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Jaime Neely

295 S Pinch Road Apt. 10, Elkview, WV 25071 | 304-935-4164 | jswindle@wvstateu.edu

To obtain gainful employment at an elementary school where I can help shape and educate the leaders
of tomorrow.

Educational Coursework History

Education 200: Foundations of American Education
Fall 2014 (Grade A)
A course designed to formally introduce students to the consideration of teaching as a profession, give
students their first experience in the formal study of the disciplines involved in education, and help
students assess their pre-professional readiness.
Education 201: Human Growth and Development
Fall 2014; FEX 15 hours at Shoals Elementary, 2 nd Grade, Mrs. Kathy Miller (Grade A)
The study of developmental characteristics of the individual through adulthood.
Math 103: Math Education-Problem Solving
Fall 2014 (Grade A)
This course intended for prospective teachers of grades K-6, 5-9, and 5-12 (Math). The topics of
estimation, problem solving, sets, whole and rational number properties and operations will be studied
with reference to the NCTM standards. Both expository and laboratory (hands-on) methods of
instruction used.
Music 105: Skills and Materials for Elementary Teachers
Fall 2014 (Grade A)
This course is designed to provide future elementary school educators with skills and understandings
in music to enable them to incorporate music into their classroom activities. These activities include
both stand-alone music lessons as well as musical experiences designed to enrich and enhance
instruction in other subject areas. The course allows for students to gain both an added appreciation
for music and an increased confidence in their own musical abilities that will motivate them to make
music a dynamic component of their classroom instruction.
Education 202: Educational Psychology and Learning
Spring 2015; FEX 25 hours at Clendenin Elementary, 5th Grade, Mrs. Colleen Andrews (Grade A)
Provides teacher candidates with an overview of the field of educational psychology and its basic
theoretical, conceptual, and empirical principles as well as related concepts for classroom application.
Education 227: Exceptionalities and Human Diversity
Spring 2015 (Grade A)
Prepare all teacher candidates to be knowledgeable to and responsive to the characteristics and needs
of diverse students, to be able to work in collaboration with other educators, other professionals,
parents, and community members, and to be equipped with teaching strategies that maximize
opportunities of success for the entire student body.
Education 300: Educational Technology
Fall 2015: Virtual FEX 10 hours (Grade A)
Will introduce the student to educational technology and current research on critical issues, trends,
diffusion and adoption of technology and history and theoretical foundations of the field.
Education 316: Integrated Methods
Fall 2015; FEX 40 hours at Edgewood Elementary, 5 th Grade, Mrs. Danielle Deuell (Grade A)
Materials of instruction, commonalities in the learning process and developing requisite techniques of
instruction in all programmatic levels are stressed in this course. Emphasis is placed on skills in
planning and organizing instruction.
Education 320: Teach Reading in Elementary Schools I
Fall 2015; FEX 30 hours at Edgewood Elementary, 2 nd Grade, Ms. Amanda Buskirk (Grade B)

Current methods of teaching developmental reading in grades K-6 with an emphasis on the use of
national and content standards and objectives to deliver and assess reading instruction.
English 324: Literature for Children
Fall 2015 (Grade A)
A survey course that examines concepts, principles, issues, and resources in the field of childrens
literature. It is designed primarily for those students who will be teaching a literature-based curriculum
at the elementary and middle-school levels. The course is organized around topics relevant to the
literature with an overview of genre materials.
Education 321: Teach Writing in Elementary Schools
Fall 2015 (Grade A)
Essentials of instruction in the language arts in the elementary and middle school with emphasis on
national and state standards. Specific emphasis placed on the writing process and how this process
increases student achievement in reading, handwriting, speaking, viewing, spelling and listening.
Education 325: Teach Social Science in the Elementary Schools
Spring 2016 (Grade A)
The course offers strategies to organize subject matter, select methods and materials, and present
content in the teaching of social studies in the elementary school curricula. An inquiry-based
interdisciplinary, constructivist approach is highlighted.
Math 105: Math Education-Geometry and Measurement
Spring 2016 (Grade A)
Informal geometry, transformational geometry, coordinate geometry and measurement studied with
reference to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards.
Education 331: Curriculum for Special Education
Spring 2016; FEX 30 hours at Mary C. Snow Westside Elementary, BD classroom, Mrs. Katrina Helm
(Grade A)
Education personnel must know how to plan, develop, and implement instructional and remedial
programs for exceptional learners, following the latest research regarding best practice in curriculum
and instruction. Designed to give candidates the knowledge and skills to meet this need. The focus is
on demonstrating precise strategies found effective for teaching specific skills and content to these
special learners. The aim is to inspire/direct/enable prospective educators to work together to design
and develop Individualized Education Programs or other personalized programs to support optimal
achievement for each learner.
Education 423: Teach Reading in Elementary Schools II
Spring 2016; FEX 20 hours at Mary C. Snow Westside Elementary, Ms. Ellen Perine (Grade A)
An introductory course in the diagnostic-prescriptive strategies to work with school children
experiencing reading difficulties. Candidates will have practical experience in test administration,
interpretation, instructional intervention strategies and evaluation follow-up.
Education 436: Capstone Experience Elementary Teachers
Spring 2016 (Grade A)
This course is designed as a senior capstone experience for all teacher candidates with an elementary
education (K-6) content specialization. Course will encompass curriculum integration strategies of all
subject areas in multi-subject classroom.
Education 318: Teach Science in Elementary/Middle School
Summer 2016 (Grade A)
Emphasis on the national and state standards in organizing of subject matter and selection of methods
and materials involved in teaching of science in elementary schools.
Education 494: Direct Observation and Part in Elementary Education
Summer 2016; FEX 10 hours at Mary C. Snow Westside Elementary, Resource Room, Mrs. Helen Gist
(Grade A)
An arranged course with a goal of assisting students with mild disabilities in the resource room setting.
HHP 369: Elementary/Middle School Safety Programs
Summer 2016 (Grade A)

Prepares the teacher candidate to receive certification in Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED and First Aid
training upon completion of the course. The course emphasizes updated information strategies the
teacher candidate can employ in his/her life to protect themselves and their students.
Art 416: Visual Arts and Elementary Curriculum
Fall 2016 (Currently Enrolled)
An introduction to the visual arts, its tools and media appropriate for children in elementary
classrooms. Covers the developmental art making stages, drawing and emergent literacy, and art
integration with science, math, social studies, and language arts. Will give students the opportunity to
develop and reflect on their own art making abilities through the studio format of class.
Education 324: Teaching Math in Elementary School
Fall 2016 (Currently Enrolled)
Explore important mathematical ideas and their development, with a focus on the essentials of
instruction in the elementary school and an emphasis on national and state standards. Specific
emphasis is placed on developmentally appropriate materials and methods to be used in the teaching
of mathematics.
Education 426: Creating Learning Communities
Fall 2016, FEX 40 hours at Elk Elementary Center, 5 th Grade, Mrs. Megan Paxton (Currently Enrolled)
An introduction to the legal, theoretical, developmental, and best practices that will enable a beginning
teacher to develop a management, organization, and assessment system that promotes student
learning and ensures student safety in all public school learning environments.
HHP 359: Methods of Teaching Health Education
Fall 2016 (Currently Enrolled)
Prepares the prospective elementary and middle school teacher to function effectively in the school
health program including school health environment, school health services, and special emphasis on
school health instruction.
HHP 446: Methods of Elementary/Middle School Physical Education
Fall 2016 FEX 10 hours at Elk Elementary Center, 5th Grade PE, Mrs. Ferguson (Currently Enrolled)
Prepares the teacher candidate to plan, select, instruct, and evaluate a variety of activities that are
developmentally appropriate for students in an elementary/middle school physical education program.

Waitress and Certified Trainer | Bob Evans | From August 2008 to Present

Responsible for ensuring recurring business by providing excellent service

Take orders and provide information about menu items

Ensure that the order is prepared according to the menu

Serve meals and side dishes

Ensure that continued service is managed during the course of the meal

Keep a constant eye on the table to gauge needs and fulfill them

Clear table and clean table tops

Properly train all new hires brought into restaurant

Professional Development
WVSU Homecoming 5K Run

Participated in WVSUs 5K run during homecoming week.

WVSU State Stride
Participated in WVSUs State Stride activities.
Understanding and Integrating the 4Cs in Your Classroom Webinar
Webinar included an in depth description and explanation of the 4Cs and how educators can
integrate them into their classrooms.
WVSU State of the University Address
Observed WVSUs State of the University Address presented by the president, Brian
Smartboard Workshop

A workshop where the fundamentals and basic tools of a Smartboard are discussed.
Google Drive Webinar
A webinar discussing Google Drive and its implications in the classroom.
San Jose Taiko Drum Performance
Japanese Taiko drum performance at the Fannin S. Belcher Theatre.
Culturally Relevant Teaching Seminar
A seminar hosted by Mary C. Snow West Side Elementary School. The guest speaker, Dr.
Chance W. Lewis, discussed strategies for all students to reach their full academic potential via
culturally relevant teaching.
Google Docs Webinar
A webinar discussing Google Docs and its implications in the classroom.
WVSU 2014 Convocation
A seminar titled Getting LinkedIn to Social Media. Discussed developing your personal brand,
managing your online reputation, and building a professional network.
Scholar Webinar
A webinar discussing Scholar and its many benefits to education and learning.

References available upon request.

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