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1The Aztecs

The Aztecs were a civilization located in modern-day Mexico. Their culture was made up of
a combination of cultures from all of the peoples that had settled in Mesoamerica over
centuries. Similar to the Mayas, the Aztecs reached an important level of development in
scientific knowledge, architecture, and art.
1Los aztecas
Los aztecas fueron una civilizacin situada en la actual Mxico. Su cultura se
compone de una combinacin de las culturas de todos los pueblos que se haban
asentado en Mesoamrica durante siglos. Al igual que los mayas, los aztecas
llegaron a un importante nivel de desarrollo en el conocimiento cientfico, la
arquitectura y el arte.

2 The Beginning of Aztec History

The Aztecs came from a hunting, nomadic people that traveled from the north of the
central high plains of Mexico. They settled on the plateau of this area on the banks of Lake
Texcoco around the year 1200. In this region, they picked up some of the influence of two
other civilizations that had come before them: the Teotihuacan and the Toltec. Their
territory extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
According to an Aztec legend, the main go, Huitzlopochtli, gave them instructions to build a
temple in the place where an eagle is seen eating a snake. In the year 1370 they founded
the city of Tenochtitlan in the middle of Lake Texcoco. This culture reached its height 50
years later, becoming a powerful state.
2 El principio de la historia azteca
Los aztecas vinieron de un caza, pueblo nmada que viaj desde el norte del
altiplano central de Mxico. Se instalaron en la meseta de esta zona a orillas del
lago de Texcoco alrededor del ao 1200. En esta regin, recogieron algunas de la
influencia de otros dos civilizaciones que haban llegado antes que ellos: la de
Teotihuacan y la Tolteca. Su territorio se extenda desde el Ocano Atlntico hasta
el Ocano Pacfico.
Segn una leyenda azteca, la marcha principal, Huitzlopochtli, les dio instrucciones
para construir un templo en el lugar donde un guila se ve comiendo una serpiente.
En el ao 1370 fundaron la ciudad de Tenochtitlan en el medio del lago de Texcoco.
Esta cultura alcanz su mayor importancia despus de 50 aos y se convierte en un
estado de gran alcance.
3 Political Organization

The Aztecs placed great importance on training Warriors, which allowed them to crate a
civilization in which the highest political authority was the Tlatoani, or king-priest, who was
at the same time a military chief, supreme judge, and representative of the gods. Despite
holding all of these roles, he did not have absolute power. Instead, he shared this with the
Supreme Council, which was made up of the capullec, or chiefs of the calpullis. These
were groups of families that possessed a common piece of land that had been assigned to
The chiefs of the calpullis chose the next governor, advised him, and could remove him
from his position if they did not think he was capable enough. There were also state
officials in all different cities of the Empire who were chosen directly by the emperor. The
judges resolved conflicts and determined pinishments, which were usually very severe.
The priets led religious life and worked together with the emperor. The military was
responsible for expanding the territory of the Empire.
3 Organizacin Poltica
Los aztecas pusieron gran importancia a los entrenadores guerreros, lo que les
permiti crear una civilizacin en la que la mxima autoridad poltica era el Tlatoani
o rey-sacerdote, que era a la vez un jefe militar, juez supremo, y el representante de
los dioses. A pesar de la celebracin de todos estos papeles, no tena el poder
absoluto. En cambio, l comparti esto con el Consejo Supremo, que se compone
de la capullec, o jefes de los calpullis. Estos eran grupos de familias que posean un
pedazo comn de la tierra que haba sido asignado a ellos.
Los jefes de los calpullis eligieron el prximo gobernador, le aconsejaban, y le
podan quitar de su puesto si no pensaban que l era lo suficientemente capaz.
Tambin hubo funcionarios del Estado en todas las diferentes ciudades del Imperio
que fueron elegidos directamente por el emperador. Los jueces resolvern los
conflictos y castigos determinados, que eran por lo general muy grave. Los curas
llevaron la vida religiosa y trabajaron juntos con el emperador. El ejrcito fue
responsable de expandir el territorio del Imperio
4. Main Elements of the Structure of Power
This was the higest authority. His title means he who speaks. This was was a lifelong
and semi-divine position.
Supreme Council:
Made up of members of the nobility. They helped the Tlatoani and had legislative,
administrative, and judicial powers.

Chief of the priests of the Cihuacoatl goddess. Among his duties were representing the
Tlatoani in Supreme Council meetings, replacing him when he was on an expedition, and
acting as supreme judge.
Main unit of the Aztec organization. These were clans of families who were all
descendents of the same mythological ancestor. They were owners of a plot af land, and
had some independence with their own schools and temples.
Authority and warrior chief. He was the rerepresentative of his clan before the State. His
position was inherited.
4. Elementos principales de la estructura de poder
Esta era la mxima autoridad. Sus medios de ttulo "el que habla. "Esta fue una
posicin permanente y semi-divina.
Consejo Supremo:
Compuesto por miembros de la nobleza. Ellos ayudaron al Tlatoani y tena poderes
legislativos, administrativos y judiciales.
Jefe de los sacerdotes de la diosa Cihuacatl. Entre sus funciones eran en
representacin del Tlatoani en las reuniones del Consejo Supremo, reemplazndolo
cuando estaba en una expedicin, y actuando como juez supremo.
La unidad principal de la organizacin azteca. Estos eran los clanes de las familias
que se encontraban todos los descendientes de un mismo ancestro mitolgico.
Eran dueos de pedazos de tierra , y tena cierta independencia con sus propias
escuelas y templos.
Autoridad y jefe guerrero . Fue el representante de su clan ante el Estado. Su
posicin fue heredado.
5 Aztec Social Organization
As you already know, the foundattion of Aztec society was the calpullis. Very rigid social
sectors were established on top of his foundation. Social mobility was almost impossible,
and was only achieved by merit or prestige earned through a military career or priesthood.

At the top of the social organization was the Tlatoani. After him came the nobility, also
known as piles, that were made up of the family of the Tlatoani, the cities princes, the
priests, military chiefs, and the chiefs of the calpullis. They received tributes from the other
social groups.
The town was made up of agricultural workers, laborers, and artisans. These were called
macehualtin. They made up the largest part of the population.
The merchants, or pochtecas, had a privileged social and economic position.
The serfs and slaves held the lowest social position. The serfs were free, but were forced
to work for the State or for someone in particular. Slaves were controlled by their masters
and did not have rights. Many slaves were used as offerings during religious sacrifices.
Social mobility is when it is easy for a person to change social groups or status.
5 Organizacin social azteca
Como ya sabis, el fundamento de la sociedad azteca era los calpullis. Sectores
sociales muy rgidos se establecieron en la parte superior de su fundacin. La
movilidad social era casi imposible, y slo se logr por mrito o prestigio ganado a
travs de una carrera militar o sacerdocio.
En la parte superior de la organizacin social era el Tlatoani. Despus de l vino a la
nobleza, tambin conocido como pilas, que se compone de la familia del Tlatoani,
las ciudades prncipes, los sacerdotes, los jefes militares y los jefes de los calpullis.
Ellos recibieron homenajes de los otros grupos sociales.
La ciudad estaba compuesta por trabajadores agrcolas, obreros y artesanos. Estos
fueron llamados macehualtin. Ellos componen la mayor parte de la poblacin.
Los comerciantes o pochtecas, tenan una posicin social y econmica privilegiada.
Los siervos y esclavos mantuvieron la posicin social ms baja. Los siervos eran
libres, pero se vieron obligados a trabajar para el Estado o para alguien en
particular. Los esclavos eran controladas por sus amos y no tenan derechos.
Muchos esclavos fueron utilizados como ofrendas durante los sacrificios
La movilidad social es cuando es fcil para una persona para cambiar los grupos
sociales o de su estatuto.
6 Warriors Training
When a boy was born, his parents offered him to the house of the telpochcalli, where the
other boys were being raised. The parents spoke to the teachers that raised them and
said: we are informing you that our lord gave us a child, like a jewel or beautiful feather;
because it is a male, it is not beneficial that we keep him at home, showing him the jobs of
a woman. Because of this we give him to you as if he were yours. We entrust you with

because you are responsible for raising young boys so they become brave men who will
serve their gods in war.
6 Formacin Guerrero
Cuando naci un nio, sus padres le ofrecieron a la casa del telpochcalli, donde se
estn planteando los otros chicos. Los padres hablaron con los maestros que los
criaron y dijo: "le informamos que nuestro Seor nos dio un hijo, como una joya o
pluma hermosa; porque es un hombre, no es beneficioso que lo mantenemos en
casa, mostrndole los puestos de trabajo de una mujer. Debido a esto le damos a
usted como si fuera suya. Le encomendamos con porque usted es responsable de
educar a los nios pequeos para que sean valientes que servirn a sus dioses en
.7 Aztec Architecture
Aztec architecture stands out because of its large buildings and its urban desing,
especially in the capital, Tenochtitlan. This city had a network of canals used by canoes,
aqueducts that supplied the city with fresh water, public fountains, and drainage system.
The Aztecs also built large pyramids dedicated to their gods. These were typically
decorated with paint and stone sculptures.
Tenochtitlan was founded in the year 1320 on an artificially expanded island. Its center
was formed by two large ceremonial grounds and the market of Tlatelolco
The primary mode of transportation was canoes, which went through the canals that were
found all over the city.
Each compound included plazas, temples, palaces, areas to play ball, and administrative
Education Through Values
In the history of Mesoamerica there are many examples of teamwork. The construction of
large cities and the development bof agriculture, trade, and the sciences are all examples
of this. By working as a team, you can combine and complement each others skills. The
benefit of this is that each one of us contributes something and we embrace diversity.
Key Facts

The Aztecs were located in modern-day Mexico on Lake Texcoco, where they
founded the city of Tenochtitlan.
They successfully established an empire. The Tlatoani was the b highest authority
and was advised by a supreme council and other state officials.
The calpullis were the bfoundation of a society which was hierarchically organized.
Social mobility was only possible based on merit gained in war or the priesthood.

0.7 azteca Arquitectura

Arquitectura azteca destaca por sus grandes edificios y su diseo urbano,

especialmente en la capital, Tenochtitln. Esta ciudad tena una red de canales
utilizados por canoas, acueductos que abastecan la ciudad con el agua dulce,
fuentes pblicas, y el sistema de drenaje. Los aztecas tambin construyeron
grandes pirmides dedicadas a sus dioses. Estos fueron tpicamente decoradas
con pinturas y esculturas de piedra.
Tenochtitln fue fundada en el ao 1320 en una isla ampliado artificialmente. Su
centro estaba formado por dos grandes motivos ceremoniales y el mercado de
El principal modo de transporte era canoas, que pas a travs de los canales que se
encontraron por toda la ciudad.
Cada compuesto incluido plazas, templos, palacios, reas para jugar pelota, y
centros administrativos.
Educacin a travs de valores
En la historia de Mesoamrica hay muchos ejemplos de trabajo en equipo. La
construccin de grandes ciudades y el desarrollo de la agricultura, el comercio y
las ciencias son ejemplos de esto. Al trabajar como un equipo, puede combinar y
complementar las habilidades de cada uno. La ventaja de esto es que cada uno de
nosotros contribuye algo y abrazar la diversidad.
Hechos clave
Los aztecas estaban ubicadas en lo que hoy Mxico en el Lago de Texcoco, donde
fundaron la ciudad de Tenochtitlan.
Se estableci con xito un imperio. El Tlatoani era la mxima autoridad y fue
asesorado por un consejo supremo y otros funcionarios estatales.
Los calpullis eran el fundamento de una sociedad que fue organizado
jerrquicamente. La movilidad social era slo es posible con base en el mrito
ganado en la guerra o el sacerdocio.

8. Aztec Daily Life and Culture

Aztec cultural development was posible because of the different elements inherited from
different civilizations that had existed in the same territory they occuoied. Similar to the
Mayas, the Aztecs were also polytheists, had two calendars, and created a system of
cultivating crops that was adapted to the natural enviroments they lived in.
Aztec Customs

Regardless of the social position that one held, the daily lives of the gods. For example, all
wars were carried out un the name of the god Huitzilopochtli. The goal of these wars was
to submit other peoples to Aztec rule or to obtain slaves to sacrifice during religious
festivals. Also, dying during war meant rising up to a world where the warrior was
protected by the gods.
Aztec life was harsh and had very strivt rules that everyone was expected to follow.
Education was mandatory. However, women received an education from their mothers to
learn how to do household chores. Men had two options for schooling: the calmecac,
which was a boarding school for nobility where boys were prepared for the public positions
they would hold in their adult lives, and the telpochcalli, a place where children from other
social groups went to school.
Did You Know ?
If you would like to know more about what life was like for an Aztec child, read the book .
Un da en la vida de Chimalpopoca, nio azteca, from the publishing company Zig-Zag.
Why do you think the Aztec heaven was believed to be a place where the Warriors were
protected by the gods? Why would this be seen as a reward by the Aztec people?
8. azteca Vida Cotidiana y Cultura
Desarrollo cultural azteca fue posible gracias a los diferentes elementos heredados
de diferentes civilizaciones que haban existido en el mismo territorio que
ocupaban. Al igual que los mayas, los aztecas eran politestas tambin, tenan dos
calendarios, y ha creado un sistema de cultivo de los cultivos que se adaptan a los
ambientes naturales que vivan.
Costumbres Aztecas
Independientemente de la posicin social que se celebr, la vida cotidiana de los
dioses. Por ejemplo, todas las guerras se llevaron a cabo las Naciones Unidas el
nombre del dios Huitzilopochtli. El objetivo de estas guerras era someter a otros
pueblos a la dominacin azteca o para obtener esclavos para sacrificar durante las
fiestas religiosas. Tambin, morir durante la guerra signific el aumento de hasta un
mundo donde el guerrero estaba protegido por los dioses.
La vida azteca era dura y tena reglas muy estrictas que todo el mundo se espera
que siga. La educacin era obligatoria. Sin embargo, las mujeres recibieron una
educacin de sus madres a aprender a hacer las tareas del hogar. Los hombres
tenan dos opciones para la escolarizacin: el Calmecac, que era un internado para
la nobleza, donde se prepararon los chicos para los cargos pblicos que iban a
guardar en su vida adulta, y el Telpochcalli, un lugar donde los nios de otros
grupos sociales fueron a la escuela.

Sabas ?
Si desea saber ms acerca de lo que era la vida de un nio azteca, leer el libro. Un
da en la vida de Chimalpopoca, Nino azteca, de la editorial Zig-Zag.
Por qu crees que el cielo azteca se cree que es un lugar donde "los Guerreros
fueron protegidos por los dioses? Por qu este ser visto como una recompensa
por el pueblo azteca?
9 Agriculture and Trade
TheAztecs main economic activities were agricultura and trade. Agriculture developed due
to the sophisticated system of slashing and logging in the higher regions, irrigation on the
plains, and the chinampas on the banks of Lake Texcoco. Chinampas were man-made
islands used as gardens that were built and then placed on the lake bed using tree trunks.
These were prepared on narrow, rectangular strips that were made with layers of plants
from the lake. These layers continued to grow on top of each ther until finally leaving the
land ready for cultivation.
The land was fertilized with natural fertilizers such as guano, and the main crops were
corn, tomatoes, cocoa, beans, chill peppers, and peppers.
Trade was run by the pochtecas, who were allowed to use well-known routes and trading
points. Commercial activity was largely done in markets; one of the most important was
the market in Tlatelolco Plaza.
The Plaza of Tlatelolco
Tlatelolco has a plaza so large that it is approximately twice the size of the city of
Salamanca. It is closed in by gates all around it. There are all types of goods sold in the
market, such as jewels made of gold, silver, lead brass,copper, tin, stone, bones, shells,
snails, and feathers. There are also carved stones and stones yet to be carved, as well as
adobe, brick, and wood. There is a street where hunters sell all kinds of birds, rabbits,
deer, and small dogs. There are also streets where all types of plants like medicinal roots
and herbs plucked from the ground are sold.
9 Agricultura y Comercio
Principales actividades econmicas TheAztecs 'eran agricultura y el comercio.
Agricultura desarroll debido al sofisticado sistema de roza y explotacin forestal
en las regiones ms altas, el riego en las llanuras y las chinampas en las orillas del
lago de Texcoco. Chinampas eran islas artificiales utilizados como jardines que se
construyeron y luego colocados en el lecho del lago utilizando troncos de los
rboles. Estos fueron preparados en tiras estrechas y rectangulares que se hicieron
con capas de plantas del lago. Estas capas continuaron creciendo en la parte

superior de cada uno, hasta que finalmente el dejar la tierra preparada para el
La tierra fue fertilizado con fertilizantes naturales como el guano, y los principales
cultivos eran el maz, el tomate, el cacao, frijoles, pimientos frialdad, y pimientos.
Comercio fue dirigido por el pochtecas, que se les permiti utilizar rutas conocidas
y puntos comerciales. La actividad comercial se realiza en gran medida en los
mercados; uno de los ms importantes fue el mercado de Tlatelolco Plaza.
La Plaza de Tlatelolco
Tlatelolco tiene una plaza tan grande que es aproximadamente el doble del tamao
de la ciudad de Salamanca. Est cerrado por puertas a su alrededor. Hay todo tipo
de bienes que se venden en el mercado, tales como joyas de oro, plata, latn
plomo, cobre, estao, piedras, huesos, conchas, caracoles y plumas. Tambin hay
piedras y piedras an no se talladas, as como el adobe, ladrillo y madera. Hay una
calle donde los cazadores venden todo tipo de aves, conejos, venados y perros
pequeos. Tambin hay calles donde se venden todo tipo de plantas como races
medicinales y hierbas arrancadas del suelo.
10 The Aztec Gods
According to the Aztec legends, in the beginning there was only one god, Ometecuhtli,
whoncreated another pair of gods so that they would populate tne universo.
Tonacatecuchtli, the lord of our flesh, and Tonacacihuati, the lady of our flesh. Both were
symbols of fertility and were worshiped with offerings of ears of corn. They had four sons:
Xipetotec, Tezcatlipoca, Quetzacoatl, and Huitziopochtli, the creators of the following
worlds and all of their beings.
Is known as the Skinned One because he offered his skin, which represents corn husks, to
humans so that they could have food . He was the god of agriculture, fertility, spring, and
the creator of the first Sun.
Was born with the claws and fangs of a jaguar. He was the god of the night sky and the
inventor of fire. He was the twin and also the opposite of Quetzalcoalt.
Means feathered serpent, and he was the god of the wind. It was believed he was
responsible for the invention of the calendar, the arts, industry, and the discovery of cocoa.
The Solar Calendar

The Sun Stone symbolized the agricultural year and seasons. It was divided into 18
months with 20 days and five days in which the people lived in austere, harsh conditions
and did not leave home. In total there were 365 days. The Aztecs also had a lunar
calendar which had 260 days and regulated the religious festivities.
Was the god of lightning, thunder, and rain. Because of this, he was very important to
agricultural workers. His name came from Tlali, which means land, and Octli, which means
Was the god of war. During religios festivals, he was represented by a mummified
hummingbird that the priests carried with them. He fed upon human blood. Which is why
the Aztecs fought flower wars, whose objective was to obtain prisoners to be used for
Key Facts

War was part of life for the Aztecs.

Girls were educated at home while boys received different types of education,
depending on their social class.
Their main economic activies were agricultura and trade. The chinampas and the
market of Tlatelolco stood out in both of these economic activities.
The Aztecs were polytheists. Their gods were directly involved in their lives.

10 Los aztecas Dioses

Segn las leyendas aztecas, al principio slo haba un dios, Ometecuhtli, que cre
otro par de dioses para que pudieran poblar el universo. Tonacatecuchtli, el seor
de nuestra carne, y Tonacacihuati, la seora de nuestra carne. Ambos eran
smbolos de fertilidad y eran adorados con ofrendas de mazorcas de maz. Tuvieron
cuatro hijos: Xipetotec, Tezcatlipoca, Quetzacoatl y Huitziopochtli, los creadores de
los siguientes mundos y todas las de sus seres.
Es conocido como el pelado Uno porque l ofreci su piel, lo que representa hojas
de maz, para los seres humanos para que pudieran tener comida. Era el dios de la
agricultura, la fertilidad, la primavera, y el creador del primer Sol.

Naci con las garras y los colmillos de un jaguar. Era el dios del cielo nocturno y el
inventor de fuego. l era el doble y tambin lo contrario de Quetzalcoalt.

Medios serpiente emplumada, y l era el dios del viento. Se crea que l era el
responsable de la invencin del calendario, las artes, la industria y el
descubrimiento del cacao.
El Calendario Solar
La Piedra del Sol simbolizaba el ao agrcola y estaciones. Se divide en 18 meses
con 20 das y cinco das en los que las personas vivan en condiciones muy duras,
austeros y no salir de casa. En total fueron 365 das. Los aztecas tambin tenan un
calendario lunar que tena 260 das y regulado las festividades religiosas.
Era el dios del rayo, el trueno y la lluvia. Debido a esto, l era muy importante para
los trabajadores agrcolas. Su nombre proviene de Tlali, que significa tierra, y Octli,
que significa viento.
Era el dios de la guerra. Durante festivales religiosas, estuvo representado por un
colibr momificado que los sacerdotes llevaban consigo. Se alimentaba de la sangre
humana. Es por eso que los aztecas lucharon "guerras floridas", cuyo objetivo era
obtener prisioneros para ser utilizado para el sacrificio.
Hechos clave
La guerra era parte de la vida de los aztecas.
Las nias fueron educados en casa mientras que los nios recibieron diferentes
tipos de educacin, en funcin de su clase social.
Sus principales Actividades econmicas eran agricultura y el comercio. Las
chinampas y el mercado de Tlatelolco se destacaron en estas dos actividades
Los aztecas eran politestas. Sus dioses estuvieron directamente involucrados en
sus vidas.

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