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T h e con ten ts o f th is booklet are based on m y study of the old texts concerning the
legendary m agickal o rd er o f th e G olden D aw n. L et us begin w ith the following
exercise. (A) Sit, eyes closed. B reathe in slowly, hold, breathe o u t slowly. C ontinue
d oing this for one m in u te. (B) Now, for a few m om ents, th in k o f som ething funny
or som eth in g w hich m akes you happy. (C) O pen your eyes and th in k of the things
th a t you m ost w ant. D o th is for a m om ent, b u t then m ake as if you are going to
speak your w ish(es), b u t dont. (D) Close your eyes and th in k o f your faith in
m agick to m ake y our w ishes com e true.
You are now ready to take th e O ath o f th e H erm etic O rder o f the G olden Dawn.
R eading from here, say:
I fu rth e r prom ise an d swear th a t w ith th e divine perm ission, I (state
full nam e) w ill from th is day forw ard apply m yself to the G reat Work,
w hich is to p urify an d exalt m y sp iritu al n ature so th at w ith the
divine aid I m ay at length attain to be m ore than h um an, and thus
gradually raise an d un ite m yself to th e h ig h er and divine genius and
th a t in th is event I w ill no t abuse th is pow er en trusted to me. A m en.
Now close y our eyes and im agine th e th in g s you w ant to com e true: feel, smell
an d taste them . N ow say: Peace to all good above all, so as I will, so shall it be.
A m en.


T h is was perform ed by m em bers o f th e G olden D aw n to increase th e ir m agickal
power. You are now about to increase your own power. T h e following eight acts
should be done twice, an d p erform ed th ree tim es a day.
1. S tand facing east. Im agine a sh in in g w hite lig h t from above en tering your head.
2. Now, reach up w ith a rig h t finger p reten d in g you are touching this lig h t th at
is en terin g your head. W ith y our finger you draw th is lig h t to your forehead.
3. N ow im agine it as a yellow trian g le o f air covering th e up per p art o f your body.
Now speak slowly and loudly: SH A M -D Y E -E L -C H A F.
4. N ow see a black triangle o f soil (representing th e earth) covering the low er p art
o f your body. P o in t y our h a n d dow nw ards, speaking slowly and loudly. A HD O H -N Y E -H A -A H -R E T Z .
5. See a red trian g le o f fire over th e rig h t side o f y our body, touch your rig h t
sh o u ld er an d say slowly an d loudly: YODE-H E-V A V -H EY-TZAH-BAH-OTH.
6. N ext im agine a blue trian g le o f water, covering your left shoulder. Speak slowly
and loudly. E L -O H -H E E M -T Z A H -B A H -O T H .
7. In terlo ck in g fingers, h an d b en d in g outw ards im agine a wheel o f b rig h t lig h t
in th e cen tre o f your body, u n itin g all triangles.
8. See th e lig h t at th e crow n o f your head connecting to the in n e r w orlds and
speak slowly th e w ord E T H .
Perform th is ritu al for two weeks. O n th e th ird week perform the follow ing four
tim es every m orning:
(D )

Inhale. Im agine th e fire triangle.

H old. Im agine th e w ater triangle.
Exhale. Im agine th e air triangle.
Em pty, hold. Im agine th e earth triangle.

A t th e en d o f th ree weeks you will feel an in cred ib le sense o f eq u ilib riu m and
an aw akening o f your psychic pow ers. A n im m ediate effect for m e was th e sensing
o f th e presence o f m y late father. I could sm ell his scent everywhere. T h is gave m e
a great sense o f com fort.


I have sim plified th is lengthy an d com plex G olden D aw n ritual. H ere is its

1. For 24 hours avoid cardinal activity; avoiding alcohol and loud music.
2. T he following day, before the ritual, for one hour build up w ithin yourself an
excited desire for what you most wish for.
3. Light a white candle, place it on the floor and sit before it. Alternatively, place
it on a table and sit on a chair. If it is not practicable to light a candle then
imagine the candle.
4. Clasp your hands together, and call out the magick name repeatedly for about
two minutes. It is: TAPH-THARA-THARATH.
5. Close your eyes and for about five m inutes contemplate on the fact that you
have called upon a great m ighty spirit of the Holy O rder of the Golden Dawn.
6. Eyes opened, raise your arms in a worshipping position and recite three times:
Oh, ye great Lords of the Hall of the Two-Fold M anifestation of
Truth, who preside over the weighing of souls in the Place of judge
m ent before Aeshoari, give me thy hands for I am made of thee. Give
me thy hands, give me all thy magick powers, that I may have given
unto me the force and the power and the m ight irresistible, which
shall compel this disobedient spirit TAPH-THARA-THARATH to
appear before me now. Now I call thee: TAPH-THARA-THARATH!
and com m and you to appear before me now, so that I may accomplish
the desires and wants in me now, to manifest into my reality. In
myself I am nothing: in ye I am all self and exist in the self-hood of
the m ighty eternity! Oh Thoth, Oh Osiris, Oh A turn, Oh Ra, Oh
Jesus, in the holy power of God I command you, TAPH-THARATHARATH! Make your presence known to me right now and I shall
glorify thy name forever more, and grant me what I ask!
7. Close your eyes and dwell on the m ight of your words. T hink of the power
you have generated.
8. For about ten m inutes recite your wish(es), believing that they will become
fact. Tell Taphtharatharath what you want. You may sense his presence. In the
event o f a physical manifestation o f the spirit, fear not. He is under your command.
9. Now say, T hank you for m aking my wish/wishes come true. Fare thee well,
oh great spirit.
10. Look at the candle and believe that its flame is also bringing your wish to
fruition. Allow the candle to burn itself out. DO N O T ALLO W IT TO BURN
IF TH ER E IS A FIRE HAZARD. If in doubt, dont burn a candle at all,
content yourself with imagining one.
Repeat this ritual every seven days until such time as your wish is granted.
To be a successful occultist you m ust have total faith in the outcome. You m ust
not tell anyone what you are doing. This is a lonely path - it is no-one elses
business - but you will walk with the gods.

A word about evil spirits. My m other was being torm ented by a demon, who
terrorized her in her dreams. My research into medieval m anuscripts revealed that
the way to deal with such an entity is to shout at it and threaten it. Tell it: I will
destroy you, or I have the power to send you to hell, if you do not depart. I did
this every day for ten m inutes, and my m other was at peace again. If a spirit seems
not mischievous you could make friends with it and speak kind words. It could
help you in your psychic work.


The following is for the evocation of psychic power. Perform at one oclock in the
morning o f a Monday, that is an hour after m idnight Sunday. With black ink draw
on a plain piece of paper or card the magickal box of the moon. On the reverse,
draw the planetary seal of the moon. Now, for a few m inutes, contemplate having
psychic powers: imagine you can see into the future, that you can travel on the
astral and comm unicate with spirits, and all the other gifts of psychic power.
H olding the paper in front of you, believe in the power it can give. Now make this
I call and command forward the powers of the M oon, in the names
of Yesod and M alkuth and by the sacred name of Gabriel, ruler of
the M oon, I invoke thee. I call and command the powers of the Moon
to flood into my life forever. I summon the powers and virtues of
the M oon on this night and at this hour to be present and willing to
serve unto me and bring me the power to lift my spirit out of my
body and travel anywhere in my dreams as I sleep, to see and hear
everything wherever I may go. So mote it be.
Close your eyes for a moment, then open and chant the magickal name RANA
for five m inutes looking at your paper, whilst believing totally that your wish will
be granted.

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There now follows a spell for healing, either for m ind or body, for yourself or
another. Draw the magickal square of M ercury on plain paper or card and on the
reverse draw the planetary seal. Think of the healing desired for a few minutes,
then holding your paper or card with the belief that it holds the healing you seek,
recite as follows:
I call and com m and the powers of Mercury, in the holy name of Hod
and by the sacred name of Raphael and the archangel Michael who
rules Mercury. I invoke thee, cal! and command the healing powers
of M ercury to come into my life forever. I summon the powers and
virtues of M ercury on this day and at this hour to be present and
willing to serve unto me and to give the power to heal myself and
others and to bring the gods healing into my life. So mote it be.
This spell is to be performed on Wednesday. There is a choice of four different
times. At one oclock in the day after the recitation chant the sacred name
THAM U R for five m inutes; if its one o-clock in the night, chant RANA for
five minutes. Eight oclock in the m orning chant BERON and eight in the
evening chant YAYN. Chant looking at the square and seal with the belief that
you will be successful.
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Repeat every Wednesday until a result is obtained. W hen successful, thank

M ercury for his blessing.
T he following spell is for attracting money and is to be performed on a Thursday
either at one or eight oclock during the day or the same times at night. Using blue
ink, inscribe the magickal square of J upiter on a plain piece of paper or card with
the planetary seal on the back. Then dwell for a few minutes utes on all the money
you need before m aking the following evocation:
I call and com m and forth the powers of Jupiter, in the holy name of
Chesed and by the sacred name of Sachiel and the archangel
Tzadiquel who rules Jupiter. I invoke thee, I call and command the

powers of Jupiter to flood my life with money that will last forever.
I sum m on the powers and virtues of Jupiter on this day and at this
hour to be present and willing to serve me with all the money I desire.
So mote it be.
You have a choice of four times when to do this spell: at eight in the m orning
chant the magick name BERON for five m inutes after making the above
evocation; at one oclock in the afternoon chant THAM UR. At eight in the
evening, chant YAYN and RANA at one oclock in the morning. Hold the image
of wealth as you chant. You repeat the spell every Wednesday until you see a result.
Once the result has been obtained, say a short prayer of thanks in your own words.


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Now follows the love-binding spell which can only be done at one oclock in the
m orning whilst the object of your affections is sleeping. Perform on Friday, that
is to say, at an hour after m idnight on Thursday. W ith red ink, reproduce on plain
paper or card the magickal square of Venus on one side and the planetary seal on
the other. Believe that you will be successful and recite the following:
I call and command forward the powers of Venus, in the holy name
of Netzach and in the sacred name of Anel and the archangel Haniel
who rules the planet Venus. I call upon the powers of Venus to enter
my life forever. I sum m on and invoke the powers and virtues of
Venus on this night to be present and serve me (state your full name
here) in my everyday life and let (name of other person) fall with
passion for me and be bound to my soul forever and he/she shall be
faithful to me to the end. So mote it be.
If you do not know the name of the person, then describe him/her. Gaze at
square and seal for a few m inutes thinking of you and the other person together.
Now chant the magick name RANA for five m inutes, all the while thinking of
your objective. Repeat this ritual every Friday at one oclock in the m orning until
you have obtained a result: then give thanks to Venus.

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Now follows a general spell for success. This is for success in any undertaking. It
is to be performed on Saturns day, Saturday, and can be at eight or one in the day
or one or eight at night. W ith blue ink, draw the square on a plain piece of paper
or card and the planetary seal on the other side. Then dwell for a few minutes on
the success you desire before evocating:
I call and command forward the powers of Saturn, in the holy name
of Binah and by the sacred name of Cassiel and the archangel
Tzaphquiel who rules Saturn. I invoke thee, I call and command that
the powers of Saturn come into my life forever. I summon the powers
and virtues of Saturn on this day and this hour to be present and
willing to serve me and bring success. Let me excel, let me win, let
me soar. So mote it be.
Next, thinking of your success, look at the square and seal and for five minutes
chant THAM UR if its one oclock in the day, or BERON if it is eight in the
morning. At night, YAHN at eight or RANA at one.






The next one is called A Sex Slave Spell for Men and is, not unnaturally,
dedicated to Mars. Draw the planets square and seal on each side of a plain card
or paper. Dwell on your objective - an enjoyable task! - for five m inutes and then
I call and command forward the powers of Mars, in the holy name
of Geburah and the sacred name of Zamael and the archangel
Khamael who rules Mars. I invoke thee, I call the powers of Mars
into my life forever. I sum m on the powers and virtues of Mars on
this day and hour to be present and willing to serve me. Bring to me
young women of lust and passion who will obey me and crave me
from the depths of their soul. Let them burn with passion for me
forever. So mote it be.
For five m inutes, chant the magick name, BERQN if eight in the m orning;
THAM U R if at one in the afternoon; YAYN if at eight in the evening; or
RANA if one oclock at night.
Repeat every Tuesday until a result is obtained. Given the notorious reputation
of certain members of the Golden Dawn, proceed cautiously. Unless you also
accept responsibility for the woman or women concerned you risk self-destruction,
of which Mars is an agent. T hank him for granting your request and respect him.

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Finally, a spell to protect you from evil. Inscribe the magickal square of the sun
on a plain piece of paper or card and inscribe the planetary seal on the reverse.
For about five minutes, contem plate the idea of a light surrounding you. T hink
of a force around you which nothing can penetrate. Now make the following

I call and com m and forward the powers of the Sun, in the holy name
of Tiphareth and by the sacred name of Michael and the archangel
Raphael who rules the Sun. I invoke thee, I command that the
powers of the Sun come into my life forever. I summon the powers
and virtues of the Sun, on this day at this hour to be present and
willing to serve me in my daily life and bring me loving protection
against all evil. Let me feel the warm and loving angelic present with
me everywhere I go and in everything I do. So mote it be.
Needless to say, this spell should be perform ed on a Sunday at either eight
o-clock in the m orning or at one in the afternoon. Close your eyes for a moment,
then open and look at the square and seal and for five m inutes, chant BERON if
in the m orning or THAM UR if in the afternoon.
Repeat every Sunday until you feel it is working, and when it does give a short
prayer of thanks, in your own words, to the sun.

add this


by Joel Goldstein
As one would expect of a secret society, details are hard to come by. This is a rough
T he Herm etical O rder of the Golden Dawn was founded by Dr. W. W. Westcott
in 1888. A year later his position was usurped by S. L. M athers, after M athers
wife was approached by three M asters in a Paris park. M athers had spent years in
libraries in Paris and London studying medieval Jewish texts. He published a
translation of The Key o f Solomon in 1889 which rem ained archaic to most readers
until m odernised a century later by Carl Nagel with F inbarrs publication of The
Black Seals o f Solomon and The Bible Secrets o f Moses and Solomon. It was a chemist
nam ed Cecil Jones who introduced Aleister Crowley to M athers and the Golden
Dawn. Jones described the Golden Dawn as nothing more than a gentlem ans
club which was a neat piece of subterfuge. M athers was supposed to have received
secret knowledge from an unknow n Master, whom some speculate to be no other
than the ageless Count Saint-Germain.
Germ any was the source of m uch of the O rders thinking, but it claimed
inspiration from the secret M asters of Tibet who governed m ankinds affairs. The
belief in such mysterious Masters was at the heart of the Theosophical Society
founded by Helena Blavatsky. T he Golden Dawn graded its members according
to an hierarchy of degrees. There were also Orders within the Order, the lower
studying b u t not practising magick; the higher were practi tioners, whilst the elite
were in direct contact with the Masters. The O rder flourished and at one point
claimed a hundred or more members.
M athers was a good organizer but tyrannical. Possessed by Mars, according to
Crowley, he sought to run the O rder in a m ilitary fashion. Crowley, another
difficult m an, was much influenced by Mathers, and was like him in various ways.
Both m en were fixated w ith titles, honours, and other superficial trappings. Both
sought to impress and made outrageous claims to bolster their authority over the
impressionable. Golden Dawn member, the poet W. B. Keats, considered M athers
half lunatic, half knave.
Despite the pomposities, the Second Order m et in modest rented rooms near
Euston station and in Ham m ersm ith; also at another London location in Great
Queen Street. Crowley regarded most of the members as non-entities. We have
details of his initiation.
T he high priest stands before the altar, between two pillars and addresses
the hushed membership. Crowley is robed, hooded and bound by a triple cord. A
voice cries out, Child of Earth! Come and enter the Path of Darkness! A second
voice disputes, barring the way of the initiate, C hild of Earth! Unclean and
unconsecrated! Thou cannot enter our Sacred Hall.5 Water and fire are

adm inistered. The high priest: Child, wherefore had thou come to request
admission to this order? A voice answers on his behalf: My soul is wandering,
seeking the light of occult truth, and I believe that in this O rder truth may be
Are you willing, before this assembly, to take a great and solemn oath to keep
the secrets of the Order? asked the high priest. I am, replies the neophyte who
then kneels and places his hand on a white triangle. He bows his head and is
touched by a sceptre. Then, repeating the high priests words, he swears the
solemn oath. Child of darkness! called the high priest, Long have thou lived in
ignorance. Q uit the darkness and enter the light. T he hood over Crowleys head
was then removed and he arose with the light of understanding already starting
to shine in his eyes. He acquires a magickal name. Thereafter he passed through
the O rders various grades which corresponded to the Sephiroth of the Caballistic
Tree of Life, eventually reaching Philosophus, one of the highest grades (though
there were grades yet higher).
A fusion of Jewish mystic thought, Babylonian astrology, Pythagorean
numerology and Egyptian mythology seemed to form the bedrock of Golden
Dawn ritual. As for it being a gentlemans club, it had num erous women
members. It seemed to be a magnet for eccentrics, and, notw ithstanding its rituals
for power and wealth, seemed to remain poor. Does this mean the rituals did not
work? Research suggests they did, but no am ount of ritual could save these people
from themselves. Crowley, for example, who wielded the power of life and death
and who could sum m on any num ber of spirits for wealth, was forever on the brink
of insolvency.
N ot surprisingly, the Order of the Golden Dawn, plagued by in-fighting, did
not last many years. An example: Alan Bennett and M athers quarrelled over Shiva
the Destroyer, a H indu divinity worshipped by Bennett. Bennett claimed that if
Shivas name was repeated enough, the god would open his shut eye and destroy
the universe. M athers scoffed at this, the notion that the universe depended on
Shiva keeping his eye shut. Bennett was adamant, so adopted a yogic posture
and began chanting the gods name incessantly. M athers flew into a rage and
dem anded he stop. Shiva, Shiva, Shiva ... he went on. Then M athers produced
a revolver, but it made no difference. T he destruction of Bennetts universe was
narrowly avoided by the timely intervention of M athers wife.

Cosmic Power Attack Rituals

by Larry Hool

T he following rituals are only for use against anyone who is trying to make your
life a misery. They should not be used against anyone you are merely in conflict
with. If you are genuinely the victim of someones unwarranted malicious intent,
then you are entitled to psychically attack that person.
First, perform the opening Cosmic Power (CP) ritual as follows. See a white
light over your head. Slowly breathe in, im agining the light entering your body
through the crown of your head and leaving through your feet as you breathe out.
Now speak the following:
I call upon the inner planes to listen and assist me in my venture.
Please, Anzel, N itika and Opiel come to me. Thou, all gods, come to
my assistance! So mote it be.
If possible, light a black candle which should be left to burn. If there is a fire
risk then you should not use a candle. Now speak firmly the following:
Seek out my enemy, KAY-VAY-KEY and M AIN-DEE-AL, no
m atter where he (she) may be. Go to the ends of the earth if need be!
Scourge him with the rods of vengeance, overcome his mind. I
com m and this of thee in the authority of the words of power: KESSSEA-HEH. So mote it be.
T he following is particularly effective against one of the opposite sex who is
bearing lies and slander against you. Do the opening CP ritual, light a black candle
(if possible; if there is a fire risk, dont) and speak firmly:
By the power invested in me, I command thee A H -K N EE-ELL and
KAH-AH-ME-AH to close the m outh and eyes of (here state persons
name), who maligns me. Visit him (her) when he sleeps and plant
fright and dread so that he no longer maligns me. Obey me with the
word of power: GAY-BOO-RAH-VAHV. So mote it be.
T he following is particularly effective for dealing w ith someone who is unjustly
harassing you. Begin with the opening CP ritual and then speak three times the
Thou, SAY-EAT-ELL and OLE-M E AH, lie in wait for my
enemies. Send fire and force into their m inds when they next harass
me. I seal this command with the word of power: TEE-FAR-ATEYOD. So mote it be.


Once you fed your enemy is totaily helpless and conquered, you will eventually
need to cancel your attack.
To withdraw the devastating effects of your cosmic power, carry out the opening
CP ritual and then say:
These forces whom I command withdraw from the scene of battle.
Stay w ith me and hear my future calls. I com m and thee with the
word of power: Neat-sank-heh. So mote it be.
Your enemy will at once be released from the effects of your ritual, but you can,
at any time, turn it back onto your enemy if you find he/she has not had enough,
or when the person is trying to make your life a misery again. Just carry out the
appropriate ritual and he/she is back in your power again.


No m atter what your enemies are trying to do to you, they can be kept at bay and
be totally defeated by the force of your CP
T he rituals and incantations in this chapter focus your CP and attack the minds
of your foes at in n er levels.
You can now choose your spell and find almost immediate peace and harmony,
free from hassles, and do so easily and automatically.
You know how to m anipulate your cosmic power. W hy or how it works is
unim portant. You are looking for concrete results, not reasons.
It is my desire that you find everything you seek, as I and hundreds of other
people all over the world, who have learned the simple secrets of cosmic power,
have done. If anything threatens the perfection of your existence, perform the spell
that will banish it. If you find a gap in your material or emotional life, let your
cosmic power fill it, quickly and easily.

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