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Rey Ane a ee ce ee | cxrecinns |. — — — CIVIL, ENGINEERING ONE MARKS QUESTIONS ‘An axiaLly loaded bar is subjected “10.2 normal stress or 173 MPa The shear stress in the bar is 75 Mba b. 86.5 MPa ¢. 100 MPa 4 1223 MPa Asteel column, pinned, at both ends, has a buckling load of 200 kN. If the, column IS restrained against lateral movement nu its rmid-height us buckling load will. be 3. 200kN b. I83KN 1M) EN d. siklk For an isotropic material. the relarlonship between the Young-s modulus (11). shear modulus (dJand PQisson's ratio (ElLJs 1Vewiy 41411) G aa eh (La) dame 241-u) The stifness coefficies k. indicates ~a forceat rduc 19 unit deformation at) 11 defOrmation at] due toa unit ree ot 3 ¢. defenuatien at ide toa unit force alj d. force at! duc to a unit deformaucn ai, Aske a eae i Seas oe amatus ili _consolidated- drained Sains a itcel pesmi OF ise NT ‘What IIe the pore water pressure at 0 devlator stress et ~akNIn'>" 8. kN b. 20kN IIE & 4UkNim! it, 6UKNim* luLs the mumber of blows observed in a Standard Penctrauon Test (SPT) for differesn penctration depths arc given a follows: Penetratien vésamilier Numb~tuf lo" ~ ‘041500101. a Ist 3110111 3U- 48Umi1 0 the observed value Is 2 bo sR 4, 2st ‘The vertical stress at some depth below the comer of a 2m ){ 3m rectangular looting duc wa certain load intenshy is 100 KN/m:, Whi- YoU be the JOMED! stress in ENIIIII below the centre of a 4111+ (am rectangular footing UI the same depth and samedead illllS'ty'/ n, 3 b 100 = 200 a ~1\(l ‘presence or hardness in excess or aa limit causes a cardio vasculer problems h. skin dlscotournuon ©. calcium deficiency increased laundry expenses The dispersion of pollutants in aunosphere Ismaxunum when 2. environmental lapse nile 15 greater than adiabatic. lapse rate b, environmental lapse rate is less than adiabntio lapse-rate c. environmental lapse rate is “fubil ro adiabatic lapse rate maximum nuxing deplh s equal to The alkalinily and the hardness of a waler sample are 2SQ mg/l and SO ills a~ CoCO:1, respectively the waterhas 4 35L) mglll:Btbonate hardness and zero non-carbonate hardness Disclaimer: We are providing a piece of information. This Is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. b. 250 mgtICMboli3t” hardne*, and zero on-carbonate hardness © 250) mell carbomic hanlmesS lind 350 ‘nun-ClltM.ull" harM"S~ JL 250 rug carbonate bandness ami 100 ~m Ill poms 8 ‘d 16, There 4, —fire .jwerl,'I1 #: mo end of » long mgt noncabooste J" 8 ltuol. For'3 given 11™ all~ il M111 L:consumptive use of water lor ~ crop critical depth i. telS than th"loml-1 dep (luring a particular stags. of ghovan I" 2it What grductly varied, flow prOvilo will mmiday. The maximum depth of avill ble; oceur in the channel fiirthis Itol-role:! wak‘r in the root ZOne is 60 mm. lrrig_atioll .M, is required when the amount i o"iL.>L., Low {ET ii $0 uf the m"i'-um vith oe water io Qe rOt! lone. Mre-que.ney of ce Irigntion ~Htould be gioe: 1. Altwo points 1 and Min. pipeline the hk tae velocities re Vand iV Teelivoly. Both E the points are 1 thie .ame el*"ation: The . orl fluid density is p {lle flow can be z y essumed 10 be iacompresslble, In viscid. 2 Aw perthe Lace)", method iF dellien of steady Dud irrotatlonal, The aii0%Cuoa in Cimly 1°11 19, The degree of fhe ~iffe:".oli,| elLusGeD b. Penctration rest €. SOn'flln~ palnl test @ Vicosiiy lel 14. ff'+[weLno Nalional Highw-y and a ivo- lane StDle Higil\ay inke’S"1 JM right angles. the number o( pOt-coli.| canniet TOnL. o1.the inlers.oliDo, assuming: Ul oq, both the road) are IWO-I~'yls an b OIF ©. 24 ha a, yal 15. tm signal, design as per Indian Road Congress specifications, if the sum of the ratios of normal flow. l@saruraien AbW of two directional if1Uhe flow is 0.~Gand the tOlal lost time per cycle 1£10 seconds. the imum cycle _lenglh in s""and~ Di We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one, PI 64 This might be used for reference purpose. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS ME m-t1 1 bur of length 1U()mm is inserted between so rigid supports, and its temperature. is increased b) 10-C. If the l.cflloignt or thermal expansion Is 12 ittper “€ andthe Young's modulus is? ~ 1(¢ MPs. the. stress in the bar is u zero b TIEMM, e 4 Min 1400 MPu 1\ rigid bur is ~USpe"de'( by OWe" rocls mage IF the same mnerial_ as shown in the flgure, 11 learen find lengll Il the ~enlral d-dnre3 Iand L, fils(1"aiw)), fl of the Iwo omer rods atc 2. nnd 21, respectivety Jf udawmwurd roncmFS0_kN F-applied mi the thgid bru: the fijtcss in th cemrat_and""ch ij!" the OU~rrods will 11" oe a, TILSEN cach b. 30 Nand ISKN a 30 KN and 1OkN 210 KN ui 14.36N ch" maximum and minimum =—she'tlr stresses ina hullow cisulnr shan or outer dlameter 20mm and thickness 2 mm. subjected to = torque (92.7 N-n) willbe 1. SMPa und 47.1 MP b. 100 MPo nnd 80 MPa (118 MPu and 160 MIT) 200 MPn and 160 Min Uhe shear stres~~I the scutrl beom of tvinuelliur sect 1011 whit w buse or 40 mm we height 10 rum, Subjuk-d luod IV per unit length. "Ihe benm hns eunSI™1 flexuml rigidity. 28. Ihe react ions) the middle support is a wl bh SwL we, 5 We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose.

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