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How do we introduce the concepts of noun, article, adjective and verb to the child

with the help of farm environment?


The Farm with selected objects.

Noun cards of the chosen objects color coded black.
Article cards of a and the color coded light blue.
Adjective cards with words, going well with the chosen nouns, color coded blue.
Verb cards, going well with chosen nouns, color coded red.
Four baskets to hold the noun, adjective, article and verb cards.

1. Invite two to three children, have them set up the farm with the selected objects
(e.g: 1 cow, 2 horses, 1 bull) and also introduce the names of the objects ( if
they do not know).
2. Ask the children first if they remember what a noun is. Wait for someone to
3. Then, ask if they remember what an article is.
4. Take the basket with the noun cards and ask a child, Can you take a noun card
and place it beside the appropriate object.
5. When the first child has placed his noun card, ask the second child to take another
noun card from the basket and place it next to the appropriate object on the farm.
6. Repeat with the remaining children (if any).
7. Ask the children first if they remember what an article is. Wait for someone to
8. Then, ask the first child, Can you take an article card from the basket and place it
before the appropriate noun card. The child takes a card, reads it aloud, and
places it before a noun card.
9. Ask the second child to take an article card and place it before the appropriate
noun on the farm.
10. Then, ask the children one by one to take an adjective card and place it between
the article and noun cards.
11. After all the adjective cards have been placed correctly, ask the children if they
remember what verb is. Wait for someone to respond.
12. Then, ask the first child, Can you take a verb card from the basket and place it
after the appropriate noun card. The child takes a card, reads it aloud, and places
it after a noun card.
13. Continue like this till all the verb cards have been placed after nouns in the phrases
on the farm.

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