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Solasco, Mary Jane V.



On August 27, 2016, a seminar was help which is Change is Coming, A Call for an
Empowerment of Inclusive Practices in the Philippines by the Future Educators has a very big
relevance for the future educators who will soon be handling and teaching students of different
grade. Not all teachers have enough knowledge regarding with the children that has learning
difficulties. Future educators and Teachers who are currently teaching should be encourage to
have an idea on what does a child can do, and children who has special needs that needs help for
them to surpass their struggles. Children with learning difficulty should not be scolded by the
teacher for it can bring the confidence of the child that can make the situation of the child a lot
harder. We need to make teachers understand the reasons on why the children is a slow learner
because of a specific disability. Before a teacher concludes that the student has a disability, the
teacher should do the step by step process to confirm the situation that the child does possess the
certain disability.

As a sped major student, I learned a lot of things that helped me to be a better educator
someday. Even though I already have a background of the topic or it was already taught in class,
in the seminar, it even made my knowledge to be wider and I understand more of it clearly. Not
only that I know the meaning of the terms, I also understood what the speakers shared about their
experience in the field of education. More knowledge continues to process that it makes me more
aware on what is the situation of the Philippines when it comes to this topic or issue. I also
enhanced my learning to identify the students disability that they possess. As a sped major
teacher, you should always be aware and know what you are doing, because every action we take
in the field of education is very relevant. I also learned that the gold of special education is to let
the students with disability be educated with the non-disabled peers. As a Special Education
Teacher, it is not important to just aim to teach the child on a specific situation or topic, the
important thing is that the knowledge that you will leave to the child will remain on the childs
learnings and the child will develop slowly as you guide or teach them. With the help of
Instructional Materials that has been mentioned in the seminar that the instructional materials can
be used to help provide the students the support and resources that is very important.

As a student or teacher of education, we must always be ready to learn in situations that

we are in. Not only through books that we read but also through our experiences. We teachers are
the hope of the students, especially children with disability. We are the ones who can help them
and understand them in what they want to express. We can help them pass their struggles as time
goes by, as they grew and become stronger, we are one of the reasons why a child excels even if
the child has disability.

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