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What is electricity and magenetism

Its is very easy to ask but it is not possible to answer in 2 lecturer or 35 lecturers.
Without electricit, no phone no etc,
Even no water, sbb takde benda nak pump water
Jantung x begerak even xde electricity,
Life cannot exist without electricity
How about magnet?
Could we do without magnet? NO
Electricity and magnetism are inseperable.
Its is one of the greatest discovery in history and science. Discovery in 1920
25 hundread years ago, by greek.
16 century. Glass and sulfur has similar properties
18 centeries, ada 2 electricity
A,Positive and B,negetive.
A repel A, b rpel B, A attract B
Benamin franklin.
You cannot create positive and negetive charge. (conservation of charge)
Some can conduct. all metal
Cannot conduct-insulator glass, poseline, rubber.
Magnet: always dipole. Maksudnya kalau potong magnet,takkan boleh kita nk ambik
just north atau south. Skrang ramai try untuk dapat monopole.
Tapi electric monopole. Positive and negetive.
Tunjukan atom ada apa. Ada nukleus, ada proton and neutron. Electron. Tapi atom
neutral sebab proton dan elektron sama banyak.neutral
Electron can move freely in conductor. Tapi proton tak boleh buat mcm tu.
So electric, electron sahaja boleh move. Proton tak boleh.
Apa yang walter lewin guna: ballon. So kalau kita cium belon tak kena shock? Setiap
charge akan hilang sbb di earthkan. So electron tu akan gone.
Electron free to move in the metal.
INDUCTION. Supaya belon sentiasa neutral.
25 hundred years ago. They found a rock that attract iron. Found in disxtrick of

11 hundred AD, chinese used needle to build compas

16 centrury, gilbert jumpa yg bumi pun mcm magnet.

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