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A nosode is prepared from a viral or bacterial culture. It carries the molecular

imprint of the pathogenic agent. When prepared according to homeopathic procedu
res, the remedy is free of toxins.
In homeopathy, a nosode is also called an oral vaccine. It is used to immunize t
he body against a viral or bacterial infection.
Homeopathic vaccines are obtained from the same viral or bacterial culture of a
particular disease: Varicellinum from chicken-pox, Pertussin from whopping cough
, B.C.G. from tuberculosis, Rubella from German measles, Diphtherotoxinum from t
yphoid fever, and the list goes on.
When conventional vaccinations are compulsory because of school regulations or t
ravel, a homeopathic remedy can be taken to protect against post-vaccination rea
ction without interfering with the principle of the vaccine.To decrease the poss
ibility of adverse reaction to a vaccine, a dose of Sulphur 1 LM is taken the da

y before the vaccine and a dose of Thuya occidentalis 1 LM the day after the vac
When there is a mild or serious reaction to a vaccine, a nosode prepared from th
e same pathogenic agent is taken to neutralize the reaction caused by the vaccin
ation without disturbing the quality of the vaccine. If post-vaccination encepha
litis occurs, get medical attention immediately and administer a dose of Vaccino
There are five nosodes used to modify miasmatic milieu or disease influences: Ps
orinum, Tuberculinum, Luesinum, Medorrhinum, and Carcinosinum.

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