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Exam Analysis Form

Now that youve seen the answer key, you should spend some time evaluating your
performance and looking over the questions that you missed. Here are some tools to help
you. This is the most helpful way to identify which areas you may have misconceptions or
weaknesses, which youll need to address as you continue in the course.
For each exam question you got wrong, answer the following set of questions:
Question I missed:

Blooms Level: (see recitation 2 and 4 for the Blooms Taxonomy chart)

Reason I missed the question (choose from items below):

Do you understand WHY you missed the question?

When you have looked at every question, then you can begin to see patterns, and adjust
your study habits or exam-taking skills appropriately. Id love to talk over your exam with
you, but you must have gone through this process first. You just might find that this process
helps you find the answers on your own. Bring this completed form with you when you
come to see me.
Use these descriptors to help you identify the reason you missed the question:
1. The information was not in my notes.
2. I know this concept but I didnt identify it with this particular wording.
3. I misread or read too quickly the question and/or the selection of answers.
4. I felt this information was not important.
5. I totally misunderstood this concept.
6. I blanked on this question. I remembered the material after I left class.
7. I changed the right answer to the wrong one. I was not confident in my understanding of
the concept.
8. I should have asked for clarification of the wording used in the question.
9. Other

Modified from Jacqueline E. Brehe, Copied from Great Ideas in Teaching Anatomy and Physiology, a Benjamin Cummings
Publication for Science Instructors Volume 1, pgs 15-16.

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