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Qualitative Gestalt Research

Reach Back Program
Holistic Research Study to Make A Person Whole and Viable Within their Lives,
Community, and Society

By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin-BSHS/RMT/MS/

Current Ph.D. student at Bircham University within the Ayurveda Holistic Health
and Wellness Program
Tunisia I.E. AlSalahuddin

Digitally signed by Tunisia I.E. AlSalahuddin

Date: 2016.10.05 16:52:55 -07'00'

Notification: Agencies that have been notified of educational conduct of the stated
experimentation in regards of the final notes, data analysis, and Thesis Research Statement and
Theory are: The United States Department of State, The Office of Research Integrity, US
Department of Health and Human Services, DARPA, and The Department of Defense

Theory of Gestalt: Within this experimentation the subject (a person) will be made a whole
viable person within community, family, and society for the benefit of self to work, live, and
accomplish within their own life in order to be a viable part and factor within their
community, family, and country. Gestalt phenomenological exploration is aimed at awareness, or
insight. Insight is a creation of patterns of perceptual field in this way that the important realities are apparent;
it is a creation of a gestalt when the essential factors begin to make sense with reference to the whole"
(Heidbreder, 1933, p. 355). As for the Gestalt therapy, insight here is complete understanding of the structure
of the situation under observation. Gestalt Theory also stated, Being a whole, the field consists of such parts
as immediate relationship and they influence each other with all parts involved. The field becomes a substitute
for separate constituents notions. The person in somebodys life space is a part of a field. The experimental
study and research will involve a building up of the subjects (a person) to become whole, viable, a
sustainable life force, without hindrances, blight, and negative attributes within their life. Activity will
be noted and all subjects have already been selected per Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin and the research
study. All organizations, persons, and groups that cause a hindrance, blight, impoverishment living,
ailment, poverty, and other attributes which cause a person to be less than whole will be notified to the
proper government

Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin Educational Institutions of study are as such noted below and have no
collegiate input thus far.

Table of Contents

1. Overview

.Pg. 3

2. About the Researcher and Organization

Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin

.Pg. 6

3. Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc.

....Pg. 6

4. Qualitative Gestalt Research (Identify the Problem)

Pg. 7

5. Investigative methods (Interview and Experimentation) .Pg. 8

6. Judging the Scope and the Creation of the Problem

Pg. 8

7. Review the Literature

Pg. 8

8. Clarify the Problem

.Pg. 9

9. Concepts

Pg. 9

10. Define the Population

.Pg. 9

11. Instrumentation Plan

Pg. 9

12. The Aspects of Holistic That Will Be Used

Pg. 10

13. Collect Data

.Pg. 10

14. When Will Data Be Collected (Time of Year)

Pg. 11

15. Participating Organization Obligation

Pg. 11

16. Subjects (participants) Duty to Start Businesses

Pg. 11

17. Analyze the Data (Qualitative)

Pg. 12

18. Freedom of Religious Practice or Non-Religious Practice ...Pg. 12

19. References

..Pg. 12

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

In the study and research of the Gestalt theory the introduction of holistic health, wellness, and living
will be introduced into adequate perspective and measurements without hindering the subjects life. Many
diverse forms of holistic wellness to build up a subject (a person) of diverse genders, nationalities, and cultures
will be used for research study and proper experimentation without harm and hindrances that will prevent a
quality of life for the subject, and the subjecting school, organization, and group. Contra Costa Self Help
Foundation Inc. will also play a vital part in the construct of the experiment and help with overseeing that the
proper steps are developed and integrated within the subjects life for wellness, balanced living, optimal living,
quality of care, quality of work, supreme living conditions, and ailment free by proper eating, exercise, and
exceptional health care. The health care must always involve holistic practitioners, Ayurveda Doctors, and
Naturopathic Doctors. This experimentation can and will be funded by community, state, country, nonprofit,
and businesses within the United States and countries abroad, as well as allowing all subjects to make
substantial income off the sweat of their own brow or the works of their hands. The plan of action is to create
an exceptional PIE called a Person In Environment on a Supreme Level or close to one.
Some forms of charity will contributed to the Gestalt Research Experimentation from diverse
organizations in the early beginning, but not for long because each subject must be given the right and
opportunity to earn a well living for self above the poverty range. It will also be noted of all and any
organization that causes harm or blocks participants during the research study i.e. Corporations, countries,
groups, and persons. The research is an experimentation that will collect data on the quality of life of persons
within society as they flourish and thrive by use of Holistic Wellness within their lives. During this process all
other research that any subject is currently in that causes an impairment, hindrance within the subjects life to
be well, healthy, and financially stable will stop immediately and the Qualitative Research Study by Tunisia
I.E. Al-Salahuddin will be implemented immediately whom is currently within a Doctoral Degree Program for
Ayurveda Health and Wellness at Bircham International University. This study could last as long as 20 to
100 years and will be monitored by other students, professors, and associates as time progresses to ensure that
more subjects are allowed to participate ,and all subjects are adequately treated with dignity, respect, and
integrity. This research is one to help people, families, and communities that have been subjected to
Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

impoverished living, behavior, and conditions. All subjects will have the understanding that they must
incorporate holistic living within their lives by some means to remain a participant rather it be by eating,
product knowledge, exercise, and study which will eventually lead to teaching within your homes, community,
or at the national level (Each One Teach One). Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc., participants, and
Tunisia I. E. Al-Salahuddin do understand that it is a process to convert to holistic health, eating, and thinking
and we (CCSHF) will be fully informed that all subjects do not have to give up pleasures of living and life that
cause no harm, but the experiment will incorporate holistic aspects that bring upon a heighten quality of life
and living that is supreme, balanced, and well for the betterment of subject (person) and community.
Within this experiment it is ok for students, researchers, founders, family members, and community
leaders to get involved within this experimentation, but they must have the full understanding that any
financial gain means that all subjects whom succeed and do well while being a subject must reach back within
their family and community to help one, two, or a few out of an impoverished state of living. This will be
done by observation, and the same holistic theory and practice that was amalgamate within their own lives for
the betterment of self will be used on the new subjects that are signed up for the experimentation. Within this
experimentation the assistance of DARPA, DoD, and other government agencies will be sent names of all
those who will participate along with Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and anyone caught imposing,
infringing, stealing persona, likeness of any subjects will to living, way, recompense, value, measurement, and
power during this research and experiment through piracy will be punished to the full extent of the law by and
charges will be filled at the offices of the Tribunal Courts, House of The Lords, The Highest Supreme Order,
and Supreme Courts.
This experimentation is in no way connected to hip hop experimentation or any church experimentation
that may cause harm, hindrances, or damage within my life, the subjects life, or anyone within the community
therefore any experimentation that may have been conducted by any church organization legal or illegal must
render and forfeit immediately upon the subject signing up for the Gestalt experimentation state here without
any form of retaliation upon the parishioner, participating individual, and subject. Upon the subject signing
up for the stated experimentation I do understand that they do have the right to live and live well considering
Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

they use holistic health, wellness, eating and fundamentals within their lives to help them become whole as a
person. There will be no documented child molesters allowed within this experimentation, but families that
may benefit for the betterment of reunification and development of a quality of family life may be suitable for
the entire community. Nor will any subject be stripped of their persona, likeness, and senses as long as they do
not break the law of the land which is enforced by the government police codes and penal codes. Those who
live by Affidavits of Truth must follow their Affidavits of Truth properly. Our organization is not here to stand
in a corrupt manner but to teach a man/woman to be upright and self-sufficient.

Where there is good health there is financial wealth

-Russell Simmons-

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

About the Researcher and Organization
Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin

Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin is a current student at Bircham International University within

the Doctor Ph.D. in Ayurveda - Wellness & Health program. She obtained her Bachelors of
Science in Human Services while attending University of Phoenix Concord Campus in 2011.
Tunisia I. E. Al-Salahuddin earned her Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership with a
Specialization in Strategic Organizational Leadership. Currently Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin is a
native of Concord/Bay Point California where she lives, but was born in Santa Barbara
California to Faye & Mansour (Evans) Al-Salahuddin. Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin is the Grand
Daughter of Floyd and Mary Pearson & Thelma Jones and the Great Grand Daughter of Alice
Spiegler and Samuel & Anna Avington (Le Avington). It has always been in her family lineage
to write, educate, work, develop, plan, create, innovate, lead, and keep record of society,
development of society, build businesses, and work with society, and the infrastructure of the
United States. Her family are builders of society and civilization as a whole.
Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc.
Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc. was founded in 2005 and established in 2008 as a
501 nonprofit and for profit through fundraising and paid employment for members, and board
members. It is the duty of Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc. to be participants within this
experimentation as well to ensure that subjects are being treated properly and fair by any means
necessary. This will be done by observation, notation, documentation, and analysis. Other
organization may be asked by Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc if they are willing to find
the subjects and families that are truly in need, but they must have full understanding that all
subjects that do participate by referral must be in school, trade school, college and they must
Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

achieve (obtain) an education on a higher level. This is part of earning off the sweat of their own
brow and the work of their own hands. If the subject drops out of school they have 1 year to reregister back into school immediately regardless unless there are catastrophic events. All
subjects must participate in adequate work when referred and they must be involved in
continuous education endeavors to keep up with the ever changing times for knowledge,
wisdom, and understanding to create an optimal person. All agencies must have good
understanding this is part of teaching a man/woman how to fish and feed self. All participating
agencies that work with Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc. will have understanding that
charity/Zakat to the subject is ok in the beginning but the intention and plan is to make the
person whole, and viable within society and community. Participants do understand that if they
do not obtain adequate knowledge when it comes to holistic health, study, and living that they
will be dropped from the program and someone else will take their place within the same
community or family to be able to reach back later on when they are successful. Reaching back
will be done when a person has achieved a well-paying job, can help the next person through job
placement, and business development.
Qualitative Gestalt Research
Identify the Problem
Problem: In society, community, and family the cycle of poverty must be eliminated and
family members must be accountable for each other. The experimentation is to teach members
how do for self and reach back into their own families and community to invest in their own
through education, charity, and business development. These people who will be considered the
trail blazers will have the attributes and actions of; opportunity, chance, education, job
development, and business development available to them, and adequate funding that will not
Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

come from Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc or Tunisia I.E Al-Salahuddin but funders and
stake holders that are willing to help during the process as long as the person follows a holistic
regimen to sustain their quality of life to do. No funding will come from Tunisia I.E. AlSalahuddin the researcher or the researching agency Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc.
Each person is responsible for each other along with participating organizations.
Investigative methods (Interview and Experimentation)
The invest igat ive methods will be done by surveys, quest ionnaires, meet ings,
interview process, notations by all (participants and agencies).
Judging the Scope and the Creation of the Problem
Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc (CCSHF) along with Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin
has the right to judge within the spectrum and scope of the entire experimentation and scope of
things when it comes to all aspects of the participants stages of development to ensure that they
comply with the experimentation. This judgment is not to harm any participant at any time, but
to examine and critique the subject to ensure success! The judgment is only to pin point the
problem within the subject (persons) life that keeps them from becoming a whole viable person
during the process. No subject will be audited, but may be dropped if they do not submit
information in regards to holistic living and learning in some form by written documentation by
subject and also schools and other professionals. Participants will have the understanding that
holistic means whole and the PIE (person in environment) should be exquisite and superb at best.
Review the Literature
Literature review will be of collegiate level as citation and also given to subjects for
development of self.

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

Clarify the Problem

Clarification of the problem in regards to the subject will be documented and clearly
stated. All aspects of hindrances that may keep the subject from achieving particular goals
within their life will be documented in order to create a plan of action for them to achieve and
do. The problem may be association, family, community, and work. The problem may also be
health, exercise, mental state, eating properly, and conditions that may have to be observed.
Some subjects may have to change the entire way they eat and live vs others that may not. No
subject will be made to change every aspect of their living situation, eating habits, and worldly
likes (pleasures) based on researchers likes, pleasure or dis-likes.
The concepts that will be used are: Reach Back, Holistic, and Each One Teach One to
ensure that proper knowledge and education is being used. Even though religion will not be a
factor for everyone, the Bible, Ayurveda Fundamentals, Veda, Holy Koran, and Torah can and
will be used, but without force or threat!

Define the Population

The population will be poor or impoverishes, un-educated, college students, single
mothers, and single fathers. The population will also be inner city youth, disabled, and families
that may have CPS cases.
Instrumentation Plan
The instruments that will be used are: Holistic Doctors, Books of Knowledge, lectures,
food venues, restaurants, gyms, meet ups, business preparation classes, cooking classes, farmers

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any


markets, holistic classes, Halah/Kosher markets, College classes, surveys, study guides, online
research, and other plans that may be instrumental to success for the subjects.
The Aspects of Holistic That Will Be Used
Many teachings of Elijah Muhammad, Masaru Emoto, Mikao Usui, Dr. Vasant Lad,
Ayurveda, Naturopathic Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Intention, Vibration, and Light and
CAM by Kaiser Permanente, and other holistic practitioners, along holistic instructors. Proper
eating and the understanding that holistic is not vegan or vegetarian will also be incorporated in
the study. Herbology will also be incorporated and subjects whom choose to do the herbology
aspect of the holistic Gestalt study must understand that they can take a marijuana class as well
but they must take a herbology classes that teach them about other forms of medicinal herbs as
well. Not just marijuana and they must achieve a certification that they intend on using to the
betterment of their people by creation of an herb pharmacy or to teach. The aspects of this is to
help subjects to take care of self within society. Thought: If you are well then you can work and
provide. The aspects of holistic are of the highest and these aspects are to teach subjects
(participants) how to be self-sufficient and also live well. By no means are we (CCSHF)
promoting anyone converting to becoming a hippy or religious follower, but if they choose to
that is their right. We are encouraging wealth, wealth management, wealth gain, and supreme
health by doing for self with support of the community, family, and organization.
Collect Data
Surveys, Participants feedback, classes attended throughout the San Francisco Bay Area,
Southern California, questionnaires, gainful employment, business development, and income
development. Data will be sent to diverse agencies within the United States Government and
anyone whom ask, but on a yearly bases with new reports for the past year.
Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any


When Will Data Be Collected (Time of Year)

Data will be collected on a regular and the final report will be available the first week of
July if there is a delay in the report for any reason like a catastrophic event notice will be posted.
Participating Organization Obligation
In order to keep the United States Viable and functioning it will be the obligatory duty of
all participating organizations that are sent people to their meet ups, schools, classes, and other
events to help them create a plan to become viable and also sustainable. All organizations that
participate and do not keep their word will be sent notification and contacted by higher
government officials/diplomats. It will also be the duty of organizations within the United
States within this experimentation to help find proper work that will pull people out of poverty.
Example (Henry Fords: Make a Boy into a Man). This will in return help the organizations and
other businesses to promote themselves, manage business, earn income, and at the same time
help the entire infrastructure by Reaching Back. All participants have the right after work hours
and on the weekends to create and build their own businesses nor do they have to live under the
poverty line nor make less than $100,000.00 per year, but they must reach back when income
reaches $50.000.000 not by giving away their income, but by reinforcing encouragement and
making sure all subjects and participants are doing what is needed to live well, healthy, and
building up within self-i.e. family, self, and community.
Subjects (participants) Duty to Start Businesses
It is the subjects duty to start a business rather they work or not to pull themselves out of
poverty. By them doing this it will supplement their income and not put such a hardship on the
government. This theology will also keep money within the United States and other countries

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any


circulating. More money earned means more money spent and circulated within city,
community, and states!
Analyze the Data (Qualitative)
A qualitative analyze will be used with measurements in regards to any changes within the
subjects lives who participate within the experiment. The Gestalt standards of building up will be
used as a measuring tool. The only aspect of Gestalt will be the whole and building up of a
person. The only aspect of BF Skinner that will be used is creating an exceptional PIE (person in
environment) will be used for the entire experiment this includes Contra Costa Self Help
Foundation Inc., Board Members, Tunisia I. E. Al-Salahuddin, and all participating subjects.
Freedom of Religious Practice or Non-Religious Practice
No man or woman will be forced to practice religion or non-religion. This is not a
religious study even though some aspects of the Veda, Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Holy Koran,
and Bible can be used within a Holistic way for the Holistic properties and values. No man or
woman will be forced to stop practicing religion for any reason at all. Anyone within the study
cannot at any time causing harm or problems for a person based on religious views rather they be
atheist, believer, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist.
References will be noted in the yearly data reports

Note: From1973, current, and future Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin, Contra Costa Self Help Foundation Inc, and the
Board Members program, files, system, or experimentation cannot be used for financial gain by anyone or any

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