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October 9, 2016

In This Issue
Sunday Night Live
Stewardship Campaign
Week of Compassion
Remember in Prayer
Serving in the Military
Prayer Requests, 10/2
Daily Devotionals
Help Needed
Ministry Team Meetings
Advent Devotional
6, 9, 10
Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser 6
Call for Clothing
David Matson Lectures
Reconciliation Offering
Alternative Gift Faire
Older Adult Ministry Retreat 8
Regional Assembly/Servant
Serving Sunday

The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Senior Pastor:
Rev. Dr. Mandye Yates
Donna Woodbridge
Lisa Parks


Issue 39

Events: October 9, 2016 October 16, 2016

October 9:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Adult Sunday School, Chapman Lounge
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary, FH, classroom
4:30 P.M. - Sunday Night Live (see schedule next page)
October 10:
7:30 A.M.- 9:30 P.M. -Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys
10:00 A.M. - OAMC, Chapman Lounge
October 11:
5:30 P.M. - PoH A& V Meeting, Room 101A
6:30 P.M. - PoH LWD Meeting, Room 101A
6:00 P.M. - BA @ Barrys
7:00 P.M. - David Matson Lecture, Chapman Lounge
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses CL, Choir Room, Rooms 101 -104
October 12:
2:00 P.M. - CareerWise sets up outside FH
6:00 P.M. - Global Missions Task Force, CL
6:30 P.M. - Hospitality & Welcome, Narthex
7:00 P.M.- Outreach, Stewardship, Worship Ministry Teams meet
in various locations
October 13: Tri-Tip Donna Woodbridge, Coordinator
9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. PSWR Boundary Training, CL
Noon FIMA Meeting, Room 101A
7:30 P.M. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
October 14: PSWR Regional Assembly, here all day
October 15: PSWR Regional Assembly, here all day
7:00 P.M. - Casa, Sanctuary
October 16:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Adult Sunday School, Chapman Lounge
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary, FH, classroom
11:30 A.M. - Chili Cook Off sponsored by Hospitality & Welcome
4:30 P.M. Sunday Night Live (see schedule next page)
AA Groups: Sun. 8 P.M., FH; Thursday, 8 P.M. FH;
Friday, 7:30 P.M., FH; Sat. 8:30 P.M., FH
Al-Anon: Fri. Noon, Rm. 101A NA: Tues. 7:30 P.M.,


Adult Bible Study
CYF - youth group (fellowship, mission and study) for Junior High and High School aged youth
JYF - youth group (fellowship, mission and study) for Elementary aged children
Childcare for ages birth to 5
Dinner for all ages (free will donation)
Childcare for ages birth to 5
6:15 -7:00pm
Contemplative Worship for all ages (a worship experience for all the senses where we will explore
different spiritual practices for everyone to use - always ending with communion)
Childcare for ages birth to 5
Bring the family! Bring a friend! Come and join us in October for Sunday Night Live!


As I began my personal journey towards making stewardship
a spiritual discipline, I found I connected with several of the
devotionals this week. Day one had me questioning, whether I give
out of guilt and obligation. I never looked at giving that way.
Certainly not out of guilt, but what of obligationmaybe. How do I shift my paradigm so I
experience joy and gratitude? I do feel exhilarated when I give my time and talent, whether on a
workday cleaning out Fellowship Hall and our basement, or working with my ministry team. But as
I place my offering in the plate, what do I feel? InterestingI think I will try and choose gratitude,
but that may take some reflection. It certainly confirms that I am a work in progress. Day two again,
discussed joy and our relationship with things and God. I liked the phrase, Is it useful, is it
necessary, does it bring you joy? As I grow older that is a key concept on how I want to live my life.
What can I do to become necessary, useful, and bring joy to others? How can I help to transform
lives, not only at home and in our congregation, but also within my community?
How have you connected with our devotions? Whatever that may look like, I want to thank
you for taking this journey.

Week of Compassion Hurricane Response

Week of Compassion and One Great Hour of Sharing of the United Church of
Christ are well situated to respond to people impacted both in the Caribbean and
within the United States. Global Ministries' (UCC/Disciples joint ministry) partners are
reporting devastation of crops and houses in the southern regions of Haiti. Houses in Ganthier, Haiti,
rebuilt for families displaced from the 2010 earthquake by Church World Service (with whom the
UCC and Disciples are partners), now are flooded again. Torrential downpours have sent water
rushing down streets, creating fears of waterborne diseases like cholera, an epidemic already
affecting those in Haiti prior to the hurricane.
Already, solidarity grants are on their way to partners in the region providing immediate needs,
including food, shelter, and safety. The UCC and Disciples are also poised to respond with other
churches to provide water, containers, roofs, mattresses, hygiene kits, and psychosocial support.
Within the United States, both denominations are active in local and national disaster response
Your generosity to this disaster appeal will enable our churches to expand these responses and to
walk closely with our neighbors now, in the immediate crisis, and through the long-term recovery
process that will follow. IF you would like to help, you can write a check, write Week of Compassion
in the memo line and place in the offering plate. We will see WoC gets your check.
In the midst of tumultuous weather, people receive food and water to drink. In the midst of
danger, people seek safety and comfort their neighbors. In the midst of hopelessness, people
experience a love that will not let them go.
Week of Compassion and One Great Hour of Sharing will respond through our churches'
Global Ministries and with the ACT Alliance through Church World Service, which is mobilizing a
response in Haiti through the ACT Haiti Forum and the Cuban Council of Churches, as well as with
domestic partners along the coast.

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Amber
Angulo, Helen Bailey, Dottie Bense, Sandra
Brown, Jack Doughty, Lorna & Skip Farnum,
Joyce Finch, Sharon Hatton, Carolyn Kenrick,
Terry Knott, Colleen Langston, Dirk McCuen,
Flora Miller, Janet Parker, Kristine Perry,
Norma Rill, Betty Rollo, Claudia Tammen,
Willie West, Bob & Donna Vannoy.
Please pray for:
First Christian Church, Honolulu
1516 Kewalo Street
Honolulu, CA 96822
Pacific Southwest Region
Don & Susan Dewey, Co-Regional ministers
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
General Church; Sharon Watkins,
General Minister & President

For Those Serving in the

Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner,
Betty Rollos grandson-in-law
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson
Michael J. Borden, Chief, Nancy Geigers
grandson, in Norfolk, VA
Brandon Johnson, Army Chaplain,
Mariette Linbergs cousin, in Afghanistan.
Lt. Austen Packer, Laura Lee Wiggins
friend, at Oceana, NAS, in Virginia
Lt J.G. Kip Packer, friend of Laura Lee
Wiggins, at Oceana, NAS in Virginia
Pvt. Kash Cross, Ted & Sammies grandson,
is now back in the US at Fort Drum, NY
Mjr. Christopher Evans, cousin of Annie
Fraters who is serving in Seoul, Korea.
Pvt 2. Melody Martinez, at Ft Hood, TX
PFC David Radcliffe, friend of the
Robidouxs in South Korea

Sunday Statistics
October 2, 2016
99 (Remember Service)
7 (Reawaken Service) 128(Casa 1 P.M. service)
25 (Sunday Night Live)
Weekly Giving: $6,900.30
Missions :$766.70
Budget Goal: $4,831
Pathways of Hope:$10
Reconciliation Offering: $135

Prayer Requests, October 2, 2016

John &
Praise - Mary Catherine
Cyndi Cairns Cairns, Johns stepmother)
heart valve replacement went
very well. States she is feeling
better than she has in a long
Prayers for Julie Stuart for
renewed strength and health.
Wallaces &
Prayers for safe travels for
Van Diests
Craig, Alice, Anna and Dwain
as they join another couple to
travel to the Southeast for 10

Week of October 10 - October 16,

Monday, October 10: Reading: 2
Timothy 3:14-17; Pray for Mike
Vaughan, Laura Lee and family as they
celebrate Marges life at graveside service.
Tuesday, October 11: Reading: Psalm119: 97104; Pray for the Pathways of Hope meetings
taking place in Room 101A tonight.
Wednesday, October 12: Reading: Luke 18:1-8;
Pray for the Ministry Team meetings taken
place tonight.
Thursday, October 13: Reading: Jeremiah
31:31:31-34; Pray for the clergy taking the
Boundry Training class today.
Friday, October 14: Reading: 2 Timothy 3:144:5; Pray for the PSWR Regional Assembly
starting today here at our facility.
Saturday, October 15: Reading: Jeremiah 31:227-34; Pray for Global Ministries missionary in
Swaziland, Becca Owen.
Sunday, October 16: Reading: Pray for the
Sunday Night Live program that began last

Chili Cook Off

Hospitality & Welcome would
like to hear from anyone interested in entering
Chili at the Chili Cook-Off/Fundraiser on
Sunday, October 16 (immediately following
church service). So far we have Mandye Yates,
Bill Martin, Kevin Wilbur, Amy Styffe and
Judi Smedley. Come on out and compete. It
will be a fun, competitive day and there will be
a 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Prize! These are some
of the ideas we are mulling over ...
1st - Dinner and a Movie for two
2nd - Movie for two
3rd - Gift Certificate
Please contact Judi (714-738-7337) if you would
like to throw your hat in the ring to enter your
chili in the contest

Calling all GNO:

Hey you all. Were
meeting at the Lazy Dog Caf
and its Alices choice who
unfortunately wont be there.
Youll find it in the parking lot across State
College from the Brea Mall (where Bank of
America is.) The date is October 17 at 6 P.M. .
= See you there or if you cant make it let me
Shar your GNO coordinator

starts this
Friday (Oct.
14) and we
REALLY need your help.

In addition to needing voting delegates

for the Assembly we need to provide the
following volunteers;
1. 8 people to work at registration on
both Friday (October 14) and Saturday
(October 15,) You would need to be
here at 7 A.M.. for training on Friday
and 8 A.M. on Saturday.
2. Helpers in the kitchen 10:00 A.M. each
3. Childcare for preschools both days 9
A.M. 4 P.M.
4. Help in setting up the rooms during
the week (Oct. 11 -13) hours not set at
present. This will entail moving
tables, chairs, etc.
Please let Donna know if you are able
to help with any of the above.
The business sessions will meet each day
at 1 P.M. and we are allowed 3 voting
members. See article later in the issue for
details on Assembly.

Disciplines 2017 Devotional Book
It is time to order the
Disciplines Daily Devotional
Booklet for 2017.
The scriptures for
Disciplines comes from the
Revised Common Lectionary
which runs a three-year cycle
and each week normally contains an Old
Testament Reading, a psalm, and a New
Testament reading
If you would like Donna to order one
for your use in 2017, please put your name on
the list on the counter in the office.

Due to Council of Elders meeting

needing to be moved up a week, all ministry
teams will be meeting this coming Wednesday.
Outreach meets in CL
Worship meets in Choir Room
Hospitalitiy and Welcome meets in the
Stewardship/Property meets in
Discipleship will not meet

Advent is Coming and We

Are Creating Memories
For Pastor Mandyes first
Advent here, our Worship Ministry
Team has once again approved the creation of our
own Advent Devotional Guide for use by our
members and friends during each day of Advent,
Nov. 27 through Dec. 25. We are asking you to sign
up for one or more of the days, read the scripture
associated with that day and provide one of the
following: a devotional message or inspiration
including a prayer, a Christmas tradition and its
meaning to you, photographs or advent related
artwork that you enjoy. Please submit your
contributions electronically or on paper to the
church office by Sunday Nov. 6. We will be
handing out this guide Sunday Nov. 27 in time for
Advent. Please sign up on the board in the Narthex
or on the schedule on the next to last page of Caller
and let Donna know in the church office which day
you would like to reserve. Thank you for sharing
your thoughts and inspiration

Chapel on
Pick up a
flyer from the
counter in the
office and have
breakfast/lunch/ or dinner (or all three)
tomorrow, October 10, and support the Chapel
on Wheels Bible Study program that goes to
the Fullerton Elementary Schools to share the
gospel with children in your community.
The proceeds go to maintain the trailers
that are used for this program.
If you would like to know more about
the Chapel on Wheels Weekday Program, ask
Donna and she can put you in touch with those
in the know.

David Matson Lectures

Continue Tuesday 7:00 P.M. .
Dr. David Matson presents
his second lecture in this fourweek series on the book of I Peter
this Tuesday in Chapman Lounge at 7:00 P.M.
If you had to miss that opening lecture
last Tuesday, it's still good to pick up this
week. Bring your study Bible. On that
opening night, David energized the room of 23
of us with his usual dynamic lecture style, wit,
and humor. David challenged us with the
specifically crafted name (Petros) and identity
of the author as one who wrote late in the first
century with an awareness of current events
and a refined Greek style. He addressed this
brief writing to exiles, nobodies, those who
were exiled both from their religious
communities and even from their fellow
We studied the first verses addressed to
those exiles as ones specially chosen by God's
foreknowledge of their "election," but instead
of that meaning God's knowing the future as in
predictable events, David suggested the Greek
word was relational, not technical. So God
may foresee the kind of special relationship to
which God would call these exiles.
Join in next Tuesday as we discover
what more of what controversial challenges are
presented to exiles and what they (like us) are
to be and do in their new status with God!

Call for Clothing

We are in need of all
clothing as it really goes fast.
Thank you very much for the
socks. They were a BIG hit. Keep
them coming.
Also if you have extra cloth or sturdy
plastic shopping bags that you would like to
donate we would love to have them. They
really appreciate the strong bags. Your
donations are greatly appreciated by the guests
at the meal. Thanks!

Reconciliation Offering
Concludes On Sunday
On October 2nd an
additional $135 was received for
the 2016 Reconciliation Offering. These gifts
brought the total received toward the $840 goal
to $ 640.
We are most grateful to everyone who
shared in this special offering which provides
grants to congregations and regions to fund
anti-racism projects in the US and Canada.
Half of the amount raised through our offering
will come back to our Region.
The Outreach Ministry

"Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like

As most of you who are reading this
article know, that is the opening line of a
popular Christmas song. In the minds of some
of youmaybe most of youits way too early
to even think about Christmas. But, others are
thinking about it and planning for it. There
were Christmas decorations for sale in some
stores before October arrived. Catalogs
pushing Christmas shopping have been out for
quite a while.
Since we have a Christmas-focused
event, in terms of gift-giving, set for Sunday,
November 6 its not too early for us to remind
you that the planning for 2016 edition of the
Alternative Gift Faire has been underway for a
couple of months under the leadership of Jill
Scott and Mary Ann Richmond. Groups have
been contacted as to whether or not they want
to participate. Our in-house publicity is
starting with this article. Letters to other
congregations in the area will be out soon, plus
a big banner will be hung from our building
within the next few weeks. And the large
group of volunteers needed to put on this
event are now being lined up. So, if its not
beginning to look a lot like Christmas all
around you, its sure beginning to look a lot
like this years Alternative Gift Faire.

We are asking every member of the

congregation to do two things in regard to this
years Alternative Gift Faire.
Number One: We are asking that YOU
personally come to this event on November 6 if
you are physically able to do so and that YOU
support at least one of the ministries that will
be part of this event with a gift in the name of
someone to whom you are planning to give a
Christmas gift.
Number Two: We are also asking that
YOU personally invite someone who is not
affiliated with our congregation to come to the
Alternative Gift Faire with you on November
6. This is a good way for all of us to tell
someone, who may not be affiliated with any
congregation, about this wonderful annual
event that focuses the tradition of Christmas
gift-giving on supporting ministries that serve
the needs of others.
So, when you finish reading this
article, please put November 6 on your
calendar so you will be here that day. And,
watch for more information about the
Alternative Gift Faire in the subsequent issues
of The Caller during the month of October
and the first week of November!
The Outreach Ministry


PSWR Regional Assembly

The biannual Regional Assembly of the
churches in the Pacific Southwest Region of the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will
meet in our facility on Friday and Saturday,
October 14 and 15.
We along with our brothers and sisters
of Casa de Oracin will be helping the
Regional Assembly Committee to see that it all
comes together.
There will be opportunities for you to
get involved in set up, food preparation and
clean up. IF you have some spare time or
would like to get involved, give Donna in the
office a call. She and Lin are coordinating all
the food preparation and serving (300 -400
people) so we could sure use your assistance.
There will be many workshops to
choose from (our own Ed Linberg is leading
one on Ministry of Elders) as well as exhibits to
visit and getting to know other Disciples of
Christ members in our region (or renew
friendships from past events.) You wont want
to miss it. We hope to have a good attendance
from our congregation.
Registration for the event is $30 Adult,
child care, youth events and continental
breakfast, lunch both days included. You will
find copies of registration forms on the counter
in the office.

The PSWR OAM (Older Adult
Ministry), is holding their third annual adult
retreat November 8 and 9, at Prince of Peace
Abbey in Oceanside, CA. Prince of Peace
Abbey is located on one level. Handicap
accessible. From atop a hill at the Abbey you
will have a beautiful view!!
The theme is: Aging Well: Blessed to
Be a Blessing. Our Retreat Leader is the Rev.
Karen Berns from Pasadena. She is a
Presbyterian Pastor who, in addition to serving
local congregations, has served as a Hospice
Chaplain. She is on the design team for the
New Theological Seminary of Wests
Certificate in Spirituality and Aging and is a
member of the faculty for this program. She
serves on the Ecumenical Committee on
Spirituality and Aging. She has led teams to
both teach and serve in Kenya and Malawi.
This retreat will provide resources for all
people who are concerned about Senior
Ministry in their church and who desire to
grow in their spiritual life.
The registration fee is $85 a person. The
full fee is $120, but each registration is being
subsidized with a gift of $35 from the Older
Adult Ministry Committee. Donna in the office
has registration forms. Registration is on a
"First in" "First served" basis as there is a limit
at 'Prince of Peace' of 40 persons




November 27










Matthew 24:36-44
Mandye Yates
Be ready for the Son of
Mans arrival
1 Thess. 5:1-11
Sleepers wake; the day
of the Lord is coming
Malachi 3: 1-4
The coming messenger
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Righteous Days are
Isaiah 11:1-10
The righteous shoot
Luke 21:25-36
Your redemption is
drawing near
Baruch 5:1-3
The beauty of putting
on the glory of God.
Matthew 3:1-12
Prepare the way of the
Luke 10:21-24
Seeing what the
prophets foretold
Isaiah 25:6-9
That he might save us
Beating swords into
James 5:7-10
Patient waiting for the
one who is to come
Isaiah 35:1-4
They shall see the glory
of the Lord
Isaiah 35:5-9
Walking the highway of
our God
Matthew 11:2-11
More than a prophet
good news for the poor
Isaiah 29:17-24
Out from gloom and











darkness our eyes shall

see the Lord
Micah 5:1-5
The One from
Jeremiah 31:31-34
The days are coming
when I will make a new
Isaiah 12: 2-6
Praise the Lord, for God
has done glorious
Zephaniah 3:14-16
O righteous daughter of
Isaiah 7:10-17
Cam Malotte
A young woman with
Romans 1:1-7
Donna Woodbridge
Promised gospel
concerning Gods son
Psalm 80:17-19
That we may be saved
Luke 7:18-23
Are you the one to
Luke 1:26-38
This child will be holy
Luke 1:46-55
Marys prayer
Matthew 1:18-25
From a young woman
comes a savior
Luke 2:1-20
The birth of Jesus
John 1:1-18
The Word became flesh

First Christian Church

109 E. Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Adult Sunday School: 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Childrens Sunday School Infants through 12 years old, 10:00 a.m.
Sunnycrest Worship Service: Fourth Sunday of every month 2:00 P.M.
Youth Group: Sunday, 1:00 P.M.

First Christian Church . . .

Where encounters with God are not only ordinary,

theyre extraordinary!
Where invitations not only happen on occasion,
they happen on every occasion.
Where not only minds grow in knowledge,
hearts grow in faith.

Serving October 9, 2016

Greeter: Ted Adams
Guest Book: Ada Rodman
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolytes: Callie Yates & Reece Angulo
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: Clare Keech
Lay Leader: Kathy Wright
Childrens Moment: Mandye Yates
CWW Greeter: Donna Woodbridge
CWW Helper: Callie Yates
Elder Count with Luanne: Lin Garcia
Elders: Barbara & Bob Hasty. Mike Vaughan
HC Elders: Luanne Bailey, Phil Forbes,
Annie Frater
Diaconate: Leslie Becks Team
Prepare: David Styffe, Mike Vaughan
Ushers: Leslie Beck, Sue Harless
Serve: Leslie Beck, Sue Harless, Randy
Langston, Laura Schaffell, David Styffe
Clean Up: Randy Langston, Laura Schaffell,
Kathy Wright

Serving October 16 2016

Greeter: Laura Schaffell
Guest Book: Becky Graves
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolytes: Callie Yates & Reece Angulo
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: Travis Robidoux
Lay Leader: Bob Hasty
Childrens Moment: Mandye Yates
CWW Greeter: Donna Woodbridge
CWW Helper: Callie Yates
Elder Count with Luanne: Mike Vaughan
Elders: Lin Garcia, Bill Martin, Nancy
Diaconate: Leslie Becks Team
Prepare: Randy Langston, Laura Schaffell
Ushers: Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless
Serve: Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless, Randy
Langston, Laura Schaffell, David Styffe,
Mike Vaughan
Clean Up: Leslie Beck, Amy & David Styffe


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