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Ability and Disability Diversity in the Workplace: Denition, Trends

& Examples

Chapter 12 (/academy/topic/workforceCourse Progress (/academy/course/organizational-behavior-course.html#courseProgressAnchor)

/ Lesson 4





Lesson Transcript
Instructor: Erin Monagan

Erin has been writing and editing for several years and has a degree in ction writing.
Ability and disability diversity is the acceptance of different skills and talents within an organization.
Companies need to learn to value differences within their employees in order to stay competitive. In this
lesson, discover some of the common trends that companies use.

Ability and Disability Diversity





Did you know that over 50 million people have disabilities in the United States? Of those 50
million people, at least 50% of disabled people are unemployed. Ironically, the number of
disabled people has increased in the workforce over the last 20 years mainly due to the
passing of the 1992 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This act maintains that
employers are responsible to make reasonable adjustments to allow workers with disabilities
to perform jobs. The act protects individuals who have both temporary and permanent
disabilities such as AIDS, dyslexia, blindness, deafness, cerebral palsy, anxiety disorders, etc.
Temporary disabilities would include injuries or short term illnesses.
Ability and disability diversity is the acceptance of all types of talents and disabilities within
an organization. The acceptance of abilities is the ability of companies to embrace talents and
education. Let's take a look at how companies can welcome disabled and ability individuals in
their workplace.

Trends and Examples

Differences in individuals can be assets. Let's time travel to the year 2030 and visit a company
called Cyber Transport. The company produces private spacecrafts for Earthlings. They
embraced diversity within their organization and have had tremendous results. In fact, their
most important contributions to the development of their spacecrafts have come from two
disabled employees. One trend is that companies are providing customized training and work
areas for disabled workers.
Kane is a Kdorian Alien who immigrated from the planet Kdor two years ago. He is disabled as
he does not have any arms or legs. Cyber Transport realized early on that he had hidden
talents because he was able to move items with his mind. He saved the company enormous
amounts of money, as they did not need large cranes and hitches to build the craft. Kane
would use his mind to assemble and move the heavy pieces of equipment. Cyber Transport
did provide customized work areas for Kane such as a comfortable, reclining chair that
supported his back and neck during his mind moving work. They also gave him extra breaks to
rest his mind and allow it to re-energize.
Another employee of Cyber Transport is Jane. She is an Earthling that was born deaf. She was
blessed with extraordinary engineering ability that she used to help create the personal craft
prototype. Cyber Transport provided her with specialized technology that immediately
transcribed any type of spoken communication to her via a tech tablet. She was able to
contribute enormously to the craft's design and production.
Another trend is to provide non-disabled employees with sensitivity training sessions. These
training sessions educate non-disabled employees about people with disabilities. If employees
are educated and understand their coworkers' disabilities, then they are less inclined to be
prejudice against them. Some sessions use modeling, where the non-disabled worker is put
into a situation that mimics what a disabled worker has to deal with during a workday.
The last trend is the use of assistive technology to help disabled workers improve their
productivity and communication skills. For example, the tech translator that Jane uses to help
her understand her coworkers even though she is deaf gives her the ability to improve her
work and communication.




Companies need to nd ways to tap into the 50 million individuals who are disabled and
unemployed. This untapped talent can unleash great talent and success for companies.

Lesson Summary
Disability diversity is the acceptance of disabled people within an organization. Recent
legislation has mandated that companies provide acceptance and considerations to all types
of handicaps. Trends in ability diversity include providing sensitivity training for non-disabled
employees, the use of assistive technology to help disabled workers and providing customized
work areas and training. The end result is a more diverse work force.




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