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Morphett Vale

Catholic Parish Bulletin

Our Parish Vision:
The people of Mary Help of Christians Parish
will seek to know and love God, and serve God
by nurturing and sustaining our whole community.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
Parish Priest:
Fr Roman Palma CR
Assistant Priest: Fr Marian Szablewski CR
Parish Office:
Office Open:

9th October 2016

3 Venning Street, Morphett Vale SA 5162

Tuesday 9.00am - 3.00pm;
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9.00am - 12 Noon; Friday 10.00am - 3.00pm
Closed for lunch: 12.00Noon - 1.00pm

Phone: 8326 1555

E-mail: mvparish@internode.on.net Web Site: www.morphettvalecatholic.com

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Mary Help of Christians Church: Corner Bains and South Roads, Morphett Vale
Cana Chapel: Hay Street, Happy Valley
MacKillop Chapel: Todd Street, Woodcroft
Antonio School: Bains Road Morphett Vale
Phone 8384 7633
Emmaus School: Todd Street, Woodcroft
Phone 8322 7211

Weekend Masses
MacKillop: 10.30am


Weekday Masses
Wednesday 9.15am
Wednesday 7.30pm

MacKillop-NO Mass


Reconciliation: 11.30am-12noon Saturday or by appointment

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: After Mass Wed - all day and Fri 7.30-8.30pm
Rosary: 7.30pm Monday at Mary Help of Christians and after 9.15am Mass each day
Divine Mercy Devotion: 1st Sunday at 3.00pm - St Marys Church
Devotion to Mary: Mass 1st Saturday of month - Mass - 10.30am
Devotion to the Sacred Heart: 1st Friday of month, Mass 7.30pm; Exposition; Benediction.
Baptisms: 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. Enquiries please ring the Parish Office.
Marriages: Six months notice is requested. Phone the Parish Office for an appointment.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

First Reading
Second Reading

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9th October 2016
2 Kings 5:14-17
2 Timothy 2:8-13
Luke 17:11-19


29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

16th October 2016
Exodus 17:8-13
2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
Luke 18:1-8

The Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power.

Alleluia, alleluia!
For all things give thanks to God,
because this is what He expects of you in Christ Jesus.

GOSPEL: On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus travelled along the border

between Samaria and Galilee. As He entered one of the villages, ten
lepers came to meet Him. They stood some way off and called to Him,
Jesus! Master! Take pity on us. When He saw them He said, Go and
show yourselves to the priests. Now as they were going away, they
were cleansed. Finding Himself cured, one of them turned back praising
God at the top of his voice and threw himself at the feet of Jesus and
thanked Him. The man was a Samaritan. This made Jesus say, Were not
all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no
one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner. And He
said to the man, Stand up and go on your way. Your faith has saved
Did You Know?

The term leper in the Bible probably referred to people who were suffering
from a variety of skin disorders.

Under Jewish Law, lepers were ostracised and forced to live outside the city
limits. It was thought that they would contaminate others in both a physical and
religious sense.

Leprosy was seen as a punishment for sin, therefore lepers were moral outcasts
as well as physical outcasts.

When a leper was cured, certain purification rites were performed by the
priests. It was only after purification that lepers could again come into contact
with friends and relations and once again take part in the religious life of Israel.
Symbols & Images
Todays Gospel is another example of Jesus being recognised by an outsider - in this
case a leper and a Samaritan - while those who should know who He is, His own
countrymen, do not respond appropriately.


Rosary Prayer for Priests with Mary and the Saints
Every Wednesday after morning Mass we pray the Rosary for all priests,
especially Fr. Roman and Fr. Marian. Come and join us!

Divine Will Prayer Group

Meet every Wednesday at 11.00am in the Parish Hall.

Latin Mass
Sunday 9th October at 10.30am in St Marys Church.

Mass with Anointing of the Sick

Tuesday 18th October at 10.30am at the Vales Nursing Home.

Feast Days and Memorials this week!

Monday 10th October
Tuesday 11th October
Wednesday 12th October
Thursday 13th October
Friday 14th October
Saturday 15th October

St Patrician, Bishop
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady of the Pillar
St Edward the Confessor
St Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
St Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church

Annual Mothers and Christian Family Life Mass

In honour of St Gerard Majella (Patron of Mothers & Christian Families) on
Wednesday 19th October at St Francis of Assisi Parish, 59 Newton Rd.
Newton. Rosary7.00pm: Mass7.30pm with Blessing of Expecting Mothers.
Veneration of St Gerard 1st Class Relic. Enquiries: 0402 169 140 or 8364 4516.
See Notice Board for details!

Seniors Group Meeting

Thursday 13th October at the Parish Hall at 10.30am.
Further details contact Frank - 0409 645 387

2016 Melbourne Cup Luncheon

Tuesday 1st November at 12Noon in Parish Hall. $20.00 - 3 course meal.
Tickets from Ann Haverty, Karen Daniell or Parish Office. To assist with catering
please noteALL Bookings and payment by Friday 14th October.

Cuppa Time!
Sunday 30th October in the Parish Hall after the 9.00am Mass.
Time to see old friends and meet new ones!


Please let Fr Roman, Fr Marian or Kathleen Gaffney know of any sick parishioners

Gloria Yallop, Yvonne Rye, Shona Morgan, Chuck Fowler, Ann Haverty, David
Fisher, Tony Vaccaro, Elizabeth Vaccaro, Sr Marie Teresa, Phillip Horne, Jeffrey
Bell, Eileen Abrey, Marie Markwick, Irene Loughe, Carolyn Cranley, Maria
Heuhaus, Neil Wright.
Lord, be with them and their carers at this time of anxiety and suffering!

Recently Deceased:
Tony Torinski, Sheila Lehhy, John Shelley, Adrian Clark, Troy Bille, Hans Hol
May God have mercy on their souls!

Stephen Alver, Sanjay Poulsen, Reco Volk, Fr Antonio Khoury, Mojibbu Khoury,
Tadross Issa, Debbie Issa, Rdo Khoury, Maria Junokas, Derek Ferrier, Stanislaw
Kotomski, Lamia Frangia and Family, Caesar Awker and Family, Lino Caruana,
Max & Betty Pennifold, Paul & Brian Pledger, Christine Ronan, Members of
Nemer and Awker Families, Holy Souls in Purgatory, Members of the Khoury,
Zadey and Adam Families Anthony Saba, Members of the Saba Family, Moussa
Adam, Anton Abud, Michael Nolan, Eddie Nolan.
Lord, grant them eternal peace in Your Kingdom!

Prayer List Policy:

If you wish the names of your loved ones to be included in the Prayers for the Sick,
Recently Deceased or Anniversaries, then please contact the Parish Office.
These will be listed for 4 consecutive Sundays in the parish bulletin.
Names can be re-listed on request from the family to the Parish Office.


October 2016Journalists
That journalists, in carrying out their work,
may always be motivated by respect for truth and a strong sense of ethics.

Archbishop Wilson is happy to receive prayers requests for special intentions.
If you would like the Archbishop to pray for you, your family or friends,
then please submit a brief email listing your prayer request to:

Some Key Characteristics
of a Healthy, Vibrant, Renewing Parish
Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide
The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great
flexibility, it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness
and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community. While certainly not
the only institution which evangelizes, if the parish proves capable of selfrenewal and constant adaptivity, it continues to be the Church living in the
midst of the homes of her sons and daughters. This presumes that it really is in
contact with the homes and the lives of its people, and does not become a
useless structure out of touch with people or a self-absorbed group made up of
a chosen few. The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an
environment for hearing Gods word, for growth in the Christian life, for
dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In all its
activities the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelizers. It is a
community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the
midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach. We must
admit, though, that the call to review and renew our parishes has not yet
sufficed to bring them nearer to people, to make them environments of living
communion and participation, and to make them completely mission-oriented.
(Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, par. 28)

Building on the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis calls us to the renewal of
our parishes and communities. What is said below of parishes is meant to apply
as well to all Eucharistic communities in our Archdiocese, including Aboriginal
and multicultural communities. It also applies to parish schools and to other
Catholic schools in ways that are appropriate to their different contexts.
The following are some key characteristics of parishes in the process of renewal:


The parish is a community in which each member is called to a

personal relationship with Jesus.

The parish is directed towards discipleship, and understands itself as a

community of disciples, and as a school of discipleship. It is a place of prayer

and of formation that enables parishioners to embrace what the Second Vatican
Council termed the universal call to holiness. Each of the baptised is seen as
having a gift of the Spirit given for the sake of all. Each one is different, but all
are participants: To each is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common
good (1 Cor 12:7). Our parishes, schools and communities will need to be places
where members can learn to pray, to know and understand the Scriptures, and
our Catholic tradition. They are places where we learn to discern and to use our
gifts in the cause of the kingdom of God in our world. All are involved in
evangelisation, bringing the gospel of joy to the world.
Eucharistic liturgies are prayerful and fully participative.
The full and active participation of the whole people of God, men, women and
children, that the Second Vatican Council called for should be evident in all our
celebrations, along with the various lay ministries, and the ministry of the
deacon where possible. In ways that are open to us, our actions and our
language need to witness to the full equality of women and men, of girls and
boys, both in our Eucharistic assemblies and in broader parish life. As parish
communities we need to give priority to preparing well for each of our liturgical
celebrations. Good music is important. Many people are drawn to liturgies
where there is inspiring music, times of silent prayer, as well as good preaching.
If priests are to give themselves fully to prayerful leadership of the Eucharist it
may be necessary to limit rather than simply add on more Masses for our


The Word of God is proclaimed in good preaching.

We need to become communities that listen deeply to the Word of God. Our
focus on the biblical text in our Sunday gatherings will need to spring from the
way our parishes are places of the Word and of prayer during the week.
Preaching emerges from profound listening to the Word; of grace offered in the
text, and from listening to the community. We need time for proper formation
and prayerful preparation not only for those who preach the Word, but also for
those who read the Scriptures in our assemblies. All those involved with the
ministry of the Word need to be conscious that, by the manner of their
proclamation, they mediate the grace of God to those who listen.


There is a warm sense of community outreach.

While many of our parishes have worked hard at community-building and

hospitality, Pope Francis urges us to go beyond ourselves, and our own natural
groups, to others, above all to those in need. We are called to engage

ecumenically with Christians from other denominations, praying and working

with them in the cause of the Gospel. We need to find ways to make all kinds of
people welcome, including the young, not only by welcoming smiles and words,
but also in the whole experience of our churches, our symbols, our liturgies, our
language and our actions. Our parishes need to witness to the mercy and
generous love of God revealed in Jesus. We need to make sure that all feel
welcome and loved, including new migrants, parents with sometimes noisy
young children, those who suffer from mental and physical disabilities, people
who are shy, and those who might tend to feel excluded because of their
relationships or for other reasons.


The parish community is visibly engaged with those who

experience poverty and need, and with those at the margins
of society and church.

Pope Francis has said: Here I repeat for the entire Church what I have often said
to the priests and laity of Buenos Aires: I prefer a Church which is bruised,
hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church
which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. I
do not want a Church concerned with being at the centre and which then ends
by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures (Joy of the Gospel, 49).
We need to be a Church that constantly witnesses to mercy. We need to take
the risk of acting for justice. Our parishes will need to go out to both their own
members in need, including those who are old, isolated, sick, and those who are
in need in their neighbourhoods and in the wider world. Pope Francis tells us
that he wants a Church which is poor and for the poor (Joy of the Gospel, 198).


The parish witnesses to Gods love for all the creatures of


When the community gathers for Eucharist, we bring the whole creation with
us. We pray at the beginning of the Third Eucharistic Prayer - All you have
created rightly gives you praise. Pope Francis says: Joined to the Incarnate Son,
present in the Eucharist, the whole cosmos gives thanks to God. Indeed the
Eucharist itself is an act of cosmic love (Laudato Si, par. 236). He tells us that we
are all called to ecological conversion (Laudato Si, par. 217), and this is a
challenge in our parish life. School and parish can participate together in this
conversion, and witness to it, in their use of resources, like water, and in many
other ways, such as by using solar power, recycling, supporting community
gardens and tree planting.


The parish is led by a priest with a pastoral team.

These small teams may involve lay leaders, religious, deacons and priests. Team
members may take on a variety of roles such as coordinator of the community,
manager of the parish, finance officer, youth worker, as well as pastoral
associate and pastoral director. Leaders in Catholic schools will often be part of
such teams. A priest, who may be a parish priest or priest moderator, will be
appointed to a parish by the Archbishop. Other priests may be part of the
team. There will be a need to plan for the teams of the future, identifying,
supporting and providing learning experiences for lay leaders. Each parish will
need to nurture the vocation of those called to lay ministries, religious life, as
well as continuing to nurture vocations to ordained ministry. The pastoral
team, along with the whole parish, will exhibit the values of openness and
transparency. It is essential that the pastoral team be truly and visibly collegial,
and so contribute to building up authentic communion in the parish.


Eucharistic communities that are viable will be enabled to


There will be times when there will be a need to discern whether particular
communities remain viable. But smaller Eucharistic communities can be closer
to the people, and are to be maintained in our new and emerging pastoral
structures, as long as they have the capacity, and the ministers, to be a genuine
centre of Christian life, formation in discipleship, outreach to those in need,
and life-giving Eucharistic celebrations. It is important to recognize the value of
other forms of prayer in such communities, including services of the Word, and
Liturgies of the Word with Holy Communion. There is value in keeping local
communities in place, and we need to respect the identity, language and
culture of such communities.
We ask that you take the time to prayerfully read this leaflet and then
present your comments and ideas, preferably in writing to either
Fr Roman or Kathleen Gaffney.
There will be a Spring Gathering on Saturday 29th October where the
Task Force and Working Party will meet with parish leaders to discuss our
ongoing renewal.
We invite you to pray for the success of this meeting. If you wish to be
acknowledged as a Prayer Partner for this specific intention, please pick
up a leaflet from the Church foyer and ask Fr Roman to sign it. It will then
be passed on to the Church Office where they will issue you a certificate.

Nationwide Month of Prayer and Fasting

for Marriage and Families - October 2016
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Commission for Family, Youth and Life are
requesting all parishes across Australia to make October a month of prayer and fasting
as the nation prepares for a conversation on marriage. Scripture and the Churchs
history give us many examples of the great impact when a whole community
undertakes prayer and fasting together. Join us for a month of prayer and fasting to be
held in parishes, schools and homes across the nation during the month of October
2016. We hope that in this time of national conversation on the subject of marriage we
can encourage all to pray for the well-being of marriages and families, and in a
particular way for people who are same-sex attracted or gender questioning. We also
pray for a respectful national discussion on marriage.
We are encouraged to offer Mass, pray the Rosary and attend Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament during this time with special intention of marriages and families in mind.

During October the Rosary will be prayed after each weekday Mass and each
Monday evening at 7.30pm for the intention of Marriage and Families
EXCEPT for Wednesday morning where we will continue to pray the morning
Rosary particularly for priests.

Prayer for all Marriages and Families in Australia.

Heavenly Father,
Grant healing to all families in distress,
especially those burdened with strained relationships.
Draw close to all families who have experienced violence, upheaval, illness
or division. May all who have been wounded find ready comfort and healing.

Safe Schools Coalition Parents Information

Archbishop Wilson has asked that we make available to parents of children
attending Government Schools the material prepared by the Bishops
Commission for Family, Youth and Life under the authority of the Australian
Catholic Bishops Conference entitled Safe Schools Coalition Australia
Program - Information Resource for Parents.
The resource aims to provide basic information to raise awareness and inform Catholic
parents, so that they can make enquiries at their local Government schools about the
program and exercise their rights and responsibilities in the education of their children.
While it is very important to be sensitive to those few individuals who have real
difficulty identifying their biological sex, the controversial gender theory promoted via
the program is of serious concern.
If you would like a copy, please take one from the Church Foyer. Thankyou!

Gospel Reflections for Married Couples in the Jubilee of Mercy

In this weeks Gospel, only one of the ten lepers, who were healed, gives thanks to
Jesus. Sometimes it is easy for us to take the many blessings in our life for granted.
How easy it is to take all that God has given us in our marriage for granted? Are there
aspects of your married life, things that your spouse brings to your marriage that
youve failed to appreciate? Give thanks to God for these precious gifts, both to God
and your spouse.
(A Reflection by Karen and Derek Boylen)

Nominations for 2016 Archbishops Awards are now open

Archbishop Wilson wishes to recognise with an award, current or recent outstanding
service by an individual in each of the three categories:

For outstanding service to the archdiocese

For outstanding service in parish life within the archdiocese

Award to young people for outstanding contribution to the life and mission of
the Church
Nomination forms available from the parish office. Closing date: Monday 31st October .

Rosary Study
Touching the Mysteries a 5-week moduleMonday 26th September, Monday 10th,
17th, 24th, 31st October from 7.30pm9.30pm in the Cathedral Hall. We invite you
to make any donation if possible. We offer you two levels of payment to consider; full
cost $25, subsidised cost $15. Bookings are essential: phone 82328688 or emailing
acp@acp.adelaide.catholic.org.au. Participants should bring a Bible. For information
(not bookings) contact Br Martyn on 0426884800 or mpax1744@bigpond.net.au.

Mary MacKillop Mass for Choir and Orchestra

This year marks 150 years since Mary MacKillop began the Sisters of St Joseph Order.
To commemorate this occasion, the Cantabile Singers directed by Denise Rothall, are
performing Mary MacKillop Mass for Choir and Orchestra, in an Adelaide Premiere by
Australian composer Nicholas Buc on Friday 28th October at 8.00pm at St Ignatius
Church, Norwood.
See Notice Board!

Emmaus Catholic School presents We Live Inside A Story

Friday 21st October and Saturday 22nd October at the Hopgood Theatre, Noarlunga.
All tickets$15.00 + transaction fee. See Notice Board for full details!

Gathering for South Australians who travelled to Krakow WYD

Please join Archbishop Wilson along with other young people to share our WYD journey
stories on Thursday 3rd November. Mass at 5:45pm in St Francis Xaviers Cathedral
followed by supper in Cathedral Hall. For catering purposes RSVP to Sarah Moffatt
smoffatt@adelaide.catholic.edu.au by 28th October.

From Vision to Action: Care for our Common Home Comes to Life!
A stimulating evening with Fr Sean McDonagh SSC, an Irish eco-theologian & Columban
missionary, on Monday 7th November from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at The Monastery.
See Notice Board for full details!

Planned Giving up-date


Loose Plate:
Priests Collection:



First Collection Renewal

This renewal aims to raise awareness of the importance of the First Collection and the
need to increase our contribution. Giving $1.00 in the 60s is equivalent to giving $10.00
today. Thank you to those many generous parishioners who support our priests and
deacons through the First Collection. We offer support to our priests by our prayers
and encouragement as well as by ensuring their well-being.

Social Justice in an Ageing Society

Following the Australian Bishops Social Justice Statement: A Place at the
Table' there will be a forum to discuss some key issues on Wednesday 19th October at
7:30pm at St Ignatius Norwood Parish Hall. Donation $5. Speakers: Sister Liz Murphy
rsj, community leader for St Josephs convent; and Dr Mary Brooksbank, former
director of palliative care at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Central Adelaide
Palliative Service, and Medical Director of Mary Potter Hospice. She is currently chair of
Palliative Care SA

OctoberCatholic Mission Appeal Month

Pope Francis reminds us that mission, or spreading the Kingdom of God to the ends of
the earth, remains the paradigm of our Catholic Church. To this end, Catholic Mission,
the Australian arm of the Pontifical Mission Societies, holds primary responsibility and
pride of place in supporting local Churches to fulfil Jesus missionary mandate.
Importantly, Catholic Missions support of missionary projects is in accordance with
Australian and Christian traditions ensuring that everybody in our world receives a fair
and equitable go, where financial assistance is provided without favour or preferential
In 2013, Pope Francis repeated an invitation by Pope Paul VI, inspiring Catholics to
jealously guard the universal breadth of the Pontifical Mission Societies, professing that
they have the honour, responsibility and duty to support mission [to proclaim the
Gospel], to administer the necessary aid.
Pope Francis asks that we never tire of teaching every Christian right from infancy, in a
truly universal and missionary spirit, and of sensitizing our entire Catholic community to
support and help mission via Catholic Mission.
Please pray that this universal commitment to sharing faith be always upheld by
Catholic Mission within our diocese of Adelaide and throughout the Universal Church.
Please take a Catholic Mission envelope as a prayer focus and a source for you to
reflect on Gods invitation to you to support this work of mission. For more information
about the work of Catholic Mission, please visit catholicmission.org.au or contact
Deacon Anthony Hill 08 8210 8199.

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