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Scan your signature as a pdf, then crop to size. To crop; Tools -> Pages -> Crop. Drag a rectangle
around the area to be cropped and double click inside the cropping rectangle. Print this cropped
signature to pdf.


In acrobat, go to Comment ->

-> Custom stamps -> Create Custom Stamp
Browse for your signature pdf. In Category, select Dynamic. Name: Signature or whatever you
want. Untick Down sample stamp to reduce file size
4. Go to C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Stamps and open the
5. In acrobat, go to Tools -> Forms -> Edit. In the Add or Edit Form Fields dialog choose No

In Tasks go to
, then
. Place this field where you
want the date to appear on your signature.
7. Double click on the field. Go to the Appearance Tab to adjust the font size and colour (blue!),
and then go to the Calculate Tab. Select Custom calculation script and Edit. Cut and paste
the following highlighted text: event.value = util.printd("dd/mm/yy", new Date())

Close the dialog box, then

and save the file.
Check by stamping the document with your new stamp. If the date is too large/small/etc, adjust
by repeating steps 4, 7, and 8.

Do not forget to print to pdf any document that you have stamped electronically to prevent misuse.

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