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Money is the root of all evil.
To be rich you need to be dishonest.
You cant lead a spiritual life and be concerned about
Money makes the world go round.
Theres more to life than money.
Money isnt important.
Have you heard any of these statements? How do you
feel about the words written above? How do you feel
when I use the word, money? How do you feel when
you hold money in your hand? How do you feel when
you spend money? To buy something you want; to pay
the electric bill?
If youre like most people reading this book, you have
mixed feelings about money. Most certainly, there is a
positive or negative charge you feel when it comes to
Money is important. In our society, in our global
economy, most people would agree nothing can take
the place of money.
However, let me caution you concerning how you feel
about money. Know that money is for our use. Money
is our servant. It is not our master. Many people get
this backwards. The first principal concerning financial
freedom and developing a Prosperity
Consciousness is to know that it is important to use
money and love people. Do you know someone who
loves money and uses people? You should always love
people and use money, instead of the other way around.
Luck has nothing do with acquiring money. How
many times have you heard statements like, Bill is so
lucky when it comes to money or He was just in the
right place at the right time or something to that effect?
Some people may argue that luck does indeed
play some part in financial success; it is never the only
ingredient to wealth.
I mentioned earlier that money is to be used. Actually
it has to be used to have any value. If its stashed away
under your mattress or buried in the backyard, it is essentially

worthless. Money needs to circulate to serve

us. Otherwise it is only as valuable as the paper it is
printed on.
Im sure youve heard stories about a beggar-type person
who dies and its discovered that he had a hoard of
over $150,000 .00 in cash packed in boxes throughout
his house. Why would someone choose to live like a
pauper when he had so much money at his disposal?
He could have used the money and had a wonderful
productive life. He could have invested it or simply left
it in a bank to earn interest. But he chose to keep it in
boxes and thereby rendered it absolutely useless.
Please note when I say money needs to be kept in circulation
I do not mean it should be squandered and
spent foolishly. There is a difference and you will
learn more in the following pages.
Prosperity Consciousness
A clue to developing Prosperity Consciousness lies in
the term itself. It is a conscious act; something that is
done in the mind. If youve read my book, Born to
Manifest, you are already aware of the fact that everything
that you create, be it money, health, romantic
relationships or wealth, first is formed in the mind before
it can manifest in the physical. There is much
power in thought and people who have lived their lives
using the power of thought have come to be some of
the greatest men and women in history.
Without going into much detail about the why this is
true, let us briefly use a technique which you can begin
using immediately to start attracting the money you desire.
Start by picturing yourself as wealthy. Do whatever
needs to be done to see your self as financially free
and abundant. How would you feel? If youre like
most people, you would probably feel a little uncomfortable.
Realize however, that wealthy people never
feel uncomfortable concerning money. Its not because
they already have money either. People dont feel
comfortable about money because they have it. They
have money because the feel comfortable about money!
Wealthy people have developed a Prosperity Consciousness
concerning money and it stands to reason if

you want lots of money you will need to develop Prosperity

Consciousness as well.
How do you go about developing Prosperity Consciousness?
The best way is with the power of thought.
Start seeing yourself as if you already possessed the
amount of money you desire. In your minds eye, picture
yourself as financially free. How would that feel?
What would that look like? What would you do with
all that money?
You see the reason this technique works is because the
subconscious mind does not know if what you are
thinking is true, imaginary, or whatever. When you
succeed in convincing your subconscious mind that you
are wealthy and that it feels good to be wealthy, your
subconscious mind will unfold and make the image you
have formed manifest into reality.
This may sound like pure mumbo-jumbo to you at this
point, but Ill be speaking more about Prosperity Consciousness
in this book and before youre finished, the
imaginary game we just played will make a lot more
Fear and Worry
If you want more money, it is imperative that you release
any and all fear and worry about whether or not
you will get it. Fear and worry about money are limited
beliefs we hold concerning lack and limitation.
Fear and worry is about something that hasnt happened;
a future that doesnt exist.
Remember the rich pauper I talked about earlier. Why
didnt he ever use the $150,000.00 he had? Most likely
it was because he held a fear or worry about being
poor. The ironic thing was because of this fear; he
lived as a poor pauper anyway.
You Have the Power
Know that you are responsible for creating your life.
No one and no thing can change your reality but you.
Take back your power. Do not listen to people who tell
you that you will not succeed. In fact, dont even tell
others you are reading this book and what youre learning.
Most people who fail to accumulate the money to
live the life they desire are the same people who are

easily influenced by other peoples opinions. Maybe

you read somewhere or heard on the television that the
economy is bad or some other doom and gloom story.
If you have been influenced by other peoples opinions
in the past concerning money or any other area of life
for that matter, in this very moment make the decision
to take back your power. The power we are born with;
the power that is sometimes stripped away by our family,
friends and society; the power to create our reality.
Consciously Aware
If youre not aware of something, you can not hold it in
your experience. If we had no awareness about traveling
by airplane, we would never experience it. If we
had no awareness about telephones, a conversation using
a piece of plastic with buttons on it would not exist.
A car, electricity, penicillin, television, movies; the list
can go on forever. My point is before all these wonderful
inventions existed someone had to form the image
of them in their minds. Before we could benefit from
these inventions someone had to take the fabric of the
universal field, the All-That-Is, the mind of God; whatever
you want to call it and form the ideas and images
in their minds to manifest them for our use.
You see, everything already exists. Every invention,
idea, or thing, all that can be, all knowledge already exists
in the universal consciousness. We are swimming
in a sea of thought energy where all knowledge that
ever was or ever will be is present. We are surrounded
by abundance. Everywhere we look we see abundance.
There is no lack and limitation in nature. Nature is perfectly
abundant. We simply need to think. We need to
be aware of our thoughts. We need to be deliberate in
our thinking and deliberately thinking of prosperity.
And, what is deliberate thinking? Please note Im not
talking about simply running old memory tapes from
your past in your head. Im stressing the importance of
deliberately creating an image in your mind about how
you want it to be and holding that image in your mind.
The mind is all-powerful. When you start to think relax,
every muscle in your body starts to relax. When
you worry, every fiber of your being tenses with fear of

the unknown. When you think prosperity and begin to

hold thoughts of yourself as wealthy swimming in a sea
of abundance, your mind and body will instantly vibrate the ideal you hold and
you will begin to attract
everything you need to become wealthy.
I know this may sound crazy if this is the first time
youve been exposed to these ideas. But believe me,
developing awareness of prosperity in your mind always
proceeds creating wealth in your reality. Look at
children born to wealthy parents. They have never
known lack or poverty. The only way they know how
to think about money is abundance.
Most people have not been born to wealthy parents and
were not conditioned to think that way. We must,
therefore, develop an understanding of how we have
been taught to think and how to change the way we
have been conditioned to think about money.
Its a simple process; however its not easy to do. It
takes discipline and desire. It takes deliberate thinking.
Regardless, it can be done and the rewards are staggering.
The fact that you are reading this book shows you
have the desire to change. This book will show you
how to develop discipline and deliberate thought.
You Hold the Key
You may not realize it but your thoughts are things.
Thoughts can actually be measured by scientific instruments.
Thoughts cause a vibration. A negative
thought like worry or fear, creates a low vibration or
frequency. A positive thought like joy, happiness and
wealth creates a high vibrating frequency. The frequencies
you create with your thoughts match like
vibrations and are attracted to your vibrations. It only
stands to reason that you would want to hold positive
thoughts so you can attract positive things into your
life. This is the very reason we start to develop a Prosperity
Consciousness and create a positive image of
ourselves in possession of great wealth. Doing so creates
the vibrational frequency to attract the riches you
want. Remember, you must hold something mentally
before you can hold it physically.

No one can do this for you. Only you have the power
to create what you want. This may seem like a game
you are playing with yourself but your subconscious
mind cant tell the difference between actually doing
something and visualizing yourself doing something.
You are learning self-development and you are about to
discover the true sense of your being. You, my friend,
are multi-dimensional. Oh no, youre thinking; not that
woo-woo stuff again. Let me explain.
For one thing, I think we can all agree we are physical
beings. And, if you start to think about it, we now
can agree that we are mental beings as well. Then
there are the feelings we have which shows we are
emotional beings. Its a little difficult to pinpoint the
next dimension we operate from as it takes a bit of faith
to believe it. Its called spirit. We are spiritual beings.
Some say a spark of God having a physical experience. This is your divine
nature where your power to
create comes from; your life force, your soul-energy.
So by using your God-given creative ability, you deliberately
form the idea of prosperity by seeing yourself as
prosperous. Then the idea of financial freedom is
built in the mental which turns on our emotions (feels
good!) and ultimately manifests in the physical. As
you read through the chapters in this book, you will
have a clearer picture of how this process works.
Lets take a look at the process again. Keep in mind
this process works in all areas of life, including the financial
example below.
Spirit = the thought of prosperity
Mental = the idea of financial freedom
Emotions = feels good
Physical = the manifested result: money and abundance
Most people who are not consciously creating turn the
process inside out. For example, most people will look
at their empty bank account (manifested result) and let
that dictate their thoughts.
Physical = the manifested result: empty bank account
Emotions = feels bad, worrisome
Spirit = the thought of lack and loss
Mental = the idea of poverty
Since the thought of lack and loss is now the vibrational

frequency they are holding in their subconscious,

they are actually attracting the very thing they do not
want; an empty bank account.
Some of you will argue that an empty bank account is
an empty bank account and it isnt realistic to look at
an empty bank account and visualize yourself as prosperous.
This is the very reason poor people stay broke.
You must understand that your current state of affairs is
the manifested result of previous thinking. If you truly
want to change you results, you must change your
thoughts, and you must change them now!
People who have accomplished great things, created
wonderful inventions, or manifested wealth first chose
their thoughts in order to build the picture in their
minds of what is now manifested in their life. They
chose those thoughts from the universal source which
is available to all of us.
This is how the greatest artists, inventors, and athletes
consciously create. Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan
picture in the minds eye the ball going into the hole or
hoop. In other words, they see the picture of the result
they want and then simply play-out the picture in real
So keep thinking, I am wealthy, I am prosperous,
money is my servant. See yourself in your minds eye
doing what you will do when you have your ideal.

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