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Saturn through the houses.

With so much activity on the economy and Job loss, the system as we know it being
destroyed so to speak and will affect everyone, but how we react to this new
beginning will show in our individual chart.
Saturn being the lawmaker and Lord of karma we will face our inner fears, all our
insecurities and anxieties, fear of our own inabilities, failures, and success. With
success comes responsibility. We all want success but do we really want the
responsibility that goes with it?
How would we hold on the pass habits and that comfortable feeling that we are so
use to. All the habit patterns of the past now come forth to be dealt with and finally
let go. We must face the music and embrace a new beginning, which scares the
heck out us, for the fear of the unknown. A place we have not yet ventured into
Those with strong Aquarius and Uranus, the rebels of the zodiac will see this as a
challenge of a lifetime for they do not care of the status quo.
As Saturn rebuilds our egos, regardless of which area of life he is in we will walk
away better individuals with a few scares left behind. The battles scares will be a
reminder of a bitter lesson well earned. The more we let go of our ego the easier
this lesson will be. However, like most creatures of habits we choose the hard way
and fighting, kicking and screaming.
The house that Saturn is your will show us the area in our life that we need to start
work on. Wherever Saturn is, is where our Karmic lesson begins.
Saturn builds one brick at a time with a solid foundation to last.
Saturn's nature is slow and cunning, unlike other planets that march right in and
wham. Saturn is more discreet in his arrival, but his energy is very potent. The
majority of individuals will feel Saturn with their first Saturn return, usually in their
early 30's depending on the motion of the planet. This is the time in our life when
we have some bases to build on. We have to have some structure in order to
rebuild. As Saturn is rebuilding us and the world so to speak, We have the choice to
make, either fight this change and make it harder on us or go with it , let go and let
Saturn always leaves us in a much better place then when he found us. We will
learn that growth may be very painful but worth it in the end as things beginning to
settle down for us and the world as a whole. This change will not happen over night,
as we did not build our own selfish ego overnight.
Saturn's influence will bring stability, conservatism, ambition, discipline and careful
planning. How we accept this influence will be up to us, for we have the free will in
play as with all planets.
We all know that Saturn is in Libra now, and those of us who have this placement at

birth will be going through a Saturn return, in the coming years as Saturn,
progresses further in this sign. Some for the first time and others the second return.
Saturn is exalted in this sign of Libra, which can emphasize the positive qualities of
With Saturn soon to enter into this sign of Libra, we will be reinventing our ability to
relate to others. The scales of justice will balance our insecurities of our self we as
we are faced with the image we reflect to others in our relationships. We want
approval from others, due to our own inabilities to approve of our self. We have the
beauty and grace of Libra but we also inherit the indecisiveness of this sign. Making
a stand for our beliefs will be difficult for we can see both side of the realm, when
we do make a stand no one will talk us out of it. Our insecurities will come to face us
along with our fears of being inadequate. Saturn will build on our own relationship
with our higher self. Virgo is the last of the personal signs and Libra is the first sign
of our journey back to the higher self. Here is the midpoint between the personality
and the soul. Let the battle begin for the soul must out weight the personality.
There is a constant battle between feelings and emotions as their feelings are
shifted through their mind. Saturn will be a challenge, in this sign of Libra for it is an
air sign Saturn will discipline the relationships it will restrict and even delay, but not
deny. Saturn's task will be to teach us to cooperate with others and not be
completive in nature that comes so easily with Libra. Libra's crave companionship,
for they hate to be alone.
Saturn though the houses,
First house
Being on the first house will be important for this shows how we will look at the
word and how we react in the personality form. Most of us will want to withdraw
from society, depression will be in play with this placement, in turn will feed us the
negative outlook in life.
Our insecurities from childhood will be in the play here, misplaced guilt and
anxieties can create a false outlook on life. People around you are very dominating
forcing us to deal with them along with our fear of failure and success for they feel
they do not deserve it. Anxieties and trauma from both physical and spiritual will be
forced to deal with. Being 1rst house and angular will give this energy more
strength in his influence. With this placement, the hard work and determination will
be helpful, for Saturn is rebuilding the personality, to withstand the storm coming.
By confronting the demons and fears of our past gives us strength for the future,
and replaces anxieties and traumas with determination and open to the truth and
out of the past that we live in so comfortably.
Just a tidbit of info here.
Those who have Saturn in the first house close to the ascendant, in their natal chart
shows the birth was hard for the mother for the soul was reluctant to enter at this
time. This can be used to rectify a chart.
Saturn in the second house here is the house of finances and the lesson of learning

the true value in life. Saturn is saying there is more to life then material
possessions. Here we will need to re-evaluate our need to operate in the outer world
and the way we live in it. This all so will be rebuilt one brick at a time last for a
lifetime, but not in a material value, in a spiritual mater. The more we give our self
the more we receive. The more we can help others with our wealth and ask nothing
in return the more we receive. If we can flow with his energy, and stay out of the
past habit that we are so comfortable in, then Saturn can guide us into the new life
pattern. Saturn is the teacher of the universe if we have the willingness to learn the
easier this lesson will be. The financial structure for those with this placement can
give opportunity for real estate, and a disaster for others. Others may have the
breaks of Saturn when it comes to investing and invest very cautiously. When we
choose love of material matters, we will always lose. When we have love of the
universal kind, we will be successful.
The more we fight this change the harder it will be on us. The change is happening
and we cannot stop it nor should we, but accept the change and learn from our past
mistakes and move on.
Saturn in the 3rd house
Here we have the mental energy and the way we communicate to siblings
May feel loneliness or separation from relatives. May find themselves responsible for
siblings, Interruption from education, or may have the opportunity to return to their
Early environment and how we reacted in early years as we replay the painful
lessons that have held us hostage all this time. The mind can be very fragile and
our attitude will be important in this placement. Depression and mental instability
will be a key factor here. Can stabilize the mind power and give more mental energy
to seek and absorb knowledge. With Saturn in the third house of the mind, others
will see us, as the way we communicate, may be a person of few words, but they
will be powerful. Some may see you as being cold or reserve in your manor of
Saturn in the 4th
Saturn will operate in a later part of life when we have established the indicators of
the 4th house. We have to have an ego to rebuild and the dark side of our ego and
home will show in this placement. Here is the ability to nurture others or the lack of,
and with Saturn, being the restrictive planets and a planet of Karma, our lesson
beings here. Can gain through real estate or lose, again the attitude of this Karmic
condition will play a big role here, the more we give the more we receive. Saturn
only breaks up what has stopped us from growing in a spiritual manor. Saturn does
not deny only delay; we are the ones responsible for denial, by actions. Here we will
face our own insecurities and inabilities to mother others. Will come across cold and
uncaring for this placement forces us to see the inner depths of our ego, the side we
hide so deeply from others. The same side we must face unwillingly.
Here is the house of the mother, home, and Saturn will add more responsibility with

this placement. We can find ourselves resenting this added chore. With Saturn,
being in the 4th house being angular this energy will be very powerful. So be careful
what you ask for.

Saturn in the fifth house

With Saturn in the 5th house all, the fun is gone. We become conservative and the
party lifestyle has been deleted. Saturn restricts so we can rebuild our selfexpression, our creative nature, our love affairs or lack of will show in this house. All
the spontaneous actions have been delayed. Anything that we can create including
children will be ruled by this house. With Saturn responsibility of children or lack of,
will often denied. Here is the lesson of Saturn in the 5th house, learning to love and
show affection to others. Putting others needs before yours. In addition, being
willing to handle the guilt from past mistakes. Dealing with the insecurities of our
self as we reflect our artwork, writing, or seeking sex as a way of self-expression.
This is where the Karmic lesson of breaking the past habit of selfishness and
treating others coldly. Children and or lovers. Using them for your own gain and
giving nothing in return. Saturn will rebuild this fault in our egos and strengthen our
ability to give of ourselves. The quicker we learn our lesson the faster Saturn no
longer denies us. When we can express our self in a loving format, and know that
others feelings do count the quicker we can move on.
Saturn in the 6th house.
Saturn in this house we have to earn our way in this world. Workaholic our work
habits will be much disciplined and probably work harder then we should for we
have the insecure feeling of never doing enough so we over compensate and over
do. We can get to the point of living to work instead of working to live. This will play
on our health as we learn to balance the work ethics and health. Saturn's discipline
will restrict our health to get our attention. Our attitudes towards work and others
will play a big role here, as we expect others to have the same work ethic as we do.
We can really get too demanding of others and expect them to do their share, when
they do not it play's on our nerves and our health will pay the price in the form of
restriction of flow to the heart.
Saturn in the 7th house
For a relationship to be a success, it takes a combination of the 5th house (selfexpression) and the 7th house of relationships. You have to be able to express
feelings of love before your can give love. With Saturn in this house, the lesson is
relationships, and changing partners will not solve the problem. Here we must have
a self to give, and learn to cooperate in the relationship not compete. The
responsibility for your partner may be heavier then usual, and feel restricted in the
relationship. A feeling that your partner is not giving enough in the relationship
gives you the feeling that all the responsibility is on you, when in fact it just might

be. This placement is the Karmic result of not being a loving partner and now we
must learn this hard lesson of loving. This being the turning point of our journey out
of the personal path and onward to the spiritual path. In the true test of loving, we
will find our way back to the universal oneness and universal love. What greater
partner and love then having a true love on a spiritual nature. This house is also an
angular house giving this energy a boost.
Saturn in the 8th house
This is the typical house of death for many astrologers, but so much more. This is
also the house of rebirth, after a death, we have a rebirth. There are so many form
of death, Death of the ego, a bad habit, relationships, communication, home, and of
course the physical body.
The 5th house shows our self-expression towards sex and the 8th house shows our
attitude towards sex. With Saturn, here we must learn the sexual nature needs to be
regenerated and slowed down along with the ego and pride. Here we have the
responsibility of our actions and Saturn being the Lord of Karma aka the Lawmaker
we will face our insecurities of death, pride, ego, and sex. When we get past the ego
and pride we can see the rainbow of this house, psychic levels, Astro plane, this is
the house of psychic senseativativty that we can tap into and find our most inner
self if we are willing to look.

Saturn in the 9th house

This is one of the best houses for Saturn to be in; the 9th house is the house
of the higher sub-consciousness. The same thought process that defines us as
individuals, and apart from the animal species. This thought process will kick
in at a later part of life as the closed and conservative type of mind has
developed. This is our perception of reality. What Saturn will do in this house
break up the stagnated reality we have been living in whether it being religion
or philological views and make way for the seed to be planted with new ideas.
This is also the house of long distant travel and Saturn will delay, but not
deny. It is also the house of in-laws, best to live at a distance from them.
Saturn in the 10th house
While the 6th house has ruler ship over our work, the 10th house has more to do
with our attitude toward work. Saturn is at home here and the influence of this
planet will give a much disciplined attitude toward our work and co-workers.
They way society looks at us as our pride are at center stage here for all to
see. The responsibility of home and work will be under a scrutiny.
The insecurities of this house can be seen with over work and over
responsibility, and the lack of delegating work to others, for they are the most
capable person to handle the job. Can get to the point of feeling over
Loaded with responsibility.

Saturn in the 11th house.

Where the 7th house is a one on one relationship this house deals with many
different types of people as we are dealing with our friendship, extended family
and organized group. Learning to give of your self will be a big challenge for
this placement, the test of cooperation and giving in a house that has to deal
with so many people in our life's that can see our little quirk about being able
to commit to any ones ideas or goals for fear of failure and their insecurities.
If Saturn can learn to handle on a one to one basis then they could have a
friend or two to hang out with and it will be very beneficial for them and ease
the loneliness. With the responsibility of groups and or extended family can be
very overwhelming with this placement, as the lawmaker restricts with his cold
manor but doesn't deny.
Friends may help you achieve your goals once you get past the fear of failure
and find your own identity.
Saturn in the 12 house.
This is the house of the hidden, and with Saturn in this of house anxieties
fears and unrecognized guilt will hang over anyone with this placement. This is
the house of past sub-conscious attitudes that have been leftover from previous
life's. Guilt can be from early childhood, or from uncontrolled emotions.
Instead of looking at the problem we hide from reality and must be forced to
face the problem at a time in our life when we are not expecting it.
We can live a life time of fear from others only to later realize the fear and
guilt was our own doing.
It will be extremely difficult for us to expose our inner most feeling, leaving
you painfully raw and vulnerable having to depend on others. Instead we hide and
withdraw from others and isolate our self and try to deal with this placement on
our own. The loneliness from this keeps us from living a full life with all the
happiness and pleasures life has to offer.
Saturn will not allow us to escape for long , when he hits this house reality
sets in and our attitude will be adjusted.
This house is the house of imprisonment, hospitals, and institutions. When we
can face the reality of our fears, emotions and anxieties we can finally deal
with it and move on.
learning to embrace our sorrow free from guilt will be the first step in
acceptance and inner peace.

Saturn s most powerful place in the chart is in the 7th House and the Kendra s.

He is a particularly beneficial planet for Taurus and Libra Ascendants. Saturn s

nature is Vata, or Airy. His gem is Blue Sapphire and all black stones and his
metal is Lead. Saturn s direction is west and his day is Saturday. He reaches
full maturity at age 36. In Vedic myth Saturn is the son of the Sun, born to his
shadow wife, Chaya. Saturn is lame because one of the Sun s first wife Sanjana s
children became angered with him and struck him in the foot. Thus Saturn walks
with a limp, which accounts why he is the slowest of the Grahas.
The graha SANISCHARA (Saturn), also known as Manda, is generally known to affect
one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in one s horoscope
like Saade Sati (7 1/2 years). He is the Lord of Makaram and Kumbam. He is the
slowest moving planet taking 2 1/2 years in each Rasi, completing one cycle
every 30 years. A prayer to this Devata, especially on Saturdays, is said to
mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods. Sanischara
bestows all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. The legend that
depict the influence of the worship of SHANI goes as follows, and is narrated
whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity.

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