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Vincent Zhao
Jennifer Rodrick
Queer Studies 115
25 September 2016
Project Web 1st Draft
Although social media and the internet portray positive and negative sides of queer
acceptance, it can be said that people are more willing to accept queer identity because of
developed theories, mass support and help offered throughout social media outlets and the
internet, and the normalization of queer identity through advertisements.

In recent years, society has become more accepting of the straight AND non-straight
members of the LGBTQ community. Queer theory proposes that when a male or female is born,
he or she will not automatically have a heterosexual preference. On top of that, it also suggests
that the person will not necessarily act according to their assigned gender role or identity. A man
being strong and masculine while the female being weak and feminine. Further, queer theory
questions the coherence between biological sex, sexual desire, and gender identity. In other
words, queer theory does not automatically assume that a biological male/female will have
heterosexual desire and a masculine/feminine gender identity and demeanor (Kates). In other
words, Kates is indirectly conveying that gender choice and preference is not necessarily
correlated with genetics. Some people may argue that this proposed theory is nonsense, however
I would argue that the statement is perfectly valid because every individual is born different from
another. The premise of Kates argument is to convey that whether you are born a male or
female, you are not designated a role because of how you are born. Although this may hold true


in some cases, I have seen texts from people who are gay or lesbian that do not have a choice in
sexual preference because he or she was born with a specific gender preference that he or she
could not control. This type of evidence further improves the standing of queer theory because it
emphasizes the differences right at birth and the preferences given.

Though queer theory suggests that gender preference and lifestyle is not designated
biologically, it does indicate that changes can occur in sexual selection or lifestyles. Queer
theory pushed even further, arguing that sexual identities, desires, and categories are fluid and
dynamic, and that sexuality is inevitably intertwined with, even sometimes constitutive of, power
relations (Gamson). Since sexual identity is subject to change, it is plausible if a straight man
realized that he was gay or bisexual. Anti-queer theorists may argue that such the opposite may
hold true as well, a lesbian or gay man can become straight if its possible for a straight man or
woman to become gay. Gamson writes sexuality is inevitably intertwined with, even sometimes
of constitutive of, power relations because he believes that sexuality is also connected with
power. An example of this power relation can be easily seen from the first presidential election to
our current one. Throughout all our 44 presidents, not one of them has been proven to be gay or
bisexual but all straight, masculine men that were elected to serve this country. The
presidential election clearly shows how sexuality influences power relations such as the

In this day and age, lesbians and gay men have an easier time coming out due to the help
of the internet. The anonymity of the internet allows a person to express their thoughts and
desires with few consequences. This anonymity also allows, lets say, a gay man to be gay on the


internet. Without having to face ordeals such as bullying in

certain parts of the world, this man is out of his closet
when he is online. Gorkmeli writes, In 2001, however,
some activists launched a new campaign titled "coming out
of the Internet" to encourage closeted lesbians and gay
men, with whom they had been in touch through the Internet,
to come out. Gorkmeli conveys that coming out of the
closet on the internet is process that gay men and lesbians
can take to reveal their sexuality. The internet allows the
user to feel safe and comfortable because there is a lack of
direct confrontation. Social media also plays a huge role
because it advertises support for LGBTQ just like the Target ad shown. The Target advertisement
clearly shows two men who are gay because of the keyword, wedding, and this is becoming a
normal thing throughout society because change is coming. The normalization of queer status
further alleviates the pressure of coming out as gay or lesbian. A naysayer would argue that the
ad is just one of the few gay ads shown. However, I would like to refute that the amount of ads is
not relevant but the quality and message of the ads that will strike a chord in people. As I write,
the support for LGBTQ normalization continues to grow as the amount of gay ads continues to

Summarizing my main points, it is important to note that queer identity is always subject
to change even though some people are born with certain preferences. Coming out of the closest
is encouraged through online methods because it ensures comfort. Gay advertisements are vital

messages and symbols towards the LGBTQ movement that encourage people to become more
comfortable with themselves. To conclude, social media and the internet has made great strides
in helping the gay community grow.

Works Cited
Gamson, Joshua, and Dawne Moon. "THE SOCIOLOGY OF SEXUALITIES: Queer and
Beyond." Annual Review of Sociology 30 (2004): 47-64. ProQuest. Web. 19 Sep. 2016.
East Women's Studies 8.3 (2012): 63,88,156. ProQuest. Web. 19 Sep. 2016.
Kates, Steven M. "Making the Ad Perfectly Queer: Marketing "Normality" to the Gay Men's
Community?" Journal of Advertising 28.1 (1999): 25-37. ProQuest. Web. 19 Sep. 2016.

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