies are available in the

3.4.1 Setting the Classpath

Both the Log4j jar and the log4j.properties file must be located on your classpath. If you are using Apache
Ant, set the classpath in the path element in your Ant file. Here is an example path element from the Ant
file for the Amazon S3 example included with the SDK:
<path id="aws.java.sdk.classpath">
<fileset dir="../../third-party" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="../../lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="."/>

If you are using the Eclipse IDE, you can set the classpath by opening the menu and navigating to Project |
Properties | Java Build Path.

3.4.2 Service-Specific Errors and Warnings

We recommend that you always leave the com.amazonaws logger hierarchy set to WARN in order to
catch any important messages from the client libraries. For example, if the Amazon S3 client detects that
your application hasnt properly closed an InputStream and could be leaking resources, it will report it
through a warning message to the logs. This will also ensure that messages are logged if the client has any
problems handling requests or responses.
The following log4j.properties file sets the rootLogger to WARN, which will cause warning and error
messages from all loggers in the com.amazonaws hierarchy to be included. Alternatively, you can
explicitly set the com.amazonaws logger to WARN.


Chapter 3. AWS SDK for Java Basics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
# Or you can explicitly enable WARN and ERROR messages for the AWS Java clients

3.4.3 Request/Response Summary Logging

Every request to an AWS service generates a unique AWS request ID that is useful if you run into an issue
with how an AWS service is handling a request. AWS request IDs are accessible programmatically through
Exception objects in the SDK for any failed service call, and can also be reported through the DEBUG log
level in the com.amazonaws.request logger.
The following log4j.properties file enables a summary of requests and responses, including AWS request
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c # Turn on DEBUG logging in com.amazonaws.request to log
# a summary of requests/responses with AWS request IDs


Here is an example of the log output:

2009-12-17 09:53:04,269 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.request - Sending Request: POST https://

2009-12-17 09:53:04,646 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.request - Received successful response:

3.4.4 Verbose Wire Logging

In some cases, it may be useful to see the exact requests and responses being sent and received by the AWS
SDK for Java. This logging should not be enabled in production systems since writing out large requests
(e.g., a file being uploaded to Amazon S3) or responses can significantly slow down an application. If you
really need access to this information, you can temporarily enable it through the Apache HttpClient 4
logger. Enabling the DEBUG level on the apache.http.wire logger enables logging for all request
and response data.
The following log4j.properties file turns on full wire logging in Apache HttpClient 4 and should only be
turned on temporarily since it can have a significant performance impact on your application.
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
# Log all HTTP content (headers, parameters, content, etc) for
# all requests and responses. Use caution with this since it can
# be very expensive to log such verbose data!

3.4. Logging AWS SDK for Java Calls


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0


Chapter 3. AWS SDK for Java Basics


Tutorials and Examples

This section provides tutorials and examples of using the AWS SDK for Java with AWS service clients.
Tip: See Additional documentation and resources for more examples and additional resources available
for AWS SDK for Java developers!

4.1 SDK Code Samples

The AWS SDK for Java comes packaged with a number of code samples that demonstrate many of the
features of the SDK in buildable, runnable programs that you can study or modify to implement your own
AWS solutions using the AWS SDK for Java.
How to get the samples
Building and running the samples using the command line
Building and Running the Samples using the Eclipse IDE

4.1.1 How to get the samples

The AWS SDK for Java code samples are provided in the samples directory of the SDK. If you
downloaded and installed the SDK using the information in Installing the AWS SDK for Java, then you
already have the samples on your system.
You can also view the latest samples on the AWS SDK for Javas GitHub repository, in the src/samples

4.1.2 Building and running the samples using the command line
The samples include Ant build scripts so that you can easily build and run them from the command line.
Each sample also contains a README file in HTML format that contains information specific to each


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Tip: If you are browsing the sample code on GitHub, click the Raw button in the source code display
when viewing the README.html file for a sample. In raw mode, the HTML will render as intended in
your browser.

Before running any of the AWS SDK for Java samples, you will need to set your AWS credentials in the
environment or with the AWS CLI as specified in Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with the AWS SDK
for Java. The samples use the default credential provider chain whenever possible, so by setting your
credentials this way, you can avoid the risky practice of inserting your AWS credentials in files within the
source code directory (where they may inadvertently be checked in and shared publicly).
Running the samples
To run a sample from the command line
1. Change to the directory containing the samples code. For example, if you are in the root directory of
the AWS SDK download and want to run the AwsConsoleApp sample, you would type:
cd samples/AwsConsoleApp

2. Build and run the sample with Ant. The default build target performs both actions, so you can just

The sample prints information to standard outputfor example:

Welcome to the AWS Java SDK!
You have access to 4 Availability Zones.
You have 0 Amazon EC2 instance(s) running.
You have 13 Amazon SimpleDB domain(s) containing a total of 62 items.
You have 23 Amazon S3 bucket(s), containing 44 objects with a total size of 154767691

4.1.3 Building and Running the Samples using the Eclipse IDE
If you use the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, you can also start a new project in Eclipse based on the AWS SDK
for Java or add the SDK to an existing Java project.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

After installing the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, we recommend configuring the Toolkit with your security
credentials. You can do this anytime by selecting Preferences from the Window menu in Eclipse, and then
selecting the AWS Toolkit section.
Running the samples
To run a sample using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
1. Open Eclipse.
2. Create a new AWS Java project. In Eclipse, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
The New Project wizard opens.
3. Expand the AWS category, then select AWS Java Project.
4. Click Next. The project settings page is displayed.
5. Enter a name in the Project Name box. The AWS SDK for Java Samples group displays the samples
available in the SDK, as described previously.
6. Select the samples you want to include in your project by selecting each check box.
7. Enter your AWS credentials. If youve already configured the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse with your
credentials, this is automatically filled in.
8. Click Finish. The project is created and added to the Project Explorer.
To run the project
1. Select the sample .java file you want to run. For example, for the Amazon S3 sample, select
2. Select Run from the Run menu.
To add the SDK to an existing project
1. Right-click the project in Project Explorer, point to Build Path, and then click Add Libraries.
2. Select AWS Java SDK, and then click Next and follow the remaining on-screen instructions.

4.2 DynamoDB
This section provides examples of programming DynamoDB with the AWS SDK for Java.

4.2.1 Manage Tomcat Session State with DynamoDB

Tomcat applications often store session-state data in memory. However, this approach doesnt scale well;
once the application grows beyond a single web server, the session state must be shared between servers. A
common solution is to set up a dedicated session-state server with MySQL. This approach also has

4.2. DynamoDB


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

drawbacks: you must administer another server, the session-state server is a single pointer of failure, and
the MySQL server itself can cause performance problems.
DynamoDB, a NoSQL database store from Amazon Web Services (AWS), avoids these drawbacks by
providing an effective solution for sharing session state across web servers.
Downloading the Session Manager
You can download the session manager from the aws/aws-dynamodb-session-tomcat project on GitHub.
That project also hosts the session manager source code if you want to contribute to the project by sending
us pull requests or opening issues.
Configure the Session-State Provider
To use the DynamoDB session-state provider, you need to 1) configure the Tomcat server to use the
provider, and 2) set the security credentials of the provider so that it can access AWS.
Configuring a Tomcat Server to Use DynamoDB as the Session-State Server

Copy AmazonDynamoDBSessionManagerForTomcat-1.x.x.jar to the lib directory of your

Tomcat installation. AmazonDynamoDBSessionManagerForTomcat-1.x.x.jar is a complete,
standalone jar, containing all the code and dependencies to run the DynamoDB Tomcat Session Manager.
Edit your servers context.xml file to specify
com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.sessionmanager.DynamoDBSessionManager as your session manager.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Manager className="com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.sessionmanager.DynamoDBSessionMan
createIfNotExist="true" />

Configuring Your AWS Security Credentials

You can specify AWS security credentials for the session manager in multiple ways, and they are loaded in
the following order of precedence:
1. The AwsAccessKey and AwsSecretKey attributes of the Manager element explicitly provide
2. The AwsCredentialsFile attribute on the Manager element specifies a properties file from
which to load credentials.
If no credentials are specified through the Manager element,
DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain will keep searching for credentials in the following
1. Environment Variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

2. Java System Properties aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey

3. Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 instance metadata service (IMDS).
Configuring with Elastic Beanstalk

If youre using the session manager in Elastic Beanstalk, you need to ensure your project has a
.ebextensions directory at the top level of your output artifact structure. In that directory, place the
following files:
The AmazonDynamoDBSessionManagerForTomcat-1.x.x.jar file.
A context.xml file as described previously to configure the session manager.
A config file that copies the jar into Tomcats lib directory and applies the overridden
context.xml file.
For more information about customizing Elastic Beanstalk environments, see AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Environment Configuration in the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide.
If you deploy to Elastic Beanstalk with the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, then the session manager is set up for
you if you go through the New AWS Java Web Project wizard and select DynamoDB for session
management. The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse configures all the needed files, and puts them in the
.ebextensions directory inside the WebContent directory of your project. If you have problems
finding this directory, make sure you arent hiding files that begin with a period.
Manage Tomcat Session State with DynamoDB
If the Tomcat server is running on an Amazon EC2 instance that is configured to use IAM roles for EC2
Instances, you do not need to specify any credentials in the context.xml file; in this case, the AWS
SDK for Java uses IAM roles credentials obtained through the instance metadata service (IMDS).
When your application starts, it looks for an DynamoDB table called, by default, Tomcat_SessionState.
The table should have a string hash key named sessionId (case-sensitive), no range key, and the desired
values for ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits.
We recommend that you create this table before first running your application. If you dont create the table,
however, the extension creates it during initialization. See the context.xml options in the next section
for a list of attributes that configure how the session-state table is created when it doesnt exist.
Tip: For information about working with DynamoDB tables and provisioned throughput, see the
DynamoDB Developer Guide.
Once the application is configured and the table is created, you can use sessions with any other session

4.2. DynamoDB


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Options Specified in context.xml

Below are the configuration attributes that you can use in the Manager element of your context.xml
AwsAccessKey Access key ID to use.
AwsSecretKey Secret key to use.
AwsCredentialsFile A properties file containing accessKey and secretKey properties with
your AWS security credentials.
Table Optional string attribute. The name of the table used to store session data. The default is
RegionId Optional string attribute. The AWS region in which to use DynamoDB. For a list of
available AWS regions, see Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
Endpoint Optional string attribute; if present, this option overrides any value set for the Region
option. The regional endpoint of the DynamoDB service to use. For a list of available AWS regions,
see Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
ReadCapacityUnits Optional int attribute. The read capacity units to use if the session manager
creates the table. The default is 10.
WriteCapacityUnits Optional int attribute. The write capacity units to use if the session manager
creates the table. The default is 5.
CreateIfNotExist Optional Boolean attribute. The CreateIfNotExist attribute controls
whether the session manager autocreates the table if it doesnt exist. The default is true. If this flag is
set to false and the table doesnt exist, an exception is thrown during Tomcat startup.
If you encounter issues with the session manager, the first place to look is in catalina.out. If you have
access to the Tomcat installation, you can go directly to this log file and look for any error messages from
the session manager. If youre using Elastic Beanstalk, you can view the environment logs with the AWS
Management Console or the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse.
The session manager does not support session locking. Therefore, applications that use many concurrent
AJAX calls to manipulate session data may not be appropriate for use with the session manager, due to race
conditions on session data writes and saves back to the data store.

4.3 Amazon EC2

This section provides examples of programming Amazon EC2 with the AWS SDK for Java.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

4.3.1 Tutorial: Starting an EC2 Instance

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Java to start an EC2 instance.
Before you begin, be sure that you have created an AWS account and that you have set up your AWS
credentials. For more information, see Getting Started.
Create an Amazon EC2 Client

Create an Amazon EC2 client in order to manage your EC2 resources, such as instances and security
To create and initialize an Amazon EC2 client
1. Create and initialize an AWSCredentials instance. Specify the AwsCredentials.properties
file you created, as follows:
AWSCredentials credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(

2. Use the AWSCredentials object to create a new AmazonEC2Client instance, as follows:

amazonEC2Client = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);

3. By default, the service endpoint is ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. To specify a different

endpoint, use the setEndpoint method. For example:

For more information, see Regions and Endpoints.

The AWS SDK for Java uses us-east-1 as the default region. However, the AWS Management
Console uses us-west-2 as its default region. Therefore, when using the AWS Management Console
in conjunction with the AWS SDK for Java, be sure to use the same region in both your code and the
Create an Amazon EC2 Security Group

Create a security group, which acts as a virtual firewall that controls the network traffic for one or more
EC2 instances. By default, Amazon EC2 associates your instances with a security group that allows no
inbound traffic. You can create a security group that allows your EC2 instances to accept certain traffic. For
example, if you need to connect to a Linux instance, you must configure the security group to allow SSH
traffic. You can create a security group using the Amazon EC2 console or the AWS SDK for Java.
You create a security group for use in either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC. For more information about
EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC, see Supported Platforms in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

For more information about creating a security group using the Amazon EC2 console, see Amazon EC2
Security Groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
To create a security group
1. Create and initialize a CreateSecurityGroupRequest instance. Use the withGroupName method to set
the security group name, and the withDescription method to set the security group description, as
CreateSecurityGroupRequest csgr = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest();
csgr.withGroupName("JavaSecurityGroup").withDescription("My security group");

The security group name must be unique within the AWS region in which you initialize your
Amazon EC2 client. You must use US-ASCII characters for the security group name and description.
2. Pass the request object as a parameter to the createSecurityGroup method. The method returns a
CreateSecurityGroupResult object, as follows:
CreateSecurityGroupResult createSecurityGroupResult =

If you attempt to create a security group with the same name as an existing security group,
createSecurityGroup throws an exception.
By default, a new security group does not allow any inbound traffic to your Amazon EC2 instance. To
allow inbound traffic, you must explicitly authorize security group ingress. You can authorize ingress for
individual IP addresses, for a range of IP addresses, for a specific protocol, and for TCP/UDP ports.
To authorize security group ingress
1. Create and initialize an IpPermission instance. Use the withIpRanges method to set the range of IP
addresses to authorize ingress for, and use the withIpProtocol method to set the IP protocol. Use the
withFromPort and withToPort methods to specify range of ports to authorize ingress for, as follows:
IpPermission ipPermission =
new IpPermission();
ipPermission.withIpRanges("", "")

All the conditions that you specify in the IpPermission object must be met in order for ingress to
be allowed.
Specify the IP address using CIDR notation. If you specify the protocol as TCP/UDP, you must
provide a source port and a destination port. You can authorize ports only if you specify TCP or UDP.
2. Create and initialize an AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest instance. Use the
withGroupName method to specify the security group name, and pass the IpPermission
object you initialized earlier to the withIpPermissions method, as follows:
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest authorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest =
new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest();


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0


3. Pass the request object into the authorizeSecurityGroupIngress method, as follows:


If you call authorizeSecurityGroupIngress with IP addresses for which ingress is already

authorized, the method throws an exception. Create and initialize a new IpPermission object to
authorize ingress for different IPs, ports, and protocols before calling
Whenever you call the authorizeSecurityGroupIngress or authorizeSecurityGroupEgress
methods, a rule is added to your security group.
Create a Key Pair

You must specify a key pair when you launch an EC2 instance and then specify the private key of the key
pair when you connect to the instance. You can create a key pair or use an existing key pair that youve
used when launching other instances. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon
EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
To create a key pair and save the private key
1. Create and initialize a CreateKeyPairRequest instance. Use the withKeyName method to set the key
pair name, as follows:
CreateKeyPairRequest createKeyPairRequest = new CreateKeyPairRequest();

Important: Key pair names must be unique. If you attempt to create a key pair with the same key
name as an existing key pair, youll get an exception.
2. Pass the request object to the createKeyPair method. The method returns a CreateKeyPairResult
instance, as follows:
CreateKeyPairResult createKeyPairResult =

3. Call the result objects getKeyPair method to obtain a KeyPair object. Call the KeyPair objects
getKeyMaterial method to obtain the unencrypted PEM-encoded private key, as follows:
KeyPair keyPair = new KeyPair();
keyPair = createKeyPairResult.getKeyPair();
String privateKey = keyPair.getKeyMaterial();

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Run an Amazon EC2 Instance

Use the following procedure to launch one or more identically configured EC2 instances from the same
Amazon Machine Image (AMI). After you create your EC2 instances, you can check their status. After
your EC2 instances are running, you can connect to them.
To launch an Amazon EC2 instance
1. Create and initialize a RunInstancesRequest instance. Make sure that the AMI, key pair, and security
group that you specify exist in the region that you specified when you created the client object.
RunInstancesRequest runInstancesRequest =
new RunInstancesRequest();

withImageId The ID of the AMI. For a list of public AMIs provided by Amazon, see Amazon
Machine Images.
withInstanceType An instance type that is compatible with the specified AMI. For more
information, see Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
withMinCount The minimum number of EC2 instances to launch. If this is more instances than
Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches no instances.
withMaxCount The maximum number of EC2 instances to launch. If this is more instances than
Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches the largest
possible number of instances above MinCount. You can launch between 1 and the maximum
number of instances youre allowed for the instance type. For more information, see How many
instances can I run in Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 General FAQ.
withKeyName The name of the EC2 key pair. If you launch an instance without specifying a key
pair, you cant connect to it. For more information, see Create a Key Pair.
withSecurityGroups One or more security groups. For more information, see Create an Amazon
EC2 Security Group.
2. Launch the instances by passing the request object to the runInstances method. The method returns a
RunInstancesResult object, as follows:
RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult =

After your instance is running, you can connect to it using your key pair. For more information, see
Connect to Your Linux Instance. in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

4.3.2 Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on Amazon EC2
All requests to Amazon Web Services (AWS) must be cryptographically signed using credentials issued by
AWS. You can use IAM roles to conveniently grant secure access to AWS resources from your EC2
This topic provides information about how to use IAM roles with Java SDK applications running on EC2.
For more information about IAM instances, see IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User
Guide for Linux Instances.
The default provider chain and EC2 instance profiles
If your application creates an AWS client using the default constructor, then the client will search for
credentials using the default credentials provider chain, in the following order:
1. In system environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
2. In the Java system properties: aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey.
3. In the default credentials file (the location of this file varies by platform).
4. In the instance profile credentials, which exist within the instance metadata associated with the IAM
role for the EC2 instance.
The final step in the default provider chain is available only when running your application on an EC2
instance, but provides the greatest ease of use and best security when working with EC2 instances. You can
also pass an InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider instance directly to the client constructor to get instance
profile credentials without proceeding through the entire default provider chain. For example:
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider());

When using this approach, the SDK will retrieve temporary AWS credentials that have the same
permissions as those associated with the IAM role associated with the EC2 instance in its instance profile.
Although these credentials are temporary and would eventually expire, InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
will periodically refresh them for you so that the obtained credentials continue to allow access to AWS.
Important: The automatic credentials refresh happens only when you use the default client constructor,
which creates its own InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider as part of the default provider
chain, or when you pass an InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider instance directly to the
client constructor. If you use another method to obtain or pass instance profile credentials, you are
responsible for checking for and refreshing expired credentials.
If the client constructor cant find credentials using the credentials provider chain, it will throw an
Walkthrough: Using IAM roles for EC2 instances
The following walkthrough uses an sample program that retrieves and object from Amazon S3 using an
IAM role to manage access.
4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Create an IAM Role

Launch an EC2 Instance and Specify Your IAM Role
Create your Application
Transfer the Compiled Program to Your EC2 Instance
Run the Sample Program on the EC2 Instance

Create an IAM Role

Create an IAM role that grants read-only access to Amazon S3.

To create the IAM role
1. Open the IAM console.
2. In the navigation pane, click Roles, and then click Create New Role.
3. Enter a name for the role, and then click Next Step. Remember this name, as youll need it when you
launch your EC2 instance.
4. On the Select Role Type page, under AWS Service Roles, select Amazon EC2.
5. On the Set Permissions page, under Select Policy Template, select Amazon S3 Read Only Access.
Click Next Step.
6. On the Review page, click Create Role.
Launch an EC2 Instance and Specify Your IAM Role

You can launch an EC2 instance with an IAM role using the Amazon EC2 console or the AWS SDK for
To launch an EC2 instance using the console, follow the directions in Launch an EC2 Instance in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. When you reach the Review Instance Launch page,
click Edit instance details. In IAM role, specify the IAM role that you created previously. Complete
the procedure as directed. Notice that youll need to create or use an existing security group and key
pair in order to connect to the instance.
To launch an EC2 instance with an IAM role using the AWS SDK for Java, see Run an Amazon EC2
Create your Application

Lets build the sample application to run on the EC2 instance. First, create a directory that you can use to
hold your tutorial files (for example, GetS3ObjectApp).
Next, copy the AWS SDK for Java libraries into your newly-created directory. If you downloaded the AWS
SDK for Java to your ~/Downloads directory, you can copy them using the following commands:


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

cp -r ~/Downloads/aws-java-sdk-{1.7.5}/lib . cp -r ~/Downloads/aws-java-sdk-{1.7.5}/third-p

Open a new file, call it GetS3Ojbect.java, and add the following code:
import java.io.*;


public class GetS3Object {

private static String bucketName = "text-content";
private static String key = "text-object.txt";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client();
System.out.println("Downloading an object");
S3Object s3object = s3Client.getObject(
new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key));
catch(AmazonServiceException ase)
System.out.println( "AmazonServiceException" );
catch(AmazonClientException ace)
System.out.println( "AmazonClientException" );
private static void displayTextInputStream(InputStream input) throws IOException
// Read one text line at a time and display.
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
String line = reader.readLine();
if(line == null) break;
System.out.println( "
" + line );

Open a new file, call it build.xml, and add the following lines:

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

<project name="Get Amazon S3 Object" default="run" basedir=".">

<path id="aws.java.sdk.classpath">
<fileset dir="./lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="./third-party" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="lib"/>
<pathelement location="."/>
<target name="build">
<javac debug="true"
<target name="run" depends="build">
<java classname="GetS3Object" classpathref="aws.java.sdk.classpath" fork="true"/>

Build and run the modified program. Note that there are no credentials are stored in the program.
Therefore, unless you have your AWS credentials specified already, the code will throw
AmazonServiceException. For example:
$ ant
Buildfile: /path/to/my/GetS3ObjectApp/build.xml
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /path/to/my/GetS3ObjectApp
[java] Downloading an object
[java] AmazonServiceException

Transfer the Compiled Program to Your EC2 Instance

Transfer the program to your EC2 instance using secure copy (scp), along with the AWS SDK for Java
libraries. The sequence of commands looks something like the following. Depending on the Linux
distribution that you used, the user name might be ec2-user, root, or ubuntu. To get the public DNS
name of your instance, select it in the Amazon EC2 console, and then look for Public DNS in the
Description tab (for example, ec2-198-51-100-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com).



{my-key-pair}.pem GetS3Object.class ec2-user@{public_dns}:GetS3Object.class

{my-key-pair}.pem build.xml ec2-user@{public_dns}:build.xml
-i {my-key-pair}.pem lib ec2-user@{public_dns}:lib
-i {my-key-pair}.pem third-party ec2-user@{public_dns}:third-party

In the preceding commands, GetS3Object.class is your compiled program, build.xml is the ant


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

file used to build and run your program, and the lib and third-party directories are the
corresponding library folders from the AWS SDK for Java.
The -r switch indicates that scp should do a recursive copy of all of the contents of the library and
third-party directories from the AWS SDK for Java.
The -p switch indicates that scp should preserve the permissions of the source files when it copies them
to the destination. If you are copying the files from Windows, you might need to fix the permissions on
your instance using the following command:
chmod -R u+rwx GetS3Object.class build.xml lib third-party

Run the Sample Program on the EC2 Instance

To run the program, connect to your EC2 instance. For more information, see Connect to Your Linux
Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
If ant is not installed on your instance, you can install it using the yum installer as follows:
sudo yum install ant

Run the program using ant as follows:

ant getS3Object

The program should write the contents of your Amazon S3 object to your command window.

4.3.3 Tutorial: Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Spot Instances allow you to bid on unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity and
run the acquired instances for as long as your bid exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 changes the
Spot Price periodically based on supply and demand, and customers whose bids meet or exceed it gain
access to the available Spot Instances. Like On-Demand Instances and Reserved Instances, Spot Instances
provide you another option for obtaining more compute capacity.
Spot Instances can significantly lower your Amazon EC2 costs for batch processing, scientific research,
image processing, video encoding, data and web crawling, financial analysis, and testing. Additionally,
Spot Instances give you access to large amounts of additional capacity in situations where the need for that
capacity is not urgent.
To use Spot Instances, place a Spot Instance request specifying the maximum price you are willing to pay
per instance hour; this is your bid. If your bid exceeds the current Spot Price, your request is fulfilled and
your instances will run until either you choose to terminate them or the Spot Price increases above your bid
(whichever is sooner).
Its important to note:
You will often pay less per hour than your bid. Amazon EC2 adjusts the Spot Price periodically as
requests come in and available supply changes. Everyone pays the same Spot Price for that period
4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

regardless of whether their bid was higher. Therefore, you might pay less than your bid, but you will
never pay more than your bid.
If youre running Spot Instances and your bid no longer meets or exceeds the current Spot Price,
your instances will be terminated. This means that you will want to make sure that your workloads
and applications are flexible enough to take advantage of this opportunistic capacity.
Spot Instances perform exactly like other Amazon EC2 instances while running, and like other Amazon
EC2 instances, Spot Instances can be terminated when you no longer need them. If you terminate your
instance, you pay for any partial hour used (as you would for On-Demand or Reserved Instances).
However, if the Spot Price goes above your bid and your instance is terminated by Amazon EC2, you will
not be charged for any partial hour of usage.
This tutorial shows how to use AWS SDK for Java to do the following.
Submit a Spot Request
Determine when the Spot Request becomes fulfilled
Cancel the Spot Request
Terminate associated instances
To use this tutorial you must have the AWS SDK for Java installed, as well as having met its basic
installation prerequisites. See Installing the AWS SDK for Java for more information.
Step 1: Setting Up Your Credentials
To begin using this code sample, you need to add AWS credentials to the
AwsCredentials.properties file as follows:
1. Open the AwsCredentials.properties file.
2. Set your access key / secret key id combination in the AwsCredentials.properties file.
Note: We recommend that you use the credentials of an IAM user to provide these values. For more
information, see Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User.
Now that you have configured your settings, you can get started using the code in the example.
Step 2: Setting Up a Security Group
A security group acts as a firewall that controls the traffic allowed in and out of a group of instances. By
default, an instance is started without any security group, which means that all incoming IP traffic, on any
TCP port will be denied. So, before submitting our Spot Request, we will set up a security group that
allows the necessary network traffic. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will create a new security group
called GettingStarted that allows Secure Shell (SSH) traffic from the IP address where you are running


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

your application from. To set up a new security group, you need to include or run the following code
sample that sets up the security group programmatically.
After we create an AmazonEC2 client object, we create a CreateSecurityGroupRequest object
with the name, GettingStarted and a description for the security group. Then we call the
ec2.createSecurityGroup API to create the group.
To enable access to the group, we create an ipPermission object with the IP address range set to the
CIDR representation of the subnet for the local computer; the /10 suffix on the IP address indicates the
subnet for the specified IP address. We also configure the ipPermission object with the TCP protocol
and port 22 (SSH). The final step is to call ec2.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress with the name
of our security group and the ipPermission object.

<?dbhtml linenumbering.everyNth="1" ?>

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file.
AWSCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.propertie
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);

// Create a new security group.

try {
CreateSecurityGroupRequest securityGroupRequest = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest("Getti
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
// Likely this means that the group is already created, so ignore.
String ipAddr = "";
// Get the IP of the current host, so that we can limit the Security
// Group by default to the ip range associated with your subnet.
try {
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
// Get IP Address
ipAddr = addr.getHostAddress()+"/10";
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// Create a range that you would like to populate.
ArrayList<String> ipRanges = new ArrayList<String>();
// Open up port 22 for TCP traffic to the associated IP

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// from above (e.g. ssh traffic).

ArrayList<IpPermission> ipPermissions = new ArrayList<IpPermission> ();
IpPermission ipPermission = new IpPermission();
ipPermission.setFromPort(new Integer(22));
ipPermission.setToPort(new Integer(22));
try {
// Authorize the ports to the used.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest ingressRequest =
new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest("GettingStartedGroup",ipPermissions);
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
// Ignore because this likely means the zone has
// already been authorized.

You can view this entire code sample in the CreateSecurityGroupApp.java code sample. Note
you only need to run this application once to create a new security group.
You can also create the security group using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. See Managing Security Groups
from AWS Explorer for more information.
Step 3: Submitting Your Spot Request
To submit a Spot request, you first need to determine the instance type, Amazon Machine Image (AMI),
and maximum bid price you want to use. You must also include the security group we configured
previously, so that you can log into the instance if desired.
There are several instance types to choose from; go to Amazon EC2 Instance Types for a complete list. For
this tutorial, we will use t1.micro, the cheapest instance type available. Next, we will determine the type of
AMI we would like to use. Well use ami-8c1fece5, the most up-to-date Amazon Linux AMI available
when we wrote this tutorial. The latest AMI may change over time, but you can always determine the latest
version AMI by following these steps:
1. Log into the AWS Management Console, click the EC2 tab, and, from the EC2 Console Dashboard,
attempt to launch an instance.

AWS Management Console to launch an instance

2. In the window that displays AMIs, just use the AMI ID as shown in the following screen shot.
Alternatively, you can use the DescribeImages API, but leveraging that command is outside the

Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

scope of this tutorial.

Identifying the most-recent AMI

There are many ways to approach bidding for Spot instances; to get a broad overview of the various
approaches you should view the Bidding for Spot Instances video. However, to get started, well describe
three common strategies: bid to ensure cost is less than on-demand pricing; bid based on the value of the
resulting computation; bid so as to acquire computing capacity as quickly as possible.
Reduce Cost below On-Demand You have a batch processing job that will take a number of hours or
days to run. However, you are flexible with respect to when it starts and when it completes. You want
to see if you can complete it for less cost than with On-Demand Instances. You examine the Spot
Price history for instance types using either the AWS Management Console or the Amazon EC2 API.
For more information, go to Viewing Spot Price History. After youve analyzed the price history for
your desired instance type in a given Availability Zone, you have two alternative approaches for your
You could bid at the upper end of the range of Spot Prices (which are still below the
On-Demand price), anticipating that your one-time Spot request would most likely be fulfilled
and run for enough consecutive compute time to complete the job.
Or, you could bid at the lower end of the price range, and plan to combine many instances
launched over time through a persistent request. The instances would run long enoughin
aggregateto complete the job at an even lower total cost. (We will explain how to automate
this task later in this tutorial.)
Pay No More than the Value of the Result You have a data processing job to run. You understand the
value of the jobs results well enough to know how much they are worth in terms of computing costs.
After youve analyzed the Spot Price history for your instance type, you choose a bid price at which
the cost of the computing time is no more than the value of the jobs results. You create a persistent
bid and allow it to run intermittently as the Spot Price fluctuates at or below your bid.
Acquire Computing Capacity Quickly You have an unanticipated, short-term need for additional
capacity that is not available through On-Demand Instances. After youve analyzed the Spot Price
history for your instance type, you bid above the highest historical price to provide a high likelihood
that your request will be fulfilled quickly and continue computing until it completes.
After you choose your bid price, you are ready to request a Spot Instance. For the purposes of this tutorial,
we will bid the On-Demand price ($0.03) to maximize the chances that the bid will be fulfilled. You can
determine the types of available instances and the On-Demand prices for instances by going to Amazon
EC2 Pricing page. To request a Spot Instance, you simply need to build your request with the parameters
you chose earlier. We start by creating a RequestSpotInstanceRequest object. The request object
requires the number of instances you want to start and the bid price. Additionally, you need to set the
LaunchSpecification for the request, which includes the instance type, AMI ID, and security group
you want to use. Once the request is populated, you call the requestSpotInstances method on the
AmazonEC2Client object. The following example shows how to request a Spot Instance.

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// Retrieves the credentials from a AWSCrentials.properties file.

AWSCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.propertie
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);
// Initializes a Spot Instance Request
RequestSpotInstancesRequest requestRequest = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest();
// Request 1 x t1.micro instance with a bid price of $0.03.
// Setup the specifications of the launch. This includes the
// instance type (e.g. t1.micro) and the latest Amazon Linux
// AMI id available. Note, you should always use the latest
// Amazon Linux AMI id or another of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specifications to the request.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Running this code will launch a new Spot Instance Request. There are other options you can use to
configure your Spot Requests. To learn more, please visit Tutorial: Advanced Amazon EC2 Spot Request
Management or the RequestSpotInstances class in the AWS SDK for Java Reference.
Note: You will be charged for any Spot Instances that are actually launched, so make sure that you cancel
any requests and terminate any instances you launch to reduce any associated fees.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Step 4: Determining the State of Your Spot Request

Next, we want to create code to wait until the Spot request reaches the active state before proceeding to
the last step. To determine the state of our Spot request, we poll the describeSpotInstanceRequests method
for the state of the Spot request ID we want to monitor.
The request ID created in Step 2 is embedded in the response to our requestSpotInstances request.
The following example code shows how to gather request IDs from the requestSpotInstances
response and use them to populate an ArrayList.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);
List<SpotInstanceRequest> requestResponses = requestResult.getSpotInstanceRequests();
// Setup an arraylist to collect all of the request ids we want to
// watch hit the running state.
ArrayList<String> spotInstanceRequestIds = new ArrayList<String>();

// Add all of the request ids to the hashset, so we can determine when they hit the
// active state.
for (SpotInstanceRequest requestResponse : requestResponses) {
System.out.println("Created Spot Request: "+requestResponse.getSpotInstanceRequestId())

To monitor your request ID, call the describeSpotInstanceRequests method to determine the
state of the request. Then loop until the request is not in the open state. Note that we monitor for a state
of not open, rather a state of, say, active, because the request can go straight to closed if there is a
problem with your request arguments. The following code example provides the details of how to
accomplish this task.
// Create a variable that will track whether there are any
// requests still in the open state.
boolean anyOpen;

do {
// Create the describeRequest object with all of the request ids
// to monitor (e.g. that we started).
DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest describeRequest = new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsR
// Initialize the anyOpen variable to false - which assumes there
// are no requests open unless we find one that is still open.

try {
// Retrieve all of the requests we want to monitor.
DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResult describeResult = ec2.describeSpotInstanceRequest
List<SpotInstanceRequest> describeResponses = describeResult.getSpotInstanceRequest
// Look through each request and determine if they are all in
// the active state.
for (SpotInstanceRequest describeResponse : describeResponses) {

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// If the state is open, it hasn't changed since we attempted

// to request it. There is the potential for it to transition
// almost immediately to closed or cancelled so we compare
// against open instead of active.
if (describeResponse.getState().equals("open")) {
anyOpen = true;
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// If we have an exception, ensure we don't break out of
// the loop. This prevents the scenario where there was
// blip on the wire.
anyOpen = true;
try {
// Sleep for 60 seconds.
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing because it woke up early.
} while (anyOpen);

After running this code, your Spot Instance Request will have completed or will have failed with an error
that will be output to the screen. In either case, we can proceed to the next step to clean up any active
requests and terminate any running instances.
Step 5: Cleaning Up Your Spot Requests and Instances
Lastly, we need to clean up our requests and instances. It is important to both cancel any outstanding
requests and terminate any instances. Just canceling your requests will not terminate your instances, which
means that you will continue to pay for them. If you terminate your instances, your Spot requests may be
canceled, but there are some scenariossuch as if you use persistent bids|mdash|where terminating your
instances is not sufficient to stop your request from being re-fulfilled. Therefore, it is a best practice to both
cancel any active bids and terminate any running instances.
The following code demonstrates how to cancel your requests.

try {
// Cancel requests.
CancelSpotInstanceRequestsRequest cancelRequest = new CancelSpotInstanceRequestsRequest
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Write out any exceptions that may have occurred.
System.out.println("Error cancelling instances");
System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Reponse Status Code: " + e.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + e.getRequestId());


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

To terminate any outstanding instances, you will need the instance ID associated with the request that
started them. The following code example takes our original code for monitoring the instances and adds an
ArrayList in which we store the instance ID associated with the describeInstance response.

// Create a variable that will track whether there are any requests // still in the open st
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// If we have an exception, ensure we don't break out
// of the loop. This prevents the scenario where there
// was blip on the wire.
anyOpen = true;
try {
// Sleep for 60 seconds.
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing because it woke up early.
} while (anyOpen);

Using the instance IDs, stored in the ArrayList, terminate any running instances using the following
code snippet.

try {
// Terminate instances.
TerminateInstancesRequest terminateRequest = new TerminateInstancesRequest(instanceIds)
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Write out any exceptions that may have occurred.
System.out.println("Error terminating instances");
System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Reponse Status Code: " + e.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + e.getRequestId());

Bringing It All Together

To bring this all together, we provide a more object-oriented approach that combines the preceding steps
we showed: initializing the EC2 Client, submitting the Spot Request, determining when the Spot Requests
are no longer in the open state, and cleaning up any lingering Spot request and associated instances. We
create a class called Requests that performs these actions.
We also create a GettingStartedApp class, which has a main method where we perform the high
level function calls. Specifically, we initialize the Requests object described previously. We submit the
Spot Instance request. Then we wait for the Spot request to reach the Active state. Finally, we clean up
the requests and instances.
The complete source code for this example can be viewed or downloaded at GitHub.
Congratulations! You have just completed the getting started tutorial for developing Spot Instance software

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

with the AWS SDK for Java.

Next Steps
Proceed with Tutorial: Advanced Amazon EC2 Spot Request Management.

4.3.4 Tutorial: Advanced Amazon EC2 Spot Request Management

Spot Instances allow you to bid on unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity and
run those instances for as long as your bid exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 changes the Spot
Price periodically based on supply and demand. Customers whose bids meet or exceed the Spot Price gain
access to the available Spot Instances. Like On-Demand Instances and Reserved Instances, Spot Instances
provide you an additional option for obtaining more compute capacity.
Spot Instances can significantly lower your Amazon EC2 costs for batch processing, scientific research,
image processing, video encoding, data and web crawling, financial analysis, and testing. Additionally,
Spot Instances can provide access to large amounts of additional compute capacity when your need for the
capacity is not urgent.
This tutorial provides a quick overview of some advanced Spot Request features, such as detailed options
to create Spot requests, alternative methods for launching Spot Instances, and methods to manage your
instances. This tutorial is not meant to be a complete list of all advanced topics associated with Spot
Instances. Instead, it gives you a quick reference of code samples for some of the commonly used methods
for managing Spot Requests and Spot Instances.
To use this tutorial you must have the AWS SDK for Java installed, as well as having met its basic
installation prerequisites. See Installing the AWS SDK for Java for more information.
Step 1: Setting Up Your Credentials
To begin using this code sample, you need to add AWS credentials to the
AwsCredentials.properties file as follows:
1. Open the AwsCredentials.properties file.
2. Set your access key / secret key id combination in the AwsCredentials.properties file.
Note: We recommend that you use the credentials of an IAM user to provide these values. For more
information, see Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User.
Now that you have configured your settings, you can get started using the code in the example.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Step 2: Setting Up a Security Group

A security group acts as a firewall that controls the traffic allowed in and out of a group of instances. By
default, an instance is started without any security group, which means that all incoming IP traffic, on any
TCP port will be denied. So, before submitting our Spot Request, we will set up a security group that
allows the necessary network traffic. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will create a new security group
called GettingStarted that allows Secure Shell (SSH) traffic from the IP address where you are running
your application from. To set up a new security group, you need to include or run the following code
sample that sets up the security group programmatically.
After we create an AmazonEC2 client object, we create a CreateSecurityGroupRequest object
with the name, GettingStarted and a description for the security group. Then we call the
ec2.createSecurityGroup API to create the group.
To enable access to the group, we create an ipPermission object with the IP address range set to the
CIDR representation of the subnet for the local computer; the /10 suffix on the IP address indicates the
subnet for the specified IP address. We also configure the ipPermission object with the TCP protocol
and port 22 (SSH). The final step is to call ec2.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress with the name
of our security group and the ipPermission object.
(The following code is the same as what we used in the first tutorial.)

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file.

AWSCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.properties
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);

// Create a new security group.

try {
CreateSecurityGroupRequest securityGroupRequest =
new CreateSecurityGroupRequest("GettingStartedGroup", "Getting Started Security Gro
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
// Likely this means that the group is already created, so ignore.
String ipAddr = "";
// Get the IP of the current host, so that we can limit the Security Group
// by default to the ip range associated with your subnet.
try {
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// Get IP Address
ipAddr = addr.getHostAddress()+"/10";
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// Create a range that you would like to populate.
ArrayList<String> ipRanges = new ArrayList<String>();
// Open up port 22 for TCP traffic to the associated IP from
// above (e.g. ssh traffic).
ArrayList<IpPermission> ipPermissions = new ArrayList<IpPermission> ();
IpPermission ipPermission = new IpPermission();
ipPermission.setFromPort(new Integer(22));
ipPermission.setToPort(new Integer(22));
try {
// Authorize the ports to the used.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest ingressRequest =
new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest("GettingStartedGroup",ipPermissions);
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
// Ignore because this likely means the zone has already
// been authorized.

You can view this entire code sample in the advanced.CreateSecurityGroupApp.java code
sample. Note you only need to run this application once to create a new security group.
Note: You can also create the security group using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. See Managing Security
Groups from AWS Explorer in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse User Guide for more information.

Detailed Spot Instance Request Creation Options

As we explained in Tutorial: Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, you need to build your request with an instance
type, an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), and maximum bid price.
Lets start by creating a RequestSpotInstanceRequest object. The request object requires the
number of instances you want and the bid price. Additionally, we need to set the
LaunchSpecification for the request, which includes the instance type, AMI ID, and security group
you want to use. After the request is populated, we call the requestSpotInstances method on the
AmazonEC2Client object. An example of how to request a Spot instance follows.
(The following code is the same as what we used in the first tutorial.)


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file.

AWSCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.propertie
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);
// Initializes a Spot Instance Request
RequestSpotInstancesRequest requestRequest = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest();
// Request 1 x t1.micro instance with a bid price of $0.03.
// Set up the specifications of the launch. This includes the
// instance type (e.g. t1.micro) and the latest Amazon Linux
// AMI id available. Note, you should always use the latest
// Amazon Linux AMI id or another of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Persistent vs. One-Time Requests

When building a Spot request, you can specify several optional parameters. The first is whether your
request is one-time only or persistent. By default, it is a one-time request. A one-time request can be
fulfilled only once, and after the requested instances are terminated, the request will be closed. A persistent
request is considered for fulfillment whenever there is no Spot Instance running for the same request. To
specify the type of request, you simply need to set the Type on the Spot request. This can be done with the
following code.
// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file.
AWSCredentials credentials = null;

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.propertie
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);
// Initializes a Spot Instance Request
RequestSpotInstancesRequest requestRequest = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest();
// Request 1 x t1.micro instance with a bid price of $0.03.
// Set the type of the bid to persistent.
// Set up the specifications of the launch. This includes the
// instance type (e.g. t1.micro) and the latest Amazon Linux
// AMI id available. Note, you should always use the latest
// Amazon Linux AMI id or another of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Limiting the Duration of a Request

You can also optionally specify the length of time that your request will remain valid. You can specify both
a starting and ending time for this period. By default, a Spot request will be considered for fulfillment from
the moment it is created until it is either fulfilled or canceled by you. However you can constrain the
validity period if you need to. An example of how to specify this period is shown in the following code.
// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file.
AWSCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Credentials were not properly entered into AwsCredentials.propertie
// Create the AmazonEC2Client object so we can call various APIs.
AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);
// Initializes a Spot Instance Request
RequestSpotInstancesRequest requestRequest = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest();
// Request 1 x t1.micro instance with a bid price of $0.03.
// Set the valid start time to be two minutes from now.
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 2);
// Set the valid end time to be two minutes and two hours from now.
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 2);
// Set up the specifications of the launch. This includes
// the instance type (e.g. t1.micro)
// and the latest Amazon Linux AMI id available.
// Note, you should always use the latest Amazon
// Linux AMI id or another of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Grouping Your Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Requests

You have the option of grouping your Spot instance requests in several different ways. Well look at the
benefits of using launch groups, Availability Zone groups, and placement groups.

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

If you want to ensure your Spot instances are all launched and terminated together, then you have the
option to leverage a launch group. A launch group is a label that groups a set of bids together. All instances
in a launch group are started and terminated together. Note, if instances in a launch group have already
been fulfilled, there is no guarantee that new instances launched with the same launch group will also be
fulfilled. An example of how to set a Launch Group is shown in the following code example.

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file. AWSCredentials creden

// Set up the specifications of the launch. This includes
// the instance type (e.g. t1.micro) and the latest Amazon Linux
// AMI id available. Note, you should always use the latest
// Amazon Linux AMI id or another of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

If you want to ensure that all instances within a request are launched in the same Availability Zone, and
you dont care which one, you can leverage Availability Zone groups. An Availability Zone group is a label
that groups a set of instances together in the same Availability Zone. All instances that share an
Availability Zone group and are fulfilled at the same time will start in the same Availability Zone. An
example of how to set an Availability Zone group follows.

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file. AWSCredentials creden

// Set up the specifications of the launch. This includes the instance
// type (e.g. t1.micro) and the latest Amazon Linux AMI id available.
// Note, you should always use the latest Amazon Linux AMI id or another
// of your choosing.
LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
// Add the security group to the request.
ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

You can specify an Availability Zone that you want for your Spot Instances. The following code example
shows you how to set an Availability Zone.

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file. AWSCredentials creden

// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Lastly, you can specify a placement group if you are using High Performance Computing (HPC) Spot
instances, such as cluster compute instances or cluster GPU instances. Placement groups provide you with
lower latency and high-bandwidth connectivity between the instances. An example of how to set a
placement group follows.

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file. AWSCredentials creden

// Add the launch specification.
// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.
RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

All of the parameters shown in this section are optional. It is also important to realize that most of these
parameterswith the exception of whether your bid is one-time or persistent|mdash|can reduce the
likelihood of bid fulfillment. So, it is important to leverage these options only if you need them. All of the
preceding code examples are combined into one long code sample, which can be found in the
How to Persist a Root Partition After Interruption or Termination
One of the easiest ways to manage interruption of your Spot instances is to ensure that your data is
checkpointed to an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume on a regular cadence. By
checkpointing periodically, if there is an interruption you will lose only the data created since the last
checkpoint (assuming no other non-idempotent actions are performed in between). To make this process
easier, you can configure your Spot Request to ensure that your root partition will not be deleted on
interruption or termination. Weve inserted new code in the following example that shows how to enable
this scenario.
In the added code, we create a BlockDeviceMapping object and set its associated Elastic Block
Storage (EBS) to an EBS object that weve configured to not be deleted if the Spot Instance is terminated.
We then add this BlockDeviceMapping to the ArrayList of mappings that we include in the launch

// Retrieves the credentials from an AWSCredentials.properties file. AWSCredentials creden

// Add the launch specification.

4.3. Amazon EC2


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

// Call the RequestSpotInstance API.

RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);

Assuming you wanted to re-attach this volume to your instance on startup, you can also use the block
device mapping settings. Alternatively, if you attached a non-root partition, you can specify the Amazon
EBS volumes you want to attach to your Spot instance after it resumes. You do this simply by specifying a
snapshot ID in your EbsBlockDevice and alternative device name in your BlockDeviceMapping
objects. By leveraging block device mappings, it can be easier to bootstrap your instance.
Using the root partition to checkpoint your critical data is a great way to manage the potential for
interruption of your instances. For more methods on managing the potential of interruption, please visit the
Managing Interruption video.
How to Tag Your Spot Requests and Instances
Adding tags to EC2 resources can simplify the administration of your cloud infrastructure. A form of
metadata, tags can be used to create user-friendly names, enhance searchability, and improve coordination
between multiple users. You can also use tags to automate scripts and portions of your processes.
To add tags to your resources, you need to tag them after they have been requested. Specifically, you must
add a tag after a Spot request has been submitted or after the RunInstances call has been performed.
The following code example illustrates adding tags.
//================== Canceling the Request ==================//

try {
// Cancel requests.
CancelSpotInstanceRequestsRequest cancelRequest = new CancelSpotInstanceRequestsReque
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Write out any exceptions that may have occurred.
System.out.println("Error canceling instances");
System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Reponse Status Code: " + e.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + e.getRequestId());

//=============== Terminating any Instances =================//
try {
// Terminate instances.
TerminateInstancesRequest terminateRequest = new TerminateInstancesRequest(instanceId
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Write out any exceptions that may have occurred.
System.out.println("Error terminating instances");
System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

System.out.println("Reponse Status Code: " + e.getStatusCode());

System.out.println("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + e.getRequestId());
} // main

Tags are a simple first step toward making it easier to manage your own cluster of instances. To read more
about tagging Amazon EC2 resources, go to Using Tags in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux
Bringing It All Together
To bring this all together, we provide a more object-oriented approach that combines the steps we showed
in this tutorial into one easy to use class. We instantiate a class called Requests that performs these
actions. We also create a GettingStartedApp class, which has a main method where we perform the
high level function calls.
The complete source code for this example can be viewed or downloaded at GitHub.
Congratulations! Youve completed the Advanced Request Features tutorial for developing Spot Instance
software with the AWS SDK for Java.

4.4 Getting Temporary Credentials with AWS STS

You can use AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to get temporary, limited-privilege credentials that
can be used to access AWS services.
There are three steps involved in using AWS STS:
1. Activate a region (optional).
2. Retrieve temporary security credentials from AWS STS.
3. Use the credentials to access AWS resources.
Note: Activating a region is optional; by default, temporary security credentials are obtained from the
global endpoint sts.amazonaws.com. However, to reduce latency and to enable you to build redundancy
into your requests by using additional endpoints if an AWS STS request to the first endpoint fails, you can
activate regions that are geographically closer to your services or applications that use the credentials.

4.4.1 (Optional) Activate and use an AWS STS region

To activate a region for use with AWS STS, use the AWS Management Console to select and activate the
To activate additional STS regions

4.4. Getting Temporary Credentials with AWS STS


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

1. Sign in as an IAM user with permissions to perform IAM administration tasks "iam:*" for the
account for which you want to activate AWS STS in a new region.
2. Open the IAM console and in the navigation pane click Account Settings.
3. Expand the STS Regions list, find the region that you want to use, and then click Activate.
After this, you can direct calls to the STS endpoint that is associated with that region.
Note: For more information about activating STS regions and for a list of the available AWS STS
endpoints, see Activating AWS STS in a New Region in the AWS STS User Guide.

4.4.2 Retrieve temporary security credentials from AWS STS

To retrieve temporary security credentials using the AWS SDK for Java
1. Create an AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient object:
AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient sts_client = new AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient();

When creating the client with no arguments, the default credential provider chain is used to retrieve
credentials. You can provide a specific credential provider if you want. For more information, see
Providing AWS Credentials in the AWS SDK for Java.
2. Optional; requires that you have activated the region) Set the endpoint for the STS client:

where sts-endpoint represents the STS endpoint for your region.

Important: Do not use the setRegion method to set a regional endpointfor backwards
compatibility, that method continues to use the single global endpoint of sts.amazonaws.com.
3. Create a GetSessionTokenRequest object, and optionally set the duration in seconds for which the
temporary credentials are valid:
GetSessionTokenRequest session_token_request = new GetSessionTokenRequest();
session_token_request.setDurationSeconds(7200); // optional.

The duration of temporary credentials can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 129600 seconds
(36 hours) for IAM users. If a duration isnt specified, then 43200 seconds (12 hours) is used by
For a root AWS account, the valid range of temporary credentials is from 900 to 3600 seconds (1
hour), with a default value of 3600 seconds if no duration is specified.
Important: It is strongly recommended, from a security standpoint, that you use IAM users instead
of the root account for AWS access. For more information, see IAM Best Practices in the IAM User


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

4. Call getSessionToken on the STS client to get a session token, using the
GetSessionTokenRequest object:
GetSessionTokenResult session_token_result =

5. Get session credentials using the result of the call to getSessionToken:

Credentials session_creds = session_token_result.getCredentials();

The session credentials provide access only for the duration that was specified by the
GetSessionTokenRequest object. Once the credentials expire, you will need to call
getSessionToken again to obtain a new session token for continued access to AWS.

4.4.3 Use the temporary credentials to access AWS resources

Once you have temporary security credentials, you can use them to initialize an AWS service client to use
its resources, using the technique described in Explicitly Specifying Credentials.
For example, to create an S3 client using temporary service credentials:
BasicSessionCredentials basic_session_creds = new BasicSessionCredentials(
AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client(basic_session_creds);

You can now use the AmazonS3Client object to make Amazon S3 requests.

4.4.4 For more information

For more information about how to use temporary security credentials to access AWS resources, visit the
following sections in the AWS STS User Guide:
Creating Temporary Security Credentials
Controlling Permissions for Temporary Security Credentials
Requesting AWS Resources Using Temporary Security Credentials
Activating STS in a New Region

4.5 Amazon SWF

Amazon SWF is a workflow-management service that helps developers build and scale distributed
workflows that can have parallel or sequential steps consisting of activities, child workflows or even
Lambda tasks.
4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

There are two ways to work with Amazon SWF using the AWS SDK for Java, by using the SWF client
object, or by using the AWS Flow Framework for Java. The AWS Flow Framework for Java is more
difficult to configure initially, since it makes heavy use of annotations and relies on additional libraries such
as AspectJ and the Spring Framework. However, for large or complex projects, you will save coding time
by using the AWS Flow Framework for Java. For more information, see the AWS Flow Framework for
Java Developer Guide.
This section provides examples of programming Amazon SWF by using the AWS SDK for Java client

4.5.1 Amazon SWF Basics

These are general patterns for working with Amazon SWF using the AWS SDK for Java. It is meant
primarily for reference. For a more complete introductory tutorial, see Building a Simple Amazon SWF
Basic Amazon SWF applications will require the following dependencies, which are included with the
AWS SDK for Java:
Note: the version numbers of these packages will differ depending on the version of the SDK that you
have, but the versions that are supplied with the SDK have been tested for compatibility, and are the ones
you should use.
AWS Flow Framework for Java applications require additonal setup, and additional dependencies. See the
AWS Flow Framework for Java Developer Guide for more information about using the framework.
In general, you can use the following imports for code development:


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.model.*;

Its a good practice to import only the classes you require, however. You will likely end up specifying
particular classes in the com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.model workspace:


If you are using the AWS Flow Framework for Java, you will import classes from the
com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.flow workspace. For example:
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.AmazonSimpleWorkflow;
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.flow.ActivityWorker;

Note: The AWS Flow Framework for Java has additional requirements beyond those of the base AWS
SDK for Java. For more information, see the AWS Flow Framework for Java Developer Guide.

Using the SWF client class

Your basic interface to Amazon SWF is through either the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient or
AmazonSimpleWorkflowAsyncClient classes. The main difference between these is that the
*AsyncClient class return Future objects for concurrent (asynchronous) programming.
AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient();

4.5.2 Building a Simple Amazon SWF Application

This topic will introduce you to programming Amazon SWF applications with the AWS SDK for Java,
while presenting a few important concepts along the way.

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

About the example

Development environment
AWS access
Create a SWF project
Code the project
Common steps for all source files
Register a domain, workflow and activity types
Implement the activity worker
Implement the workflow worker
Implement the workflow starter
Build the example
Run the example
Setting the Java classpath
Register the domain, workflow and activity types
Start the activity and workflow workers
Start the workflow execution
Complete source for this example
For more information

About the example

The example project will create a workflow with a single activity that accepts workflow data passed
through the AWS cloud (In the tradition of HelloWorld, itll be the name of someone to greet) and then
prints a greeting in response.
While this seems very simple on the surface, Amazon SWF applications consist of a number of parts
working together:
A domain, used as a logical container for your workflow execution data.
One or more workflows which represent code components that define logical order of execution of
your workflows activities and child workflows.
A workflow worker, also known as a decider, that polls for decision tasks and schedules activities
or child workflows in response.
One or more activities, each of which represents a unit of work in the workflow.
An activity worker that polls for activity tasks and runs activity methods in response.
One or more task lists, which are queues maintained by Amazon SWF used to issue requests to the
workflow and activity workers. Tasks on a task list meant for workflow workers are called decision
tasks. Those meant for activity workers are called activity tasks.
A workflow starter that begins your workflow execution.
Behind the scenes, Amazon SWF orchestrates the operation of these components, coordinating their flow
from the AWS cloud, passing data between them, handling timeouts and heartbeat notifications, and
logging workflow exectuion history.


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Development environment

The development environment used in this tutorial consists of:

The AWS SDK for Java (v. 1.10.56 at the time of writing).
Apache Maven (3.3.1).
JDK 1.7 or later. This tutorial was developed and tested using JDK 1.8.0.
A good Java text editor (your choice).
Note: If you use a different build system than Maven, you can still create a project using the appropriate
steps for your environment and use the the concepts provided here to follow along. More information about
configuring and using the AWS SDK for Java with various build systems is provided in Getting Started.
Likewise, but with more effort, the steps shown here can be implemented using any of the AWS SDKs with
support for Amazon SWF.
All of the necessary external dependencies are included with the AWS SDK for Java, so theres nothing
additional to download.
AWS access

To access Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must have an active AWS account. For information about
signing up for AWS and creating an IAM user (recommended over using root account credentials), see
Sign Up for AWS and Create an IAM User.
This tutorial uses the terminal (command-line) to run the example code, and expects that you have your
AWS credentials and configuration accessible to the SDK. The easiest way to do this is to use the
environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. You should also set
the AWS_REGION to the region you want to use.
For example, on Linux, OS X or unix, set the variables this way:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

To set these variables on Windows, use these commands:

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key
set AWS_REGION=us-east-1

Important: Substitute your own access key, secret access key and region information for the example
values shown here.

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

For more information about configuring your credentials for the SDK, see Set Up your AWS Credentials for
Use with the AWS SDK for Java.

Create a SWF project

1. Start a new project with Maven:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=helloswf \
-DgroupId=example.swf.hello -DinteractiveMode=false

This will create a new project with a standard maven project structure:
-- pom.xml
-- src
-- main
-- java
-- example
-- swf
-- hello
-- App.java
-- test
-- ...

You can ignore or delete the test directory and all it contains, we wont be using it for this tutorial.
You can also delete App.java, since well be replacing it with new classes.
2. Edit the projects pom.xml file and add the aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow module to it by adding
the following section within the <dependencies> block.

3. Make sure that Maven builds your project with JDK 1.7+ support. Add the following to your project
(either before or after the <dependencies> block) in pom.xml:


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Code the project

The example project will consist of four separate applications, which well visit one by one:
HelloTypes.javacontains the projects domain, activity and workflow type data, shared with the
other components. It also handles registering these types with SWF.
ActivityWorker.javacontains the activity worker, which polls for activity tasks and runs activities
in response.
WorkflowWorker.javacontains the workflow worker (decider), which polls for decision tasks and
schedules new activities.
WorkflowStarter.javacontains the workflow starter, which starts a new workflow execution,
which will cause SWF to start generating decision and workflow tasks for your workers to consume.
Common steps for all source files

All of the files that you create to house your Java classes will have a few things in common. In the interest
of time, these steps will be implied every time you add a new file to the project:
1. Create the file in the in the projects src/main/java/example/swf/hello/ directory.
2. Add a package declaration to the beginning of each file to declare its namespace. The example
project uses:
package example.swf.hello;

3. Add import declarations for the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient class and for multiple classes in
the com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.model namespace. To simplify things,
well use:
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.model.*;

Register a domain, workflow and activity types

Well begin by creating a new executeable class, HelloTypes.java. This file will contain shared data
that different parts of your workflow will need to know about, such as the name and version of your activity
and workflow types, the domain name and the task list name.
1. Open your text editor and create the file HelloTypes.java, adding a package declaration and
imports according to the common steps.
2. Declare the HelloTypes class and provide it with values to use for your registered activity and
workflow types:
public class HelloTypes
public static final
public static final
public static final
public static final

4.5. Amazon SWF


DOMAIN = "HelloDomain";
TASKLIST = "HelloTasklist";
WORKFLOW = "HelloWorkflow";


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

public static final String ACTIVITY = "HelloActivity";

public static final String ACTIVITY_VERSION = "1.0";

These values will be used throughout the code.

3. After the String declarations, create an instance of the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient class. This is
the basic interface to the Amazon SWF methods provided by the AWS SDK for Java.
private static AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf =
new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient();

4. Add a new function to register a SWF domain. A domain is a logical container for a number of
related SWF activity and workflow types. SWF components can only communicate with each other
if they exist within the same domain.
public static void registerDomain() {
try {
System.out.println("** Registering the domain '" + DOMAIN + "'.");
swf.registerDomain(new RegisterDomainRequest()
catch (DomainAlreadyExistsException e) {
System.out.println("** Domain already exists!");

When you register a domain, you provide it with a name (any set of 1 256 characters excluding :,
/, |, control characters or the literal string arn) and a retention period, which is the number of days
that Amazon SWF will keep your workflows execution history data after a workflow execution has
completed. The maximum workflow execution retention period is 90 days. See
RegisterDomainRequest for more information.
If a domain with that name already exists, a DomainAlreadyExistsException is raised. Because
were unconcerned if the domain has already been created, we can ignore the exception.
Tip: This code demonstrates a common pattern when working with AWS SDK for Java methods,
data for the method is supplied by a class in the simpleworkflow.model namespace, which
you instantiate and populate using the chainable .with* methods.
5. Add a function to register a new activity type. An activity represents a unit of work in your workflow.
public static void registerActivityType() {
try {
System.out.println("** Registering the activity type '" + ACTIVITY +
"-" + ACTIVITY_VERSION + "'.");
swf.registerActivityType(new RegisterActivityTypeRequest()


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

.withDefaultTaskList(new TaskList().withName(TASKLIST))
catch (TypeAlreadyExistsException e) {
System.out.println("** Activity type already exists!");

An activity type is identified by a name and a version, which are used to uniquely identify the
activity from any others in the domain that its registered in. Activities also contain a number of
optional parameters, such as the default task-list used to receive tasks and data from SWF and a
number of different timeouts that you can use to place constraints upon how long different parts of
the activity execution can take. See RegisterActivityTypeRequest for more information.
Tip: All timeout values are specified in seconds. See Amazon SWF Timeout Types for a full
description of how timeouts affect your workflow executions.
If the activity type that youre trying to register already exists, an TypeAlreadyExistsException is
6. Add a function to register a new workflow type. A workflow, also known as a decider represents the
logic of your workflows execution.
public static void registerWorkflowType() {
try {
System.out.println("** Registering the workflow type '" + WORKFLOW +
"-" + WORKFLOW_VERSION + "'.");
swf.registerWorkflowType(new RegisterWorkflowTypeRequest()
.withDefaultTaskList(new TaskList().withName(TASKLIST))
catch (TypeAlreadyExistsException e) {
System.out.println("** Workflow type already exists!");

Similar to activity types, workflow types are identified by a name and a version and also have
configurable timeouts. See RegisterWorkflowTypeRequest for more information.
If the workflow type that youre trying to register already exists, an TypeAlreadyExistsException is
7. Finally, make the class executable by providing it a main method, which will register the domain,
the activity type, and the workflow type in turn:

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

public static void main(String[] args) {


You can build and run the application now to run the registration script, or continue with coding the activity
and workflow workers. Once the domain, workflow and activity have been registered, you wont need to
run this againthese types persist until you deprecate them yourself.
Implement the activity worker

An activity is the basic unit of work in a workflow. A workflow provides the logic, scheduling activities to
be run (or other actions to be taken) in response to decision tasks. A typical workflow usually consists of a
number of activities that can run synchronously, asynchronously, or a combination of both.
The activity worker is the bit of code that polls for activity tasks that are generated by Amazon SWF in
response to workflow decisions. When it receives an activity task, it runs the corresponding activity and
returns a success/failure response back to the workflow.
Well implement a simple activity worker that drives a single activity.
1. Open your text editor and create the file ActivityWorker.java, adding a package declaration
and imports according to the common steps.
2. Add the ActivityWorker class to the file, and give it a data member to hold a SWF client that
well use to interact with Amazon SWF:
public class ActivityWorker {
private static AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf =
new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient();

3. Add the method that well use as an activity:

private static String sayHello(String input) throws Throwable {
return "Hello, " + input + "!";

The activity simply takes a string, combines it into a greeting and returns the result. Although there
is little chance that this activity will raise an exception, its a good idea to design activities that can
raise an error if something goes wrong.
4. Add a main method that well use as the activity task polling method. Well start it by adding some
code to poll the task list for activity tasks:
public static void main(String[] args) {
while (true) {
System.out.println("Polling for an activity task from the tasklist '"
+ HelloTypes.TASKLIST + "' in the domain '" +


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

HelloTypes.DOMAIN + "'.");
ActivityTask task = swf.pollForActivityTask(
new PollForActivityTaskRequest()
new TaskList().withName(HelloTypes.TASKLIST)));
String task_token = task.getTaskToken();

The activity receives tasks from Amazon SWF by calling the SWF clients
pollForActivityTask method, specifying the domain and task list to use in the passed-in
Once a task is received, we retrieve a unique identifier for it by calling the tasks
getTaskToken() method.
5. Next, write some code to process the tasks that come in. Add the following to your main method,
right after the code that polls for the task and retrieves its task token.
if (task_token != null) {
String result = null;
Throwable error = null;
try {
System.out.println("Executing the activity task with input '" +
task.getInput() + "'.");
result = sayHello(task.getInput());
catch (Throwable th) {
error = th;
if (error == null) {
System.out.println("The activity task succeeded with result '"
+ result + "'.");
new RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest()
else {
System.out.println("The activity task failed with the error '"
+ error.getClass().getSimpleName() + "'.");
new RespondActivityTaskFailedRequest()

If the task token is not null, then we can start running the activity method (sayHello), providing
it with the input data that was sent with the task.
4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

If the task succeeded (no error was generated), then the worker responds to SWF by calling the SWF
clients respondActivityTaskCompleted method with a
RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest object containing the task token and the activitys result
On the other hand, if the task failed, then we respond by calling the
respondActivityTaskFailed method with a RespondActivityTaskFailedRequest object,
passing it the task token and information about the error.
Tip: This activity will not shut down gracefully if killed. Although it is beyond the scope of this tutorial,
an alternative implementation of this activity worker is provided in the accompanying topic, Shutting Down
Activity and Workflow Workers Gracefully.

Implement the workflow worker

Your workflow logic resides in a piece of code known as a workflow worker. The workflow worker polls
for decision tasks that are sent by Amazon SWF in the domain, and on the default tasklist, that the
workflow type was registered with.
When the workflow worker receives a task, it makes some sort of decision (usually whether to schedule a
new activity or not) and takes an appropriate action (such as scheduling the activity).
1. Open your text editor and create the file WorkflowWorker.java, adding a package declaration
and imports according to the common steps.
2. Add a few additional imports to the file:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

3. Declare the WorkflowWorker class, and create an instance of the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient

class used to access SWF methods.
public class WorkflowWorker {
private static AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient();

4. Add the main method. The method loops continuously, polling for decision tasks using the SWF
clients pollForDecisionTask method. The PollForDecisionTaskRequest provides the details.
public static void main(String[] args) {
PollForDecisionTaskRequest task_request =
new PollForDecisionTaskRequest()
.withTaskList(new TaskList().withName(HelloTypes.TASKLIST));
while (true) {


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

"Polling for a decision task from the tasklist '" +
HelloTypes.TASKLIST + "' in the domain '" +
HelloTypes.DOMAIN + "'.");
DecisionTask task = swf.pollForDecisionTask(task_request);
String taskToken = task.getTaskToken();
if (taskToken != null) {
try {
executeDecisionTask(taskToken, task.getEvents());
catch (Throwable th) {

Once a task is received, we call its getTaskToken method, which returns a string that can be used
to identify the task. If the returned token is not null, then we process it further in the
executeDecisionTask method, passing it the task token and the list of HistoryEvent objects
sent with the task.
5. Add the executeDecisionTask method, taking the task token (a String) and the
HistoryEvent list.
private static void executeDecisionTask(String taskToken, List<HistoryEvent> events)
throws Throwable {
List<Decision> decisions = new ArrayList<Decision>();
String workflow_input = null;
int scheduled_activities = 0;
int open_activities = 0;
boolean activity_completed = false;
String result = null;

We also set up some data members to keep track of things such as:
A list of Decision objects used to report the results of processing the task.
A String to hold workflow input provided by the WorkflowExecutionStarted event
a count of the scheduled and open (running) activities to avoid scheduling the same activity
when it has already been scheduled or is currently running.
a boolean to indicate that the activity has completed.
A String to hold the activity results, for returning it as our workflow result.
6. Next, add some code to executeDecisionTask to process the HistoryEvent objects that
were sent with the task, based on the event type reported by the getEventType method.
System.out.println("Executing the decision task for the history events: [");
for (HistoryEvent event : events) {

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

System.out.println(" " + event);

switch(event.getEventType()) {
case "WorkflowExecutionStarted":
workflow_input =
case "ActivityTaskScheduled":
case "ScheduleActivityTaskFailed":
case "ActivityTaskStarted":
case "ActivityTaskCompleted":
activity_completed = true;
result = event.getActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes()
case "ActivityTaskFailed":
case "ActivityTaskTimedOut":

For the purposes of our workflow, we are most interested in:

the WorkflowExecutionStarted event, which indicates that the workflow execution has started
(typically meaning that you should run the first activity in the workflow), and that provides the
initial input provided to the workflow. In this case, its the name portion of our greeting, so its
saved in a String for use when scheduling the activity to run.
the ActivityTaskCompleted event, which is sent once the scheduled activity is complete. The
event data also includes the return value of the completed activity. Since we have only one
activity, well use that value as the result of the entire workflow.
The other event types can be used if your workflow requires them. See the HistoryEvent class
description for information about each event type.
Note: Strings in switch statements were introduced in Java 7. If youre using an earlier version of
Java, you can make use of the EventType class to convert the String returned by
history_event.getType() to an enum value and then back to a String if necessary:


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

EventType et = EventType.fromValue(event.getEventType());

7. After the switch statement, add more code to respond with an appropriate decision based on the
task that was received.
if (activity_completed) {
new Decision()
new CompleteWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes()
else {
if (open_activities == 0 && scheduled_activities == 0) {
ScheduleActivityTaskDecisionAttributes attrs =
new ScheduleActivityTaskDecisionAttributes()
.withActivityType(new ActivityType()
new Decision()

else {
// an instance of HelloActivity is already scheduled or running. Do nothing, a
// task will be scheduled once the activity completes, fails or times out

If the activity hasnt been scheduled yet, we respond with a ScheduleActivityTask

decision, which provides information in a ScheduleActivityTaskDecisionAttributes structure
about the activity that Amazon SWF should schedule next, also including any data that
Amazon SWF should send to the activity.
If the activity was completed, then we consider the entire workflow completed and respond
with a CompletedWorkflowExecution decision, filling in a
CompleteWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes structure to provide details about the
completed workflow. In this case, we return the result of the activity.
In either case, the decision information is added to the Decision list that was declared at the top of
the method.
8. Complete the decision task by returning the list of Decision objects collected while processing the
task. Add this code at the end of the executeDecisionTask method that weve been writing:

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

new RespondDecisionTaskCompletedRequest()

The SWF clients respondDecisionTaskCompleted method takes the task token that
identifies the task as well as the list of Decision objects.
Implement the workflow starter

Finally, well write some code to start the workflow execution.

1. Open your text editor and create the file WorkflowStarter.java, adding a package declaration
and imports according to the common steps.
2. Add the WorkflowStarter class:
public class WorkflowStarter {
private static AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient();
public static final String WORKFLOW_EXECUTION = "HelloWorldWorkflowExecution";
public static void main(String[] args) {
String workflow_input = "Amazon SWF";
if (args.length > 0) {
workflow_input = args[0];
System.out.println("Starting the workflow execution '" + WORKFLOW_EXECUTION +
"' with input '" + workflow_input + "'.");
WorkflowType wf_type = new WorkflowType()
Run run = swf.startWorkflowExecution(new StartWorkflowExecutionRequest()
System.out.println("Workflow execution started with the run id '" +
run.getRunId() + "'.");

The WorkflowStarter class consists of a single method, main, which takes an optional
argument passed on the command-line as input data for the workflow.
The SWF client method, startWorkflowExecution, takes a StartWorkflowExecutionRequest
object as input. Here, in addition to specifying the domain and workflow type to run, we provide it


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

a human-readable workflow execution name

workflow input data (provided on the command-line in our example)
a timeout value that represents how long, in seconds, that the entire workflow should take to
The Run object that startWorkflowExecution returns provides a run ID, a value that can be
used to identify this particular workflow execution in Amazon SWFs history of your workflow
Note: The run ID is generated by Amazon SWF, and is not the same as the workflow execution
name that you pass in when starting the workflow execution.

Build the example

To build the example project with Maven, go to the helloswf directory and type:
mvn package

The resulting helloswf-1.0.jar will be generated in the target directory.

Run the example
The example consists of four separate executable classes, which are run independently of each other.
Note: If you are using a Linux, OS X or unix system, you can run all of them, one after another, in a single
terminal window. If you are running Windows, you should open two additional command-line instances
and navigate to the helloswf directory in each.

Setting the Java classpath

Although Maven has handled the dependencies for you, to run the example, youll need to provide the
AWS SDK library and its dependencies on your Java classpath. You can either set the CLASSPATH
environment variable to the location of your AWS SDK libraries and the third-party/lib directory
in the SDK, which includes necessary dependencies:

export CLASSPATH='target/helloswf-1.0.jar:/path/to/sdk/lib/*:/path/to/sdk/third-party/lib/*
java example.swf.hello.HelloTypes

or use the java commands -cp option to set the classpath while running each applications.
java -cp target/helloswf-1.0.jar:/path/to/sdk/lib/*:/path/to/sdk/third-party/lib/* \

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

The style that you use is up to you. If you had no trouble building the code, buth then try to run the
examples and get a series of NoClassDefFound errors, it is likely because the classpath is set incorrectly.
Register the domain, workflow and activity types

Before running your workers and the workflow starter, youll need to register the domain and your
workflow and activity types. The code to do this was implemented in Register a domain, workflow and
activity types.
After building, and if youve set the CLASSPATH, you can run the registration code by executing the
java example.swf.hello.HelloTypes

Start the activity and workflow workers

Now that the types have been registered, you can start the activity and workflow workers. These will
continue to run and poll for tasks until they are killed, so you should either run them in separate terminal
windows, or, if youre running on Linux, OS X or unix you can use the & operator to cause each of them to
spawn a separate process when run.
java example.swf.hello.ActivityWorker &
java example.swf.hello.WorkflowWorker &

If youre running these commands in separate windows, omit the final & operator from each line.
Start the workflow execution

Now that your activity and workflow workers are polling, you can start the workflow execution. This
process will run until the workflow returns a completed status. You should run it in a new terminal window
(unless you ran your workers as new spawned processes by using the & operator).
java example.swf.hello.WorkflowStarter

Note: If you want to provide your own input data, which will be passed first to the workflow and then to
the activity, add it to the command-line. For example:
java example.swf.hello.WorkflowStarter "Thelonious"

Once you begin the workflow execution, you should start seeing output delivered by both workers and by
the workflow execution itself. When the workflow finally completes, its output will be printed to the screen.
Complete source for this example
You can browse the complete source for this example on Github in the aws-java-developer-guide

Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

For more information

The workers presented here can result in lost tasks if they are shutdown while a workflow poll is still
going on. To find out how to shut down workers gracefully, see Shutting Down Activity and Workflow
Workers Gracefully.
To learn more about Amazon SWF, visit its home site or view the Amazon SWF Developer Guide.
You can use the AWS Flow Framework for Java to write more complex workflows in an elegant Java
style using annotations. To learn more, see the AWS Flow Framework for Java Developer Guide.

4.5.3 Lambda Tasks

As an alternative to, or in conjunction with, Amazon SWF activities, you can use Lambda functions to
represent units of work in your workflows, and schedule them similarly to activities.
This topic focuses on how to implement Amazon SWF Lambda tasks using the AWS SDK for Java. For
more information about Lambda tasks in general, see AWS Lambda Tasks in the Amazon SWF Developer

Set up a cross-service IAM role to run your Lambda function

Create a Lambda function
Register a workflow for use with Lambda
Schedule a Lambda task
Handle Lambda function events in your decider
Receive output from your Lambda function
Complete source for this example

Set up a cross-service IAM role to run your Lambda function

Before Amazon SWF can run your Lambda function, you need to set up an IAM role to give Amazon SWF
permission to run Lambda functions on your behalf. For complete information about how to do this, see
AWS Lambda Tasks.
You will need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this IAM role when you register a workflow that will
use Lambda tasks.
Create a Lambda function
You can write Lambda functions in a number of different languages, including Java. For complete
information about how to author, deploy and use Lambda functions, see the Lambda Developer Guide.
Note: It doesnt matter what language you use to write your Lambda function, it can be scheduled and run
by any Amazon SWF workflow, regardless of the language that your workflow code is written in. Amazon
SWF handles the details of running the function and passing data to and from it.

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Heres a simple Lambda function that could be used in place of the activity in Building a Simple Amazon
SWF Application.
This version is written in JavaScript, which can be entered directly using the AWS Management
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
context.succeed("Hello, " + event.who + "!");

Here is the same function written in Java, which you could also deploy and run on Lambda:
package example.swf.hellolambda;


public class SwfHelloLambdaFunction implements RequestHandler<Object, Object> {

public Object handleRequest(Object input, Context context) {
String who = "Amazon SWF";
if (input != null) {
JSONObject jso = null;
try {
jso = new JSONObject(input.toString());
who = jso.getString("who");
} catch (JSONException e) {
return ("Hello, " + who + "!");

Tip: To learn more about deploying Java functions to Lambda, see Creating a Deployment Package
(Java) in the Lambda Developer Guide. You will also want to look at the section titled Programming
Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java.
Lambda functions take an event or input object as the first parameter, and a context object as the second,
which provides information about the request to run the Lambda function. This particular function expects
input to be in JSON, with a who field set to the name used to create the greeting.
Register a workflow for use with Lambda
For a workflow to schedule a Lambda function, you must provide the name of the IAM role that provides
Amazon SWF with permission to invoke Lambda functions. You can set this during workflow registration
by using the withDefaultLambdaRole or setDefaultLambdaRole methods of

Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

try {
swf.registerWorkflowType(new RegisterWorkflowTypeRequest()
.withDefaultTaskList(new TaskList().withName(TASKLIST))
catch (TypeAlreadyExistsException e) {
System.out.println("** Workflow type already exists!");

Schedule a Lambda task

Schedule a Lambda task is similar to scheduling an activity. You provide a Decision with a
ScheduleLambdaFunction DecisionType and with ScheduleLambdaFunctionDecisionAttributes.
AWSLambdaClient lam = new AWSLambdaClient();
GetFunctionConfigurationResult function_config =
new GetFunctionConfigurationRequest()
String function_arn = function_config.getFunctionArn();
ScheduleLambdaFunctionDecisionAttributes attrs =
new ScheduleLambdaFunctionDecisionAttributes()
.withId("HelloFunction (Lambda task example)")
new Decision()

In the ScheduleLambdaFuntionDecisionAttributes, you must supply a name, which is the

ARN of the Lambda function to call, and an id, which is the name that Amazon SWF will use to identify
the Lambda function in history logs.
You can also provide optional input for the Lambda function and set its start to close timeout value, which
is the number of seconds that the Lambda function is allowed to run before generating a
LambdaFunctionTimedOut event.
Tip: This code uses the AWSLambdaClient to retrieve the ARN of the Lambda function, given the
function name. You can use this technique to avoid hard-coding the full ARN (which includes your AWS
account ID) in your code.

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Handle Lambda function events in your decider

Lambda tasks will generate a number of events that you can take action on when polling for decision tasks
in your workflow worker, corresponding to the lifecycle of your Lambda task, with EventType values such
as LambdaFunctionScheduled, LambdaFunctionStarted, and
LambdaFunctionCompleted. If the Lambda function fails, or takes longer to run than its set timeout
value, you will receive either a LambdaFunctionFailed or LambdaFunctionTimedOut event
type, respectively.
System.out.println("Executing the decision task for the history events: [");
for (HistoryEvent event : events) {
System.out.println(" " + event);
EventType event_type = EventType.fromValue(event.getEventType());
switch(event_type) {
case WorkflowExecutionStarted:
workflow_input =
case LambdaFunctionScheduled:
case ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailed:
case LambdaFunctionStarted:
case LambdaFunctionCompleted:
function_completed = true;
result = event.getLambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes()
case LambdaFunctionFailed:
case LambdaFunctionTimedOut:

Receive output from your Lambda function

When you receive a LambdaFunctionCompleted EventType, you can retrieve your Lambda
functions return value by first calling getLambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes on the
HistoryEvent to get a LambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes object, and then calling its getResult
method to retrieve the output of the Lambda function:

Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

result = event.getLambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes()

Complete source for this example

You can browse the complete source for this example on Github in the aws-java-developer-guide

4.5.4 Shutting Down Activity and Workflow Workers Gracefully

The Building a Simple Amazon SWF Application topic provided a complete implementation of a simple
workflow application consisting of a registration application, an activity and workflow worker, and a
workflow starter.
Worker classes are designed to run continuously, polling for tasks sent by Amazon SWF in order to run
activities or return decisions. Once a poll request is made, Amazon SWF records the poller and will
attempt to assign a task to it.
If the workflow worker is terminated during a long poll, Amazon SWF may still try to send a task to the
terminated worker, resulting in a lost task (until the task times out).
One way to handle this situation is to wait for all long poll requests to return before the worker terminates.
In this topic, well rewrite the activity worker from helloswf, using Javas shutdown hooks to attempt a
graceful shutdown of the activity worker.
Here is the complete code:
package example.swf.hello;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


public class ActivityWorkerWithGracefulShutdown {


static AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf =

static CountDownLatch waitForTermination = new CountDownLatch(1);
static volatile boolean terminate = false;

private static String executeActivityTask(String input) throws Throwable {

return "Hello, " + input + "!";

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

public static void main(String[] args) {

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
terminate = true;
System.out.println("Waiting for the current poll request" +
" to return before shutting down.");
waitForTermination.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
try {
finally {
public static void pollAndExecute() {
while (!terminate) {
System.out.println("Polling for an activity task from the tasklist '"
+ HelloTypes.TASKLIST + "' in the domain '" +
HelloTypes.DOMAIN + "'.");
ActivityTask task = swf.pollForActivityTask(new PollForActivityTaskRequest()
.withTaskList(new TaskList().withName(HelloTypes.TASKLIST)));
String taskToken = task.getTaskToken();
if (taskToken != null) {
String result = null;
Throwable error = null;
try {
System.out.println("Executing the activity task with input '"
+ task.getInput() + "'.");
result = executeActivityTask(task.getInput());
catch (Throwable th) {
error = th;
if (error == null) {
System.out.println("The activity task succeeded with result '"
+ result + "'.");
new RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest()


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

else {
System.out.println("The activity task failed with the error '"
+ error.getClass().getSimpleName() + "'.");
new RespondActivityTaskFailedRequest()

In this version, the polling code that was in the main function in the original version has been moved into
its own method, pollAndExecute.
The main function now uses a CountDownLatch in conjunction with a shutdown hook to cause the thread
to wait for up to 60 seconds after its termination is requested before letting the thread shut down.

4.5.5 Registering Domains

Every workflow and activity in Amazon SWF needs a domain to run in.
To register an Amazon SWF domain
1. Create a new RegisterDomainRequest object, providing it with at least the domain name and
workflow execution retention period (these parameters are both required).
2. Call the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient.registerDomain method with the RegisterDomainRequest
3. Catch the DomainAlreadyExistsException if the domain youre requesting already exists (in which
case, no action is usually required).
The following code demonstrates this procedure:
public void register_swf_domain(AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf, String name)
RegisterDomainRequest request = new RegisterDomainRequest().withName(name);
catch (DomainAlreadyExistsException e)
System.out.println("Domain already exists!");

4.5. Amazon SWF


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

4.5.6 Listing Domains

You can list the Amazon SWF domains associated with your account and AWS region by registration type.
To list Amazon SWF domains
1. Create a ListDomainsRequest object, and specify the registration status of the domains that youre
interested inthis is required.
2. Call AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient.listDomains with the ListDomainRequest object. Results are
provided in a DomainInfos object.
3. Call getDomainInfos on the returned object to get a list of DomainInfo objects.
4. Call getName on each DomainInfo object to get its name.
The following code demonstrates this procedure:
public void list_swf_domains(AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swf)
ListDomainsRequest request = new ListDomainsRequest();
DomainInfos domains = swf.listDomains(request);
System.out.println("Current Domains:");
for (DomainInfo di : domains.getDomainInfos())
System.out.println(" * " + di.getName());


Chapter 4. Tutorials and Examples


Advanced Topics

The topics in this section extend the content in AWS SDK for Java Basics, presenting information about
advanced programming techniques and comprehensive examples of using the AWS SDK for Java.
Tip: See Additional documentation and resources for more examples and additional resources available
for AWS SDK for Java developers!

5.1 Client Networking Configuration

The AWS SDK for Java allows you to change the default client configuration, which is helpful when you
want to:
Connect to the Internet through proxy
Change HTTP transport settings, such as connection timeout and request retries.
Specify TCP socket buffer size hints

5.1.1 Proxy Configuration

When constructing a client object, you can pass in an optional ClientConfiguration object to customize the
clients configuration.
If you connect to the internet through a proxy server, youll need to configure your proxy server settings
(proxy host, port and username/password) through the ClientConfiguration object.

5.1.2 HTTP Transport Configuration

You can configure several HTTP transport options by using the ClientConfiguration object. New options
are occasionally added; to see the full list of options that can be retrieved or set, see the AWS SDK for Java
Each of the configurable values has a default value defined by a constant. For a list of the constant values
for ClientConfiguration, see Constant Field Values in the AWS SDK for Java Reference.

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

Local Address
Maximum Connections
Proxy Options
Timeouts and Error Handling

Local Address
To set the local address that the HTTP client will bind to, use ClientConfiguration.setLocalAddress.
Maximum Connections
You can set the maximum allowed number of open HTTP connections by using the
ClientConfiguration.setMaxConnections method.
Proxy Options
If you use a proxy with your HTTP connections, you may need to set certain options related to HTTP
Timeouts and Error Handling
You can set options related to timeouts and handling errors with HTTP connections:
Connection Timeout
The connection timeout is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the HTTP connection will wait
to establish a connection before giving up. The default is 50,000ms.
To set this value yourself, use the ClientConfiguration.setConnectionTimeout method.
Connection Time to Live (TTL)
By default, the SDK will attempt to reuse HTTP connections as long as possible. In failure situations
where a connection is established to a server that has been brought out of service, having a finite
TTL can help with application recovery. For example, setting a 15 minute TTL will ensure that even
if you have a connection established to a server that is experiencing issues, youll reestablish a
connection to a new server within 15 minutes.
To set the HTTP connection TTL, use the ClientConfiguration.setConnectionTTL method.
Maximum Error Retries
You can set the maximum retry count for retriable errors by using the
ClientConfiguration.setMaxErrorRetry method.


Chapter 5. Advanced Topics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

5.1.3 TCP Socket Buffer Size Hints

Advanced users who want to tune low-level TCP parameters can additionally set TCP buffer size hints
through the ClientConfiguration object. The majority of users will never need to tweak these values, but
they are provided for advanced users.
Optimal TCP buffer sizes for an application are highly dependent on network and OS configuration and
capabilities. For example, most modern operating systems provide auto-tuning logic for TCP buffer sizes,
which can have a big impact on performance for TCP connections that are held open long enough for the
auto-tuning to optimize buffer sizes.
Large buffer sizes (e.g., 2 MB) allow the OS to buffer more data in memory without requiring the remote
server to acknowledge receipt of that information, so can be particularly useful when the network has high
This is only a hint, and the OS may choose not to honor it. When using this option, users should always
check the operating systems configured limits and defaults. Most OSs have a maximum TCP buffer size
limit configured, and wont let you go beyond that limit unless you explicitly raise the max TCP buffer size
Many resources available to help with configuring TCP buffer sizes and operating system specific TCP
settings, including:
TCP Tuning and Network Troubleshooting
Host Tuning

5.2 Access Control Policies

AWS access control policies allow you to specify fine-grained access controls on your AWS resources. You
can allow or deny access to your AWS resources based on:
what resource is being accessed.
who is accessing the resource (i.e., the principal).
what action is being taken on the resource.
a variety of other conditions including date restrictions, IP address restrictions, etc.
Access control policies are a collection of statements. Each statement takes the form: A has permission to
do B to C where D applies.
A is the principal The AWS account that is making a request to access or modify one of your AWS
B is the action The way in which your AWS resource is being accessed or modified, such as sending a
message to an Amazon SQS queue, or storing an object in an Amazon S3 bucket.
C is the resource Your AWS entity that the principal wants to access, such as an Amazon SQS queue, or
an object stored in Amazon S3.
D is the set of conditions The optional constraints that specify when to allow or deny access for the
principal to access your resource. Many expressive conditions are available, some specific to each
5.2. Access Control Policies


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

service. For example, you can use date conditions to allow access to your resources only after or
before a specific time.

5.2.1 Amazon S3 Example

The following example demonstrates a policy that allows anyone access to read all the objects in a bucket,
but restricts access to uploading objects to that bucket to two specific AWS accounts (in addition to the
bucket owners account).
Statement allowPublicReadStatement = new Statement(Effect.Allow)
.withResources(new S3ObjectResource(myBucketName, "*"));
Statement allowRestrictedWriteStatement = new Statement(Effect.Allow)
.withPrincipals(new Principal("123456789"), new Principal("876543210"))
.withResources(new S3ObjectResource(myBucketName, "*"));
Policy policy = new Policy()
.withStatements(allowPublicReadStatement, allowRestrictedWriteStatement);
AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(myAwsCredentials);
s3.setBucketPolicy(myBucketName, policy.toJson());

5.2.2 Amazon SQS Example

One common use of policies is to authorize an Amazon SQS queue to receive messages from an Amazon
SNS topic.
* This policy allows an SNS topic to send messages to an SQS queue.
* You can find your SNS topic's ARN through the SNS getTopicAttributes operation.
Policy policy = new Policy().withStatements(
new Statement(Effect.Allow)
Map queueAttributes = new HashMap();
queueAttributes.put(QueueAttributeName.Policy.toString(), policy.toJson());
AmazonSQS sqs = new AmazonSQSClient(myAwsCredentials);
sqs.setQueueAttributes(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(myQueueUrl, queueAttributes));

5.2.3 Amazon SNS Example

Some services offer additional conditions that can be used in policies. Amazon SNS provides conditions
for allowing or denying subscriptions to SNS topics based on the protocol (e.g., email, HTTP, HTTPS,

Chapter 5. Advanced Topics

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

SQS) and endpoint (e.g., email address, URL, SQS ARN) of the request to subscribe to a topic.
* This SNS condition allows you to restrict subscriptions to an Amazon SNS topic
* based on the requested endpoint (email address, SQS queue ARN, etc.) used when
* someone tries to subscribe to your SNS topic.
Condition endpointCondition =
Policy policy = new Policy().withStatements(
new Statement(Effect.Allow)
AmazonSNS sns = new AmazonSNSClient(myAwsCredentials);
new SetTopicAttributesRequest(myTopicArn, "Policy", policy.toJson()));

5.3 Setting the JVM TTL for DNS Name Lookups

The Java virtual machine (JVM) caches DNS name lookups; when the JVM resolves a hostname to an IP
address, it will cache the IP address for a specified period of time, known as the time-to-live (TTL).
Because AWS resources use DNS name entries that occasionally change, we recommend that you
configure your JVM with a TTL value of no more than 60 seconds. This ensures that when a resources IP
address changes, your application will be able to receive and use the resources new IP address by
re-querying the DNS.
On some Java configurations, the JVM default TTL is set so that it will never refresh DNS entries until the
JVM is restarted. Thus, if the IP address for an AWS resource changes while your application is still
running, it wont be able to use that resource until you manually restart the JVM and the cached IP
information is refreshed. In this case, it is vitally important to set the JVMs TTL so that it will periodically
refresh its cached IP information.
Note: The default TTL can vary according to the version of your JVM and whether a security manager is
installed. Many JVMs provide a default TTL less than 60s. If you are using such a JVM and not using a
security manager, then you can ignore the remainder of this topic.

5.3.1 How to set the JVM TTL

To modify the JVMs TTL, set the networkaddress.cache.ttl property value. Use one of the following
methods, depending on your needs:
globally, for all applications that use the JVM. Set networkaddress.cache.ttl in the
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security file:

5.3. Setting the JVM TTL for DNS Name Lookups


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0


for your application only, set networkaddress.cache.ttl in your applications

initialization code:
java.security.Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "60");


Chapter 5. Advanced Topics


Document History

This topic describes important changes to the AWS Java Developer Guide over the course of its history.
Last documentation update: May 29, 2016
Apr 26, 2016 The SSL Certificate Requirements topic has been removed, since it is no longer relevant.
Support for SHA-1 signed certificates was deprecated in 2015 and the site that housed the test scripts
has been removed.
Mar 14, 2016 Added a new topic to the Amazon SWF section: Lambda Tasks, which describes how to
implement a Amazon SWF workflow that calls Lambda functions as tasks as an alternative to using
traditional Amazon SWF activities.
Mar 04, 2016 The Amazon SWF section has been updated with new content:
Amazon SWF Basics Provides basic information about how to include SWF in your projects.
Building a Simple Amazon SWF Application A new tutorial that provides step-by-step
guidance for Java developers new to Amazon SWF.
Shutting Down Activity and Workflow Workers Gracefully Describes how you can gracefully
shut down Amazon SWF worker classes using Javas concurrency classes.
Feb 23, 2016 The source for the AWS Java Developer Guide has been moved to
Dec 28, 2015 Setting the JVM TTL for DNS Name Lookups has been moved from Advanced Topics into the
AWS SDK for Java Basics section, and has been rewritten for clarity.
Using the AWS SDK for Java with Apache Maven has been updated with information about how to
include the SDKs bill of materials (BOM) in your project.
Aug 04, 2015 SSL Certificate Requirements is a new topic in the Getting Started section that describes
AWS move to SHA256-signed certificates for SSL connections, and how to fix early 1.6 and
previous Java environments to use these certificates, which are required for AWS access after
September 30, 2015.
Note: Java 1.7+ is already capable of working with SHA256-signed certificates.


AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide, Release 1.0

May 14, 2014 The introduction and getting started material has been heavily revised to support the new
guide structure and now includes guidance about how to Set Up your AWS Credentials for Use with
the AWS SDK for Java.
The discussion of code samples has been moved into its own topic in the Additional documentation
and resources section.
Information about how to view the SDK revision history has been moved into the introduction.
May 9, 2014 The overall structure of the AWS SDK for Java documentation has been simplified, and the
Getting Started and Additional documentation and resources topics have been updated.
New topics have been added:
Providing AWS Credentials in the AWS SDK for Java discusses the various ways that you can
specify credentials for use with the AWS SDK for Java.
Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on Amazon EC2 provides information
about how to securely specify credentials for applications running on EC2 instances.
September 9, 2013 This topic, Document History, tracks changes to the AWS Java Developer Guide. It is
intended as a companion to the release notes history.


Chapter 6. Document History

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