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the annals or akalaseth

't1s sa10 that lonq aqo PaC anO tRanqu1llty covR0 th tanos. i-Ooo
anO OR ink 1lOW0 rRly, man anO 6.\St l1V0 In P.\C, qolO anO SllVR
asoun00- It was th <:;olOn c\cj or akalaseth .
ffionOain, SCOn0 BORn or Wolrqanq, a GRat k1nq or 010, WISh0 to
qa1n hlS 8ROthR's lnhRltanc anO SO h US0 hlS GRat POWRS roR
evil. many YaRS hao monoa1n tRaVRS0 th tanos or akataseth
SPRa01nG Vil anO Oeath as h paSS0. h CRat0 0P Ounqons, so
0p ano XtnSIV that th1R lOWR 0pths haO nVR 8n XPlOR0.
In thS ounqons h unleasro moR Vil. h sent thlVS, skeletons
ano snaks to Owll naR the suRrac, anO Oamons anO salROGS to
quaRO th 0pths. now slooO 1lOW0 rReely In akala8th,
anO j:oul CRatUReS soon cam tO ROanl 0.\R th SURrace.
monoain cast such sickness ano pst1lence upon
akataseth. that soth man ano seast hvro 1n
constant raR. thus was th OaRk aqE or

theRE aROSE rROm th tano a man, puR ano 3ust, to sattl the OaRk
loRO. BRltlSh, Champion or the White l.Jqht, 010 sattl with monbaln
0eep Within the la8)'Rlnth or OunqEOnS, Ventually ORIVlnG him ~m
akala8th J'.(>RVR. SR1t1sh or th White l.Jqht was PROClatm0 loRO
BR1t1sh, pRotCtoR or akata8th. alas. much Oamac;e hab seen
surJ'.ER0 Unto th lanOS. the RV1Val or akalaBeth has sequn.
t1s thy 0UtY tO RIO akalaBeth or the J'.oUl CReatURS WhlCh 1nrest It,
whilst tRy1nq to stay alive!!

~1Rst walk thRouqh


note- the rollOWlnG 1nwRmat1on IS pReSntOO in th same OROOR as

it 1s neroeo 1n the c,ame: thRewR they can B useo simultaneously
With r1Rst tlm on plays the c,ame. -loRO BRltlSh.
the lucky numBR: this 1s a seeo WR the RanOom numBR GeneRatoR.
ach time you use the same num8R, the qame setup 1s the same as
the r1Rst time. 1.e. same map, same oun(i0ns, same playeR ano
same monstRS.
level or play: thlS num8R IS 01RCtly Rlat0 tO th monsteR
StRnGth. *1. level or play 10 CR.\tS monsteRS that aR tn times
haROER to 0StROY as level or play 1.

hit points: the amount or Oamaqe a playeR can aBSORS
BWR Oeath. this num8R OecReases each time
thou aRt stRuck sy a monsteR. hit points aRe
qa1neo upon teav1nq a OunGQn, saseo upon
the typS anO levels or th CR.\tURS
Slain thRein.
StRenqth: Raateo to the oamaqe thou
aRt capasl. or 1nJ11ct1nq
upon thy roes.
OextRlty: useo In th WRmulat1on
or thy hit PROsaBlbty.
Stamina: OeteRm1nes the
Oe~ens1ve postUR arteR
sustaineo comsat.
W1s0om: this attRISUt 1s
useo in special
(quest) ROut1nes.
GolO: money!!,



the ptayeR type

an aOVntURR may Choose to B a r1qhtR OR a maq1. 1theR option
has 80th aovantaqes anO 01sac:>variaqes. the 01saOvantaqe or a r1GhteR
IS th lack or aBlllty to contROl the maq1c amulet. th ma(il cannot US

the aoventuRe shop

at the BGinninq or th qame anO In evRY town, a playR has th
oppoRtUn1ty to PURChas rooo anO weapons. to SUY any ltm,
thOU n0 only typ th r1RSt lttR or th Item Want0. th COSt or
the 1tans 1s 01splayeo while 1n the town. 8 suRe to
SUY nOU(ih rooO SO as not to StaRV tO 0.\th.
the c,ame 1s StaRteo 1n a town
somewheRe on a








mov noQth
move east


SpaC6aR pass

m0\1 j:oQWai!b
tUQn l~t
tUQn mqht
tuQn ar;iounb

x- the x key has a numBQ o~ applications. It 1s usro when the
playeQ w1shs to cl1ms tabbQS, entQ towns, entQ the castle anb
cllms bown thQouqh tQapOOoQs.


p -pause On/O~~ - With the pause on, the computJ2 stops ~teQ each
conjl1ct sequence allow1nq the playJ2 to Qab th b1sptay 8j:()Q
qo1nq on. how\1J2, this slows c;am Xecut1on to som Xtrnt.
8q1nnQS as wll as those unbQ s1multanrous attack may wish to
use the pause ~unction .

thou Ooest now know

th 8<\SICS or th (faffi,
XPRlmnt With th
commanbs. thR 1s
much lrt UOSalb roR
th tO blSCOVR IO th
rutUR ...
(jo ~oRth unto
akataseth anb Sk
abvntuR whR thou

c,.vnc Ocs1c;n & Co01n<;: lo 6111t1sh
c,.vnc CO\ICR a!lt: bcn1s lou8t
ptay800k CO\ICR a11t: bcnts lou8t
ptayeook Ocs1c.n

a. 1ns1oc Mt: Rosin \Vest Ocstc,n

1980. 1981 cat1f0Rma pac1r1c ComputR eo.

PRtn~d> in

the u.s.a.

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