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Python Scripting DeepDive

Recommended duration: 2 days, 8 hours a day [16 hours]

* Participants should be comfortable with the following:
- Basic and working knowledge of the Pyton is mandatory
- If new to the Python, then the participants would have the taken the co
urse on Python Fundamentals before this.
Training mode:
* The Training program will be demonstration oriented.
* Most of the concepts will be taught by demonstrating Code and the particip
ants can practice the same.
Lab requirements:
* As the training is highly lab oriented, each participant
Attending the training program must be provided with a
Computer with the following software installed:
- Windows or Linux with ActivePython 2.7+ installed
- Pycharm Community edition
-------------------------------------------------------------Proposed Course Agenda
-------------------------------------------------------------[Day 1]
Python IDE
* Pycharm Community Edition or Eclipse with Pydev
Classes and Objects

Introduction to OOP using python

Classes and class attributes
Instances and instance attributes
Binding and method invocation
Composition, Subclassing and Derivation
Operator Overloading
Built-in functions for classes, instances and other objects
Meta classes and Descriptors
Context Managers

Creating Python Functions


Argument Matching Methods
Arguments Matching Methods
Keyword Argument Methods


About Exceptions
Python's Default Exception Handler
Using Try/Except/Finally Exceptions
Generating User Defined Exceptions

* Exception Examples
* Using Asserts
* Exception Classes
Python Modules

Module Basics
creating Custom modules
Using third party modules
Useful Standard Library Modules

Testing and Debugging

* Using the unittest module for writing testcases
* Using pdb debugger framework
* Tracing python statement execution using trace framework
Python and XML
* Working with XML
* DOM vs Sax vs ElementTree
* Introducing ElementTree
* Parsing XML
* Navigating the document
* Creating a new XML document
Multithreading in Python
* Introduction to threads and processes
* Creating and managing threads
* An overview of thread and threading modules
* Concurrency management using Lock, Semaphore, Conditional Variable
* Producer Consumer algorithm using Queue

Standard Python modules

* Using the sys module
* sys.argv, sys.path, sys.version
* An overview on __builtin__ and __future__ modules
* Using the os module
* Filesystem/directory functions
* Basic process management functions
* Recursive directory iteration using os.walk
* Using the os.path module
* Determining basename, dirname, path manipulation
* File type/size/timestamp and other stat determination
* Using the time and datetime modules
* Using random, shutil, pprint, hashlib, md5, optparse
and logging modules
Python Best Practices
* General concepts
* Idioms
* Zen of Python
* PEP 8
* Conventions

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